Understand that the guy liked me. Does a guy like you - how to understand? What to pay attention to when communicating with a guy

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The girl feels an irresistible sympathy for the guy and traditionally asks the question, “Are the feelings mutual?” Everyone wants to believe in a long-lasting relationship and strong love. To find out, it is necessary to determine the signs that characterize the true attitude of a young man. Let's try to figure it out together.

Sign No. 1. The guy is interested in talking together

Pay attention to his demeanor, gestures and general subtext of the conversation. The young man in love speaks in a deep, quiet voice, attracting like a magnet. The guy can express himself measuredly and with short pauses, wanting to be understood perfectly.

Watch whether the young man maintains eye contact. If he absentmindedly moves his eyes around, this only indicates disinterest.

Take a closer look at the young man’s behavior in front of strangers. Is he easily distracted and loses track of the conversation? The guy is bored and uninteresting. Does he not pay attention to anyone, focusing on the interlocutor? It is quite possible that the young man feels sympathy.

Sign No. 2. He shows interest in you

If a guy teases, makes caustic but harmless jokes, he is not indifferent. In a similar way, the young man tries to provoke a response, developing full-fledged flirting. Go ahead and maintain an entertaining dialogue!

A clear sign of the manifestation of feelings is an interest in personal life. Does the guy start asking about his relatives? Find out how your day went overall? You've got him hooked. Another scenario for the development of events suggests that the young man himself will begin to share personal data, discuss pressing matters and ask for advice. Excessive frankness indicates interest.

Does the guy compliment you, praise your ingenuity, and when you meet him, say that you look charming? He has sympathy.

Wanting to reveal the true intentions of a young man, pay attention to his behavior among his best friends. Have you noticed that in your presence the guy tries not to use obscenities or tell vulgar stories? The opinion of the lady present is important to him. He tries to control his speech and not be too brutal, even if his friends do not approve of this. In a similar way, the young man tries to show that he respects his interlocutor.

Often male interest manifests itself in interest in rivals. Comes from afar and tries to find out if you are dating someone? Great, he likes you, otherwise such interest would not have arisen. If a guy tries to set up a girl with another young man, it means that he only sees her as a friend.

Sign No. 3. The young man is skeptical about other girls

Listen to the context in which he speaks about other girls. Perhaps the guy is asking you for veiled advice and making it clear that he likes Svetka from the neighboring yard. In this case, everything is clear.

If a guy is skeptical about other female representatives, his heart is occupied with you. If a young man says that he cannot find a companion, in fact he wants to hint about his feelings for you.

There is a type of insincere guys. They see girls as trophies to be won. Try to protect yourself from such people. Their behavior is characterized by an aggressive manner of speaking, pathos, and excessive pride.

Many guys pretend to be womanizers, wanting to hook a girl and make her jealous. Does the young man often talk about his adventures in love? Check if this is true. Otherwise, you will understand that he is doing this only to attract attention.

Sign No. 4. He's trying to impress you with his literacy

The age of technological progress contributes to interpersonal connections. Not all guys easily make one-on-one contact; many prefer to communicate through social networks or by phone.

In the correspondence, did you notice the correct placement of punctuation marks and the long blinking of the phrase “Printing a message...”? The guy selects words to impress his interlocutor with his spelling. He spends time wanting to show intelligence and intelligence.

Analyze how often you call each other and how long the conversation lasts. Does the guy get nervous during a conversation? If yes, then he has sympathy and is afraid of looking ridiculous. Communicating on the phone is an intimate act, because you cannot see each other, you can only use your voice. In cases where a young man calls on business and the conversation lasts no more than 2 minutes, he is not interested.

Regular tagging of posts and comments on the wall prove sympathy. Keep track of what photos the guy likes on social networks. Perhaps he likes his girlfriend Nastya, who is present in almost every picture.

Does the guy use emoticons in messages or write in dry language? Asks about important things, wants to prolong the conversation? Posts funny videos or pictures? He makes an effort, wanting to communicate fruitfully. The young man is interested in the further development of relations.

Sign No. 5. The guy wants to appear closer

Learn to recognize body language. Have you noticed that he often touches you “by chance”? Holds your hand longer than expected? Moves closer when you are in common company? These facts indicate his sympathy.

In addition to tactile sensations, have you noticed that the young man does not take his eyes off you? He admires the appearance. Hold his gaze, he will smile in response and realize that he was caught red-handed.

Pay attention to body language, it will help you understand whether a guy likes you or not. During a conversation, does the interlocutor not cross his arms over his chest and gesticulate freely? He is open to conversation. A sign of sympathy is the body bending forward, in this way the guy wants to appear closer. He may often lean over to whisper something in your ear and touch your arm as he does so.

Sign No. 6. He provides full support

A man in love tries to help the girl he likes by any means possible. Take a closer look at what assistance is manifested in? Perhaps the guy drives you to your destination or helps you move.

Pay attention to the more subtle advances that come in the form of buying your favorite pastries or ordering pizza to your home. Sincerity lies in the little things. Does a guy often take care of you? Does he buy medicine when you are sick? If the answer is yes, you can safely assume that the sympathy is mutual.

An interested young man is worried about his passion. Do you remember how often he calls? Does he ask questions about where you are? These facts indicate serious intentions. No guy will waste time on a girl who is not interesting to him. Men are nearby when they want to develop an existing connection.

Sign No. 7. The guy doesn't want to talk to other girls

Watch how he behaves with other female representatives. Does he often call them and flirt? If he is truly interested in you, he will not flirt or joke with anyone.

If you notice that in a common company he wants to be next to you, and not with Tanya, Anya, Sveta, then you are the only one he needs. If a guy flirts with absolutely all the ladies within a ten-kilometer radius, he’s just a womanizer.

When the conversation turns to other girls, is the guy reluctant to answer questions? This fact indicates that he has already identified you as a companion. Discussing former passions or just girlfriends confuses him, the guy perceives this as a kind of betrayal on his part.

Sign No. 8. He introduces you to loved ones

A sure sign of a guy's sympathy is meeting his siblings, parents and best friends. He wants to show everyone that he has chosen you as his companion. Many guys decide to do something like this after six months of communication, sometimes more.

Analyze what you do together, what places you visit. If a guy invites dozens of unfamiliar faces to joint meetings, most likely he only sees you as a friend.

Determine the degree of connection. Do you do common things as friends, or do some family activities slip in like shopping together or going to the cinema? If you often cook dinner or go grocery shopping together, most likely the young man already regards you as a future companion.

Another sign that a guy likes a girl is this: he invites you for a walk/to the cinema/to a picnic where only couples will be present. In this way, the young man almost openly hints that he wants to reach a new level.

Sign No. 9. The guy chooses romantic places for meetings

The most effective way to find out the true intentions of a young man is to evaluate the establishments in which you spend time. Have you noticed a lot of kissing couples around? Naturally, the guy is not indifferent, so he chose the appropriate place. If he sits down with you in the university cafeteria or invites you to McDonald's, your relationship is purely friendly.

Did you call me to the cinema? Great, rate the genre of the film. Whether it's a romantic comedy or a tearful melodrama, he likes you. In cases where a young man invites you to watch an action movie, thriller, horror or western, most likely he simply has no one to go to the cinema with.

Don't sleep at night, dreaming about a guy? Proceed with a full-scale operation! Determine the nature of the connection, pay attention to compliments, the tone of the conversation and watch your body language. Really evaluate whether the guy cares about you or not, whether he provides support. Watch his communication with other girls, ask personal questions and expect a detailed answer.

Video: how to tell if a guy likes you

Before, I didn’t even understand how relevant this issue is for women. I thought women saw right through men. Indeed, in many cases this is true. However, almost all women do not understand when a man is in love. And they often ask questions:

- How do I know if he likes me?

— How to understand that a man is in love?

- How do you know if a man likes you?

- How do you understand that he loves you?

- How do you know that a guy likes you? Etc., etc.

And if a woman asks her friend over a cup of tea, “How
understand if he likes me,” then we are usually talking about a man or guy who already shows so many signs of attention, in such a huge quantity, that the men around him cannot understand them seems completely impossible. But for some reason this remains a mystery for women.

For his friends, this man has been “head over heels” in love for a long time. But for a woman, this is at best a man with whom she has developed a friendly relationship (otherwise the question to her friend about “how to understand that he likes you” would not have arisen). And for such girls and women, I recorded a video where I described in detail all the signs of the behavior of a man in love. You can purchase the video course using this link

I recently watched a Russian film, unfortunately I didn’t remember the name. In this film, a man has loved a woman since his school days. This man is rich, handsome, smart, caring, etc. About 15 years have passed since they met. For the woman, he was “a friend who will always help, always help out, listen and be there.” He loved her. And only 15 years later, when a critical situation arose in that woman’s life, he told her "I love you".

Of course, the woman’s righteous indignation knew no bounds. She screamed something like this right in his face: “Why have you been silent for 15 years?”? Moreover, several times and in different words. After that, she told him to go “to hell.” Then, however, everything ended well.

So, the woman shouts indignantly to the man: “Why have you been silent for 15 years?”, but I have a similar question: “Where have you been looking for 15 years??” A handsome, courageous, rich and, as they say, problem-free man who loves you has been walking next to you for so long, and you are so ignorant of people and men that you haven’t even realized that the man is in love.

And if earlier I considered such cases as some kind of exception, now I understand that women do not understand when men like them. The scale of this phenomenon is simply enormous and boggles the imagination. For example, you can also watch the film “Pride and Prejudice”. In this film, the main character burns with love for several months, and finally proposes marriage to the girl. And she doesn’t even suspect that he was a man in love with her all this time!!!

With rare exceptions, women do not understand when they are liked. And even more so, they don’t understand that a man loves and wants to establish a long-term relationship.

Of course, if a man approached a woman and said something like this: “I like you, let’s meet,” etc., then of course the woman understands that the man likes her.

However, such words are spoken by, at best, 1 in 20 men who really like you.

So how can you tell if he likes you? I get asked this question much more often than I would have guessed.

First, let's look at what signs that a man likes a woman are described in women's magazines. Approximately the following:

- a man looks at a woman a little more often than usual,

- nervously twirls a ring (if worn) or a watch,

- pulls the belt, etc.

These signs are working, but too superficial. After all, a man can like five women a day. And we need signs that a woman is more than liked. We need signs that for a man this woman is potentially the only one and the man is in love.

Here are my observations and thoughts on this topic, collected over several years.

How to understand that he likes you?

First. A man is “friends” with a woman. This is a very strong sign that a man likes you. Especially if this “friendship” is accompanied by periodic one-sided help from a man.

Let's deduce a rule of life - A woman can be friends with a man, a man just never “befriends” a woman - that’s it, this is an axiom!

There are exceptions, but they are very rare and do not tell me or yourself that: “My case is an exception to the rule.” You don’t have any exception, you just don’t want, or don’t know how, to see the truth.

Therefore, one of the very strong signs is when there is a man “supposedly a friend” in your environment. He is always there, often helps you with advice or something else, supports you in difficult times, rejoices with you in joyful moments, etc.

Then the next question immediately follows from the woman: “Why has he been silent for 15 years?”

Second. The man “suddenly, by chance” met you again.

If a man really likes you, he will look for you, even if he doesn’t have your phone number and address, and very often finds you.

How does the “search” happen? A man can wait for hours near the bus stop where you presumably ride, he can wait near the entrance, he can come to the dance. club, search at the institute, through friends, follow you, etc.

And then there is a “accidental” meeting between a woman and a man. It turns out that he “accidentally” passed somewhere nearby and “accidentally” saw you. In 80% of cases there is no smell of “randomness” here. The only coincidence here is that the man was waiting for you for several hours, and when he saw you, he “accidentally” came out to meet you.

I myself “accidentally” met my future wife for the second time, however, I was not expecting anyone, but asked to visit where I knew she would be. This is also one of the search methods.

Total. A very strong sign that a man likes you is that you meet with a man again, or even several times, although it seems that you should not see him again. Usually, when you meet again, the man notices you first and starts a conversation, and not just “hello, hello.” The “accidentality of the meeting” is usually justified by some kind of fable, but do not believe everything that they tell you, especially men. He likes you a lot - that's one hundred percent. A few examples of "fables":

- fell ill if you are a doctor,

- suddenly became interested in dancing, if you dance,

— passed by when he himself lives in another city, etc.

In general, only a second or even a third meeting can serve as a more or less strong sign that a man likes you. At the first meeting, he may be too drunk, or there may be a “competitive atmosphere” in the company of fighting for a woman and he will excitedly court you. He may meet with you at the request of mutual friends who think that you will make a couple, or he may simply not know you, etc. And only after coming to his senses, moving away from alcohol, etc., can a man appreciate how much he really likes you. And if this is so, then he will definitely find you, you don’t need to call him or look for him yourself.

It is much better if during the meeting you ask about his hobbies, career, plans, etc. Be confident, give non-verbal signs that you like the man, be friendly and smiling, and not with a sour expression on your face, etc., well, this is again off topic of the article.

Third. A man does for you what he doesn't do for anyone else, or at least he doesn't do for other women.

For example, he puts down your jokes or jokes. Finds things that are difficult to find or require a lot of time, money, or energy. Responds to your requests, even if he is busy, etc. See example here

And also pampers you in one form or another. He tries to cover you so that you don’t freeze, make sure you see something if you can’t see it, meets and behaves well with those people who are not very pleasant to him, for example, with your relatives, etc.

To give an example from my life, in order to please my wife, who was still my fiancée at that time, I went with her to ballroom dancing competitions (I hate such events), before the wedding I looked through and said what models of wedding dresses I liked (for a man this is a moderately interesting activity), I bought tights for my favorite (for men this is a real feat), I learned to cook several “duty” dishes so that, besides me, my beloved woman could eat them (previously, what I cooked could there is only myself). In general, in order to please my woman, I did and still continue to do a lot of heroism and real feats.

Fourth. A man arranges a "cock dance".

Not a very accurate sign, since some men do this in front of almost every woman. Very young people can pull a pigtail or throw a snowball. The older ones are not very different. They can talk about how his second cousin saw the President of America in person, or talk about what a powerful car he has, a strong right hand, what a smart programmer he is, etc. although the situation does not require it.

Fifth. A man, usually quite adequate, “suddenly” begins to be shy, remains silent, does some stupid things, becomes overly sarcastic, that is, makes fun of you more than other people, etc.

Therefore, if your boyfriend, real or potential, seems to you to be an “idiot”, a person insecure and completely without manners, then perhaps he really likes you, especially if other people perceive him as completely normal and do not understand what happened to him, “ what chain did he break from? Why is this happening? If you are very important to a man, then some shyness and uncertainty are inevitable (more than usual).

Well, that’s all I’ve been able to gather so far on the question of “How to understand that he likes you.” This should be enough for you. After all, the main thing is not even knowledge, but the ability to apply. Train first on your colleagues and acquaintances, and then think about which of the men around you like you more or less, and why. Write down your answers. Think again. After a while, you will begin to understand men much better. After all, they are so simple and it is not at all difficult to understand a man, especially a man who likes you.

You can study in more detail all the signs of whether a man likes you or not in the video, which is sold on our website “Sunny Hands”.

Best regards, Rashid Kirranov.

Shy guys are very reserved and can be very difficult to understand. In general, they do not live by a generally accepted set of rules, either because they generally do not know what the rules are or because they are too shy.


We begin to find out

    Don't directly ask him if he likes you. Such “confrontations” are the Achilles heel of shy guys. Not only will he deny that he is interested in you, but he will also start avoiding you out of embarrassment after all this. Always use subtle and insightful techniques when approaching a shy guy.

    Don't ask his friends if he likes you. The most important priority for a shy guy is secrecy. If a shy guy has a crush on you, it's very, very likely that he hasn't told anyone about it and doesn't even intend to.

    • There is a very serious downside to asking his friends: you may be given the wrong information about whether he likes you or not. Because he is shy and rarely expresses his feelings, you may have the misconception that he is not interested in you when the opposite is true.
    • There is another very serious disadvantage to asking his friends, which is that by doing so you kind of leave the ball in his court. If he finds out or guesses that you like him, he might decide that you want him to ask you out. This will make him feel pressure from you. As sad as it is, you will have to do a lot to reassure him on this matter.
  1. Compare his behavior towards you with his behavior towards other people. The behavior of shy guys can be quite strange and seem pointless. Instead of just analyzing his behavior when he is around you, compare the way he behaves when he is around other people. Check it all out additional aspects of his behavior while he is around you - whether these are good or bad aspects. Is he extra polite and attentive? Is he very quiet? Very nervous? Very irritable? If he treats you differently than everyone else, then he definitely has strong feelings towards you.

    • Is he really quiet around you? His inability to talk may be due to nervousness: he is in love with you and is so afraid of saying something strange or stupid that he decided it would be better not to say anything at all when you are together.
  2. . However, instead of looking for signs of normal flirting techniques in his behavior (such as approaching, touching, or other body language "phrases" that say "look at me"), look for signs that he feels awkward around you. If he looks down, crosses his arms, avoids direct eye contact, or makes nervous gestures more often than usual when he's around you, then there's a chance that he's just making an extra effort to hide his interest in you.

    • Does he move his hands restlessly, fidget with his clothes, or fidget with his hair when you talk to him? Such manifestations are certainly signs of nervousness; talking to you makes him so nervous that he can't stand still.
    • Does he break out into a sweat when you're around him? Sweating is another sign of nervousness. Sweating is an involuntary physical reaction, and if he could control it, he would. But he can’t, so perspiration will appear on his forehead, and small spots will appear under his armpits.
    • Does he blush from embarrassment or find it difficult to breathe around you? Blushing from embarrassment can be hard to notice, but on some guys it's clearly visible: their faces light up and they look like they've recently run a mile and a half. If he has trouble breathing, it's a sign that he knows he has to say something, but he can't find the right words or just any words to say it.
    • He is often near you, but not getting closer with you? Maybe he enjoys your company but just doesn't want to touch your hand when you're around. If he's always around but never close enough to you, then maybe he's just as hopelessly in love with you as you are with him.
  3. Try to catch his eye on you. Since shy guys suppress their feelings much more than others, they try to keep their interest a secret, and sometimes avoid the danger of falling in love altogether. At the same time, they often sneak glances in order to somehow compensate for their stiffness. Look at him with peripheral vision to notice how he looks at you when he thinks you don't notice. If he looks a few times, he definitely likes you. However, be careful: if you look at him at this moment and he immediately turns away, he will be very embarrassed. Smile at him if you want to give him hope.

    • Does he consistently avoid looking at you? Even shy guys look at girls “sometimes.” If he consistently tries not to look at you, then maybe he doesn't want you to notice his secret feelings. Pay attention to whether he looks at other girls to find out if he does this all the time or only when he's around you.
  4. Pay attention to how he talks to you. Everyone gets a little nervous when they're talking to someone they like, but shy guys have it even worse; usually they give either short, quiet, or even, which happens quite often, even sharp answers or they answer very quickly and leave in panic. Again, pay attention to whether he talks awkwardly only to you or to other people too.

    • Does he give you short yes or no answers and refuse to explain anything? It wasn't that he wasn't interested in talking; He too much interested in the conversation and just doesn't want to say anything that might express his affection for you.
    • Is he more confident around friends? His friends give him some psychological support. He's still afraid of failing, but he's a little more willing to engage in conversation.
  5. See if he is friendly with your friends. It doesn't necessarily mean that he likes your friends - he's just looking for an excuse to be closer to you and wants to be able to learn about you from the people who know you best. Especially if he is trying to make friends with all your friends, and Not with you, it could mean that he has fallen in love with you.

    • However, make sure he doesn't flirt with your girlfriends. In this case, it could mean that he truly loves one of them and not you. On the other hand, the purpose of his flirting may be to show you that he is capable of impressing other girls.

    Let's find out everything for real

    1. Ask him to do something for you. Although shy guys beware actively get close to those they are interested in, they often do things passively in order to express your concern for the object of your interest. If he loves you, then most likely he will be ready to leave everything he is doing in order to help you, and more than once. Nevertheless Don't abuse your power over him. This is especially cruel to a shy guy; in fact, the reason he is shy in the first place may be that he is used to being treated poorly.

      • Calmly and kindly ask him to carry your books or backpack for you to the next class. If you need an excuse (you can't just ask for one), then tell him that your back hurts a little and you don't want it to get worse.
      • Ask him to help you with difficult homework. If he is not good at math, then don't ask him to help you with geometry - it will only make him more nervous. Find out what he does well and ask him to explain it to you.
      • Invite him to exchange something tasty that he brought for lunch. Maybe he brought gummies and you two met in the cafeteria. Ask him for some gummies in exchange for frosted apples or something sweet. If he gives his candies without hesitation, then this is definitely a good sign.
    2. Give him a nice compliment and see how he reacts to it. The compliment should not be very flattering, the phrases: “Good decision,” or: “Thank you for your help in math!” - quite suitable. It may be hard for you to give a compliment, especially if you're shy too, but it will really help him feel safe around you and also give you a chance to find out if he likes you. The most important thing to pay attention to is his reaction:

      • Reaction he's in love with you:
        • he stutters, becomes silent, or becomes very embarrassed or even more shy;
        • he compliments you, even if it is not entirely appropriate.
      • Reaction he doesn't like you:
        • he pretends that there was no compliment at all;
        • he reacts with obvious displeasure or disappointment.
    3. Chat with him on the Internet. Many shy guys feel more comfortable when they are in front of a monitor screen than when communicating in person. Try starting a conversation with him on Facebook, Twitter, VK or Skype and use the following tips to find out whether he is flirting with you or not.

      • If He sends to you a friend request on VK or Odnoklassniki, then this is a great sign. Refrain from sending a request first if you have recently met him. Wait until he does it himself. Guys tend to do things online that they couldn’t do in person. And he definitely wants to get to know you better if he sends such a request.
      • If he's only really talkative online and enjoys talking to you, it's because he's really excited about the opportunity to talk to you, even if not in person, and wants to be in control of the situation. Online, he feels more in control of the situation because he doesn't have to worry about opening up to you in person.
      • Ask him a few questions and see if he asks you anything. Shy guys tend to be pretty good at asking questions (they don't want to talk to themselves all the time). If he consistently asks you about your background, your goals, or just how your day was, then take this as a good sign.
      • Don't limit your conversations to just the Internet. This is a great opportunity to start talking to him (on the site or in chat), but eventually you will need to approach him and try to get him to open up to you. Otherwise, he will become too comfortable online and may need extra courage to take the next step in developing a personal relationship.

    Take action

    1. Start your relationship with him in his native element. You can often feel that shy guys are somewhat at odds with the rest of the world, as if the world is spinning at one speed and they are spinning at another. In this case, the guy may find it excruciatingly difficult to do basic things like interact with people at school. But there is a possibility that the shy guy has a “safe place” where he feels absolutely comfortable and at home. If you can find that place and make yourself feel welcome there, that will be the first step to becoming friends.

      • Where is this special place? It depends on the guy! For some guys it's a football field, for others it's a library. Find out what he likes to do most and work your way to his comfort zone.
    2. Be prepared to remain friends to begin with. Shy guys stay just friends for excruciatingly long periods of time, worrying about the pros and cons of asking a girl out. For them, friendly relations are the golden mean. They enjoy the opportunity to be close to a girl and communicate with her without the risk of being rejected when asked out on a date. Thus, they are in a low-risk area, and many shy guys like it that way.

      • Don't get upset or believe those who say you can't date him after you've become friends. This is simply not true. You control your own destiny.
    3. Pay attention to your body language. You tried to read his body language in order to understand if he liked you; now it's time to study your own body language to make sure you're sending him the right signs. The point is to communicate openly and not close yourself off:

      • Show openness: smile, take off your headphones to communicate with people around you, smile in front of strangers, and laugh when there is something to laugh about. This will allow him to understand on a subconscious level that It's okay, you don't bite!
      • If you lean over your laptop in the corner with your headphones on and ignore other people, he will simply become numb and will not approach you. Avoid so-called “closed” body language at all costs!
    4. Be patient as he approaches you. The best option is to show him that you are interested in him enough so that he will take it well and ask you out on a date. Then you will know for sure that he has fallen in love with you, and you will not doubt it during your meetings. If you get close to him in his native element, make friends, adjust your body language and have a little patience, then he will invite you, provided that he likes you. It's just a matter of time.

Greetings, dear blog reader. website!

I really hope that you have already read my notes and... But I think those articles would be incomplete without describing the signs of male attraction. I know that a girl in love is capable of perceiving every glance in her direction as at least a declaration of love, but this is far from the case.

It is important to assess the situation as soberly as possible. For this today there will be the signs that a guy likes you are analyzed as fully as possible.

10 signs that a guy likes you

So, what are the 10 signs you can use to understand that a guy likes you?

Gestures as a sign that a man likes you

Perhaps this is the brightest, one of the most reliable signs of understanding whether a guy likes you or not. You can, purely theoretically, deceive body language if you know all the signs by which you can be seen through. But I assure you, if your lover (or how do you feel about him?) does not have a psychological education or a special desire to study psychology, he is unlikely to do this. You are required to pay attention and watch his body. So, what are the telltale signs that a particular guy likes you?

For starters, you you need to monitor the position of his body in relation to yours. When his body is turned in your direction in most cases, and besides, he almost never turns his back to you, we can conclude that he is either afraid of you or this is the first sign that he likes you!

Open poses towards you - this means open gestures, showing of the wrists, a slight relaxed pose, slightly turned towards you - all this is a continuation of the previous sign. When talking, his whole body seems to be slightly turned towards you, and his head is slightly tilted towards you.

Pay attention to his posture: every guy involuntarily tries to make his back straight and his chest like a wheel, under the gaze of the girl he likes (even if in life everything is the other way around - his chest is straight and his back like a wheel).

If a guy unwittingly copies your gestures, then this is also another sign of his sympathy for you. There is such a moment in human psychology - we involuntarily try to be like those we like and vice versa - we avoid similarities with those we don’t like. How to understand this? Well, for example, sitting opposite the guy and chatting make some gesture, for example, rub your earlobe or change your position by leaning on the back of a chair and crossing your legs. After that, carefully monitor his reaction..

I’m not saying that he should exactly repeat all your actions, no, but his body should involuntarily stretch in an attempt to copy your gestures if he likes you. Let him not stroke your ear, but he may reach for a cigarette or scratch his nose. He may not take exactly the same position as you, but he must somehow change his in response to your change.

Pay close attention to your feet: if in the presence of other people (especially a sure sign in the presence of other girls) the toes of his shoes are turned in your direction - don’t go to the fortune teller; he likes you the most in this company!

When we are close to a girl we like, we involuntarily want to reach out to her, feel the warmth of her skin, feel the pressure of her figure. And it’s clear that unconsciously (and maybe consciously) we try to touch it.

So if a guy touches your hand, at every opportunity hugs the waist trying to let you pass ahead, by accident falls on you, friendly pats his knee or even just presses his shoulder against yours- you can assume that this is another sign that he likes you.

But closed poses, on the contrary, indicate that he doesn’t like you. Crossing your arms over your chest, making a pyramid with your wrists, and if you also cross your legs to boot... well, it looks like this guy is not interested in you yet.

Social activity

Body language is, of course, a very reliable indicator of male sympathy, but what if you are trying to understand whether a guy with whom you practically never meet anywhere likes you?

Fortunately, in the 21st century there is a cool image of humanity, which is popularly called social networks. Activity on the part of a guy towards you on social networks is a sure sign that this guy likes you. There are a number of points that are worth paying attention to when taking into account the degree of sympathy:

First you need to understand how actively the guy lives a “social life”. Many guys go to social networks solely to see whether someone wrote to them or not. I think it would be unfair to expect high social activity from such guys. It’s another matter if he updates his profile twice a week and spends half the day online.

Faithful a sign of sympathy via social networks you can count likes, comments and private messages, addressed from him to you.

Look at exactly which photos or posts he comments on (what if he is interested not in you, but in your best friend Dasha, who is present in a good half of your photos).

Analyze the “mood” of his messages. In front of the girl he likes, every loser will try to look smarter and wittier than he really is. A sure sign of his sympathy is carefully chosen words and the insertion “between the lines” of his true attitude towards the girl. I advise you to open your correspondence with him right now and look at it with an analyzing eye.

To attract attention

If a guy likes a girl, then he will try in every way to attract her attention. Do you think he always behaves this way or only in your presence? If a guy in front of you turns from a shy nerd into such a funny fellow, a merry fellow, a favorite of the public and the loudest and brightest dude, the life of the party, then who knows, maybe this is his way of attracting your attention...

Personally invites you to parties

When a guy asks you out, even if it's not a date, it can also be a sign that he likes you. Inviting a girl you like on a first date is difficult, but going to a party with your mutual friends is much easier. This seems to be an unobtrusive way to show you that he is interested in you, and a reason to spend time together, and at the same time you can see your reaction to the guy.

Awkward glances

Pay attention to how the guy looks at you. If a guy looks at you more often and longer than at other girls, then there are two options: l because this is a sign that he likes you, or your makeup is smeared(if he also smiles at the same time, then it’s more likely the latter).

It is also important how exactly he looks at you. If a guy allows himself unambiguous, frank views, then he is most likely serious and is absolutely not shy about it. But, I think in this case the question of how to find out that a guy likes you would not have sounded from your keyboard, so I think everything is not so obvious.

Often a guy, in fits of embarrassment, may try to hide his sympathy. And here I can give you a couple of tips on how to bring him to clean water.

First of all, you can ask your friends for an assessment. From the outside it is usually more visible as who is looking at whom.

Secondly, herself use your peripheral vision to follow his gaze. There is a cool trick: when you feel his gaze on you, move your gaze somewhere into the distance, where the horizon line smoothly turns into the sky. After looking into the distance for a short time, turn around sharply and look at the experimental boy.

If he looks like he was caught doing something hot, if he becomes shy and blushes, then another sign that the guy likes you is already in your pocket. But not every guy will be ashamed of his interest in a girl. And if, instead of embarrassment, he continues to openly stare and admire you, then this is also a sign of his obvious interest in your person.

Speaking of the look, it would be fair to draw your attention what part of your body does a guy stare at most often?. If his gaze wanders along your neckline and then smoothly flows down, then most likely the guy doesn’t like you easily, but he also wants you.

Too shy

If a guy is overly shy in your presence, trying to talk to you, talking nonsense and looking generally stupid, this can also be interpreted as a sign of his sympathy for you.

Constantly preening

Just don’t roll your eyes, thinking that only girls tend to dress up and preen in order to attract male attention. The stronger sex of this world can also show their sympathy in such a simple way. If a guy in your presence tries to look better than usual, constantly adjusts his clothes, strokes his head at every opportunity, looks in the mirror and at the same time he smells nice, there can only be 2 options: either he is a narcissist or he really wants to please you.

Frequent random encounters

Think about it, are your meetings with him always an accident, or maybe the guy is specifically looking for a reason to see you and goes to places that are completely unusual for him to meet you?.. we won’t dwell on this point in detail, I think you understand that I I mean.

Reliable men's shoulder

Usually a guy who likes a girl tries to help this girl in every possible way.. I’m sure married girls will now start arguing furiously with me, spitting on the monitor and shouting: “My bastard, he doesn’t help me at all, he just spends his days lying on the couch or playing with his tanks.” So it is, I won’t argue. But things are completely different when a guy tries to understand.

It’s paradoxical, but true: a girl a guy likes can count on minor household help with much greater confidence than the one who has been preparing him borscht for 5 years and removing his socks from under the sofa. But I got a little distracted.

Briefly speaking, if a guy tries his best to help solve various minor issues and problems for you, this is another sure sign that he likes you. Unconsciously, with this simple technique, he seems to be trying to tie you to him.

Touching things

When we like a girl, we willy-nilly try to get closer to her through her things. In other words, a guy who has romantic feelings for you will happily stroke your purse, twirl a pen in his hands, or rub your kitten’s ear..

You can even arrange a kind of test: put your thing (phone, keys, lighter) next to him and see how he behaves towards your thing. If he touches it in every possible way (correcting it, stroking it, twirling it in his hands), then you can rest assured that he likes you! Well, if it doesn’t react at all, don’t rush to despair, there are also a bunch of other signs!

How to understand that a guy likes you by talking

Courtesy in conversation is a clear sign of male sympathy. I doubt that a guy will be too nice to a girl he doesn't like.

To start pay attention to the manner of conversation. In what tone does he communicate with you? A soft tone, not entirely typical of the idea of ​​courage, is one of the earliest and surest signs of male sympathy. Again, it is important to consider the manner of speaking in comparison. If a guy with his friends and other girls is all so rude and dry, and with you he’s a complete sissy - you can’t even tell from the tea leaves that he definitely likes you. But there are also guys who, everywhere and always, lisp with everyone and everything “in such a cute little voice,” then the sign of sympathy loses its authenticity.

Also I advise you to pay attention to the level of his involvement during the conversation: does he look into your eyes (or maybe at your bust? Then this is generally a cool sign), how easy is it to distract him from your conversation? Analyze Also what he says. Does he flirt with you? Or maybe he constantly teases and teases, or even drops indecent hints?

A good sign that a guy likes you, This when he is interested in your personal life(especially its presence or absence). He is interested in your affairs, concerns, and talks about personal things. All this can be said in two words: interested in you. How often does a guy tell you about himself? In addition to the fact that few guys will tell a girl he doesn’t like about himself, there is also an interesting pattern: the more a guy tells a girl about himself, the more he falls in love with this girl.

It is also important to evaluate what exactly is the guy saying?. When a young man tells a young lady about his other girls (the plural is important), he can try to show her in such a simple way what a sought-after man he is. Or in other words: incite her to jealousy.

But, on the other hand, stories about one’s adventures can also be banal boasting to a girl about a friend. Men love to brag quantitative indicators in front of friends, so if he perceives you as a friend, then... It is important to grasp this fine line. But be that as it may, remember that every time he tells you about himself, he continues to fall in love with you, and if you also flatter him, assenting to what a Don Juan he is, then the effect will only intensify.

Another sure sign that a guy likes you is when he compliments you.. Only here it is important to understand: not all guys will compliment the girls they like. There are too many shy guys around who (it’s even funny to say this) are embarrassed by their own expression of sympathy. Often, by the way, guys in live communication may be shy to show sympathy, mistakenly confusing it with sentimentality, but they do it very actively on social networks. This point also needs to be taken into account.

In general, if we are talking about signs of interest from a guy to a girl, to complete the picture we would need to know this degree in comparison. This means comparing how he behaves with you and how he behaves with other girls. If he cuddles and teases only you, then this is of course a sign that he likes you. But if these manifestations of attention are typical for a guy when communicating with every pretty girlfriend, then he is either a womanizer, or he simply has such a meaningless manner of communication.

Three additional signs that a guy likes you

Listed above are the top 10 signs that a guy likes you. Next, I will list three auxiliary signs of a man's sympathy for you.

Bragging as a sign of sympathy

If a guy brags to you (or others in your presence) about how cool and sharp he is, that he is, supposedly, the very best and there are no others like him, then Such boasting can also be seen as a sign of interest in you.

Attention to details

If a guy is attentive to details, to you, to dates that are important to you, then of course he likes you. This means that the guy remembers everything that you told him about yourself, and even a little more, congratulates you on all the important dates for you (which he is aware of) and on all the holidays.

The desire to get closer

Think about it how often does he try to get closer to you? If a guy hangs out with you every chance he gets(in the company it also counts), and in general he tries to spend as much time as possible next to you, then this is another sign that a guy likes you. It’s also worth paying attention to what kind of companies you hang out with. If he invites you to those companies where most meetings take place “in pairs,” then this already means a lot.

How to check if a guy likes you

Touch him casually and watch his reaction. If he likes you, then he will certainly try to touch you back.

Well, that’s all, my dear reader, I tried to figure out all the possible signs that a guy likes you. I hope you don’t have any questions left and now you can determine without any problems whether he likes you or not. Well, if you still have questions, I will be happy to answer them through the comment form.

You can check it using . Answer all the questions and the test will give you the answer you need!

P.S. Please your friends - share the signs of male sympathy with them on a social network. To do this, you need to click on the social buttons. By the way, it is quite possible that your lover, seeing the repost on your wall, will go here, read it, and understand how to show you that he likes you. In short, you need to reap in any way, the only result is benefit!

Well, that’s it, it’s time for me to reel in the fishing rods and for you to arm yourself with attention and scan your gentleman for the degree of interest in you. Good luck in this difficult task!

Sincerely Vitaly Okhrimenko!

87 comments on ““The most accurate signs that a guy likes you””

    You've figured out the weaker sex -

    It’s not difficult to understand that you like someone, but to understand whether the person you need is much more difficult.

    The main thing is not to make a mistake when choosing a companion, because you can easily determine a person’s character by his actions, and there is no need to rush even if the guy really feels sympathy for the girl!

    There’s also this point: each of us, being in a state of love, tries to show ourselves from the best side. Moreover, being in love with a person, we try not to notice his shortcomings, emphasizing his advantages. But someday these glasses lose their pinkness, and we have to look at a person without pink eyepieces. It is at these moments that most couples break up.

    You also need to understand whether the person wants to spend the night with you or wants a serious relationship.

    They say that in order to get to know a person, you need to make repairs to him and then the person will show himself in all his glory.

    I want to object. This is just a superficial description. Each person is individual.

    Oh yes, renovation is also a test for the family.

    If there is no mystery in a girl, then she is not interesting. And if all the girls around are like open books, then life becomes completely boring.

    My husband and I will have this test next summer. I wonder if it will come to a divorce or will it work out?))))

    Ekaterina, don’t be so strict: you always need to first describe what is common, characteristic of all girls, and only then move on to individual differences.

    By the way, I too, Ekaterina wanted to say that if there are no secrets in something or someone, then interest disappears.
    Here on TV, one psychic admitted that he was bored with the girls, about whom he knew in advance all their cheerful past.

    And about this in a famous song they sang: “We choose, we are chosen... How often this does not coincide...”

    Come on, what a scam? Repair is a difficult test of feelings, but no extremes please.

    I completely agree! Mystery in a woman is the most attractive female trait! If a girl very quickly reveals herself completely and completely with the smallest details, then interest in her quickly disappears.

    About the fact that feelings do not coincide and are not mutual, i.e. A lot of prose and poems have been written about the so-called “unrequited love,” but this is the cruel reality.

    I’m figurative!)) But someone can run away from home for a while))

    I'm not criticizing in any way. It’s just that many people put everyone under the same brush. For example: all men are goats or all women are bitches. But everyone’s soul is different.

    Mutual sympathy does not occur so often. Sometimes people meet on the basis of the principle that everyone is dating someone and I need it.

    In order not to tempt fate during repairs, it is better to hire a worker who will do everything. You just need to choose the material. And then there will be no tests.

    And you shouldn’t choose the material, let the master do it himself, that’s why he’s a master.

    Enough. Recently, as a family, we trusted the “masters.” So they picked out so many things for us and left some shoals behind them. But there were so many beautiful words and smart speeches about the renovation. Not always the one who knows how to tell a beautiful story can do a good job.

    Hiring a worker is ideal, but expensive. Not everyone will be able to cope financially.

    Hired craftsmen need an eye and an eye. And you can't trust them. You need to check every little thing about them.

    Of course, if you write about individuals, you won’t get any articles. That’s why we have to unite everyone and write about the majority.

    We girls like to guess: likes, doesn’t like. At some point, I just got tired of it and I began to perceive only one sure sign that a guy likes me: if he tells me about it himself. In general, the advice is great, especially about the fact that a guy likes to touch the things of the girl he likes. This is the truth, don't even doubt it. Another question is how much the guy likes you: he wants to go for coffee with you or introduce you to your mother. This is something we girls cannot know until the guy reveals himself. Vitaly, you’re great, there’s a lot of humor and psychology in the article, I really liked it all!

    For my husband and I, the renovation became more of a test of our physical fitness than of our relationship. We were terribly tired, doing repairs until one in the morning, then going to sleep in another apartment, and both of us going to work in the morning. We were very tired, but thank God we didn’t quarrel. To this day, when I hear the word repair, it makes me shiver))

    This means that you and your husband are ideal for each other. Now, the main thing is that the repair lasts as long as possible.))

    I would never trust the craftsmen to purchase the material either.

    I agree with you, Irina. What I really like about Vitaly’s articles is his sense of humor. The articles, despite their size, are very easy and relaxed to read.

    I think everyone who has ever come to this terrible word “repair” for the second time, being of sober mind and blessed memory, will not sign up for this

    Girls, thank you for your flattering reviews. It seems to me that I haven’t written anything for so long that sometimes I’ve forgotten how to do it.

    Haha, don't worry. In 10 years, maximum 20, you will have to repeat everything all over again)))

    By the way, when will there be a new interesting article about the relationship between a man and a woman?

    Oh Kat, such a good question. I think I’ll specifically focus on publishing new interesting articles after the new year. Now I really want to win Sanya Borisov’s competitions (at least get into the top 3), so until New Year’s Eve it’s all about improving the quality of the resource.

    Repair has no chance, our son constantly checks whether we glued the wallpaper well, and what he draws better on it: a pencil or a felt-tip pen)))

    And sometimes, hiring a worker is the beginning of the test, sometimes such personnel come across!!

    And also a cool expression: a husband is known on maternity leave. And, by the way, so does my wife. The birth of a child is such a shock for a young family!

    Or maybe I’ll have to repeat it sooner. Technologies do not stand still.

    The maternity leave presents some complications. I encountered them immediately after the birth of my child. But now everything has settled down and my husband and I even began to understand each other better.

    I myself worry very much about this. The child is small and I’m afraid that the new wallpaper and laminate will not last long.

    Vitaly, you have already written a decent number of articles, so you can distract yourself a little with other things. I hope that after the New Year you will delight us every day with new articles.

    Oh, Vitaly, I’m waiting for an article from you on the topic: “How to cope with a crisis in a relationship after the birth of a child?”

    Yes, my husband and I lived in marriage for five years without children, we lived in a relaxed state, and for us, of course, this was a real shake-up. But for us, too, everything settled down after my son turned about a year old.

    Children are wonderful, but you need to come to an understanding of this. At first it was very difficult for me with the child, I was used to devoting all my time to work or to myself. And then there’s the child. And now everything is going like clockwork.

    Although it can be difficult with children, life with them becomes fuller and more interesting!

    And I'm not particularly worried. Nothing is eternal. I explain, of course, what is possible and what is not. But I don’t punish him for ruining the wallpaper, he’s still small))

    And you can’t punish and it’s a pity for the wallpaper. Well, whatever you can sacrifice to make sure the child is happy.))

    Thank you for your congratulations! To be honest, I was immediately embarrassed by the 4th place, but when I received my gifts, I realized that everything was great!

    I took note, wrote it down in a notebook... I’ll definitely write it down a little more freely over time!

    Don't be upset! It's awesome to be ranked 4th among so many blogs. No wonder he did so much work.

    It’s cool to take 1st place, but fourth is nothing. The gifts are nice, of course, but they don’t boost your self-esteem at all

    Well, I don't know, I think you're too hard on yourself. There were not 5 participants, but much more)

    Guys, now I understand that I liked the new guy! In short, listen, and after school my friend and I were left alone in the wardrobe, chatting. A new guy comes up, gets dressed and joins our conversation. We got dressed, and he, already dressed, stood and waited for us. Then, he often very often puts his hand on his shoulder. And so tenderly, tenderly. He thinks about me, his ear burns or rings. We've only had it for 5 months!☺ I like it too. I’m also the only girl in the computer science group, he sings such songs in short about relationships, it confuses me too much. Then he didn’t listen to the teacher, I persuaded him, he went to another desk☺ I’ve been dreaming about him for the 5th day! So like this)

    Alice, I just read your comment and even smiled. I'm happy for you and the "new guy."
    He can't seem to make up his mind to take the first step, so you may have to take matters into your own hands. But I just ask you, be careful...we are guys, we don’t like it when girls force themselves. Shooting eyes, double meaning hints: this is exactly what you need now!

    What if, in front of me, a guy begins to actively talk to everyone around him, but not to me, and to show attention to others, and even to his girlfriend. but not to me, but I often catch his glances at me

    Well, there are two options: either very pretty, or very unpleasant. It is necessary to study other signs of his sympathy in order to draw the right conclusion.

    I really like a guy from school, but I can’t figure out if it’s mutual. In general, the story is very long.
    He is, so to speak, a womanizer. He met with my classmate and on the first day he offered to sleep with her. I've liked him since about October. But he found out somewhere in November, December and after that he started looking at me. He doesn’t look away, when I look at him he looks away, but then starts staring again (his friend is watching him). When I got sick and didn’t go to school, he often passed by the place where I stand with my friends during breaks, looking for someone, looking out. Then, for some time, it happened when someone passed by and deliberately touched me with his shoulder, touching me. When his friends look at him, he asks: “What are you looking at?!” But when I wrote to him, he said that I was not his type. But for half a year now everything has been staring at me.
    His words and actions do not correspond to each other. I'm confused, help.

    From what you wrote, most likely there is sympathy. As for “not my type,” most likely this is a blockage, perhaps the fear of being judged. As I understand it, he is older?

    Oh these spy friends. From my own experience I will say that sending friends to “find out” is far from the most reliable way. Judging by the fact that they come 5 km to go to the river - you like it. And the fact that she laughs on the side, well, she’s still not a girl to stand up every time.
    My verdict: yes, I like it!

    For 3 months I have been liking a guy who is a year older than me.
    Two months ago we met him normally, and I finally learned his name:3
    3 days after we met, I wrote to him about my feelings.
    He wrote that he liked me too (at that time he had never seen me in his life).
    Then we met in person, a week ago he invited me to go for a walk in the city, but they didn’t let me go.
    Then he came to me on a bicycle (I live 5 km from the city)
    This was our first walk together.
    True, he was with a friend...
    We went to the river.
    There his friend threw clay at me because I didn’t want to swim, for this Egor (the guy I like) slapped his friend on the head and scared him off:3
    The next day the story repeated itself. Before this, Egor had invited me to go for a walk more than once, but I refused.
    Three days ago I left for the village, he saw me off with text messages like “I’ll miss you,” “I’ll be waiting.” I was even embarrassed)
    Yesterday, closer to night, I had so nothing to do that I wrote to him again that I liked him, to which I received the following answer: “I like you too: 3″
    But somehow I can’t believe it, because we hardly talk in real life, and in general one of his friends can’t stand me.
    And when this creature humiliates me right to my face, Yegor laughs on the sidelines...
    It's a shame.
    I also don’t believe him because he’s known for 2 months that I’m not indifferent to him, and this, according to him, is “mutual,” but he still hasn’t offered to meet...
    And in general, I didn’t look very good either in face or in figure. I really doubt his words.
    Oh, yes, three weeks ago a friend asked him how he felt about me?
    He answered her: “as a friend”

    Hello! Can you advise me. In my life I’m not in love at all, I take relationships very seriously, even though I’m still quite young (I’m 16, he’s 19, by the way, the difference in birthdays is only 5 days, a sign of fate?!). But recently I liked 1 guy, I think about him, and I can’t do anything! We study in the same institution, but in different groups. I met him (there seem to be no problems with courage), the conversation was still funny... My brain completely switched off and instead of asking the usual things (how are you? Tell me about yourself?) I asked how he liked the tomato that was given to him cafeteria that day (yes, yes, I said it turned out very funny and absurd) and he, to his surprise, kept up the conversation and started telling something... And even before that, on the same day, in the same canteen , it turns out that I had already gone to take the tray (we didn’t know each other then), so I put this tray on the tape and turned around, and here he was (like an accident) standing with his tray, I was so surprised and exclaimed Oh! And she looked at him in pleasant surprise, he said “Hello!” me, a little confused, answered him and quickly walked around him and walked away. I didn’t believe myself at all at that moment and everything inside screamed Aaaaaa.!. Well, then when I went out, I saw he was following me, there was no one else in the corridor, and I decided not to miss such a wonderful chance to get to know each other, and I already told you what happened next (about the tomato: D). We will definitely hug when we meet. He speaks in a sweet tone, it’s always easy for us to somehow work out... even during our 2nd meeting he told me something about his family (quite personal information, you can’t trust that to all your friends, I was surprised that he was interested in me) dedicated this, because we’ve known each other for just a month).. And it’s also so incomprehensible to me.. I was sick recently, we didn’t see each other for 2 weeks, and then when I went to school, I saw him, I so wanted to hug him tightly, cuddle.. In a special way.. And here he comes, he didn’t have time then, because... they urgently needed to go to the canteen and as soon as I saw him, I immediately hugged him and bowed my head towards him and he smiled so much (a friend was standing nearby, she saw) and in surprise, somehow brought up, he suddenly said Oh! He hugged me, etc. He didn’t have time and quickly went into the canteen. How is his “oh!” can you understand? Is it bad, is it good? And recently... I went out into the street and looked, and about 5 steps behind him he came out with a friend, my friend and I stopped, he was walking somewhere and as he walked, he looked in my direction, smiled and said somehow openly, good-naturedly, “Hello ! “And I raised my palm in the air like that (well, as a sign of greeting), I smiled, answered him in the same way, asked how things were, said that everything was fine and that he was on his way home now (he is from a neighboring city) and then said Bye! (he was already about 7 meters away from us) and I said playfully, mysteriously, as if flirting with him, “Hurry, see you!...” and as he walked, he turned around and said That’s for sure! And he did this with his hands in my direction.. Please tell me, does he like me? A friend says that he always starts smiling when he sees me.. I don’t really want to believe in this, because she can say this on purpose, but on the other hand, I would like it to be true.. What do you say?!

    Judging by what you wrote: you like it, of course you like it! There can’t even be any doubt about it!

    We recently got a new kid in our class, Arseny. At first I somehow didn’t pay attention to him, but then I realized that I liked him. Naturally, I began to watch his behavior. It looked strange, but what can you do? Then, from the middle of the school year, I was seated with him in one lesson. I liked sitting with him, it was fun. Then he started showing signs that he liked me. When he is pulled away from me, he refuses. In every possible way, when we walk with the class in the yard, he comes up to me and seems to put his hand on my shoulder or waist. I look at his posture during lessons. Even if we are sitting far from each other, his body is turned in my direction. He found out my phone number! When in sports we are divided into teams and we end up on the same team, if he leaves the game and I am left alone, he cheers for me

    Great! It would be necessary to somehow lead him to the first step. If you have such a desire, you need to actively flirt with him, not forgetting to turn on the “snow queen” a couple of times a week. A win-win

    We broke up with him
    But after the summer holidays, my feelings for him returned again (most likely they never disappeared)
    In the summer he posted a photo with one of the girls from the camp and I became incredibly jealous in response and threw a photo of the same one with the boy
    And now I often catch his glances at me
    I can’t understand, does he still like me?

    I’m talking to a friend, we’re filming, we’ve known each other since childhood, we lived in the same yard. Then he moved to the city, but it’s 15 minutes from me, so we stopped communicating. In the summer I wrote to him and we began to have good communication. We've been talking for 4 months now, I know that he likes me and he knows that he likes me, but he doesn't invite me to meet because studying is important to him now, he doesn't have free time and the fact that in a year he will go to another country to study and separation will be even harder, he told my friends. . And now I don’t know what to do, I’m so upset to the point of tears, I want to end this communication because, well, there’s no point in continuing to communicate. If you communicate simply on friendly terms, feelings will not go anywhere.

    I communicate with a boy, we have known each other since childhood, but when he moved to the city we stopped communicating. And this summer we resumed communication. We communicate every day. He likes me and I like him. The problem is that he doesn’t offer to meet me, because his studies are important to him right now and the fact that he doesn’t have free time and he’ll fly to another country in a year, he told my friend this. I am very upset, I don’t know what to do correctly in this situation. If you just continue to communicate as friends, the feelings will not go away. I don't know what to do

    I was told that my classmate likes me, but I don’t care much, he looks at me in class, so I can’t understand him
    He likes me. Or not! Please help me understand

    Help me please! I just can’t understand whether my classmate likes me or not... On VK he often doesn’t read my messages, he once called my friend beautiful, he often communicates with her, but I often notice his gaze on me, he often touches me, who does he like me or she? Help!

    I have such a situation! I like the man! I work in a bank and he often comes and I help him perform certain operations! And the last time he came, he talked a lot! And when I was working on his phone, his Internet disappeared, I told him that your Internet has run out, I’ll give you my Internet, and I say that I’ve already used up all my traffic on clients, and he said, let me top up your balance) I said no thanks! Then he began to say that your husband is probably always looking at your phone! I said I'm not married! And in the end he said that I am a fairy who will always help him) Do you think he has sympathy and how to understand it?)

    I really liked the article and its design. Everything is extremely clear and precise. I just wanted to ask a question. I asked my friend to ask if one boy liked me personally. She said the answer is no. I have read all the signs and most of them have similarities, but the fact is that he is such a simple person and treats everyone kindly. And now I think whether he really likes me or not. What do you say?

    Hello, I have a very important question... I hope you can help me!
    Recently it was my birthday and the guy I like came to my house to give me a gift. The thing is that at the end of the conversation, already at the elevator, I, according to the classics, said: “thank you for coming,” and he answered me: “thank you for being there”... I don’t know how to react! Please tell me what to do!

    And if, when meeting, he shows attention, flirts, talks about himself, his plans, touches or hugs all the time, or tries to “cuddle”, kiss, etc. Invites you on “trips”)) BUT at the same time - that’s all. He doesn’t ask you out, doesn’t court you (in the classical sense), he can disappear for weeks without writing/calling... It’s strange, because on the one hand - Yes, and on the other - No. Perhaps such behavior is just a pleasant time, sympathy, but nothing more. From the category of “it’s good with me, but not with me, okay”?

    Hello everyone) I have this situation, there’s only one guy, we’ve known each other for a long time, about 5 years (a friend from the dacha, but we talked in the company for a very long time, 3-4 years ago)
    And so he had a friend, and I congratulated him in contact, we started talking, after 2-3 weeks we went for a walk, it was fun, we had a good walk, his hands were cold and I warmed them for him, but then he said if I was so worried for his hands, then he can put them in his pocket, I let them go and he put them in his pocket, after the walk we continued to talk, then I called him a day later for a walk again, he agreed, we had a very good walk and he offered to take a photo, then he spoke again that his hands were frozen, I started warming them and he even squeezed my hand a little)) then we communicate well on VK, 5 days have passed, he communicates very nicely, but I don’t know if he likes me, he just moved a little away from me on the subway , was afraid to approach me, then I was completely stuck on my phone
    It was a little awkward, but then, after the transfer, he showed me something on his phone and I wanted to sleep, it was late and I fell asleep on his shoulder) (we stood)) then he walked me to the minibus and said thank you for the walk
    Now he hasn’t invited me for a walk yet, but he writes to me) I don’t know, maybe I should confess to him that I like him? Well, what if it’s not mutual ((
    What should I do??

    My husband has died for seven years now, and he’s been gone for seven years. I’m still single, but I like one man and I kind of have a feeling that he likes me too, he gives me advice and sometimes gives me compliments. We see each other for a week, once he sells at our market. and I’ve been a kantraler for three years like this, but he looks at me and tries to talk to me and constantly praises me that I’m so good and if there are girls nearby he flirts with them and looks at me and seems to have my phone number but doesn’t call I really want to know whether he likes me or not, why he is silent, I can’t understand

“Men don’t take hints,” says a common expression. It may well be that this is indeed true for some. At the same time, men themselves often use hints, body language and other indirect methods of influencing people in order to convey to them their thoughts and desires. For example, to express sympathy to a girl you like,. The dictionary of translation from the language of male allusions to normal human speech is rich in various techniques.

1. He closes the distance

Psychologists believe that for social and business contacts it is normal to keep a distance of 1 to 3 m, depending on the place where you are. If you are communicating with a good friend, then it is reduced to 60 cm - 1 m. Less is already an “intimate zone”, where only loved ones and strangers from public transport during rush hour are allowed to invade.

If a man changes his distance, this signals his extreme interest in you. It is unlikely that he will immediately attack the area for loved ones. This will be a very obvious sign. But he can suddenly shorten the distance to a friendly one. Pay special attention to where it will be located. (and interested) men usually try to sit to the side or diagonally, rather than directly opposite their interlocutor.

2. His speech changes

In any case, if he speaks to you completely differently than to others, this is a sure sign that he likes you.

By the way, if he is trying not to talk to you, although he usually chats with everyone, then this is also a sign of speech that has changed due to embarrassment, and not at all evidence of hostility, as you might think.

3. He tries to make you laugh

A man’s sense of humor is one of his main virtues, of which he is perhaps most proud. Even if in reality it is not that big and powerful. So the guy who liked you will try his best to make you laugh or at least make you smile a little. In addition to this, he will laugh at all your jokes, openly and joyfully. Don’t be surprised and don’t think about changing your career and going into stand-up - this is a normal consequence of increased attention to your person.

4. Sign language speaks for him

A man can remain silent about his sympathy, but body language will give him away. The main signs are as follows. Firstly, he will dignify and straighten up every time in your presence, as if trying to show himself taller and more open to communication. Secondly, he may show nervousness (fiddle with his tie, cufflinks, belt, button), constantly look at his watch or touch his own face. Thirdly, he will definitely preen himself or at least straighten his hair or clothes before turning to you.

5. He tells the secret

Of course, a man who likes you will not tell you really personal and intimate things in normal communication. But he may well suddenly begin to talk about things that are dear to him and that are associated with his sentimental or pleasant memories. For example, about pets, about parents or sister, or maybe about childhood. Such topics are brought to the table by the person who wants to create an emotional connection with you. There will be no truly hidden things in such stories, but aren’t stories about things dear to the heart secret and very personal?

6. The timbre of the voice decreases

If a man wants to give the impression of strength and self-confidence, then he lowers his usual timbre of voice and does not even notice it himself. Some guys with great vocal capabilities also add velvety notes to their voices, although this very technique may be quite deliberate. If it seems to you that the other person’s voice has become more charming and deeper, then most likely he paid special attention to you and now wants you to pay attention to him too.

7. He touches you

Some guys behave quite relaxed and often touch the girls around them: they shake hands, pat on the back and even hug. But this is a certain extroverted psychotype, most often men do not behave this way in the presence of ladies and strictly respect their personal space. If you notice that a man is looking for excuses to touch you, although he is not usually known for such behavior, then this is the surest sign of emerging warm feelings.

For example, he may help you pick up fallen objects, although you can handle it yourself, and at the same time, as if by chance, touch your hand.

He may ask you to hand over a folder or documents to another person, lean over the monitor, or hand over your coat and open the door. Take a closer look at it and try to start something more than formal communication.


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