Is it possible to give a cross to my mother? Is it possible to give a cross that is not just a decoration? You can give your pectoral cross to another person

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For example, it is believed that you can give a cross only during the sacrament of Baptism, and in any other circumstances, the person who gave the cross will “give up his fate,” and this can make both him and the one who accepted the gift unhappy. They say that if the person who gave the gift becomes seriously ill or some other misfortune happens to him, something bad will happen to the one who wears the donated cross. Finally, there is a belief that by donating a cross, some people get rid of “damage and the evil eye.”

Position of the Church

The Orthodox Church does not accept any signs or superstitions, including those related to body crosses. All ideas about “damage”, “transfer of fate” are absurd from the point of view of a Christian: God controls the fate of a person, and a sacred symbol cannot carry any “negative energy”, the existence of which, moreover, has not been proven .

For a Christian, a pectoral cross donated by someone is not a source of mythical danger, but a precious gift, filled with deep spiritual meaning, associated with a wish for God’s blessing. A pectoral cross in some holy place would be a particularly valuable gift. Of course, it is possible and necessary to accept such a precious gift.

If a person who received a cross as a gift already has a pectoral cross, he can wear both crosses at the same time, alternately, or keep one of them next to the icons and wear the other - none of these options is prohibited by the church.

A delicate situation occurs only if an Orthodox Christian received a Catholic cross as a gift. You need to accept the gift, because it is dictated by love, but you should not wear such a cross.

Pectoral cross and twinning

A special situation arises when two people give each other their pectoral crosses. Not so long ago, back in the early 20th century, such an action made people “cross brothers” or sisters.

The custom of twinning existed in pre-Christian times - pagans fraternized, mixing blood or exchanging weapons. In the Christian era, the conclusion of twinning was associated with a pectoral cross - a sacred object inextricably linked with faith and soul. Such “spiritual kinship” seemed even more sacred than blood kinship.

In the modern world, the custom of twinning through the exchange of crosses has been almost forgotten, but nothing prevents modern Orthodox Christians from reviving it.

Superstitious people are wary of any gifts with religious overtones. They inevitably have doubts about whether it is possible to give a cross for a birthday, whether it is possible to give their pectoral cross to children, whether it is worth passing on a symbol of faith to another person, and many others.

Folk signs strongly recommend not to do this, since the cross is associated with fate and suffering. But church ministers have a strictly opposite opinion. Before making a gift that raises doubts, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the point of view and arguments of both.

Pectoral cross as a gift

Some people are afraid of any manipulation with crosses and believe that it is impossible to present and accept a difficult thing as a gift. Such superstitions have two sides: the object itself and the donation procedure.

Reasons why you can’t give a cross:

  1. Esotericists warn that a metal object that has passed through the wrong hands is saturated with the energy of the owner, then transfers it to the new owner. Thus, illness and failure can be expected from a donated cross for several years in a row.
  2. Together with the donated cross, you can receive the fate of the donor. Each person has his own “life cross” that he bears. Therefore, you need to purchase a personal cross yourself, without trusting this important process to strangers.
  3. Even if the gift is presented from the heart, the very process of handing over an important item is comparable to the ritual of “laying on the cross.” That is, a person will have to grieve and be sad throughout his entire life.

But church ministers have an extremely negative attitude towards prejudice, especially when it comes to objects of worship. This is not a magical talisman, but an object that shows the direction of a person’s religiosity, his love for God. Therefore, you can present a cross without any doubt that this act will harm the giver or the recipient.

For true fans of the Christian religion, the cross:

  • represents the victory of Jesus Christ;
  • helps overcome temptations;
  • protects from all misfortunes and anxieties.

It is impossible to treat this subject with fear, as well as to assume that any thing independently, without God’s will and a person’s own efforts, is capable of changing his destiny. If you do not consider yourself a supporter of Christianity, carefully refuse the gift, briefly explaining the reason.

When is it appropriate to give a cross?

People who attend church, but still pay attention to folk signs, are of the opinion that religious symbols can be given as gifts, but on strictly certain days. Otherwise, there will be no use from such a gift. These days include:

  • christening;
  • name day, angel's day;
  • religious celebrations (Easter, Christmas and others).

But the clergy say that you can present a holy object to a loved one on any day.

Let's say you know that a friend wants to have a certain cross-armour, and then you come across just such a copy in a church shop

Another case: you returned from a trip to holy places with new acquisitions, among which there are faces of saints and crosses. Feel free to give gifts to your loved ones and acquaintances without being tied to a specific date.

All this applies to new crosses, recently purchased, and not previously used. Personal items deserve special mention.

Is it possible to transfer your personal cross to another person?

If someone easily parts with a cross, considering it a simple decoration, or with the thought: “Just think, I’ll buy myself as much as I want,” the conclusion suggests itself about the insincerity of such an individual’s faith in God.

With such thoughts, it is forbidden to give a cross - a religious attribute. Every Christian should understand this. An object that is precious from a spiritual point of view must be protected, revered, and not separated from it without a good reason.

You can give your cross to support a person in a difficult situation, for example:

  • Protect a friend from harm during a risky operation or a long journey.
  • Help a relative in a difficult financial situation when he spends a lot of effort to get out of debt.
  • Attract help from higher powers to a person who is in a serious psychological state after serious stress.
  • Give it to your spouse as a sign of your deep love.

The most accurate answer to the question: is it possible to give a cross will be given by your conscience. If, at the behest of your soul, you pass on your personal cross to a relative or acquaintance who is in a difficult life situation, this is a good deed.

There has long been a tradition of exchanging personal crosses. After such manipulation, strangers to each other turn into spiritual brothers or sisters, promise to take care and read prayers “for health”, as if they were relatives. At the same time, no one has the fear of gaining someone else’s fate, burdening another with an unbearable cross, or angering God.

Is it possible to give a cross to a loved one, husband?

By presenting a cross as a gift to your lover or husband, you convey your love, your feelings become more serious, spiritual intimacy strengthens, and your relationship rises to a different level. The cross is a symbol of purity of motives. The church helps strengthen family ties.

Such a gift is given to loved ones on their birthday as a sign of deep affection.

Is it possible to give a cross to a child?

This is the simplest question. When parents give their pectoral cross to their beloved child, they clearly do it with the best intentions. Such a gift cannot harm the child.

In pre-revolutionary times, nobles kept and inherited crosses along with family heirlooms and jewelry. The age of individual specimens is hundreds of years. During their existence, they have changed many owners, bestowing God's grace on everyone. Family members, without fear, accepted and gave away relics and gave them as birthday gifts to dear people.

The first cross in a child's life is given to him by his godparents. They are supposed to do this a second time if the gift is lost or broken.

By giving a cross to a person younger than yourself or a child, you convey to the recipient a certain part of your life experience and worldly wisdom, and protect you from envious people.

Does it matter what the cross is made of?

Church ministers claim that the substance from which the cross is made does not affect its purpose. It can be gold, silver, iron, stone, wood, bone. The main thing is the attitude and state of the person’s soul, and not the material value of the gift.

If you bought or received gold as a gift, do not wear it publicly.

Church rules require that the “symbol of faith” be hidden under clothing, so it is not recommended to choose expensive, heavy gold crosses inlaid with stones. Such jewelry is the personification of wealth, serves to attract monetary luck, and has nothing in common with the Orthodox cross.

Please note that even the simplest cross, purchased from a jeweler or a merchant on the street, remains an ordinary “trinket” for decoration. Before giving such a gift, do not forget to visit the temple or inform the recipient that the gift needs to be consecrated.

Is it possible to wear a given cross?

You cannot refuse such an offering. You need to accept it and thank the well-wisher, even if you have your own cross and don’t need another. Delicate refusal is possible only in the following cases:

  • They give you an item that is too expensive.
  • The recipient is a follower of a different faith or an atheist.
  • Represents an individual prone to theft or debauchery, a murderer or rapist.

You should treat a cross with special trepidation if it was received from a loved one (loved one, spouse, relative).

If there is no doubt about the purity of the goals of the giver, it is not forbidden to wear a cross around the neck or place it in the red corner (near the icons).

It is known that even two sticks folded crosswise are a powerful protector against evil spirits, which fear the image of this symbol more than fire.

If a gift gives you doubts about the purpose of its offering, you must immediately consecrate the gift, and only after this ritual put it on the body. Your uncertainty cannot be a valid reason to refuse an offering.

Even if you come across a cross lying on the road, you can safely wear it after the ritual of purification and consecration. It is believed that such a find is a message from heaven. By lifting the cross, you are doing a good deed. After all, the shrine could have been trampled into the dirt, but you didn’t allow it.

How to neutralize negativity?

If you are not sure of the sincerity of the person who gave the cross, take the gift to church, and after the ritual performed by Father, you can put the item on. The procedure of the sacred sacrament will rid the object of everything negative that could be on it.

If you received a consecrated cross, you do not need to repeat the procedure. You can safely wear the shrine, there will be no harm.

The only case when no measures will help is a gift from a person who is dishonest, vicious, and leading an incorrect lifestyle. Such decoration (even consecrated) should be given to those in need or left in the temple.

Birthday is a holiday that is loved by everyone; there is hardly a person who has a negative attitude towards this day. After all, it only happens once a year. But sometimes, when choosing gifts, the question arises: is it possible to give a cross for a birthday? Is it timely, will they understand correctly? It would seem like the kindest gift, but is it really so? After all, there are so many different signs and prejudices.

Unusual gift

Most people are wary of such an unusual surprise, even if they don’t know exactly why they shouldn’t give a cross. They choose other gifts. Why such prejudices that superstitions speak about this:

But clergy have a different opinion, they believe that believers don’t even need to think about whether they can give crosses as a gift - of course, this is the best present. In this case, the connection between believers is strengthened, especially if they are friends with each other or relatives. It’s another matter if they are presented as a souvenir, as a tribute to fashion - this is sinful.

But if young people are wondering whether it is possible to give a cross to their loved one, they need to think about whether he/she needs this gift.

Only believers will appreciate such a gift with dignity; others may throw it somewhere in a closet and forget about it. However if it is given with love, and the giver also has it on his chest, then the connection between lovers strengthens and feelings become deeper, the relationship becomes more accurate.

Your amulet as a gift to another

It happens sometimes that children ask their grandmothers or mothers for a cross on their name day. But is it possible to give your cross to another person? Signs say different things. If you approach the question philosophically, the answer immediately suggests itself in the negative: the transferred amulet cannot be worn. And it's easy to explain.

Any object that belongs to a person “remembers” his energy, illnesses, and troubles.

And thus, what is given to another as a gift conveys this entire program. However the holy fathers believe that if a grandmother's cross is removed from her neck, keep it in church water for 7 days, all the bad things come away from it. And then the gift will not bring trouble.

Superstitions and church opinion

There is a whole problem with crosses when thinking about giving or receiving a gift. Whether it is worth accepting a cross for a birthday, everyone decides for themselves. In order not to offend the donor, you can take it, put it aside temporarily, and then make the final choice regarding the gift. But what should you do if your godparents gave it to you? Is it right for an adult to give it as a gift?

The Church approves of such a gift, especially from the godfather. And during his life he can give such a gift several times.

You should buy a chain and wear the gift without taking it off, to protect against evil intentions and troubles. A gift from family and friends cannot bring harm. Only for the good. It must be accepted with gratitude.

But you shouldn’t take from strangers, especially if the donor has a difficult life and is plagued by illnesses. It is believed that he will pass on the cross of his share to the donor. But It’s better to buy it yourself from the church, that’s what old people say. If you give your cross, there will be no sin or failure to your loved one, but only benefit and protection. In reality, there were cases when a mother’s pectoral cross protected her sons in battle. Perhaps it was faith that saved them, but the amulet was worn by the young fighters. It is worth remembering that a gift brings good luck if...

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Records found: 18

Hello! I wanted to give my husband a cross with a chain, is it possible?


Yes, Julia, you can. This will be a very nice, personal gift. God help.

Priest Sergius Osipov

Good afternoon, I lost my pectoral cross. I bought a new one at the church, and a week later I found my lost cross. What's best to do with them now?


Vitaly, one of the crosses can be placed at home next to the icons or given to someone.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello, please tell me, my mother wore a cross and decided to buy herself a new cross and give the worn one to her daughter, is this possible?


Julia. Every Orthodox Christian is required to wear an Orthodox cross. Close relatives can give their cross to each other, but at the same time they themselves must also wear a cross.

Iromonk (Viktorin Aseev)

Hello! Can I buy a second silver cross, but a larger one, and give the one I’m wearing now to a loved one or relative? I also have a gold one, but it’s just lying there, I’ve worn it for several years (it’s not consecrated). Don’t think that I somehow “collect” them and wear them for show, no. But maybe all this is superficial? Please enlighten me


Nina, if for convenience you need a larger cross, you can buy it. The main thing is not to treat the shrine as a decoration.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello. Can a mother give her son a new cross, it seems they said that you can’t give it - it will be your cross (fate) to bear...


Svetlana! What you describe is nothing more than superstition! You don't have to believe stories. Give your son a cross with all your heart. The cross cannot bring anything bad, the cross is not “fate”, it is a shrine.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Please tell me! I have two crosses, one small one with which I was baptized, years later my grandmother, may she rest in heaven, gave me a larger one, as a keepsake, which I now wear and with which I baptized my godchildren. I keep a small cross in a box at home. The question is: is it possible to give a small cross to my wife so that she can wear it? She is baptized, but there is no cross.


Anton, you can give the cross to your wife or someone else. There is nothing wrong.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello. This is my question. I want to give a dear person (boyfriend) a silver pendant (angel). The guy always wears a chain with a cross. Is it possible to wear this angel on the same chain with a cross (if the angel is consecrated in church). Thanks for the answer.


Zhanna, it’s difficult for me to answer in absentia, because I don’t know what kind of angel you want to give, I need to see if it can be worn at all. You can wear images of saints on one string with a cross. Show this little angel to the priest in the church. But I can say for sure that the main thing is the Orthodox cross; it cannot be replaced by anything. Neither an angel nor a saint can be higher or stronger than the cross.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello, I would like to know: I want to give a girl a silver image of a Guardian Angel, she wears a gold cross on a gold chain, can they be worn together on one chain? Thank you in advance.


Oleg, every Orthodox Christian is obliged to wear, first of all, an Orthodox cross. Icons of saints, the Savior, the Mother of God, and the Guardian Angel can be worn together on the same chain with a cross.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello! Yesterday I found an old cross with Nikita Besogon. Can I give it to people who currently need it (one person is not letting them live in peace)? Will they be able to pray to them and will he protect them?


Yuri, you can give it as a gift, but you just need to treat such things correctly. The fact is that Divine help and grace protect from temptation, and if people do not pray, do not live the church life, do not confess, then there will be no grace, and no crosses or icons will help. These are not amulets, after all! A person must change, and then the world around him will begin to change. The Monk Seraphim of Sarov said wonderfully about this: “Save yourself, and thousands around you will be saved!”

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Good afternoon. I have a question: can I buy and give my son a cross, because as you know, Orthodox Christians consider it good form if parents give a cross to their child. And can a cross be blessed with holy water at home, or is it better to go to church? Thank you.


Evgenia, you, of course, can buy a cross, and the point here is not at all a matter of “good manners,” but the fact that every Orthodox Christian is obliged to wear a cross on his body. The cross is consecrated only in church and only by a priest. Crosses cannot be blessed at home.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello, father! Please tell me what to do, many times I had the desire to buy certain crosses. In the end, I now have 3 crosses, but I understand that I need to wear one. What to do with the rest? After all, they are not accessories. Can they be taken back to the church? Or what to do then? Thank you in advance. God bless you.


Hello, Anastasia! You are right, the cross is not an accessory and should be treated with reverence. Place the crosses on the icons in the holy corner. You can give them to those who do not have a cross, or give them to the temple.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Tell me, is it possible to give my mother my amulet? In addition, when I was baptized, I hung the cross on the string on which this amulet now hangs.

Yana, of course, you can give your mother your amulet. But in general, every Orthodox Christian is obliged to wear a pectoral cross, and together with the cross, on one string or chain, you can wear icons and amulet.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello! Please tell me, is it possible to give a gold cross to a friend for her birthday? Thank you.


Katya, I think it’s possible to give a gold cross. But the cross is not just a thing, it is a symbol of victory over evil in death, and it must be treated as a sacred object, carefully, reverently, and it must be worn on the body, and not stored somewhere. The cross protects us, protects us from all evil spirits; the cross must never be removed. The cross must be consecrated in the temple.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello. A friend of mine gave her cross with a chain to the witch so that she could cleanse it of all bad things. She put it on her palm and whispered something. When a friend put it on, she felt a pressing feeling in her chest, health problems began, and after a while a misfortune happened in her family. She regretted it, repented, the priest blessed it at home and took it to church to bless it. It became easier, but the problems did not completely go away. Maybe this cross can no longer be worn, maybe sell it or donate it, for example, to a church? How can I help her? Thank you in advance.


Elena, the cross has been consecrated, period. We won’t philosophize any more and shift our problems, mistakes, and all their consequences onto him. Let your friend wear this cross, and at the same time go to church more often. You see, over time, and with God’s help, he will forget about his problems.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Good afternoon Tell me, I want to become godmother to my nephew, is it possible to give him my silver cross at baptism, which my godfather gave me? I myself wear gold, consecrated.


Hello Irina! According to church customs, giving a cross is not prohibited. You can give this cross as a gift, just don’t forget to consecrate it if it is not consecrated.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

The question of whether it is possible to give a cross not for christenings, but for other reasons, most often arises due to superstitions existing among people. Sometimes you can hear that by accepting a pectoral cross from someone, a person can also accept the life difficulties of the giver. As with everything in the world, there is some truth in this statement, but very little. Let's figure out whether it is possible to give a pectoral cross with or without a reason, how it should be done, and in what cases such a gift should not be given or accepted.

Gift meaning

Since the cross is a religious symbol, the church has the final say on the appropriateness of such a gift. The opinion of the church in this case is clear: the Orthodox cross carries a blessing, a manifestation of love and a wish for spiritual renewal. Is it possible to give a cross to a loved one on a name day or just for no reason? Of course you can. But the meaning of the gift must be known to the recipient - he must be a believer (or at least interested).

Who can I give a cross to as a gift? To any loved one - both adults and children. For a birthday, the cross will be a good gift for a son or daughter, mom or dad, husband, wife, sister, brother or other relative. Such a gift can be presented to just a close friend or dear person who is not related to you. A girl can give it to her beloved guy (and vice versa) as a symbol of sincere and unconditional love.

How to choose

The choice of crosses today is quite large and applicable to any budget. The meaning of this symbol does not depend on the material from which it is made. In this sense, a wooden pectoral cross is in no way inferior to a gold one. However, in order for the gift to be durable, it is better to purchase it made in gold or silver. Along with the cross, you can choose a chain made of the same metal or a cord (leather, rubber, silk, etc.).

When choosing a cross, you should also be guided by who you want to give it to - a man, woman or child. Small and light crosses without sharp elements are suitable for children. It is better for a man to choose a large but laconic product with a simple design. But a wife, sister or beloved will definitely appreciate the grace and elegance of a gift - products made of combined metals, with diamond edges, stones, etc. look very beautiful on women. In addition, you can present the lady with an ordinary decorative cross (without a crucifix), which she will wear simply as a decoration.

Where can I buy

The easiest way is to buy a pectoral cross in a church shop - it will already be consecrated. When purchasing products in jewelry stores or online, do not forget to consecrate it in the temple or warn the person for whom it is intended about this need. A cross bought in some holy place, special temple, church or monastery would be a wonderful gift. (Especially if a person close to you does not yet have the opportunity to visit this place himself).

When not to give or receive

If we talk about why it is impossible to give a cross in some specific cases, it is worth mentioning the difference in religions in the modern world. For a person of a different faith or a convinced atheist, this religious symbol may not be of particular benefit. And the one who gives a cross to a non-Christian risks being seen as an incorrect person who imposes his beliefs on others. In addition, believers should not give crosses that do not comply with church canons.

WHY CAN'T YOU GIVE A CROSS? So here's the thing...

What you can't give, 10 things that bring failure.

Why can’t you give a pectoral cross to strangers? Yes, all for the same reason - we know little about their principles, needs and beliefs. The cross is a gift of love, and therefore the recipient must believe in your sincere feelings and intentions. It is a bad omen to accept a cross as a gift from unfamiliar donors, whose intentions may make us suspicious. However, it is sometimes impossible to refuse such a gift, and if you receive it, do not throw it away under any circumstances, but simply consecrate it in church or sprinkle it with holy water (if the cross has already been consecrated).

Helpful information

  1. Why can’t you give your cross to another person? Someone might say that giving away your cross is a bad omen, since we seem to be “taking away” God’s blessing from ourselves. In fact, God’s love will not diminish from us, but the cross on the body is indeed a very personal item - a symbol that personifies our connection with God. You can give it as a gift, but only in an emergency - if a loved one urgently needs protection, healing or support.
  2. If it seems that a person is giving you a cross with bad intentions or his very personality inspires serious objections, simply donate the donated cross to the temple. However, if such a gift from the enemy meant an attempt at reconciliation, be sure to accept it and try to overcome the feelings that separate you.
  3. Is it possible to give a pectoral cross to your child? Yes, if your son or daughter needs special protection from higher powers. If separation or testing is ahead, the cross will become for the child both a symbol of God and parental love. However, under normal circumstances, it is better for a child to wear his baptismal cross, and if lost, receive a new one, consecrated in the temple.
  4. Church ministers advise giving a cross for christenings, birthdays, angel's day and on significant religious holidays. But is it possible to give a pectoral cross to a loved one or relative without an official reason? Yes, without a doubt - it is possible. If you have a similar desire or come across a surprisingly suitable cross, do not wait for a reason to do good - give it along with your love and good wishes.


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