Garnet stone. Garnet: a talisman stone for women, is it suitable for a man? Ring with red garnet properties

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Garnet stone has been known to mankind since ancient times. Initially, all red crystals were called this way. The garnet mineral was revered by many peoples, it was endowed with magical and healing properties, and was used as a precious decoration and protective amulet.

Garnet stone has been known to mankind since ancient times.

Garnet crystals belong to igneous rocks. In nature they occur in the form of solid solutions. Often, impurities of iron, vanadium and other metals can be found in the mineral. The following physical properties of the mineral are distinguished:

  • various types of coloring;
  • density – up to 4.2 g/cm³;
  • hardness – 7 points on the Mohs scale;
  • transparency or translucency;
  • glassy or resinous luster.

The mineral garnet was revered by many peoples

If the physical properties of all types of mineral are the same, then their chemical composition is different. Although many people strongly associate the color garnet with a bright red hue, inclusions of various elements change the color of the mineral. Depending on the tone and chemical composition, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Almandine is the most common variety of garnet. The gem is named after the area where it is mined. It is a purplish-red mineral with a purple tint. Only this variety has a phenomenal patterned effect. Almandine star garnet reflects light so that a characteristic 4- or 6-ray pattern appears on the surface of the stone.
  2. Pyrope is a classic mineral with a bright red color. In Rus' these stones were called “worm-shaped yachts”. Translated from Greek, pyrope literally means “like fire.”
  3. Carbuncle is another bright red garnet. May also be orange and purple.
  4. Andradite is a mineral of a yellow-brown or greenish-brown hue.
  5. Grossular - resembles gooseberries in color and texture and has a light green tint.
  6. Demantoid is a beautiful green gem whose amazing shine is like a diamond. The name of the stone is translated as “diamond-like”. Demantoid is the most expensive type of garnet.
  7. Majorite was discovered only 50 years ago. This is a rare purple mineral.
  8. Spessartine can be yellow, pink or red.
  9. Hessonite has a beautiful honey-orange hue.
  10. Rhodolite, which has a pink color, is a very valuable garnet and is one of the most expensive jewelry stones.
  11. Uvarovite is an amazing green gem with an emerald tint, but it is rare in nature.
  12. Belikian blue garnet was discovered in Madagascar in the 90s of the last century. Before this, it was believed that blue or light blue garnet was a non-existent gem in nature.
  13. Leucogranate is a colorless stone revered by jewelers. Translated from Greek, its name means “white,” although this stone has no color.
  14. Shorlomite is a black garnet with a high content of titanium impurities. This is the rarest type of stone.

There are 14 types of minerals in total, but not all of them are precious stones. The most prized varieties of pomegranate are those that have a bright, rich or rare color. The semi-precious stone has a pale hue.

Garnet - a precious stone (video)

History and Application

Each people called it differently and endowed it with special properties. The Mongols believed that the gem was the frozen blood of a dragon. Before battle, warriors drank wine from a pomegranate goblet, believing that the stone would make them braver and stronger. The Persians believed that the red gem was a frozen flame of fire. They called it the “royal stone” because portraits of rulers were often engraved on the gem.

Even among the Aztecs and Mayans, the stone was sacred. They decorated the robe of the high priest. In India, the magic of the pomegranate lay in its deadly power. The Indians associated the color of the mineral with blood and believed that weapons containing a red gem would become more dangerous to the enemy than just a sword or arrows made of metal.

Garnets received their name and mineralogical classification only in the 16th century, although the stone has been known since ancient times

The healing and magical properties of garnet stone are still strong. However, nowadays the breed is used more in jewelry. Most minerals are mined in African countries. In addition, deposits have been discovered in Europe and Russia. In jewelry, precious stones of rich colors are most valued. Private collections contain garnet jewelry in red and pink colors that was made back in the days of the ancient Romans and Greeks. Some specimens are truly unique. For example, a blue or black garnet will cost several thousand dollars per carat. And stones of purple shades do not go on mass sale at all, going straight to auction or to a private collection.

Garnet gemstone is used in many industries. It plays the role of a ferromagnet in electronics and serves as a semiconductor material in technology. It is used as a crystal for lasers and is used in the manufacture of sandpapers, sharpening wheels, various pastes and powders. The gem often serves as an additive to cement and ceramic masses.

Gallery: garnet stone (25 photos)

Garnets received their name and mineralogical classification only in the 16th century, although the stone has been known since ancient times

Magical and healing properties

Any garnets are mystical minerals. Ancient people were attracted and at the same time frightened by the blood-red color of the stone. Many legends, myths and traditions associated with this gem have survived to this day. The description of the amazing crystal has been preserved in many writings. Previously, they believed that the red mineral would protect soldiers from injury. The image of a dangerous animal was specially applied to the stone. It was believed that this way the magic of the gem was enhanced and protected the owner from harm.

Any garnets are mystical minerals

The red gem is a symbol of passion. By changing color it reacts to the thoughts of its owner. If a person is obsessed with an obsessive desire, then the stone becomes brighter. On the neck or in the hands of a deceitful person, the garnet becomes dull.

This gem loves strong and strong-willed people, whose talisman it is. The mineral gives its owner charisma and enhances his influence on the people around him. Those who are confident in their path in life should use a pomegranate as a talisman, the magical properties of which will add energy and mental strength. The gem will not bring happiness to indecisive and cowardly people. And it can harm deceitful people.

The main healing property of this mineral is its ability to stop bleeding. The ancient warriors knew this secret. The gem has a beneficial effect on the blood: it regulates circulation and coagulation, increases hemoglobin. In addition, jewelry with any type of gem is worn for the following ailments:

  • temperature increase;
  • pulmonary diseases;
  • allergic reactions;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • skin defects;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • stress and depression.

Both semi-precious and precious garnet stones have beneficial properties. Often, a cheap unprocessed stone turns out to be more effective than a noble gem. After all, the main thing is the energy of the mineral. But an ornamental pomegranate, although it looks like a real one, will not bring any benefit to its owner.

The healing properties of the gem are enhanced if worn correctly. For blood-related diseases, rings, bracelets and pendants with red mineral help. The necklace will strengthen the immune system and give strength, a gold pendant with a stone will cure pulmonary diseases, and a mineral in a silver frame will relieve inflammation and protect against colds.

Stone of passion and joy (video)

Talismans made of stone

The astrological characteristic of the gem is such that it suits honest and strong-willed individuals. Of all the zodiac signs, these are Leo and Sagittarius. Representatives of these signs have an innate sense of justice and adhere to an active life position. They persistently move towards their goal, so the red gem will be an excellent helper for them.

Among the signs suitable for the horoscope, one can also name Scorpios, Capricorns, Aries, Gemini and Aquarius. Pyrope is a good talisman for Scorpios. It develops the leadership qualities of representatives of this sign, and also imparts confidence and determination. Aries should only wear red gems. Representatives of this fire sign have an explosive character. The red mineral will make them kinder and calmer, and help them avoid quarrels and conflicts. The mineral will add energy to hardworking and purposeful Capricorns. It will help changeable Geminis achieve spiritual harmony. Green varieties of gems are suitable for Aquarius. Garnet will help them in love affairs.

In addition, the gem is also suitable for people with certain names. The mineral will add fearlessness to Anton, and will reward Vasily with passion, courage and love of life. The gem will soften Alla’s strong character and make her forgiving. Garnets are useful talismans for such flighty natures as Galina and Lyudmila. They will help them make the right decisions. Maria and Tamara are those for whom the gem is suitable for finding family happiness.

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Colorful garnet stones are famous for their mystical properties, beauty and medicinal effects on the body. They cultivate wisdom in women, and determination and courage in real men. Garnet jewelry was used to strengthen feelings, heal wounds, and communicate with the departed. This truly valuable stone is a worthy analogue to a more expensive one: it is similar in attractiveness and properties attributed to the stones.

History and origin

Even 500 years ago, although most red stones were distinguished from each other, they were often united under common characteristics and names.

  • In Medieval Europe, all red stones were known under one name: “laly”. Lalas also included ruby ​​and. This term was widely used among jewelry makers.
  • In Rus', all stones of a reddish color were known as “worm-shaped yacht”. This included garnets, rubies, and red ones.
  • In Persia, garnets were noted to have not only a red, but also a distinct purple hue, which is why they were given the name “venisa” (“purple”) in honor of this hue.

There were mystical rumors about grenades. For example, the rare Bohemian garnet, imported into Kievan Rus, was considered frozen drops of water, which were gradually stained underground with blood vapor.

The modern name was given to the pomegranate for its resemblance to the bright red seeds of the pomegranate, a fruit tree of the same name.

Place of Birth

Pomegranate deposits are scattered all over the world: mining is carried out in hot southern countries (Brazil, Madagascar), in harsh northern climates (Urals, Finland, Canada), as well as in the temperate middle zone (Russia, USA, Canada). Such a variety of deposits is possible due to the wide differences in types of garnets, differences in their structure and the origin of the rocks.

The deposits where placer stones are mined are usually not rich and have a wide area, but the places where extraction occurs through difficult drilling deep into the rocks delight with dense clumps of crystalline growths. The world's main reserves of pomegranate are concentrated on the Kola Peninsula.

Physical properties

  • The crystals have a pronounced shine: from glass to colorful diamond, depending on the quality of the garnet.
  • Transparency can vary from strictly opaque models of dull ruby ​​color to translucent and fully translucent specimens.
  • According to the Mohs scale, the model is not particularly strong: only 6.5-7.5.
  • The density of different varieties of garnet varies around 4.
  • The fractures of pebbles are usually uneven.
  • If you rub a pomegranate, it will become electrified and attract hair, straws, and fluff.

Garnets include a number of different fusion minerals. All types of stone are similar in general structure and many physical properties.

Garnet colors

Jewelry of this type includes natural alloys of minerals of similar qualities. The variety of minerals creates a wide variety of colors. Among the varieties of garnet, these rocks are the most distinguished.

Red color is the most common shade in different varieties of this stone. The purest, fiery red specimens are mined in only two places: South Africa and Yakutia. These two countries, completely different in climate, have excellent diamond rocks, in which, in the vicinity of, excellent garnets are also found. Other shades of red (pinkish, brownish, yellowish and even violet) are found in ordinary and crystalline slate rocks of Russia, Bavaria, Germany and Asia Minor.

Pebbles of pure green color are characteristic of skarn rocks: such specimens are also called grossulars (in honor of the word “grossularia” - gooseberry). Small light green stones really resemble young gooseberries, and rich green-brown specimens resemble berries that have long ripened on the bush. Stunning transparent green stones are mined in alluvial deposits of the Urals. This variety of garnet is classified as a precious stone. Extremely rare samples of emerald green color are extracted from fine-crystalline rocks in the northern Urals.

The black specimens represent the opaque red counterpart from the Andradite line. These stones have a very dark dull red color, the edges have no reflections and tend to be matte. The main production takes place in Germany, Russia and Kazakhstan. There is also a variety of black garnet that contains obvious titanium impurities - shorlomite rocks. Such rocks, on the contrary, have a clear metallic luster.

Transparent garnet

Transparent varieties of minerals are classified as precious stones and are widely used in fine jewelry. Crystal clusters and individual crystals are popular collecting material.

Talismans and amulets

In addition to the fact that pomegranate serves as a wonderful material for decorative jewelry and accessories, it is also involved in mystical mysteries. Garnet crystals were often used to create large security amulets and love talismans. A pomegranate could be used to enchant blood, attract a betrothed, punish enemies, however, even in the Middle Ages, such magic seemed forbidden and few people were interested in such intricate rituals.

Many mystics and charlatans, now difficult to distinguish one from the other, considered red and pink garnets a worthy and cheaper replacement for rubies. Although garnet is inferior to rubies in some mystical properties, it compensates for this with other characteristics. This stone is suitable for simpler applications.

Magical properties of the stone

There is a version that King Louis XV threw pomegranate seeds into his drinks to maintain an active mind, bold decision-making and the desire for dominion. And for good reason: since ancient times, garnet has been revered as the stone of conquerors, transformers, people capable of changing the course of history.

  • The stone enhances the natural volitional qualities of a person: courage, determination, determination, authority. He is able to grant morally strong people power over people, increase influence on others and natural charisma. Such a person will be able to inspire, charm and convince more and better in his ideas. There are beliefs that in ancient times the stone could even give complete power over people. Now this sounds fabulous, but the fact that crystals enhance all animal qualities and power traits has been confirmed by many modern mystics and sorcerers.
  • Garnet helps the owner in difficult times. By revealing strong leadership traits, a person becomes able to more steadfastly endure stress and difficult, sometimes even disastrous, circumstances. Hot blood is intelligently supported by a cool and sober mind, thanks to which decisions become not only quick, but also balanced.
  • The pebble will help creative individuals who are focused on success to break through. Strengthening strong-willed character traits helps to find a way out in realization, because it is determination and composure that creative people often lack. However, garnet stones can only support a creator who is determined to reach social realization, bring about changes in art and have a strong influence on people’s perceptions.
  • Garnet accessories are worn as a sign of warm mutual love and ardent non-reciprocal love. The pebble is a symbol of heartfelt feelings, supporting, like all “hot” qualities, ardor, sensuality and passion.
  • Pomegranate helps women gain maturity. This is both the development of sensuality and judicious wisdom. With pomegranate, these qualities cease to conflict and turn into cooperation, supporting the woman, balancing the impulses of the heart and the aspirations of the mind.
  • In shamanic practices and witch rituals, pomegranate stones were used to communicate with the deceased. Until now, mystics believe that the stone bestows the wisdom of the ancestors on those who honor their family.

The stone is given only to individuals who are able to decisively choose the vector of development. For weak people without aspirations, crystals may not reveal their power. Dishonest people who do not support the concept of natural fidelity are better off avoiding this stone, as it can cause harm for all the vices committed.

Garnet reveals power and grants victories, but only to those who have power over themselves and noble goals.

The healing properties of the mineral

The properties of garnet stone are closely related to the effect on the blood. It is known that medieval crusading knights took large rings with garnets with them on long campaigns. They sincerely believed that the mineral stopped bleeding.

The known properties of the mineral include:

  • Accelerating the healing of the body, its natural regeneration. Crystals improve blood clotting.
  • Improves blood circulation and overall vascular tone, promotes increased hemoglobin and high-quality hemoglobin metabolism.
  • Restores general protective functions, strengthens the immune system, and increases resistance to external influences.
  • Restores the digestive system, balances the acid-base environment, which contributes to a qualitative improvement in the breakdown of food.
  • Restores the respiratory system.

A garnet ring placed on the middle finger of the right hand will help relieve chronic migraines, and natural garnet necklaces can relieve headaches.

Garnet and zodiac signs

Most of all, garnet contributes to fire signs: Sagittarius and Leo, because these individuals are already distinguished by strength and pressure, and often by an innate sense of justice. It is better for Aries to wear only pure red stones; other tones will interfere more negatively with their character.

For Capricorns, garnet is an ideal guardian stone, because Capricorns are distinguished by amazing perseverance, hard work and determination. The mineral adds “spark” to these qualities.

The green variety of crystals will support airy Libra and Aquarius, complementing their cool mind. But water signs should not wear a stone at all: it will only harm Pisces and Cancer.

Artificial pomegranate

The diversity of minerals greatly contributed to the development of an entire branch of science that specialized in the synthesis of various types of crystals. Nowadays a huge number of analogues for natural stones have been developed.

Many artificial crystals are equal in quality, and often even exceed those of natural specimens. However, natural pomegranate is still more popular and valuable than synthetic varieties because it was produced within the earth through natural, fascinating processes.

How to distinguish a fake?

  • A real stone becomes electrified when rubbed. Rub the pebble on woolen clothes, if after that hair and pieces of paper stick to it, then it is real. Synthetic analogues do not have this property.
  • Garnet scratches glass easily.
  • Large stones are rare. Typically, real pomegranates are no larger than the size of a coffee bean. If your stone is larger, then it is worth checking its authenticity further.
  • The color may be uneven, without bright shine. The bright shine of the edges may indirectly indicate a fake.

Caring for products with pomegranate

Pomegranate decorations are stored one at a time in a dark and preferably cool place. They need to be laid out carefully.

Products are washed with a soft toothbrush and soapy water. The decoration can be pre-soaked.

Garnet is a stone of love and fidelity

4.3 (86.4%) 25 votes

Garnet is one of the most interesting and, at the same time, mysterious stones. Its name can be found among many ancient stories and legends. For a long time, red stones were classified as garnets, which is perhaps why it is considered to be a stone of love and sincere feelings.

Description of the stone

The history of using pomegranate goes back several thousand years. The first who began to create jewelry based on it were the ancient Romans, Scythians, Persians and Greeks. Over such a long history, the stone has changed many names: the inhabitants of Ancient Greece called it “anthrax”, in literal translation it meant “coal”, the Romans gave it the name “carbuncle”, and for the Russians it was “garnet”, “worm” or "bechet".

It was not until 1270 that the alchemist Albertus Magnus gave it the universal name “garnet.” Translated from Latin, the name of the stone means “similar to grains.” European jewelers began to use it only in the 17th century. And since 1803, not individual stones, but a whole group began to be classified as garnets.

Garnets are a group of minerals belonging to the class of silicates and are united due to the similarity of the crystal structure, which is characterized by square-shaped faces.

Among the main properties are the following:

  • high level of mechanical strength;
  • have chemical and thermal strength;
  • The speed of sound when passing through stone decreases.

Colors and varieties

Absolutely all garnets are characterized by identical chemical and physical properties. But the chemical composition may differ slightly, which affects the color of the stone. As a result of this, in nature, garnets can be found not only red, but also yellow, black or even green.

All grenades are divided into 14 types, among which the most common are the following:

  • pyrope is one of the classic versions of the stone, which has a rich red color;
  • almandine is the leader in prevalence in nature. May be red, purple or brown. Named after the area where it is mined - Alamanda;
  • spessartine is a type of garnet that can be reddish, pink or yellow-brown in color;
  • andradite - got its name in honor of the mineralogist who discovered it. It is characterized by red, brown, yellow and greenish-brown shades;
  • grossular is a type of pomegranate that is similar to gooseberries. Accordingly, it can be light green or green-brown in color;
  • uvarovite - is quite rare, and its color is characteristic emerald green;
  • hessonite – has an orange or honey-yellow hue.

Garnet is a precious or semi-precious stone

Depending on the type, garnet is classified as both precious and semi-precious stones. Previously, all stones that were red were classified as precious. But garnet is characterized by a wide range of colors.

Garnets, which have a bright, beautiful color, are valued for jewelry. In the first place are pink and red shades. In private collections you can find jewelry of unprecedented beauty that was once worn by the ancient Greeks, Romans and Scythians.

Healing properties of the stone

Our ancestors knew about the healing properties of pomegranate, which is why many peoples revered and respected this mineral. Even during the Crusades, in order to receive protection from illnesses and wounds, many crusaders wore rings decorated with garnets. In Rus' they believed that the stone provided unprecedented assistance to women giving birth. And Hindus have a belief that the gem can support the human immune system with its energy.

Pomegranate also helps with:

  • stress and depression;
  • disorders in the cardiovascular system;
  • healing of wounds.

Magical properties of pomegranate

Garnet is a stone that is meant for all lovers. It is he who has the ability to kindle a flame where, it would seem, the flame has completely gone out. If you intend to give jewelry with a pomegranate to your beloved, then you will thereby emphasize the sincerity and devotion of your feelings. In ancient times, girls dreaming of true love tried to wear a small piece of this gem.

Garnet has strong energy. That is why I advise representatives of air signs to wear it. The mineral tends to provide assistance to those who are prone to sociability, activity and are in constant motion. Accordingly, weaker representatives are not recommended to wear a pomegranate, as it can cause harm rather than help. Pomegranate also does not like apathetic and lazy people, since its strong energy can cause a number of diseases in such people.

In general, energy compatibility between a person and any mineral plays a significant role. In cases where you notice a deterioration in your general condition or loss of strength, you should stop wearing pomegranates. You won’t be able to forcefully make friends with a gem; it’s better to leave your idea in the early stages.

Garnet is suitable for those whose work involves creativity. Sculptors, writers, composers can receive an additional surge of energy from the stone, which will affect their future work.

It is best to wear a garnet that has never had another owner before you. Then you can achieve energy compatibility. If the stone was inherited from you, or you purchased it secondhand, then before wearing the jewelry, it must be cleaned. To do this, hold the mineral under running water for several minutes, after which you can put it on. When you are busy buying a pomegranate, listen to your heart. Give preference to the option that appeals to you and only in those cases will you get the maximum benefit from it.

Meaning of Zodiac Signs

Garnet has significant significance for many zodiac signs. He can make an ideal match for all those born under the sign of Capricorn. Representatives of the sign receive additional strength from it, thanks to which they can achieve significant success in career growth. It is especially worth wearing if you tend to be withdrawn. The stone will help you express your emotions and open up to communication, which provides an opportunity for new acquaintances. Capricorn women can become successful in personal relationships.

Pomegranate also has a positive effect on Scorpios. The mineral helps in pacifying internal contradictions, jealousy and opens up new heights of passion.

Pomegranate helps Aquarians fight their inconstancy, and also helps in love and establishing various relationships. Only those who have all their energy directed towards a specific goal should wear it. Otherwise, it will not bring any positive effects. For those Aquarians who like to dream, garnet can constantly return them to the world of reality, which sometimes leads to disorientation.

Among those signs that garnet is suitable for are Sagittarius. Having a mineral in their collection, representatives of this sign can increase sensuality and passion. The stone is also able to warn against troubles and make Sagittarius wiser.

Garnet is a real helper for those who are looking for true friendship, thereby it can influence the longevity of these relationships.

Garnet gives Gemini additional energy, which will help in finding a life support point and will give the opportunity to choose the right direction for further improvement and development. The gem is ideal for those who are prone to constant change, thereby providing them with consistency.

The garnet can provide Libra with additional fire energy. In this way, representatives of the sign receive additional strength and confidence in their decision. Those Libras who constantly cannot decide on the right choice need to wear jewelry with a dark red stone.

Garnet helps Virgos start new things, fills their lives with new emotions and opens up distant horizons. The gem also endows the representatives of the signs with special feelings and gives the opportunity to plunge into the world of love and harmony.

Areas of use

Due to its diversity and properties, garnet is used in many industries. The stone first found its application in electronics, where it acts as a ferromagnet. It is also used as a crystal for lasers. Ferrous types of gemstones can be used in the production of grinding wheels, powders, pastes and abrasive skins. In addition, garnet can serve as an additive to cement and ceramic masses. And, of course, garnet plays an important role in the jewelry industry.

Pomegranate cost

Determining the exact cost of a grain is very difficult. The pricing policy for a given mineral is formed depending on its type, size, color characteristics, method and quality of processing. But it is worth noting that the stone is not super expensive. Its purchase can be afforded by a Russian with an average salary who wants to have such a jewel in his collection.

There is another nuance due to which the price of garnet can change - this is its cut. By the way, this point applies to absolutely all stones. If the gem is not cut, then its cost will be an order of magnitude lower. For faceted versions, the price rises several times. Rhodolite is considered one of the most expensive types of mineral. It often has a pink tint.

The garnet stone is one of the most common gemstones around the world. It is also considered one of the most beneficial healing stones. Garnet protects in times of danger, encourages in times of weakness and brings hope in times of despair. It is known that pomegranate attracts true friends and gives success in business. The presence of this stone in your home or office attracts success, gives confidence and a surge of energy.

Garnet is also the stone of Capricorn for those celebrating the second anniversary of their marriage.

Garnet stone history

Since ancient times, beautiful transparent stones of rich red color have attracted the eyes of people. The history of their use goes back several thousand years. Even the ancient Romans, Scythians, Persians and Greeks created beautiful jewelry from this stone.

Garnets have been found in necklaces and beads worn by people as early as 3000 BC, indicating the hardness and durability of the stone.

It is said that the king of Saxony had a garnet of over 465 carats. Plato had a portrait engraved from garnet by a Roman engraver.

Bohemia, now part of Czechoslovakia, was once a huge source of this stone, and at one time its mining, processing and jewelry making made this part of Europe very rich.

Many Bohemian castles and churches had magnificent interiors decorated with garnet. Czech garnets are still known today. Garnet jewelry is still made in the Czech Republic today, drawing on the traditions of the past.

The Anglo-Saxons also loved it, who used the stone not only in jewelry, but also to decorate their castles and palaces.

Garnets were very popular in Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries. They were often used for jewelry in Victorian times. In old Spain, garnet was a favorite stone and there was a time when it represented the sun.

Physical properties of garnet stone

Garnet is a fairly durable stone, ranking between 7 and 7.5 on the hardness scale.

As mentioned earlier, a garnet necklace was found on a young man's grave dating back to 3000 BC, providing evidence of the stone's longevity.

In many encyclopedias, garnet is described as a brittle, slightly transparent silicate mineral with a glassy luster. It can be found in rocks with other stones in both large and small forms. It is most often found in mica schists and gneisses.

Garnet is actually the name of a family of ten different gemstones with a similar chemical structure that spans a variety of colors from red to orange to yellow, green, brown, purple, pink and even black. The main differences between stones are minor variations in color, density and refractive index.

Pomegranate is best known in a deep red color, but is also found in orange-brown and red wine colors.

A flawless, clear green garnet (called demantoid) is one of the most beautiful and expensive gemstones. Demantoids are softer than other types of garnets. A green garnet over five carats is rarer than an emerald of the same size.

The fire or brilliance of such a garnet is even higher than that of a diamond, but the brilliance is masked by color, so the brilliance of a clear diamond is greater.

Large clean garnets are hard to find. Large gemstones, like many other gemstones, usually have imperfections, cracks or poor color.

In ancient times, pomegranate was known as "carbuncle". Other red stones were also called this way. But most often this name was applied specifically to pomegranate.

The name "pomegranate" comes from the Latin "Garanatus", which means "seed-like". Apparently this name came from the similarity with the grains of a Phoenician apple, since the small pomegranate stones looked like the bright red seeds of the now well-known pomegranate fruit.

But its name in its current interpretation was not received immediately; different peoples named the mineral differently. The most famous of the ancient names is “carbuncle” from the Romans. Due to their resemblance to the grains of the “Phoenician apple”, only in 1270 the alchemist Albert Magnus gave the crystals the name known to everyone today - pomegranates.

What are the types of garnet stones?

Garnet is one of the most diverse stones. Is there any other stone in nature that combines such a wide range of colors and brilliance, as well as the rarity and size of a wide variety of gemstones. For example, the precious green uvarovite garnet from the Urals is an almost priceless gemstone due to the fact that it only forms in fairly large crystals.

Garnet is actually the name of a whole group of silicates. It must be said that under this general name 14 varieties are united, and not all of them are “lala”, that is, scarlet in color. Briefly, here are the most famous of them:

  • The pyropes class is a classic, it is “like fire”, with a deep ruby ​​hue;
  • Almandines are the most common type of mineral, the color varies from red to brown and even purple, mined in Thailand, in the province of Alamanda, where the name comes from;
  • Spessartine - garnets of red, pink and yellowish-brown color, deposits are developed in Germany (Spessart);
  • Andradites - are represented by all the colors characteristic of garnet, but this group includes rare colors that turn the mineral into a gemstone: transparent green and rare black;
  • Grossular - like gooseberries, from which the name comes, light green in color, sometimes interspersed with brown;
  • Uvarovite is a garnet named after the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Count S.S. Uvarov, a rare emerald green color;
  • Hessonite is a variety represented by all honey notes.

Therefore, garnet is a much more diverse stone than its name suggests. All of these garnet minerals have a similar cubic crystal structure and chemical composition. Garnet, as a gemstone, is found in many countries. But the most valuable stones are those that are more than 5,000 years old.

Garnets, and especially its precious and semi-precious types, are of undoubted interest to jewelers. But besides this, the stone was endowed with properties that can serve as a talisman, a real amulet and an amulet for some, while for others it is better to refrain from wearing such a “bechet” (the Old Russian name for the stone).

Where is garnet stone mined?

Today, the Mozambican variety of pomegranate is very popular. They are mined in East Africa. Mozambican garnets are known for their high quality and wonderful warm red color.

It is a mixture of pyrope and almandine, similar in color to rhodolite but a slightly darker red.

Garnets are relatively common in highly metamorphic and some igneous rocks. They form at extremely high temperatures and pressures. Geologists can actually use garnets as an indication of the temperature and pressure at which the rock was formed (where the garnets were found).

Garnet can be found in large quantities in some parts of the world, even in small sand particles on many beaches, as well as in rock formations. Pomegranates are found in Africa, India, Russia, South America, Madagascar, Pakistan, and the United States of America.

How much does garnet stone cost?

Garnet is one of the few untreated gemstones. It is available in many colors and offers excellent versatility in application. Depending on the variety, quality and size of the garnet, you can pay anywhere from $40 to $5,000 per carat.

Garnet can be mistaken for other, usually more expensive, gemstones. Red garnet is sometimes confused with ruby, and yellow with topaz. Green is accordingly mistaken for emerald.

Garnet stone properties

How many myths, legends and traditions are associated with this mineral - it’s impossible to count! To this day, warriors in the East take it with them into battle, believing that the grenade’s bloody glow will protect them from injury. The Russians believed that the stone helped women in labor to easily get rid of their burdens, while the Hindus drew energy from it to increase immunity.

In lithotherapy (the science of treating with stones and minerals), pomegranate is prescribed to be worn for the following symptoms of diseases:

- inflammatory processes and elevated body temperature of various origins;

— endocrine system disorders;

- pulmonary abscesses;

— problems with the gastrointestinal tract;

- allergic manifestations;

- frequent migraines.

Wearing pomegranate is recommended for stress and depression, as well as for normalizing the activity of the cardiovascular system.

There are many legends about the beneficial properties of pomegranate for promoting health. In ancient and medieval times, color symbolism played a very important role in recommending the use of specific stones for certain diseases. As for red stones, they were considered useful for any problems related to blood and inflammatory diseases.

Grenades were worn to increase physical strength, endurance, and vigor. It was considered very useful to wear a pomegranate when you needed to prove yourself. It was recommended for relieving skin diseases and regulating the heart and circulation.

It was believed to bring healing to either gender. For men, it keeps the reproductive system healthy. For women - promotes hormonal balance and is said to reduce puffiness.

Pomegranate has long been believed to be able to cure heart palpitations, lung diseases and various blood disorders. Traditional folklore creates a strong connection between red garnet and blood.

Pomegranate is believed to tonify the spleen, promote health throughout the circulatory system and enhance the production of healthy hemoglobin. It stimulates metabolism, treats spinal and cellular disorders, cleanses and restores blood, heart and lungs, and regenerates DNA. It also helps in the absorption of minerals and vitamins.

It was believed that this stone affects not only physical health, but also mental health. For a long time it was considered a stone of passion, true friendship, fidelity, success, devotion, consistency, truthfulness.

He was prescribed the ability to enhance the perception of himself and others, resist melancholy and prevent the influence of evil spirits, especially the spirits of the night, who were called demons or night ghosts. Today, in scientific terms, we can say that pomegranate can prevent nightmares.

Pomegranate magical properties

In addition to the healing function, magical traits were attributed to the stone; for example, it was believed that products made from pomegranate, as well as the crystal itself, should not be stolen, because this would bring misfortune to the thief himself.

Garnet is the stone of lovers:

“Love, gratitude brings. People who are gifted in everything,

It will save you from the evil eye and anger.”

At all times, the stone has patronized lovers, inflaming passion even where it seemed that the fire of love had almost died out. It’s not for nothing that girls dreaming of a real feeling tried to wear at least a small piece of this gem. And the guy, giving the girl a decoration with a pomegranate, showed her the depth and strength of his love. After all, the story of “the most fragrant and languid story about love” - “The Garnet Bracelet” by Alexander Kuprin - did not arise out of nowhere. The stone is also a symbol of long and unbreakable friendship.

Garnet also has many benefits when it comes to love and sex as this stone has a strong side of sexual and sensual energy. The stone is said to balance the sex drive.

It supposedly enhances sexual desire and the sensual side, moving the couple into passionate and sensual sex magic.

The stone inspires a monogamous and stable marriage, and promises its love, devotion and fidelity to the chosen one. It also helps to find a true life partner.

Garnet was considered an extremely useful stone in the field of business. The stone helps to attract partners to business and also promotes personal success. This is especially useful for those whose business is people-oriented.

Stone is an ideal choice for people who are entering into new areas, such as people who are moving to a new city. In addition, pomegranate helps to invigorate and jumpstart business partnerships.

The garnet is also said to inspire contemplation and truthfulness, offering its owner the ability to protect one's position and possessions.

The pomegranate is also an ancient symbol of friendship. In the past, grenades were exchanged between friends when they said goodbye, symbolizing their affection and giving hope for a new meeting.

Perhaps the most powerful benefit of pomegranate is its ability to help overcome depression. The stone is known to dissolve ingrained patterns of behavior that are no longer positive, and warn against suicide, helping to let go of unhelpful or old ideas. The stone revitalizes, purifies and balances energy, bringing calm or passion as needed. It removes inhibitions, taboos, anger and discord.

It softens emotional disharmony, has a calming effect and protects the wearer from the influence of unwanted energy from other people. It strengthens the instinct of self-preservation in crisis or extremely traumatic situations, bringing courage and hope when there seems to be no way out.

They say that if the stone is not polished, it will not have magical properties.

There are many legends associated with pomegranate. According to one, Noah used a finely carved, flaming pomegranate to illuminate the ark during those dark, trying days and nights.

Jewish writers describe the pomegranate as one of the twelve stones in Aaron's breastplate. Christian tradition considered the blood-red garnet a symbol of Christ's sacrifice.

The Koran says that the pomegranate illuminates the Fourth Heaven of Muslims.

The Greeks claim that they protect children from drowning. It was also believed that it protected against poisons. In Greek mythology, the pomegranate is mentioned as a gift of love and is associated with eternity.

Today, the pomegranate remains a gift of love and is traditionally given on the 19th anniversary of marriage. It can also be given as a gift for two and six year anniversaries.

Moreover, the pomegranate symbolizes the speedy return and meeting of loved ones, as Hades gave the pomegranate to Persephone before she left him to ensure her speedy return. Therefore, a pomegranate can be given to a lover before he sets out on a trip, as it is believed to unite the loving bonds of lovers.

It was believed that a garnet, engraved in the shape of a lion figure, would protect against all dangers and maintain health, cure its owner of all diseases, bring him honor, and protect him on travel.

It was also believed that it was able to warn the owner of approaching danger and was listed as the most reliable talisman.

One writer wrote that if a garnet loses its luster and color, this is a sure sign of an impending disaster.

Many books talk about the ability of pomegranate to transform. Thelma Isaacs writes that garnets used for healing were usually pyrope or almandine, red or violet-red transparent minerals. They counter melancholy and act as a heart stimulant. In ancient times, there were people who believed that if the gaze fell on a red pomegranate, it could lead to anger, frustration and even apoplexy.

Many ancient people compared garnet with the life-giving power of women's uterine blood and believed that it was a purely feminine stone and only women should wear it.

Who is the garnet stone suitable for?

Garnet favors people with creative inclinations and professions: writers, composers, sculptors, artists. He can give them a surge of new thoughts, ideas, plans, and help them realize all their undertakings.

Garnet is a mineral with powerful energy. Suitable for strong personalities, since it can simply suppress weak representatives of the human race, the person will feel broken and oppressed. The stone helps people who are sociable, active, and in constant creative search. A red crystal will help a person when moving to another city, during a long trip, or when trying to radically change his life.

Pomegranate cleanses and restores all human energy centers, inspires and activates the energy of love, and helps overcome periods of crisis.

It is believed that this stone can warn of impending danger, but not everyone, because the mineral loves people with a pure and kind heart, broad thoughts, demanding of themselves and condescending to the weaknesses of others, and does not tolerate self-interested and powerful people.

It is very good to have a pomegranate talisman in the family and it is wonderful to make it an heirloom that is passed down by inheritance, since it is endowed with the ability to establish family life and strengthen all family ties.

One of the features of the pomegranate is its ability to cleanse both the room and a person’s thoughts of negative energy, driving away everything black and bad.

Garnet stone zodiac signs

Sometimes the relationship between the mineral and the owner is very ornate. It simply inspires one, and drives another into depression. Therefore, everyone who decides to wear this stone needs to listen to their own feelings and conditions. Advice on the compatibility of a stone and zodiac signs is rather advisory in nature.

It is generally accepted that garnet, as a stone with strong energy, is categorically unsuitable for signs such as Cancer and Pisces due to their static nature and contemplation. The stone brings them doubts, disappointments, demoralization, and aggravates conflict situations.

It would seem that the fire stone is close to fire signs. But no, Aries and Leos are too hot-tempered, and garnet accepts a constant and even intensity of passions.

Taurus (earth sign) is too down to earth for the dynamic energy of the crystal. But still, representatives of these three signs are not forbidden to periodically wear a stone, but with a certain degree of caution.

A classically ideal pair would be a garnet with Capricorn and Scorpio sign carriers. The former draw strength from it, achieving remarkable results in their careers, while for the latter it miraculously calms down the manifestations of a nature of extremes and contradictions.

For unstable Geminis and Aquarius, the stone will become a reliable support in life, giving them constancy and depth of thought, helping them establish strong relationships.

For Sagittarius, the pomegranate will reveal all its facets, helping them gain wisdom and true friendship, protecting them from troubles, and revealing all the beauty of long-term and lasting relationships.

For balanced Libra and sensitive Virgos, the stone will give them the missing energy, spur them to new achievements, help them overcome indecision and hesitation when making important decisions, and fill their life with new sensations and horizons.

How to peel a pomegranate

You can clean your pomegranate with warm, soapy water and a soft brush. Always make sure to rinse the stone thoroughly after washing. Ultrasonic cleaning methods can be used on all garnets except demantoid varieties. Do not steam when peeling your pomegranate. As with other stones, you need to take care of your garnet and protect it from heavy impacts, cold temperatures and chemicals.

And in conclusion: you should not treat any stone as a simple trifle - each has its own story, each has its own hidden sides. The stone needs to correspond, and this means striving to live according to conscience, in harmony and in harmony, both with oneself and with the surrounding reality.


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