How to crochet an increase description. Adding and decreasing stitches with crochet. Decrease within a row

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Knitting amigurumi patterns is very easy. It is much more difficult to understand the circuit itself. Let's consider three options - a verbal description in Russian, diagrams in tables and figures, and Japanese diagrams in pictures. Let's start from the simple to the complex.

Descriptions in Russian

These are the simplest and most accurate descriptions. For beginners, it is best to start with them. Fortunately, on the Internet there are not only sensible descriptions of beautiful toys, but also detailed master classes with photographs and explanations.

1. amigurumi ring (it can be knitted in several ways, but suggests you start with 2 ch and knit 6 sc in the second from the hook, after which you can pull up the starting thread to close the hole if it suddenly appears)

2. a row of air loops, which is transformed into an oval by knitting circular rows. Therefore, if it is written: “2 ch and 6 sc in the second loop from the hook” - this is a regular circle, and if it says: “Cast 6 ch, knit 4 sc, starting from the second loop from the hook...” - this is an oval (it comes from circular knitting above and below a chain of air loops). The second method is most often used for legs and less often for arms (but the head, body, and other parts can be knitted in the same way).

When the amigurumi ring is ready (this is most often the 1st row, although sometimes needlewomen consider the first two loops as the 1st row, and 6 sc as the 2nd), we move on. It is very important to pay attention to the numbers that are indicated at the end of the row in brackets. This is the total number of loops that should be obtained. For example:

1st row: cast on 2 ch and knit 6 sc in the second loop from the hook.

2nd row: * increase *. Repeat * 6 times.

Those. Row 1 is an amigurumi ring. 2nd row - six increases (6 sbn, which we already had + 6 increases = 12 sbn). Those. in the second row there should be 12 loops, as indicated by the number in brackets.

The third row we knit increases in every second loop (i.e., again 6 increases: 12 + 6 = 18).

However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that in some descriptions the first row may not be taken into account.

Beginners have the most problems when it comes to knitting in the round without increasing or decreasing. These rows are often designated by needlewomen as “no changes.” This means that there should be the same number of loops in the row as in the previous one (which is additionally indicated by the number in brackets). But many understand this as “we knit in the same way as the previous row,” i.e. with allowances. As a result, instead of a rounded part you get... a wave or a flower. To avoid confusion, recently on the website we began to indicate in the pattern instead of “no changes” - “sc in each loop in a circle.” Those. row without increases or decreases.

Be sure to use a marker when knitting (it can be a pin or a colored thread that will mark the beginning of the row). Thanks to it, you will never lose the beginning and end of a series, you will not get confused in the numbers, and, accordingly, you will save yourself time.

There are also difficulties with marking repetitions. These can be parentheses or asterisks. For example:

3rd row: * 1 sc, increase *. Repeat * 6 times.

3rd row: (1 sc, increase) 6 times.

These are two variants of writing the same thing and means that a combination of one single crochet and one increase must be knitted 6 times.

Schemes in tables and numbers

Such tables are also not uncommon. They are more difficult to read, but quite doable. True, a little experience in amigurumi knitting will not hurt here. The table consists of several columns - the number of the row and the number of loops that should ultimately be obtained (look at photo 1). Those. if the piece starts with the classic 6 sc, then then (most often) the number of loops in each subsequent row will increase by 6 loops: 12, 18, 24, 30... If knitting starts with 7 loops, then - 14, 21, 28, 35 respectively (i.e. 7 increases per row). However, check all the details with the photo, since the leg will most likely start with a chain of air loops.

Complex details, such as legs or a muzzle, are knitted slightly differently. Those. in these cases, most often there cannot be uniform increases and decreases. For the leg, decreases are knitted on one side only, which helps shape the toe. If this is the face of a cat or a hare, then the increases will only go along the top of the nose to give the correct shape. If you have knitted similar details, you will cope with this task. But if suddenly it doesn’t work out, you can ask for advice here.

Japanese patterns in pictures

These are the most complex schemes. But you can also learn to read and understand them. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to learn hieroglyphs, but knitting a toy is easy.

Japanese schemes are very similar to the schemes in the tables that we looked at above. Those. The Japanese give the diagram itself in symbols and a sign next to it: the first column is the number of rows (read from bottom to top), the second is the total number of loops in the row. It is important to use both a table and a diagram in symbols here. Most often, Japanese toys are quite simple and they increase and decrease evenly. However, to avoid errors, it is better to check this according to the diagram. A cross in the pattern is a sc, a cross in a tick is an increase, a cross in a house is a decrease.

Patterns can also be multi-colored (when a part of the body is knitted in two or even three colors). This is marked in the diagram in symbols.

How to recognize which part of the body is which? Check with the picture of the toy itself. Most often, the toy is knitted from the head - this is the largest detail. The legs and tails are the smallest and thinnest. If you connect all the details according to the diagrams, then in the process it will not be so difficult to figure out what goes where. But if you are not confident in your abilities, try searching on the Internet for translations of Japanese diagrams - most of them are already in Russian.

Look at photo 2. The number 1 marks the diagram in symbols. Here are rows with increases (6 rows). The number 2 marks the part that goes without increases (sc in a circle - 3 rows) and then - with decreases (4 rows). The number 3 marks the numbers of the rows in the table; they must be counted from bottom to top. The number 4 is the number of loops in each row. Those. Based on this diagram, we draw the conclusion: you need to start with an amigurumi ring, in which there are 7 sc, then we make uniform increases (7 in a row). From the 7th to the 9th row we knit sc in a circle, starting from the 10th we make 7 decreases in a row.

Greetings, dear readers! In this lesson we will look at how to do crochet increase while knitting.

IN lesson #10 You and I have already learned how to make crochet decreases.

Follow me in the photo.

I will show you using single crochets as an example. When knitting with double crochets, as well as half double crochets and single crochets, increases are made in the same way.

How to make a crochet increase:

To add a loop, we need to knit two single crochets into one loop. That is, we knitted one stitch, and insert the hook into the same loop again and knit a second stitch:

We got two single crochets coming out of one loop, i.e. they have the same basis.

Ours is ready crochet increase. Now our row has one more loop than the previous one.

So they make as many increases as necessary.

So I knitted several rows with increases - one in each row - and the expansion of the fabric is already visible:

Now you know how to crochet an increase. I hope that adding and decreasing stitches will not cause you any difficulties now.

Well, I wish you even loops!

Every craftswoman who wants to learn how to knit should know how to add and decrease stitches with crochet. This is one of the basic knowledge that is quite easy and simple to master. The main thing is to clearly know the sequence of actions and practice. After a couple of trial rows, increasing and decreasing crochet stitches will be done automatically.

Why do you need to decrease and add loops?

People who have already held a hook and knitted any products or crafts know that with the help of a hook you can create simply extraordinary things. These can be complex lace patterns of fine workmanship; there can be things and souvenirs of different shapes and sizes.

By adding and decreasing crochet loops, you can create various geometric shapes - a perfectly even circle, square or triangle, trapezoid, rectangle, etc. The flight of imagination is unlimited here. Crocheting amigurumi toys is very popular among craftsmen. It is very convenient and quick to knit a nose, eyes, paws, ears and other small details for future animals. And here you can’t do without the ability to correctly add or subtract loops.

Ways to decrease loops

The first method is to skip the stitch knitted in the previous row. That is, in the decrease row the required loop or stitch is knitted, and the next one is already pulled out from the loop running through one from the working thread.

At the very beginning of the row, you can decrease the loops by knitting the required number simply with single crochets. They are so small that they will not be visually noticeable. Accordingly, at the end of the row you do not need to knit as many loops as you need to subtract. In this case, an uneven edge appears on the product, but it can be easily corrected by tying each loop with single crochets. Then the product will immediately acquire a neat and tidy appearance.

Another method that can be used to decrease loops is to connect two loops into one. That is, without completely finishing the desired loop, proceed to the second one, and at the last step connect them with a common “top”.

Single crochets: how to decrease correctly

Single crochet is the easiest stitch to knit. Decreasing stitches with crochet when crocheting this stitch is also not at all difficult. You need to ensure that there are three loops left on the hook before the last grab of the thread. That is, we first grab the thread and pull it through one loop, then through the next. So we got three loops. Then we make a yarn over and pull the hook through all the loops at once. This is how we get one single crochet from the two loops of the previous row.

Half-column decrease

The first thing to do is throw the working thread over the hook, then insert it into the next loop and pull out a new one. Repeat these two steps again. There should be five loops on the hook. Now another yarn over is made and all the loops on the hook are combined with it. This is how easy and simple it is to decrease stitches with crochet.

Decrease single crochet stitches

In order for the decrease in stitches to be neat and unnoticeable when crocheting, you must strictly follow the instructions. For example, for a single crochet stitch, you need to start by knitting two stitches incompletely, and then knitting them immediately with a single loop. It is knitted in this way: first we insert it into the loop, then pull out a new one. Now we have three loops on the hook, we need to yarn over again and knit two of them. The result was one unfinished column. We do this again. There should be two loops on the hook. And we also put the thread on the hook and knit one loop.

How to add a stitch inside a row

To add loops in the middle of a row, you simply need to knit the required number of loops from the same loop. To prevent such an addition from being noticeable, you should make 2-3 new ones from one loop, otherwise you can get a “hump” effect at work at the place of the addition. Or stretch the loop too much, and visually it will look like a hole in the work. You can knit loops of any complexity from one place. Depending on the pattern of the pattern, you can also make additions by casting chain stitches inside the row. And in the next row these new loops are already knitted according to the indicated pattern.

Adding a large number of loops at the beginning of a row

If it is necessary to expand the knitted fabric at the beginning of the row, then at the end of the previous one you need to cast on additional air loops. Then in the next they will become the beginning. It is worth noting that having cast the required number of loops for adding, you must not forget about the lifting loops, depending on which column will be the first in the new row.

Adding stitches at the end of a row

Having finished the row, the hook must be placed under the bottom left thread or the right thread, if left-handed, of the last loop. And we knit the necessary loop from it. In this way, move sideways and cast on the required number of loops.

Decrease in circular knitting

The basic principles of adding and decreasing crochet stitches in the round do not change. You can use any of the methods presented above. The only thing you need to remember is the so-called law of the circle. As you know, this is a regular geometric figure, it is symmetrical. Therefore, the number of loops in each row should be distributed evenly so as not to disrupt the symmetry of the figure. Accordingly, increases and decreases in stitches should be done at equal intervals of stitches.

As stated at the very beginning of the article, learning this is not at all difficult! These are the basic techniques and methods for decreasing and adding stitches in crochet. Be able to knit the main types of loops and stitches, decrease and increase loops, learn the schematic symbols of loops - and that’s it, you can start doing any crochet work. These are three basic skills, without knowing which you cannot learn to knit.


Often when knitting products it is necessary to expand the fabric. For example, when knitting a sweater from the bottom, evenly add a certain number of stitches after the elastic band or when knitting batwing sleeves.

To do this, you need to know how to quietly add loops inside the fabric and along its edges. And today we will look at several ways to add stitches on knitting needles.

In general, you can increase the number of loops in a row using yarn overs. But in this case, openwork holes will appear on the canvas.

Today we will look at a couple of ways how unnoticed add loops when knitting.

1st method of adding loops on knitting needles: “from broaching”

A broach is a thread between 2 adjacent loops on a knitting needle.

To quietly add 1 knit stitch you need:

pick up the broach with the right knitting needle,

put it on the left knitting needle and knit a knit stitch behind the back wall, (see photo):

The added loop looks like this:

If we need to add purl loop from the broach, then we lift the thread passing between the loops onto the left knitting needle

and insert the right needle into the resulting loop from the bottom up under the back wall,

grab the working thread and knit a purl loop.

2nd method of adding loops on knitting needles: from the loop of the previous row

This method also allows you to quietly add a loop when knitting.

To add a knit stitch, insert the right needle into the stitch of the underlying row.

and knit it with the front one.

Then we knit the faces. loop located above the knitted loop of the bottom row:

To add a purl loop, do the same. Only insert the knitting needle into the loop of the previous row, as when knitting purl.

Grab the thread, make a purl loop,

then we knit a purl loop located above the knitted loop of the bottom row:

This is how the loops added using the methods described above look, almost imperceptibly: I suggest you find them)))

In the first circle there is a loop knitted from a stitch in the row below and the next circle is knitted from a loop located above that stitch (they are knitted from right to left).

In the second circle there is a loop made of broach. I prefer to increase the number of loops this way.

Adding loops along the edges of knitting

1. If at the end of the row you need to add one loop, it is better to do this before edging using the “broach” method.

2. Two loops you can add this: knit the edge with a regular knit stitch behind the front wall,

and, without removing it from the knitting needle, knit the stitches behind the back wall.

3. Adding a few stitches at the beginning of a row .

If you need to add a few stitches at the beginning of the row, you can use this method.

Insert the right needle between the penultimate stitch and the edge stitch,

grab and pull out the working thread,

We put the resulting loop on the left knitting needle.

Insert the right needle again before the last loop and pull out the thread, continue to cast on loops to the required number.

When knitting the next row of edge stitches. We don’t remove it, but knit the front one.

For high-quality crocheting of clothing and other items, you need to learn several ways to add and decrease stitches in a knitted fabric. The accuracy and angle of the edge depends on the choice of method for modeling the product.

Easily add edge posts

At the beginning or, respectively, at the end of the row, in the first or, respectively, last loop of the previous row, knit two or three single crochets.

Adding a large quantityloops around the edge

At the beginning of the row cast on the appropriate number of chain stitches, then make two chain stitches for lifting and knit double crochets over the cast-on chain of chain stitches, and then the entire row.

At the end of the row* make one yarn over, insert the hook into the bottom of the last stitch, grab the thread and pull out a loop, grab the thread again and knit one air loop. Then knit 2 times each of the 2 loops on the hook *. Repeat from * to *.

Adding two stitches within a row

Knit three stitches into one loop of the bottom row.

Adding a loop within a row

Knit two stitches into one loop of the bottom row.

Method 2: Between two stitches, cast on one air loop, into which you knit an additional stitch in the next row.

Simple decrease in stitches along the edge

At the beginning of the row perform a lifting loop, skip one loop of the bottom row and start knitting a new row from the second loop of the bottom row. Or method 2: perform a lifting loop, insert the hook into the first loop of the bottom row and pull the thread; then insert the hook into the second loop of the bottom row and also pull out the thread. Grab the thread again and knit all the loops on the hook (knit both loops in one go).

At the end of the row skip the penultimate loop and knit one single crochet into the last loop of the bottom row. Or method 2: insert the hook into the third loop of the bottom row from the edge and pull the thread, then insert the hook into the penultimate loop of the bottom row and also pull the thread. Grab the thread again and knit all three loops on the hook, then knit one single crochet into the last loop of the bottom row.

Decreasing one columndouble crochet around the edge At the beginning of the row, knit two chain stitches, skip one stitch of the bottom row and continue to knit a new row over the second stitch. At the end of the row, skip the penultimate stitch of the bottom row, then knit the last stitch into the last loop of the bottom row.

Decrease two columnsdouble crochet around the edge

At the beginning of the row, make one lifting loop, knit one single crochet into the first and second loops of the bottom row, then make another lifting loop and knit double crochets from the third loop of the bottom row. At the end of the row, knit a single crochet into the penultimate loop, and leave the last loop undone. Turn the product by casting on one air loop, skip a single crochet and start knitting double crochets from the second loop of the bottom row.

Decrease within a row

To decrease one or two loops inside a row, you should knit two or three stitches together, that is, with a common top.


It is often necessary to smoothly bevel the edge or round the neck; to do this, it is necessary to gradually increase or decrease the height of the columns.


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