Warm crocheted hats for newborns, diagrams and description. Knitted hats for newborn boys, knitted and crocheted: master class. Schemes for creating warm hats

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For beginners, knitting a baby hat can be a little difficult at first, but with a little practice you can easily create many different patterns using just a few basic stitches.


Simple hat with single crochets

    Secure the working thread to the hook. Make a slip knot on the hook using one end of the yarn.

    • The free end of the yarn is cut only at the end of knitting the product; it shows you where the beginning of knitting is and is more often called the “tail”. The beginning of knitting always starts from the end of the thread. The part of the yarn coming from the ball is called the "working thread" and, as the name suggests, it is this part of the yarn that you will create the hat.
  1. Make 2 air loops. From the loop located on the hook, knit 2 air loops.

    Form a ring. Knit 6 single crochets into the second stitch from the hook. Then close the row using a connecting post by inserting the hook into the base of the first post. You will have the first row.

    • Please note that the second loop from the hook is the very first air loop.
  2. Single crochet into each stitch of the previous row. In order to form the second row of the future hat, knit 2 single crochets (dc) in each of the 6 loops of the previous row, then connect the first and last stitches using a connecting stitch.

    • When you complete the row you will have 12 stitches. b/n.
    • Mark the last stitch using a marker or a piece of yarn in a contrasting color - this will allow you to clearly see the beginning and end of the row.
  3. Knit st. b/n in the third row. Make 1 air loop and knit 1 tbsp. b/n in the first stitch of the previous row, and then 2 tbsp. b/n in the second. Continue alternating 1 and 2 tbsp. b/n to the end of the row. This way you will knit 1 tbsp. b/n in each odd numbered and 2 tbsp. b/n in each even stitch.

    • At the end of the row you will have 18 stitches. b/n.
    • Move marker to last st. b/n of this row and connect the row using a connecting post.
  4. Continue increasing on the fourth row. Make one air loop. In the fourth row you need to knit one st. b/n in the first and second loops and 2 tbsp. b/n in the third stitch of the previous row. Repeat knitting until the end of the row, then close the row again using a connecting post.

    • In the fourth row you should have 24 stitches.
    • Transfer the marker to the last stitch of this row before continuing to knit.
  5. Continue adding stitches on row 5. You must have noticed that in each row the distance between the increases increases by 1 stitch, so in the fifth row the increase will be made in every fourth stitch of the row. Don't forget to close the row again with a connecting post.

    • In the fifth row you will get 30 stitches. b/n.
    • Mark the end of the fifth row with a marker.
  6. Continue adding stitches for 4 more rows. On rows 6-9, increase the distance between increments by 1 stitch. b/n.

    • Row 6: One st at a time. b/n in the first 4 loops, then 2 tbsp. b/n in the fifth. Repeat until the end of the row.
    • Row 7: 5 sts. b/n in the first 5 loops, then 2 tbsp. b/n in the fifth. Repeat until the end of the row.
    • Row 8: increase in every 7th stitch of the previous row.
    • Row 9: increase in every 8 stitches. At the end of this row you will have 54 stitches.
    • Don't forget to mark the last stitch of the row with a marker and close the rows with a connecting stitch. Each new row starts with 1 air loop.
  7. Knit 1 more row. Now you no longer need to increase, just knit 1 tbsp. b/n in each stitch of the previous row.

    • Each of the subsequent rows should have 54 loops.
    • Move the marker.
    • Thus you need to knit rows 10-26.
  8. Knit a connecting post. Complete the knitting by closing the row with a connecting stitch. Your hat is ready.

    Secure the work. Cut the working thread, leaving a tail of 5-6 cm. Pull the tail through the loop of the connecting post and tighten the knot properly.

    • Hide the remaining tail in the eyelets of the hat.

    Double crochet hat

    1. Secure the yarn to the hook.

    2. Make a chain of 4 loops. Knit 4 chain stitches from the loop located on the hook

      Form a ring. Connect the first and last loops of the chain using a connecting post.

      Double crochet into the center of the resulting ring. Before you start knitting the hat itself, as well as each new row, you first need to make 2 lifting air loops. Then work 13 double crochets into the center of the ring (dc) and complete the row by connecting the last stitch with the second chain stitch using a connecting stitch (dc), thus completing the first row. The same procedure will be repeated at the end of each row.

      • Please note that 2 lifting chain loops in this row do not count as a column.
    3. Double the number of single crochets. In the second row you need to knit two treble crochets in each stitch of the previous row. Thus, you will make 1 increase in each of the 13 stitches of the previous row. Complete row s.s.

      • At the end of the second row you will have 26 stitches.
      • In some cases, while knitting in the round, the work is turned over, but to knit this hat pattern, you do not need to turn the work over, just continue knitting in the same direction.
    4. Alternate single and double sts. As usual, start knitting a new row with 2 lifting chain stitches. In the third and subsequent rows the number of increases will decrease. Work 1 st s/n into the first stitch of the previous row and 2 st s/n into the second. Continue knitting the row in the same way, making an increase in every second stitch of the previous row.

      • When finished, you will have 39 loops.
      • In the third row you will need to increase every second stitch, in the fourth - in every third, in the fifth - in every fourth, etc.
    5. Continue increasing the number of stitches on the fourth row. Work two treble crochet stitches in every 3rd stitch of the previous row.

      • On the fourth row you should have 52 stitches.
      • Connect the first and last columns using s.s.
    6. Knit rows 5 to 13 in the same way. Subsequent rows are worked similarly to rows 2-5, with the only difference being that you no longer need to increase. Always start knitting a row with 2 chain stitches and end with s.s. Work 1 treble into each stitch of the previous row.

      • In each of the rows from 5 to 13 there should be 52 st s/n.
    7. Now turn the work over. Make 2 lifting stitches again and turn the knitting. Next, knit the row in the same way as the previous ones, knitting 1 st s/n in each of the columns of the previous row. Complete row s.s.

      • Rows 15 and 16 are worked in the same way, but you no longer need to turn the work.
      • In each of the rows from 14 to 16 there should still be 52 treble stitches.
    8. Knit the last, decorative row of the cap. Make 1 rise stitch, and then work 1 single crochet (dc) into each stitch of the previous row.

      • Don't skip stitches.
      • Similarly, connect the beginning and end of the row using dc.
      • You can knit any other edging for your hat; on the Internet you can find many options for simple, and at the same time, beautiful edgings.
    9. Secure the end. Cut the working thread, leaving a tail of 5-6 cm. Pull this tail through the loop on the hook and tighten the loop properly by pulling the tail.

      • In order to further secure the work, thread the tail of the thread into a knitting needle and hide it between the already knitted stitches.
      • Fold the last 3 rows up. Your hat is ready.


    1. Secure the thread to the hook. Make a slip knot at the end of the hook using the loose end of the yarn.

      • The free end of the yarn, or "tail", is not used in knitting. To knit a hat you will use the thread coming from the ball, it is called the "working thread".
    2. Knit 2 chain stitches. From the loop on your hook, make 2 chain stitches.

      Work half double crochets into the second stitch from the hook. Having knitted two air loops, knit 9 half double crochets (half double crochet) into the second loop from the hook. At the end of the row, connect the first and last half-columns using a connecting post (s.s.)

    3. Double the number of loops. In the second row you will need to knit 2 half sts. s/n in each stitch of the previous row. This way you will make 1 increase in each stitch. To do this: make 2 lifting stitches, then knit 1 half stitch. s/n in the same loop, 2 half stitches. s/n to the adjacent one and continue knitting 2 half stitches. s/n in each loop of the previous row. When finished, connect the first and last columns of the row using a connecting post (s.c).

      • You should have 20 stitches in this row.
    4. On the third row, increase every other stitch. Work 2 chain stitches again and then work 1 half stitch. s/n in the same loop. In the next stitch, knit 1 half stitch. s/n and 2 half-st. s/n to the next one. Repeat until the end of the row. At the end, close the circle with s.s.

      • In the third row you will need to increase every second stitch, in the fourth - in every third, in the fifth - in every fourth, etc. Don’t forget to knit 2 chain lifting stitches at the beginning of each row and close the circle with a dc.
      • You should have 30 stitches in this row.
    5. Continue adding stitches on the fourth row. Make 2 lifting stitches again and knit 1 half stitch. s/n in the same loop. In the next 2 loops, knit 1 half stitch. s/n. Continue knitting until the end of the row.

      • In this row you will get 40 loops.
    6. Reduce the number of loops. Knit 2 instep stitches again, and then, without knitting half st. s/n in the first lifting loop, knit 1 half st. s/n in each of the next 37 loops of the previous row.

      • This way you will have 38 loops.

How cute they are - newborn babies!

Every mother would like her child to be the most beautiful when walking in a stroller on the street. Try crocheting unusual hats for newborns. Don’t doubt your abilities - it’s not difficult to do, but the joy from the admiring glances of passers-by will completely compensate for all your efforts.

Newborn hat base

You will learn how to crochet the hat itself, and then, using different colors of yarn, appliqué and overlays, you can make your child look different every time - like a little bunny, mouse or frog.

What is included in the preparation?

  1. Knitting a hat for a newborn begins with choosing yarn - it should only be natural thread so as not to irritate the baby’s delicate skin. You will need a little yarn, so the leftovers can be used for booties, scarves, etc. to make a set.
  2. Choose a hook that is not thin - the finished fabric should be soft and pleasant to the touch.
  3. Prepare a thick tapestry needle and scissors. You will also need a measuring tape or ruler.
  4. First, decide on the size of the hat itself. Knitting will be done in the round. Therefore, the first 4 rows of a hat for any age of a child should be knitted the same way. Further knitted hats for newborns will differ in the number of loops in subsequent rows.
  5. We start with a “wonderful loop” - roll the thread into a ring and tie it with 10 double crochets. After this, pull the end of the thread - the columns will be arranged in a circle and the hole will not be visible. This is the first round of loops.
  6. Second row - add another double crochet to each stitch - you should get 20 stitches.
  7. Third row - add a double crochet every other stitch until we reach 30 in the row.
  8. Fourth row - every 2 loops we add a double crochet to make 40.
  9. From the 5th row, the number of columns will vary depending on the age of the child. Knitted hats for newborns (up to 3 months) should be done like this: from the 5th to the 14th rows, knit 45 double crochets; for a child from 3 to 6 months, knit from 5 to 15 rows of 50 double crochets. For children from six months to 9 months in a hat, 50 stitches are knitted in the 5th row, and from the 6th to the 16th row they are increased to 55 double crochets. The base for the hat is ready.

How to crochet original hats for newborns?

“Bear” - for this model you need to knit two more parts in the form of circles from yarn of two colors. The ears are made according to the pattern in the photo and sewn on both sides of the cap.

For newborns, you can easily crochet the “Frog” model. In this case, everything is decided by the bright green color and the location of the “eye-buttons” (these details are double, consisting of a green and white circle). The photo clearly shows how to do this.

“Mouse” - a gray hat, pink ears (double detail) and a pink ribbon will make your little one look like a cute mouse.

"Mickey Mouse" and "Minnie Mouse". The cute bow and buttons are the highlight of these hats.

The anticipation of the birth of a child, especially the firstborn, is filled with a range of all kinds of emotions, worries, fears, experiences and dreams. You simply cannot convey everything in words - you can only feel it. When we have to wait for a long time, we usually try to somehow distract ourselves, keep ourselves busy. To relieve tension and stress, expectant mothers are recommended to take up handicrafts, for example, crocheting. This monotonous process will help you calm down and bring benefits. Crocheted hats for newborns, made by the hands of a loving mother, are the most precious gift for a baby.

And although he will not understand this yet, the warmth of his mother’s hands, her love and tenderness, embodied in the hat, will warm and protect him.

Crochet knitted hat for a newborn: diagram and description of the process

A baby in a beautiful and unusual hat always looks simply touching. In addition, a hat is a necessary wardrobe item for a newborn: in winter it will save the baby from the cold, and in summer it will protect him from the scorching sun. Today we will learn how to knit a hat with ears for newborns.

Materials for work:

  • 100 g of soft threads from YarnArt Jeans yarn (thread color - at the request of the mother);
  • hook 3.

Step-by-step description of the process:

1st row – 6 chain stitches closed in a circle;

2nd and 3rd rows - 12 columns each;

4th row – 13;

5th row – 14;

6th row – 15;

7th row – 16;

8th row – 17;

9th row – 18;

from the 10th to the 13th rows - 19 columns each;

14th row – 18;

15th row – 9 with one crochet.

In the 15th row we finish knitting in a circle, connect it into a strip: we combine the sides of the ear and knit it in a column, connecting the tops of the 14th row.

We sew the finished ears to the cap with a regular needle in the places as shown in the figure. The “Bunny” hat is ready. If you want, you can decorate it with a bow.

Crochet caps for newborns: patterns with descriptions

Now we will see how to crochet a baby cap. This headdress is more suitable for a girl.

Materials for knitting a cap:

  • natural yarn - 60 g of main color;
  • white yarn - 20 g;
  • thin satin ribbon – 35 cm;
  • crochet hook 3.

Process description:

  1. The cap consists of a main design and a back part. We knit the bottom. We make a double ring from the thread and tie it with 16 single crochet loops (see diagram).
  2. From the sixth to the eighth rows we move according to the diagram. The result is a rear part with a diameter of 10 centimeters.
  3. Let's move on to the main pattern. We leave 5 cm of the back without a pattern.
  4. Every three single crochet loops of the seventh row we knit air stitches, four pieces each. At eleven o'clock - five.
  5. Having knitted about 10 cm of the main pattern, we form the edge of the cap. We knit one row with a double crochet stitch, after finishing knitting we insert a satin ribbon into these places - there will be a tie for the cap.
  6. We knit the outer row with white threads according to the pattern of the main pattern.
  7. The decoration will be white ruffles along the edge of the back. We knit ruffles from white yarn using the main pattern.
  8. The result of our efforts can be seen in the photo.

What should you consider when knitting a hat for a newborn?

First of all, to knit things or hats for newborns from 0 to 3 months with knitting needles or crochet, you need to select high-quality threads from natural yarn. Carefully choose a model, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the child.

Knitted items have a minimum of seams. Seams can only be on the outside. Things should be comfortable and free so as not to hinder the child’s movements.

We hope that this little master class on crocheting hats for newborns will serve as the basis for your further creative growth. And your children will be smart, beautiful and cheerful. In principle, you can please not only children, but also all household members with exclusive knitted items. Knit with pleasure!

Every young mother and caring grandmother wants to surround her newborn baby with care and warmth. One of the ways to express your love to your baby is to knit your little one’s booties, blouse or hat yourself.

Yarn. The skin of a newborn baby is very sensitive to various allergens, and as evidence of this, irritation and redness appear. One of the main characteristics of yarn for children's products is the naturalness of the fiber:
  • Cotton. This material allows the skin to “breathe”, which is very important for small children. Cotton dyes well, so the colors are bright and fade slightly in the sun. But cotton yarn is dense and not elastic, so a mixture of cotton and acrylic is used in products for children.
  • Wool. Warms well in the cold season. For children, it is not recommended to use yarn made from long-pile wool (mohair, angora), because pellets may form, which will cause discomfort to the child. Merino wool is suitable for children's knitting. The products are soft, elastic, and not prickly.
  • Acrylic, microfiber. If you are allergic to natural materials, you can use children's acrylic, which is in no way inferior in properties to natural yarn: elasticity, softness, retains heat well, absorbs moisture.
Size. To ensure that the headdress fits the baby and does not cause discomfort when worn (the hat sticks out in the ears, etc.), you need to take the correct measurements:
  • Baby's head circumference. The measurement line should run along a circle: in the middle of the forehead, just above the ears and through the back of the head.
  • Cap depth. Measuring the depth of a child's hat should start from the middle of the forehead (visually determining the middle will help so that the hat does not fall over the eyes and does not expose the entire forehead in the cold season), go along the head and end at the transition of the head to the neck.

The size of a baby's head should always be calculated individually, but the standard is for babies from birth to 3 months have a head volume of up to 35 cm, from 3 before 6 months– from 35 to 42.5 cm, from 6 months to a year – 40–47.5 cm.

Knitted hat for a newborn baby. Knitting a hat starts from the child's face. This model of a children's cap requires additional measurement of the baby's face circumference. Having made all the necessary calculations, we cast on loops (28 cm) on the knitting needles. Knit with an elastic band 1*1 2-2.5 cm, then continue knitting with stockinette stitch - 7.5-8 cm. We divide all the loops into 3 equal parts and begin knitting the bottom - the back part of the cap (the technology for knitting the heel of the sock). Having tied the bottom to the middle, you need to evenly begin to reduce the width of the bottom. By the end of knitting, it should be 3-4 cm. For the loops of the bottom edge of the bottom that remain on the knitting needles, cast on additional loops from both edges of the cap. All the loops together will make up the lower part of the hat (neck). Knit loops with an elastic band 1*1 2-2.5 cm and close the knitting. You can separately knit and sew the strings to the hat. Crochet hat with ears for a child. The pattern is knitted continuously in the round - from top to bottom. You can use contrasting thread or removable markers to mark the beginning of a new row. A new row begins by raising a single crochet stitch at the end of each row:
  • 1 row. Knit a magic or adjustable ring using 5 chain stitches.
  • 2nd row. Knit 2 single crochet stitches in each stitch in the round (you should get 10 stitches in total).
  • 3rd row. Knit 1 single crochet in the first stitch, then 2 single crochets in the second stitch, and so on in a circle (you should get 15 loops).
  • 4 row. Knit 1 single crochet in the first and second stitches, then 2 single crochets in the third and fourth stitches. Repeat 2 through 2 (you should get 20 loops).
  • 5 row. Knit 1 single crochet in the first, second and third stitches, then 2 single crochet stitches in the fourth stitch. Repeat 3 through 1 (you should get 25 loops).
  • 6-12 row. Knit one single crochet stitch in each stitch (25 stitches). Finish knitting.

The scheme is designed for a child from birth to three months. For older children, you need to count a larger number of loops.

Crochet hat ears:
  • 1 row. The first loop is air, then 10 loops without yarn over, 1 air loop, turn (11 loop).
  • 2nd row. Knit one loop in each column 9 times, turn (10 loops).
  • 3–8 row. Knit one loop in each column, turn. Decrease 1 stitch each time until 3 stitches remain. Using a needle, make a basting stitch along the edge of the ear, pull it together and sew it to the cap.

Knitting a baby hat will not take much time, and the amount of material used will be minimal, because a newborn does not require complex openwork patterns or additional decorations for the hat. The main thing in a children's knitted product is softness of the threads, convenience of shape and correctly calculated size.

Despite the fact that knitting is considered one of the most common activities in the world, it is impossible to call it an easy task. For people learning the basics of knitting, a crochet hat for a newborn can become not only an additional experience, but also a pleasant gift for the baby.

For example, for discharge for a baby. Babies from 0 to 3 months sometimes need hats even in the summer, and they will definitely need a winter one for walks. Models of hats for children are often decorated with ears or pompons; a funny striped cap like that of a gnome or elf is very fashionable now.

The presented diagrams and descriptions of the simplest hats and those with complex techniques will allow everyone to learn how to create this item of clothing for newborns.

Using detailed descriptions of each process, knitting a hat will not be as difficult as it seemed at first. The only thing you need to know before you start knitting is baby's head volume and product circumference. It often happens that it is not possible to obtain accurate measurements. In such cases, it is recommended to use common standard sizes:

  • 3–6 months - 35–43 cm;
  • 6–12 months - 41–47 cm.

When all the newborn measurements are ready, you can start knitting.

If the girl’s skills in this skill are quite limited, then first knitting method crochet hats First you need to secure the thread to the hook using a knot. Do not forget that the so-called tail - the thread that remains when creating a knot - should not be cut off at first. Getting rid of it should only happen with a ready-made knitted cap for a newborn.

Afterwards you need to do several air loops. Creating six single crochets forms a ring that needs to be closed by inserting a thread into the first stitch. This should create the first row.

Next you need to connect again two columns in the previous rows- this is how the second row of the cap is created, and then combine the first and last rows. Using this pattern for subsequent knitting, you can quickly create a crochet cap. The main thing is to remember to add loops in the rows and secure the work with an extended “tail” into the last column.

Children's hat with ears

A beautiful combination of a baby's headdress with other decorative elements allows beginners to develop a certain knitting skill. For example, a knitted children's cap with ears is an excellent solution for boys and girls, not only aesthetically, but also practically - the cap is warm and can be worn in cold seasons.

The main knitting takes place according to the same scheme just like a regular hat. The ears are made separately according to the principle of increasing the loops. A description of this process is written in more detail above. In addition, there is an opportunity to experiment with the design of the cap, making it more suitable for the baby and interesting.

Crochet cap for a newborn

There are a huge number of different patterns that describe in detail how to knit a good children's headdress for a baby. It is almost impossible to know them all, but you can find the most convenient, practical and aesthetically pleasing options.

It should be remembered that very a lot depends on the materials chosen. The use of light, pinkish shades of threads is most often used to create looks for girls, while deeper and darker colors are recommended for boys.

The crochet hat for a newborn is a simple pattern and does not require any special skills, but it turns out very beautiful! At the beginning of knitting a small ring is created- in the process it will tighten and there will be no hole. After this, three air loops with 11 single crochets are tied. The first and third stitches are combined, in the process forming the first row of the cap.

It is worth remembering that everyone a new row begins with three air loops and one connecting stitch in the third loop of the previous row. So, each new row turns out to be larger and longer than the previous one, forming the necessary hemisphere shape. To prevent the knitted headdress from squeezing the head, you should add 12 stitches in a row, evenly distributing them around the entire circumference. It happens that the diagram shows the completion of the cap before the product for a girl or boy is ready, so you should remember all the technology and navigate adding new rows.

So the diagram looks something like this:

Crochet cap for a newborn, diagram of which necessarily includes head circumference dimensions baby - once the bottom is ready, it must match these measurements, otherwise the knitted headdress will simply be too small. Once the bottom is done, you can work on the depth of the cap. At this stage there will be no more difficulties with counting; each row should begin with three air loops and one column, which must be used to connect the new row with the previous one. Once the depth is ready, you can tighten the “tail” into the product itself and carefully hide it.

You can dilute the cap with a simple openwork pattern, which will allow you to wear the cap not only in the cold seasons, but also in spring or summer. Let's watch the training video!

Crochet hat for newborns


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