Texts of confessions to a man - in your own words to your beloved. Declaration of love in prose

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I fell in love with you the day I saw you. Before that, of course, I had other boyfriends, but I didn’t know anything about true love. It is next to you that I feel truly calm and serene. Next to you, I can be myself - sad, crazy, cheerful, sad, thoughtful, reckless. Thank you, dear, for having me, thank you for putting up with me. I love you, my first and only!

My beloved, precious! You have become a real guiding star for me. When I look into your eyes, I see the whole world in them. When you kiss me, it seems to me that I am floating on a warm sea on a starry summer night. And when you touch me and gently run your tiny fingers through my hair, then I want only one thing - to stop this most beautiful moment. I love you, my happiness!

You burst into my life like a hurricane. He captivated me at first sight with his colossal sense of humor, charming smile and sparkling eyes. And every day I fell in love with you more and more, revealing you from new and new sides. You made me believe that real Men exist, that they are not a myth. You gave me a fairy tale. And I give you myself and my love, which grows stronger every day.

Opening our feelings to a person and hoping for the beginning of a relationship, we all hope for our heart, which will be able to express everything that has accumulated in it, for the soul, which will not allow us to make a mistake, and for the mind, which will help us put everything in order, sort it and correctly. form random and incoherent words into beautiful and heartfelt phrases! And when our chosen and chosen ones receive messages where we are frank, as in confession, they rejoice and smile. After all, they are adored and desired. What else is needed more for happiness? But there are also such cases. when a person cannot express his feelings beautifully and competently. He can be a master of any trade: a blacksmith, a steelworker, a carpenter, an electrician and mechanic, a seamstress or weaver, a janitor, a cleaner, or even a director’s secretary who can quickly type dictated texts, but cannot compose himself. And this is not a vice - the person simply lacks a gift for literature. And I really want to write something bright and beautiful to a dear and dear person! What to do?

Well, just don’t get upset, because there are a lot of ways out of such a situation. Our authors, who have long specialized in the literary genre, have prepared for you original and unique declarations of love in prose for boys and girls, for men and women.

The authors put all their inner emotions and deep feelings into the texts offered to your attention, and tried to write in a way that would be suitable for many people. All you have to do is go to our section dedicated to this topic and choose a work that corresponds to the state of your soul. You can write it to a loved one on a beautiful postcard, send it by phone in an SMS or with a private message on the Internet. And if someone learns it by heart and reads it in person when they meet, this is only welcome and will count as an object of passion or sympathy for you in the future. Don’t be afraid to be the first in a relationship, always meet each other and don’t be shy to express your feelings in beautiful words!

  1. They told me: “when you fall in love, your thoughts will be occupied by only one person... The one you fell in love with." I didn't believe it. It seemed to me that this was complete nonsense. I shouldn’t have believed it, it seemed wrong! When you came and knocked on my heart, I realized that the words spoken to me about falling in love were not in vain and were said for a reason. I really forgot how to think about anything else. In my thoughts - only you, your words, your silhouette. I'll tell you a little secret: I don't want to think about something else or about someone else. Every “mental” second is yours... (prose).
  2. Night again. She lit the stars and scattered them throughout the heavenly expanse. I don't need a bouquet of stars. Leave them alone. Let them decorate the sky, illuminating the way for the awake and lost. I need you…. When I'm next to you, I fly straight to the stars. I can even touch them. They say that the stars are very cold, despite their dazzling radiance... Not true! They are the lights of our passion with you. And, since they are awarded with flame, cold cannot be hidden in them. I love you!
  3. Prose. - We are so similar to you. We are almost the same. Even the first letters of our names are striking in their “sameness.” We are already used to it... As well as that, and externally, we are not very different from each other. It happens. And I'm very happy about it. Thank you for finding me, so similar, among millions of others! The fact that you met me and fell in love with me is the most wonderful event in my no less wonderful life.

Tender and warm words - declarations of love for a beloved man

You are the most tender perfection!

  1. Just don’t say that this is a compliment for women. Men deserve compliments too. But this is not a compliment, but the pure truth that applies to you...
  2. I'm cold. And this is not because the heating was turned off in our apartment. I’m cold because I haven’t heard your voice for three whole hours now. Call me, please. If you don’t call, I’ll turn into winter and I’ll be sad, because now it’s spring. Darling, I’m really looking forward to your calls...
  3. Tender and warm words about love in prose for your beloved man. - Love you. Love love love…. How can you prove the degree of your love? I will try to do whatever you ask me to do. I can get a star from the sky. So what if it’s drawn? I'll get it anyway! Get a ray of sunshine? He is in my eyes. I will convey it to you with my glance. Take whatever you want. Ask for whatever you want... Do whatever you want with me...
  4. Be there in word and look. Both in body and in heart, I ask, be there... Be by my side while our lives live on earth... I love you, my most tender angel!
  5. Guess what I'm holding in my palm right now? My love! I want to give it to you, give it for safekeeping. Please, take care of her. She is very fragile. If you break it, glue it back together with your kisses. They are magical. I can never forget them. And I don't want to!
  6. Tender words to your beloved man. Prose. - I live for you. I live for you. I live to make you the happiest. You are my guardian angel. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be in this world. Life without you is a transparent spot in which there is neither joy nor smiles.
  7. My fluffy kitten, I want, right now, to be next to you. To be so as not to be separated for a moment. And this is possible: when, by the will of fate, you are somewhere far away, remember that I always live in your heart. You should feel it...
  8. Words about love for a man are the most affectionate and tender. - Who said that I live without love? My love is in you. I will always love only you, give you warmth and affection. You deserve it all. And I'll give you even more if you want! For you, my love, I don’t feel sorry for anything. And I give myself to you, without a trace....

My affectionate, gentle, beloved!

P continuation of tender Topics:“Tender words to a beloved man”...

Tender and beautiful words to a man. -

Wife Compliments Confessions Good morning Good night I miss you Apologies Love

The sound of your light steps makes my loving heart beat faster, the melodic notes of your velvet voice cause a waltz to spin in my head, the flutter of your fluffy eyelashes irresistibly attracts, and the radiance of your eyes eclipses everything around you and plunges you into a sweet waking dream.

You miraculously filled me with fabulous harmony, amazingly inspired me, taught me to be endlessly and amazingly happy, made me touch the true pleasure of love.

Even the most summer day turns into an terribly dark night if your sparkling eyes are not there... I am ready to give millions of years of life alone for one day with you!

When an evening tramp quietly peeps into my house, I light an aromatic candle and think about the most gentle, kind, understanding and sympathetic guy, about my best friend and loved one - about you!

Your love gives me wings and I want to fly above the earth. You are my source of happiness and joy, support and support. Our relationship is full of harmony, respect for each other, understanding, and this is your merit. The best thing that can be in my life is you.

They talk so much about love, write, show... But only thanks to you I understand what it is. Let's keep this feeling in our hearts, hide it from all difficulties and adversities, and see its beautiful reflection in our children!

I can’t take my eyes off you when you’re near, and I can’t breathe freely when you’re away from me. Only with you, my beloved, the sun rises and fills my day with the light of love, joy and happiness!

Love is born at first sight, and sometimes it lives nearby for many years and does not immediately reveal itself to us. It doesn’t matter how it comes and how long you need to wait for it, the main thing is that it brings great happiness to breathe deeply, fly in reality and perform miracles!

In intergalactic space, in the shining starry silence, one thought rings like a taut string - I can’t live without you. And even if the stars darken, the sun stops illuminating the earth, all this will be nothing when you are not around.

Love covers you with incredible waves of beauty, showers you with a fine rain of iridescent tenderness and warms you with the gentle rays of self-sacrifice. It is this feeling that gives true happiness!

I am happy because we are together, that there is constant lightness in my soul, as if during a flight, that I read your thoughts about me, my love, and each of them gives strength to our love.

Every minute, like a rough diamond, conceals within itself the depths of incredible sparks. And only love can polish life to the purest diamond, sparkling with happiness that cannot be appreciated!

By the magical power of heaven you were sent to me, so enchantingly tender, so trembling, dear, infinitely loved. You taught me to glow in the delightful embrace of blooming happiness. Colored my life with amazing colors of fabulous harmony.

The enchanting, wondrous music of true love will easily make any, even the most callous, soul sing, and any, even the calmest, heart will dance, making them believe in a miracle.

I want to shout to the whole world about my incredible feelings. I want to talk about them to you every minute and kiss your tender lips. I want to prove to you with every action how beloved and important you are in my life.

Alina Ogonyok

You are the dearest and most beloved person in the world. When you're not around for a long time, the world becomes uninteresting. And when you are with me, there is no happiness in this world. You are the air that I breathe and without which I cannot live even a second. I love you more and stronger than anyone in the world!!!

When you finish reading this SMS, you will know that there is a little man in this world who loves you so much that he cannot even imagine life without you... I love you...

When I read your messages, I want to hear you as soon as possible... so that the words from paper, from monitor and phone screens are warmed by the warmth of your voice. When I hear your voice, I dream of seeing you as soon as possible... because looks speak more sincerely than words. When I look at your photo, I want to touch you... to feel the warmth of your hands. Let's meet soon!

Yesterday, when we parted, you kissed me for the first time. It was so divine, it was a beginning that has no end. This was the beginning of my love for you. Endless, tender, eternal, affectionate, passionate, burning, alluring, piercing, sleepless, merciless. Happiness, smile, anticipation, joy of meeting... thank you for that. I fell in love with you.

You know, honey, I need to tell you something very important. I thought for a very long time and decided to finally admit that I love you so much. You know, it seems to me that the whole world freezes next to you, and the time on the clock just stops. Only in your arms do I so want to fall asleep in the evenings and wake up every morning. Thank you for the fact that next to you I was able to feel weak and so defenseless, and you know, I really like it, because next to me is the best, strongest and caring man in the world. Now I want to find the warmest, most tender and beautiful words for you, but it still seems to me that they cannot fully express the depth of all the feelings that overwhelm me. Thank you, my dear, for making me fall in love with you again every day and feel like the happiest girl in the world.

You know, I used to be sure that falling in love at first sight was simply impossible, but today I don’t think so anymore, because after I looked into your eyes, the whole world around me simply ceased to exist, just like other men. . Only you give me real warmth, care and tenderness, without which I now cannot live. A day spent away from you becomes very long and somehow completely empty, but next to you time flies by, everything seems much brighter, more fun and rosy. I would like to thank you for the emotions with which you fill my every day and ask you never to let go of my hand again in your life, because only with you do I feel confident and protected. Thank you for every smile, for bright emotions, for flowers for no reason and gentle messages for the night. Once again I want to confess my love to you and tell you that you are the best.

For some reason, today I want to once again admit that I very much love the best young man in the world. You know, it’s probably very difficult to express in simple words the feelings that are now inside me. Previously, life was interesting, but somehow gray, but after you entered it, I realized that before I was deprived of real happiness, what you gave me and continue to give me every day. Now I am absolutely sure that only you are the person with whom I want to spend my whole life and never part. I am absolutely sure that with you I will be happy and I will simply not be afraid of any problems or other troubles. Only next to you my heart begins to beat much faster, and sometimes it even seems that everything around ceases to exist, except for such an attractive pool of your most beautiful and beloved eyes.

I love you every second, minute, hour, day, and night. For weeks, months, years and centuries... We found each other among a million, and now we are two halves of one big heart. If you don’t think so, then I won’t be able to live anymore, because my heart can’t beat only half...

My dearest man. I remember the time when I just saw your photo, I just read a couple of phrases addressed to me, as a stranger in your life. The threads of our destinies are so unusually intertwined. I felt something unusual when I was getting ready for our first meeting, no, my heart felt it... I was lost in my feelings then, but I understood that a miracle was happening, two souls found each other. Now I can shout to the whole world that I am happy, but then everything that happened stunned me. All I know is that I fell in love with you. I always want to be with you.

Dreams! Joy! Love! World! Life! Fate! What do all these words have in common? Only one person - a loved one! You! And my heart is much more sensitive than myself, as soon as it hears your knock, it immediately begins to knock louder, more often, as if saying: we are one. And I'm drowning in your eyes.

I never thought that it was possible to know someone so well and at the same time feel that there was so much that was still unsolved in this person. I never knew that the words “I love you” sound like the first time every time... I have never met a person with whom hours would fly by like minutes, and with whom I would never want to part... I have never found it so close and dear person. Darling, I have never loved as much as I love you.

You invaded my life like a destructive hurricane, in a matter of days you turned my calm, measured, minute-by-minute way of living upside down. But I'm crazy about your antics and you.

Especially for the site

My soulmate, you are the greatest joy and happiness in my life, for your sake I am ready for all sorts of feats, for the sake of our happiness I can do fantastic things. I promise that from me you will receive only immeasurable love, unconditional support, incessant affection, all-consuming warmth, incredible kindness, constant care. I will become your reliable support and will always help in everything.

Especially for the site

Your unexpected appearance in my measured life is like a breath of fresh air, you inspire me to do unexpectedly pleasant things, your faith inspires me and allows me to get out of difficult situations with minimal losses. My love, stay with me constantly and together we will be able to overcome all the obstacles in store for us, supporting each other makes us stronger, complete mutual understanding will become a source of pride.

Especially for the site

Love you. So few words and so much meaning in them. These two words contain everything - life, eternity, and happiness. And sometimes separation, loneliness, suffering and infinity. All this depends only on us. My love for you is only what I can and want to talk about, think and feel today. I ask one thing - be there, and I will do everything so that you don’t regret for a second that you chose me.

Especially for the site

My beloved and only one, today I want to apologize to you: it turns out that the bright and wonderful feeling of “Love” arose in me from the first minutes of our communication, but I only now dare to admit it to you.

Especially for the site

Darling, I love you madly, passionately and very much. Every day I thank heaven for your unexpected but such a pleasant appearance in my life. Stay with me longer, and if everything works out, stay with me forever.

Especially for the site

My dear, I am very grateful for your unshakable faith in my strength. I love you immensely, remain my sunshine and faithful support for many years, and even in old age I will spoil you with unexpected surprises.

Especially for the site

I love you, my sunshine, I love you, my flower. You are the light in the window. Having met you, I became an incredibly happy person. For me there is no one more beautiful and dearer than you. My beloved bright star, illuminating my path in the dead of night. Sweet and unique, I adore you.

Especially for the site

My love, thank you so much for showing me what it’s like to be at home waiting and hoping for a speedy return, always supporting me and giving practical and realistic advice. I love you to the point of madness, to the point of body aches.

Especially for the site

I never thought that it was possible to know someone so well and at the same time feel that there was so much that was still unsolved in this person. I never knew that the words “I LOVE YOU” sound like the first time every time... I have never met a person with whom hours would fly by like minutes, and with whom I would never want to part... I have never found such a close and dear person . Darling, I have never loved as much as I love you.


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