Suggestion. Basic techniques of suggestion by the power of thought at a distance

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Suggestion at a distance I have been practicing for a very long time. In this article I will tell you where it all started and how I learned what I can do now.

Train suggestion at a distance I've been around probably since I was sixteen. It all started with a film. Now I don’t remember the name or even the plot of the film, but there was one scene that “hooked” me.

“A guy, passing by a beautiful girl, admired her and stumbled. The girl laughed. They struck up a conversation, and she said that he tripped not by accident. And that, supposedly, she “made” him stumble... mentally! Of course he didn't believe it. And then the girl suggested conducting an experiment. The guy had to walk past again, trying not to trip. He took a few confident steps and... stumbled, as promised. As far as I remember, they repeated this experiment several times, but the result was always the same - the guy stumbled. In the end, he believed that the girl was really doing this and asked her to tell how she did it. She said that she was simply imagining a rope stretched a few centimeters from the ground. And as soon as his foot touches the imaginary rope, he trips (for real).”

Probably everyone in childhood played games based on their favorite film. We all became Indians, knights, rangers, kings, princesses and so on. So I imagined that I, too (like that girl from the film) can suggest at a distance. It was already late evening, time to go to bed. Before I fell asleep I dreamed about it a little. I imagined how great it would be to be able to suggest thoughts from a distance. And I firmly decided to try it in the morning (in the film the girl said that anyone can learn suggestion from a distance).

Right in the morning, without even having breakfast, I went to the park. I sat down on a bench, picked up a book (if I had just sat and “stared” at people it would have been suspicious) and began experimenting with by suggestion at a distance.

I did everything as it was said in the film, i.e. I tried to imagine that there was a rope stretched across the path of a walking person. At first it didn’t work out very well, but after the tenth time I was able to clearly imagine a thick rope, almost a rope. I even started to be proud of myself. The rope turned out really well! Those. I didn’t just imagine her, I saw her (I think this is called a positive hallucination). I saw the fibers on it, how it bends slightly under its own weight. I imagined what it felt like. But, unfortunately, I couldn’t hold on to this image for long. At the most crucial moment, when a person approached an imaginary rope, it “melted” and disappeared.

In general, I didn’t even hope that suggestion at a distance would work on the first day, so I decided that that was enough for today and went home.

I didn’t go to the park to continue experiments with suggestion at a distance for about five or six days. During this time, I perfectly learned to imagine in detail and hold images in my mind for quite a long time (up to 10 minutes). I trained at any free moment (at home, on public transport, on the way to the store, and so on). I visualized everything that came to hand (an orange, a pen, a lighter, a wallet, etc.).

Spinning into the park, I sat down on the bench again with the book and began to inspire. He habitually imagined a thick rope and captured the image. A man was just walking. There was no time to look at him, because he had to concentrate on the rope. I tried my best to make her more real and... she “melted.”

“What is the mistake?” - I thought. And after several unsuccessful experiments, I found out that the rope disappears when you strain and try to “hold the image” as if with effort. This is really a mistake; on the contrary, you need to relax.

The next time I imagined the rope in all details, and when the image was formed, I relaxed. The image has not disappeared! Moreover, the imaginary rope began to “live its own life.” She swayed so naturally in the wind that for a moment I believed that she was real.

At that moment, while passing “through the rope,” a woman tripped. My joy knew no bounds, I almost jumped up shouting “Hurray!”, but, thank God, I restrained myself in time. I had mixed feelings in my soul: I really wanted to believe that this was my “merit,” but at the same time, an inner voice said that it could just be an accident.

I repeated. Now a guy (about my age) stumbled. I had almost no doubts - this is not an accident, I am doing this! Suggestion at a distance is not a myth, it really exists.

After sitting on the bench for about an hour, I managed to trip seven more people. It all looked very comical, but I didn’t laugh. I quietly rejoiced!

Now I can confidently say that suggestion at a distance exists, and everyone can learn it! You just need to really want it and practice a little (or a lot). Some people will succeed right away, some in a week, some in a month. But it will definitely work!

27.03.2006 88829 +322

Many of us know that people who communicate with each other unite energy threads. This is especially true for family and friends. The Internet is precisely an analogue of our mental communication.

Once in a dream, I flew past these threads, but I saw them the size of electrical wires. Some are thin, others are thick, like on a high-voltage line. And these wires were everywhere, I was even afraid to fly higher, so as not to catch them. And the higher I flew up to them, the more clearly I saw their thickness and heard the sound of resonance. The wires stretched very far and were at bird's eye level. They went down to all the buildings where people were. I even followed one wire that went down to the ground and flew into a building unknown to me. There were even more of them in the building than in the space. They scared me so much that I could get entangled in them like in a cobweb, that it didn’t last me long and I tried to free myself from them as soon as possible. Only after exploring the building, I realized that these are energy threads connecting people. Thanks to these threads, a person can find out the condition of a loved one from a distance, which will result in an unexpected desire to call in order to either confirm his suspicions or dispel them.

Have you ever noticed this feature: you just thought about this person, and he’s already calling you? You have already received his mental signal through these energy wires.

Before my mother died, I shuddered at every call that they would now tell me that my mother was no more. She really died that day. And the day before my death, I was hysterical when I came to my friend and said that my mother was dying. Although there was nothing suspicious in my mother’s behavior. But I already knew that she was preparing to move on to another world. When I looked at my mother, I realized that I was seeing her for the last time in my mind... Mothers of their children feel exactly the same way if they are in danger, even if they are very far away. One woman told me that she clearly saw that her adult son was dying in a car accident. He was in the USA at that time. She prayed for him every night, cried and begged God not to take her son away...

He actually got into a car accident, but remained unharmed. And he immediately called his mother to... thank her for saving his life. It turns out he heard her voice, and therefore took all precautions.

But this is what concerns the threat to life and health. But there is also an energy exchange between loving people. A loving person feels his partner at a distance, all his thoughts, his state of mind. Sometimes a person, without realizing it, begins to take a drink, although he has never experienced such a desire before. Then he is very surprised why this suddenly came over him. And it turns out that at this moment his partner can drown his “grief” with vodka. Thoughts are transmitted instantly along energy threads. The same can be said about feeling betrayed at a distance. It seems that the partner behaves as usual in everyday life, but the second partner feels mental discomfort. He begins to get nervous and naturally seek confirmation of his suspicions, which most often are not groundless. There are many examples of such telepathic connections. I actually get to the point where I “see a movie” of an upcoming event. I won’t say that I like it, especially if it concerns something that is not good for me. Well, what can I do, that’s my nature. I’m already used to this and I’m just internally preparing myself for the upcoming troubles.

But you can also influence a person so that he thinks the way you need it. I did this experiment on my husband. The fact is that my husband didn’t like the fact that I went to psychological training and because of this I would return home late. It was then that I applied the technique that I will give below. I clearly imagined that he was in a good mood and he greeted me with interest and asked how my classes went. What do you think? Everything happened exactly as I imagined. For a very long time I was surprised that this technique works. Or at least a word of reproach. I didn't hear anything like that from him. Moreover, he prepared dinner himself and waited until I arrived to delight me with his culinary skills. Since then, I realized that I need to be more careful with my thoughts. You should never imagine your partner as angry and aggressive, otherwise thoughts will be transmitted as if through a telegraph with lightning speed.

Today I will teach you how to work on a mental level.


Telepathic hypnosis is the most powerful system hypnotic influence. With it you can inspire any thoughts to another person. However, the law of karma or cause and effect must be taken into account. Everything we do to others comes back to us threefold. As opposed to conventional hypnosis, telehypnosis Almost no one can resist...

Technique of suggestion of thoughts at a distance

This practice is carried out mainly at night, when the consciousness of the object suggestions, as relaxed as possible or asleep. This is the most favorable moment, since during sleep a person’s subconscious is maximally open to impact. So you can telepathically convey one's thoughts or emotions to another person so that he or she accepts them as his own. This method allows inspire love, health, desire or emotion to any person.

  • Sit or lie down comfortably.
  • Relax all the muscles in your body.
  • Take three deep breaths in and out.
  • Write a short text suggestions, corresponding to your intention.
  • Focus on the feeling of the person you are planning for. inspire your thoughts.
  • Close your eyes, imagine this person vividly and realistically.
  • Imagine him as clearly as possible and mentally repeat your order to him.
  • Your mental repetition should be continuous and extremely attentive, and there should not be a single different thought in your head.
  • Visualize him doing what you tell him to do.
  • For example, that he goes to the phone, dials your number and calls you.
  • Your thoughts penetrate his brain through energy channels and do their job.
  • Yours suggestion reaches this object.
  • Your thoughts turn into his personal thoughts and desires.
  • This object will think that dialing your phone number is his personal desire. And after a while he will call you himself.
  • Exercise for 15 minutes. daily and the results will shock you. Soon you will learn to do hypnotelepathicsuggestions anyone.

You meet different people, and it can be difficult to come to an agreement with some of them. How to implement thought suggestion effectively? Discover your ability to telepathic hypnosis!

The Powerful Powers of Hypnosis!

Hypnosis¹ is a special state of consciousness in which a person has very high suggestibility. Everything that is said is embedded in the subconscious and affects a person’s behavior.

This is the basis for some methods of getting rid of bad habits or character correction, when, for example, a subconscious attitude causes an aversion to smoking or blocks some kind of panic fears.

However, every person has the ability to hypnosis. This article describes an effective technique for introducing the desired mental attitude into another person using telepathy!

Telepathic hypnosis is the most powerful system of hypnotic influence. You can use it to instill any thoughts in another person.

The transmission of thoughts over a distance is a real thing, and scientists are gradually getting closer to recognizing it. Thought is a wave; directed in a focused manner, it always reaches the final object and influences it.

Using this technique, you will be able to instill thoughts into other people, encourage them to do what you need. This will be very helpful in situations where it is impossible to reach an agreement in a normal way.

With practice of this method, you will develop yours and learn to influence other people almost instantly!

The most important thing is that this method does not violate free will: the person simply suddenly begins to adhere to a point of view that is favorable to you and acts based on it.

Suggestion of thoughts at a distance: technique

This practice is carried out mainly at night, when the consciousness of the object of suggestion is relaxed or asleep. This is the most favorable moment, since during sleep a person’s subconscious is maximally open to influence.

It is under these conditions that it is necessary to carry out telepathic suggestion of thoughts to another person: this way he will accept other people’s thoughts as his own.

This method allows you to instill love, health, any emotion in any person, you can also introduce a mental image with a specific command.

Before starting practice, you need to compose the desired image or text of suggestion, memorize it in order to pronounce it at the right moment.

1. The practitioner takes a sitting or lying position, closes his eyes and relaxes all the muscles of his body and face. Gradually this will bring the person into a relaxed meditative state.

2. He remains aware and dives even deeper. To do this, a person concentrates on his breathing, observes the process and does not interfere.

3. After some time of concentration, the practitioner will realize that his train of thought has stopped and he is in a deep trance.

4. The person remembers the person to whom the thought needs to be inspired. His image needs to be presented as vividly as possible. It is useful to reproduce the feeling that appears when meeting him live. With practice, this will create the effect of presence and increase the effectiveness of the technique!

5. The practitioner begins to mentally repeat the memorized text for suggestion, imagining how an energy channel is built, how it connects to a person’s head, and how a thought, repeated many times, is introduced there.

You must repeat with concentration, without being distracted by any extraneous thought! The number of repetitions of the text of suggestion is strictly individual for each practitioner: at some point he will feel that it is enough. In practice, you need to repeat the command at least 20 times.

6. Afterwards, the person imagines how the object of suggestion fulfills the thought, the order that was implanted in him: for example, how he goes to the phone, dials the desired number and calls.

All these images need to be sent through the energy channel to the object’s head.

7. At the end, the practitioner imagines how in the object’s head the inspired commands are transformed into his personal thoughts and desires.

Practice should be carried out for 15 minutes. daily.

The results will shock you. Soon you will learn how to make powerful hypnotelepathic suggestions to anyone and watch them do what you want!


You must remember that all your actions are taken into account by higher powers and are your responsibility!

The law of karma³ (cause and effect) should be taken into account: everything you do towards another person comes back to you threefold. Any negativity will return, you can be sure of it!

Therefore, you need to meaningfully create texts of suggestion, based on the principle “do no harm.”

With regular practice, you can develop powerful thought power and make your ability of telepathic suggestion very strong. In contrast to conventional hypnosis, almost no one can resist telepathic hypnosis!

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Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Hypnosis is a temporary state of consciousness caused by self-hypnosis or the influence of a hypnotist, characterized by a sharp focus of attention and high susceptibility to suggestion (Wikipedia).

² Learn the technique of self-hypnosis

Telepathic suggestion is the greatest ability that only a limited number of people possess. Despite the opinion of skeptics that this is unrealistic, such a phenomenon still exists. People are sure that their personal thoughts and desires depend only on them, but experts are convinced of the opposite. There are such phenomena as hypnosis, suggestion, telepathy. With the help of certain skills and methods, you can influence a person by imposing your thoughts and desires on them.

This theory has already been proven; there are still people who refuse to believe in such superpowers. An example is hypnosis, which is known to everyone. In addition to hypnosis, hypnotic telepathy is practiced, which can influence a person at a distance. Moreover, it is possible even without visual contact.

Suggestion technique at a distance

The technique of such influence is based on the suggestion of thoughts at a distance through signals that come from the cerebral cortex. Those receiving this signal are not even aware of the influence exerted on them, considering all the thoughts that arise in this coin to be their own. There is a theory that considers all thoughts to be radio waves of specific frequencies. In such a situation, a person serves as a radio receiver and, under some circumstances, can pick up other people’s thoughts, as well as transmit his own signals at a distance. Vivid evidence of the existence of such a phenomenon is the life of Wolf Messing.

Who is Wolf Messing

This great man, a hypnotist, worked with people at a distance, instilling his thoughts in them. Because of its features, it has become world famous. Everyone wanted to get to him, wanting to use his superpowers for their own purposes. Messing himself claimed that his capabilities were the result of personal efforts on himself and long training.

The hypnotist did not consider his abilities to be a gift. He believed that telepathic suggestion at a distance was just an ability that anyone could develop. This requires desire, willpower and belief in your own success. Any person who is not confident in his abilities will never achieve a positive result.

There is evidence that suggestion techniques existed in ancient times and were used by pagan tribes. In modern times, such methods of influence are used by psychologists and narcologists to treat serious diseases. The technique of telepathic hypnosis helps relieve people from nicotine, alcohol, drug and gaming addictions.

Eastern experts consider such influences aggressive and prefer to establish closer interaction with a person’s inner world, during which they carefully impose their opinion on him.

Eastern methods have been proving their effectiveness over Western ones for a long time. The result of its impact is longer lasting. People who are capable of suggestion use this quality as a means to earn money. Moreover, the flow of clients is quite huge, because telepathic hypnosis is very popular.

The possibility of suggestion at a distance has been fully researched and proven by modern scientists. They believe that the ability of telepathic hypnosis is inherent in the majority, it’s just that not everyone knows about their capabilities and does not develop such abilities.


In this article, I want to tell you about the most effective methods known to me on how to convey thoughts to a person at a distance, as well as warn you against possible dangers that await you along this path.

My name is Maria, and for 6 years now I have been practicing techniques for instilling thoughts at a distance. In books it is written very simply, but in reality you need to have great motivation and constantly pump up your willpower! I’ll tell you with my own example how I achieved my goal. If you are persistent and don’t give up after just a couple of workouts, then everything will work out!

I was studying in my first year of psychology when I became interested in psychoanalysis and Jung's theory. Then I plunged headlong into the theory of the collective unconscious. Its essence is as follows: our mind, in addition to personal information, has always had and will have access to universal human knowledge. It's like a network that touches everyone. And just as we communicate over the telephone network, the collective unconscious allows us to “reach out” to another, transmit thoughts at a distance. As F. Begbeder wrote:

“The more boldly I play with your subconscious, the more resignedly you submit to me.”

How to prepare for the suggestion of thoughts at a distance?

It is important to understand that telepathy does not work with consciousness, but with subconscious structures. The best preparation will be techniques that will force you to go beyond the boundaries of your usual “I”, for some time to abandon the restrictions familiar from childhood. In my case, yoga and meditation, which I had been doing for several years by that time, helped me. Another good way to tap into the subconscious is lucid dreaming. Art. Laberge has written many practical books on this topic. The main thing is to remember: if you decide to do this, you can’t stop halfway. Your determination is the key to controlling another person's thoughts from a distance.

Technique for instilling thoughts at a distance: stages

So, you have learned to tune into the subconscious and are determined to continue working. Great! The main thing is to remember: everyone can do this if they want!

  1. Preparing the premises. To practice, you need to choose conditions that are comfortable for you. Which do you prefer - cool or warm? With light music in the background or incense? In the dark or in the light? Create all the conditions to relax as much as possible, and go ahead!
  2. Preparing yourself. Sit (or lie down) in a comfortable position, turn off your mobile phone. Concentrate on your breathing: inhale for 4 counts and exhale for 8 counts.
  3. Visualization. Most people are visual people, like me. This means that it is easier for them to perceive visual information. During my first attempts at instilling thoughts at a distance, it was easier for me to work with a photograph of the person to whom thoughts were being instilled. Hold the photo in your hands for a while, tune in to the person, remember him.

If there is no photograph, or you already have some experience, close your eyes and mentally imagine your goal. Her or his hair, smile, gait. What can this person do now and how does he do it? If you are an auditory learner (one who perceives information more easily by hearing), concentrate on the memories of the person's voice. Is it loud? What timbre? For kinesthetics (such people are more accustomed to navigating the world based on tactile sensations), a good helper will be a thing associated with an object. For example, it could be a gift from this person, personal jewelry, or a pen with which he wrote for a long time.

  1. Telepathic influence. Only when you are completely attuned to the person and it seems as if he is standing right in front of you, can you begin this stage. You need to send a clear request or phrase to those you influence. Confidently, firmly, in a voice that does not require refusal, pronounce your request. Better out loud. To begin with, you should use simple tasks like “call Marina” or “Are you hungry?” It is important not just to convey a verbal command, but to feel it. In the telephone example, imagine the object calling the number provided. And with food, convey the very feeling of hunger. Be persistent, but don't get stuck here for too long! 3-4 minutes is enough.
  2. Exit from the state. A very important point that beginners often don’t take into account! After transmitting the information, concentrate on yourself and the sensations in your body. Hug yourself, maybe pinch yourself. You need to feel yourself within your body. Look around, focus your gaze on familiar objects. So, you are a huge fellow for coming all this way! Allow yourself to rest a little or eat something sweet. For example, I prefer to go for a short walk.
  3. Workout. The technique of instilling thoughts at a distance does not always work out the first time. It's important to remember: You've already done more than most newbies before you! You can no longer stop there! I’m ashamed to admit, but I once gave up after the first two attempts. I only resumed training a few months later when I met my current mentor, who could do really scary things to people if he wanted to! Repeat your workouts 2 to 5 times a week. Remember, the harder you try, the faster you will achieve what you want. And I checked for myself: every person has such abilities. By the way, this was even proven in the neuropsychological laboratory of the brain.

Limitations and possible consequences

There are more suggestible and less suggestible people. You can influence anyone - the main thing is to guess the moment when he or she is least protected.

  1. The easiest way is to influence loved ones who do not put boundaries between you and them. After all, telepathy can not only harm, but also support, convey a sense of protection and even improve health.
  2. The most vulnerable periods of a person’s life are moments of intense emotions (sorrow, joy, fear), sleep (using the technique described above, you can learn to influence a person’s dreams), communication with loved ones (for example, lovers are at their weakest when enjoying each other’s company).
  3. Remember! When you establish a telepathic connection with a person, your mind is also open to him, although to a lesser extent than his. You should not start your training by influencing enemies, murderers, or just shady people. The consequences can be very dire!
  4. Don't forget about the boomerang effect. A negative impact will result in negative consequences for you.

Technique for quickly influencing a person’s thoughts

I began to use this method when I achieved my first successes in the technique of instilling thoughts at a distance. It is not always possible to allocate enough time for telepathy, especially since at my pace of life it is difficult to find a suitable place for this whenever there is a need.

So, to use this method, you need to write a clearly worded request on a small piece of paper. While you are writing what you want to convey to another person, mentally remember his image, voice, character. What you write should be addressed specifically to the object of your influence. It is advisable that nothing distracts you at this moment.

When the message is ready, the most important stage begins. Crumple up a piece of paper, squeeze it tightly in your fist, close your eyes and mentally repeat the message again. And then, without further delay, burn the sheet with the message. Either using a lighter or a candle - whichever is more convenient for you. That's all, the action can be considered completed, and you can return to normal life!

Telepathy with an animal

Techniques of suggestion of thoughts are often used on animals. This is especially true for trainers: only deep subconscious contact with the animal will allow them to achieve heights in training. Unlike a person, to “communicate” with an animal you need to see him, and it must see you. Here, eye contact and prolonged communication are important before using telepathy techniques. Therefore, the best subject would be a domestic dog or cat.

When you are completely ready and attuned to the animal, sit opposite it (or pick it up) and look closely into its eyes. Catch the moment when the animal catches your gaze and mentally send an order or request. The message should be as simple and natural as possible for the creature (“obey me,” “respect me”). Repeat this ritual daily to consolidate the effect on the animal.

So, if you have finished reading this article, it means that you are ready to develop and upgrade your knowledge in the area of ​​the unconscious. When you feel confident in handling the techniques described above, begin to create new ones yourself, tailored to your unique personality. After all, no one knows you better than yourself! Do not stop there, on this portal you will find many articles that will advance you on the path to self-development.


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