Wedding in July: folk signs and advice from astrologers. Wedding in July: signs, auspicious days and life hacks Wedding calendar July

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A wedding or the birth of a family is no less important an event than the birth of a person. It depends, so to speak, on what day and hour this happened."character" of the family itself , relationships in it, fertility, duration of marriage and much more.

But unlike the time of birth of a person, which we almost cannot choose, the date for the official registration of the newlyweds can be chosen so that the family turns out to be as harmonious as possible. A wedding ceremony is something for which we can choose a date using simple astrological techniques.

The lunar calendar is based on the position of the Moon relative to the zodiac signs and other planets. But to choose the best time, the Moon alone is sometimes completely insufficient. In this lunar calendar we will also take into account the position of the two gender planets – Mars and Venus. When choosing the date of painting, they also play an important role.

The position of Venus should be especially taken into account when choosing a date. In this lunar calendar we will also indicate the periods when Venus will be strong or weak.


  • The birth of a family or marriage begins from the moment the newlyweds put their signatures in the registration book and the registry office employee declares them husband and wife. It is this time that is important to consider. In this calendar we indicate the most favorable time for this moment, but the holiday itself, banquet, photo shoots, etc. You can plan for a completely different time.
  • Wedding time It’s not so important if you register your marriage at the registry office, so you choose the date for the wedding according to the church calendar, but it’s better to choose the registration based on the astrological calendar.
  • The most accurate dates for marriage registration are selected purely individually, based on the personal cards of the newlyweds.
  • There is no perfect date, there may always be certain factors that in some way prevent you from finding the ideal time. Therefore, the choice goes in favor of more positive factors.

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Lucky days in 2018 for a wedding:

In 2018, the best time to get married is first half of the year. During these periods, the planet of love and relationships, Venus, will fall into the most successful signs of the Zodiac - Pisces and Taurus, which will undoubtedly be a big plus for an event such as a wedding. Although every month will have more or less successful days for painting, the following periods are the best times to plan a trip to the registry office:

  • February 27 - March 7, 2018;
  • April 1 – April 24, 2018;
  • August 14-31, 2018.

Read the month descriptions below for details.

Unlucky days in 2018 for a wedding:

Not the best periods for marriage - from September 7 to December 23 2018 (except for a few days in November). Almost the entire fall and December will not be the best for marriage. These days Venus will do many unfavorable aspects, and will also become retrograde from October 5 to November 16, 2017.

Venus retrograde for marriage– an extremely negative factor, since the relationship between partners in such a marriage can change greatly over time, not for the best. Hasty marriages are especially dangerous at this time.

When Venus is retrograde, feelings are perceived somewhat distorted, and what seems to be a light and bright feeling is in a fairly short time can turn into disappointment. In marriages that began with Venus retrograde, after some time you can hear: “Where was I looking? Why didn’t you notice it before?” Unfortunately, such marriages most often fall apart.

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What marriages are acceptable during Venus retrograde?

  • Remarriages (with the same partners);
  • Marriages of partners after breakup and reunion.

However, even if such marriages are permissible, it is better not to risk it and still go to the registry office in better time, if possible.

Also unfavorable days for registering a marriage are days near eclipses:

  • From January 28 to February 4, 2018;
  • From February 13 to February 20, 2018;
  • From 12 to 15 July 2018;
  • From 8 to 13 August 2018.

To choose a wedding date, you should first look at the church wedding calendar, since weddings, as you know, are held on certain days and are excluded during periods of fasting and holidays.

Read also:

Church wedding calendar 2018

(days on which weddings are permissible are marked in pink)


: No

: 1, 8, 13-17, 28-31 January 2018

Marriage in January should be concluded only as a last resort, and it is better to postpone it completely. remember, that Venus will be in the heart of the Sun approximately from January 8 22:00 to January 10 14:00 2018 . On these same days, it will be charged with the powerful energy of Pluto.

Compound Sun+Venus+Pluto January 8-10, 2018 can have a profound impact on the nature of the relationship in such a marriage. They will be explosive, passionate, intuitive, but whether they will last is a moot point. However, such a marriage can be based on love and respect, because Venus will be well aspected by the union of Mars and Jupiter.

January 31, 2018another thing will happen total lunar eclipse, so the last days of the month are January 28-31, 2018- not very successful.

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Extremely unfavorable days for registering a marriage : 1-4, 7, 13-20, 23-25 ​​February 2018

From 1 to 4 February 2018– a bad time for marriage, as these days are near an eclipse. Plus, Venus will be in an unfavorable aspect with Jupiter at this time. It may attract quarrels in marriage over money.

A negative aspect of Venus with Mars will make days February 23-25, 2018- not the most successful for a wedding, since such a marriage can be spoiled by the incompatibility of partners in sexually.

WITH February 11, 2018 Venus will move into the sign of Pisces - very favorable for marriage, since it is very strong in this sign. But it's best to choose for marriage February 27 and 28, 2018 when Venus will tend to favorable aspect with Jupiter, and the Moon will be located in the sign of Leo.

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Calendar of favorable days for a wedding

MARCH 2018

The best days for a wedding : No

Acceptable wedding days : No

Extremely unfavorable days for registering a marriage : 8-13, 16, 17, 24, 31 March 2018

VENUS: in token of e Pisces ( before March 7 201 8 ) , in the sign Aries (from March 7 to March 31, 2018), in the sign (March 31, 2018)

MARS: in the sign Sagittarius ( until March 17 201 8 ) , in the sign Capricorn ( With March 17 201 8 )

March is the month of fasting, so weddings are not being held now. But if you would still like to go to the registry office in March 2018, it is better to choose either the first day of the month, or March 20, 21, 2018.

It is better to schedule a wedding on March 1, 2018 after 9 am, since when Moon without course It is better not to hold such events. At this time, the Moon will have time to move into the sign of Virgo (not the most successful for a love marriage, unless it is a marriage with a widower), but Venus will approach very good aspect with Jupiter.

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Having passed into the fire sign of Aries, Venus will be narrower March 13, 2018 afflicted by malefic Saturn. From 8 to 13 March 2018– an extremely bad time for marriage, especially on the day March 13 2018 . Marriages that take place on this day will fail very quickly, and the partners may remain so offended that they will not be able to come to their senses for a long time.

In general, Venus in the sign of Aries is extremely unlucky for marriage, since this is the place of her exile. In this situation, people often go to rash acts in a relationship, so marriage can happen quite quickly, and there will be little use. If you are still sure that you want this wedding, choose March 20 or 21 2018 , when Venus will not be affected by Saturn, and the Moon will be in the sign of Taurus. However, remember that a marriage concluded these days can bring surprises.

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APRIL 2018

The best days for a wedding : 4 (after 10:00), 5, 12, 13 (before 14:30), 17 (after 11:00), April 23, 2018

Acceptable days for a wedding : other days, except unfavorable ones.

Acceptable wedding days : April 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30, 2018

Extremely unfavorable days for registering a marriage : 8, 14-16, 22, 29 April 2018

VENUS: in the sign (until April 24, 2018), in the sign Gemini (from April 24, 2018)

MARS: in the sign Capricorn

This month the Catholic and Orthodox churches celebrate a great holiday Easter respectively April 1 and 8, 2018. Weddings will begin with April 15, 2018- the first Sunday after the holiday (Red Hill). But how good is this day according to the lunar calendar? Unfortunately, this is the very end of the lunar month, 29 lunar day, so a visit to the registry office highly undesirable.

Read also : DIY wedding crafts and decorations

Venus more than 3 weeks will be in the sign of Taurus, which is very favorable for wedding ceremonies. If you do not depend on the church calendar and do not plan to get married on the day of the painting, you can sign 4 (after 10:00), 5, 12, 13 (before 14:30), 17 (after 11:00), April 23, 2018. The position of the Moon these days is more or less favorable for marriage, and Venus will still be in the sign of Taurus.

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April 23, 2018 is a pretty good day for registering at the registry office and weddings are also allowed on this day, although it is Monday, the lunar calendar also advises choosing it. Remember that you can have a banquet on any convenient day, but it is better to plan the painting at the registry office on favorable time! On this day the Moon will be in the sign of Leo.

ATTENTION! Until April 15 2018 Mercury will be retrograde, so you should be very careful when preparing any documents! Carefully check the documents and any papers you sign. Draw up and sign marriage contracts until April 18, 2018 highly undesirable.

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Lunar wedding calendar 2018

MAY 2018

The best days for a wedding : No

Acceptable days for a wedding : 2 (after 14:00), 3, 9, 16, 20, 27, 28, 30 (before 10:00) May 2018

Engagement : No

Acceptable wedding days : 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25 May 2018

Extremely unfavorable days for registering a marriage : 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 24, 25, 29 May 2018

JUNE 2018

The best days for a wedding : No

Acceptable days for a wedding : 1, 7 (until 9:30), 11, 16 (from 10:30), 26, 29 June 2017

Acceptable wedding days : No

Extremely unfavorable days for registering a marriage : 6, 13, 18-25, 27, 28 June 2018

Wedding day according to the church calendar

JULY 2018

The best days for a wedding : No

Acceptable days for a wedding : 3, 4 (until 12:30), 8, 10, 21, 22 (until 12:00), 26 (until 16:30) July 2018

Acceptable wedding days : July 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30, 2018

Extremely unfavorable days for registering a marriage : 6, 12-15, 20, 23, 24, 27-30 July 2018

July 21 and 22, 2018Venus comes into a favorable aspect with Jupiter, which significantly increases the chances successful marriage during these days. But already July 24, 2018 she will be in opposition to Neptune, which can attract deception and disappointment in marriage.

A very bad day - July 27, 2018. Besides the fact that on this day there will be a lunar eclipse so the Sun will also be in very unfavorable aspects with Mars and Uranus. Such a marriage will fail very quickly, and with very unpleasant consequences! It's better not to take risks!

Mercury retrograde from July 26, 2018! Be careful when preparing any documents, and it is better not to sign marriage contracts at the end of the month!

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The best days for a wedding : 14 (from 08:00), 28 (from 09:00 to 17:00), 31 (from 10:00) August 2018

Acceptable wedding days : 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 29, 31 August 2018

Extremely unfavorable days for registering a marriage : 4, 8-13, 18, 26 August 2018

The best days for a wedding in 2018


The best days for a wedding : No

Acceptable days for a wedding : 3 (from 08:00 to 13:00), 14 (to 12:00), 15, 18 (from 12:00), 19 (to 20:00), 22 (from 16:00), September 23, 2018

Acceptable wedding days : 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 28, 30 September 2018

Extremely unfavorable days for registering a marriage : 2, 4-9, 16, 24 September 2018

ATTENTION! Marriages concluded from September 9 to 12 can bring many unpleasant surprises. They will be full of jealousy and suspicion and are more likely to end up unhappy and a failure!

September 23 and 24 are more successful days than the rest, since the Moon will be in the sign of Pisces, which is very favorable for marriage. This is especially successful for a love marriage and will help to ensure that love lasts longer in the marriage, although Venus in Scorpio does not promise that partners will always trust each other and will not be jealous.

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The best days for a wedding : No.

Engagement : No.

Acceptable wedding days : 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31 October 2018

Extremely unfavorable days for registering a marriage : 1-11, 16, 24, 31 October 2018

VENUS: in the sign Scorpion (until October 31, 2018), in the sign of Libra (October 31, 2018)

MARS: in the sign Aquarius

Nowadays, newlyweds believe in predictions and try to find out the influence of the date and day of the week on their future family fate.

2018 is not a leap year, but it is considered the year of the widower. This year, according to astrologers, is not the best year to start a family. But since this is the year of the dog, and as you know, a kind, fair animal that loves home comfort and care, therefore it will help in every possible way and favorably influence the future fate of the married couple.

Alliances concluded this year will be harmonious, quarrels and misunderstandings will be reduced to a minimum. The stars predict a wonderful future, where the main wealth in life will be love and many children.

Children planned or born this year will become the real pride of their parents and will delight them with their talents, rich imagination, great success and good character, although they are a little capricious, like all modern children.

Be sure that your feelings will not be extinguished by the blow of the wind, therefore, they will be deep and lasting. If money is not the most important thing in life for you, then your union will always be under the protection of a guardian angel.

According to the lunar calendar, it is best to get married when the moon is waxing; it will help develop relationships and favorably influence your future destiny. A new moon, lunar or solar eclipse will bring quarrels of misunderstanding into the house, so astrologers advise avoiding planning weddings on these days.

When choosing a favorable date, you should avoid the retrograde motion of Venus.If Venus enters the constellation Aries, Scorpio, it is better to refuse painting in the registry office.

Astrologers are of the same opinionya that the wedding date is not possibleprescribe on the days of lunar and solar eclipses

  • Lunar eclipse January 31, 2018.
  • Solar eclipse February 15, 2018.
  • Solar eclipse July 13, 2018.
  • Lunar eclipse July 27, 2018.
  • Solar eclipse on August 11, 2018.

Also very unfavorable for a wedding celebration is the retrograde of some planets:

Mercury retrograde in 2018

  • spring: March 23-April 15;
  • summer: July 26-August 19;
  • late autumn: November 17-December 7.

Venus retrograde in 2018.

  • Venus retrograde: October 5 to November 16(which is responsible for love in the family)

This time is considered very unfavorable for marriage or engagement. The first acquaintance during Venus retrograde is unlikely to lead to a long-term and lasting relationship.

To choose the time to start new and important things, you also need to take into account the phases of the moon.

On the waxing Moon, it’s good to start something new, starting from the second day (submit an application to the registry office, set a date for matchmaking, take care of pre-wedding chores: order a cake, meet with the host and discuss the wedding script, etc.), and so that... then the bad has left your life, then you need to choose the phase of the aging Moon.

On a waning Moon, it is better not to start new projects (i.e. weddings). Moreover, one should not prepare for a wedding during the period when the Moon is without a course, i.e. single, empty Moon is a short period (when it is before leaving sign does not make movements in the zodiac circle and for some time ceases to interact with other planets, remains on its own, as if in emptiness).

If you decide to choose a date for your wedding according to the lunar calendar, you should remember that the 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th, 12th, 17th and 21st lunar days are considered the most favorable days for marriage.

However, it is desirable that they coincide with the presence of the Moon in the sign Taurus, Cancer or Libra. Then your family life will be long and happy.

Unfavorable periods for marriage when the Moon is in the Sign Scorpio and Aries.

In addition, odd numbers 3, 5, 7, 9 have always been considered lucky.

To calculate favorable days for creating happy unions, you need to turn not only to the wedding calendar, but also to the advice of famous astrologers.

Calendar of favorable days in 2018

Favorable days for a wedding in January 2018

One of the most unfavorable months is January. But if you believe the calculations of astrologers, then the favorable numbers for a wedding are: January 21.26. - This is a good time for marriage.

The church calendar allows a wedding ceremony to be held only after Baptism. The period lasts until January 28, the beginning of the first continuous week (January 29).

This period of time was previously called “svadebnik” or “wedding”. People believed that if they created a new family during the “winter meat-eater”, prosperity would await it.

  • According to the Orthodox calendar, you can choose any of these numbers: 20-23, 25, 27, 28

in February 2018

In February, marriage is allowed from 02/05 to 02/11. Ecumenical Parents' Saturday (10.02) is excluded. Next begins Lent, which lasts from February 19 to April 7.

According to the lunar calendar, the best date would be February 25.

  • You can get married on 5, 6, 8, 10, 11

B favorable days for wedding in March 2018

March 2017 is the most unfavorable month for weddings, especially if there are believers in your family or you yourself are one.

March is completely prohibited by the church for wedding ceremonies. The risk of separation and divorce increases.

  • If you choose a date according to the lunar calendar, then it is March 23

Favorable days for a wedding in April 2018

Popular signs claim that a particularly strong and successful union will be a union concluded a week after Easter, when Krasnaya Gorka is celebrated. In 2018, Red Hill is celebrated on April 15.

Spring weddings have long been celebrated on this holiday.

17.04. Believers celebrate Radonitsa. On this day, departed relatives are remembered; church weddings are undesirable.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in April: 17, 18, 21, 24, 25.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in April 2018: from 1 to 16, 26, 27.

And lucky days, according to astrologers, are the 20th, 27th, 29th

Favorable days for a wedding in May 2018

There is a popular belief that young people who get married in May will suffer all their lives, but these are all prejudices.

The grace period for newlyweds from May 1 to May 25 is allowed to choose the time for the church ceremony.

Please note that: 09.05. - remember deceased warriors; 17.05. – Ascension of the Lord; 26.05. - Trinity Saturday.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in May: 3, 6, 11, 20, 28, 29.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in May: 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 22, 23, 25, 27, 31.

Astrologers consider good numbers for celebrating special events: the period of May 20, 25, 27

Favorable days for a wedding in June 2018

There are no days in June suitable for getting married.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in June: from the 1st to the 3rd.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in June: from the 4th to the 30th.

Favorable days for a wedding in July 2018

Popular signs say that the life of those who entered into a legal union in July will be like a sweet and sour berry.

Believing young couples are planning a church ceremony after the Day of Saints Peter and Paul, from 13.08.

21.07. – Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. It has always been believed that this is a very auspicious day for newlyweds.

  • According to the Orthodox calendar, you can get married on the 14th, from the 16th to the 29th, and the 31st.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding: from 1 to 11, 12, 13, 27, 30.

Favorable days for a wedding in August 2018

August is considered one of the most wedding months. According to popular belief, couples who enter into an alliance will be faithful to each other and will maintain love, mutual respect and understanding until the end of their days.

From time immemorial it was called the “summer meat eater”. and it was actively used by those wishing to get married.

To get married you should choose period until 13.08, then The two-week Assumption Fast starts.

  • The church calendar allows the following days: from 1 to 8, 12, 31.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in August: 9, 11, 14 to 28.

According to the lunar calendar, these are the 17th, 24th, 26th.

Favorable days for a wedding in September 2018

In September 2018, couples who entered into a legal union, folk signs predict a quiet, peaceful life.

This is the time of the most magnificent and beautiful weddings, but expenses will certainly increase. It is favorable for partners with a good financial situation to marry, as well as established people who already have a profession and a stable job.

The beheading of John the Baptist (September 11) and the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord (September 27) fall on Tuesday and Thursday.

On these days and the day before, according to established rules, ceremonies are not performed.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in September 2018: 1, 2, 7, 10, 14, 16, from 20 to 26, 29.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in September 2018: 11, 21, 23, 27.

B favorable days for wedding in October 2018

October 2018 is more favorable to newlyweds. Wedding days are more than enough.

Many people think that scheduling a wedding in October is not very convenient; weather conditions are not always favorable for newlyweds.

But we can say for sure that prices will be significantly lower than in summer. Therefore, it is up to you to decide when your wedding celebration will take place.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in October: from 1 to 13, from 15 to 31.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in October: 14.

Favorable days for a wedding in November 2018

This month, despite the contradictory weather conditions, there are a lot of pleasant moments.

Well, for example, there is no queue at the registry office, there are a lot of free restaurants ready to receive you on any designated day of celebration, the cost of wedding services is several times cheaper, and according to the popular calendar this time is very favorable for wedding ceremonies - it prophesies material well-being and a happy family life.

Until 28.11. clergy will bless the newlyweds.

03.11. - Parents' Saturday. It is a special day of remembrance of the dead.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in November: from the 1st to the 27th.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in November: 3, from 28 to 30.

Astrologers advise scheduling the wedding ceremony on the 9th, 14th, 18th

Favorable days for a wedding in December 2018

There will be a Nativity Fast throughout December. until Christmas Eve (01/06/2019). Despite the fact that it is not strict, the church still does not approve of celebrations during this period.

But folk signs promise that a marriage concluded in December will grow stronger day by day.

According to popular belief, many newlyweds are attracted by the opportunity to “not postpone the wedding for a year” and be together on New Year’s Eve.

  • We managed to find only two neutral numbers - December 7 and 26

Aspects of luck are present in the following newlyweds: divorced people, those with children, and widows and widowers.

If for you astrological prophecies and the Orthodox calendar of wedding dates are not the main thing for choosing the day of the wedding celebration, but you are more attracted by the prospect of sealing your ties on a beautiful date, then use the rule to make it memorable and beautiful.

As for 2018, the most beautiful dates will be the following:

  • 02/18/18 - Sunday;
  • 08/18/18 - Friday.

However, even a carefully chosen date will not guarantee a happy family life if your family does not have true love and respect for each other - you should not rely on fate and the mercy of higher powers! After all, family life is a great art that you create, filling the picture of your relationship with different feelings. My main advice is to truly love each other and live in harmony. Choose patience, understanding, kindness, responsiveness, frankness and tenderness, only then complete harmony will reign in your family and family happiness will live forever!

With deep respect Nadezhda S. ©

A wedding in July 2020 suits many couples. It allows you to gather relatives during the holidays and can be held in a beautiful location. You just need to make sure that the chosen date will be favorable, because many couples need to book it in wedding palaces and restaurants now. Let's look at the best days for a wedding in July 2020.

Traditionally, the second month of summer is considered successful for weddings. There will be many good dates in 2020 for celebrations during this period. These dates are: July 8, 12, and also the 14th. Not so favorable, but still suitable are the 7th, 9th, 19th. At the end of the month - the 26th. July 5th, as well as July 6th, are considered neutral. This is the first weekend after the new moon on which celebrations can be scheduled. Those who are not afraid of unlucky numbers can invite guests to the 13th of July. It's Saturday. Despite some prejudices associated with the date presented, Saturday is quite suitable for marriages.

Lunar wedding calendar in July

When choosing a wedding date, you must take into account the lunar wedding calendar for July. The fact is: getting married during the waxing moon promises the newlyweds a long, happy life, but the waning phase of the luminary will take away the energy of the young family and can provoke divorces and scandals. In July 2020, the following lunar periods are expected:

  • Until July 2nd there is a waning moon. Unfavorable period.
  • July 2nd – new moon. An extremely dangerous day for a wedding.
  • July 3-9. Waxing Crescent. The first quarter begins on the 9th. The period is favorable for celebration.
  • 9-16 waxing moon. It's a good time to plan a holiday.
  • July 17th – full moon. The date is ambiguous; it is better not to schedule a celebration for this period.
  • From the 18th to the 31st there is a waning moon. There are no celebrations during this period. Several unfavorable days are expected, which are not even suitable for engagement. The neutral date will be July 18th. If you can’t celebrate your wedding before the full moon, sign up at the registry office for that date.

It must be remembered that the lunar wedding calendar for July does not correspond to the church calendar. If you are going to have another wedding on the day of the painting, contact the church in advance to make sure that there is an opportunity to carry out the ceremony, since there will be many days in the month when weddings are not held.

Features of a wedding in July

This is a good period for creating young families. It is believed that July weddings will turn the lives of the newlyweds into a real honeymoon. Holidays during this period have many advantages, including:

July holidays also have their own disadvantages. Among them:

  • There are long queues for good venues for celebrations, be it a beautiful restaurant, a hall, or venues for outdoor ceremonies. Similar problems are associated with hiring photographers, makeup artists, and car rental.
  • A large flow of couples in the registry offices. You will have to register for the ceremony several months in advance.
  • Not the most comfortable weather conditions - heat, thunderstorms, heavy rains.
  • Problems with the honeymoon. Newlyweds in July often have difficulty booking tickets for a romantic trip, even if they are not going abroad.

These difficulties can spoil the mood of the newlyweds, but with proper organization of the celebration they can be overcome. Just spend a little more time preparing the celebration, and you will certainly cope with them.

Although the month as a whole is extremely favorable for weddings, it is not recommended to schedule such a celebration on some dates. Among these are the 2nd, 18th, 20th of July. According to astrologers, July 27 is also considered an unfavorable day. It is recommended to avoid celebrations on the 23rd, 25th and 30th. It is believed that marriages entered into on these dates are not favorable and may end in a quick divorce. If you plan an event directly on one of the dates presented, adhere to these rules:

  1. Strictly observe folk customs and signs.
  2. Plan everything, don’t let things happen.
  3. Enlist the support of higher powers, pray, you can order a ritual for good luck and a successful marriage from clairvoyants.

The measures presented will reduce the negative impact of the horoscope and allow you to create a happy family.

Vika Di

When preparing for a wedding, planning begins with choosing a date for the celebration. Brides approach it very scrupulously, guided by numerology, astrology, beautiful dates or folk signs. Some pick up day in accordance with church regulations, someone focuses on the convenience of the date for registration at the registry office and a banquet in a restaurant.

Registration at the Civil Registry Office

So how to choose the right wedding date? There is no clear answer to this question. Every newlywed couple decides independently, on what day should they walk down the aisle?

Favorable days for weddings according to the lunar calendar

The lunar calendar is different from the usual one because it allows you to monitor the phases of the moon - new moon, waxing, full moon and waning.

This calendar is compiled for every year and you can see favorable days for each month of the current year or calculate the lunar day yourself

A wedding during an eclipse and full moon is considered unfavorable; the negative energy of the satellite has a destructive effect on the newlyweds. White night wedding too requires tracking the Moon's movement, because its influence is not going anywhere. Before setting a date for the celebration, you need to check with.

Lucky day for marriage according to numerology

Numerology is the magic of numbers that shows the connection between a person’s life and the date of his birth.

Choice for marriage according to numerology

Add: 1+9+1+1+9+8= 29=2+9=11.

5+1+1+9+9=25=2+5=7. Add the resulting numbers – 11+7=18. This will be a favorable day according to numerological calculations.

The 31st number, according to numerology, does not have any special properties, and if the newlyweds so desire, it is quite possible to get married on this day.

Signs associated with wedding dates

The number 7 for a wedding, according to popular belief, is considered lucky for marriage, like other odd numbers, except the 13th numbers due to the exceptional unluckiness of this date.

Marriage on even days - for the birth of a boy, on odd days - for the birth of a girl

It is also believed that a birthday on the wedding day is a bad omen, but at the same time if the spouses' birthdays coincide, then this is a very good sign. If the birthday of one of your relatives coincides with the planned date, then it is better to postpone it. For ethical reasons, it is not very pleasant when a wedding ceremony or wedding anniversary is celebrated on a birthday.

Signs with wedding dates

There are no special signs if the day and date of the wedding coincides with the wedding date of the parents, but in this case it is at the discretion of the newlyweds - not everyone will like to celebrate two anniversaries on one day. It is definitely bad luck to get married on a date that coincides with the date of death of one of your relatives. Such a family, according to signs, will be haunted by misfortunes.

Is it possible, according to signs, to have two weddings in one year in one family? According to popular superstition, it is impossible.

There is a sign that the bride needs pin a gold pin on the dress, for luck. You can combine beauty and superstition by purchasing an elegant brooch in the form of a pin.

According to popular beliefs, there are favorable years for weddings. Current 2018 is considered a quiet year for marriage, as well as the next one - 2019. But in the question “when is it better to get married?” brides believe only in bad luck about a wedding ceremony in a leap year, known for difficulties and misfortunes.

Why can't you get married on a leap year? In fact, earlier this year the girls themselves went to get married, and no one had the right to refuse them.

So leap year used to be called the year of brides, and it was believed that it was successful in terms of marriage

Days when you can't get married

However, nowadays there are more significant prohibitions on marriage. In addition to the days when the registry office is not working, therefore, the marriage cannot be registered, there are restrictions imposed by religion for marriage.

Get married in an Orthodox church

According to the statutes of the Orthodox Church, the days when you cannot have a wedding are:

  • Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. On these days, the sacrament of marriage is not performed;
  • during fasting;
  • eves and days of Orthodox holidays;
  • on Maslenitsa, the week before Lent;
  • on Easter week.

Wedding date agree with the priest, he will tell you when it is better to perform the sacrament.

Beautiful dates for a wedding

Sometimes brides, not paying attention to the signs and forecasts of astrologers, try to choose a beautiful date. The choice of a beautiful wedding date is determined by a combination of identical numbers. For example, in 2008 the most popular date was 08/08/08.

This year such a complete coincidence will not happen, but a beautiful date could be the 18th of August - 08/18/18 with three eights

You can also select a combination of day and month numbers, for example, 06/06/18. It is believed that lucky dates are those in which there are many zeros and eights, for example, 08/10/18 or 10/18/18. Dates in which one number is a multiple of another, for example, 09.18.18, also look good. Such round dates look nice and sound good, and they are also easy to remember. Whether a weekday or a weekend falls on the wedding date is not so important in this case.

The question of what date to have a wedding torments many girls who want the celebration to be perfect. You can refer to the characteristics of the days of the week.

What day of the week is best to have a wedding?

Favorability of a particular day of the week determined by numerology, astrology, church charters and folk beliefs. So what day of the week is best to get married?

Characteristics of each day of the week:

  • Monday. Despite the fact that in most cases this day is officially a day off in the registry offices, from an astrological point of view this day is moderately favorable for marriage, since the Moon patronizes the newlyweds on this day.
  • Tuesday. On this day you cannot get married according to Orthodox teaching. In astrology, Tuesday is considered very unfavorable for marriage.
  • Wednesday. Under the auspices of Mercury, he favors newlyweds - this promises compromise and harmony in marriage.
  • Thursday. There is no wedding on this day; popular beliefs also warn couples against getting married. But according to astrology, this is a rather successful day, promising material wealth in the house.
  • Friday. It is considered the most favorable day for marriage, since it is under the protection of Venus. Friday the 13th, according to signs, is considered an unlucky day, but this does not affect family life in any way. The church views Friday weddings favorably.
  • Saturday. The most popular day for official painting, the wedding sacrament is not held. According to astrology and folk signs, it is considered not a very favorable day for marriage. The marriage promises to be stable, but for happiness you will have to sacrifice a lot.
  • Sunday. It is considered a good day for marriage; this day is patronized by the Sun, which promises warm relations between spouses, but, in another opinion, emphasizes individuality, so the marriage will work out if one of the couple takes responsibility for family life.

So what day of the week is it best to get married? Monday to Wednesday. The remaining days of the week are considered unfavorable for marriage.

Choosing a wedding day is easy, based on the influence of the stars for family life.

Choose your wedding day according to astrology

Which month is the best month to get married?

Each month has its own pros and cons, determined by weather conditions, signs and church customs. For each month, according to numerology and the lunar calendar, happy dates are compiled on which it is best to get married.

Signs and meanings of the wedding by month:

  • January wedding - the wife will be widowed early;
  • a marriage concluded in February will be full of love and tenderness;
  • getting married in March means living in a foreign land, far from home;
  • April wedding - to changeable happiness;
  • wedding in May - to betrayal;
  • June wedding - the couple will spend their whole lives as if on a honeymoon;
  • get married in July - the marriage will be sweet and sour;
  • getting married in August means a strong marriage, sealed not only by love, but also by friendship;
  • wedding in September - the marriage will be long, without quarrels and scandals;
  • a marriage entered into in October promises problems and difficulties;
  • November wedding - to a rich and happy life;
  • getting married in December means happiness in family life, which will only grow.

What month is better to have a wedding? Each season has its own advantages– in winter there is no wedding rush, and you can calmly choose a wedding date at the registry office; in spring it is already warm enough to hold a ceremony outdoors; in summer, despite the heat, there are many celebration scenarios; in autumn, an abundance of vegetables and fruits will provide a rich feast.


Getting married right after the New Year holidays may not seem like the best idea, but in reality January has many unobvious advantages.

Huge space for outdoor festivities: snowball fights, building a snow fort and sledding

Offers many entertainment options and competitions.

Besides, you can continue New Year's theme and weave it into the design of the banquet hall.

Get married in January


This month can provide several ideas for a wedding celebration at once - the theme of Valentine's Day and Maslenitsa festivities. The wedding date can be coincided with one of these holidays.

In addition, the advantages of a winter wedding also apply to this month: there are no queues for painting at the registry office, you can rent a banquet hall in a restaurant at a discount and fly away on a honeymoon to hot countries. You can combine it with a trip and hold a symbolic ceremony on the shores of the azure sea.


Despite the fact that this March is the first month of spring, in terms of mood and weather in central Russia it differs little from winter. But this is an excellent opportunity for a budget holiday, and the vagaries of the weather can be compensated for by an exquisite buffet in a restaurant. – a reason for an interesting photo shoot against the backdrop of melting snow, spring drops and the warming sun.


This month is considered truly spring - there are more and more warm days, the first flowers and leaves on the trees begin to bloom. The awakening of spring is an excellent theme for decorating a celebration. Moreover, in early spring The wedding rush hasn't started yet what you can use. You can already spend it outdoors, despite the unstable weather.

Get married in April


A May spring wedding is not only according to the calendar, but also according to the mood. Warm weather allows for off-site registration among trees and blooming flowers. This month you can save on floristry.

You can choose an unusual wedding dress and weave flowers into your hair.


June is a good month for a wedding, because the heat has not yet set in, and the berry season is already beginning. Despite the fact that summer is the time for weddings and the wedding rush is gaining momentum, young people can decorate the celebration in an original way, focusing on wildflowers and strawberries. - an excellent reason for a picnic with kebabs and grilled meat dishes.

Get married in June


A summer wedding in the hottest month is an excellent occasion for off-site registration in nature. Wedding tents will shelter guests from the scorching heat. Mid summer conducive to an abundance of berries and fruits on the festive table.

You can make it themed by decorating the celebration in a rustic style or make it a Hawaiian party.


According to popular beliefs, the strongest marriages take place in this month. August is a fruitful month when the markets are full of fresh vegetables and fruits. This will make the menu not only tasty, but also healthy. is considered favorable not only from the point of view of folk signs, but also, according to astrologers.


An autumn wedding offers many options for decorating the celebration. The ceremony can be themed, for example, in a rustic or eco-chic style. Bright Autumn colors will serve as an excellent decoration interior and can be the leitmotif of the entire celebration. Despite the onset of cold weather, you can spend time in the park or at the dacha, enjoying the autumn landscape.


The second month of autumn continues the theme of gold and crimson colors in the design. If the celebration is planned for the end of the month, then you can make a Halloween themed wedding– with pumpkins instead of lamps, carnival outfits and themed dishes on the festive table.

Halloween themed wedding in October

- an occasion not only for a gloomy, gothic celebration, but also for an autumn holiday in a rustic style.


In late autumn, the excitement associated with marriage subsides, which allows you to plan your celebration in less haste and calmly choose a date. Despite the oncoming cold, November considered a favorable month for marriage. According to signs, it is associated with the end of field work and preparation for winter, so it was believed that it was better to have a wedding in this month.


A winter wedding in December is an excellent opportunity for a themed celebration in the style of a winter fairy tale. Of course, it scares many people New Year's rush, in the bustle of which it will be difficult to prepare, but there will definitely be no queues at the registry office. In addition, this is a wonderful occasion for a symbolic ceremony on a tropical island.

But you can also celebrate at home by renting a room in a restaurant or organizing a home party.

What exactly is the best month to have a wedding and what is the best time of year for a wedding is up to the young to decide.

Each season has its own advantages and disadvantages

Months favorable for weddings, according to popular belief: February, March, August, September. But it is important to remember that in order to sign, You can choose any date you like in any month.

Wedding in Lent

Many couples planning to get married are wondering: is it possible to get married during Lent? According to church regulations, marriages and weddings are prohibited.

Lenten dishes for a wedding during the church fast

Why can't you have a wedding during Lent? Since fasting is a time of spiritual cleansing, restrictions on eating food animal origin, physical intimacy and entertainment.

However, despite this, you can sign for fasting without having a wedding, since secular laws do not correspond to religious prohibitions.

If young people are non-believers or consider themselves to belong to another religious denomination, then Orthodox ban should not stop their desire to have a wedding in Lent.

April 28, 2018, 12:35

One of the most important events in a person’s life is a wedding. On this day, between people who have found each other, a union of loving hearts is concluded and a vow of fidelity is taken. The wedding ceremony is accompanied by solemnity and, of course, great excitement among both the newlyweds and relatives. Therefore, the wedding procedure is surrounded by all sorts of signs and superstitions.

All interested participants in the wedding ceremony have a reverent attitude towards this sacrament. Relatives of the newlyweds make every effort to eliminate the reasons that may interfere with or overshadow this joyful event in the lives of young people. That is why details that seem insignificant on ordinary days acquire special significance on the eve and during the wedding. The appearance of the newlyweds, behavior, weather conditions, decorations, flowers - all this becomes extremely important and has a certain meaning.

July marriage

July is a great month for weddings. It has many advantages, starting with light clothing for newlyweds and ending with variety in the menu of the festive table. Compared to June and August, July is a time of slight calm. Around this time the holidays begin, which means the city empties out.

In the old days, there was a short break in agricultural work in July, which was used for weddings. Since the first ten days of July fell during fasting, the newlyweds got married and had weddings after it. Old people say that a wedding in July promises a sweet life.

Nowadays, the time of the July holiday makes it possible to devote more time to organizing the celebration and preparing for the wedding. It must be taken into account that it may be too hot at this time. Therefore, to celebrate the most important event in the lives of newlyweds, it is necessary to choose a room where air conditioning is required. When ordering drinks for a festive table, you should also take care of a sufficient amount of mineral water.


Well, if we talk about signs, then marriage in any summer month brings joy and warmth to the spouses. As for July, according to popular belief, “a wedding in July means life is sweet and sour.” In other words, the spouses will retain both sweet memories and sadness about their lives, since the wedding in July will give the new family equal parts happy and bitter moments.

They also say that a wedding in July will quite possibly lead to regrets about getting married soon and disappointments in family life.

Astrologers believe that one should not believe this destiny literally, because July is the most suitable month for a wedding. According to their predictions, new joys will constantly appear in the new family.

The treasure trove of folk traditions and experience - the wedding calendar - says that every month of the year is considered the most favorable for marriage. Specifically about July it is said that it will bring harmony and balance to the newlywed family.

At the same time, the most optimal date for weddings is July 13th. On this day, saying “yes” means: “I am with you forever – in sickness and in health, in sorrows and joys, in poverty and prosperity.” Even after 50 years of marriage, looking into each other’s eyes, the spouses will repeat the same words that they said on their wedding day.

Although, by and large, does it matter which month of the year to choose for the wedding if the bride and groom truly love each other? Well, omens are the lot of superstitious people. The main thing is to preserve in the whirlpool of passions and everyday troubles that great and important feeling that was born between two loving hearts.


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