Scheme of a dog made of beads. Shepherd dog made of beads Weaving a dog from beads

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Recently, there has been a trend for beaded brooches. And beaded animals, as well as birds and fish, have become no less relevant. Therefore, I wish you inspiration, my dear needlewomen! Beaded animals will help make you individual and unique. Don't be afraid to try. Create beautiful things, and remember: your creations are your inner world. This article will tell you about the symbolism of all kinds of animals in jewelry. But the main thing is that you will enjoy master classes on making brooches with your own hands. Join us, incredible video lessons on beaded animals for beginners are waiting for you!

Dog and cat made of beads

We are all accustomed to the fact that a cat is a pet, which we all love very much for its warmth, tenderness and devotion. Have you ever thought that in fact, for a long time it has been a sacred animal among many peoples? The main branch in mythology, in which the cat played almost the most important role, is Egyptian mythology. As legends say, one of the incarnations of the sun god Ra was a cat. Every night Ra went down to swim along the underground Nile, and one day he was met by an evil snake who wanted to strike him. Ra reincarnated as a red cat and defeated the snake by cutting off his head. Since then, the Egyptians surrounded cats with care and attention, since it was the cat who won the victorious fight. Since then, Ra considered the cat to be his sacred animal.
It also symbolizes family idyll and the warmth of the hearth, psychological balance and comfort.

Panther beads

Panther– symbolizes greatness, power and strength, fearlessness, power and nobility. She is always ready for defense and attack.
The panther has acute sensitivity. The hairs on a panther's body allow it to pick up the slightest vibrations and understand the nature of the origin of these vibrations. Popular beliefs say that this predatory cat attracts everyone with its breath. And that is why she does not have to make any special efforts when hunting prey - the animals themselves were drawn to her scent. But in Chinese culture it was commemorated as a “black lion”, which was presented as a tribute from the Western countries in which they were, in fact, discovered. The Chinese king was amazed by the aroma that the animal's skin exuded. Its scent could be heard from afar.

Beaded dog brooch master class

beaded puppy

The next representative of the animal world will be the dog. She, as we know, is the symbol of 2018. This brooch can serve as a good gift. Or it may remain for your use. Let this puppy bring a lot of happiness, joy and unforgettable handicraft evenings to your home.

Necessary materials:

  • Dog template (can be found on the Internet)
  • Thin felt
  • Eco-leather (for decorating the back of the brooch)
  • Bead thread or monofilament
  • Black glass adhesive rhinestones
  • Chocolate color for outline (0.80)
  • The main color of the dog is two translucent colors (10110 and 81060)
  • The basis for the brooch is cardboard and glue

Well, I suggest you start working.

Draw the outline of the dog

We transfer the outline of the template onto felt, and then draw in those details that cannot be outlined.

First of all, we sew rhinestones (or beads) onto the location of the eyes and nose.

Embroider with beads along the contour

Now we take a thread and a needle and start embroidering. We draw the needle onto the contours of the lines. We collect two beads, and, approximately, retreating a distance equal to the same two beads, make a stitch.

Next, the needle needs to be brought out between two sewn beads. And now, we bring the needle through the hole of the last bead, thereby tightening them and aligning them.

We again collect two beads, make a stitch, retreating along the contour line a distance equal to their sizes. In the same way, we bring the needle out between them and pass the needle into the last one. Your task is to sew all the contours of the dog.

Let's move on to the next circuit

When you sew to the end of the top line of the head , You can see that the ear follows, and the line of the ear is closed here, so the beads will be located on it in a different direction. This means we bring the thread from the wrong side to a new contour and embroider it in the same way as the head contour line.

Tip: If some beads are out of line, you can sew them in a circle again. Then they will look much smoother.

The finished embroidered outlines should look like this:

Filling a beaded dog with color

Let's move on to filling with color. Place the needle in the right place and fill the space inside the outline with the color you have in mind. And now we will not embroider in even rows. I suggest placing the beads as randomly as possible, then our puppy will turn out fluffy and even curly. We collect one bead at a time and sew it into the empty spaces.

Mentally draw your puppy's spots by embroidering them in orange. This is what it should look like:

We continue to embroider, filling the space between the contours, picking up 1 bead at a time.
The finished embroidery looks like this

Preparing the base for the brooch

The embroidered dog needs to be cut out. Be careful not to cut the stitch threads on the wrong side where they go. Then, we transfer the contours of the template onto thick paper or cardboard and cut it out, slightly reducing the pattern in size. We coat the cardboard blank with glue and glue it to the wrong side of the embroidery. Thus, the cardboard will serve as the frame for our future beaded dog brooch.

Now we will decorate the back side of the embroidered puppy so that our brooch is neat and beautiful. We fold the embroidery and eco-leather with the wrong sides. We outline the outline of the future brooch. Next, follow the contour and cut it out.

We will hide the base for the brooch under the skin. To do this, mark the exit points of the fastener, fold it in half, matching the points, and make 2 neat cuts.

Open the clasp and thread it through the slots.

On the wrong side, between the base plate, add a drop of glue. We also coat the cardboard frame with glue and glue the leather pattern to it along with the clasp.
Our brooch is almost ready. All that remains is to decorate the end sides. We thread the needle again and go between the layers of embroidery. A thin knot at the end should hide between them. Excess ponytails can be trimmed. Now we pierce all layers of bead embroidery from the skin side.

Pull the thread and thread the needle through the loop. We should get a knot that will fix the thread at the end of the embroidery.

Now, we collect 2 chocolate-colored beads and pierce the layers again. Try to make them at the same distance, then the stitches on the wrong side will look even and of high quality.

Now we need to unfold the 2nd bead. Let's go through it with a needle and pull it up. We will level the first one when we reach the end.

Fox made of beads

And so, quietly stealthily approaching us, the predatory plunderer, Her Majesty the fox. She has good dexterity and observation, which is why defenseless small birds, frogs and tiny animals often end up in her clutches. The image of the Fox in fairy tales and mythology is usually associated with such qualities as cunning, dexterity, cunning, intelligence, caution, and patience. Just remember Russian fairy tales, in which she is always called “godfather”. The fox also has a patronymic Patrikeevna, because she is the symbol of St. Patrick in Ireland.
Brooches with foxes on them are quite popular. A lot of labor and expense will not be required to create a wonderful fox. You will need 3 colors of beads: black, orange and white. Be sure to take a template so that the brooch is the correct shape. For a beautiful reverse side, you should use leather, which is also cut according to the fox pattern. A minimum of time, and a DIY beaded fox brooch will look wonderful on any clothes. Since a beaded fox brooch is in demand now, it can be purchased in online stores or on social networks from experienced needlewomen.

Majestic beaded animals

Lion beaded brooch

Leo, naturally, is the personification of courage, power, and authority. No wonder he is called the king of beasts. He has all the traits of a wise manager. His nobility is reflected in his manners. In literature and cinema, he is given majestic roles. Actually, which correspond to his nature.

Elephant bead brooch

We all have an idea of ​​what an elephant looks like: bulky, majestic. The elephant represents wisdom, strength and prudence. It serves in India, China and Africa as an emblem of royal power. Symbolizes the qualities necessary for a good ruler - dignity, intelligence, patience, peacefulness, longevity. In Buddhism, the elephant is given a special place of honor because it is the sacred animal of the Buddha. In depth psychology, the elephant serves as the embodiment of wisdom and non-aggressive power. Jewelry with this animal, in this case, a beaded elephant brooch, will go perfectly with everyday looks. If you want to have an exclusive decoration, then I suggest preparing the necessary materials, such as: felt, clasp, beads, elephant pattern and eco-leather.

Beaded brooch giraffe

The giraffe is one of the most ancient symbols of happiness, good character and prosperity. The giraffe encourages the desire to approach something unattainable, distant, and unknown to the human mind. He is a symbol of good character, tranquility, fidelity in love. For those who have complexes, it will help them become bright and unique, as they say, to stand head and shoulders above the rest.

Fairy-tale animals and fish made of beads

Unicorn beaded brooch

The unicorn is a mythical animal. His hypostasis is a mystery and embodies the original unity, the beginning and the final goal of human existence. In Tibet, monks consider him a real conductor between heaven and earth, between light and dark forces. But in China, back in ancient times, a legend appeared about an emperor who was sitting near the Yellow Sea, and suddenly saw an unearthly creature walking on the water, and it turned green. All he managed to see was an unknown message on the animal’s back. Many believe that this is how Chinese characters originated. The unicorn is a symbol of enlightenment, untainted purity and eternity.

If we talk about brooches and jewelry with a depiction of a unicorn, then I can say that any little princess will be delighted if her mommy makes her or someone gives her such a wonderful brooch. Therefore, I propose to master a very simple bead embroidery technique, and as a result, have a wonderful brooch.

Accessories for work:

First of all, cut out the template and trace it on felt.

Apply a design to the front side of the cut out template.

Now it is very important to arrange the pink crystals on the mane so that it looks aesthetically pleasing and believable. This is roughly what it should look like.

Glue the crystals in the intended order using glue. For reliability, in addition to gluing, I also recommend stitching. Next we work on the area of ​​the unicorn's nose. Try to find a pale pink bead color. Decorate the nostril (small dot) with a black bead.

Fill the area of ​​the muzzle with white. For the eye, use a black bead.

Fill the empty spaces in the crystal mane with pink.

In order to separate the head from the neck of the unicorn, we sew a line with a transparent color. And we finish the bottom part using white.

Let's start with the horn. Like all unicorns, it will be multi-colored. Draw stripes and fill it with all the colors of the rainbow.

Basically, he's ready. But to complete the composition, I suggest making a rainbow and a cloud.


  • Sample
  • Scissors
  • Beads (all colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet)
  • Beads for a cloud (white) and 2 beautiful beads

We cut out the template, then apply it to the felt, and cut it out again, making a blank.

Sew 2 beautiful beads to the corner of the cloud

The rest of the area will be occupied by white beads.

Draw stripes of the rainbow and fill them with colors one by one.

This activity, of course, requires painstakingness and patience. But here it is, the result is obvious. And you can’t tell it apart from store-bought brooches, can you?

Blue Whale beaded brooch

The whale is a symbol of the colossal power of nature, it is also an ancient symbol of rebirth. It is the whale that is the “big fish” that, according to the biblical legend, swallowed Jonah and threw him back after three days and three nights. These incredible brooches can be found on the Internet, as well as in online stores.

Beaded brooch Goldfish

The symbolism of the fish is very diverse. This representative of the fauna has been known to mankind for a very long time. Millions of years ago, and even now, however, the fish world occupied a very impressive position in the formation of oceans, seas and lakes. There are even some legends that say that the human race arose through the evolution of amphibian-like creatures. Water is the source of all living things and life in general. And it is the fish that is the representative of the water element. Even in Christianity, the fish plays an important role and a certain symbol is the monogram of the fish. Christians were like fish, safe only in the “water of teaching.” According to Feng Shui, fish is the strongest amulet, bringing its owners positive news and joy during new stages of life. Therefore, feel free to purchase this brooch. Or use beads, sequins and beads to start creating. All you need to work with is a beautiful template and your own vision of what your fish should be.

Beaded panda brooch

The country in which the panda is almost a sacred animal is China. “Panda diplomacy”, have you heard of it? But China has been presenting pandas as gifts to rulers and presidents of different countries for a very long time, as a sign of friendship. Thus, these cute animals came to symbolize compromise and unconditional trust. In both the Confucian and Taoist worldviews, the concept of “the hermit of the bamboo grove” is equally recognized as a symbol of the independent existence of an extraordinary person.

I invite you to plunge into the world of beautiful handicrafts. Let's work a little, and as a result, we will get a wonderful beaded panda brooch.

Accessories for work

So, we need:

  • Needle
  • Black beads (No. 15)
  • Black sequins
  • Substitute leather
  • Felt for embroidering brooches
  • Clasp

We draw a panda template, apply it to eco-leather or felt (your choice), outline it and sew it with stitches using black thread and a needle.

We collect a couple of beads and sew them to the template. In order for the beads to stand evenly in a row, you need to pass the needle and thread through the second bead. Repeat this way until the end of the lining of the contours.

This is what the finished embroidered outlines look like:

We fill the panda's ears with sequins, sewing them in a circle until the white spaces are visible.

We fill the panda's foot with beads. Sew on a couple of pieces. Don't forget to align them in a row. The foot consists half of beads and sequins.

Brooch assembly process

Cut out the finished embroidered panda along the contour. Be careful not to touch the seams. Otherwise, the contour lines will crumble. Place it on a solid base of the same shape and cover with felt. Place the fastener under the felt and make two slits so that you can pull out the two edges of the fastener. Sew these three layers.

The beaded panda brooch is ready!

Step-by-step master class “Beaded panda brooch”

Beaded lizard brooch

The lizard is a symbol of agility, flexibility and silence. Since ancient times, she has been very fond of jewelry makers, who admired the curves of her body and how deftly and skillfully she changes color. That’s why they made jewelry so skillfully in the shape of a lizard. It also symbolizes wisdom. Flexible creatures that easily subjugate circumstances, dexterous and elusive - they are able to change color and, in case of danger, drop their tail. They represent the strength to withstand any circumstances.

Beaded lizard brooch:

Beaded turtle brooch

Turtle - means wisdom, patience and longevity. As we know, she is very stubborn in achieving her goals. And even if obstacles appear in her path, and she hides her head in her shell, this still does not indicate a cessation of progress towards the goal. She shows her patience, waits out the time of danger, and then continues to move. Albeit slowly, but persistently. Therefore, I advise you to buy it, or make it yourself, but still have a turtle brooch. These beaded animals are very cute and cute if you use beads and beads. However, it’s up to you to judge and choose!

Hedgehog brooch made of beads

The hedgehog is a very fussy animal. It’s as if he most needs to get everything done. Although this is a tiny animal, it is very wise. If necessary, he is ready to fight even with a snake. Yes, yes, he is particularly brave. Also, the Slavs believed that the hedgehog was an adviser to the Almighty. And with his help he improved the environment.

Beaded hare

The hare is a symbol of a happy life. The hare symbolizes agility, confidence, vigilance and fertility. The owner of this jewelry will have a long and carefree life.

Snake beaded brooch

The snake is a very cunning, but at the same time wise creature. In the Bible, Jesus mentions it, saying that we should be wise as serpents, but what immediately comes to mind is how in the Garden of Eden the tempter of the serpent persuaded Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. She has two principles: good and evil. And this is skillfully combined in her.

Scorpion beaded brooch

Scorpio typically symbolizes destruction, evil, betrayal and vengeance. In the Bible, a scorpion is a demonic creature, but in medieval art it is a sign of mortal betrayal. He is often compared to Judas, who betrayed Jesus.

Seahorses are incredibly mysterious inhabitants of the seabed. These wonderful creatures are present in many myths. The royal nobility of the seabed traveled in carts, which, in fact, were harnessed by seahorses. The vertical method of his movement is a symbol of absolute loyalty to his principles and ideals, since, despite the terrible inconvenience of this method of movement, he easily adapted to it. In addition, it symbolizes powerful protection. Because when any kind of danger approaches, the seahorse easily mimics.

Beaded dolphin brooch

The dolphin is a mammal that is characterized by both the air space and the aquatic environment. He is a friend of people. In particular, this is evidenced by the legends that the dolphin is the one who saves shipwrecked people. He is also a guide of souls. It symbolizes sea power, security and freedom. A brooch with an embroidered dolphin will decorate any summer dress and give it the romance of the sea.

Brooch tiny raccoon made of beads

The raccoon is perhaps the most curious animal. His strengths are agility and camouflage. He is a real expert in the field of wearing masks. Just an actor. Raccoons are truly distinguished by their curiosity, and therefore by theft of things and food they like. This is the magic of the raccoon. He professionally masters the art of disguise and knows how to pretend as if nothing happened. His masks are his key to success.

Cancer bead brooch

Cancer is a creature about which the Russian people have so many sayings. And after all, all of them, whatever one may say, very reliably describe the essence of cancer. Also, cancer appears on the emblems of port cities, as evidenced by coins.

Cute sheep brooch made of beads

Sheep are pure creatures. These animals themselves personify meekness, humility, innocence and gentleness. Brooches with a sheep are perfect for tulle clothes and will make your look uniquely tender and cute.

Beaded deer

The deer is a prosperous symbol. A parallel is drawn with the Sun. The traits inherent in a deer are aspiration, incredible grace and harmony. This is why deer are often remembered in music and poetry. Also, the deer is a symbol of rejection from society, piety and purity.

Dear needlewomen! Animals made of beads, and especially brooches, will be an excellent gift for yourself or close friends. Well, you must agree that it is much more pleasant to wear jewelry that you made with your own hands.


Making a souvenir with your own hands is a special pleasure. And the image of an animal is also its own style, an element of creativity and warmth. A beaded dog is an original and extraordinary solution. It is aesthetically pleasing and always elegant, successfully combined with design elements. The composition can be made with or without a bone. The choice of colors is at the artist’s discretion. There are three-dimensional and flat models.

Cute pug - original craft

Figure 1 In order to make a cute pug (Figure 1), you need to prepare:

  • beads of two selected colors;
  • wire about 1.2 m long;
  • fishing line or nylon thread.

The beginning of the work is two rows of black beads - 5 pieces in each - and between them a third row of three is stretched, it was made by stringing it on one end (Fig. 2, 3). Figure 2 Figure 3 Stretch the next element above the top row - a two-color tier with alternating beads of different colors, as in Fig. 4. Under the bottom is a tier of six black beads. Figure 4 The next top tier is 12 beige beads, while additionally threading a piece of wire 20 cm long into the four middle ones. The next bottom row is 10 beige beads (Fig. 5). Figure 5 The next row (fourth) is similar to the third, but the lower tier consists of 14 beads (Fig. 6). Figure 6 Next (Figure 7-11), the dog’s weaving looks like this:

  • fifth: 11 beads in the upper tier, 16 beads in the lower tier;
  • sixth: 10 and 16 respectively;
  • seventh: 9 and 16;
  • eighth: 8 and 15;
  • ninth: 8 and 14;
  • tenth: 9 and 13;
  • eleventh: 9 and 15;
  • twelfth: 8 and 12;
  • thirteenth: 6 and 8.

Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10
Figure 11 Additionally, through 6 middle beads of the 5th and 6th, as well as the 11th rows of the lower tier, additional wire loops of 30 cm are made. Through 2 middle beads of the 11th row of the upper tier - 20 cm long. The fourteenth row - four elements, placed in the center of the previous tier. Bring the ends of the wire down through them (Fig. 12, 13). Figure 12 Figure 13Figures 14 and 15 – diagram of the ears, each of which requires five black beads. Figure 14 Figure 15 Let's start with the paws (Figure 16, 18). In the first and second rows for each row we take 2 beads, in the third - 1, at the end - 5. The wire is rolled into a ring. So both front paws weave alternately. Figure 16 Figure 18 Hind legs:

  • 1st row: top tier – 4, bottom – 3;
  • 2nd: 3 and 2 respectively;
  • 3rd: 2 and 1;
  • 4th: 1 and 1.

At the end there is the same twisted ring (Fig. 19, 21). Figure 19
Figure 21Tail – 6 beads with alternate decreases (Fig. 22). Figure 22The final result is using fishing line (Figure 23).
Figure 23 Such beaded dogs fully reflect the proportions of a real animal and look very realistic.

Basset hound or beagle?

Flat bead dogs

For those who prefer flat figures, the Internet offers many options. For example, in this video there is a cute spaniel made according to a clearly calculated pattern. Such toys can be original and bright elements of paintings or sewn onto handbags, wallets, briefcases or pencil cases. You can decorate hats, caps or pockets with them. In the flight of your imagination, you can go further - create entire compositions or groups of cartoon characters. This is not easy to do, and the resemblance to the originals is rather imparted by color. Weaving such souvenirs performs several functions: it develops imagination, promotes the development and correct formation of finger joints, and allows the one who weaves to feel like a real master. In addition, this activity strengthens the nervous system and brings a lot of positive emotions.


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Beadwork is a very exciting activity, thanks to which various interesting crafts are obtained. Even if nothing comes out the first time, you don’t need to give up this needlework. After being patient and practicing several times, you will be able to weave a simple flower-shaped craft from beads. Over time, you will definitely learn how to create your own unique beadwork.

Having learned basic beading techniques and tried to repeat the master classes, you will notice that the principles and scheme of work are almost the same. For beginners, we suggest you consider the lesson of creating a dog from beads. Such a small toy can become your children's favorite.

We weave a dog with beads

To weave a small beaded dog, you need to purchase beads of different colors, approximately three shades: black, white and brown. You will also need thin wire. That's probably all that's needed.

At the first stage, prepare the beads on the workbench. Then take the wire and place beads on it in the order shown in the photo. There should be one black element between two white elements. This will be the dog's nose.

This way the entire dog's face will be formed. Work starts from the bottom. It is necessary to strictly observe the rows in the diagram and the number of beads that are included in them. At the top above the spout there will be a row of white beads. The main thing is not to miss the moment when you need to weave the dog’s eyes.

Stop at the point in the diagram where the ears will form. When you put the elements on the wire, you need to insert another piece on which the dog’s ears will be put on.

The photo shows the appearance of a muzzle without ears; it does not look very aesthetically pleasing, so braid the ears, but just without giving them volume. Excess wire edges can be trimmed. After making the ears, continue working further.

Now continue shaping the dog's body. If you look at the diagram again, you can see that in some places pieces of wire should be added again. This material is needed to weave the front and back legs. Since the dog will be made with short legs, you should not add too long a cut. The first row of the foot is created with two black beads. Make the weaving voluminous so that the dog’s craft is stable. After you weave two legs, or rather the first half of the body, you will notice how an interesting figurine begins to emerge. You will definitely want to finish it to the very end as quickly as possible.

When you reach the dog's hind legs, also introduce additional wire. The diagram shows the color of beads with which to start the row. The tail is woven in one row of white and black beads. This tail will not be rigid, so it can be placed in any position.

Once you have woven the back legs, thread the remaining wire underneath them, between the rows of beads. Now we can consider that the master class is over. Look how cute the little dog turned out. Another very important point is the same size of beads and the degree of their smoothness. To make the craft look neat and even, try to purchase high-quality beads.

Once you have made one beaded item, you will definitely want to create something else. Beadwork is becoming a very popular handicraft, although our ancestors also worked with it. They not only weaved from it, but also trimmed outfits, and also decorated decorations. For those who are just beginning to take their first steps in this craft, we recommend starting with small master classes that involve no more than three colors of beads. In this case, you will not get confused in the scheme and will do everything correctly.

Patterns for weaving dogs

Dogs are our best friends, which is why their images are so often used in creativity. For example, in beading You can not only embroider images of your favorite pets, but also make three-dimensional figures of them. Our recommendations and video tutorials with detailed explanations of weaving patterns will tell you how to do this correctly.

How to make a dog out of beads with your own hands

To begin with, we invite you to get inspired by simple ideas for weaving different types of dogs from beads, and the proposed patterns will allow you to correctly complete all the steps.

Pattern for weaving a small poodle from beads

For this cute poodle, choose large beads with a faceted surface. Please note that this little craft uses several sizes of beads. This poodle can be a desktop decoration or an excellent keychain.

Pattern for weaving a miniature terrier from beads

This miniature dog with a bone will definitely appeal to children, because you can even play with it. You can make such a toy using wire and beads in blue, light blue, white, black and yellow. Please note that the dog is braided in two stages. First, the head is formed, then the body, and at the end both parts are connected. Weaving is done in a parallel way.

Pattern for weaving a flat dog from beads

To make such a cute beagle keychain, you will need some beads in white, black and brown shades, plastic canvas and a carabiner ring. Carry out the embroidery according to the pattern, and then trim off the excess and attach the ring.

Pattern for weaving a voluminous dog from beads

We offer you a detailed weaving pattern for a three-dimensional dog, which consists of several parts. You need to weave all the parts in a mosaic fashion and connect them together. To work, use thin wire and beads in white, black and brown colors.

Bead embroidery pattern for a dog

This simple pattern will allow you to quite easily, using cells, embroider a group of dogs that you can use to decorate a handbag, a sofa cushion, or make a small picture in a frame.

Pattern of bead embroidery of dogs in the picture

This pattern on fabric can be purchased at craft stores and used for sewing sofa cushions. Or you can transfer this design to any other fabric using canvas with pull-out threads and embroider with beads along the cells. And if you have a good photo of your dog in electronic form, then you can order a pixel-by-pixel scheme from any printing studio, which can then be used for bead embroidery.

How to make a beaded brooch in the shape of a dog

In order to make such cute dog-shaped brooches, you first need to make a simple sketch, taking the shape of the dogs in the photo as an example, and transfer it to thick fabric or non-woven fabric, and then fill the entire space with tubular beads along with large and small beads. In this case, you can show your imagination and determine the embroidery pattern yourself. Trim the excess fabric and attach a pin to the wrong side.

Video with master class lessons on creating dogs from beads

In this collection of video tutorials you will find interesting ideas for creating different types of dogs and other interesting crafts from beads.

  • A video explaining and demonstrating a pattern for beginners to weave a flat dog with beads.

  • Video with a lesson on how to weave dog beads into squares using a ready-made pattern.

  • Video tutorial explaining the pattern of weaving a dog using beads.

  • Video with a master class lesson on how to make a dog from beads using a ready-made pattern.

  • In this video tutorial you will see how to make a chic brooch in the shape of a dog from beads.

  • Video with a lesson on weaving a small dachshund from beads.

  • This video tutorial is suitable for beginners and will show you how to properly weave a yellow dog from beads.

  • A video with ideas for creating various beaded animals, including dogs.

The following selection of video tutorials will tell you what you can make from beads besides a dog.

  • Video tutorial on how to make a beautiful large snowflake from beads.

  • Video with a master class lesson on weaving -birch from beads-.

  • In this master class you will learn how to weave -wisteria from beads-.

  • Video with a lesson teaching how to weave rowan berries from beads with your own hands.

  • Video tutorial on how to properly weave a lariat from beads.

We have offered you various techniques for weaving dogs from beads, which are quite easy to master on your own. Bead embroidery can decorate clothes or a handbag, a flat version of the dog can be used to make a refrigerator magnet or a key ring, and a voluminous dog will become a pleasant souvenir for friends and acquaintances. Tell us in the comments what kind of bead dogs you have already made and what weaving technique you used.

Small funny beaded figurines in the form of different animals are a great idea for spending time with your child. The development of fine motor skills plus an original toy that can be used as a souvenir or keychain - these are the main advantages of becoming interested in this type of needlework, such as beadwork. In this lesson, we invite you to consider a detailed master class with step-by-step photographs of each of the stages, from which you will learn how to make a dog from beads.

In addition, upon completion of the article, you will be offered a video lesson from an experienced craftswoman, on the basis of which you can learn another way to weave an interesting figurine of your favorite pet.

  • Before you start weaving a dog from beads, you need to decide on a basic set for work:
  • beads of several shades (do not strictly follow this list, choose shades of the main material at your discretion). This example uses light and orange beads numbered eight;
  • also prepare a couple of brown beads and one scarlet bead with the same number;
  • one bead with a diameter of six mm;
  • wire (0.2 millimeters) two hundred centimeters for the working thread, two additional pieces of twenty cm each and four more - forty centimeters each. The first two will be used for the ears, and four - for the paws and tail of the dog;

fishing line

This bead figurine of a dog will be created based on volumetric technology, where the rows are placed in a special way to form two tiers: top and bottom. The top ones are the back of the craft, and the bottom ones are the abdomen.

The first row consists of three tiers. First you need to do the top and bottom. To do this, string a couple of white beads (BB), one dark bead and again 2 BB onto the wire. Next, the low one is placed in the center, then a couple more BBs are put on either end, which will become the lower tier. The second tip should be passed through them in the opposite direction. After tightening the wire, pick up one scarlet bead. Pass this tip through a pair of light beads in the lower tier. After pulling the wire together, place the scarlet bead in the center among the two tiers.

Next we weave the second tier of the dog from beads.

Top (VYa) - string six BBs, thread the wire through them in the opposite direction, pull and bend it so that they form the top.

Lower (NL) – four BB.

Fourth row: VY: five OB, pairs BB, five OB. Also, in this row you need to insert an additional segment (twenty centimeters), threading it through the four centers of the set. This is where the dog's ears will later be made.

Pass the second working wire end through the entire set in the other direction and pull the weave together. NY: six BB.

On the fifth day for VYa, string: six OBs, a couple of BBs and again six OBs. NY: eight BB.

Sixth row: five OBs on each side, with a light one between them. Here, for the dog’s ears, insert another twenty-centimeter piece through the central five elements.

Seventh row: VY: 4 OB on the sides, among them a pair of light ones. For AE, twelve light ones are recruited. Pass an additional segment (forty cm) into four beads located in the center. The dog's paws will be made from beads on it.

Eighth row: VY: two OBs on each side, five light ones in the center. NJ: 13 BB.

Ninth row: In the upper tier - 8 BB. In the lower one there are three OBs on the sides, and seven light ones in the center. Next, another additional piece is threaded in this row for future weaving of the legs.

At ten p.m. The sequence of the set is as follows: for both tiers there are three orange beads on the sides, and in the center for the top - two light ones, for the bottom - seven.

At this stage of weaving a dog with beads, the side view looks like this:

Eleventh and twelfth rows: VY consists of eight OBs; in the NL, respectively, there are seven and six light ones in the center and three on the orange sides.

For weaving the thirteenth r. dial eight OB in VYA. There are four OB, BB, and OB in the NY. Through the central 4, thread another additional length of forty centimeters. Subsequently, this will be the back leg of the animal.

Fourteenth r.: VY: eight pcs. orange, NY: 3 OB on the sides and five in the center.

Fifteenth and sixteenth: VY, seven and six OBs, respectively, NY - three OBs on the sides and four and two light ones in the middle.

In the seventeenth row: for the top tier, pick up four orange pieces, through the pair of central ones, thread the final forty-centimeter additional piece. It will serve as the basis for weaving a tail for a dog figurine. At the bottom, dial 5 BB.

The last - eighteenth row of the dog's body consists of light beads, respectively in tiers: two and one.

Having completed the body, the next step is to start creating the dog’s legs. The first pair is made on the wire that was inserted before the last one, as well as on the remainder of the working one. The weaving technique is volumetric.

The work flow is as follows:

In the first four rows in the upper tiers there are OBs, in the lower ones there are BBs in the following quantities: 5, 4, 3, 2.

In the fifth and sixth, all the beads will be white, two in each tier.

After this, you should dial 3 BBs onto any wire end and thread it through a pair of beads in the NL in the sixth row.

Now pull the wire and secure it by threading the section into the previous bead row. After this, the wire ends are twisted together and cut off.

By analogy with one hind leg of a dog, the second one trails.

Scheme of work in rows: each of the tiers consists of two beads. In the first and second pp. OB at the top, BB at the bottom. The fourth and fifth are only light.

On any wire tip, pick up three pieces of white beads and thread them through two beads in the bottom tier in the fifth row. After this, the wire is pulled together and fixed. One of the dog's front legs is done. The second is done according to the same scheme.

For the animal's tail, the weaving technique is also voluminous, and the sequence of beads is as follows:

The first four rows are made up of the same number and color of beads on both levels: two orange. In this and the sixth, it’s the other way around – only light. The last seventh consists of BB, in levels: two on top and one on the bottom. Secure the wire and your ponytail is ready.

At the last stage, the ears are woven. In this case, the volumetric weaving technique is replaced by a parallel one. The color of the beads is orange. There are four rows in total, each of which consists of: 3,5,3,2 pcs. Once you are done with one of your dog's ears, do the other one.

This is the technique behind weaving a small dog figurine from beads. Using this master class as a basis, you will definitely get your own original craft, which will be a pleasant surprise for a small child.

At this point the weaving can be completed, or you can additionally stitch the craft so that the figurine can stand and take on a solid shape. To do this, take a fishing line and a needle. Make 2 knots on the line and tighten them. Next, the needle is threaded under the final bottom row of beads and passed through the knot. This way you can firmly secure the line to the dog. Then, you should sew the rows sequentially, pulling the needle and fishing line under the rows of beads. Tighten it so that it runs in the center of each row. Sew the beaded rows of the lower part of the dog first, then the upper one. Having finished stitching the figure, the fishing line will need to be tightened into a knot and hidden inside the dog. The paws can be left unstitched.

As practical material, we offer you a fascinating video for learning on how to visually weave another type of dog from beads using a different technique - parallel. This is an easier way that will help you quickly and easily make a figurine with your baby in a matter of hours. These kinds of lessons are the easiest way for beginners to learn how to work with small beads and turn them into unique handmade crafts.

Video: Learning to weave a dog


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