
Knitting patterns and descriptions Style Knitting patterns and descriptions

“Pineapple” is considered one of the most common openwork patterns in crocheted needlework. It's all about not only the relative simplicity of knitting it, but also the final result...

Does a guy like you - how to understand? Style Does a guy like you - how to understand?

The girl feels an irresistible sympathy for the guy and traditionally asks the question, “Are the feelings mutual?” Everyone wants to believe in a long-lasting relationship and strong love. To...

Maternity leave Length of time on maternity leave, who pays maternity benefits and how, payment procedure, calculation of maternity benefits Style Maternity leave Length of time on maternity leave, who pays maternity benefits and how, payment procedure, calculation of maternity benefits

Good health and financial interest often motivate a pregnant employee to continue working. Can a woman go on maternity leave later than expected and how...

How to be an ideal lover for a married man: rules and mistakes Style How to be an ideal lover for a married man: rules and mistakes

Each of us remembers how a relationship with a beloved man began, how vivid the emotions were, how feelings overflowed. But over time, the relationship becomes more familiar...

Crochet a potholder Style Crochet a potholder "New Year's ball"

Crochet snowflakes.

Time to prepare for the New Year.  And what would New Year be without festive snowflakes?  We suggest making them with your own hands, namely knitting them.  Like this... Style Time to prepare for the New Year. And what would New Year be without festive snowflakes? We suggest making them with your own hands, namely knitting them. Like this...

“Masks for split ends at home - saving your hair!

When it comes to beautiful hair, one immediately imagines healthy, strong and silky curls.  Even if your hair is naturally thick and soft, it needs careful care... Style When it comes to beautiful hair, one immediately imagines healthy, strong and silky curls. Even if your hair is naturally thick and soft, it needs careful care...

How to get rid of blackheads on nose

Experts have not yet found clear reasons for the appearance of acne, but I tried to understand the main ones. Style Experts have not yet found clear reasons for the appearance of acne, but I tried to understand the main ones.

The natural heritage handed down to us from...

Declaration of love in prose Style Declaration of love in prose

I fell in love with you the day I saw you. Before that, of course, I had other guys, but I didn’t know anything about true love. It's next to you that I feel...

Structure and properties of human skin: Dermis Health and skin condition Style Structure and properties of human skin: Dermis Health and skin condition

» Hyperkeratosis and acne » Comedogenic cosmetics and acne » Demodex subcutaneous mite » Propionibacterium acnes and Propionibacterium granulosum »...

Wedding in July: signs, auspicious days and life hacks Wedding calendar July Style Poem for children on the theme "New Year" Soon, soon the New Year

A bright holiday comes to the house - This is the old New Year. Our New Year is a prankster, It freezes twice at the gate. We welcome it again, We look forward to it again. We congratulate you today And...

Stand collar.  Four options.  Turn-down collar for a dress Patch collar pattern in full size Style Stand collar. Four options. Turn-down collar for a dress Patch collar pattern in full size

You can process the neck of a dress in various ways; one of the simplest ways is to decorate the neck with a turn-down collar. Turn-down collars in a light dress...

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