How to make a cat from. How to make a cat out of paper: instructions with pictures. ways to make a cat affectionate and tame

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The cat is a favorite pet of many people. In this article we will look at how to make a cute and playful cat in a step-by-step paper tutorial. For this, several techniques will be used: from easy crafts to modular origami.

How to make a cat out of paper: a quick and easy children's craft

In order to have an interesting time with your child, you can start making paper crafts. For example, make different characters for a board game.

To make a cat, fold a colored sheet of A4 paper in half along the larger side. In this case, you need to step back a little from the edge, about 1 cm, this will allow you to glue the sheet together. When the glue has dried, the workpiece is folded like an accordion in four layers. To draw all the details, print a template with additional details.

It is advisable to make them on a sheet of a different color. The cut parts are glued to the workpiece. The character is ready to play.

For those who are starting to get creative, an excellent option for making a figurine would be 3D origami. To do this, you need to print the blank, cut it out and glue it along the marked lines.

Templates for making such figures do not have to be printed. People who master the technique of drawing and three-dimensional representation can draw blanks on their own.

We look at a selection of simple origami for children and adults

To create a cat figurine using the origami technique, it is enough to know the sequence of actions. The simplest are flat crafts, which are easy to master for those who are just getting acquainted with this technique.

In order to make a cat's face, you need to take a square sheet of paper. The first will be a diagonal bend. The resulting part must be folded in half again, but not smoothed. This action is only necessary to outline a central line, which will help in further work to make the craft symmetrical.

Next you need to position the workpiece with the fold line down. Fold the bottom corners up so that the central corner remains visible. It needs to be bent down a little. All that remains is to turn the craft over to face you and decorate it.

You can make a more complex pet's face, it is similar to the previous one. This craft looks more lively and believable. The picture perfectly illustrates the stages of action:

The next stage in mastering origami can be getting acquainted with crafts that contain three-dimensional elements. They are, in principle, no more complicated than the previous ones, but require a little more attention and skills. Here's one way to do this:

To create a voluminous cat with your own hands, you need to take a strip of paper, where the length is three times the width. To simplify the work and better orientation in the process, it is recommended to take a sheet of paper that has a different color on each side.

You need to fold the sheet in half along the long side. Then fold each half in half again. We unbend the last folds and continue working. Place the sheet of paper with the fold down and work only on the left side.

We bend the lower corner upward until the contours of the fold and the base are aligned. Next you need to mark the middle of the resulting triangle. To do this, divide the top side in half and draw a vertical line from it. Then we bend the upper corner, matching the contours of the lines, so that the fold line coincides with the middle of the triangle. Iron the fold lines well. Let's straighten it out.

The next fold should be made to the right along the drawn line marking the middle. Iron the fold and straighten the paper.

Now you need to turn the paper so that the left edge is at the top and the front part of the sheet is outside:

The arrows serve as a guide for actions: it is necessary to fold the upper side corners diagonally, making the part convex. We lift the ears up and at the same time press on the middle part of the head so that it falls down.

In the center of the picture you can see a triangle, its upper side is drawn with a white dotted line, and the other two are drawn with a dark line. After the ears and head are formed, you need to press on the upper part of this triangle from the wrong side to create a convex muzzle. In the photo below, the part that needs to be pressed on is marked in green:

After the cat's face has been drawn, we finally form the ears. This is done using zipper folds. The black dotted line indicates convex folds that were made in advance. Holding them with your fingers, you need to “push” the ears towards each other towards the center. The resulting folds should be ironed; in Figure 8.2 they are indicated by a white dotted line.

Let's shape the head. To do this, you need to bend the top strips to the wrong side. The resulting folds will form the top line of the head and secure the ears. In Figure 9, the fold lines are indicated by dotted lines.

The last step is to design the tail. Use a fold to mark the line of the tail. Then make two diagonal folds on either side of this line. Then the middle part of the figure needs to be opened slightly, the transverse fold must be bent onto the front part, and the corners adjacent to it must be bent inward. Bend the resulting tail perpendicular to the body, lay it out on the table and thin it. To do this, fold one layer of paper on one side, and make a fold on the other side, capturing the inner layer of paper. The tail can be twisted around a pencil to give it a natural shape.

The produced cat is called "Egyptian".

Modular origami.

The most labor-intensive is modular origami, which consists of individual elements - modules. They are attached to each other by nesting into each other. Some models take months to assemble, it all depends on the size and number of modules. But the result obtained always justifies the effort expended.

Video selection on the topic of the article

In this collection of video lessons you can find all the listed ways to make a paper cat.

Would you like to know how to make a paper cat? Follow the step-by-step manual exactly and everything will definitely work out. This craft includes origami elements, but it is not at all complicated. I made a black cat for Halloween, and I’ll use this example as a basis, but your cat can be a completely different color.

What materials will be needed?

  • Black cardboard, preferably thick;
  • Yellow colored paper for eyes;
  • Scissors, glue stick, black felt-tip pen, pencil.

DIY paper cat step by step

Cut the black cardboard into two even pieces. One half will be the head, and the other half will be the torso.

Let's make the torso first. Fold half of the cardboard in half. Draw a semicircle on one side.

Cut a semicircle on two pieces of folded cardboard at once. This is already part of the cat. It has a torso and 4 legs. Try not to make them too thin, that is, do not make the semicircle very large. My paws are 3 cm wide and my body height is 4.5 cm.

Make slits on the top near the fold of the paper. These are the places where the body is attached to the head and tail. Also fold the legs at the bottom. But this step is not just for the paper cat's completion, or beauty. In the original, the cat is glued to green paper on these folds. It seems that the cat is standing on a green lawn.

Now let's move on to creating the head of the black cat. To do this, take the second half of the cardboard and cut a strip on its narrow side, slightly less than 4 cm.

This stripe will be a chic tail. The ends of the strip need to be slightly narrowed. Only later I cut off one narrow tip, making it straight, since the tail did not fit well in the slot of the body. I suspect that my cardboard is not hard enough. Perhaps you can do it.

Let's continue with our heads. Fold the remaining cardboard, the one from which we cut the strip for the tail, in half. Round off the ends of the forked part of the paper.

Open the paper and make side cuts on only one part of it, up to the fold area.

Then return the paper to its folded position to create protruding ears.

Cut out long, narrow eyes from yellow paper and draw vertical pupils with a felt-tip pen. Cut out a mustache from black cardboard - 6 stripes, approximately 5 mm wide and 9 cm long. You also need a nose.

Straighten the cat's face, round off sharp corners. Glue on the eyes, mustache, and nose on top.

Place the head into the slots on the back, placing its back half and tail into the slot. Kotofey is ready. You can glue it to green paper for stability or leave it like that. Now you know how to make a paper cat for Halloween and more. The cat turns out to be quite large, of course, if you need smaller sizes, you need to take half as much paper.

Black cat with a witch, see how to make one.

The dark trinity together. Bat step by step.

Every new kitten owner strives to raise their ward to be affectionate and playful. The pet will grow up as such if the owner pays him due attention. Friendly cats are distinguished by their confidence, devotion and love for humans, as well as their patience and affectionate nature. To make life easier for yourself and your pet, you need to take custody of your pet from the first days of its stay in the house. Let's consider the important aspects in order, and provide practical advice on care and education.

  1. Eye contact. The cat family has a negative attitude towards staring and the manner of looking eye to eye. Pets regard such behavior as a challenge and preparation for an attack. Regardless of the cat's age, do not supervise it closely. Observe your pet with peripheral vision without giving yourself away. If you are looking at a cat directly, blink smoothly and frequently, and do not keep your eyes open all the time. After time, your pet will appreciate the changes in your behavior and will want more attention.
  2. Proper care. A cat will grow up affectionate and loving only if it receives the necessary care from its owner. By nature, four-legged friends take care of each other. Your pet expects the same from you. The cat will appreciate the actions associated with slowly stroking its fur and scratching its neck area. Buy a comb, take care of the animal’s fur, while at the same time saying affectionate words in a quiet voice. If you notice a twitching of the tail, this means that the cat is tired of being handled. Reschedule procedures for another time. Purring and stretching will tell you that the pet is happy.
  3. Treating yourself with a treat. Make it a habit to carry a robe in your pocket and keep cat treats on hand. You can purchase a package of treats at a pet store or use homemade products based on your pet’s preferences. When the cat approaches you, give it a treat. Over time, the pet will get used to such actions and will be glad to be nearby. Give out double treats if your cat jumps into your arms.
  4. Stroking. When a cat gets used to the owner, his care, constant feeding of treats, display of restraint and patience, she is around more and more often. Be patient and monitor the animal's behavior. If your ward lies down next to you, placing her back or neck under your arm, do not skimp on stroking. With light movements, satisfy your pet's needs. At the slightest sign of dissatisfaction, stop manipulation. Affection should be in moderation.
  5. Calmness and restraint. If you recently brought a kitten into your home, adjust your behavior. Animals of this kind are afraid of sudden movements and loud sounds, especially if the person and the area are unfamiliar to them. Let your pet get used to its owner. Move smoothly, speak kindly and calmly. If possible, stay close to the cat as often as possible; it is not necessary to pick it up. Let the kitten come to you for a portion of tenderness and attention.
  6. The direction of affection. The cat family takes a long and persistent journey to begin to trust its owner. Many owners fail to achieve this even after 2-3 years of living together with their pet. If you are not one of them, having successfully made friends with your pet, follow the recommendations. When a cat comes to you for a portion of tenderness, you don’t need to grab it in your arms and pull it. Sit down next to him, scratch your tummy, neck, back. Let your pet rub its muzzle against you, stroke the bridge of its nose. Do not touch the cat in places where it is uncomfortable (paws, tail).

To turn an obstinate pet into an affectionate pet, you must follow a sequence of actions. Be patient, you will achieve results.

Step #1. Teach your pet to affection from an early age

  1. To make a cat affectionate, you need to pay attention to it from the first minutes of being in a new home. While the baby is not yet grown, pick him up slowly and deliberately. Go to rest together more often, let the kitten sleep while you watch TV.
  2. Create maximum conditions for safety and comfort for your pet, build a bed from a rug or blanket on the bed. Pet your cat after waking up and when she is just falling asleep. Be close, but don't intrude.
  3. Until the kitten grows up, carry it in your arms. Place your child on your forearm, making sure that his paws do not hang down. At first, your main task is to gain trust.
  4. As the kitten grows, its character will change. He can become obstinate or surprisingly calm. In the first case, teenage children often hiss at the owner. Don't pay attention to this behavior, be patient.
  5. To overcome hostility, rub your hands with cat food and let your pet sniff your fingers. Perhaps he will start licking them. In this case, always have a treat with you. Give your baby a treat when he comes closer. Try to carefully close the distance between the two of you.

Step #2. Don't lower your cat's self-esteem

  1. Every owner of a cat family understands that it is the person in the house who is the “leader of the pack.” However, in most cases, cats think the same way, so they behave reserved and distant.
  2. You, as the owner of a four-legged friend, should not show your dominance at every opportunity. Such actions will only alienate a freedom-loving and self-confident cat.
  3. It is important to give your pet the opportunity to feel like the boss at least once every 3 days. Cats do not obey their owners because their nature does not allow for such behavior.
  4. A cat will become affectionate only if it feels confident. The obstinate “tigresses” should not be confused with dogs; the latter will do anything for the love of their owner. Cats, in turn, obey only when they have already established themselves in the role of leader.
  5. If you scold your pet, he will begin to experience stress. An excited animal does not perceive any information. Under negative circumstances, the cat tries to defend itself and hide in a corner.
  6. Do not confuse an affectionate animal with a pet that has become extremely impudent. The main thing is, do not allow yourself to shout at the cat or hit it with your hand or newspaper. Refuse punishment and coercion.
  7. Go back to the roots of education. Adults hiss at kittens when they have misbehaved. Do the same. If the cat did something bad, say a loud “Shhh!” When you do a good deed, do not skimp on praise.

Step #3. Give your cat constant attention

  1. What is an affectionate cat? First of all, this is a pet that sleeps with its owner, watches TV with him, picks him up from work, hugs him and “talks.” If you don’t pay attention to your pet, it will move away and live on its own.
  2. Don't make excuses that you don't have time for your pet. Why then did you get an animal? Learn to step away from important matters and spend time with your four-legged friend if the cat asks for it.
  3. You should not have a pet if you cannot devote at least 3-5 hours a day to it. Babies grow quickly, and in the absence of a person nearby, eventually a cute pet will turn into an aggressive, aloof, not tame cat.
  4. However, you should not impose yourself. Even the most loving cat will want to be alone, snoring sweetly on the sofa or windowsill. Pay attention to the animal when the pet itself asks for affection.
  5. As mentioned earlier, cats are freedom-loving animals. Don’t be surprised if, with constant violation of your personal space, your pet moves further and further away from you.

Step #4. Play with your pet correctly

  1. Today, pet store shelves are filled with all kinds of toys for cats. However, despite the extensive choice, a cat will not be affectionate unless the owner himself starts playing with it.
  2. Buy brushes, rattles, balls, a house and a scratching post. Provide the animal with everything it needs. Set aside at least an hour a day to play with your pet.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to “poison” a cat with your hands or feet. When the animal begins to show aggression and cling to your fingers with its teeth, you can forget about the affectionate pet.
  4. If during the process of pampering your ward begins to play, clinging to your hand with his teeth, stop. Look into your pet's eyes with a menacing gaze and start hissing. This way you will show your dissatisfaction. Then continue playing as if nothing happened.
  5. Shared hobbies, running around the house and games bring animals closer to people. While pampering, do not scream, try to speak kindly and quietly, laugh. Convey your mood to your cat.
  6. Animals of this kind love secluded places. They also prefer to be at the top, watching what is happening from above. Set up several places for your pet: on the closet, on the back of the sofa, under the ceiling. Buy a house with steps so that the cat has its own hiding place.

It is difficult to change the already formed character of a cat, so education should be carried out from an early age. Give your pet a lot of time, do not impose. Keep a treat handy and do not touch your pet's tail or paws. Brush your cat's fur, stroke its neck and the area behind the ears. Let your ward feel like the main one in the house, do not underestimate the animal’s self-esteem, play with him.

Video: how to retrain a wild cat into an affectionate pet

Don’t know how to make a cat out of paper, but your child was asked to bring a craft at school? The origami technique, the ancient art of folding small paper figures, will solve your problem. This is a great way to develop fine motor skills and spatial thinking. A childhood hobby often becomes a lifelong hobby. The simplest figures are animal faces.

Classic origami

Even a 3-4 year old child can fold a paper cat. You will need a small sheet of paper or a napkin. If you are just mastering this technique, use a stencil template that schematically shows the sequence of work. Dotted lines indicate fold lines, and arrows indicate direction.

The first paper craft is a cat's face with pointy ears. It folds up in 5 minutes and gives your child a whole day of enjoyment.

Take a square sheet of paper, preferably a special one, for crafts. If you don’t have one, a regular office one will do. Fold the square diagonally, and then the resulting triangle in half.

From the base of the midline, determine an angle of 45 degrees by eye and bend the corners along the bisector. These will be your cat's ears. By bending the top corner to the opposite side, you will create a forehead for the kitten.

An origami paper cat for children is ready. All that remains is to paint the face, which the baby will do with pleasure.

Now let's learn how to make a round cat's face with our own hands. This figurine can be used for finger theater or put on the body and become a paper toy.

Using the simple origami technique, you can easily make a three-dimensional cat. Children really like kittens built according to Joe Nakashima's pattern.

From a small square sheet you can make cute cats with a large voluminous head. It is better to take thick colored sheets for this. The diagram shows how to make a cat step by step.

A cute cat will be made from A4 sheet. A child is unlikely to cope with such a craft on his own; he will need the help of adults.

To do this, the sheet is folded in half. Cut 10 cm from the resulting rectangle and work with it. Fold each half in half again, turning the edges toward the middle outward.

After this, the workpiece is unrolled. In this case, the fold lines must be carefully expressed. The left corner of the sheet is folded into a triangle, aligning the side and top edge. Unfold the corner and mark an acute angle in the triangle. Carefully fold the sheet along the fold lines to form a small box.

The workpiece is placed on its side and one half is bent along the line upwards, without touching the head (triangle). Do the same with the second half. To form the head, turn the cat to face you. Press along the fold lines and bend the ears.

Then you need to bend the body in half to give the cat an elegant look, and bend the tail back. Unfold everything again and bend it horizontally.

The final stage is to slightly unfold the lower part and twist the ponytail. You can draw eyes and a nose on the figurine.

Crafts with glue and scissors

They are made from cardboard. The figures are voluminous and more durable. In advance, you need to print out a template from paper for cutting out a cat. Cardboard is harder to work with, so to get an even piece, use a stencil.

You will need a narrow strip of cardboard, glue and scissors. Attach the template, mark the fold lines, cut out the legs. Bend the workpiece. Glue the head to the body. Twist a tail from a small strip of paper and glue it in place.


Or you can make a real fluffy cat. To do this you will need a small sheet of cardboard and yarn. The fluffier the threads are, the softer the toy will be. Draw the silhouette of a cat on cardboard and cut it out along the outline.

So that the figurine can then be placed vertically, decorate the legs, and bend the extra rectangle between them back, making a stand. After covering the body with glue, begin wrapping it with threads. The figurine is ready.

We suggest downloading several stencils with which you can make a toy cat out of paper:

Folding paper figures is a very popular technique, which is diverse and involves not only complex three-dimensional crafts, but also simple ones. This article will tell you how to make a cat using easy classic patterns.

How to make a cat out of paper using origami technique

We bend one square from left to right diagonally, then bend the left corner slightly to the right so that it looks like a tail. With this the body is ready.

For the head, place the second sheet of paper with one of the corners up and bend it down exactly in the middle. Fold both upper corners of the triangle, aligning their vertices with the vertex of the corner below. Having pushed through the folds, we bend the same corners upwards, not all the way, so that two triangles are formed in the foreground and one corner peeks out between them in the background. Then you need to pull these corners to the sides and straighten the folds made in the two previous stages.

Before us again is a triangle with a vertex at the bottom and 4 fold lines. Next, we separate the layers of paper from below and press the paper inward in those places where folds have formed from previous actions. The result should be a diamond with ears. Its top must be folded back, the fold carefully ironed and tucked into the layers of paper so that nothing sticks out from the back side. Finally, we insert the body inside the head and straighten the cat’s paws to the sides. Ready!

How to make a cat from A4 paper

This option is more difficult, but also suitable for beginners. Make a long rectangle by folding the sheet in half. We shorten it at one end by 10 cm, unfold the rectangle and cut it along the fold line. From these parts you can make two cats. One of the resulting rectangles needs to be folded in half in the same way as before, then press the fold. Turning the paper with the folding side facing you, you need to bend one of the halves up. We do the same on the other side so that the result is something like an accordion. It is very important that all fold lines are carefully ironed.

Next, unfold the sheet to the point where it was folded in half, place it with the fold down and fold the corner from the left side up. Open the workpiece and find the triangle formed by the folds, turn the paper so that it is at the top.

The point of the triangle's apex points downwards; you need to bend the top of the paper to this point and unfold the sheet completely, after pushing through the fold. The result is another smaller triangle, which will be the cat's head. Fold the edges down along the pressed lines to form a rectangular box. Then close the lines of the lower part with each other, pushing the triangle until the workpiece is completely closed.

Unfold the folded paper so that the head is on the left, then fold one of the sides in half towards you, not reaching the left side. After turning the workpiece over, you need to perform the same actions with the second part. The body is ready.

Now you need to shape the cat’s face along the outlined lines, carefully pressing the triangle inward. Then press the pressed lines to the top horizontal line. Look at the ready-made templates in order to do everything correctly and accurately.

The ears need to be formed along the upper vertical lines, next to which there are small triangles. They must be bent towards the center. With the cat's back facing you, bend the resulting fold between the ears slightly back. At the same time, the ears themselves will also bend a little from the inside. The head is completed, all that remains is to give the body a believable appearance.

The torso must be bent and straightened in half horizontally, then slightly expanded and the lower part bent back at a right angle. At the same time, we form the legs: to do this, you need to turn the resulting fold upward at an angle until the corner closes. Roll the part at the back into a tube and slightly unfold it, resulting in a spiral-shaped tail.

The finishing touch will be to place the cat in a stable position. Open your paws slightly without touching your neck. She must remain collected. You can decorate the figurine if you wish. Such cats made from paper with a pattern look great.

It will be much more difficult to make a modular cat with your own hands, but it will look voluminous and impressive. In general, you can master the origami technique on your own by watching various master classes and video tutorials. It is ideal for teaching children, as it teaches them to read diagrams and drawings of varying complexity, develops logic and visual-figurative thinking, and teaches them perseverance and persistent goal achievement.

Working with paper provides a wide field for imagination and captivates even adults. The constant striving for perfection and mastering more complex figures delights a person. In addition, the process itself serves as an excellent relaxation and relaxation for the body.

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