Why do pregnant women have a stripe on their stomach? Why do pregnant women have a dark line on their stomach? The color intensity of the vertical stripe on the pregnant woman’s abdomen is determined by the amount of melanotropin

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Most women wonder why a dark line appears on the stomach during pregnancy? What does this mean and can it be avoided? Some are worried - is this dangerous? Read the article to the end and you will find out the answers to these questions.

Why does a stripe appear on the stomach during pregnancy, and what does this line mean?

The dark line on the future mother's belly is nothing more than a consequence of increased pigment production. In other words - hyperpigmentation.

This stripe is a line running vertically from the navel to the pubis. Sometimes it reaches the level of the ribs. But, no matter the length, such a line is always located strictly in the center of the abdomen.

It should be said that all women have such a stripe, it’s just that during pregnancy it turns brown and becomes noticeable.

Why is this happening? The reason lies in the endocrine system. When pregnancy occurs, the function of the pituitary gland increases several times, and active production of adrenocorticotropic hormone begins. And this, in turn, affects the functioning of the adrenal glands. In addition, the body of a pregnant woman is more sensitive to the level of this hormone and reacts to it more vividly.

As for the adrenal glands, their job is to produce adrenaline - a stress hormone and mineralocorticoids - hormones that are extremely necessary for the body of a pregnant woman.

Functions that mineralocorticoids supplement:

  1. Helps reduce immunity in the waking mother, which prevents fetal rejection.
  2. Strengthens the production of dark pigment.
  3. Promotes increased hair growth on a woman’s body (hypertrichosis).

In addition, the level of estrogen (female sex hormones) increases in the body of the expectant mother, which in turn causes the liver to produce more proteins that bind adrenal hormones. And this complicates their disposal.

The entire above chain of processes leads to an increase in the level of adrenal hormones in the blood of a pregnant woman, and this leads to excessive deposition of dark pigment. As a result, a dark stripe appears on the stomach.

For the same reason, during pregnancy the number of age spots increases and the nipples darken. This becomes especially noticeable in the second and third trimester.

Other hormones that influence the appearance of a dark line:

  1. Melotropin or the hormone of calm. It is responsible for a calm state during stress, and during pregnancy its production completely depends on the state of the embryo.
  2. Somatropin. The level of this hormone during pregnancy increases hundreds of times, since the growth of the abdominal walls and stretching of muscle tissue depend on it. This is why the middle line becomes thin and transparent, in preparation for the appearance of a dark stripe.
  3. Progesterone. The hormone is responsible for the complete restructuring of the female body during pregnancy.

As for concerns, you should know that such a line does not pose a danger to either the expectant mother or the baby. All this is just a natural reaction of the body. Moreover, if such a line exists, it means that hormonal processes are going correctly.

Reference. Dark-haired women with dark skin are more prone to the appearance of this line. With them it takes on a very dark, almost chocolate color.

When does a stripe appear on the stomach during pregnancy?

In this case, everything depends on the body of a particular woman. For some, the stripe appears already at the beginning of pregnancy, but throughout the entire period it is not very noticeable. In others, on the contrary, the stripe appears late, but has a pronounced brown color and stretches from the ribs to the pubis.

For most expectant mothers, the stripe appears around the 12th week of pregnancy. At first it is almost invisible, then it becomes more and more pronounced. This occurs as hormones become concentrated in the blood. By the 23rd week the stripe becomes clearly visible.

In rare cases, it does not appear at all or becomes noticeable only in the 3rd trimester.

Attention! In some women, the stripe acquires a bluish tint before giving birth, but do not be afraid - this is one of the normal variants.

How long will the dark stripe be present on the stomach?

In most cases, the dark line disappears within a few weeks after delivery. But, there are times when it becomes lighter, but does not disappear completely.

Both the appearance and disappearance of the dark line are closely related to hormone levels. This means that its disappearance will occur as the concentration of their level in the blood decreases. If a woman is breastfeeding, this process is slower and the streak will last longer. In nursing mothers, it disappears a few months after birth.

Reference. With repeated pregnancies, the dark stripe appears earlier and is more visible.

Is it possible to prevent its formation?

The answer is clear - no. It is impossible to completely get rid of or prevent the appearance of the streak, but you can significantly reduce its appearance.

Ways to deal with dark streak:

  1. Try to wear closed clothing. The less sunlight hits your stomach, the less noticeable the flatness will be.
  2. Avoid direct sunlight and try to stay indoors on hot days.
  3. In summer, be sure to use sunscreen.
  4. Include foods rich in folic acid in your daily diet: orange juice, asparagus, beans, wheat, spinach, etc. After all, vitamin C deficiency contributes to the appearance of hyperpigmentation.
  5. Try to give up black tea and coffee.
  6. Use skin whitening creams or gels. But, be careful, the products you use must consist of natural ingredients. The use of products containing mercury compounds, AHA acids and hydroquinone is strictly prohibited.

Folk remedies for lightening dark stripes:

  1. Honey-based peeling will not only lighten the streak, but will soften the skin, making it smooth and silky.
  2. Mixing lemon juice with alcohol and applying it to the skin will reduce the appearance of pigmentation. Do this at the very beginning of the appearance of the stripe, and it will be practically invisible. This method can be used as a preventive measure.
  3. You can wipe your stomach with a decoction of chamomile or linden. To do this, pour 1 tablespoon of dried flowers into a glass of boiling water and heat in a water bath for 10 minutes. After the broth has cooled, wipe the skin on your stomach with it. The temperature of the decoction should be pleasantly warm and comfortable.
  4. A wrap based on cottage cheese, cucumber or lemon juice will also help in the fight against pigmentation.

If childbirth has already passed, but the strip remains, contact a beauty salon for help.

Attention! Vitamin D is extremely necessary for the expectant mother's body, so the sun should not be avoided completely. But moderation is important here. A pregnant woman's exposure to the sun should be no more than 30 minutes a day.

Signs and superstitions

Since ancient times, the gender of the unborn child was determined by the color and length of the stripe. It is believed that if the line is light and extends at the level of the navel, then a girl will be born. If the stripe is dark and stretches from the womb to the ribs, then a son will be born.

Whether to believe signs is something everyone decides for themselves, but this information has not received scientific confirmation.


To summarize, it is worth saying that there is nothing terrible in the fact that a pregnant woman has a dark stripe. After all, this does not in any way affect the health of the mother and the unborn baby. And some even believe that the darker the line, the more resistant to stress the child will be.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

The expectant mother undergoes a complete transformation during pregnancy. Changes occur on both an emotional and physiological level. The nature of some metamorphoses is obvious without much explanation, for example, it is clear why the abdomen enlarges and the mammary glands become enlarged. But why does a dark stripe appear on the stomach during pregnancy? How can we explain the fact that for some this line does not appear? And if it was not possible to prevent its appearance, then when exactly after childbirth does the stripe on the stomach go away?

A dark longitudinal stripe appears on the stomach of almost every pregnant woman. This is a temporary phenomenon. After the baby is born, the color of her belly will definitely return to the same color. The expectant mother should not be upset or worried about this. A stripe on the stomach during pregnancy does not pose any danger to either the woman or the child.

In fact, every person has this strip, regardless of gender and age. It is called the white line and is normally colored the same color as the skin. The linea alba is composed of tendon fibers and separates the muscles on the sides of the abdominal cavity. It is at the border between them that muscle tissue turns into tendon tissue. This explains her appearance.

While carrying the baby, the expectant mother notices that the stripe turns brown. This happens because the baby grows, the stomach increases, and the muscles stretch. At the same time, the linea alba also stretches and becomes more noticeable. The adrenal glands of a pregnant woman work harder, which leads to increased production of melanin, which colors this stripe.

The width, height, and color intensity of the line are individual. For some it reaches only to the navel, for others - to the ribs. This is due to the individual characteristics of the female body. But the appearance of such a strip should not upset the expectant mother. Rather, on the contrary, if the line appears and darkens, it means that the pregnancy is developing and the baby is growing.

Does everyone have it?

A brown stripe on the stomach does not always appear during pregnancy. 1 in 10 women manage to avoid this. Modern medicine cannot explain such statistics. It is believed that a pigment stripe on the abdomen during pregnancy is more likely to form in dark-haired, dark-skinned and dark-eyed mothers. Blondes are less susceptible to this phenomenon.

But other factors also influence the degree of staining. For example, climatic conditions, degree of ultraviolet radiation. To prevent the strip from appearing too intensely, the expectant mother should reduce the tanning time as much as possible.

The period when a stripe appears on the abdomen during pregnancy is individual for each woman. Most often this happens towards the end of the second trimester. But if pigmentation was present in the first pregnancy, then in each subsequent pregnancy it is highly likely that it will appear at an earlier date, and its coloring will be more pronounced.

When will the stripe disappear?

Most women do not like the appearance of pigmentation. They are interested in when the line on the stomach will go away after childbirth and whether this will happen. There is no need to worry; in most cases, a problem such as a stripe on the stomach goes away within a few months after childbirth. Sometimes the coloring of the white line can persist for six months after the baby is born and, in extremely rare cases, remain noticeable for a longer period, only slightly fading.

How to get rid of the strip?

How to remove a stripe on your stomach? In general, all the answers to this question boil down to one thing - you should wait a little. Most likely, in the first 6 months after the birth of the baby, the dark line itself will gradually fade and become completely invisible. If you are absolutely impatient and want to speed up this process, you can use whitening creams. But it is important to carefully study the composition of the product; it should not contain mercury or other components prohibited for women during their period.

If the stripe on the stomach does not go away for a long time after childbirth, then you can consult a dermatologist and cosmetologist. Modern cosmetology, in the absence of health problems, will help a woman eliminate the problem in a few sessions.

Folk signs

If you believe folk superstitions, a stripe on the stomach during pregnancy will help determine the sex of the baby. It is believed that if the white line is poorly pigmented, not clearly expressed and reaches only the navel, then a girl will be born. But a long dark stripe foreshadows the birth of an heir. However, not all so simple. It is possible to reliably determine the sex of a baby only with the help of modern medical technologies.

How to prevent the appearance of stripes?

Most likely, there is no remedy that can protect the expectant mother from the appearance of a dark line on her stomach. But you can try to make it not so noticeable. What to do to prevent the brown stripe on the stomach from appearing during pregnancy? This question can be answered by understanding what external factors contribute to the pigmentation of the white line, and how to minimize their impact.

It is known that ultraviolet light enhances the brightness of skin color. This means that during pregnancy it is necessary to reduce the time spent in the sun. And if you really want to sunbathe, then it is important to regularly use sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 30. When choosing an anti-tanning cream or spray, you need to pay attention to the composition of the product. It should contain zinc or titanium oxide (mechanical filters), which are safe for mother and baby.

The next factor contributing to the intense accumulation of pigment in the white line is the food of a pregnant woman.

To make it easier to get rid of this problem after childbirth, you should exclude from your diet or try to minimize the consumption of:

  • strong tea;
  • strong coffee;
  • fatty meat.

It is necessary to increase the number of products containing ascorbic acid in the menu. The lack of these substances in the body of the expectant mother can provoke hyperpigmentation. To maintain healthy skin, a woman benefits from fruits and vegetables, especially green ones, lemons, and rosehip tea. As prescribed by your attending physician, you can drink it to improve your skin condition and overall well-being.

A dark stripe on the stomach is a frequent companion to pregnancy. Very few manage to avoid its appearance. In most cases, the expectant mother cannot influence the process of pigmentation of the white line. You can try to correct it with a special diet and sunscreen, but until the baby is born, the result will most likely be mild.

But even if all your efforts did not lead to success, and a stripe still appears on your stomach, you should not be upset. You can perceive the dark line as evidence of the baby’s successful intrauterine development. Very soon after his birth, she will turn pale and gradually disappear without a trace.

Useful video about the dark stripe on the stomach that appears during pregnancy

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A woman always wants to remain the most beautiful and desirable. And any unsightly appearance on the body is a real disaster for her. A woman's appearance undergoes the biggest changes during pregnancy. After childbirth, weight gain, sagging muscles, the appearance of stretch marks and age spots, for example, a stripe on the stomach, are observed. Over time, most of these problems disappear: the body regains its former shape, the muscles become stronger. However, many representatives of the fair sex are concerned about the dark strip dividing their stomach into two parts; will it go away?

Why do pregnant women have a stripe on their stomach?

Why does a long brown stripe often appear on the belly of pregnant women? - this question concerns most women, and in order to answer it, you must first understand what this line is. Our abdominal press consists of muscles located symmetrically on the left and right sides. These muscles are connected by tendons that run right down the middle of the abdomen. This vertical line is called the “linea alba.”

However, at a certain stage of pregnancy, you may notice that your navel has darkened and a brown trail has appeared on your pubic area and abdomen. This pigment line can be dark brown or light brown in color.

This path does not darken only in ten percent of pregnant women. Scientists believe that fair-haired and blue-eyed girls have a better chance of avoiding such pigmentation.

Exactly why pigmentation appears is unknown. However, scientists attribute this to the fact that during pregnancy the melanin pigment is intensely released. This occurs due to the fact that the pituitary gland produces ACTH in large quantities, which stimulates the production of melanotropin by the adrenal glands, due to which melanin is formed. Thus, you must understand that the strip is not a deviation from the norm and does not pose a threat to either the mother or the child. The absence of a stripe is also not something bad.

Adrenal hormones, which include melanotropin and adrenaline, are responsible not only for pigmentation. Here are several visible factors that are associated precisely with the body’s increased production of these hormones.

What do adrenal hormones contribute to:

  1. Adrenal hormones are directly related to decreased immunity during pregnancy. This is necessary so that the body does not perceive the baby as a foreign object.
  2. These hormones retain salt and water in the body. Because of this, all pregnant women experience swelling.
  3. Pigmentation is also caused by the release of these hormones. In this case, not only will a pigment track most likely appear, but the skin around the nipples, on the face and in the pubic area will also darken.
  4. Also, because of these hormones, the hairy birth tract grows, and the hair on the legs and lower abdomen grows faster.

Increased estrogen release also plays a big role. Because of this, proteins that bind adrenal hormones begin to be released in large quantities.

When does a stripe appear on the stomach during pregnancy?

Girls carrying a child are interested in when to expect the appearance of such a sign of pregnancy as mother-in-law's stripe. Everything is individual here, but there are times when the red or brown carpet appears most often.

The birth strip always runs down to the pubic area from the navel. However, in some cases, such a line may extend from the navel and up to the chest.

We invite you to look at a few facts about the appearance of the birth canal. They will be of interest to you and will allow you to better understand when this symptom that accompanies pregnancy appears and when it goes away.

At what time does the birth track usually appear?

  1. Sometimes the birth canal comes out in the very early stages. However, in the first trimester it mainly appears in dark-skinned and dark-haired women.
  2. Typically, the birth track begins to become visible after 12 weeks of pregnancy. Over time, it becomes darker and may become covered with hair.
  3. A pink, brown or red stripe will decorate the center of the belly throughout pregnancy. It never disappears before giving birth.

The time when the strip appears mainly depends on the amount of melanin produced by the body. However, by the middle of the second trimester of pregnancy it is usually already clearly visible. Sometimes such a spot is covered with hair, the color of which can be either light or black.

How to avoid the appearance of a stripe on your stomach

While expecting a baby, it will not be possible to completely avoid the appearance of a dark stripe on the tummy. And, unfortunately, nothing can be done about it. However, in order for the strip to be medium in brightness and not saturated, several rules must be followed.

Since the dark stripe on the stomach appears under the influence of melanin, the production of which is provoked by the sun, in hot countries some girls wear such a mark even without having children.

So, returning to the question: “How to make the strip less noticeable?”, It must be said that, first of all, it depends on your lifestyle. The brightness of such a line is mainly affected by nutrition and sunlight.

What needs to be done so that the strip is not very bright and does not remain for life:

  1. UV promotes a more intense release of melanin by the body. Therefore, in order to avoid too bright pigmentation, pregnant women should not visit solariums or sunbathe on beaches. Also, in the summer, when going outside, it is advisable to apply a cream with UV protection to the skin.
  2. You also need to monitor how much you consume foods rich in vitamin C, you should get as much of this substance as possible. In this case, it is advisable to avoid foods that negatively affect the liver.
  3. The bright line appears due to a lack of folic acid. Dark green vegetables, nuts, beef, liver and red fish will help you replenish the balance of this substance.

Following these tips will not help you remove the streak that has already appeared. But with their help you can prevent the darkening of such pigmentation.

When will the stripe on the stomach go away after childbirth?

Women who have already noticed a dark stripe on their stomach ask, “Will it go away or will it stay for life?” In most cases, this mark goes away within 1.5 years after birth. However, sometimes, it remains for life.

If you still have such a stripe, don’t worry, you can make it lighter using simple methods. As surveys show, most men are not embarrassed by such lines on a woman’s body.

If you don’t want to wait 1.5 years for the strip to disappear on its own, then you can use folk recipes that will help you reduce this period to 3 months. Our tips will also help you lighten the line if it doesn’t go away on its own.

How to get rid of a family line:

  1. A lotion made from lemon juice or red currant puree will help you lighten brown streaks. To do this, gauze is soaked in the product and applied to the problem area for 15 minutes. After this, the juice should be washed off under running water.
  2. A bell pepper belly mask may also help you. The pepper is grated and then placed on the stomach for 20 hours. After this, the product is washed off.
  3. You can use fermented milk products, yogurt, sour cream, kefir or yogurt to lighten pigmentation. The mask is applied to problem areas for half an hour and then washed off with warm water.

With the help of such recipes you can quickly and effectively lighten age spots. It is possible that after several treatments, the dark line will disappear. These methods are suitable not only for the birth canal, but also for other colored areas of the skin.

Gender of the child and the stripe on the stomach during pregnancy

It is believed that using a pigment strip you can determine the gender of the child. It is based on determining where the line begins. Of course, this method is not scientifically confirmed. However, for the sake of experimentation, you can use fortune telling on pigmentation.

What does the birthmark mean:

  • If the stripe is light and continues from the navel to the pubic bone, then there will be a girl;
  • If the stripe starts from where the womb is located and ends at the chest, and at the same time has a dark color, you will have a boy.

There is also a belief that the darker the stripe, the more stress-resistant the baby will be. This is explained by the fact that the formation of such a line is promoted by a substance that is a natural antidepressant.

Why does a stripe appear on the stomach during pregnancy (video)

A dark stripe appears on the abdomen in nine out of ten pregnant women. However, such a mark in most cases disappears after childbirth. So no need to worry.

Many girls notice it on their stomach during pregnancy. dark vertical stripe. All girls understand that a baby is growing inside them, as a result of which the body adapts to changes, but such “beauty” causes either bewilderment or excitement. What could a dark stripe on the stomach mean?

Dark stripe - definition

Dark stripe on the stomach– this is a sign of hyperpigmentation, i.e. one area of ​​your skin has become a darker color than the rest. The stripe looks like a dark vertical stripe extending from the navel down. There are cases where the stripe continues to grow upward towards the level of the ribs. It always runs down the middle of the abdomen in a vertical position. The stripe is present on the stomach of all girls, but is very pronounced in pregnant women. Vertical dark stripe on the abdomen during pregnancy begins to appear due to the increased concentration of pigment substances in a given place.

Who is more susceptible to stripes?

Statistics say that a stripe on the stomach of pregnant women begins to appear in 90% of cases. Most often, dark-skinned girls with dark-colored hair are exposed to this phenomenon.

The reason for the vertical stripe

Why do pregnant women have a stripe on their stomach? No one can say a clear answer to this question. There is a hypothesis. The streak is associated with hormonal changes in pregnant women. The levels of the following substances increase:

Melanotropin (this hormone stimulates melanocytes - epidermal cells responsible for skin color);
estrogen (a hormone that ensures the functioning of the reproductive system);
progesterone (steroid hormone).

From all of the above, it is clear that there is no need to worry. Hormonal levels change while you are carrying your baby in the womb.

Period of stripe development

When does a stripe appear on the stomach during pregnancy? For some, the streak appears at the beginning, indicating that you are already in an interesting position. Initially, it may be of lighter colors, beginning to acquire a dark color over time. Most often, girls notice a streak appearing in the middle of pregnancy. But there is a possibility that the streak will appear in the 3rd trimester. Each case proceeds individually.


Over time, hormone levels increase, which causes the stripe on the belly of pregnant women to darken. Most often, the stripe disappears after pregnancy, but sometimes it becomes lighter and more noticeable. In subsequent pregnancies, it appears earlier and in a darker tone.

Ways to get rid of and prevent its occurrence

After the end of pregnancy, the strip should disappear. There are a few tips to prevent it:

Spend less time in the open rays of the sun;
Use cosmetics that help protect against sun rays;
Located in the shade in hot weather;
Wear closed summer clothes.

And if you follow these tips, then there is still a chance that a stripe on your stomach may appear during pregnancy. By following these tips, you can increase the chance of a lighter-toned streak appearing. It is impossible to get rid of or hide this line.

Do not forget!

The sun is the main source of vitamin D in our body. It is the basis for the healthy growth and development of the bones of the unborn baby. As a result, you need to find a balance: not be in the sun so long as to avoid the appearance of a dark vertical stripe, but not so long as to not receive the required vitamin.

Every person needs vitamin D in different amounts, it depends on the type of person’s skin, the season, and the geographic location. The average period of time recommended for exposure to the sun is 30 minutes, with low sun activity.

Baby's gender and stripe

Popular rumor believes that determine the gender of the baby by the stripe on the stomach in pregnant women it is possible, but this has not been scientifically proven. A light-colored stripe ending near the center of the abdomen means there will be a girl; a dark-colored stripe extending above the center of the abdomen means there will be a boy. We can say that a stripe on the stomach of pregnant women indicates that everything is in accordance with the norms. You shouldn’t have a complex about this: it indicates that you will soon become a mother.

Expert commentary

This material was commented above S.Yu. Buyanov, obstetrician-gynecologist, head of the maternity department, first category doctor, medical experience – 16 years.

Girls who are in an interesting position become more suspicious. Any changes make them nervous. Many signs that appear during pregnancy raise the question of whether they will persist for life or only during pregnancy. If a stripe appears on her stomach during pregnancy, then no girl is ready to live with such “decoration” all her life.

Hormonal changes

One of the factors behind the appearance of a dark stripe on the abdomen during pregnancy is a change in the amount of hormonal substances. Hormones- these are substances produced in the human body and prompting him to perform any actions. Hormones do not act on all cells of the body; in a pregnant girl, these are the cells responsible for labor. At this time, the number of hormones responsible for the reproductive system multiplies several hundred times, and the rest by several tens of times. One of these hormones is somatotropin, growth hormone. Somatotromin is actively produced during childhood and adolescence. During pregnancy, it also begins to be actively synthesized, which manifests itself as changes in the girl’s appearance, elongation of fingers, sharpening of facial features. These changes are reversible, since after pregnancy the amount of somatotropin decreases. All this is called in one word acromegalicism of pregnant women.

Somatotropin and the stripe on the stomach

A dark vertical stripe appears on the midline; this line divides the abdomen exactly in half, connecting both parts of the body. The uterus grows due to hormones responsible for the reproductive system, the abdominal wall due to somatotropin. It acts in the direction of muscle growth, since there is no muscle tissue in the middle of the abdomen, there is only a strip of connecting tissue. The hormone moves the muscles to the sides, as a result of which the connective tissue increases slightly, becomes thinner and more transparent. This is the base for the brown belly stripe. The hormone changes its color and brightness - melanotropin. Most often, girls are more interested in the stripe on their stomach than in the pigmentation on their face. This state of affairs has developed historically. Now everyone is still interested in this fact, but the knowledge has disappeared, since it was not in demand before.

Melanotropin and belly stripe

Melanotropin is one of the anti-stress hormones; it is activated by the unborn baby. In pregnant dark-haired girls with dark skin, a stripe appears on the stomach in any case, because melanocyte cells appeared in them before pregnancy began. Fair-haired girls did not have them before pregnancy. Two conclusions can be drawn here:

1. determine whether the baby is comfortable;
2. The child independently creates melonotropin, which enters the mother’s blood.

If the baby was born fair-skinned with light-colored hair, but during pregnancy there was a bright brown stripe on the stomach, then the baby will be stress-resistant.

The dark stripe that appears during pregnancy makes half of the expectant mothers quite nervous, who begin to think that something is wrong with the baby.

In fact, a vertical line on the abdomen should not cause concern, since it is a physiological feature of the female body that becomes pronounced and noticeable during the period of bearing a child.

The stripe on the stomach of pregnant women can have different sizes. In most cases, it stretches from the pubis to the navel, but it can also reach the line of the ribs, passing through the entire abdomen. The color can also vary from light beige to rich brown. It is the last option that most often frightens pregnant women.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy

Increased production of sex hormones (primarily estrogen) leads to significant changes in the female body. Under the influence of estrogen, a woman’s psyche changes: tearfulness appears, her mood often changes, and in the evenings it becomes difficult to fall asleep due to constant anxious thoughts.

Sometimes changes can affect the timbre of the voice - it becomes rougher and lower. Hair follicles are activated under the influence of estrogen: it is for this reason that pregnant women’s hair grows quickly, and even those who previously could not boast of a long head of curls note a significant increase in hair growth.

If the level of estrogen and progesterone in the body of a pregnant woman becomes very high, the synthesis of melanotropin is stimulated.

This is a hormone responsible for the formation of coloring pigment in skin cells. When its concentration reaches its peak, a woman develops a characteristic stripe on her stomach. Under the influence of melanotropin, the number of freckles and moles can significantly increase. All these phenomena are usually temporary, so you should not worry when they appear.

Large fetus or overweight

There is no direct connection between the appearance of a stripe on the stomach. However, some gynecologists say that extra pounds gained during pregnancy can increase the risk of developing a vertical line. This is because the skin in the middle of the abdomen is very thin. If it is overstretched, it can become thinner, resulting in changes in the pigmentation of the area at the junction of the stretch.

Excessive abdominal size can be explained by the following reasons:

  • overweight or obesity;
  • (more than 3500 g);
  • fetal malformations.

When the probability of a dark stripe appearing on the stomach increases several times.

When do pregnant women develop a stripe on their belly?

Most often, a dark vertical line in the center of the abdomen appears in the third trimester. By this moment, the height of the uterine fundus is approaching its maximum values; accordingly, the size of the “pregnant” tummy becomes quite impressive.

In most women, a barely noticeable light stripe appears at first, which darkens as the gestational age increases. In some cases, the line may immediately have a dark color - this is also one of the normal variants, so you should not be afraid of this phenomenon.

The line on the abdomen does not always become noticeable in the second half of pregnancy. About 10% of women note its appearance immediately after the end of the first trimester, that is, from 12-14 weeks.

In some cases, the early formation of pigmentation may indicate hormonal imbalances, so it is worth drawing the attention of the gynecologist to this fact.

If a woman’s tests are normal, her health remains good, and there are no signs of serious hormonal disorders, most likely, everything is in order with the woman’s health. Don't forget that some hormonal imbalance is normal during pregnancy. An experienced doctor will always notice signs indicating serious disorders in the body of the expectant mother.

About 2-3% of women notice the appearance of a dark stripe on their stomach in the first three days after childbirth (sometimes this period can last up to seven days).

The reason for this phenomenon is an increased level of estrogen, so after 1-2 months (the average end of postpartum discharge), you should undergo a thorough examination by a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

There are women who are not affected by increased pigmentation at all. They do not have a stripe on their belly either in the first or subsequent pregnancies.

When does it take place?

No doctor can answer this question accurately. As a rule, pigmentation goes away in the first weeks after birth, but it may also happen that the strip becomes invisible only after 2-6 months. The duration of this phenomenon depends on:

  • woman's health status;
  • level of sex hormones in the blood;
  • the length of the recovery period after childbirth;
  • individual characteristics of a woman.

Medicine knows of cases where a vertical brown stripe that appeared on the stomach during pregnancy did not go away at all. Even experienced obstetricians cannot say what this is connected with. Such situations are quite rare - as statistics show, only 1 woman out of 10,000 discovers a dark pigment stripe, which remains for many years even after childbirth.

Is it possible to get rid of a vertical stripe on the stomach?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of the vertical pigment line.

  • When walking in the summer, it is necessary to cover the abdominal area. Short T-shirts and tops are not acceptable.
  • Staying on the beach is possible only during hours of reduced solar activity (before 12 noon and after 17-18 pm).
  • Going to the solarium (even after childbirth) is strictly prohibited!
  • The use of sunscreens with a high level of ultraviolet protection (SPF greater than 50) is mandatory for all pregnant women going outside in the summer.
  • In hot weather, you should be in the shade more often.

Folk signs

In the old days in Rus', the gender of the unborn baby was even determined by the stripe on the stomach. It was believed that if a woman had a dark and long stripe, it meant that a boy would be born. But a short and light line foreshadowed the birth of a girl. If the strip did not appear at all, this was also interpreted as the birth of an heiress.

If the pigment line passed beyond the navel line and grew upward, reaching the intercostal zone, twins or triplets were expected. A broken strip indicated that the twins would be of different sexes.

Women should not be upset if they notice a stripe on their stomach that is beginning to darken. This is a physiological phenomenon that will not harm either mother or baby. In most cases, the strip goes away on its own after childbirth, so you need to put aside all fears and worries and enjoy the pregnancy period, because it will come to an end very soon.


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