The topic of the week is road alphabet, senior group. Plan for a thematic week on traffic rules in the senior group. Didactic games and manuals on traffic rules

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In contact with:

Target: Deepen children's knowledge about transport; introduce the types of transport that people use; learn to compare types of ground transport; foster a desire to appreciate the driver’s work; develop cognitive activity and initiative; to cultivate an understanding of the need to adhere to a culture of behavior in transport and on the street.

Final event:Demonstration of the tabletop theater “Morgaikin Traffic Light School”.


Interaction with parents




MONDAY – 2.10.17


Conversation: “Cars on our street.”

Goal: expand understanding of various modes of transport (ground, air, water). Reinforce the rules of the road.

Didactic exercise “Because...”.

Goal: to develop the ability to construct coherent statements (example: the bus stopped because ... ").

Poems about transport

Outdoor game "Planes"

Goal: development of motor activity of children

Board and printed games “Loto” and “Puzzles” on the topic “Transport”. WITH

Labor assignments - invite the children to look through all the books in the book corner and choose those that need to be glued.

Goal: continue to develop children’s work skills

Conversation “What is transport and why is it needed”

Design of the exhibition "Transport".

Replenish the book corner with literature about transport:

V. Suteeva “Boat”

B. Zhitkov “Like in Moscow on the street”S. Mikhalkova “From carriage to rocket” etc.

Talk with parents about their children's well-being on weekends

Mobile folder for parents “The street is full of surprises”



Observing seasonal changes in nature and weather. Identification of distinctive signs of weather change

Outdoor game: “We are cheerful guys”, “The sea is worried once”

Goal: develop coordination of movements; continue to teach children to run around the entire playground following commands at the teacher’s signal, developing coordination of movements

Individual workin PHYS with Andrey P., Arseny and Ksyusha

Goal: practicing and improving the skill of throwing a ball at a target, developing motor activity and mobility

Conversation with children on the topic: “Road safety”

Outdoor game "Traffic Light"

Goal: during the conversation, to consolidate in children the concepts of the rules of safe behavior on the street and the road, the rules of road behavior

Independent play activity with external material

II half day

Reading S. Volkov “About the rules of the road”, “A. Dorokhov “Crossroads” from the book “green, yellow, red”

Walk II


Playing with water (launching boats) - arouse interest in playing with water, the desire to participate in joint activities, launching boats. During the game, consolidate knowledge about the properties of water (cold, warm, clean, dirty), remind that you cannot take raw water into your mouth, and develop basic safe life skills.

Outdoor game: “Planes”

Goal: development of motor activity

Working with the constructor

Goal: continue to build bridges according to the condition:

Individual work on unconventional drawing:

“Hedgehogs” using disposable forks (dipping gouache onto the template with a fork) with Ulyana, Varya

Goal: development of fine motor skills, figurative representation

Post the didactic game “Match a Pair”

Goal: to improve the ability to select pairs of objects that match a given characteristic (long-short, fluffy-smooth)

Design of the exhibition "Transport"

Purpose: for a visual representation of children about different types of transport

Board and printed games: “Loto”, “Puzzles”

Topic of the week: The city is full of traffic, cars are running in a row. Familiarity with signs, traffic rules, and transport. 1 week 02 - 06 October

Day of the week


Joint activities between adults and children, taking into account educational areas

Organization of a development environment for joint activities

Interaction with parents




Educational activities in special moments

TUESDAY – 03.10.17


Conversation about the profession of a driver, the distinction between freight and passenger transport

Goal: expanding children's understanding of different types of transport

D/I "Math Bus"

Goal: consolidate the number 7, compare adjacent numbers 6, 7, consolidate the ability to arrange objects (6) in ascending order by length. Practice distinguishing spatial directions. Consolidate knowledge of words meaning the length of an object and spatial categories: left, right, front, behind

Individual workon articulation exercises: “Exercise for the tongue” with Ablakim, Vitya, Alime.

Goal: development of the articulatory apparatus, mobility and plasticity

Instruction “Field the flowers”

Board and printed games: “Dominoes”, “Part and Whole”, “Mosaic”

Goal: motivating children to get busy

Individual counseling for adults

Advise parents on the way from kindergarten. Draw the attention of preschoolers to how pedestrians and motorists obey traffic lights


1. Art-aesthetic development- Music

2. Cognitive development - Cognitive research. activities Subject: " Transformation"

Program content: Getting to know the word “transforms”, searching for transformations. Development of the ability to record the action of transformation based on the use of pairs of words was-will-be, was-became. Formation of the action of transformation based on practical actions with plasticine and rubber


Bird watching in autumn. Purpose: to clarify children’s understanding of the changing lifestyle of birds in the fall; help establish connections between the weather, changes in the condition of plants and the lifestyle of birds known to children.Signs “Birds feel themselves - it means rain.” Goal: to achieve assimilation of the meaning of the sign.

Didactic game"Birds, animals, fish." Goal: to consolidate the ability to classify and name animals, birds, fish.

Outdoor games: “Corners”, “Sparrows and a car”. Goal: continue to teach children to run and not bump into each other; develop attention, dexterity

“Fixing direct counting within 5.” With Muslim, Resul, Sofia.

Labor activity - cleaning the site from large debris, sweeping paths.

Goal: continue to teach children to work in a subgroup, to form a positive attitude towards work

Independent activity with external material

Outdoor games upon children's request

Goal: to help children organize games in free activities

II half day

nursery rhymes Knocked down, knocked together - that's the wheel, sat down and drove off - oh, good! I looked back - Only the knitting needles were lying there.

Making riddles about transport Goal: to develop memory, thinking, logic.

Walk II


Observation: looking at cars on the roadway.

Goal: development of observation and resourcefulness, repetition of car brands

Thematic role-playing game “Chauffeurs”

Goal: attracting children to the game, the ability to take on the role of driver and passenger, convey facial expressions and gestures of the participants in the game

Constructive-model activity. Subject:“Machines” by L.V. Kutsakov (p. 13

Work in the book corner: designing an exhibition of books on traffic rules.

Goal: to teach the ability to select books on relevant topics, develop thinking, an aesthetic sense when designing an exhibition, and create a desire to make your own book on traffic rules.

Drawing workshop.

"Cars of our city"

Goal: to practice and improve the skills of drawing vehicles using an algorithm with Nastya, Alime, Anya.

Formation of correct behavior at the table

Conversation “After using the toilet, wash your hands with soap” - formation of the group.

Exhibition of children's works "City of my dreams"

Bring in toys - steering wheels and caps for the role-playing game "Chauffeurs"

Place posters: “Modes of transport”, “Traffic rules”

Topic of the week: The city is full of traffic, cars are running in a row. Familiarity with signs, traffic rules, and transport. 1 week 02 - 06 October

Day of the week


Joint activities between adults and children, taking into account educational areas

Organization of a development environment for joint activities

Interaction with parents




Educational activities in special moments

WEDNESDAY - 04.10. 17


Conversation on the topic: “What are vehicles made of?” (metal, glass, plastic)

Games with a street layout “Place the signs correctly”

Goal: development of skills in working with a layout, the ability to correctly perform

Didactic game “Nimble Pedestrians”, “Listen to the Traffic Controller”, “Find and Name”

Goal: development of attention, thinking and memory

Individual workon cognitive activities with Ksyusha and Maxim. D/I “What color is gone?”

Goal: consolidation of knowledge about colors and the order of this color in the order of others

Instruction “Field the flowers”

Goal: development of labor skills, involvement in friendly and accurate work performance

Strengthen the ability to quickly and accurately set the table and clear the table

Conversation on traffic rules

Board and printed games “Loto”, Puzzles” on the topic “Transport”

Placement of a collection of passenger cars at an exhibition

Individual conversations, consultations at the request of parents

draw the attention of parents to the need to comply with traffic rules in the presence of a child


1. speech development9.00 - 9.25 Topic: Small folklore forms. Making up stories using proverbs.

O.S.Ushakova. "literature" p.91

Program content: To give children an idea of ​​genre features, the purpose of proverbs and sayings, their differences from works of other small folklore forms; learn to comprehend the meaning of proverbs, compose short stories based on them, fairy tales that reflect this meaning.

2. artistic and aesthetic development(musical activity) 11.50 -12.10


Invite the children to show a tall and a low tree on the site. ask what they are called. Determine the similarities and differences in the structure and color of the bark. Identify the characteristic features of trees.

Outdoor game “From bump to bump”

Goal: to train children in running, the ability to navigate in space, and perform actions according to their own plan

Individual workD/I “Find the same color” with Varya and Ulyana

Goal: consolidate knowledge about color

Practicing jumping skills with two legs while moving forward with Andrey P.

Labor: Shoveling snow from the veranda, benches

Goal: to develop various types of movements in children; learn to perform movements according to the model

A game to harmonize relationships “call me affectionately” to strengthen psychological comfort in the group

Independent motor activity. Goal: to improve the ability to independently organize outdoor games and use sports attributes.

II half day

Develop cultural and hygienic skills: develop the ability to take care of your appearance.

Reading N. Nosov’s “The Curious Little Mouse” - to develop the ability to understand the meaning of a work of art.

Walk II


Working with the constructor

Topic: “Bridges for different cars”

Goal: continue to build bridges according to the conditions: Wide and narrow, with a gentle and steep slope, select parts in accordance with the conditions, decorate the building. Encourage to explain the dependence of the width and other characteristics of the bridge on given conditions

S/r game “DPS”: plot “Pedestrians and Drivers”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to navigate in a traffic environment.

Board and printed games

"Domino", "Part and Whole", "Mosaic"

Workshop “Airplanes” - applique

Goal: to consolidate knowledge of the shape (rectangle, to consolidate the ability to cut corners, to improve the ability to fold paper, to teach children to correctly compose an image from parts, to learn how to carefully paste, to develop imagination, a sense of composition. With Fevzi, Nail, Ustinya.

Foster friendly relationships between children, the habit of playing together, and engaging in independently chosen activities

Teach children to clean up building materials after playing.

Problem situation: “What if I get lost?”

SRI "Hospital", "Traffic Safety"

Goal: to create a game story that would remind children of the rules of the road and behavior near the highway, to encourage them to provide help more quickly

Topic of the week: The city is full of traffic, cars are running in a row. Familiarity with signs, traffic rules, and transport. 1 week 02 - 06 October

Day of the week


Joint activities between adults and children, taking into account educational areas

Organization of a development environment for joint activities

Interaction with parents




Educational activities in special moments

THURSDAY - 05.10.17


Conversation: “I’m traveling in public transport.” Formation of the foundations of a culture of behavior in public transport.

D/i “Who is the most attentive? - be able to be attentive, highlight types of transport and actions in the text, remember them.

Vendor code. hymn. “Motor”, “Horse”, “Mushroom” - to develop the speech apparatus.

P/n “Run to what I name” - teach children to run in a flock.

Reading the work of art by V. Suteev “Boat”

D/i “Lay out the signs” - fix the traffic signs.

Individual work: game “Find such an object according to its shape”

Goal: development of skills to find an object according to a given form, development of perception and correlation of the form and object and name with Yarik and Ulyana

Labor assignment.

Wiping dust on shelves with toys

Goal: development of work skills, involvement of children in carrying out assignments.

Working with the dining room attendants - continue to teach how to set the table

Illustrations for the work of V. Suteev “Boat”

Offer children board games: “Dominoes”, “Puzzles”, “Coloring”

Placing a collection of specials. Cars (construction, agricultural) at the Transport exhibition

Individual counseling based on parental requests

Creation and demonstration of a card index

Project stage:

The project has been implemented

Objective of the project:

The main goal of the project is to develop safe behavior skills on the roads, methods and opportunities to achieve this fully.

Project objectives:

 Introduce children to traffic rules, street structure, road signs;
 To form ideas about the purpose of a traffic light and its signals;
 Teach children to anticipate a dangerous event, be able to avoid it, if possible, and act if necessary;
 To form a culture of behavior in traffic conditions;
 Develop caution, attentiveness, independence, responsibility and prudence on the road;
 To develop personal safety skills and a sense of self-preservation.

Results achieved over the past year:

You can avoid danger only by teaching children the rules of the road from a very early age. After all, preschool children are a special category of pedestrians. Responsibility for raising competent and adequate road users rests with parents and educators. Taking into account the special importance of work in this direction, and the fact that kindergarten is the very first step in the system of lifelong education, in close cooperation with parents we organized project activities on the topic: “A road without danger!”

Social significance of the project:

Children will develop knowledge about the street and its accompanying concepts, as well as knowledge of the rules of conduct on city roads, and their cognitive interest will increase. The ability to navigate the city streets will be developed, and cognitive interest will increase. Ideas will be formed and knowledge will be consolidated about the variety of modes of transport and vehicles, as well as pedestrian crossings and road signs. The desire to follow these rules and involve parents in this will be instilled. Children will develop a correct understanding of the importance of traffic rules, their place as a road user, and will develop the skills and abilities necessary for this.

Activities carried out within the framework of the project:

Day Mode Activities and cultural practices Cooperation with parents
Monday Morning Conversation: “What I saw on the street when I went to kindergarten”
Goal: expand knowledge about the culture of behavior on the street; develop attention and observation.
Examination of plot pictures on the topic: “Road participants”
Reading: A. Ivanov “How inseparable friends crossed the road” Questioning parents on traffic rules

OOD Speech development (integrated lesson)
Topic: “Rules of behavior on the street”
Goal: to consolidate the rules of behavior on the street; teach to follow traffic rules; convince children to develop positive habits to follow the rules of safe behavior.
Walk Observation of passers-by crossing the roadway. Note that people obey traffic rules.
Goal: to develop the ability to cross the road, a culture of behavior on the street.
P/i "Nimble Pedestrian"
Goal: learn to coordinate movements with each other; strengthen the ability to cross the road.
Evening D/and “Native Street”
Goal: create conditions for a gaming environment, establish interaction between those who have chosen certain roles, and reinforce traffic rules.
Making attributes for games: steering wheels, baton, traffic lights, etc.
Goal: to develop attentiveness, accuracy, and the ability to negotiate.
S/r game “DPS”: plot “Pedestrians and Drivers”
Goal: to consolidate the ability to navigate in a traffic environment.

Tuesday Morning Conversation about transport, about the work of the driver.
Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about vehicles, to replenish their active vocabulary with the names of cars, and to talk about the work of a driver.
D/i “Where do the little animals play?”
Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the dangers of playing near the roadway, to teach them to anticipate danger in a given situation.
Work in the book corner: designing an exhibition of books on traffic rules.
Goal: to teach the ability to select books on a given topic: to develop thinking and aesthetic feelings. Individual conversation: “How to teach a child the rules of behavior on the street.”

OOD Cognitive development. Development of mathematical concepts.
Topic: “Orientation in space”
Goal: to consolidate the ability to navigate in space using the words “right”, “left”, “above”, “below”, “between”; practice measuring length using a measuring stick; practice counting.
Walk Observation of transport.
Goal: to develop the ability to distinguish between passenger and freight transport; consolidate knowledge about traffic rules; develop respect for people of different professions.
P/n “Stop, car!”
Purpose: to practice reaction speed, to consolidate the names of vehicles.
Evening S/r game “Car Show”.
Goal: to teach children to write a description of cars according to the plan proposed by the teacher; cultivate cultural communication skills and develop speech.
Learning the rhyme: “Stop the car, stop the engine!”
Game situation: “You entered the bus”
Goal: to develop thinking, speech, and the ability to behave culturally in a given situation.

Wednesday Morning Conversation - story: “Road Signs”
Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about prohibiting, permitting and service signs; teach children to navigate the road using road signs; develop mindfulness.
Looking at a thematic album with road signs.
Goal: expand knowledge about signs, their classification and purpose; develop mindfulness.
D/i "Important signs - road signs."
Goal: to consolidate knowledge about road signs, their names, the ability to navigate traffic conditions using road signs; develop memory and attention. Competition: “Best road sign” (made with a child)
OOD Artistic and Aesthetic Development. Application.
Topic: “Cars driving down the street” (team work)
Goal: to teach children to convey the shape and relative positions of parts of different machines; consolidate various techniques of cutting, neat gluing; develop teamwork skills.
Walk Observation: “Road signs and markings”
Goal: to teach children to identify signs, to reason why a given sign is needed here, what would happen if it did not exist; develop children's thinking, memory, speech.
P/n “You’re big, I’m small”
Goal: to develop careful behavior on the street and roadway using traffic rules.
Evening S/r game “At a traffic stop”
Goal: consolidate knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the street, in public transport; teach how to treat each other politely.
Reading: S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa is a policeman”
Examining and coloring road signs.
Purpose: to establish the rules for crossing the roadway, the dangers of playing near the road; develop fine motor skills of the hands.
Thursday Morning Conversation - analysis of situations:
"Smeshariki on a walk around the city."
Watching a cartoon
Goal: to teach children to analyze situations; establish rules of behavior on the street; develop speech.
Reading: V. Suslov “His signal is the law for everyone”
Educational game “Learning road signs”
Goal: to consolidate the ability to select the appropriate sign for a given situation, knowledge of road signs; develop attention. Involving parents in accompanying their children on a targeted walk to the traffic light.
OOD Social and communicative development.
Topic: “Traffic light operation”
Goal: to continue to improve children’s ability to describe objects according to their characteristics: shape, size, material, function, purpose; consolidate children's knowledge about traffic lights; cultivate discipline.
Walk Observation of vehicles passing by.
Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about transport and its classification.
P/i “We’re going - we’re going by car”
Goal: to consolidate knowledge about traffic lights.
P/i "Crossroads"
Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about the intersection; strengthen children's ability to understand the rules of crossing streets and intersections.
Evening Learning pure sayings about traffic rules.
Goal: to develop the ability to clearly pronounce sounds.
S/r game "Bus"
Goal: to reinforce the rules of behavior on the bus, when entering and exiting it; clarify ideas about the work of the driver and conductor; teach a culture of communication.
Listening and comparing musical works: “Song of the red traffic light”, “Song of the yellow traffic light”, “Song of the green traffic light” music. T. Chudovoy, lyrics. G. Georgieva
Friday Morning Teacher's story: “What kinds of cars are there?”
Purpose: to give children an idea of ​​special-purpose machines; learn to identify such machines and their significance.
Guessing riddles about transport.
Goal: to activate thinking processes, develop memory, attentiveness; cultivate intelligence.
D/i "Smart machines"
Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about transport; develop ingenuity and quick thinking; cultivate a desire to comply with traffic rules in life.
Providing assistance in the production of a little book about traffic rules.
OOD Artistic and Aesthetic Development.
Drawing (by design)
Topic: "Traffic rules"
Goal: to develop creativity, imaginative thinking, imagination of children; teach them to think about the content of their work, remembering what interesting things they saw, talked about, read.
Walk Observe a special vehicle (fire truck or ambulance or police car).
Goal: expand children's knowledge about the role of special machines; strengthen the ability to identify machine parts; cultivate curiosity.
P/i “We are drivers”
Goal: to continue to develop the motor activity of children; encourage the desire to reflect in the game knowledge about the work of adults.

Evening D/and “Who can name the most cars”
Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about cars (trucks, cars, special ones); develop memory; replenish children's vocabulary with new words.
Reading: B. Zakhoder “Chauffeur”
S/r game “Pedestrians and Drivers”
Goal: consolidate knowledge of traffic lights; clarify knowledge about road signs and markings; cultivate a culture of behavior on the road.
Final event Sports entertainment: “Secrets of the road alphabet”
Goal: to contribute to the generalization of parents' knowledge about the features of teaching children the rules of safe behavior for children on the road.
Objective: to consolidate children’s knowledge of traffic rules. To develop parents’ readiness to cooperate with teachers to develop children’s skills for safe behavior on the street.

Thematic week dedicated to traffic rules in the preparatory group "Droplets"



Vorobyova M.V.

Turchenko O.V.

Explanatory note.

According to statistics, tens of thousands of traffic accidents involving children and adolescents occur annually on the roads of our country. That is why road traffic injuries remain a priority problem for society, requiring solutions with everyone’s participationteachers, parents and children.

Every adult should know the rules of the road for pedestrians and raise disciplined pedestrians in their children. After all, the rules of the road are the same for children and adults.

Therefore, the main task of parents and teachers is to clearly explain the rules to the child, and when choosing forms of education, to convey to children the meaning and the danger of non-compliance with the rules, without distorting their content.

It is important thatIt was during the transition from kindergarten to school that the child could easily navigate the immediate spatial environment, was able to observe and correctly assess road situations, and had the skills to behave safely in these situations.

Target: Systematize children's knowledge of traffic rules, instill skills of correct behavior on city streets, in the yard and public transport, observe and consciously implement traffic rules.


    cultivate a conscious attitude towards compliance with traffic rules;

    to develop a culture of behavior and road ethics in traffic conditions.

    develop motivation for safe behavior;

    develop in preschoolers the ability to navigate traffic situations;

    to develop skills of self-esteem, self-analysis of one’s behavior on the street and in transport.

    develop personal qualities - independence, responsibility, activity, accuracy.

    teach basic traffic rules;

    teach correct behavior on the streets, using the knowledge gained on this issue;

    to develop in preschoolers stable skills in observing and following traffic rules (traffic rules);


Topic: Transport.

Conversationabout transport, about the work of a driver.

Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about vehicles, to replenish their active vocabulary with the names of cars, to talk about the work of a road driver.

Didactic game"The Fourth Wheel"

Name an unnecessary road user: truck, house, ambulance, snowplow.

Name an extra means of transport: a car, a truck, a bus, a baby stroller.

Name a means of transport that is not public transport: bus, tram, truck, trolleybus.

Outdoor game:"Colored Cars"

Role-playing game "Car Showroom".

Goal: to teach children to write descriptions of cars, using the plan proposed by the teacher, to develop cultural communication skills, and to activate their vocabulary.

Looking and coloringimages of various vehicles. Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the variety of vehicles, to consolidate the general concept of “transport”.

Game "You can't - you can"

Reading: Ryzhova E. "Big City Transport".


Topic: "Traffic light".

Conversation: about the traffic light, its purpose, the meaning of the signals.Didactic game "Traffic Light"(attention)

Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about the purpose of a traffic light, its signals, children’s ideas about colors (red, yellow, green).

“Memorizing the poem by R. Farhadi “At any intersection we are met by a traffic light.” Children compose stories “What I saw on the street when I went to kindergarten.”

Goal: to cultivate a positive attitude towards compliance with traffic rules, to develop memory; develop the ability to use the most common adjectives in speech.

gaming Independent activity:game "Let's build a street."

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the roadway and traffic lights. Learn to “drive” cars without colliding with each other.

Outdoor game: “Stop, car!”

Purpose: to practice reaction speed, to consolidate the names of vehicles.

Story-based role-playing game“On the roads of the city” Purpose: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules of the road, to introduce them to a new role - a traffic controller,educate youlaugh, be patient, pay attention on the road.

Design of a corner according to traffic regulations.

Goal: to teach the ability to select books and games on relevant topics, to develop thinking and an aesthetic sense when designing an exhibition.

Reading: A. Severny “Traffic Light”, B. Zhitkov “Traffic Light”


Topic: “Pedestrians-passengers (intersection, underpass, pedestrian crossing, sidewalk and roadway)”

Conversation about the rules of behavior in public transport.

Goal: to teach children to observe basic rules of behavior in public transport, to give an idea of ​​why this is necessary.

Game "Go around the transport correctly"

Look carefully at the picture. Why do you think, when crossing the road, the bus and trolleybus go around behind, and the tram - in front? Follow the clues to find the correct cards. (Funny pictures and entertaining cards will help you get acquainted with the rules of the road in a playful way).

Word game.

Clap your hands when you hear a word related to a traffic light. Explain the choice of each word: three eyes, standing on the street, red light, standing at home, intersection, blue light, one leg, yellow light, pedestrian assistant.

Clap your hands when you hear a word that refers to a passenger. Explain your choice: bus, route, stop, road, swimming, reading, sleeping, ticket, conductor, plane flight, pedestrian, seat, cabin, bed.

Independent artistic activity:creating illustrations for the design of a little book about traffic rules as a gift to Dunno.

Goal: to develop in children the ability to convey their impressions received earlier, to cultivate independence in creating an image.

Outdoor game: “Pedestrians and cars” (walking in a given direction)

Goal: continue to teach children to act in accordance with a signal and develop attention.

Role-playing game “Bus”, “Chauffeurs”

Reading: V. Timofeev “For pedestrians.”

Guessing riddles.


Topic: “Road signs.”

Conversation "Your helpers on the road"

Goal: to give children an idea that there are prohibitory and permissive signs, to familiarize them with the signs “Pedestrian crossing”, “Children”, “Public transport stop”, etc. that are understandable to children.

Lotto "Road signs"

Goal: consolidate knowledge about road signs and their names; develop attention and memory.

Game "Find out the road sign"

Large and small colored cards are mixed on the table. Large cards have colored outlines of road signs. On small cards there are missing fragments of signs. The child chooses any large card. He must then select and overlay each image of the large card with a small card to create an existing road sign.

Artistic creativity: drawing.

Topic: “Create a road sign.”

Goal: to convey to children that every sign warns road users about something, to develop children’s imagination.

Outdoor game: “Bus”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to move in pairs, in coordination, on a signal

Outdoor game “Find your place” (with signs, with traffic lights)

Role-playing game “On the streets of the city” and “Outside the city”

Goal: to strengthen children’s skills of safe behavior on the street, to develop the ability to use buildings made of building material in play. Attach road signs - railway crossing with a barrier, and without a barrier.

Guessing riddles according to traffic rules.

Friday.Final lesson."UNKNOW IN THE CITY"

Program content:

1. Consolidate children’s knowledge: about road markings, types of pedestrian crossings, warning actions (road works, children): prohibiting actions (pedestrian traffic is prohibited, bicycle traffic is prohibited); information and signposts (bus stop, tram stop).
2. To develop monologue (story based on a picture) and dialogic (children’s answers with common sentences) speech of children, expressiveness of speech.
3. Foster a desire to comply with traffic rules.

Activating the dictionary: Roadway, dividing strip, sidewalk, passengers, pedestrians, underground passage, zebra crossing, public transport, special transport.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the city, observation of transport. Examination of the picture, didactic games and role-playing games (driver and pedestrians) according to traffic rules. Learning poetry. Reading works on the topic of traffic rules.

Lesson equipment: Painting “Street of our city”, pictures depicting vehicles. Didactic game “Assemble a traffic light”, road signs, audio recording.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator : Guys, today we will remember the rules of the road.
- Tell me, what is the name of our city? - Tell me, what is there in our city? (Streets, squares, parks, schools, kindergartens, shops).
- Guys, our city is big and there are many streets and avenues. Which ones do you know?

(Knock on the door, Dunno appears).

Educator : Guys, a guest has arrived from a fabulous flower city. Do you recognize our guest? Who is this?.. Dunno is embarrassed and upset about something.

Dunno :
Finding yourself in a big and noisy city,
I was confused, I was lost...
Without knowing the traffic lights,
Almost got hit by a car!

There are cars and trams all around,
Then suddenly a bus is on the way.
To be honest, I don't know
Where should I cross the road?

Guys, can you help me?
And, if possible, tell me
How to cross the road
So as not to get run over by a tram!

Educator : Our guys are already familiar with the most important rules of the road. They, Dunno, will tell you and show you how to behave on the streets of a big city. Let's help Dunno?...Sit down and listen.
- Let's look at this picture.

1. child : (shows in the picture) The picture shows a street in our city. The roadway of the street is divided by a dividing strip. Cars do not cross a solid dividing line; only a broken line can be crossed. In these places, cars change lanes from one part of the road to another.

2. child: (shows in the picture) Pedestrians walk along the sidewalks. You can cross the street at a zebra crossing or through an underground passage. In front of the underground passage there is a sign indicating the underground passage.
" Zebra " S. Mikhalkov.
This should be clear to everyone!
Even those who go to nursery
To everyone who lives in the city:
Transitions are not risky
Only where they are drawn
Zebras have white stripes.
And on the arrow “Transition”

3. child: (shows in the picture) The picture shows a traffic light. The red light is on - there is no passage. After the red light, the yellow light turns on and all drivers get ready to continue on their way. The vehicles will start moving when the light turns green.
"Traffic light"
At the crossroads of two roads
Stands in heat, hail, and ice
Unusual guard
Keeps the peace here.
He has three eyes
Everyone gives us a message.
If the red light is on,
The path is closed to vehicles.
Don't let the driver go
Yield to the pedestrian.
The yellow light is on second,
He tells us to get ready.
And the green light is on -
There is no way for pedestrians.
This light calls:
All drivers - go ahead!
This is how our hero is,
Good, honest guard!

Outdoor game “Assemble a traffic light”

The teacher suggests dividing into two teams. A girls team and a boys team. Whose team will be the fastest to assemble a traffic light from parts?

4. child (shows in the picture) The picture shows: passenger, cargo, public and special (fire truck, ambulance, police car) transport. This sign indicates that travel is permitted straight and to the right.
Educator: Do you think the residents of our city walk everywhere or do we have public transport?.. What kind of public transport runs in our city?.. (tram, bus, gazelle) Listen to the riddle:

The house is walking down the street
Takes everyone to work
Not on chicken thin legs,
And in rubber boots (Bus)

Who does the bus transport?.. Where do people wait for its arrival?.. What are the names of those who travel on the bus?.. And when people walk, what are they called?..

Didactic game “Modes of Transport”

Educator: Each of you has a picture of a vehicle under your chair. Take and carefully look at your pictures and think about what type of transport what is depicted there refers to.
Come to me, those who have a picture of a passenger mode of transport. Name them.
Now who has a cargo mode of transport? Name them.
Who has a special type of transport? Name them.

Outdoor game "Cars on the city streets"

Children (cars) walk in a group (in a circle) following traffic light signs. Red light - they stand still, yellow - they walk in place, green - they walk around the group.

Educator: (There are road signs at the edges of the group.) Now each of you, in turn, will go up to any sign, name and explain what kind of road sign it is. Well, Dunno, you remember what the kids told you. Do you already know how to behave correctly on the street? Dunno: Yes, I remember what you told me today in class. I even remembered riddles about traffic rules. Guess!..

The red carriage is running along the rails,
He will quickly get everyone where they need to go.
Children like its jingling sound.
So what do we wear around the city? (Tram)

Top yellow
Bottom blue,
There is a star on his chest,
And above it there are air lines
Wires stretched. (Trolleybus)

To help you
The path is dangerous
Burns day and night
Green, yellow, red. (Traffic light)

This kind of sign is
He is on guard for the pedestrian.
We move on with the doll together.
We're on our way to this place. (Crosswalk)

You know so much and know how to apply your knowledge, I want to give you coloring books “Types of Transport” (gives). Goodbye! (leaves)

Educator: Guys, what did you like most about our lesson? (children’s answers with analysis of actions in the lesson)

Working with parents.

Setting up a traffic rules corner in the locker room.

Consultation on the topic:"Baby car seat".

It is difficult to argue that for parents there is nothing more important than the safety of their child. And staying safe on the road is doubly important. Therefore, having a car restraint system (in other words, a car seat) in your car is extremely important and saving in this case is simply unacceptable and sometimes even fatal.
Choose the right and high-quality It’s not very simple, but if you know a few simple rules, it will become much easier to decide.
Firstly, of course, when choosing a chair, the age of your baby is taken into account. There are several categories of these restraints intended for children of different ages: from 0 to 12 years (according to the current law, it is up to this age that drivers are required to transport children in special restraints)
A group of car seats designed for the youngest passengers aged 0 to 1 year, designed for a weight of no more than 12-13 kg. Such models can take a position not only half-sitting, but also lying down. For safety reasons, they are installed against the movement of the car. You can, as an option, consider restraint devices such as a car seat. They are installed along the back seat of the car and are intended for babies up to six months. But when choosing this restraint device, you should remember that its safety is relative. Most enterprises producing infant carriers have abandoned their production, since the possibility of injury to a child in a seat is very high, which has been proven by numerous tests.
The devices in the next group are intended for children aged 1 to 4 years. In this case, the minimum weight of the child is 9 kg, and the maximum should not exceed 18 kg.
The third group of seats is convenient because it can carry a child, both a newborn and a fairly adult one (up to 4 years old), that is, you don’t have to think about replacing the child restraint once again, and also allow you to save a certain amount of money. It can be installed both against the direction of the car and in the direction of the car, which depends on the age of your child.
The two remaining groups of seats are intended for children aged 3 to 7 years (about 15-25 kg) and from 6 to 12 years (22-36 kg). They are installed in the direction of travel of the car.
There are also car seats that combine qualities that allow them to be used for both a one-year-old baby and a twelve-year-old child. The fact is that they are equipped with adjustable straps, a high back and side fastenings, so they can be easily adjusted to suit the age of your child. By the way, make sure that your car restraint system is certified.
Such devices will help you and your child not only in the event of an accident. Be careful and do not forget about the safety of your children.

Gulia Kadaeva
Calendar and thematic planning on the topic “Rules and road safety” senior group

Subject: « Road rules and safety»

Target: Systematization of children’s knowledge about the structure of the street, about traffic.


Educational: Clarifying children's knowledge about the elements roads(roadway, pedestrian crossing, sidewalk, o traffic, about the operation of the traffic light. Familiarization with the names of the streets closest to the kindergarten and the streets where children live.

Developmental road;

Educating: Foster a culture of behavior on the street and in public transport.

Final event: Meeting with the traffic police inspector,

Entertainment "Journey to the Country road signs»

Educator: Kadaeva G. N.

Cognizant. development

Physical development

Reception of children.

Conversation on topic"Journey Down the Street"

Target: Expand children’s knowledge about the street, be able to find similarities and differences between the street and Expensive. Nurture skills proper behavior on the street.

Ind. Job:Didactic game "Building a street"

Target: To consolidate and expand children’s knowledge about the construction profession. Consolidate knowledge about Traffic rules. Cultivate curiosity and interest in the world around you. (A, I, E)

Morning exercises.

Duty in a natural area. Organize watering indoor plants

Target: Formation of children's skills Right and water indoor plants in a timely manner, determine the amount of water the plant needs.

Add for role-playing game "Traffic light"

Attributes: road signs, policeman's cap; layout of an intersection with transport, pedestrians, (dolls). Circles of three colors (red, yellow, green, indicating the colors of the traffic light.

Interaction with parents when receiving and leaving children home - individual conversations and consultations.


Speech development

Cognizant. development

Physical development

Plant observations.

Target: Invite children to find the first signs of autumn, name the most beautiful trees and bushes.

Ind. Job:"Be careful".

Target: Develop coordination movements, attention.

(N, L, R, A)

Base a game "Colored Cars"

Target: To train children in the ability to respond to color, develop attention, consolidate Traffic Laws.

Work while walking: help for adults.

Target: To form in children the desire to maintain cleanliness and order in the area.

Remote material: colored steering wheels, colored circles.

Work before bed

Social -com. development

Cognizant. development

Communication situation “What do you need to know if you are alone on the street?”

Target: Develop caution, attentiveness, independence, responsibility and prudence in road.


Story by B. Zhitkov "Traffic light"


Physical development

Speech development

Cognizant. development


Conversation "Traffic light"

Target: Fix the types of traffic lights, the installation location of each type (three-color, two-color) traffic lights and purpose. Give an idea that special vehicles can pass through a red traffic light. Teach children not only to know the hidden danger, but also to anticipate it and be able to use it

Reproduction of artistic literature:

Poem by S. Marshak "Bus number twenty-six"

Target: Foster a culture of behavior in public transport.

"Star" UFA "KITAP" 1997 pp. 44-45

Ind. slave: D/i "Fold road sign» .

(And, And) Role-playing game "Traffic light"

Target: Expand knowledge about traffic rules;

Learn to distinguish road signs(previous,

locking, unlocking) intended for the driver and pedestrian.


Social -com. development

Physical development

Observation "What do we see on road

Playing out situations involving crossing the roadway.

Outdoor games: "Pedestrians and cars"

Target: Consolidation with children traffic rules.

Independent motor activity.

Traffic light. B. Zhitkov.

We stopped and all the other cars stopped and the tram stopped. I asked:

Mom explained:

Over there, do you see the red flashlight?

This is a traffic light. I saw a flashlight on the wire above the street. It glowed red.

How long will we stand?

No. Now they will pass, who needs to cross the street, and we will go.

And everyone looked at the red flashlight. Suddenly it lit up yellow, and then green. And off we went.

Then once again a red flashlight was burning on the street. I already knew why it was burning, and shouted:

Uncle, stop! Red fire!

The driver stopped the car, looked back and speaks:

And you're great!

We stopped again, but there was no light at all. Only I saw a tall policeman in a white cap and a white jacket. He raised his hand up. When he waved his hand, we drove off.


Social -com. development

Speech development

Cognizant. development

Physical development

Reception of children.

Conversation "ABOUT traffic rules»

Target: Consolidate knowledge of traffic rules.

Ind. Job: Didactic game "Guess the transport"

Target: to consolidate children’s ideas about transport, the ability to describe (riddle) recognize objects; develop speech activity.

(V, A, A. Sh.)

Morning exercises.

Deposit for the game "Our street" attributes: road signs.

Folder folder « Road safety» .


Speech development

Cognizant. development

Physical development

Weather observation.

Target: Invite children to describe the weather, talk about wind, precipitation, and the sun. Help write short stories about who likes what kind of weather.

Outdoor game"Stop - Go"

Preparing for the game:

Children players are located on one side of the site, and the driver with a pedestrian traffic light in his hands is located on the other.

Independent play activity.

Remote material: balls, steering wheels.

Work before bed

Social -com. development

Cognizant. development

Creating a problem situation "If You're Lost"

Target: introduce children to rules behavior in the current situation.

Physical development

Speech development

Cognizant. development

Gymnastics after sleep. Walking around the massage rooms paths.

Conversation: « Rules of behavior on the street»

Target: Pin street rules. Teach to comply safety rules behavior during independent driving on the road. Convince children of the need to develop positive habits of doing rules of safe behavior on the road.

Examination of illustrations and reproductions about the culture of behavior on the street.

Ind. Job: Didactic game « Behave properly on the street»

(thinking, memory)

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about traffic rules for pedestrians, cultivate respect and desire to fulfill them.

Looking at illustrations, albums, photos with views of your native village.

(Aelita, Valeria, Julia)

A game "Guess the transport".

The goal of the game is to consolidate ideas about transport, develop thinking and speech activity.

Independent games.

Sedentary game"Our street".

Target: Consolidation road signs and compliance traffic rules.


Social -com. development

Physical development

Observation of inanimate nature.

Tasks. Determine what the weather is like today, note the signs of early autumn.

Target: Fostering independence, encouraging friendly relationships

A game "Bus"

Target: Consolidation rules behavior of passengers on the bus, continue to introduce the profession of driver, conductor, play with various situations: a woman with a child, an elderly man, etc. got on the bus.



Cognizant. development

Physical development

Social -com. development

Reception of children.

Conversation on topic: « Rules passage of the roadway, traffic on the street»

Target: consolidate the ability to cross the roadway along transition: look left- right, if you don’t have time to cross, stop at the dividing line. Strengthen the ability to walk group. To give an idea that it is necessary to walk along the street right side, outside populated areas only with adults, along the edge of the roadside, towards traffic. Foster a culture of crossing the roadway.

Ind. Job: Didactic games: "Traffic light"

Give children an idea of ​​the purpose of a traffic light and its signals.

(red, yellow, green).

(F, D, R)

Morning exercises.

Creating conditions for independent play.

Add coloring pages based on theme.


Speech development

Cognizant. development

Physical development

Observation: soil in early autumn.

Target: Expand and clarify children’s ideas about nature. Discuss with children why trees need soil, bushes, herbs, flowers; help remember that plants get moisture and nutrients from the soil. Pay attention to the fact that with the onset of autumn the soil becomes colder and damper.

Outdoor game“A tirk, kk tirk”.

Target: Improve running technique with changes driving directions; develop friendly relationships with peers. To develop in children the ability to comply rules of the game, develop dexterity, ability to concentrate, coordination movements.

Ind. slave. “Think - guess”

Target: activate the processes of thinking, attention and speech of children; clarify the idea of ​​transport and traffic rules; cultivate intelligence and resourcefulness. ()

Work assignments: sweeping asphalt tracks.

Target: Encourage children’s desire to maintain order on the site, help organize work, and select equipment. Learn to comply rules of personal hygiene and safety at work.

Independent play activity.

Remote material: crayons (for drawing signs traffic)

Work before bed

Social -com. development

Cognizant. development

Strengthen the skill of neatly folding clothes.

Situational conversation “Why are trees, bushes, fences standing near the roadway dangerous?”

Physical development

Speech development

Cognizant. development

Gymnastics after sleep.

Walking on massage paths.

Conversation on topic: "I am a pedestrian".

Target street rules, invite the children to tell them how pedestrians should act in various situations.

Ind. Job. Didactic a game: "Guess what sign"

Purpose of the game: Teach children to distinguish road signs. Strengthen children's knowledge about traffic rules. Develop the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Independent activities of children.

Role-playing game “Aigul is coming to visit”

Target: Build skills safe behavior on the road, consolidate the names of some types of transport, consolidate the concept « road» "sidewalk", "roadway", their purpose, clarify the presentation of the traffic light, pedestrian crossing and their purpose.


Social -com. development

Cognizant. development

Physical development

Observation “What has changed on the street?”

Target: To develop in children the ability to identify changes that have occurred in the garden area since the last observation, to convey the results of observation in speech.

Independent activities of children

Target. Fostering independence, encouraging friendly relationships

Morning: Social -com. development

Cognizant. development

Physical development

Reception of children.

Conversation "Dangers on the street and in the yard".

Target: Teach children to respond quickly in emergency situations.

To form public consciousness of a civic position about the dangers of road, in the children's park and near the house. To cultivate in children attention, sensitivity, responsiveness, and the ability to help others.

Ind. Job: Did. a game "City streets"

Target: Clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about street rules, O traffic rules, about different types of vehicles.

Material: street layout; trees; cars; pedestrian dolls; traffic light; road signs.)

Morning exercises.

Canteen duty.

Target: To develop the ability to conscientiously perform the duties of canteen attendants.

Creating conditions for a role-playing game "Builders": plot “We are building a multi-storey building”.

Target: Teach children to collectively build buildings necessary for the game, and to carry out their plans together. Fostering respect for the work of builders.

Consultation on Traffic rules"Parents, be careful!"


Speech development

Cognizant. development

Physical development

Observing plants in a flower garden.

Target: Invite children to find familiar flowers, name them, compare them with each other, remember what they were like in the summer, tell what they became like in the fall.

Outdoor game"Traffic light"

(small mobility)

Target: consolidate children’s understanding of the purpose of a traffic light and its signals.

Individual work Game exercise "Jump to the flag".

Target: Exercise children in jumping and running; teach to observe rules of the game.)

Independent play activity.

Work before bed

Social -com. development

Speech development

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: rules using a comb.

Target: Invite children to remember the relevant rules(everyone should have their own comb, it should lie in a certain place, use it in a timely manner, and take care of your appearance). Systematize and supplement children's answers.

Physical development

Cognizant. development

Social -com. development

Conversation on life safety at topic"We learn to observe Traffic Laws» .

Target: Discuss with children why a traffic light or a pedestrian crossing sign is needed, offer to explain why it is necessary to strictly follow rules, go the road in the designated areas.

Ind. Job: Did. lotto game according to traffic rules "Learn to be a pedestrian"

Target: Continue to introduce children to rules for safe behavior on the street.

Consolidate knowledge road signs required for pedestrians.

Role-playing game "Firefighters".

Target: To develop in children the ability to use substitute objects in play, to teach them to reflect the work of adults in play, to convey relationships between people.


Social -com. development

Cognizant. development

Physical development

Observation: trees in autumn.

Target: Clarify children’s ideas about the main parts of a tree (trunk, branches, leaves, practice distinguishing leaves by color, size, shape.

Outdoor games: "Traffic light"

Target: Consolidation of knowledge traffic rules.

Independent games.


Social -com. development

Cognizant. development

Physical development

Speech development

Reception of children.

Conversation « Safety on the street» .

Target: to replenish children’s knowledge about the culture of behavior in the yard, when walking along the sidewalk. Examination of illustrations on the topic.

Ind. Job: Didactic a game: "Red and Green"

Target: Teach children to establish connections between objects and phenomena, to act on a signal.

Materials for the game: Two mugs (green and red, typewriter.)

Morning exercises.

Working in a corner of nature: plant care.

Target: In the process of caring for plants, tell children that the growth and development of plants depend not only on the presence of objective conditions - sunlight, heat, moisture, soil quality, but also on caring for them. Develop skills in watering plants and loosening the soil.) Create conditions for role-playing games "Drivers and pedestrians".

Attributes: steering wheels, road signs.

Individual consultation upon request. (To all parents)


Speech development

Cognizant. development

Physical development

Observation: soil condition.

Target: Invite children to examine the surface of the earth in the kindergarten area, pay attention to its heterogeneity, teach them to distinguish and name the composition of the soil (rocky, clayey, sandy, black soil).

Ind. Job: Didactic game "Traffic light".

Goals: Give children an idea of ​​the purpose of a traffic light and its signals.

Continue to reinforce children’s ideas about color (red, yellow, green).)

Outdoor game: "Sly Fox"

Target: Exercise children in running, agility, cunning, and ingenuity.

Independent play activity.

Remote material: Colored cardboard mugs (red, yellow, green); traffic light layout.

Work before bed

Social -com. development

Reproduction of artistic literature:

S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa is a policeman”.

Physical development

Cognizant. development

Social -com. development

Gymnastics after sleep. Hardening procedures.

Conversation: "Know and do traffic rules» .

Target: Expand children’s understanding of safe behavior on city streets; consolidate knowledge about traffic rules and purpose road signs

Ind. Job: Didactic a game: "Fold the picture".

Target: consolidate knowledge about rules behavior during a fire. Develop imagination, logical thinking, fine motor skills. Cultivate perseverance.)

Independent games for children.

Role-playing game "Drivers and pedestrians". Target: Develop creative imagination and game design, based on acquired knowledge of PPD.


Social -com. development

Physical development

Outdoor game: "Ak tirek, kuktirek"

Target: develop the ability to act quickly on a signal, speed, attention.

Independent games for children.

Nadezhda Boxgorn

Teaching traffic rules in kindergarten is a vital necessity, therefore various activities on traffic rules are always relevant in preschool educational institutions. After all, in kindergarten, a child not only learns the basic rules of the road, but also learns the most important rules of safe behavior on the road.

In accordance with the annual and work plan and long-term work plan for the partial program "Safety" Avdeeva N.N., Knyazeva O.L., Sterkina R.B. for the 2017-2018 academic year and in order to improve the safety of children in the MKDOU "Kireevsky d/s "Firefly" was held from September 25 to 29, 2017 a week road safety.

The main purpose of weeks security is the formation

skills for safe behavior on the roads, adaptation of children to the transport environment.

Our kindergarten has developed a system for the prevention of road traffic injuries and for preschoolers to learn the rules of the road alphabet, which are considered as an integral part of educating the child’s general culture. It is important to note that not only teachers and students are involved in this process, but also parents. Problem solving weeks security was carried out through the following forms of work. Creating conditions in subject-development environment: selection of methodological and didactic material, updating the card index of games on traffic rules, replenishing the security center with costumes for role-playing games, game sets. The teachers prepared a variety of didactic and desktop-printed materials. games: "Repair the traffic light", “It’s possible - it’s not possible”, “Name the transport”, "Play and dare" etc., conducted a variety of outdoor games "Sparrows and the car", "Colored Cars", "Pedestrians and Drivers", "Red, yellow green". Reinforced the rules of behavior in transport and on the road, acting out various problem situations through role-playing games "Family. Let's go for a ride in the park", “Chauffeurs. Let's go on an excursion". The children also enjoyed watching cartoons "Traffic light", “Where to ride?”, "The most terrible cars", "Dancing Men" a series "Road ABC", under the guidance of teachers, they played interactive games on laptops.

Specially organized educational play sessions, conversations, observing traffic, looking at illustrations, books, albums, drawings of streets, reading fiction, memorizing proverbs and sayings; solving riddles and crosswords. During this time, thematic conversations were held with the children about the rules of the road. movement: “Rules of behavior on the road, in transport, on the street”, “So that trouble does not happen”, "Safety on the street", "Road signs", "Vehicles" etc. Literary works were read, an exhibition of books on this topic was organized, illustrations to them were carefully examined and analyzed (Druzhinina M. "Our friend the traffic light"; "Rules of behavior on the street"; "Rules of cycling"; Ivanov A. "The ABCs of Security"; Krivitskaya A. "Secrets of Road Signs", Seryakov I. "The street is full of surprises", Mikhalkov S. "Uncle Styopa - traffic light". Consultations for parents on the topic of safe road traffic were presented at group information stands. Preventive safety issues were covered at parent meetings. A special invited guest was the traffic police inspector, who once again told the children about the rules of behavior on the road and the places designated for games. The event concluded "To the Land of Traffic Lights", where children showed their knowledge and skills regarding traffic rules.

Throughout weeks We tried to convey to every child that every road user, both adults and children, is obliged to follow the established rules, and also formed in children the necessary ideas, skills and habits of safe behavior on the streets and roads.

Summing up the results weeks on the prevention of children's road injuries at the Kireevsky Children's Institution "Firefly", you can do the following conclusions: all events were carried out in full, according to plan, at a fairly high level and served as the basis for further motivation of preschoolers to learn the rules of safe behavior on the road. The variety of forms allowed children to show their activity and creativity. Each educational activity contained both educational and entertaining material.

Using non-traditional forms of work, more and more parents of our kindergarten are becoming active participants in the prevention of children's road traffic injuries. Only in the close collaboration of preschool educational institutions and families will we be able to expand children’s understanding and develop in them solid skills in the rules of safe and cultural behavior on the streets and roads of the city, in public and personal transport.

Thus, a week road safety in kindergarten was purposeful, planned and effective.

Publications on the topic:

“Soon to school” - report on the thematic week of the preparatory group Valentina Voronina “Soon to school” - photo report about the thematic week 12 tips for parents of future first-graders Back to school soon. This one.

Photo report of artistic creativity on the theme week “Feathered Neighbors and Friends” in a mixed-age group. Good day,.

Report on traffic rules activities Game-lesson on traffic rules Topic: “Travel to the country of Traffic Lights” (Participants: pupils of the second junior group) Prepared and conducted.

From March 13 to March 17, 2017, “Psychology Week” was held in the kindergarten. The purpose of this week: to provide psychological and pedagogical support.


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