Bead crafts, animals. DIY joy: making simple toys for pets! Crafts on the topic of pets for preschoolers

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Parents of children attending preschool are aware that every holiday is necessarily accompanied by children's crafts for kindergarten. Maybe to some this task will seem like a waste of time. But for most, this is still an entertaining and creative process, as well as an opportunity to spend time with the child with interest.

It is important to keep natural materials in stock in accordance with the season, and then any task for the production of work will not be taken by surprise.

Reserves of natural material

When traveling to the sea, you can collect small stones and shells. When walking in nature, stock up on beautiful leaves, pine cones and twigs. You can plant decorative pumpkins in your summer cottage - this is a good raw material for products that can be stored for a long time.

You can store the leaves in a book. It is better to keep the cones in the oven and pour boiling water over them, thereby destroying all the bugs. It’s also better not to throw away toilet paper or paper towel cartons, and save plastic bottles with caps. Make room for these items by placing everything neatly in a box.

Crafts for kindergarten are something that a child must prepare with his own hands. The degree of difficulty is determined based on the age category.

With skillful direction, the child will be able to create an applique, a drawing, or mold a plasticine product on his own. Using natural materials in the form of leaves and cones.

The do-it-yourself craft ideas for kindergarten below will tell you how best to use non-standard tools, for example, pasta or plastic dishes.

Plastic bottles can already be classified as standard materials; the possibilities for working with them are endless. Use matches, napkins, and sushi chopsticks, they are all great tools.

Products in the autumn version can be executed as compositions or as independent works. Perky hedgehogs, old forest men or alien creatures in a flying saucer - all this can be done with children's hands using raw materials given by nature.

Winter style products

In winter, we have associations of New Year holidays, and we also don’t forget about Defenders of the Fatherland Day.

On February 23, military-themed products will be relevant. You can make greeting cards. Excellent products are made from fabric, but parents must take part in the creation, as cutting is necessary.

The body is made of fabric, and the corners at the bottom should be stitched, this is necessary for stability. Next, fill the bag with padding polyester and tighten the thread.

All that remains is to create the face. The nose can be made from a beige bead. You can use ready-made eyes or create an applique. Embroider the eyelashes and make antennae from threads tied into a bun. Add tone with blush or lipstick.

We make the hands from fleece or cloth and glue them on. As an option, attach one handle to the cap. The ideas are endless, you can complement the work with shoulder straps.

Works in autumn style

Products in the autumn style are distinguished by the fact that materials given by nature are used for production. Leaves, cones and acorns of these raw materials are in abundance in the fall, which is perfect for crafts for a kindergarten plot.

As a rule, work competitions are held in the autumn. The child can create the applique on his own with a little help from his parents.

For products made from vegetables and fruits, a knife is used, so work must be carried out strictly under supervision. Paints are often used in kindergartens. But you can also replace them with material, for example, autumn leaves will serve as stamps for creating a forest.


You can tell the kids how much their help is needed for the birds and make a feeder together.

This not only promotes creativity, but also fosters a sense of caring for animals.

In winter, the death rate of birds is very high, because due to frost it is difficult for them to survive, so care will be taken when creating the feeder.

For the feeder you need: wood, a box and plastic bottles. Wooden feeders are distinguished by their durability. But not everyone can handle this material. Cardboard is easy to use, but it will not stand up in wet weather.

In this case, the cardboard feeder can be periodically updated, and the baby will like its decoration. Plastic is the most unpretentious material. Easy to work with and will withstand rain. The work uses a breadboard knife, so the process is carried out under the guidance of adults.


Street layouts

You can create situations that convey the meaning of reality; such a game will help you master traffic on the road and study signs. Street markings can be painted on cardboard and houses can be built from boxes. Decorate the cityscape with greenery and, most importantly, make road signs and traffic lights.

Road signs can be printed from the Internet. A stand for the sign can be made from a plastic bottle cap and a sushi stick, and fastened with plasticine.

Houses can be easily created from cardboard boxes or glued together from cardboard and painted on the facade. Trees are created from cardboard or natural materials.

If you finely chop green threads and sprinkle them on cardboard, previously coated with glue, you will get grass. It is easy to create soil using grain glued to the surface.


One side has a background color, and the other has three traffic light colors. Glue a thread between the halves and the circle is easily glued so that you can rotate it to the hole on one side or the other.

Craft from bottles

Wall panels, plot compositions and toys can be made using various techniques. It’s very easy to make crafts from plastic bottles for kindergarten.

You can make a baby penguin. To do this, you will need two plastic bottles, with the bottom cut to the required size. And the part is placed one inside the other. For convenience, several cuts can be made in the inner part.

Using acrylic paints we paint the toy. We make a pompom from threads to decorate the hat.

The scarf is made from braid or fleece; it will successfully hide the junction of the bottles. To keep the scarf stable, you can place it on glue or double-sided tape. For the wings and paws, colored paper is used.

Photos of crafts for kindergarten

A great way to spend time with your children in a fun and useful way is to engage in creative activities together. Such games not only develop the child, but also bring you closer together. It is worth noting that creating various figures with your own hands is also useful for adults. Such original things can decorate your home and will also be a good gift for loved ones.

You can make a beautiful thing from almost any available materials. A master class with step-by-step production of animals will help you cope with a task of any complexity. Let's look at the most popular options.

Puff pastry

Everyone remembers very well how in childhood we loved to sculpt various figures from multi-colored plasticine. But there is an alternative to the chemical composition for modeling - this is salt dough. This material for needlework is more convenient and safe.

Products made from salt dough will last for many years, provided they are properly processed. It is also worth noting that the price of the material is very low. Let's take a closer look at what an animal can be made from.

To prepare the simplest version of the dough, you will need one glass of salt, one glass of water and three glasses of flour. It is better to purchase finely ground salt of the “Extra” category. Mix all ingredients and knead the dough thoroughly.

Finished crafts must be dried. To do this, place them in the oven, set the heating temperature to minimum and leave for several hours with the door slightly open.

Repeat this procedure for three days. Using this method, you can make crafts on the theme of animals of any complexity. Add food coloring to the dough if necessary. You can also paint the finished product.

How to make animal figures

When making a three-dimensional figure from dough, it is worth considering that its size should not be significant. This way the dough can dry well.

If you need to make a larger figurine, you should initially make a frame from wire, foil or other materials. The prepared frame is covered with dough and the required animal is formed.

The algorithm for making products from salt dough is the same. If necessary, you can use detailed instructions on how to make an animal. Initially, it is necessary to manufacture individual parts. Attach parts of the animal's body one by one, starting with the largest part.

Let's make a pig

In order to make a pig, you will need an oval body. Attach a small “tablet” of dough to one side, which will serve as a patch. And on the opposite side is the tail.

At the last stage, you need to coat the finished product with pink paint. Using a black marker, draw eyes and two dots on the patch.

Making a teddy bear

A cute handmade teddy bear can be a wonderful gift. It’s quite simple to make, following the tips in the photo of animal-themed crafts.

Form the prepared dough into a round ball to use as the head. You need to sculpt a muzzle on it and attach the ears.

Make an elongated body, front and hind legs of the animal, connect them together. To securely fasten the top and bottom of the product, you will need a toothpick.

Insert a toothpick into the body so that it replaces the neck and protrudes slightly above the surface. Attach the bear's head to the protruding part of the toothpick.

To decorate the resulting figurine, you can make a heart from salt dough, which is placed in the front legs of the bear. By placing the hearts of a barrel of honey together, an ordinary bear will turn into the main character of the cartoon “Winnie the Pooh”.

We use toilet paper rolls

To create original little animals with your own hands, you can use any available means, as well as leftovers from household items. You can make various toys from ordinary rolls left over from a roll of toilet paper.

To make a cute bunny you will need a gray sleeve (can be painted), gray and pink cardboard, several bunches of straw, cotton wool.

A circle and two semicircles are cut out from a sheet of gray cardboard. They will serve as the head and paws for the product. Place the sleeve vertically, glue a circle to the bottom base, at the bottom of which the paws are glued with the cuts of the circles down.

Next, you need to cut and glue two ears and a round nose from a sheet of pink cardboard. Glue a few straws under the nose circle to make a mustache. Eyes for the bunny can be purchased at a craft store or drawn.

At the same level as the nose on the upper base, you need to glue a tail from a bunch of cotton wool. Such toy animals can be used as decorative stands.

Animals made from pompoms

The method of creating toys from pompoms is popular among needlewomen. To make a pompom you will need a sheet of cardboard, scissors and knitting threads (yarn).

From cardboard we cut out two identical circles with round holes, similar to a donut. Place the circles together and wrap the threads tightly around their base.

Cut the threads along the top line, spread the rings a little and tie them in the middle with thread. By pulling out the cardboard base, you will get a fluffy pompom.

From such blanks you can make different types of animals. The easiest way to make a caterpillar or snake this way. Use a thread to fasten a row of pompoms together to form a chain. Attach the caterpillar's eyes, tongue or horns to the first pompom and the toy is ready. Many interesting options for crafts made from pompoms with descriptions of the rules for their manufacture can be found on the Internet.

Photos of animal crafts

Welcome to the thematic section about pets. For your convenience, it is divided into chapters, each of which is dedicated to one of the pets - both purely “village dwellers” and those that live in the city. Here you can find notes on educational, integrated and creative activities dedicated to animals; useful illustrated master classes on creating all kinds of crafts and colorful layouts. This section collects and summarizes the rich experience of colleagues in the production of educational games, all kinds of visual aids and lapbooks dedicated to pets.

We introduce children closer to those who make us kinder!

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If you want to involve your child in some kind of creativity, then start creating animal crafts with your own hands. This develops perseverance, accuracy and attention. Fine and observation skills are also involved. Such activities bring parents and children closer together, as adults are directly involved in the creation of an extraordinary product.

Craft material

Products can be made with your own hands for any holiday of the four seasons of the year. These can be decorations for a dacha, garden area, home, or vegetable garden. Crafts can be involved in landscape design, as well as in the design of a kindergarten.Of course, if in making a craft it is necessary to use working tools, such as saws, drills, pruners, then such work is not for a child. It is better to involve him in making crafts from small parts.

You can create your personal zoo using any technology. This can be origami, quilling, modeling, embroidery, beading. The animal you decide to make can be a symbol of the coming year or the years in which family members were born. When you make animal crafts with your own hands, you can combine several techniques. For example, a pet's muzzle and hooves can be made of baked clay, and the fur can be made of fleece of the required color.

Crafts from bottles

Mostly such products are placed in the garden or vegetable garden. Since the bottle is not afraid of weather changes, it is durable and does not require maintenance. There can be both wild animals and domestic animals in the garden. Our example will be the original pig.

For this craft, containers of any size and diameter are suitable, at your discretion. Naturally, it needs to be painted with waterproof paint in a pink color that imitates the skin of a pig. On the side of the screw cap, draw large, surprised eyes with eyelashes. At the top of the head, cut the bottle on both sides to insert ears, which you cut from a spare container. Paint the ears with the same paint as the body. On the lid, draw a patch in the form of two black dots. The pig can be used as a flower bed. To do this, cut a rectangular hole on the back, add soil and sow flower seeds. A whole family will look more original, rather than just one craft. A pet created with your own hands will delight the eye not only during the flowering of plants, but also during the rest period.

Felt sheep

When you make animal crafts with your own hands, you can safely use felt of different colors. Let's create, for example, sheep. Pink felt will serve as fur, lilac will serve as a muzzle, white will be used for the eyes, and black felt will be used to make hooves. You can find templates, or you can make the pattern yourself. The body of the sheep looks like a cloud that needs to be cut out of the appropriate piece of material. Cut a slightly elongated head with ears, three times smaller than the body, from lilac felt. On a white background, draw an infinity sign, depicting future eyes.

We place this sign on the head of the animal and sew on the eyes - beads, piercing both materials. Embroider the mouth and nose with black thread. Glue the head to the body. Next, cut out rectangles from lilac felt and squares from black felt. Glue the legs with the hooves, and then glue the parts to the body. Here is an original DIY craft made!

Gifts of nature

Using natural materials, you can create unique masterpieces. All gifts of nature are not only environmentally friendly and safe, but also free. Working with them is an educational and exciting process.

Animal crafts made from natural materials, created with their own hands, take part in various school and even city exhibitions and competitions.To create a masterpiece, various leaves, acorns, chestnuts and cones, branches, pumpkins and zucchini, shells, stones and much more are used.


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