Ideas for June 1st in kindergarten. Project "June 1 - Children's Day". “Hello girls, hello boys” all the children dance

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Children enter the hall with flowers to the soundtrack of the song “Childhood is me and you,” music. Yu. Chichkova.

Presenter: Dear friends, the long-awaited sun holiday has come for us. Today is the first day of summer. This day is dedicated to International Children's Day and the preservation of peace on earth. This day is dedicated to you, dear guys.

Presenter: The holiday dedicated to Children's Day is considered open. Hurray!

All together: Hurray!

Child: We are celebrating the summer holiday
Festival of the sun, festival of light
Sun, sun, brighter gray
The holiday will be more fun.

Child: We all dream together about one thing,

So that everyone has a family and a home,

Child: So that we, too, are loved,

And in childhood, we all lived without worries and grief.

Child: Therefore, we ask all people

So that we - children - are protected and valued! »

Child: First day of summer, become even brighter!
Celebrate the first of June everywhere!
After all, this is All Children's Day,
It’s not for nothing that people celebrate it!

Presenter: All the best songs and fairy tales in the world
I would give it to all the children of the Earth.
So that children grow up kind and kind,
So that children grow up brave.

Childhood - what is it?

Child: Childhood – the sky is blue!
Childhood - peace throughout the world
And love for my native country.

Child: In childhood, the sun shines brightly, laughter rings here and there.
These are the children of the whole planet singing a sonorous song.

Children perform the song “Childhood”, music. E. Filippova.

Host: Guys, how do you understand the words “friendship” and “kindness”?
Children's answers.
Child: So many cheerful and joyful faces.
Know that friendship has no boundaries anywhere!
Children on the planet know
That friendship and kindness are more valuable than anything else in the world!

Child: Toys, friendship, kindergarten,
Words burn like sparks.
All children want to be friends
All over the world!

Child: The sun is warm, the sun is warm,
Don't spare your rays!
Let it be warmer and stronger
There will be friendship among all children!

Children sing the song “Strong Friendship.”

Host: Yes, it’s good and fun when you have friends.

Dunno rides in on a scooter.

Dunno: Look how beautiful it is
Green, fresh all around,
It's like we were all invited
Stay in the green house!
-Oh, where am I? There are so many guys around! Why are you all so beautiful?
-What are you doing here?

Child: We are at a party today -
Summer has come to visit us!
Sunny Afternoon Festival
Gives joy and warmth!

Presenter: Dunno, today is June 1 - Children's Day! Summer has come!
Children spend a lot of time outside. Do you know that there are rules for safe behavior?
Dunno: I don’t like any rules! What are they needed for? I do what I want! I ride wherever I want!
Presenter: Dunno, if you follow the safety rules, then nothing will happen to you! Listen to our guys and remember these rules!

Child: You are catching up with your friend
Or hurry after the ball,
Don't run into the road -
Then you won't care about troubles

Child: Guys love to sunbathe -
They will turn black by autumn!
But they won’t forget the Panama hat
Always wear them.
Child: So that the grief passes,
So that there is no trouble,
Don't go swimming alone
Stay away from the water!
Child: Eat good foods
So that you are not sick.
Wash all the vegetables and fruits
And wash your hands more often!
Child: If the rules are simple
We will remember forever
In the summer they will be our family
Sun, air and water!
Host: Do you remember, Dunno?
Dunno: Thank you, guys! I remember everything and will follow all the rules!

Dunno: Guys, I also want to check how attentive you are, listen to my questions and try to answer them correctly:

Crucian carp live in the river. (Clap.) and say “yes”

Mushrooms grow on a pine tree. (They stomp.) and no

The bear loves sweet honey. (They clap.)

A steamer is heading into the field. (They stomp.)

The rain has passed - puddles remain. (They clap.)

The hare and the wolf are strong friends. (They stomp.)

The night will pass and the day will come. (Clap)

Mom is too lazy to help you. (Stomp)

You will spend the holiday together. (They clap.)

And you won't go home. (They stomp.)

There are no scattered among you. (They clap.)

Everyone is attentive here. (They clap.)

Dunno: Well done! Everyone was attentive and answered questions in a friendly manner.

Host: You see how friendly our guys are, and they also know how to play different games together.

The relay race “Collect the cubes” is held.

(Players from both teams stand on one side of the court. In front of each team there is a large basket with multi-colored cubes (for example, red and yellow). On the other side there are two multi-colored boxes, similar in color to the cubes. Two players from each team take one cube, they run to the opposite side of the court, drop the cubes into a box of the desired color, return, clap the outstretched hand of the next pair of players - pass the baton. The team whose members move all the cubes faster and correctly wins.)

Dunno: Thank you, friends! I really enjoyed your holiday, but it’s time for me to go to Sunny City! Goodbye!

Child: Hello, hello our summer!
Everything is warmed by your warmth:
Meadow and field and gardens,
Forest, and river, and ponds
We live very happily
We'll go for a walk.
Child: The sun warmed us with its rays,
Summer has given us flowers.
We will celebrate the holiday,
Let's sing and dance!
Children sing the song “Summer is Joy.”

The Dwarf comes in.

Gnome: Hello guys. You sing well, but do you know that you have found yourself in a fairyland, in my clearing?
There are many fairy tales in the world,
Sad and funny
And live in the world
We can't live without them...
How many fairy tales do you know?

I will make riddles based on fairy tales, and you, in unison, answer in unison which fairy tale it is from:
Treats small children

Heals birds and animals

He looks through his glasses

Good doctor. (Aibolit)

Mixed with sour cream,

It's cold at the window,

Round side, ruddy side

Rolled. (gingerbread man)

The nose is round, with a snout,

It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground,

Small crochet tail

Instead of shoes - hooves.

Three of them - and to what extent?

Friendly brothers look alike.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three piglets)

Grandma girl

Loved it very much

Little red riding hood

Gave it to her.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me her name! (Little Red Riding Hood)

My father had a strange boy,

Unusual, wooden,

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key

He sticks his long nose everywhere.

Who is this? (Pinocchio)

Treats small children

Heals birds and animals

He looks through his glasses

Good doctor….(Aibolit)

Gobbling up rolls,

A guy was riding on a stove.

Rode around the village

And he married the princess.

Who will answer me immediately

This, brothers, is himself (Emelya)

Alyonushka has sisters

The birds carried away my little brother,

They fly high

They look far away.

What kind of birds were these?

You probably forgot? (Swan geese)

Dwarf: And now a game for you, like in any fairy-tale country, a mischievous fairy wind blows here, and in my clearing it created a mess... The petals flew off the flowers and scattered throughout the clearing.
Game "Collect daisies".

Host: We also know how to dance cheerfully and fervently. Guys, let's show how we dance the Gnome! Let's dance the dance of the little ducklings together!

(children perform the dance of little ducklings)

Host: Our holiday continues and now we have a multi quiz.

1. Which of the heroes likes to say: “Guys, let’s live together! "(Leopold the cat)

2. What is the name of one of the residents of the village "Prostokvashino" who loved milk (cat Matrosskin)

3. How the cat Matrosskin liked to eat sandwiches (sausage down)

4. Where Cheburashka lived (in a telephone booth)

5. How they teased the red-haired boy (the red-haired, freckled red-haired boy killed his grandfather with a shovel)

6. What Winnie the Pooh gave the donkey for his birthday (a pot without honey)

7. Where did Aibolit go by telegram (Africa)

8. What did Antoshka answer when he was called to dig potatoes (we didn’t go through this, we weren’t asked this)

9. What the owl gave the donkey for his birthday (lace-tail)

Gnome: It’s time for you to ask an interesting riddle. The answer will be a fairy tale and a new game. Listen:
The fox has found a home for herself,
There was a kind mouse there,
In that house, after all,
There were a lot of residents.

Children: Fairy tale "Teremok".
Dwarf: First, tell me who lived in the tower.
Children: Mouse-norushka, Frog-frog, Bunny-runner, Little fox-sister, Top-gray barrel. The Bear came sixth and destroyed the tower.

Relay game "Teremok"
(Children stand in columns of six people (according to the number of fairy tale characters) at the starting line. Each has an attribute of the chosen fairy tale hero on their head. The role of the tower is played by a hoop lying on the ground not far from the starting line.
At the signal, “Mouse” begins the relay race. The participant playing this role moves towards the “tower” hoop, goes around it and runs after the next participant – the “Frog”. Now they run to the “teremka” together, always holding hands. Having reached, the two of them go around the hoop without breaking their hands.
Having done this, they run after the third, then the fourth, fifth players. The last one to join is the Bear. And already six, without breaking their hands, go around the hoop and run to the start. Whoever plays the fairy tale faster wins.)

Leading. Kind, fairy-tale gnome, it’s so fun and interesting in your clearing, but it’s time for us to return home.
Gnome: Goodbye, good morning,
Don't forget me.
Read fairy tales in summer...
The gnome leaves.

Child: Children are the same everywhere in the world!
And the kids are always after their hearts
Birds, dragonflies, boats, wind,
But they don’t need war!
Child: Children bathe in sunlight,
They watch the moon shine in the distance,
Children are the same everywhere in the world,
The children of the earth need a joyful world!

Host: Our holiday was a great success, and did you children like it?
I wish you smiles, peace and happiness! May there always be sunshine, may there always be peace, may children always smile!

Children sing the song “It’s Fun to Walk Together.”
Balloons are distributed to the children.

On June 1, Bulgaria, like us in Russia, celebrates International Children's Day. We were invited to a matinee hosted by village children and kindergarten teachers.

The kindergarten of the village of Katunet is a branch of the kindergarten of the Ugrchin community. There is no school in the village; schoolchildren are transported to the neighboring village by a school bus.
All the children who performed at the matinee are gypsies. There are almost no young Bulgarians left in the village: there is no work, only old people live, so there are no Bulgarian children in the garden.

But children are children. It was impossible to listen to their songs and poems without smiling: open and smiling, they evoked affection and themselves received genuine pleasure from the performance.

The holiday took place in the hall of the village library, and brought together quite a lot of villagers who were not spoiled by the abundance of public events.

The matinee was opened by a teacher who read to the audience the history of the origin of Children's Day. I understand the Bulgarian language poorly, but the general thread of the story, as it seemed to me, was this: on this day, the Americans sheltered Chinese children, and this coincided with the Geneva conference, where some issues about children's rights were resolved.

Then the teacher finished her speech, and it was the turn of the kindergarten students to speak. The first look at them was a bit of a shock: I, accustomed to Moscow kindergarten matinees, expected to see smart children in dresses and white shirts. Instead, eleven grimy kids took to the stage in faded, tackily chosen clothes, mostly knitwear and tracksuits. I wasn't the only one amazed; my daughter sitting next to me whispered in my ear: “Mom, this is probably their best clothes...”

I didn’t understand the poems and songs in Bulgarian performed by the gypsy children at all, but, as I already said, it was a joy to watch the children. The first shock of the outfits passed, and the children no longer seemed so grimy, but rather dark from the sun. The audience, which included, of course, relatives of the children, actively supported the speakers. One kid clapped his hands extremely touchingly at every burst of applause. Two children, a boy and a girl about four years old, holding hands, looked at each other every now and then and smiled widely. The tall guys, apparently the oldest among all, were so similar with their sharp noses and equally protruding ears that I took them for brother and sister. And one curly-haired girl in the cleanest tracksuit read poetry better than anyone else, without hesitation, beaming with a dazzling smile.

Finally, the kindergarteners acted out a Bulgarian folk tale about a lazy blackbird, reminiscent of the song “Antoshka, let’s go dig potatoes” or the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant.” The plot of the fairy tale was retold to me after the holiday by an elderly Bulgarian woman who knows Russian, because, unfortunately, I did not understand anything from the sketch.

The matinee ended with a dance performance by five school-age girls, also gypsies, who showed an incendiary dance skit to the accompaniment of music from a mobile phone. The scene began with a strange plot in which one girl was sitting on a chair with a bag and money in her hand, and another, coming up, took everything from her, pushed the owner to the floor and ran away. Then followed a dance in which the robbed woman danced in a circle of four dancers, and the whole action resembled a choreographed fight. There were even several acrobatic performances with lifts and tricky somersaults, and at the end all five folded their hands and let out a cry of victory. This probably meant reconciliation, but what became of the stolen bag remained unclear.

After the holiday, everyone present was treated to chocolates and cola, the children were given balloons and taken to kindergarten, and two kids roared loudly along the way and called their mother.

There are not many children in the kindergarten, only one group of different ages. We were shown a locker room with a row of lockers, a playroom with shabby furnishings, and a rather cozy bedroom in comparison. All rooms are clean and bright, but extremely simply decorated: painted walls, no curtains on the windows. Toys, books, drawing supplies - a minimum.

Having briefly examined the kindergarten, we hastened to thank the teachers and take our leave, but they so insistently treated us to strawberries that we had to take one each. One of the teachers brought strawberries from her garden, they took two plates to the children, and they wanted to give one to us. Of course, we categorically refused: it was too pathetic to rob these children, who already see too little good in their lives.

(On the street)

Target: Formation in children of elementary ideas about their rights and freedom, development of respect and tolerance for other people and their rights.

  1. Contribute to the formation of self-esteem, awareness of one’s rights and freedoms, a sense of responsibility (for another person, for a business started, for a given word);
  2. Develop respect for the dignity and personal rights of another person;
  3. Explain social norms and rules of behavior.

Project participants: Children, teachers.

The more children's laughter,

The less children cry

Smiles of enthusiasm and success!

Little laughs in hot hearts!

Let the sun laugh for you

And the birds sing for you.

After all, our children know:

They will not be offended!

Summer is upon us, friends, it’s coming, let’s join in a round dance!

Let's guys dance with you (dance “If you like it, then do it this way”).

Every child in our country has rights. And today, June 1, Children's Day, we want to play and have fun with you.

You guys should know: in our country all children have the right to a happy childhood, each of you has the right to play.

Today we will play here

And choose the best team from among you.

Guys, now we’ll cheer up a little and shout, if you agree with me, say “Yes.”

Are you in a good mood? - Yes!

Is the company fun? - Yes!

Does everyone think so? - Yes!

Is everyone on vacation in the summer? - Yes!

Can we do everything? - Yes!

Will we be on time everywhere? - Yes!

Can we be friends? - Yes!

Will we defeat our rivals? - Yes!

Can you play? - Yes!

So let's get started!

First, let's divide into two (three) teams! Let's get to know our team and come up with a name for the team.

Before the start of the first competition, the presenter reads a short excerpt from the fairy tale The Ryaba Hen; the first team to correctly guess the name of the fairy tale receives an extra point.

Relay race "Rocky Hen"

We will need: a tennis ball and a wooden spoon for each team. The player must carry the ball in a spoon and never drop it. Returning back, pass the baton to the next player.

Relay "Centipede"

Children line up in a line, with balls between all players. The child standing in front presses the ball with his back to the chest of the one standing behind him. Hands are lowered down, we do not touch the balls with our hands. The centipede must go to the berry (red ball), pick it up and return to its original position without falling apart. The winner is the team that does not drop a single ball or has the least number of balls fall.

Relay race “Salting watermelons”

We will need a large garbage bag, in the lower corners of which we make holes for the legs. One participant is selected from each team - he will be a barrel. This participant puts the bag on himself like pants, inserting his legs into the cut holes. Hands hold the edge of the package. The remaining participants must collect balls (watermelons) and put them in a barrel. The team that pickles the most watermelons wins.

Relay "Sunrise and Sunset"

Each team is given one yellow ball. The teams line up behind each other. It is necessary to pass the ball (sun) from the beginning of the line to the end, passing it over the head and back, passing it between the legs. The team that does it faster and doesn't drop the ball wins.

Dear guys, you did an excellent job with all the tasks, let the judges count the points, and you and I will continue our celebration.

All children in our state have the right to education.

I draw Cat's house:

Three windows door with porch

There's another one up there

So that it's not dark

Count the windows

In the cat's house (4 windows).

How many boots did Olya buy?

So that the cat doesn't get its paws wet

Four hares were walking from school

And suddenly they were attacked by bees

2 bunnies barely escaped

How many didn’t make it?

Tatyana embroidered beautifully

Two lilies and two tulips

What wonderful flowers

How many are there?

You tell us.

(You can show pictures for the riddles.)

In the forest, I’ve already forgotten which one,

One day the birds were singing... (in chorus)

Sitting firmly on a branch

The rooster crowed...(crow)

And every time in response to him

The cow answered... (mu-mu)

And next to the little bullfinch

The pig whispered... (oink-oink-oink)

Can't make out the words

The frogs are screaming... (kva-kva-kva)

And smiling to himself

The goat answered loudly... (meh)

I wanted to say “bravo!” to the singers,

But only the cat succeeded... (meow)

Leading: And now for the inverted riddles, be careful.

The bunny went out for a walk

The hare's paws are exactly... (not five, but four)

I have a dog

She has as many tails... (not 6, but 1)

There is a funny sign:

Snow has fallen - welcome... (winter)

Birthday is around the corner

We baked... (not sausage, but cake)

At Irinka and Oksanka's

There are three-wheelers...(not a sled, but a bicycle).

Guys, you still have the right to health. After all, this is the most important thing.

To grow and harden

Not by days, but by hours

Do physical exercise

We need to study.

“Merry rhythm” is performed to the music.

Guys, the most important thing is that you have the right to rest. Do you like to relax? Let's play with you.

"How are you?"

Children use their movements to show what the text says.

How are you? - Like this! (thumb forward)

How do you rest? - Like this! (we spread our arms in different directions)

How are you walking? - Like this! (walk in place)

How do you tan? - Like this (hands behind head)

How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How do you catch butterflies? - (catch with a net)

How are you running? - Like this! (running for revenge)

How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)

Are you naughty? - Like this! (make faces)

The game is repeated 1-2 times, each time the pace becomes faster.

Family is joy, warmth and comfort

Family is a place. Where they love and wait.

Family is where people believe and want good.

Family - they remember and appreciate you there.

Family is people. Family is home.

Family is a world warmed by warmth.

Family is happiness. Family is light.

There is nothing more valuable in life than Family.

Guys, you also have the right to a family. Do you have close-knit families?

But our kindergarten is also one, big and friendly family. Where the guys love you and take care of you. Are the kids in our kindergarten friendly? Now let’s all dance together together (song “Heel of the Toe”).

We all live in a big country. What is it called (Russia)? These guys are our homeland. Do you know the name of our village where we live? Guys, we must take care of our homeland, our village.

Guys, what is the name of our kindergarten? Do you want to make your patio look fun, festive, and colorful?

On this wonderful summer day, the first day of summer, let the asphalt bloom with flowers, and I invite everyone to the asphalt drawing competition.

The sun is shining above the earth,

Children play on the grass

The river is blue, and here it is -

The ship is sailing along it.

Here at home - straight to the sky!

Here are the flowers, and this is mom,

Next to her is my sister...

I draw the word "peace".

Dear young artists!

We're starting a drawing competition!

There will be plenty of room for your imagination!

Draw rivers, fields and mountains,

Draw the sky, draw the sea.

Your girlfriends and your friends,

A picture of the entire beautiful planet!

Children draw pictures on the asphalt to the song “Sunny Circle”.

It is carried out on the site or in the hall.

For children 2 – 7 years old.

1 teacher.

Hello guys,

Girls and boys!

2 teacher.

Are the kids here brave?

Is everyone happy?

Are they all skilled?

1 teacher.

Do you respect adults?

Do you hurt kids?

2 teacher.

Do you like holidays?

Congratulations on your DAY CHILD PROTECTION! We wish you to be beautiful, kind and happy! We are opening our holiday program.

1 child.

First day of summer, become even brighter!

After all, this Day - protection of all children!

It’s not for nothing that people celebrate it!

So that adults and children

Lived happily in the world

What do we need?

Children, peace and friendship!

2nd child.

Long live childhood - the joy of the Earth!

Long live peace in the world!

So that they grow and bloom everywhere in the world,

Children sheltered from the storm.

Salute to the guys all over the Earth!

May there be peace in the world,

Let them grow up happy

Fathers are replaced by children!

3 child.

Adults and children know

Yes, it’s time for you to find out,

What does everyone have in this world?

There are legal rights.

And it doesn't matter where you live,

Who is richer, who is poorer

And what color is the skin -

You have the same right

As does each of the people.

4 child.

Every child has the right

Get treatment in hospital if you are sick,

The right to food, to education,

The right to attention, to a place of residence,

Has the right to a beautiful name,

For joy, for happiness, for a happy childhood.

1 teacher.

There are many different laws, guys. protect your life and give you the right to a happy and joyful childhood. And today Children Protection Day reminds all people that they must remember the rights of every child and, of course, not violate them.

Children of the senior group perform a dance "Birches".

2 teacher.

Who is friendly with sports,

We need it today.

Who is friendly with a fairy tale,

We need it today.

Praise and honor to such guys.

Are there such children here today?

1 teacher.

It's fun today, we're happy!

This is a children's holiday, congratulations!

Let it ring, ring everywhere

Your cheerful, ringing laughter!

We have stored up a pile of songs,

Have fun without interruptions!

Children perform a song to a soundtrack "Naughty Childhood".

2 teacher.

Summer is a time for vacations, relaxation, new adventures and travel! There are many of us, we are different, unusual and different from each other, but everyone wants to have a fun summer vacation!

5 child.

In summer you can sunbathe

And lie on the grass,

Go to the forest to pick mushrooms,

Catch fish in the river.

You can swim in the river,

Gain heroic strength

Summer has come to us again -

This is very good!

Children of the middle group perform a dance "Ducklings".

1 teacher.

Now let’s give you riddles, try them guess:

1. The sun is shining, the linden tree is blooming. When does rye ripen?

(answer : summer)

2. How bright it shines, Gives generously to everyone present:

Warmth, kindness and light for millions of years to come.

In the morning I’ll look out the window, The sky is joyful.

(answer : Sun)

1. The sun ordered: wait, the Seven-Color Bridge is cool!

A cloud hid the light of the sun - The bridge collapsed, and there were no chips.

(Answer : rainbow)

2. What kind of invisible person is that slamming the gate in the garden,

He flips through a book on the table, scares the mouse with rustling noises,

1. I tore off my grandmother’s scarf, rocked Dimka in the stroller,

Played with the leaves, believe me! Well, of course it is... (Answer: wind)

2. A blue scarf, a scarlet bun, rolling around on the scarf, smiling at people.

(Sky, sun)

1. Who beats and taps on the roof all night,

And mumbles, and sings, lulls you to sleep?

(answer : rain)

2. Without me, there will be no light, Without me, there will be no summer,

In the morning, I knock on window: Wake up, it's up.

1 teacher

Children's Day is bright, sunny holiday. No wonder it is celebrated on the very first summer day, at first vacation day! And this makes my soul so happy that I just can’t wait to jump for joy and sing! And we suggest listening to the song performed by Angelina Ashcheulova "I will be the queen".

6 child.

We celebrate the holiday of summer,

Festival of the sun, festival of light.

Come visit us.

We are always glad to have guests.

Birds will fly to the holiday

Woodpeckers, swallows, tits.

They will click and whistle

Sing songs with us.

Children perform a song "Children of the Earth".

2 teacher.

Training is beneficial for everyone

Everyone needs training.

Everyone from laziness and illness

She will save you forever.

1 teacher.

Don't be afraid that they will laugh

And never give up sports!

He tempers us, he strengthens us

Our movements are always beautiful!

Relay races are held for children.

2 teacher.

Neither oceans nor meridians

They don't stop you from making friends.

Friendship, like a bird, to distant lands

Flying in spite of all winds!

1 teacher.

We wish you guys:

Happiness as big as the globe

The sound of laughter is like an echo in spring

Mother's tenderness is like the greenery of birch trees

Everything you planned to come true!

At the end there is a disco and (if the holiday is held on the site) children draw drawings with chalk on the asphalt.

Children Protection Day. Scenario for kindergarten

Author: Markova Olga Valerievna - music director of MBDOU No. 57, Nizhny Novgorod.
Description: This material is intended for music directors, teachers of preschool children's institutions for holding summer holidays on the street for senior and preparatory groups of kindergartens.
Create a festive mood.
- Develop musical and creative abilities,
- develop social and communication skills,
- cultivate a sense of friendship.
Concert program dedicated to Children's Day
Children dance the dance "Childhood"
In the middle of the dance, Toffee appears and blows soap bubbles.
Toffee: Good afternoon everyone! I am a cheerful girl, my name is Butterscotch!
(gets to know the children)
I'm glad to see you today, let's greet each other?
– When we meet the dawn, We tell it... (Hello!)
- With a smile, the sun gives light, sends us its... (Hello!)
– When you meet after many years, you will shout to your friends... (Hello!)
- And they will smile back at you From a kind word... (Hello!)
– And you will remember the advice: Give to all your friends... (Hello!)
- Let's all answer each other together... (Hello!)

Guys, do you know what holiday is today? (Children answer). That's right, today is Children's Day!

1. We celebrate the holiday of childhood, the holiday of the sun, the holiday of light.
Come visit us, we are always glad to have guests.
2. Birds like woodpeckers, swallows, and tits will fly to the holiday.
They will click and whistle and sing songs with us.
3. Dragonflies will fly around, poppies and roses will smile.
And the tulip will dress in the brightest sundress.
4. We celebrate the holiday of summer, the holiday of the sun, the holiday of light
Sun, sun, shine brighter, the holiday will be more fun.
Everyone sings the song "Summer"
Toffee: Guys, what is the name of the country in which you and I were born and live? (answers) What is Russia like?
Child: Look how good it is - the region in which you live.
Everything that is dear to the heart begs to be included in song.
And the crimson dawn, and a grove under the sky
If you look from the hillock, you can see the blue river,
You can see the endless distance that is called Russia!

Dance "My Russia"
Bully: Hello, hello, everyone, everyone is welcome....!
Toffee: And who are you?
Bully: I am a bully, I came to the party! I will disturb you, muddy the waters.
Toffee: Today we don’t need to muddy the waters, but we need to celebrate the holiday of summer, to celebrate the sun, because today is Children’s Day!
Bully: I’ve never heard of such a holiday: I know New Year’s, I know birthdays, but I don’t know anything about Children’s Day.
Child: Childhood is a golden time and magical dreams.
Childhood is you and me, Childhood is me and you!
Bully: (interrupts) Ah, now it’s clear, so get ready, everyone, now we’ll defend ourselves! Take sticks, bricks, bring everything here.
Toffee: You're confusing everything for us, bully. On this day, the guys can talk about their dreams and desires, how they can be friends, how friendly they all play together.
Bully: Can you tell me about your desires?
Toffee: Tell me!
Bully: I like to fight and call names. What about you guys? It seems to me that the guys here are fighters and bullies and all the beeches are bullies. (Shows faces)
Toffee: It’s a shame, you think so badly of us. Now the guys will tell you how friendly they are!
1: We really need a friend in life, life is more fun for us with a friend!
Next to him, in any cold weather, we feel warmer!
2: A good friend will comfort us, calm us down in difficult times.
He will amuse us with a good joke and will be able to make us laugh.
3: We all need to cherish sincere and honest friendship,
Because, as you know, we cannot live without friends!
Children sing "Song of Friends"
Bully: Yes, you really are good and kind. But you are very small and don’t know how to do anything. For example, I can dance, look how!
The bully makes faces to the music
Toffee: Something isn’t working out very well for you, but now look at our guys...
Children perform Boogie-Woogie Dance
Bully: Well, you guys are great... You won’t be able to keep up...

Ruffnut starts crying:
Bully: Now you definitely won’t be friends with me, you know how to do everything and you are so friendly, but I have no friends!
Toffee: Well, why don't we be friends? Only you have to become kind and friendly, and the guys will help you with this.
Ruffnut: Well, I'll try. I even know one interesting game. Will you guys play with me? Well, let's begin then!
Game “How are you living?”

Ruffnut: How are you living?
Children: That's it! (Show thumb)
Ruffnut: How are you going?
Children: That's it! (They walk in place)
Ruffnut: How are you running?
Children: That's it! (Run in place)
Summer: How do you sleep at night?
Children: That's it! (put palms together and apply to cheek)
Ruffnut: How are you swimming?
Children: That's it! (They imitate a swimming person with their hands)
Ruffnut: How do you give it?
Children: That's it! (Stretch hands forward)
Ruffnut: How do you take it?
Children: That's it! (Imitate raking movements)
Ruffnut: How are you living?
Children: That's it! (Children scream loudly)
Ruffnut: It's a fun game, guys!
Let's say to each other: Hurray!!!

Toffee: And I also have riddles for you guys, but they are not simple, but with answers. You need to listen to the answers carefully, because there may be mistakes in them.
In the thicket he raises his head and howls with hunger... giraffe (wolf)
Who knows a lot about raspberries? Clubfoot, brown... wolf (Bear)
Daughters and sons are taught to grunt... by an ant (Pig)
The fastest person to run from fear is... the tortoise (hare)
In his warm puddle, Barmaley (Frog) croaked loudly
From the palm tree - down, onto the palm tree again deftly jumps... a cow (monkey)
Toffee: And now I will tell you a riddle. The forest is full of songs and screams,
Strawberries splash with juice, Children splash in the river,
Bees dance on a flower. What is this time called?
It’s not difficult to guess - (Summer).
Do you know the song about good summer?

Song "Good Summer"
Dance "Chamomile"
Bully: Because you are so friendly and cheerful, I will give you small gifts...
Hands out candy to teachers
Bully: I also know that you can draw very well.
Can you show off your talents now?
But the pencil can’t cope with this kind of work...
And I brought some colored crayons with me!
Toffee: And now, guys, you will all draw what you think the word “FRIENDSHIP” means!
Competition: “Drawing on asphalt”
Candies, crayons, soap bubbles
Artificial flowers, hoops


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