Basket “Heart” made of threads and toothpicks. Decorative basket made of thread and glue

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Instead of sitting and being bored, you can occupy yourself with something useful that will also bring a lot of pleasure. Let's take some thread and weave it into a heart-shaped basket! The task before us is not difficult; even a child can complete it. Such a basket will be a wonderful decoration for a room, dressing table, or souvenir shelf. You can store jewelry, hairpins, various small items and trinkets in it. And a handmade product will be a delightful gift for any representative of the fair sex, be it a mother, girlfriend, teacher or anyone else.

Materials for making a wicker basket:

  • - thick cardboard (preferably corrugated cardboard);
  • - a sheet of ordinary cardboard;
  • - a sheet of colored paper;
  • - toothpicks - 26 pcs.;
  • - a ball of thread for knitting;
  • - large needle;
  • - large beads;
  • - scissors;
  • - PVA glue;
  • - heart template.

Manufacturing process:
1. Trace the heart template on a piece of corrugated cardboard, as well as on sheets of regular cardboard and colored paper. Cut it out. Glue the hearts from ordinary cardboard and thick cardboard together, then use a needle to make holes at approximately the same distance from each other. Insert toothpicks.
2. We begin to weave a basket. To do this, fix the thread on the first toothpick, tying a knot and lowering it down to the bottom. We weave in this way: We pass the thread behind the toothpick - in front of the toothpick, etc.

During the weaving process, toothpicks may fall over, so you need to hold them with your hands and periodically adjust them.
3. When half of the first row is woven, and we find ourselves at the toothpick opposite the one where we tied the knot, we wrap the thread around this toothpick and continue weaving further.

4. We weave the remaining half of the row, stop at a toothpick with a knot and make a turn.

5. We weave further in the same way. Weaving through each half of the row and ending up on a toothpick with a knot and on the opposite one, you need to wrap the thread around this toothpick.

6. The threads should be intertwined in a checkerboard pattern; we check this with a separate toothpick. If in the first row the thread went behind it, then in the second it should go in front, etc.

7. When there are a few millimeters left until the end of the toothpicks, we complete the weaving. To do this, you need to go to the penultimate toothpick - this is the one before the toothpick with a knot - tie a knot on it and carefully hide it between the rows.
8. Decorate the tops of the toothpicks with beads. To make them stick well, we drip PVA glue into the holes.

A basket made of cardboard and thread is a simple craft, but very labor-intensive. In principle, a 5-6 year old child can weave a thread around the base, and even quite carefully. But there are so many of these weaves that need to be done that most preschool children will be so tired of this monotonous work that the craft will not bring them joy. Therefore, a basket made of threads can be recommended for children from 9 years old. A basket made of thread and cardboard, unlike most children's crafts, will serve not only decorative, but also utilitarian purposes. It is quite suitable for storing small things, jewelry, rubber bands and hairpins (for girls), as well as screws, bolts and wires (for boys).
How to make a basket from cardboard and thread
Enlarge the template to the desired size. Transfer it to cardboard and cut it out. According to this pattern, the basket has fairly flat edges; if you want to make the edges of the basket more curved, then make the cut segments between adjacent sections of the walls larger. If you make the template yourself, be sure to make an odd number of basket legs and walls.
Use a hole punch to make holes on each leg and wall.
We wrap our cardboard blank with threads in a checkerboard pattern. You can use any thread. Our basket uses woolen threads. But you can make a basket from twine or Iris threads.
If you are wrapping with two colors of thread, then make sure that the currently unused threads pass under the layers of working thread.
We wind the basket with threads to the very top, while closing the holes. Wind the threads higher than what is shown in the photo.
When the threads can no longer cling to the walls, we lay the threads in a circle, securing them with clothespins. You can immediately take the threads in several folds.
Insert additional thread into the needle and run along the edge with an “over the edge” stitch, sticking the needle into the holes made earlier.
Spread the cardboard on the bottom side of the basket with PVA glue and glue the threads in a circle. Let it dry and treat the inside of the basket in the same way. For better fixation, you can drop glue from above onto the threads laid along the bottom of the basket.
The cardboard and thread basket is ready.

Budgetary educational institution of additional education

Bolsheukovsky municipal district of Omsk region

"Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth"

Children's Association "Burnout"

Creative project

"Basket of flowers"

arts and crafts


Yurieva Valentina Ivanovna,

additional education teacher



    Selection and justification of the project…………………………………………………….. 3

    Historical background…………………………………………………….5

    Generating ideas………………………………………………………7

    Technological sequence of a basket with flowers. Technological map……………………………………………………8

    Safety precautions……………………………………………………9

    Environmental justification for the project…………………………………...10

    Economic feasibility study for the project…………………………………...10



    List of references………………………………………………………12


    Appendix 2. Technological map………………………………….14

    Appendix 3. Practical work…………………………………..18

    Appendix 4. My works……………………………………………………………...23

Waste material is all that

that could be thrown away without pity,

and you can use

giving free rein to the boundless children's imagination.

O. Schloss.

Project selection and justification

Evening. It's dark outside. And I felt sad. Looking around my room, I wanted to change something so that my home would always be warm and cozy. But how and what to do? Work done with your own hands radiates the warmth of your hands. I went into the kitchen and saw an empty plastic bucket. Mom offered me a burlap bag, and they also found pieces of fabric. And I thought that I could do some interesting work. I brought everything to class and the teacher and I decided that we could make a basket from a bucket, and flowers from burlap and fabric. And use jute cord to make leaves and a basket. Decorate the basket with chains woven using the macrame technique.

Updating the topic. Nowadays, it is important to do crafts with your own hands and at as little cost as possible. So I decided to make a basket of flowers from waste material. You can give a basket of flowers as a gift or place it in your room. Making a basket with flowers does not require large expenses, and you can come up with your own flowers - not ordinary ones. Using a jute cord, you can make flowers, weave a chain to decorate the handle and the basket itself. As I complete the project, I will gain a lot of additional and useful knowledge and skills. Besides, this work will be very useful for me. She will develop not only hand motor skills, but fantasy, imagination, patience, and accuracy. I will create my own flower basket from waste material.

An object research : basket of flowers made from waste material.

Subject of study : technology for making a basket with flowers from burlap, fabric and jute cord.

Target project: creating a basket with flowers from waste material, to prove that things can be given a second life.

Achieving this goal is possible by solving the followingtasks :

    analyze handicraft magazines, Internet resources that contain works made from waste material;

    study information about making a basket with flowers from waste material, tools, devices;

    choose an option and develop a technology for making a basket of flowers;

    develop creative imagination and fantasy;

    carry out economic calculations;

    design and create your own basket of flowers from waste material;

    give self-evaluation of the work done;

    create a presentation to defend the project.

Planned result: basket of flowers made from waste material made by my hands, it will be filled with my energy, love and tenderness, it will turn out very beautiful and will decorate my room with dignity.

Project stages:

    Informational (search for information on the project topic).

    Technological (practical work on making crafts, creating a technological map).

    Generalization of work, conclusions.

    Presentation of performance results.

Research methods : analysis and systematization of information.

I nominated hypothesis , suggesting that a second life for a plastic bucket or burlap bag exists.

Historical reference

It is no longer new for us to see mountains of all kinds of garbage, paper boxes, plastic bottles, broken glass, plastic bags and other garbage on the streets in nature. From which not only the environment around us suffers, but also we people. Huge amounts of effort and money are spent on producing all kinds of packaging materials, and then it all ends up in landfills. Already, landfills occupy more than 85 thousand hectares of land in our country, annually increasing by another 1,500 hectares annually. According to experts, 30% is paper and cardboard, 4% polymers, 3% ferrous and non-ferrous metals, 4 to 6% glass, over 4% textiles. There is so much paper here that thousands of hectares of forest could easily grow and not be cut down for needs. . And plastic packaging and other polymer materials could replace tons of gasoline, oil and gas. We stop noticing the garbage under our feet and calmly throw it away anywhere along our path. Children watch adults and repeat actions exactly, litter the streets in the entrances, , cinemas, etc. And when we finally pay attention to it, it turns out that it’s too late to change anything. In order to prevent this from happening, we need to learn from kindergarten to take care of the environment. And what can help us with this is “waste materials”, used boxes, cans, bottles, packaging of tea, toothpaste that can be used in work in classes at a children’s arts and crafts association. For example: from glass bottles you can create delightful decorative vases, bottles with different contents in them, which will complement the interior.

Generating ideas

So I decided to use a plastic bucket for the basket, as well as a burlap bag and pieces of fabric. The basket with flowers will be in the same style.

We looked at various options for flower baskets

Option 1. Pasta basket

Option 2. Basket made of newspaper tubes

Option 3. Basket made from a plastic bottle

Option 4. Basket of pine cones

The material for making a basket with flowers is waste or natural material that is not suitable for its intended use.

Selection of model and material

I got the idea of ​​making a basket with flowers from the Internet. But she came up with her own basket and flowers. They will be at my house.

Tools and materials

baskets of flowers you need:


    plastic bucket;


    jute cord;




    burlap, pieces of fabric

Technological sequence of a basket with flowers


Tools and accessories

Make a pattern for a burlap basket

Burlap, plastic bucket, scissors, chalk

Prepare a basket with a blank

Burlap blank, “Master” glue

Make a pattern of leaves

Scissors, cardboard

Cut leaves from burlap and fabric

Scissors, fabric, burlap

Glue the leaf blanks with jute cord

Master glue, jute cord, leaf blanks

Tie stamens for flowers

Jute cord, weaving pillow, pins

Collect flowers in a bouquet

Blanks of leaves, threads,

Weave a spider and chains with a double flat knot to decorate a basket

Jute cord, white threads, weaving pillow

Collect flowers using filigree technique

Jute cord, Master glue, beads

Checkout cart

Macrame chains, spider, basket handle, filigree flowers, flowers


Safety precautions

I followed the following safety rules when performing work.

Safety precautions when working with glue

    Work with glue only in a well-ventilated area. Ventilate the room before and after work.

    Do not work near open flames.

    Apply glue to the surface of the product only with a brush.

    Do not let glue get on your fingers, face, especially eyes.

    If glue gets into your eyes, rinse them immediately with plenty of water.

    After finishing work, be sure to wash your hands and hands.

    After work, remove the glue, making sure that its packaging is tightly closed.

Safety precautions when working with scissors

1. Store the scissors in the specified place in a certain position.

2. When working, carefully monitor the cutting direction.

3. Do not work with dull scissors or with a loose hinge.

4. Do not hold the scissors with the blade facing up.

5. Do not leave scissors with open blades.

6. Do not cut with scissors while walking.

7. Do not approach your friend while working.

8. Pass the closed scissors rings forward.

9. While working, hold the material with your left hand so that your fingers are away from the blade.

Environmental justification for the project

With a basket of flowers created from a plastic bucket, I encourage people to pay attention to environmental problems, including the problems of recycling plastic and other waste. It is formed at enormous speed on all continents of our planet and threatens humanity with death through the decomposition of dangerous components under the influence of the environment. If we all pay attention to the problem of environmental pollution and do not throw items intended for recycling into landfills, the environment will improve.

Quality control of a basket of flowers. The finished product meets the following requirements:

    a basket of flowers is harmonious in color combination;

    the work was completed smoothly and accurately in accordance with the planned plan;

    a basket of flowers has an aesthetic appearance.

Economic justification for the project

Name of material

Price, rub.


Cost in rub.

Real spending


Were in stock

Glue "Master"

½ bottle

Macrame chain weaving pillow

Was in stock

Cotton threads

¼ skein

Were in stock


Were in stock

Burlap, fabric

Were in stock

Plastic bucket

Was in stock

Jute cord

½ skein

TOTAL: 58 rub.


If I had bought a basket of flowers at the market, I would have paid 700 rubles, but since I made it myself, the savings amounted to 642 rubles.


A basket of flowers is my first work. To make such a craft, no financial costs are required, all you need is fantasy and imagination. After all, the material for crafts is simply at hand. This work gives you the opportunity to express yourself and show your creative imagination. Crafts made from waste material develop fantasy and imagination, form neatness and perseverance, develop fine motor skills, and cultivate a caring attitude towards the surrounding nature.

Working with literature and reference material, I gained a lot of new theoretical knowledge. My basket of flowers turned out to be original and unique. I'm very pleased with the end result. I believe that I have achieved the goal that I set for myself at the beginning of my work.Even something as small as a basket of flowers made from waste material, looks like a bright and cheerful island that matches the whole spirit of the room, creating coziness in my small room.

I tried myself as a designer. Having appreciated their work, I realizedhow much it requires creativity and accuracy. I am pleased with the result of my work. She is deservedly appreciated.

I worked on the project for a month. Now you see that even unnecessary materials can find a new life, turning into beautiful and practical things.


1. Davydova G.N., Children's design. Crafts from waste materials.

Scriptorium 2003: 2006.Page 80

2. Davydova G.N., Crafts from waste material. Flowers.

Scriptorium 2003: 2008.Page 67

    A million gifts.

    Country of masters.



Annex 1.

"Flowers give us a mood,
And awaken inspiration
As a symbol of pure beauty,
It’s very difficult without a dream!”

Appendix 2



To make flowers you need:


    plastic bucket;


    “Master” glue and glue gun;

    pillow for weaving macrame:

    jute cord;




    burlap, pieces of fabric


Make a blank for the basket from burlap


Cover the bucket with burlap.


We weave the chains with a double flat knot.


We decorate the basket with macrame chains.

. Fig.6

Transfer the flower petal template onto the fabric.


Cut out leaves from fabric and glue them with jute cord


We knit stamens for flowers from jute cord


We collect flowers from 5 leaves, with 3 stamens in the middle. Insert a skewer into the middle of the flower. We wrap the flower with thread. And we decorate the stem with a jute cord and a leaf.


Collected flowers.


We decorate the basket with a cord woven from macrame with a double flat knot. The flowers are made of filigree and the middle is decorated with beads. Leaflets are glued to the top and sides.



We put filling in the basket and sprinkle tea on top. We arrange flowers. We design the handle of the basket. Attach the spider. This is how the basket turned out.

Appendix 3

Practical work

Got ready for work.

I'm preparing a basket.

I covered the bucket with burlap.

I am weaving chains of jute cord using the macrame technique to decorate a basket.

I decorate the basket with chains of jute cord.

I transfer leaves for flowers onto fabric and cut them out.

Weaving stamens for flowers from jute cord.

I cover the leaves with jute cord.

I'm picking a flower.

I collected flowers.

I decorated the basket with filigree flowers and leaves. I also glued a handle for the basket.

I decorated the basket with flowers.

This is how my basket with flowers turned out

Appendix 4

My works



Product:"Basket of flowers".

Goals of the teacher:

Planned results



Lesson type:“discovery” of new knowledge.




Topic: "Dishes".

Product: "Basket of flowers".

Goals of the teacher:

Formation of the concept of “weaving” with students; developing the ability to competently compose a composition using templates.

Planned results


Know what “weaving” is;

Know the sequence of product manufacturing;

Be able to compose a composition based on templates.


Develop aesthetic taste;

Form a careful attitude towards the material;

Learn to perform the composition carefully.

Lesson type: “discovery” of new knowledge.

Equipment: presentation, templates, colored cardboard, scissors, glue, threads.

Lesson steps

Methods and techniques

Chrono footage

Formed UUD

Teacher activities

Student activities

I. Stage of self-determination for activity

Verbal - explanation

0.5 min

Hello guys! My name is Anna Mikhailovna. Today I will give you a technology lesson.

Greetings from teachers

L: self-determination.

II. Updating knowledge and motivation

Verbal – conversation;

3 min

Guys, look at the slide. What does it show?

What were the dishes made from?

That's right, what is the name of a craftsman who makes pottery?

You guys are great, we repeated the previous material. Tell me, what were fruits and vegetables used to be stored in?

Do you know how baskets were made?

That's right, what do you call a master who weaves baskets?

Well done. Do any of you know what weaving is?

Weaving is one of the most ancient crafts. For weaving, people used natural materials that can be found in nature, such as rice and wheat straws, palm and corn leaves. You can see this on the screen.

Also on the screen, you can see different types of weaving.


Made from wood, clay, etc.


In baskets.


Master basket maker.

Children's guesses.

Analyze. Get to know weaving.

III. Setting a learning task

Verbal – conversation;

Visual – slide show

1 min

Guess the topic of today's lesson.

Nowadays, there are more and more professional basket makers and amateurs. Today we will be amateurs who will show interest in basket weaving.

You are ready?

Set a goal for your activities in the lesson.




R: goal setting – setting a learning task.

IV. Discovery of new knowledge

Verbal – conversation, explanation;

Visual – slide show, showing how work is being done

5.5 min


Look at the screen materials , which we will need, who can tell us them?

First, you and I will need to cut out the templates. Let's read on the screen what the 3 main rules are when working with paper and templates

Okay, we remember. How to work with paper, I am sure that you will cope with this task, am I right?

Now I will show you a video clip on how to correctly perform the “Basket with Flowers” ​​composition. Is everyone ready? Let's look carefully.

Templates, colored cardboard, scissors, glue, threads.

1. The template is traced from the wrong side of the paper.

2. You need to save paper.

3. When we trace the templates, we hold the pencil vertically.


Watch a video clip.

R: planning. – drawing up a sequence of actions.

P: awareness and construction of a speech utterance in oral form.

Dynamic pause


Now let's rest a little and repeat the rules for handling scissors and glue, and for this we will get up from our seats. Now I will tell you statements, if it is a true statement you clap, and if it is not true, you stomp.

  1. You can leave the scissors open.
  2. When handing scissors, hold them by the closed blades.
  3. When cutting out a part, turn the scissors, not the paper.
  4. It is impossible for the glue to get on clothes, skin and especially in the eyes.
  5. Use scissors whenever you want.
  6. Don't play with scissors, don't bring them to your face.
  7. Do not wash your hands after working with glue.

Well done, have a seat.

They stomp.

They clap.

They stomp.

They clap.

They stomp.

They clap.

They stomp.

V. Primary consolidation in external speech

Verbal - conversation

3 min

So, guys, you watched the video clip, who will repeat the steps of completing the product?

Now we will define the criteria by which we will evaluate the work. Let's read them on the screen loudly and clearly.

Does everyone understand these criteria?


1) Prepare templates.

2) Weave the basket with threads.

3) Assemble the composition.

- Accuracy, compliance with the sample, correct execution of the composition, originality of design.


P: structuring knowledge.

VI. Independent work with self-test

Practical - product execution

22 min

Now your task is to assemble the “Basket of Flowers” ​​yourself.

Where do we start?

That's right, don't forget the rules of working with paper.

Get to work, if something is not clear to someone, then raise your hand.

From templates.

Execute the product.

R: self-regulation – overcoming obstacles.

VII. Inclusion in the knowledge system

Verbal - conversation,


3 min

We're done. Let's analyze whether the criterion of accuracy is met? Matching pattern? Is the composition performed correctly?

Well done boys.You have done very beautiful work. And I would like you to be just as diligent and careful in every lesson.

Analyze the work.

R: evaluation – evaluation of work results.

VIII. Reflection of activity

Verbal - conversation,

Visual – slide show

2 minutes

Guys, let's remember what goal you set at the beginning of the lesson?

Raise your hand those who have achieved the goal?

You guys are great, you did a good job. Well, those who have not finished their work, finish it in the next lesson.

Thank you for the lesson, you made me happy today. Goodbye.

Make a composition “Basket with flowers”.

Say goodbye to the teacher.

K: the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.

A handmade gift for International Women's Day. The children really wanted to give fresh flowers in a wicker basket to all the women, but it is very expensive. Here I offer you a master class on how to make a basket with flowers from cardboard and knitting threads.

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“Master class “Basket with flowers” ​​technology grades 1-4”

Master class “Basket with flowers”

Good afternoon Today my first-graders will tell and show you what gift they prepared for their teachers, mothers and grandmothers for International Women's Day. We really wanted to give fresh flowers in a wicker basket to all the women, but it is very expensive. Here's what we did with our own hands.

To make a basket with flowers we will need: 1. colored cardboard 2. colored threads - yarn for hand knitting 3. templates 4. scissors 5. glue 6. pencil. 7. paper clip.

We trace the templates from a regular A4 sheet, then cut out the parts from cardboard.

These are the details made from colored cardboard.

We wind the threads on a paper needle.

We wind threads onto cardboard parts. Secure the end of the thread with a paper clip.

We decorate the basket with threads. We glue green threads on the back of the basket.

All is ready. Now you can design the product.

What interesting baskets with flowers we got.

The gifts are ready. We are waiting for the holiday. Thank you for your attention.


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