How to get rid of age spots on cheeks. Age spots on the face: types and causes of appearance

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Causes of formation of pigment spots on the face. Ways to eliminate pigmentation using salon procedures and whitening masks.

The coloring pigment melanin, produced by skin cells, is responsible for the formation of age spots on the face. It is evenly located under the epidermis layer and is responsible for the shade of the face. If the distribution of melanin is disrupted, dark or discolored spots appear. There are several types of pigmentation on the face; taking this into account, products are selected to lighten skin defects.

What are the types of age spots on the face:

With melasma, dark brown spots form on the face; warts may grow on top, peeling and itching may appear. The anomaly can be congenital or develops against the background of brain diseases, after taking medications.

Melanosis and chloasma most often occur in brunettes; brown spots of irregular shape form on the skin of the face. They are localized on the forehead, cheeks, temporal region or lips. The cause of the pathology is a hormonal imbalance in the body and excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Spots that are located on the cheeks and extend to the neck area may be the result of liver disease.

Chloasma can affect girls during puberty, with gynecological diseases, and while taking contraceptives. Pigment spots can form at the sites of healed burns, purulent wounds, and eczema.

Vitiligo is a pigmentation disorder during which melanin disappears in some areas of the skin. White spots of various shapes form on the skin; they appear after prolonged exposure to the sun and can disappear spontaneously.

Lentigo (mottled pigmentation) affects women of mature age. It manifests itself as multiple spots of various colors and sizes; they are most often formed in the neck, arms and face. The causes of pathology are age-related changes in the body.

Pigmentary dermatosis is caused by ovarian dysfunction and malfunctions of the digestive system. The pathology is characterized by the formation of brownish spots located symmetrically on the chin and around the mouth.

In women over 25 years of age, pigmentation of the eyelid skin occurs due to hormonal disorders and exposure to direct sunlight. Accompanied by the formation of spots and spider veins on the eyelids and cheeks.

Causes of age spots

What causes facial skin pigmentation:

  • ultraviolet radiation;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • medication treatment;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • burns, facial skin injuries;
  • age-related changes.

Despite all the above reasons, pigmentation is most pronounced after a long stay under the scorching rays of the sun. Some symptoms disappear after treatment of concomitant diseases, restoration of the normal balance of sex hormones, and some require cosmetic treatment.

Methods for treating pigmentation

Before carrying out therapy, it is necessary to determine the causes of the pathology. Based on this, lightening procedures are prescribed. If the body's hormonal balance is disturbed and cosmetic treatment will not give positive results, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist and gynecologist.

Pigmentation during pregnancy and menopause can be temporary and goes away after estrogen levels in a woman’s body stabilize.

Beauty salon procedures:

  • mesotherapy;
  • phonophoresis;
  • cryopilling;
  • laser resurfacing;
  • phototherapy.

Mesotherapy is a course of injections into the facial skin. The composition of medications injected into the deep layers of the epidermis includes useful microelements, vitamins, amino acids, extracts of medicinal herbs, and hyaluronic acid. This procedure allows you to effectively fight pigmentation, hide signs of aging, and smooth out fine wrinkles.

Cryopilling affects age spots using low temperatures. As a result, old skin cells die and are replaced by new ones, and collagen production increases.

Laser resurfacing treatment is the treatment of pigmented areas of the skin with a laser beam. In this case, the layer of epidermis with dark spots is sanded off.

Phototherapy is carried out by exposing affected areas of the face to beams of light. The treatment eliminates any age spots. It is also useful to use creams containing vitamin E, arbutin, licorice extract, and kojic acid.

Folk remedies for age spots

Among the folk remedies for lightening the skin of the face, the use of fermented milk products gives good results. To prepare masks you can use:

  • kefir;
  • yoghurts;
  • curdled milk;
  • milk;
  • sour cream.

It is useful to add a little vinegar, honey or cosmetic clay. For those with oily skin, it is recommended to add oatmeal and egg white.

To lighten age spots in mature women, masks are prepared from table vinegar, honey and salt. The treatment helps to whiten problem areas, rejuvenate, and tighten the skin.

Honey and lemon are essential cosmetic ingredients. You can squeeze juice or pulp from the fruit, mix it with natural honey and use it as a brightening mask. It is useful to make an alcohol tincture from these ingredients and wipe your face with it instead of a tonic. This product is not suitable for women with dry and sensitive skin.

Healing plants also help in the fight against age spots:

  • parsley;
  • birch leaves and buds;
  • coltsfoot;
  • yarrow.

It is useful to wipe the skin of the face with decoctions of these plants. Juice squeezed from parsley can be added to whitening masks, made into cosmetic ice or lotion.

You can wipe off age spots with the pulp of fresh fruit. Fruit acids normalize skin color, saturate it with vitamins and essential microelements.

A combination of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and heavy cream helps to quickly whiten age spots. Lightening masks should be done no more than 2 times a week. People who are allergic to bee products should not use honey. For girls with dry skin, it is recommended to add a little rich sour cream, cream, aloe juice or a few drops of sea buckthorn, lemon, and birch essential oils to the masks.

Prevention measures

To prevent the appearance of age spots, you need to spend less time in the sun. When relaxing by the sea or in the hot season, you should use creams that protect against ultraviolet radiation.

It is important to monitor your health and carry out treatment on time. This will help not only prevent the appearance of pigmentation, but strengthen the body’s immune defense and slow down the aging process of the skin.

When taking medication treatment, you should pay attention to the presence of contraindications. Some drugs have a side effect in the form of photosensitivity, that is, after taking them you should not be in the sun.

The formation of age spots on the face can be caused by several factors, so to effectively combat this cosmetic defect, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of its appearance.

Pigmentation on the skin is the body’s reaction to the influence of both external factors and reasons hidden within the body, which consists in a local increase in the production of melanin. This substance gives human skin its color. Skin is darker when melanin is produced in large quantities. If the pigment is deposited in the upper layers of the epidermis, the pigmentation may take on a yellowish tint. If accumulations of melanin are located in the dermis, formations on the face appear in the form of brown or dark gray spots.


Who is susceptible to stains?

Pigmentation can appear at any age.

However, older people and women of reproductive age are more susceptible to the occurrence of such cosmetic defects, especially - at 30-40 years old, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

Causes and risk factors for education

There are many reasons that can affect the disruption of melanin production. The main ones:

Environmental factors and other external irritants play an important role in the formation of pigmentation on the face.

Most often spots appear due to prolonged sun exposure of the skin, insufficient oxygen saturation, use of cosmetics containing sulfur and some metals, abuse of ointments with corticosteroids, aggressive cosmetic procedures, after injuries or burns, especially chemicals.

Types and symptoms of age spots

Hyperpigmentation is easiest to notice on the face of fair-skinned people. The spots stand out against a light skin background in the form of darkly colored areas with clear or blurry boundaries of various colors (mainly yellow-brown, sometimes with a reddish tint).

Shape of spots- round, oval.

Localization area– cheekbones, forehead, under the eyes, around the nose, lips. Age spots rarely appear alone, in most cases existing in groups.

The most common types of age spots are... (see below)

Dense brown spots, often thickened, due to which they rise above the surface of the skin.

Lentigo spots have an elongated oval shape, small sizes (up to 2-5 mm), and clear boundaries.

They come in two forms:

  • age pigment spots that form due to aging and thinning of the skin, as well as due to excess exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • youthful lentigo (genetically determined). In this case, pigmentation is also observed on other areas of the skin - on the shoulders, chest, and limbs.

Freckles, or ephelides

The appearance of such spots is due to the congenital characteristics of a person. Some areas of the facial skin react strongly to the influence of solar radiation, so they are more clearly visible in the warm season.

Typically, freckles form from childhood, having the following signs - small oval or irregularly shaped spots located around the nose or on the cheeks, light yellow, red, reddish shades. Without “feeding” from the sun's rays, freckles tend to fade.

When such spots form, a reverse reaction of the skin is observed - a decrease in the production of pigment, so they have a snow-white, milky or light pink tint.

Vitiligo can appear in the form of small or large spots, be of various shapes and forms, and also be surrounded by a dark rim along the periphery. The spots tend to progress, so their number and size increase with age.

The disease is difficult to treat.


They form in the first years of a child’s life or appear from birth. They can exist in the form of light brown, pink, reddish or dark spots of a wide variety of shapes and sizes, often bizarre. Some spots subsequently become denser and transform into nevi.

Chloasma or melasma

It is a brown or brown spot, smooth to the touch, clearly defined, of various sizes, irregular in shape. Most often they appear during pregnancy, as well as with other changes in the hormonal system; may disappear on their own after the birth of a child or correction of hormonal levels.

Xeroderma pigmentosum

A hereditary disease associated with increased photosensitivity. Xeroderma is characterized by a risk of degeneration into malignant tumors. Main symptoms: age spots, similar to freckles, accompanied by a reddish rash, as well as areas of thinning of the skin.

Meloderma Brocca

Dark hyperpigmented areas are localized around the mouth, sometimes in the nose area. The appearance of such spots is associated with stress.

Secondary pigmentation

Such spots form after certain infectious diseases (streptoderma, lichen) and disappear over time. In some cases, the formation of such spots is associated with an allergic reaction of the skin after applying cosmetics and prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Beautiful girl with freckles

First of all, excess pigmentation on the face is an obvious cosmetic defect that can significantly spoil a person’s appearance.

Often, a pigment spot turns out to be a sign of a developing fungal, bacterial disease or autoimmune processes (for example, pityriasis rosea).

Xeroderma pigmentosum can lead to degeneration of the skin and also contribute to the development of eczematous manifestations.

Some spots can become malignant over time, so they require constant monitoring by an oncologist. In many cases, especially at the initial stage of development, pigmentation may be similar to other skin formations - flat moles, keratomas and even skin melanoma.


In most cases, a dermatologist can make an accurate diagnosis based on an external examination and history taking from the patient.

In the absence of visible reasons for hyperpigmentation, general clinical examinations and consultations with specialized specialists (endocrinologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist, oncologist) may be prescribed. If a malignant process is suspected, a biopsy is performed. If there are signs of mycotic or other infectious skin lesions, the skin is examined under a Wood's lamp or scraped from the surface of the spot.

Treatment of age spots

Whitening age spots is often done at home. Cosmetic products containing the following components are well suited for this purpose:

  • substances that reduce melanin production (azelaic acid, hydroquinone, zinc, hydrogen peroxide, glabridin, retinoic and glycolic acids);
  • substances that inhibit the production of an enzyme that promotes melanin synthesis (kojic acid, arbutin, licorice extract, aloesin).

The best reviews for home whitening products include creams “Achromin”, “Guam” with kojic acid, “Skinoren”, “Azogel”, “Obagi” with hydroquinone, “Differin”, “Liquorice Cream”, “Benoquin”.

Cosmetic procedures, carried out in beauty salons, can quickly reduce the manifestations of hyperpigmentation. The most effective of them:

  • laser peeling. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia; under the influence of a laser beam, the layer of cells exfoliates and superficial pigment spots disappear;
  • microdermabrasion. Reduces to thorough mechanical treatment of facial skin using small abrasive particles (most often aluminum);
  • chemical peeling. It can be superficial, middle, deep. It is carried out using glycolic and trichloroacetic acids and requires a course of treatment (at least 3 sessions). Eliminates the top layer of cells, renewing the skin and lightening pigmentation.

In some cases it may be necessary drug treatment age spots. Most often it includes:

  • taking vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • ointments with glucocorticosteroids;
  • local photosensitizing drugs;
  • systemic glucocorticosteroids (for example, for vitiligo);
  • treatment with long-wave UV rays;
  • laser therapy.


Hardware techniques are used to remove pigment spots and prevent their reappearance. Modern aesthetic medicine clinics offer the following solutions:

  1. Fractional thermolysis. The procedure is carried out using a laser machine; The main difference from laser peeling is that the skin is treated in a targeted manner without affecting healthy skin. After 1-2 sessions, as a rule, even the most “resistant” pigment spots disappear. The procedure is painless and does not lead to the formation of scars.
  2. Cryotherapy. Applying liquid nitrogen to the pigmented area helps eliminate stains; The disadvantage of cryotherapy is some pain and trauma to the skin (recovery process takes 1-2 weeks).
  3. ELOS – removal of pigmentation. The procedure combines radio wave and infrared radiation, with the use of which pigment spots disappear after 2-3 sessions.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional recipes are easy to use and inexpensive to make; Sometimes using homemade masks, creams and lotions is enough to completely eliminate hyperpigmentation on the face:

  • The most popular remedy for age spots is lemon juice. To use, you need to make a lotion - water (120 ml) is mixed with lemon juice (1 spoon). Every morning and evening you need to wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in lotion.
  • Take 2 cucumbers, cut into circles and pour a glass of water mixed with 6 tablespoons of alcohol. After a week, the product is ready for use as a toner. For dry skin, it is useful to add a couple of drops of olive oil to it.
  • Pineapple juice and strong green tea are good helpers in the fight against facial pigmentation. It would be best to alternate such products: wipe your skin with tea in the morning, and pineapple juice in the evening.
  • An effective mask against age spots: grated raw potatoes (0.5 pcs.) and 1 spoon of honey are mixed, after which the mask is applied to the face in a thick layer. Holding time – 20 minutes.
  • Grate the apple and horseradish root, combine in a 2:1 ratio and use 2 times a week as a mask. The exposure time of the product on the face is 15 minutes.

Lifestyle, care and nutrition

If problems arise in the form of pigmentation on the face, it is necessary to properly organize daily care. Before going outside, especially in the summer, you need to apply sunscreen with an SPF factor of 30 or more to your skin. If pigmentation appears during pregnancy or lactation, it is better to wait and not use radical hardware procedures: in most cases, pigmentation disappears without a trace after delivery or the cessation of breastfeeding.

It will be useful to enrich your diet with vitamin foods - citrus fruits, berries, cabbage, fresh peas, herbs. In winter, it is recommended to take complexes of vitamins and minerals, especially special ones, for healthy skin. It is better to avoid strong tea and coffee: these drinks can provoke hyperpigmentation on the face, as well as fatty, fried, high-protein foods.

Prevention education

Measures to prevent the appearance of an unpleasant cosmetic defect come down to the following actions:

  1. Careful skin care according to its type and age.
  2. Regular use of photoprotective agents and wearing sunglasses.
  3. Use only high-quality, if necessary, hypoallergenic, cosmetics.
  4. Preventive intake of vitamins and antioxidants.
  5. Treatment of all chronic diseases, prevention of infections.
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Pigment spots on the face. Causes and methods of combating pigment spots. Cosmetological and home methods of getting rid of age spots.

A woman at any age wants to be attractive, exclusive and irresistible. But our desires do not always correspond to reality; sometimes they are crossed out by objective reasons, which, alas, we are not always able to influence. For example, age spots on the face and other parts of the body, which not only spoil our appearance, but also cause mental discomfort. The main thing in this matter is not to give up; our beauty is the result of working on ourselves, perseverance and daily self-care.

We usually associate the appearance of age spots with poor skin care, and therefore we try to get rid of them only with the help of cosmetics. This is a fundamentally erroneous and incorrect opinion; expensive creams and lotions cannot solve this problem. It is generally accepted that excessive skin pigmentation is only a female problem - this is not so, men are no less susceptible to their appearance than the weaker sex.

There are many important aspects of the occurrence of pigment spots; these are not one, not two, or even three key factors. And most of them directly depend on the general state of our health, hormonal levels and the level of the body’s immune defense.

The appearance of pigment spots: causes and prerequisites for this phenomenon

To understand the essence of the problem, it is necessary to understand its origins. Where and why do hyperpigmented areas appear on our faces? Most of us know that there are several epidermal layers of the skin, as well as that a specific substance is produced in the outer and deep layers - melanin. It is its quantity that is responsible for coloring the skin.

Being regularly exposed to various external factors, its content in one or another skin layer can vary sharply from the norm according to color type. These melanin fluctuations provoke the appearance of age spots. If the accumulation of pigment in the epidermal layer is minimal, then the spot on the skin will be small and weakly expressed, most likely it will acquire a light bronze or light beige tint, which will have virtually no effect on our appearance.

Many people have freckles, which are also pigment spots by nature. This category also includes moles (in their benign form - nevi) and lentigines left on the skin by sunburn and excessive tanning.

Freckles are one of the types of pigmentation

In the worst case, the pigment accumulates in the deep epidermis unevenly and in large quantities - that’s when we see dark, coffee-brown spots of different sizes. Such neoplasms can significantly affect our reflection in the mirror and cause a lot of troubles associated with the face and our appearance as a whole.

In addition, such pigmented areas may have uneven edges and rise somewhat above the general level of the skin, be covered with cracks and roughness, and individual coarse hairs may grow from them.

If dermatological tests have revealed a particular tendency to increased pigmentation, then the owner of such skin needs to find out for herself the reasons for the fluctuations in melanin. Only in this way can we avoid unpleasant tumors and their consequences for the beauty of our face.

Primary factors influencing the increase in melanin levels

So, let’s systematize the reasons for the increase in pigment levels:

Diseases, hormonal imbalances and metabolic disorders

Among such factors, we can note several specific general diseases that provoke increased pigment production, which causes the appearance of unpleasant-looking neoplasms. First of all, these are physiological damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

Dermatologists and cosmetologists have known about the dependence of skin condition on the health of the digestive system since the time of Avicenna. Those people who have impaired functionality of the large and small intestines are most susceptible to epidermal changes. Failures in their work lead to total slagging and intoxication of the body, and this, in turn, affects the skin.

Hormonal surges due to pelvic diseases, as well as a decrease in the body’s immune defense, can also negatively affect the appearance and condition of the skin. The dermal layers lose their elasticity, dry out and become pigmented.

External toxic factors are no less dangerous - destructive chemical compounds floating in the air around us have an extremely adverse effect on the upper layers of the skin, penetrating inside the pores and making it difficult for waste sebum to escape. Direct contact with household poisons and potentially hazardous substances can cause the same consequences. For example, those contained in various cosmetics.

Therefore, abusing cosmetics, as well as going to bed without washing off your makeup is not only bad form, but also direct damage to your own facial skin. You should also be more careful when using essential and other volatile oils, even if they were obtained by macerate extraction.

Excessive use of cosmetics negatively affects the skin

Another cause of age spots is unprofessional cleansing of the facial skin with hardware and chemicals. If you use cleaning abrasives incorrectly and overly aggressively, an increase in pigmentation is guaranteed to overtake you in 80% of cases.

Diseases of the urinary system lead to stagnation of fluid in the body, which, as you understand, also does not have a beneficial effect on us. Excess moisture in the dermal layers leads to disturbances in the production of melanin.

Harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation

Ultraviolet radiation is the second most likely and common cause of color changes in our skin, and besides, the face is precisely that part of the body that is almost always exposed to sunlight.

For those for whom sudden activation of the pigment brings trouble every time, it will be useful to know that in this situation, increased melanin is produced due to the desire of our body to protect itself from sunburn. It must be remembered that the main functional responsibility of this pigment is to resist destructive ultraviolet rays. However, despite this fact, each of us loves tanning, both natural and artificial, which is even more dangerous.

It is dangerous for everyone, especially women with thin and pale skin, to sunbathe during the day under the direct scorching sun. Because even very strong cosmetic protection is not always a guarantee of safety. The chance of acquiring pigment spots increases when burned. In this situation, the body tries to produce as much melanin as possible - a kind of biological barrier to damage to the upper layers of the skin by ultraviolet radiation.

What is the working principle of the pigment? It turns light areas of the skin dark, this is the natural principle of tanning. But for many reasons, not everyone experiences this coloring evenly. As a result, instead of an even and full tan, unsightly dark spots appear on the skin of the body, and the face in particular.

You can avoid this by using special thermal methods of protection, and you should also try to visit the beach as little as possible during the midday solstice. If your skin is hypersensitive, sunscreen will be useful not only in summer, but also in other seasons. The main thing is not to get carried away, since frequent use of various cosmetics can also lead to the appearance of age spots.

Sunscreen is a necessary item of personal hygiene, so it would be right if a professional chooses this cream for you, taking into account all the needs and problems of your skin. Allergic reactions to cosmetic components are not the best way to combat excessive pigmentation. Dermatologists recommend using whitening products if you begin to suspect the emergence of pigmented tumors on your face.

It is necessary to protect your face from excess sun rays

Do not forget that the headdress plays an important role. It is advisable that its brim completely cover your face from the sun's rays.

Vitamin deficiency and impaired protein synthesis are the cause of hyperpigmentation

Vitamin deficiency is a common cause of age spots in pregnant women and adolescents during puberty. These are the so-called chloazams - dark spots that are distinguished by an uneven surface, torn edges and darken more and more over time. In the spring and summer months, these formations in the fair half of humanity may also include quite obvious freckles, which cannot be gotten rid of by any of the known methods.

Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from using any bleaching agents, chemical or mechanical. After childbirth, all these spots will disappear on their own, leaving behind absolutely no traces.

In adolescents, hyperpigmentation will disappear by the end of the puberty process, as it is caused by metabolic disorders, namely, in the body’s absorption of the required amount of vitamins.

You can understand what caused a particular neoplasm by its appearance. You should pay attention to every detail - size, color, speed of occurrence, edging, condition of the surface of the stain and other details. For a competent dermatologist, each parameter can become an indicator of a particular problem in your body. In addition, each individual area of ​​the face - forehead, cheeks, chin, nose - with the appearance of pigment spots signals us about malfunctions in the nervous, excretory, immune, metabolic and other systems.

Age criteria for activation of melanin production

The aging process of the body inevitably affects our skin. As a result of prolonged exposure to several of the above factors, melanin not only accumulates in the deep layers of the skin, but is also unevenly distributed.

The facial skin of an aging person first of all acquires a heterogeneous structure and uneven color. By the age of thirty, many women can be diagnosed with the appearance of unsightly, red-brown spots on the face. They do not pose a threat to our health, but at the same time they do not color our appearance at all. Unfortunately, no foundation can hide such skin blemishes.

However, each such spot signals the owner about a certain problem in the functioning of internal organs and systems, since, as we remember, melanin formations are, in most cases, external manifestations of diseases.

Age spots may appear with age

For women forty to fifty years old, increased pigmentation of the facial skin is a standard problem. This fact is explained by the fact that the body can no longer cope with control over the production of pigments and does not have time to distribute and utilize melanin in a timely manner. This is also facilitated by the hormonal crisis that falls on women during this period.

Ways and methods of relieving hyperpigmentation of facial areas

Not every one of us can come to terms with the presence of pigment spots on our own face, so cosmetologists and doctors have long developed several effective methods for getting rid of these growths. Even 20-30 years ago, removal of hyperpigmented areas of skin caused women a lot of discomfort and was very ineffective.

The methods of direct skin whitening that existed at that time were based on the use of alkaline solutions, and therefore inevitably entailed side troubles. Creams and clay whitening pastes were more of a means of prevention than a radical way to combat age spots.

At this stage of development of cosmetology, they can be removed in almost a couple of sessions, while not even the slightest noticeable scars will remain on the skin of the face. But this is only if they are not caused by diseases of the internal organs. Then a comprehensive and highly competent approach to this problem is required. Only a fully healthy body is the key to good and beautiful facial skin.

Most often, to relieve hyperpigmentation, cosmetologists resort to peelings and scrubs. There are several basic types of these products, but their action is based on the same principle: removing the surface layer of the dermis and stimulating enhanced regeneration. This leads to lightening of the skin, improving its uniformity and elasticity. Let us distinguish three types of such influence:

Ultrasound is a completely effective way to combat age spots, but it is effective only when the pigmentation is quite weak, without pronounced, dark formations. The ultrasound wave is able to affect only the uppermost dermal layer, massaging it, thereby improving blood supply and lymph outflow.

Laser is rightfully considered the most effective and comfortable method. In addition, it is recognized as the safest at the current time. The effectiveness of this effect is 98%. Using a laser beam, the master performs a complete resurfacing of the skin, while causing minimal damage to the skin layers, without irritating or injuring it. The beam evaporates the liquid that stagnates in the skin cells. After such treatment, there is a massive death of old epidermal cells, and in their place new ones, which do not carry excess melanin, are actively regenerated.

Chemical is the most traumatic, dangerous and obsolete method. The essence of this effect is based on the chemical dissolution of the top layer of skin. A specific composition is applied to the face, in which aggressive acids predominate. Simply put, these active components eat away the skin along with age spots.

The procedure is very painful and has a lot of absolute contraindications. As a result of repeated use, such peeling will significantly lighten the skin, but at the same time dry it out, causing early wrinkles and making it hypersensitive. Not recommended for use for any metabolic disorders.

What are the causes and treatment of age spots on the face? How to prevent their occurrence? Is it possible to get rid of pigmentation at home? What salon techniques do cosmetologists offer? Modern ways to solve the problem of hyperpigmentation.

Human skin contains pigments that determine its color. They belong to the group of melanins and are produced by special cells - melanocytes. In people with different skin colors, the number of such cells does not differ, but they work with different intensity. Therefore, some people have dark skin, while others, on the contrary, have light skin.

The intensity of melanocytes is our body’s response to external influences. Through the production of melanin, the skin protects itself from the sun. In fact, the darkening of the skin under the bright sun, which we call tanning, is a protective reaction of the body that is trying to resist aggressive ultraviolet radiation.

Those with dark skin are best able to resist it. Their melanocytes are able to produce more melanin. Light-skinned epidermis copes worse with the task, so fair-skinned people do not tan, but burn in the sun.

Causes of hyperpigmentation

However, tanning implies a gradual darkening of all areas of the skin, which is ensured by the uniform accumulation of melanin in the tissues. Pigment spots are a focal concentration of melanin, the location of which cannot be predicted.

In scientific language, the formation of foci of unusual color on the skin is called dyschromia, that is, a violation of natural pigmentation. It can manifest itself as darker spots than the normal skin tone - hyperpigmentation. Or, conversely, lighter ones, which is called hypopigmentation or loss of pigment.

The most common cosmetic problem is hyperpigmentation. It is believed to be caused by excessive tanning. But the reasons for the appearance of age spots are much more varied.

  • Genetic predisposition. You can determine a person's tendency to develop hyperpigmentation by their light skin tone. It is white, and freckles are actively formed in the sun, scattered over the face and body. Such people do not know how to sunbathe and get sunburned quickly. A characteristic sign is the presence of many moles on the back and arms. People with a light tone of the epidermis belong to the first phototype according to the Fitzpatrick classification. For them, complete relief from hyperpigmentation is often impossible. Comprehensive prevention is required from childhood.
  • Ultraviolet. The most common answer for why age spots appear is sunlight. It is from the sun that areas of hyperpigmented epidermis are formed, which are localized on the arms, chest, shoulders, and face. The epidermis actively accumulates pigment when exposed to direct sunlight. The use of sunscreen smoothes the process, but cosmetics cannot completely eliminate the effects of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, sunbathing in direct sunlight is unacceptable, even when using sunscreen.
  • Hormonal changes. Often, foci of hyperpigmentation form during pregnancy, lactation, and adolescence. They are caused by changes in hormonal levels. Such phenomena cannot be considered irreversible. Often, after normalization of the hormonal status, age spots go away on their own. They persist in case of disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands: adrenal glands, thyroid gland, as well as when taking hormonal drugs.
  • Diseases of internal organs. According to cosmetologists, the question of how to get rid of age spots on the face often has to be resolved together with doctors. After all, by the location of dark areas on the body, you can determine which organs are not all right. So, if darkened lesions form on the side of the neck, there is a possibility of liver disease. Linear areas on the forehead indicate disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. Dark pigment spots around the mouth are an indicator of diseases of the digestive system; on the cheekbones and side of the face - a hormonal disorder or the use of contraceptives. Age spots are often localized on the arms and back.
  • Skin damage. The skin of people of the second and subsequent phototypes with dark skin can effectively resist ultraviolet radiation through the production of melanin. But when the top layer is damaged, our “shell” loses its protective properties. This happens after injuries or infectious diseases. According to cosmetologists, one of the common problems with the formation of small spots on the face is the independent fight against acne. Squeezing them out injures the skin, which loses its normal level of UV protection. In this place, melanin accumulates more actively, which leads to the formation of post-acne lesions and intense pigmentation.
  • Cosmetology procedures. Oddly enough, intensive skin care can also cause hyperpigmentation. The epidermis is stripped of its outer stratum corneum by injection procedures, all types of facial cleansing, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion. It is no coincidence that there are general recommendations that these care procedures should be performed between September and March. If there is a need to clean or exfoliate in the summer, be sure to use a protective cream with SPF of at least thirty, even when it is cloudy outside.

There are many reasons for the formation of hyperpigmentation. And the treatment of age spots on the face should be based on a clear understanding by the doctor of what caused their appearance.

If areas of darkening occur as a result of hormonal disorders or diseases of the digestive system, an integrated approach to treatment is required, involving specialized specialists. They will help cope with the cause of the disease, and the cosmetologist will remove its “traces” on the face.

Hyperpigmentation removal technique

Unfortunately, removing age spots is a lengthy procedure. The difficulty of aesthetic correction lies in the fact that foci of hyperpigmentation can be located at different depths. With superficial localization, areas of pigmented skin become less pronounced within one to three months of regular care. If the spots are extensive or deep, several years of appropriate therapy may be required.

According to cosmetologists, it is important to approach the problem comprehensively. Otherwise, the positive result will be short-lived or not achieved at all. There are several stages of therapy to remove age spots on the face.


In each case, a specialist must conduct an “investigation” to identify the causes of the disease. The period of occurrence of hyperpigmentation, medications taken, and techniques to combat it are specified if skin whitening has been carried out previously.

It is important for a cosmetologist to assess how deep the pigment is in order to develop treatment tactics. For this, a Wood's lamp or a black lamp is used. It produces ultraviolet light in the “soft” long-wavelength range. Areas of pigmentation illuminated by a Wood's lamp themselves begin to glow, which allows the specialist to understand the depth of localization of the pigment and the condition of the surrounding tissues.

The treatment of hyperpigmentation in pregnant and lactating women, as well as in people who have pigment spots from birth, deserves special attention.

  • During pregnancy. During pregnancy, it is unacceptable to treat age spots. Expectant mothers have features of their hormonal status that contribute to their formation. But it is impossible to predict how the pigment will behave after childbirth. The spots may disappear, or they may need to be corrected. In any case, neither salon nor home procedures can be carried out before childbirth, as there is a risk of unnecessary injury to the skin.
  • For congenital spots. The question of how to remove age spots on the face that have arisen since birth requires a highly qualified doctor. It is unacceptable to treat them in any cosmetology office, by a cosmetologist without special education. It is necessary to contact a cosmetologist-dermatologist, since the essence of the problem here is somewhat different than the banal effects of ultraviolet radiation. Melanocyte cells that produce melanin are the “brothers” of neuronal cells. By influencing them, the doctor indirectly affects the cells of nerve tissue, which is a significant intervention in the functioning of the body as a whole.

The patient's age is another important consideration when developing individualized therapy. At a young age, the skin actively regenerates, the risk of complications is lower, the epidermis is quickly restored, and the skin’s resources are still significant. Therefore, both gentle and more aggressive techniques can be used.

After 50 years, getting rid of age spots cannot be done using aggressive techniques, since the intensity of skin regeneration is reduced. You should avoid procedures that affect the dermis and use gentle surface techniques, especially when working on large areas of skin.

Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor draws up an individual program for correcting hyperpigmentation. It is based on the use of the most gentle techniques that can be effective in a given situation.

Cosmetology procedures

Cosmetology offers several types of procedures aimed at destroying hyperpigmented tissue areas. Cosmetologist and dermatovenerologist Diana Yudina highlights the most effective ones. All of them have an exfoliating effect, that is, they destroy the affected areas, stimulating the formation of new cells with normal pigmentation.

  • Chemical peeling. Based on the action of AHA acids on the skin. The active components of the composition burn out areas of the skin, forcing the body to produce new cells. Depending on the depth of the pigment, the specialist selects a sufficient acid concentration. Superficial peeling involves the use of a composition based on glycolic, mandelic, lactic, trichloroacetic or salicylic acids in a concentration of up to twenty-five percent. It can cope with pigment located in the upper layer of the epidermis. If the melanin is located deeper, more concentrated intermediate compositions based on acids up to forty percent are used. But before performing a medium peel, the cosmetologist always performs a superficial peel to thin the stratum corneum of the epidermis and ensure uniform penetration of active acids into the skin. Superficial peelings are carried out in a course of 5-10 procedures every 10 days. Medium ones require a longer recovery period for the skin, so the course is up to three procedures, no more than once a month.
  • Microdermabrasion. A gentle technique for removing hyperpigmentation, which is called the “weekend” procedure. The rehabilitation period after it is insignificant, does not exceed one or two days, during which the redness completely disappears and the epidermis noticeably brightens. Microdermabrasion is performed using a stream of aluminum oxide microcrystals, which remove the surface layer of the skin. At the same time, stimulation of deeper layers occurs, which ensures the overall rejuvenating effect of the technique. Microdermabrasion will be the solution to the question of how to remove age spots from the face that arise with age and hyperkeratosis. At the same time, it evens out the relief of the skin, which is disturbed, for example, by acne, so it is also recommended at a young age.
  • Laser resurfacing. It is carried out using a laser, which delivers a beam to a controlled depth, heats epidermal cells with excess pigment and destroys them. The most effective and safe technique is the use of a fractional erbium laser, which uses low energy. The rehabilitation period after a low-traumatic procedure usually passes quickly and without complications.
  • ELOS therapy. A new technology for correcting hyperpigmentation, which has a pronounced lifting effect. It is carried out through the influence of electric current and light energy. Provides narrowing of superficial blood vessels, removes excess pigment in the epidermis, and does not have a traumatic effect on surrounding tissues. The total depth of exposure reaches four millimeters, which allows you to effectively combat pigment spots of various locations. The procedure has a cumulative effect, its effect develops over several sessions and requires periodic maintenance procedures.

According to Diana Yudina, it is impossible to get rid of age spots on the face in one procedure. Usually a course of up to five procedures is required, which should be carried out monthly or once every two months, on the recommendation of a cosmetologist.

Home care

During the course of basic therapy and after completion of the sessions, the doctor must prescribe home care. The outcome of treatment depends on compliance with his recommendations. You may need to purchase cosmetics for home care recommended by a cosmetologist. To normalize the condition of the skin, serums and creams containing whitening components are used.

Cosmetic products based on hydroquinone, arbutin, ascorbic and kojic acids, and glabridin will help in the fight against hyperpigmentation. These components block the production of tyrosine, which, when oxidized, forms melanin. They also slow down the production of the enzyme tyrosinase, which is a precursor to tyrosine. Thus, they have a slight whitening effect and prevent the appearance of new age spots.

The products should be applied locally to hyperpigmented areas. It is useless to use them as the main element of treatment for age spots. They do not have the necessary whitening effect even with regular and long-term use. Their lightening effect reaches fifteen to twenty percent.

Sun protection, prevention

During the treatment period and to prevent the formation of age spots, follow the general recommendations.

  • Avoid aggressive procedures in summer. Do not perform peelings, microdermabrasion and other cosmetic procedures that remove the top layer of skin during periods of active sun. This may lead to the development of hyperpigmentation. Leave intensive skincare treatments for the autumn-winter period.
  • Use sunscreen. In summer, apply cream or fluid to your skin with an SPF level of at least thirty. Stay out of direct sunlight from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. If you must stay under the sun, remove the sunscreen with a tissue every two hours and reapply it.
  • Use sun protection accessories. In summer, wear glasses with large lenses and wide-brimmed hats. Cover your shoulders and arms with light covers to prevent direct exposure to sunlight.

Pay maximum attention to sun protection when undergoing hyperpigmentation therapy, as well as during pregnancy, endocrine diseases, acne, and inflammatory skin diseases.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies cannot be considered a full-fledged alternative to cosmetic procedures. The fact is that coloring pigments are located in the structure of the surface layer of the skin, which substances from folk recipes cannot reach. But they can be used in cases of mild, newly emerging hyperpigmentation, or if you want to make freckles less pronounced.

We offer several folk remedies that, according to reviews, have confirmed their effectiveness.

Viburnum and honey

Viburnum contains acids that have a bleaching effect. Honey has an anti-inflammatory effect and nourishes the skin.


  1. Squeeze the juice from a bunch of viburnum berries.
  2. Add the same amount of honey.
  3. Mix.

Apply to cleansed face and leave for thirty minutes. Rinse off the mask, wipe with a mixture of lemon juice and water mixed in equal parts.

Hydrogen peroxide and lemon

The recipe uses acids that act aggressively on the skin. The product should be used only locally, on dark areas, no more than twice a week. Monitor your skin condition. For increased dryness and flaking, use moisturizers.


  1. Squeeze a tablespoon of lemon juice.
  2. Add a tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Mix.

Apply the mixture to a clean cloth or cotton pad. Apply the compress to the hyperpigmented area. Leave for 15 minutes.

Parsley and lemon

The product can be used to lighten “fresh” age spots, as well as as a preparation for peeling in a beauty salon.


  1. Grind a bunch of parsley in a blender to a paste.
  2. Add lemon juice until a viscous mass is obtained.
  3. Mix.

Apply to cleansed skin, leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

All whitening products must be used in evening care. It is unacceptable to go out into the sun after using them. During the day, use sunscreen with an SPF level of twenty.

Treatment of age spots on the face requires an integrated approach. Therapy includes a course of cosmetic procedures that destroy cells with dark pigment, and appropriate home care. It is important to follow the cosmetologist’s recommendations to get a quality result. And use sunscreen to protect against the reappearance of hyperpigmentation, as a preventive measure for the primary formation of age spots.

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Pigment spots are traditionally considered a cosmetic defect. They can spread over a large surface of the skin, which does not look entirely aesthetically pleasing. Many ways have been invented to get rid of pigmentation. Usually, the defect is eliminated in cosmetology clinics. This is a complex procedure that requires the professionalism of a cosmetologist. It is best to take preventive measures to protect yourself from stains. If they do appear, you can disguise them.

What are age spots?

The production of pigment is an absolutely natural phenomenon. This element is responsible for skin color. However, there are frequent cases of increased production of melanin pigment, which leads to the occurrence of hypermelanosis. These are pigment spots. They are distinguished not only by their specific color, but also by dryness in the spot area, roughness of the skin, and susceptibility to the appearance of wrinkles.

Types of age spots

There are many types of defect. The spots can have different colors: from light to dark shades. They are either congenital or acquired. They also differ in location: uniform or uneven.

In medical practice, the following types of age spots are distinguished:

  • Lentigo. Occurs, as a rule, after reaching 50 years of age. The spots are convex and dark brown in color. Their shape is usually round or elongated.
  • Chloasma. Often formed due to pregnancy or hormonal changes. These are symmetrically located areas of black or brown color. They usually appear on the face, stomach, and near the nipples. Characterized by clear contours and increased sizes.
  • Vitiligo. The formation of such a defect is not causally related to age or hormonal changes. The spots are characterized by a rounded shape, a clear outline, and white borders.
  • Nevus. Birthmarks are the most common type of pigmentation. They differ in yellow-brown or black color. They can be either smooth or convex.
  • Photosensitivity spots. They arise due to increased sensitivity of the skin to medications, ultraviolet radiation, and cosmetics.
  • Abnormal pigmentation. This is the most dangerous type, which can lead to loss of health. This includes melanoma, which is a skin cancer.

The characteristics of pigment spots are very significant. Small spots do not cause much discomfort, but large dark-colored defects usually need to be removed.

Hyperpigmentation is an increased concentration of pigments.

Hyperpigmentation in simple terms

Hyperpigmentation is excessive coloring of certain areas of the skin. For example, it includes ephelides. Their more popular and familiar name is freckles. They usually form on exposed areas of the body. Freckles are a problem for people with fair skin. They may appear in spring and disappear in winter.

Hyperpigmentation occurs due to an increased concentration of pigments that are found in the epidermis. The disorder may appear due to hormonal processes or pregnancy.

Causes of age spots on the skin

This cosmetic defect occurs due to the following reasons:

  • Improper functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Diseases of the gallbladder, liver.
  • The influence of sunlight.
  • Hereditary factors.
  • Ovarian dysfunction.
  • Hormonal imbalance caused by pregnancy or taking hormonal medications.
  • Injuries, burns and other damage to the skin.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Depression, psychosis, neurosis.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Use of a number of cosmetics.

Large age spots usually owe their appearance to genetic reasons. As a rule, they are congenital.

How to remove age spots on the face

The most effective method of removing a defect is cosmetic procedures. They are effective and safe. Let's look at the most common of them:

  • . The laser helps remove the top layer of skin, so you can get rid of many defects: age spots, scars, scars. The method is characterized by the rapid achievement of the desired result.
  • Peeling. During the procedure, the top layer of skin is also removed and cell renewal occurs. Peeling can be chemical or mechanical. In the first case, gentle chemical compounds are used, in the second - aluminum microcrystals. How to do a chemical peel at home.
  • . A special cocktail is injected under the skin, triggering restoration processes. This method can be used as a preventive measure.
  • Phototherapy. It is effective for shallow pigmentation. The skin is exposed to pulsed light or photo flash, which stimulates cell renewal and elimination of defects. Contraindications to facial photorejuvenation.

It is better to select a method in accordance with individual characteristics.

Medicines for age spots

You can get rid of a cosmetic defect using pharmaceutical products. They usually have a whitening effect. Some drugs can only be purchased with a prescription. Let's look at some of the pharmaceutical products:

  • Hydroquinone. Designed to lighten brown areas of the skin. The product is carcinogenic and is therefore prohibited for sale in a number of countries.
  • Retin-A. Promotes cell renewal. Recommended for defects caused by exposure to sunlight.
  • Glycolic acid. Used for peeling. Should be used with caution. Skin redness may occur during use. The product is quite aggressive.

Not all preparations that whiten age spots are safe, and therefore, before using them, you need to read the instructions for use!

Preventive measures

The defect in question can be prevented. To do this, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  • Provide protection from sun rays. When going to the beach, be sure to take UV protection products. Fair-skinned people should not overuse tanning.
  • The right diet is important: more vegetables, cereals, seafood. Vitamin C and folic acid are indicated.
  • If stains appear, they should be removed immediately.

If possible, it is better to avoid solariums and hormonal drugs.

How to disguise formations?

Corrective agents with various shades are used to disguise stains:

  • Pink (for brown formations).
  • Purple (for yellow).
  • Several shades darker than foundation (for light areas).

You should not overuse corrective products. It will be noticeable. If the formation is large, it is easier to remove it.

In conclusion, we suggest looking at how age spots are removed during the photorejuvenation procedure:

Pigment spots are a problem for many women. However, now there are many means to eliminate them. To remove formations, it makes sense to contact a cosmetologist. If small spots bother you, you can deal with them yourself using pharmaceutical products.

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.


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