How to be the best lover for a married man. How to be an ideal lover for a married man: rules and mistakes

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Each of us remembers how a relationship with a beloved man began, how vivid the emotions were, how feelings overflowed. But over time, the relationship becomes more familiar, and a fleeting glance no longer makes the heart beat faster. It is at such moments that women ask questions about being a mistress for their man. But what does the future of the relationship really depend on?

Accept the inevitable...

It's no secret that the bright emotions and outbursts of passion that make us so happy at the beginning of a relationship are partly associated with the release of specific hormones. But over time, the brain stops producing such a large amount of biologically active substances, and the body becomes less sensitive to them. At this moment, the inspiring feeling of falling in love begins to dull. But the physiological reactions of the body are replaced by real feelings. They are deeper and more serious. Therefore, you should not despair if passion begins to subside - this is a completely normal, completely natural phenomenon that almost every person has to face. Perhaps you should think about not only how to become a better lover to your husband, but also how to become his friend and support. After all, sincere love and deep affection are much more important.

a mistress for your man? Technical side of the issue

Yes, passion has ceased to be all-consuming, but this does not mean at all that there is no need to try to rekindle it. And if everyday problems have overwhelmed you and you don’t have enough time to enjoy each other’s company, it’s time to think about becoming your husband’s mistress.

Of course, work, household chores and children can nullify all romantic desires. But you can always take some time for yourself. Remember how your first dates with your loved one went, how carefully you selected clothes and underwear, trying to be real perfection. But after you started living together, does appearance no longer seem so important to you? This is a completely wrong point of view. Of course, you shouldn’t cook dinner in an evening dress, but be sure to show your man how important it is to you that he considers you beautiful.

Many women complain about inexperience, which allegedly interferes with their intimacy with their husbands. In fact, experience is not the main thing. mistress? Go to the original source. Ask your man. After all, who knows better than he about his own desires? Only together can you improve your intimate relationships.

And don’t forget that a rich sex life requires some light gymnastics; regular exercise will add stamina, flexibility and grace to you.

Let's get rid of stereotypes

Yes, we are all influenced by the environment in which we live. And generally accepted stereotypes often cause misunderstanding and a host of related problems. Yes, some men like it when a woman meets them in skimpy leopard-print lingerie and bright makeup. Are you sure that your husband is like that? Maybe he will like white lace... Or maybe he considers flannel seductive and “pole dancing” will cause at least slight bewilderment in his beloved?

Another stereotype. Is it true that if your loved one spends much less time in your bed, this means that he has another woman in mind? Before you wonder who your imaginary rival might be, try looking in a different direction for the answer. What if the reason for your husband’s behavior lies in you? And here we return to our question again. How and with what to attract your spouse's attention? What can I do to make the sky seem like diamonds to him?

In fact, there are a lot of such questions. And there is only one person with ready-made answers. Only your man can tell you how to become the best lover.

The problem is that most often we are afraid to ask.

Mutual understanding, sincerity and complete trust are the only path to harmony. Therefore, you must solve all questions and problems together. If you don’t know what’s right, just ask each other. And remember that intimate life largely depends on other aspects of the relationship. If outside of bed you behave like an overly demanding wife, meet a man at the door “with a frying pan in his hand,” belittle him in every possible way and make him feel insecure, then you should not count on passion. Serious relationships are built largely through compromise. And it’s up to you to decide whether your man is worth so much effort.

Women at all times have been tormented by the question of how to become a super ideal lover for their husband, because this is the golden key to a man’s heart. A mistress is a representative of the fairer sex who has regular intimate relations with a man. This word most often means a lady to whom her unfaithful husband runs. Less often they mean a wife with whom she is very good in bed.

According to statistics, half of the male population have mistresses. It has been proven that they do this not only to satisfy sexual needs. There are many reasons and circumstances leading to this lifestyle.

Why does a man have a mistress?

There are many factors that provoke the appearance of a “third wheel” in the relationship of two partners:

  1. The spouse is not satisfied with the quantity and quality of sex with his wife.
  2. The husband is looking for new sensations both in intimacy and in relationships.
  3. Proves male usefulness.
  4. Tries to match friends, colleagues, status.
  5. A man is looking for understanding and support.
  6. Wants admiration and respect.
  7. I stopped loving my wife.
  8. Runs away from control and reproaches.
  9. He habitually lives for his own pleasure (in a word, a womanizer).

When a woman is in love, she tries to attract the attention of her chosen one by any means. She wants to be the best, the most beautiful and the most tender for him. Changes in appearance and behavior become noticeable to the naked eye.

After taking the fortress, the fairer sex relaxes, thinking that the trophy will not go anywhere. As a rule, they devote less and less time to their beloved. This is the most common female mistake.

After all, it has long been no secret that men, in principle, are polygamous creatures. They are looking for something new, everyday life and routine depress them. Suddenly on the way you meet a well-groomed lady who is always ready for sex and doesn’t demand anything. It's a rare man who can resist such temptation.

Therefore, sexologists strongly recommend that wives sometimes radically change their appearance and behavior in order to intrigue their man. Particular attention should be paid to your behavior with your gentleman, both in bed and outside of it. After all, to maintain a relationship with your loved one, it’s worth working hard.

Watch your appearance

Try to devote a little time every day to maintain attractiveness:

  • Hands. Get manicures and pedicures regularly. Sometimes you can use bright, provocative colors. You should also pay attention to the skin on your hands, which requires care.
  • Hair. It is known that most men love ladies with long, well-groomed hair. You need to stick to variety: do your hair, let your hair down, use jewelry. Experimenting with color also gives positive results.
  • Cloth. It is important to watch your style. The best option is to choose things that emphasize femininity and figure dignity. If possible, it is recommended to wear high-heeled shoes. The sporty style is very comfortable, but not attractive from a male point of view.
  • Stop appearing in front of your chosen one in an unsightly manner. It has been proven that a woman in an old robe and curlers repels most men. And if you also make a face mask with them using sour cream or cucumbers... This can completely frighten you. Therefore, it is better to spare your partner from such spectacles.

It is important to be charming and attractive, regardless of the surrounding circumstances. A man should admire his chosen one, and not be annoyed by her sloppy appearance.

Loving your own body

Sexologists are unanimous in the statement that if a person does not love himself, then others cannot love him. If a woman is embarrassed about her body, then what kind of pleasure from sex, for example, can we talk about? Studying special techniques will help cope with such a complex.

Use expensive perfume

When choosing perfume, we recommend taking into account not only your preferences, but also the taste of your chosen one. After all, who are they intended for? Males remember the smell of a perfume they like for a very long time. Many experts believe that odors can support long-term sexual relationships.

Wearing sexy lingerie

The well-known truth that men love with their eyes does not require proof. The more often a lady shows herself dressed in lace lingerie, the more varied her sex life will be. Women who wear beautiful panties and bras feel much more confident and sexy. Men lose their heads over such seductresses.

Delicious cooking

It has been proven that you don’t need to stand at the stove all day to satisfy all the culinary preferences of your loved one. One well-cooked dish is enough. The main thing is to put your tender feelings into it. As a rule, men enjoy having dinner at home after a hard day at work. It’s so nice when they wait and greet you with open arms.

Be able to listen

Every person needs to speak out from time to time, this is especially true for the female sex. But it is no less important for men to speak out. If a lady always listens with pleasure to her chosen one, supporting the conversation with words of admiration and sincere interest, then the likelihood of finding another interlocutor will be almost zero.

Don't reproach

The average married man receives an average of 3-4 reproaches a day. Not everyone can bear such a load. Men withdraw, try to be at home less often, and use alcohol. It is recommended to replace reproaches with constructive criticism, or even better not to use them at all.

Don't refuse sex

Even if there is a quarrel, you don’t have to talk, but it is recommended not to reject sex. Many women use this technique as punishment for the guilty chosen one. This deprives him of emotional and physical release, which sets him even more against himself. Both partners suffer from this method of revenge. After all, often after intimacy it is easier to ask for forgiveness and make peace.


Men feel complete, needed and loved when women admire them. Only sincere expression of feelings will give a positive result. You need to find qualities in your loved one that are truly worthy of admiration. After all, they exist in every person.

The following male virtues need most attention: physical strength, reliability, sexual skills, knowledge of cars or football, achievements in work or sports. You need to admire specifically, paying attention to details.

Expressing yourself in bed:

    Don't hold back your emotions: moan, scream, sigh. Men find this very exciting because they can give their partner so much pleasure.

    Talk about your feelings and desires. Almost all gentlemen like to hear comments from a woman about how well he does it. Or a request about exactly how she wants to have sex.

    Practice sex in the morning. The stronger sex prefers morning sex. It acts as an exercise: improves mood and blood circulation.

    Experiment. If you constantly eat your favorite dish, then you won’t have long to wait for it to move into the category of “that makes you sick.” The same thing happens in sex. It is recommended to change the place, poses, time and apply attributes. The use of role-playing games will also add variety to your intimate life.

    Take up the running. Men sometimes want to relax and do nothing, just have fun. They recommend pampering your chosen ones with sexual activity.

And yet, how to become an ideal lover? The most important thing is to enjoy sex and try to give maximum pleasure to your partner. Every loving woman can feel a man and predict his desires!

Sexologists say that ladies sometimes just need to be a courtesan for their loved one. After all, this will diversify your intimate life and stir up your partner’s interest. Men sometimes want quick sex without any foreplay, much less persuasion. But because of love and respect for their other half, they often cannot say about their desire. And they turn to other women to receive such services...

This is interesting:

  • In ancient times, a mistress was a woman who fell in love or was in love with.
  • Peter I called his mistresses “metresses” (an outdated word).
  • The most famous mistress was recognized as the Marquise de Pompadour. She spent about 5 years in the bedroom of King Louis XV and influenced the public life of France for 20 years.

Do you love a married man and don’t want to lose him? Are you thinking about the role of a mistress and wondering how to arrange everything in your common life? Read some tips on what the ideal lover of a married man really is.

She's beautiful. Well-groomed, beautiful and passionate. The ideal mistress of a married man is a beautiful woman who arouses admiration in other men. As a rule, such a lover is far from a gray mouse, she has no major flaws in appearance, monitors the condition of her skin and body, and often visits beauty salons to get her hair done, manicures or spa treatments. In a word, such girls, especially if a man helps them financially, are immediately visible to the naked eye. Why are all mistresses beautiful? Yes, because men in curlers and a dressing gown have seen enough of their wives and are looking for romance on the sidelines, but for some reason they cannot leave their wives (either they have children together, or they have a business, etc.).

How to become the ideal lover for a married man

She doesn't bother me with her calls. If a woman agrees to be the mistress of a married man, she must follow many rules so that their relationship is not discovered. This means that she doesn’t call when her husband is at home, doesn’t write letters or SMS, and doesn’t post photos with her beloved on social networks. In short, he takes maximum action to protect his relationship. Indeed, in the modern world, the “mistress-married man” relationship is still looked at condemningly.

How to become an ideal lover photo

She does not arrange scenes of jealousy and scandals. A smart mistress must understand that if the husband has not left his wife, then he will not leave her in a year or five. Therefore, a smart mistress does not arrange scenes of jealousy for a man, or any scandals about why you don’t leave your wife. She must understand that such relationships suit the man and if the mistress does not want to lose the man, then it is simply better to remain silent about such things. Well, and, of course, the mistress will not reproach the man with everyday problems, such as why you didn’t nail a nail or didn’t wash the dishes.

How to become the perfect lover video

She is sexy and self-sufficient. Already the combination of the two words “self-sufficient” and “sexy” makes a woman the most desirable in this world. As a rule, mistresses hone their skills in seduction and sexual life, and know how to satisfy a man. Also, such women have more time for self-development and learn languages, travel a lot and achieve professional heights in their careers. This mixture of capabilities and skills makes an ideal mistress, because all men want to talk after sex and with “dummies” who know only manicures and varieties of cosmetics, they will be bored and such relationships will not last long.

She does not experience psychological stress. What is meant? A mistress in front of her lover does not behave as if she is deeply depressed, she does not pout at any scandal (unless it is a moment of seduction) and, most importantly, she does not ask her lover about his wife. Because with this approach, a man will think more and more about the one who sleeps next to him in the same bed every evening - about his wife, and simply psychologically then will not be able to leave her. Talk about anything - be capricious, fool around, be unpredictable and joke - these are your main trump cards!

31.03.2015 11:25:12

Every young woman dreams of a pleasant and easy relationship with a wealthy man. Such a relationship does not require her to completely surrender to her partner. The girl will be able to play sports or devote time to her favorite hobby. Any beauty is interested how to become a better lover, able to interest and retain a man.

A relationship with a married person has many advantages. A confident, wealthy man is pleasant to talk to. With him, the girl will be able to visit various exhibitions and events, and take short trips. The appearance of a new partner in life is an excellent incentive for self-development and improvement.

What does a man expect from a relationship with his mistress?

Men are looking for young and beautiful lovers to escape from everyday life. Long-term cohabitation cools relationships in married couples. To become a better lover, you need to distract your partner from everyday problems, turning every meeting into a memorable romantic holiday. Men are in search of fresh emotions. Years spent in marriage cause a lack of new feelings. The mistress of a married man should be a mystery to her companion and bring zest and piquancy to his life.

To keep a rich person close to you and constantly benefit from his material support, you must under no circumstances show your interest in his money. A girl should be natural and give a man positive emotions. If her lover likes her, he will never spare money on luxurious surprises.

In order to choose the right course of action with a married lover, a beauty needs to know the main reasons why men are interested in relationships outside of marriage:

  • Very often a mature man wants to feel young again. To do this, he starts an affair with a sweet young girl who is ready to brighten up his life.
  • A man gets tired of constant relationships, he lacks fresh emotions. He gets tired of constantly seeing the same woman whom he has studied for a long time.
  • Intimate problems. Often, intimate relationships in the family often fade away or become boring. Therefore, a man seeks to find a girl on the side.
  • Revenge. A man who suspects his own wife of cheating does not always decide to divorce. Most often, he simply takes a mistress to increase his self-esteem.

The girl who wants become a good lover, must give her chosen one what he lacks in the family. You also need to know that a man rarely cheats in order to subsequently leave his wife. The main rule of behavior for a rich man’s mistress is not to wait for the continuation and development of the relationship, very often. A girl should not hope that a man will always be with her over time.

Rules for a successful mistress

Below are useful tips to help girls avoid mistakes:

  • There is no need to try to tie a man with cute gifts or surprises. His wife should buy lighters, new ties and other small things. The best gift for a lover is an attractive and well-groomed girl who knows how to surprise.
  • Under no circumstances should you be overly interested in your lover’s personal life. It is better for a girl not to ask questions regarding her partner’s family, because they are rarely answered with the truth. Very often, men tell their mistresses that they live with their wife out of habit, have long cooled off towards each other and have an almost neighborly relationship. Before become the mistress of a rich man, you need to realize that his legal wife will remain in first place for him. Their feelings may have faded, but many years of marriage and the presence of common children continue to be a strong bond. Only a small percentage of men will sacrifice their usual living conditions for the sake of a love affair.
  • There is no need to try to become a second wife. Even if a woman falls in love with her partner, there is no need to try to get him by ironing his shirts or surprising him with culinary masterpieces, because in this case, interest in his mistress will quickly fade away, because there will be no intrigue or mystery left.
  • There is no need to introduce a man to people in your circle. A proposal for such a meeting will certainly repel the lover and give him a reason to think that the girl already has certain designs on him.
  • Another answer to the question: “ How to become a good lover? - do not dedicate a man to your personal life and do not complain to him about problems.
  • A girl who expects expensive gifts from her chosen one should behave like a real lady. It is important to teach a man to come to visit with a gift and always remain desirable and weak for him.
  • Frank conversations are extremely important. A woman should not be afraid to directly point out what does not suit her in a relationship.
  • A representative of the fair sex who can interest a rich man must be constantly busy with some kind of business. In addition to work, she should have an interesting hobby. Mistresses of rich men go to language courses, theaters or exhibitions. A busy schedule not only helps to diversify life, but also makes relationships more interesting, because in this case the partner will have to constantly find time for dates.
  • A girl should use a variety of methods to attract a man. The main thing is that he is completely confident that everything is happening on his initiative. A lover should think that he is seeking the woman's attention, and not vice versa.
  • Woman, who wants to know how to become a good lover for a married man, must understand that it is important not to make scandals for your partner. It’s better to pretend that the meeting he missed didn’t mean anything. Otherwise, the relationship will fizzle out very quickly.
  • You need to convince a man that he can completely trust his partner. She must be an attentive listener and an interesting conversationalist. All secrets and problems of a partner must be kept secret. Also, you should not refuse your lover support and help.
  • Spiritual enrichment is also important. Wealthy people pay attention to girls who can carry on any conversation.

The ideal mistress should be a simple and flexible woman with whom a man will not have conflicts or disagreements.

1. You cannot make love on a full stomach, weighed down by a hearty dinner, otherwise the man will be lethargic and sleepy, and the blood will rush to the stomach, and not where it is needed.

2. Aphrodisiac products are best suited for “eating” and drinking before sex:

  • seafood;
  • oysters (by the way, Casanova adored them);
  • milkshake with fresh fruit;
  • fried eggs;
  • sandwiches with caviar;
  • a glass of aniseed vodka;
  • chops with garlic and other “garlic” dishes (be sure to eat together!);
  • chocolate;
  • pine and any other nuts;
  • sour cream and fresh herbs;
  • spicy, but not very high-calorie dishes;
  • vegetable and fruit salads, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • spicy dishes (I think you’ve heard about the temperament of Caucasians more than once);
  • mulled wine (in large doses causes drowsiness);
  • cruchon (in large doses causes impaired coordination of movements);
  • a glass of cognac;
  • glass of wine;
  • a cup of cocoa, strong tea or coffee.

3. A good lover always knows what her man wants. She guesses or feels it, calculates it using the selection method, and with enough experience even applies the theory of probability. Sex ends in bed, but begins with thoughts and conversations, trust and shared experiences. Men make love with their brains, not in “one place,” and only fuck with women who don’t understand this.

4. You should not think, but give a man what he wants, shower him with caresses, fulfill his whims, but not be intrusive in personal relationships (for example, “torture” him with calls, demanding attention to yourself).
The strongest networks are invisible. It is with them that a skilled seductress entwines the body, soul and brain of a man.

5. Geishas also knew the right way to cast a love spell - copying a man’s gestures, words, and facial expressions. Psychologists say that the easiest way to gain the favor of a new acquaintance is by copying him. Probably, establishing contact occurs subconsciously, based on ancient instincts that can still be observed in animals. The interlocutor takes you for a member of his pack, as if you are performing some kind of ritual dance together. Contact also has feedback. You begin to understand your interlocutor better, which means you better meet his expectations.

6. A top-class mistress does not allow herself to become a “thing-maniac” who buys clothes on her own whim or according to her own, not very good taste. To correspond without even seeing your chosen one is a preliminary adjustment to the man of your dreams. You have to approach the issue of clothing from a completely different angle, from the side of a man who is looking at you for the first time. And he looks not at clothes at all, but at you as a whole. And he doesn't care about the cost of your outfit. The maximum that the average man can figure out is that a woman is dressed from a Chinese market or from an expensive store. People often pay attention to clothes when they “don’t fit.”

7. The main thing in a relationship with a man is to first give everything you have, without thinking about yourself, without selfishness and miscalculations of what will happen next, without fear of spoiling, and then get triple for it.

8. You should not look into a man’s eyes after the first night spent together with the question: “When will you come next time?” It is very important for a man to feel like a master. By calling him at home and at work, you put him in an awkward position in front of his colleagues, and maybe another woman, with whom he will not part until he is convinced that you are better.

Why spoil everything from the very beginning? So, a good lover will never allow herself to be intrusive.

9. Men like nothing less than when they are presented with a tough choice. The man gets lost, becomes embittered and... does completely illogical things, which he later repents of for a long time. Why test his feelings for strength if the same forces can be used to make them stronger?

10. Complaining to a man is the last thing. As a rule, our problems seem insignificant and funny to them, and complaints seem like feminine whims. They, men, have REAL problems, you can talk about them for hours.

So, when it comes to life's difficulties, rely on yourself, forget that you have a loved one, or turn to him only in extreme and really serious cases.

11. By and large, men don’t really care, at least at first, whether you experience pleasure in bed. Only very few men can recognize a pretender pretending to be passionate. It is not a woman’s passion, but her desire that flatters men’s pride. Many homely and stupid women won the hearts of smart, handsome and wealthy men only because they clearly understood this rule. Only after you have achieved love can you demand caresses that will take you to the heights of pleasure.

12. There is a misconception that men don’t like smart people. Not smart ones, but those who excessively demonstrate their intelligence, pointing out to a man the gaps in his knowledge. An intelligent woman never shows that she is smarter or emphasizes her superiority in anything.

13. The ability to make a home beautiful and cozy has never harmed anyone. Any man is pleased to come to a house that is tidy and smells good (in everyday life, order and smell are almost synonymous).

14. A top-class mistress knows that falling in love is much less important for men than for women. You shouldn’t torture a man by forcing him to tell you “how much you love me.” This behavior encourages men to think that women have only all sorts of romantic nonsense on their minds, and therefore, they are stupid as geese.

15. Even if a man has been on a spree, you shouldn’t “torment him with suspicion,” he still won’t confess. Being on the other side of the barricade, that is, being a lover, you also shouldn’t “put marks”: stain his things with lipstick and smell of perfume, scratch his back in a fit of passion. He is not your property.

16. The next rule: never teach a man how to live.
We have all disliked moral teachings since school, and many do not like their parents precisely because of moral teachings. You don't want to be like them, do you?

17. The ability to forgive is also the ability not to be reminded of past mistakes. To forgive means to forget... or to pretend that you have forgotten.

18. A top-class mistress knows: all men are obsessed with the idea that they want to use them, rob them and send them around the world. Nothing scares you away more in the first days and months of dating than commercialism.

19. Coquetry is our weapon, if used appropriately and wisely. The task of a sexual woman is to make it clear that although she is a female, she is by no means a cheap whore.

20. A top-class mistress knows that jumping up after the first (and subsequent) nights and running to put on makeup and wash is stupid. Most men like to “have mercy” in the morning; they like women without “war paint”. And if you are shy, buy waterproof mascara or get a light tattoo.

21. It’s stupid to think that a man with serious intentions will pause and not call for several weeks. A man who liked you will most likely call within three days, the rest is probably an attempt to use you “for nothing.” It makes no sense to either wait or be fooled by offers that arrive a few weeks or even months later.

22. A top-class mistress never has a complex about her appearance, knowing that most men run away from those who are uptight and notorious, and not from plump and non-standard ones. And even more so, they don’t run away from their partners just because of their breast size.

23. If you want EVERYTHING to end quickly:

  • squeeze the vaginal muscles;
    change the position so that it becomes “tighter” inside, and the head of the penis is stimulated by the cervix with each friction;
  • pay attention to positions that speed up the approach of ejaculation:
    *knee-elbow in any variations;
    *woman on her back, with her legs tightly compressed (there won’t be much difference whether they are extended or *raised and bent at chest level);
    *in hussar style - the legs of a woman lying on her back are thrown over her partner’s shoulders;
    *fish - a woman on her stomach with straightened and strongly contracted legs, a man on top;
  • take an active position and control the insertion of the penis so that it turns out: once - to the very end, and twice - only a shallow insertion, stimulating the head;
  • active oral stimulation is an excellent completion of sexual intercourse;
  • if there is not enough lubrication, use gel lubricant, this will speed things up;
  • whisper a few dirty words to him, maybe it will turn you on too;
  • if your position allows, grab the base of your penis with two fingers and further stimulate it;
  • caress yourself, your arousal is a powerful incentive for a man;
  • ask to rest, and after about thirty minutes resume caresses;
  • make movements towards him, deeply “planting” himself on the penis;
  • kiss his ears, neck, scratch his back, squeeze his buttocks with your hands or gently massage his testicles;
  • play the victim as a joke, try to push him away slightly and struggle, just don’t overdo it;
  • don't let him lose his rhythm;
  • cheer up your loved one with loud moans.

24. For a free and self-confident woman, there are no rules when and where to give herself to a man for the first time, and for subsequent times. If a woman agrees to intimacy on the very first evening, it does not follow that the man will consider her a person of easy virtue. According to statistics, only thirty percent of men are supporters of the gradual development of relationships and courtship.

25. A top-class mistress will never be shy about discussing contraceptive issues with a man.
What's shameful about this? Yes, to a large extent, protection is your problem, but forcing a man to wear two condoms is also not an option. If a woman does not agree to have sex without a condom (of course, not at the first meeting, but when the relationship has already lasted for some time), a man may have the opinion that she is sick with some kind of sexually transmitted disease or suspects that maybe he himself is sick.

It’s not very pleasant to realize both. If you don’t have money for birth control pills, feel free to ask your man to help buy them. There is nothing shameful in such a request, and the purchase of hormonal contraceptives solves two problems at once: preventing pregnancy and obtaining complete satisfaction from intimacy without a nasty condom.

26. Don’t get carried away with reading manuals on sexual techniques. Most of them are not very successful “rehash” of “Kama Sutra” with comments from a concerned author. Advice from foreigners does not suit us at all. What will your husband, tired after work, say to you if you meet him at the door in latex panties? The effect of the sexual revolution may be the opposite - a man will run away to a “traditionalist” who is not interested in sex.

27. If you want to prolong the pleasure:

  • don't let it move too fast;
  • relax the vaginal muscles;
  • ask him to stop the friction for a while;
  • change your position;
  • pay attention to positions that prolong sexual intercourse: a woman on top, a woman lying on her back, with her legs raised and widely spread, “spoons” on her side (woman with her back to her partner’s face), sitting facing each other;
  • at the very height, remove the penis from the vagina and kiss it, only very gently, otherwise everything will end even faster;
  • ask him to breathe deeply;
  • tell us about the delights of tantric or Taoist sex. Special (by the way, not too complicated) exercises will help you control ejaculation for as long as you like.

28. Rule for choosing underwear: buy only what your beloved man likes. Beautiful underwear and bed linen are the key to a strong and long-lasting relationship and self-confidence.

29. The best smell is the smell of your body, plus a drop of good perfume. Men are more often put off by excessive perfume and the smell of sweat (a nightmare instilled by advertising!) than by the absence of the smell of perfume.

30. Men love sex, they love women who love sex, so is it worth being shy and repeating after bad mistresses and simply not very smart women: “that’s all they need...”. After all, we know for sure that this is not so!


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