Short quotes about children. Statuses about children with meaning

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In some matters, children are not much different from adults. For example, both of them live their dreams of what they will do when they grow up.

By assuming that all children are angelic beings, you are putting yourself in great danger.

In the first grade, the child is completely absorbed in new knowledge, and therefore does not take his eyes off the teacher’s mouth. A little later, the gaze drops, and knowledge recedes into the background.

In childhood, parents teach their children in order to later learn from them. This is the only way to keep up with the times.

Best status:
Children are always older than their parents, because by passing on the knowledge we have acquired to them, we add our age to their years.

When a child is born, he rediscovers the world around him for his parents, as if the burden of the past years did not exist.

Children have one extremely disgusting trait - one day they become adults.

Probably nothing warms the soul more than the reciprocal smile of a completely unfamiliar child. Immediately there is a feeling of one’s own frankness and kindness.

How little we needed in childhood to be happy! For example, so that no one eats us while we are running from the toilet at night!

Children are interested in the question: where does everything come from? Adults - where does it all go?

The best part about babies is the process of making them.

It’s curious: with each generation, children are getting worse, and parents are getting better; It follows from this that increasingly bad children grow into increasingly good parents.

Is this heaven? -No, this is childhood, baby...

An unbreakable toy is a toy that a child can use to break all his other toys.

A child is an eternal mystery for adults.

I want to go back to my childhood... there were leaves there that were money...

The first half of our lives is poisoned by our parents, the second by our children.

Call boys. Around the clock. Phone 02.

He was never his mother's favorite - and he was the only child in the family. Thomas Berger

All the children in the world cry in the same language

You can only give birth to the ideal man yourself...

Each child should be applied to his own standard, encouraged to his own responsibility, and rewarded with his own deserved praise. It is not success, but effort that deserves reward.

Whatever one may say, life is much easier for children. When a child needs to solve their problem, they immediately run to their dad and start sneaking around... A couple of tears and it's all over.

First, our parents interfere with our lives, then our children, and only when our grandchildren appear do we understand that we have not lived our lives in vain.

Good girls understand geographical maps, bad girls understand playing maps, smart girls understand credit cards)

The best necklace for a woman is the arms of a child hugging her neck...

A child gives birth to parents. (Stanislav Jerzy Lei)

If a man has a son, he becomes a father... And if he has a daughter, he becomes a daddy)

Oh, boys, I'm so drunk, just like you need!

The boy did not speak until he was five years old. And suddenly at breakfast he says: “Why didn’t they put sugar in my tea?” Delighted parents: - Why were you silent before? - And before they always did.

Happiness for a mother is the smile of a baby that she has carried under her heart for months... The first word and the first step when her son falls asleep in her arms. Her happiness cannot be measured in years... Happiness for a woman is simply to be a MOM!

When the child has grown up, it is time for parents to learn to stand on their own two feet. Frances Hope

MEN, congratulate me!!! my son was born!!! only the wife doesn’t know about it yet

There are two of us and it's wonderful! We are together and life is good! What a joy it is to carry a baby under your heart!

The baby is the only thing in the house that has to be washed by hand.

Father and mother, dad and mom are the first two authorities on which the world is based for a child, that faith in life, in man, in everything honest, good and holy.

In the lesson: “Children! What is a thing?” Petya: “Well, this is, for example, a book, a briefcase, a cap!” Vovochka: “A can of beer for a hangover is a thing!”

My son is meditating - after all, it’s better than sitting and writing statuses about babies.

If a boy loves work, the boy’s name is “Dzhamshut”!

A child gives birth to parents. One wrong move and you're the father

A child gives birth to parents. One wrong move and you're a father.

Children listen most attentively when they are not being spoken to.

Children have money more often than their parents, because children have parents, and parents, as a rule, no longer have parents. Henryk Jagodzinski

The blonde gave birth to twins and sits roaring, the nurse comes up to her and says what’s up... And the Blonde... -What will I tell my husband... Where did I get my second child from..

Do you want your children to grow up obedient? Don’t forget, sometimes, to give your children “Belt”!

Becoming a father is very easy. Being a father, on the other hand, is difficult.

Children are capable of experiencing strong feelings, but are not able to understand them. And even if they understand it partially, they don’t know how to talk about it.

It's good when you're 4 years old. You can take the broken remote control and call your mom...

Childhood ends when you stop hating your school teachers

A child is a rational being; he knows well the needs, difficulties and obstacles of his life.

Children should be taught what will be useful to them when they grow up.

If you don't know what your children are like, look at their friends. (Xun Tzu)

A session is what you need to scare children with in childhood, and not with all sorts of bigots!

In my childhood, my friends were not online, but in the yard.

Big girls play too. Only the teddy bears have grown up, become a little unshaven, smelling like Lacoste and Kenzo, but we still take them to bed

The child, stroking the cat’s face, playfully says: “Musenka, you know, in the human world, women with mustaches are not very valued!”

Before I had a baby, I thought the worst thing you could drop was your laptop!

Smiles, loud laughter, joy in the eyes, sincere friendship, games in the yard... a time when everything was so simple and carefree. But childhood cannot be returned.

The sexiest number is 21593, because when two (2) people think about one (1), then in a maximum of five (5) weeks they will understand that in nine (9) months there will already be (3) of them...

For a child with a hammer, everything around him is a nail!

Every girl in her life should learn to jump over a goat... Like in physical education)

Go and tell your mom that you drank a liter of blood from the teacher!

It’s not for nothing that men are called children. Now grown-up boys only have different toys... several orders of magnitude more expensive...

If a child is guilty, then his parents should be put in a corner.

Smile - and he will smile back.

Your child has matured if the question: What to give? answers: Give me money.

A child’s character is a copy of the parents’ character; it develops in response to their character.

Dear Grandfather Frost! I've been a very good girl all year, so please give me a gift to some bad boy...)

Have you noticed how children meet and say goodbye? They meet for the first time as if they have known each other forever, they say goodbye forever as if until tomorrow.

Every little son belongs to the category of those boys with whom his mother forbids him to play.

The most expensive necklace on a woman’s neck is the arms of a child hugging her!

She is like a little girl waiting for the New Year, snow and your call.

They are the same, but their own mother will never confuse them!

The famous traveler Fyodor Konyukhov heard the phrase “We will have a dear child” in 76 languages ​​of the world.

If you want your children to celebrate the New Year at home, go visit.

Teach your children to be silent. They will learn to speak on their own.

There's nothing better than babies

Spring has come: the boys are swelling, the girls are blooming.

Only children will help you find out how much patience you have

When everything around is amazing, nothing is surprising; this is childhood.

A child’s imagination is broader than an adult’s because it is still free from the realities of life.

Divorce statistics show that parents run away from home more often than children.

Today I decided to remember my childhood and jumped into a snowdrift... who knew there was a bench there?

Children's wisdom: if mom laughs at dad's jokes, it means there are guests in the house.

Girls want sex too, we just call it romance.

You ask where I would like to go forever? You know, on page 14 of his passport.

Every girl has that boy, when you go to whose page you think, “God forbid, some sheep wrote something to him there.”

A child of sincere love will be born not because of anything, but in spite of everything!

I really want a child... a girl... about 18 years old

No matter how much you teach children good manners, they still naturally tend to imitate their parents.

Girls, does this happen to you? You fall in love with a guy, and bam he cuts his hair?

– As a child, if you came from the store with bread, was it obligatory to bite the edges?

Abandoned children often live with their parents.

And remember girls, a good frying pan is the basis of your family happiness!

Children need the New Year for a fairy tale, losers - as a starting point for new hope, and others - for fun

(parents to children) 4th grade: “Have you done your homework?” 9th grade: “Have you packed your briefcase?” 11th grade: “Are you going to school?”

When in childhood, our parents swore at us, we considered it rudeness, now we ourselves swear at our children and consider it education.

Modern children wait not for Santa Claus to come, but for their parents to leave.

Sons that are too obedient never achieve much.

Whatever the child enjoys, as long as it doesn’t hurt his own

Think before you do something bad. You have a child behind you who thinks you are his hero!

If a woman has a man whom she loves more than life itself... then this man is her son!

There is happiness... I know him... I know the color of his eyes, his laughter... And it calls me mom!

Gray mice are almost always happy: they get married successfully, have a family, children. And I... and I’m showing off.

The children were getting ready for school: they shaved, washed, got hungover...

Children are our judges of tomorrow.

The main tragedy of my life is that childhood is still playing in the butt, but I already have to live like an adult...

– Dad, why can’t children watch this film? - Sit quietly! Now you will see for yourself.

This is probably happiness: waking up at night and hearing him approach the child’s crib and, taking him in his arms, say: “Hush, honey, don’t cry, otherwise you’ll wake up mom.”

No two children are alike - especially if one of them is yours.

We get bored with childhood and are in a hurry to grow up. And then we dream of becoming children again...

Where does happiness begin? From the stripes on your test, from the ultrasound that will show the child, from the fact that now there are THREE of you!

“She tells me, ‘Give me a baby and you won’t be drafted into the army...’ It was then that I remembered that serving in the army is my sacred duty.”

I went out onto the balcony, looked into the yard, and there were children running, playing, and riding bicycles. Happy, they haven't bought a computer yet.

Anyone who says: “It’s easier than taking candy from a child” has never tried to take candy from a child.

A gentle face, every feature, a snub-nosed sniffling... Money, career - all this unimportant, important - sleeps nearby. ?

Motherly love is the most common and most commonly understood example of productive love; its very essence is care and responsibility.

These diapers absorb up to 30 liters of moisture! The child always remains dry!!! He just can’t move from his spot.

  • The best antidepressant, after all, is a child's hug! When your dear heart is beating nearby, and your fingers are stroking your hair and wiping away your tears - all troubles recede!
  • Childhood is when you can make unforgivable mistakes and hope that you will be forgiven. (R. Downey)
  • Children are the living flowers of the earth.
  • Why write anything at all? My masterpieces will be my children. No book, no disc, no film will ever compare with their beauty.
  • The principles laid down in a person’s childhood are like letters carved on the bark of a young tree, growing with him, constituting an integral part of him.

Very beautiful words about children

  • The first problem of parents is to teach their children how to behave in polite society; the second is to find this society.
  • To make a child smart and sensible, make him strong and healthy: let him work, act, run, scream, let him be in constant motion! (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
  • Beautiful sayings about children - When civilizations collapse and the memory of generations is erased, children are the first to lose morality. They are able to quickly and painlessly forget the past; it is easier for them to imagine something new. (Orhan Pamu)
  • The song that a mother sings at the cradle accompanies a person throughout his life. (Henry Ward Beecher)
  • No one in the world feels new things more than children. Children shudder at this smell, like a dog at the scent of a hare, and experience madness, which later, when we become adults, is called inspiration. (Isaak Emmanuilovich Babel)
  • First, your parents give you your own life. But as time passes, they try to impose their lives.
  • Every child is to some extent a genius, and every genius is to some extent a child. (Arthur Schopenhauer)
  • A father raises his children one way, and a mother another. (Seneca)
  • Usually, girls love dolls, and boys love beautiful cars. But this is only up to 17 years of age. And then everything becomes the other way around.
  • Childhood is that great time of life when the foundation is laid for the entire future of a moral person. (Nikolai Shelgunov)
  • People become parents not because they want to be martyrs, but because they love children and see in them flesh of their own flesh. They also love children because their parents also loved them when they were children. (Benjamin Spock)
  • Childhood is a foreign country: speaking the same language, parents and children often do not understand each other at all.
  • Before raising children, you need to educate yourself. (Boris Vasiliev)
  • Children are our future! They must be well armed to fight for our ideals.
  • Quietly sniffling through his nose, hugging his mother, here he is, lying next to him, my piece of heaven!
  • Very often, children's restlessness, disobedience and desire to break the rules are nothing more than an unconscious cry for help, an inept attempt to interest themselves, attract attention and receive at least a drop of care and warmth, which they so lack. (Oleg Roy)
  • Children are flowers of life that are born with their heads down. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)
  • By abusing your children, you are not caring about your future. (Pavel Kuryanoff)
  • Respect your child's ignorance! Respect the work of knowledge! Respect failures and tears! Respect the current hour and today! How will a child be able to live tomorrow if we do not allow him to live a conscious, responsible life today? (Janusz Korczak)
  • Children are sincere without embarrassment and are not ashamed of the truth, but for fear of seeming backward, we are ready to betray what is most precious, we praise the repulsive and assent to the incomprehensible. (Boris Pasternak)
  • Without children it would be impossible to love humanity so much. (F. Dostoevsky)
  • Beautiful phrases about children - By giving a woman a son, God gives her the opportunity to try to raise a Real Man herself, capable of not only saying compliments, but also doing things!
  • Children learn from what surrounds them. (Maria Montessori)
  • A child is when you sleep on the very edge of the bed, and there is a star in the center!
  • Being truthful and honest with children, without hiding from them what is happening in the soul, is the only education. (Lev Tolstoy)
  • The best necklace for a woman is the arms of a child hugging her neck...
  • What is happiness, mom? - my son asked me. And, looking into my eyes stubbornly, he waited for an answer from me. I love his questions so much, there is so much childish simplicity in them. I, kissing his stubborn nose, will answer: HAPPINESS IS YOU!
  • There is still a three-year-old child inside each of us who is scared, who just wants a little love. (Louise Hay)
  • A child is love made visible.
  • Don't limit your child. Don't clip its wings. Let him choose his own path. Know that once he spreads his wings, he will not let yours fall.

Statuses, quotes, aphorisms about children are beautiful and meaningful

  • Children's smiles are so sweet! So enchantingly beautiful! In this strange and dangerous world, Children are like the salvation of the soul!
  • The only cry you look forward to is the first one after the birth of a child.
  • Statuses about children are beautiful and meaningful - It doesn’t matter what kind of childhood you had - the main thing is what kind of childhood you give to your children.
  • Children are a strict assessment given to parents by Life itself.
  • Our happiness is our children! There are no better ones in the world, They fly like butterflies, They fill our lives with meaning! Without children there is no life, but boredom. There is no warmth and no comfort, No fun, no fire, There is no continuation of you...
  • When a child arrives, life turns from a zebra to a rainbow.
  • The more love you put into a child, the more happiness he lights up the house.
  • Think before you do something bad. You have a child behind you who thinks you are his hero!
  • Happiness consists of four parts: good PARENTS, faithful FRIENDS, a loved one and healthy CHILDREN...
  • A child is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a fire that needs to be lit!
  • Children are always older than their parents, because by passing on the knowledge we have acquired to them, we add our age to their years.
  • The child's inner purity should not be subject to the parents' mood.
  • Don't worry that the children you raise sometimes don't hear you. Worry that they always see you and take their cue from you.
  • Children have the purest and most sincere eyes. There is no malice, lies or hatred in them...
  • Children are like life starting all over again: First steps, first smiles, first successes and first disappointments. Children are our experience, children are us.
  • Childhood ends when memories appear that cause sadness.
  • There are flowers in the world and these flowers - children cannot be replaced by anyone in the world, they are our joy and happiness always, they work miracles for us adults.
  • Children hug sincerely and tightly, and most importantly - lovingly and just like that...
  • A child is an eternal mystery for adults.
  • Sometimes children think deeper than adults.
  • When your children achieve something, it is much more important than their own achievements.
  • Thank you, Lord, for every moment in which my children are near, And I ask you to keep them, They are more precious than anyone in the world, Only next to them life is important, Without them it is not worth a penny. Thank you that I am not alone, And my angels are with me.
  • Only a child knows how much his mother loves him, because only he has seen her heart from the inside...
  • Short statuses about children with meaning - Children don’t hear us. The children are looking at us.
  • It doesn’t matter what kind of childhood you had, the main thing is what kind of childhood you give to your children.

Always filled with deep meaning. They are able to convey how dear the flowers of our life are to us - children, how funny and cute they are. Statuses about children reveal the world of relationships between an adult and a child and open the door to the immediate world of childhood. Allow yourself to show your tenderness and post statuses about children.

  • A child is a perpetual motion machine, and also a kicker, a jumper, a galloper, a biter, a hugger and a tight kisser...
  • Children are holy and pure. You can’t make them a toy of your mood. (A. Chekhov)
  • Even the dullest room is decorated with children... beautifully placed in the corners...
  • Hug babies for any reason! ...after all, little children still smell like God.
  • Children are flowers of life. Picked a bouquet - give it to grandma!

  • The best antidepressant, after all, is a child's hug! When your dear heart is beating nearby, and your fingers are stroking your hair and wiping away your tears - all troubles recede!
  • Childhood is when you can make unforgivable mistakes and hope that you will be forgiven. (R. Downey)
  • Children are the living flowers of the earth.
  • Why write anything at all? My masterpieces will be my children. No book, no disc, no film will ever compare with their beauty.
  • The principles laid down in a person’s childhood are like letters carved on the bark of a young tree, growing with him, constituting an integral part of him.

  • Quietly sniffling through his nose, hugging his mother, here he is, lying next to him, my piece of heaven!
  • Little happiness sleeps quietly on the pillow! She's clinging to the toy and quietly sniffling!
  • I want that in a couple of years, a smaller copy of him will be running around the apartment in diapers and shaking his butt. Then I will be happy...
  • Gold is not what glitters, but what runs, laughs and turns everything upside down.
  • Our future walks barefoot on the sand, singing children's songs in a clear, ringing voice. How not to caress him, how not to protect him from trouble? Our future is children, so let's love them!

  • The best necklace for a woman is the arms of a child hugging her neck...
  • What is happiness, mom? - my son asked me. And, looking into my eyes stubbornly, he waited for an answer from me. I love his questions so much, there is so much childish simplicity in them. I, kissing his stubborn nose, will answer: HAPPINESS IS YOU!
  • There is still a three-year-old child inside each of us who is scared, who just wants a little love. (Louise Hay)
  • A child is love made visible.
  • Don't limit your child. Don't clip its wings. Let him choose his own path. Know that once he spreads his wings, he will not let yours fall.

  • Not new, but always relevant promotion from the maternity hospital: give birth to one child and get two as a gift absolutely free!!!
  • The decision to have a child is no joke. It means deciding to let your heart walk outside your body from now on and forever.
  • There is no one more confident in the sincerity of his love than a child.
  • Every adult is just a little child at heart, and every little child is a monkey with an awl in one place.
  • A gentle face, every feature, a snub-nosed sniffling... Money, a career - all this unimportant, important - sleeps nearby. -

  • A child is a creature that you carry within you for 9 months, in your arms for 3 years, and in your heart until you die.
  • Nowhere, in any city in the world, do the stars shine as brightly as in the city of childhood.
  • Be kind to your children - they will then choose your nursing home.
  • Dear Santa Claus, please bring me a lot of sweets, a lucky one with green eyes and a beautiful smile." Nothing else is needed, because this is quite enough to be happy.
  • Children are happiness! But it comes at such a high price!!!

  • Our happiness is in children. Their smile, first knowledge, first tooth, first step, playing together, the joy of winning them... A baby running with his arms open, like a chick’s, hugs his neck! This little lump is OUR ENTIRE LIFE!
  • If there is no food in the house and the children are crap, it means that mom spent the whole day on the Internet!
  • And you were a child, and you believed in it, Now you are trampled, now you are lost, Not all friends are alive, not all nerves are intact, But children know everything, and children believe everyone...
  • Sister (6 years old) to older brother: “I don’t want to have children! Do you know where they come from? It disgusts me how children are made! And you?" Brother: “I’m pleased.”
  • Small children in an apartment are wonderful: no matter where you sit, there will be a cube in their butt... -

  • A person screams loudest about himself when he is in diapers; then gradually lowers his tone.
  • Children hug tightly and sincerely, and most importantly - with love and just like that...
  • What a strange bliss to realize that there, inside, Perfection is growing and maturing, My angel, the fruit of my love.
  • You are more valuable to us than all the riches in the world! Happiness and joy to you, our children!!!
  • I will kiss the tenderly soft hand, I will barely touch my nose with my lips, My heart will skip a beat with love for my daughter, For me there is no better creature in the world! -

What can we say about our beloved children? They are the meaning of our life, and what makes us happy, regardless of the situation that surrounds us, and they can easily unite us. People are capable of loving not only their own, but also other people’s children, because they are the happiness that comes from nowhere. Each child, albeit in his own way, is dear and valuable to his parents. After all, even in severity and punishment, we still love our children very much, and this is what most children value in the future. This love manifests itself even then. When we look at a photo and beautiful statuses about children we understand that this is our main meaning of this life. In general, it seems that cameras seem to “love” children, and only in children can one see the sincerity and real emotions that are absent in adults who have already learned to lie. And this is exactly what is valued in every child. After all, how nice it is to notice a real sweet smile on a gentle face, to look into sincere eyes that give you several times more tenderness than you do.

We understand childhood well only when we grow up.

Today you feed him breast milk and teach him to walk, and tomorrow he teaches you how to use a computer.

Children are flowers, they also need a pot.

When this angel sleeps, he sees everything you did for him today.

Enjoy the little things, because there is a child inside you.

Even if you outgrow your mother, you will always be her child.

The world of children is special: carefree and bright!

All children on the planet laugh in the same language!

The most harmless and strong love is that of a child. Adults need to learn...

Think before you commit a bad act. You have a child behind you, thinking that you are a hero to him!

A gentle face, every feature, a snub nose sniffles - Money, a career - this is unimportant, important - he sleeps next to him.

The most expensive necklace for a woman is the hands of a child hugging!

The baby smiles for the first time at four weeks of age. By this time, his eyes are focused enough to get a good look at your face.

I believe in love at first sight - I fell in love with my mother from the moment I opened my eyes -

Yesterday he was in diapers, and today he asks for a car and a separate apartment.

Children are happiness! But it comes at a high price!!!

Let's believe in miracles from childhood? – have you found your miracle yet?

Childhood is when we are very happy about a new bike, but in the future we won’t even be happy about a cool car.

A newborn baby sucks juices and energy from the mother's breasts, and when he grows up, from the father's wallet.

A child is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a fire that needs to be lit!

Children should be very lenient towards adults.

A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always find something to do for yourself, and to insist on your own.

Your child has grown up, if the question: What should I give you? answers: Give me money -

Adults are just aged children.

Adults do not swear in front of children, and children do not swear in front of adults.

Nowhere do the stars shine as brightly as in the city of our childhood.

A family without children is heaven without angels.

The purpose of education is to teach children to do without us.

In life, we always face one annoying thing - One fine day, a child becomes an adult.

Only children will help adults learn how much patience they have.

A little son asks his father: -Dad! How much does it cost to get married? - Dad thought about it and answered: “You know, son, I don’t know, because I’m still paying for it.”

Do you think the child grew up bad because he got involved with bad company? Don't defend yourself!

Who didn't think as a child that monsters lived under the bed and that they could grab you?

Children are like life starting all over again: First steps, first smiles, first successes and first disappointments. Children are our experience, children are us.

No matter how much you raise your children, they still act like their parents!!!

They used to scare children with Grandma the Hedgehog, but now they scare them with the Internet shutdown.

A child's imagination is wider than an adult's, because it is free from the realities of life.

If the child does not feel that your home belongs to him, he will make the street his home.

Children hug sincerely and tightly, and most importantly - lovingly and just like that...

Yesterday in -Good night, kids- the puppeteer hit his head on the table-. The kids have never heard such wishes for the night before -

Childhood is when you can show your age on your fingers.

If you want children to listen to you carefully, talk to someone else in a quiet voice.

The best feeling in the world is for parents who come home and their babies hug them from the door with all their wonderful little arms and legs.

Childhood is when you think you are an adult, and adults think you are a child. And everyone is completely mistaken.

Your children will definitely teach you that you need to regularly do repairs in your home.

When I was little, my parents moved around a lot. But I always found them.

Recently I gave my son a little hint and hung a sign on his door with the inscription - Time of reckoning - 18 years -.

Head down, butt up - this is how babies often sleep. This is amazing!


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