How long after eating can you bathe your baby? Why you can't bathe your baby on Sunday

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Hello, dear readers, Lena Zhabinskaya is with you.

As a responsible mother of two little ones, I have already visited the doctor's office countless times for vaccination purposes. Every time after the procedure I heard the same thing: don’t bathe, don’t go for walks, give me an antipyretic, give me an antihistamine.

At those moments, I had no time at all to find out and argue what explains such recommendations, who, when and why came up with them, and most importantly, in what official document are they contained?

In my opinion, they are completely unfounded and do not withstand the slightest criticism of common sense.

But first things first. For example, today we will figure out whether it is possible to bathe a child after vaccination.

Based on the results of a survey of doctors I know and studying materials on the Internet, I came to the conclusion that the main reasons for the ban are the following:

  1. Allegedly, the wound left after the injection may become infected from the tap water.
  2. Allegedly, the child will come out after a bath and catch a cold.
  3. Allegedly, the water will cause irritation at the injection site, and the baby will begin to scratch it.

When I read the first reason, I can’t help but imagine an open wound and a pond of stagnant water. Probably, these two circumstances, and even then not in one hundred percent of cases, can, purely hypothetically, lead to some kind of infection.

But in our case, we are dealing with special thin needles, after which not a trace remains of the injection within a couple of hours. Especially in children, in whom healing processes generally occur very quickly.

Needless to say, if the vaccine was given in the morning, by the evening there can be no talk of any hole in the skin, especially one through which something could be introduced.

In addition, guided by this logic, you cannot bathe children with the slightest scratch for fear of infection, and this already smacks of outright heresy.

Despite all its shortcomings in chemical composition, our tap water is still considered drinking water. Therefore, it cannot frankly contain colonies of bacteria and microorganisms that can cause infections in humans, also through blood.

As for a child catching a cold after bathing, the risk here is exactly the same as on any other day. Does it often happen to you that a child gets sick from taking a swim? I'm sure not. This is generally from the category of fantasy. Why does this have to happen on the day of vaccination? The question remains open.

An acute respiratory viral infection caught at a clinic while waiting for a vaccination or in a supermarket should not be confused with a cold after swimming. This is the most common cause of cough, snot and fever, and not bathing or the vaccination itself.

Regarding the third point, let's start with the fact that this situation, again, like the second, is unlikely in itself. Do you often itch after a bath? So I think never.

But even if we assume, purely hypothetically, that the vaccine begins to itch, this cannot in any way affect the vaccination procedure itself. The drug entered the bloodstream immediately after the injection. The production of protective antibodies in the body has already begun. And it will not stop if you scratch the injection site.

Of course, you should not deliberately rub the injection mark with a rough washcloth or sponge. It’s better not to do this even with healthy skin. You need to be even more careful if this is a trace from the Mantoux test or suppuration on the wound after BCG vaccination.

In the second case, since BCG is administered intradermally and not intramuscularly, it can cause an ugly scar or a septic wound.

Contact with water itself is not contraindicated in either case.

When is it better not to bathe?

The above rules are relevant for a healthy child with normal body temperature, without signs of vaccination reactions.

If the baby has a fever after vaccination and is fine, then, of course, it is quite possible to do without bathing.

How many days later can you bathe in this case? Immediately after the toddler’s condition returns to normal.

Good day!
We have been married for 2.5 years
I'm 29, my husband is 27
It so happened that we live in a small town.
Average salary 15-20 thousand
I work in a good position and earn more than 70 thousand
By the standards of our city, this is a very good salary.
But my husband works for 20 thousand
And this situation does not suit him, as in other ways I am not happy with it either.
But he is always at home, everything is always neat, tidy, ready.
There is no way to find a better paying job.
That’s why my husband went to St. Petersburg to earn money. He has classmates there with families, there is an uncle with an empty apartment, there is an opportunity to get a job there through an acquaintance. And everything seems to be fine, but I’m not happy with this moment..
We are young, and now if we separate, what kind of family are we?
We planned to leave our city together, but after a year or two
And now it turns out he goes wherever I go to live.
Naturally, if he works there
Then he won’t want to change his place of residence.
And as a result, our family is doomed to divorce?
Thank you in advance for your sensible advice.


Lena Lenina

Good morning everyone. On Saturday I went to stylish kitchens (I love them dearly for their quality) and designed a kitchen.. At first I considered the Tommasi kitchen, with beautiful milling - 3 meters (including a refrigerator) NOOOOO the price without equipment is under 170 (((Which day is not an option for me since I counted the equipment on 136))) I decided to simplify - facades without milling, almost to the ceiling, white facades 3D plastic, those that are olive (in fact, the color is called “white gold, although it’s not clear why because the color is soft olive)) - enamel. Question about enamel on the facades - they tell me it is capricious in the kitchen, there may be chips, a cat might ruin it???
They suggested that we also notice the enamel on 3D plastic (the price is immediately 18 thousand cheaper and you can add a drawer for the hood for that money), but the enamel is so beautiful.. in general, what can you say about the facades and materials??
The kitchen was counted at 270 with everything and mixers and aquaphors and appliances)



I had a free minute, decided to surf... And this is what I came across. By chance I came across a petition with a very unusual (in my opinion) content, namely about the official refusal to establish and pay alimony. I am attaching the text below, I have cleaned up the links. I can say one thing: I was simply shocked after reading it. And I suddenly began to wonder if it’s some kind of problem with my head, and it’s me who reacts so aggressively to such topics, because the callus is too painful, but in fact, this is what we’re heading towards? The topic is, of course, not for quarrels, but for discussion. I'm very interested to know what you think about this? Actually, the text:

Cancel child support for minor children

We believe that the institution of family in Russia is currently collapsed. More than 60 percent of divorces throughout the country, and in some regions up to 110 percent, are direct confirmation of this.
One of the factors ruining Russian families is the barbaric alimony policy that is widespread in our country. Both citizens and officials (courts, bailiffs, guardianship authorities, etc.) suffer from the modern alimony system, and most importantly, our children suffer.
We believe in the reasonableness and integrity of Russian citizens and propose to abolish alimony for the maintenance of minor children, leaving Russians to decide for themselves, within their own families, issues regarding the maintenance of their own children.
Why is it necessary to abolish child support for minor children?
1. Alimony practice increases the number of divorces, thereby violating the rights of children to a complete family
2. Alimony in the barbaric form in which it exists now negatively affects the demography of the country and the psychological climate within the family
3. The state is not able to control the situation with alimony defaulters - in 2017, more than 850,000 defaulters were identified, and despite increasingly stringent penalties for non-payment of alimony (including criminal liability), their number is not decreasing
4. A divorced spouse receiving alimony in court often prevents the child from communicating with the second parent, since there is no interest in building any relationship with the second parent. Achieving normal communication with children through the court is extremely difficult in practice.
The alimony alimony has the following advantages:
1. After alimony for minor children is abolished, the number of divorces in the country will sharply decrease
2. Non-interference of the state in family affairs will have a positive impact on the country’s demography - more children are born in two-parent families
3. A large number of government workers will be freed up, who today are unsuccessfully trying to extract alimony payments from almost a million debtors. These officials can deal with more important and pressing social issues; The abolition of alimony will also decriminalize the article for non-payment, which will allow almost a million people who, for a number of reasons, are currently unable to pay alimony to breathe a sigh of relief.
4. Divorced spouses will have to peacefully resolve the problems of divorce; it will not be possible to manipulate children; as a result, the rights of children will be protected to the maximum extent possible.

Ruslan Diaghilev, activist of the Men's Egalitarian Movement

Well, something like this, but what if they actually start introducing something like this? Well, this is nonsense... And if people could agree and did agree, then there would be no trips to the courts on this topic at all, or am I understanding something wrong? Or has the guy just lost his temper and all his ex-wives with bailiffs and responsibility have gotten him?))))


Lilian Andreaskaite

A promising girl from the capital, a student at a prestigious university, with a sought-after specialization that guarantees prosperity and a career, marries a young Middle Eastern slacker, doing odd jobs of a very dubious nature... This is not the plot of a melodrama, this is a specific girl - the daughter of my very, very close friends . Everyone is in shock. Neither persuasion nor calls to use reason lead to anything. The manic desire to ruin this marriage by any means does not leave me.
They will go to their husband's homeland. So that she can become the tenth wife and give birth to half-children, doomed to be strangers everywhere. Of course, children from mixed marriages can be very beautiful, but if there is discord in the family, they are not needed either here or there.
Am I intolerant? Or right?


flying squirrel

Let me make a reservation right away: I’m opening this topic just out of interest. The situation is this: I’m writing another book in which one of the heroines lives with her husband by inertia, there has been no love on her side for a long time, she looks to the side, but suddenly her husband does an act, after which her eyes open and she understands that she was wrong.
And my question arose, has anyone actually experienced this? That is, did someone’s husband (fiancé, beloved) do something that would make you look at him differently (namely with a + sign). Maybe love arose precisely after this, or feelings were reborn.
For those who have not had this, I would be grateful for an answer as to what action of a man could give impetus to the development of feelings.
That is, the topic is simply to remember, dream, and speculate. I apologize if I don’t answer right away: three children and a busy life don’t allow me to immerse myself in the forum)))
And yes, this is not collecting material for a book, I’ve already thought of everything for it)))


A woman during pregnancy is especially careful: any wrong decision can harm the health of the unborn baby. Therefore, rigor in choosing treatment for any disease is a necessity.

When it comes to questions about the negative effects of antibiotics on the human body, doctors have different opinions. However, there are certain drugs (allowed or prohibited during pregnancy), the properties of which the expectant mother should know about.

What you need to know about antibiotics?

Antibiotics are medications prescribed to treat infectious diseases.

By it's nature antibioticsthese are waste products of microorganisms and their synthetic derivatives. They either cause the death of bacteria or interfere with their spread. In this regard, there are two main types of antibiotics: bacteriostatic and bactericidal(the former do not allow bacteria to multiply, the latter kill them).

Antibiotics are completely powerless against viruses (and colds, flu, bronchitis, runny nose and other diseases have a viral basis; a bacterial basis is rare here).

Only a doctor has the right to prescribe antibiotics: unauthorized use can worsen your health.

To reduce the harmful effects of antibiotics on the body, you must strictly follow the instructions of your doctor. Remember: antibiotics kill more than just bacteria, which are currently the cause of the disease, they also kill “natural” bacteria” that “live peacefully” in the body.

Occurs with an increase in body temperature. If it does not rise above 37.5 degrees, then you can safely bathe the child. Do not make the water in the bathroom too hot - this will cause the temperature to rise. The best option is to get warm water.

If a child has a high temperature (above 37.5), then by bathing in warm water (36.6 degrees) you can reduce it. This will allow you to resort less to the use of antipyretic drugs. In this case, bathing is a way to reduce the temperature, and not a hygienic procedure. Do not use gels or other cleansers. It's better to just place the baby in warm water and wait a little.

When should you not bathe your child?

There are contraindications to bathing a child. Firstly, with otitis media it is better to avoid water procedures. Secondly, if you have skin diseases, you shouldn’t take a bath either. This is not only dermatitis, but also chickenpox. In the case of chickenpox, doctors do not recommend swimming in the first 6 days of illness, until the sores crust over. After the sores have dried, you can bathe the child - this will relieve the itching.

Hygiene procedures during illness are necessary. If doctors do not recommend a bath for your child, you can wipe him with a damp towel or wash him in the shower.

Swimming and colds

The most common illnesses in children are colds. If a child has a runny nose, then moist air is quite capable of relieving his condition. Mucus in the nose is the body's defense. This is how bacteria linger in the nose and do not get inside. Many parents make the cardinal mistake of trying to dry out their baby’s runny nose too much. Whereas the opposite action helps - moist air in the room, for example. Therefore, bathing in the bath is a good help in treating nasal congestion in a child.

All this applies to cough. Bathing in the bathroom can replace the inhalation procedure. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the general condition of the baby, his temperature and desire to swim. If a child does not want to take a bath when he is sick, you should not force him.

When it comes to bathing water, you can add decoctions of medicinal herbs or essential oil (for example, eucalyptus). Before using herbs and oils, you must ensure that you are not allergic to them.

It is very important not to give your child a cold after bathing. It must be immediately dried well and dressed according to the temperature in the room, given a warm drink or breastfeeding (if we are talking about a baby). Don't wrap your child up too much. A sick child should neither feel cold nor sweat in his clothes.

Thus, you can bathe a sick child, but you must first assess his condition, listen to the doctor’s recommendations and measure the child’s body temperature. All contraindications to bathing will have to be assessed every day while the child is sick.

Bathing your baby is a very important part of caring for him. Is it possible to take water procedures during illnesses and how to do it correctly?

Is it allowed to bathe a child during illness?

Many mothers are interested in this issue. There is still no consensus among experts regarding bathing during illness. Some believe that it is better not to use water procedures, others insist that you can bathe, but be sure to take into account the disease and the general condition of the baby.
Almost all diseases cause high body temperature. It is clear that hot water aggravates the situation, but if it is no more than 36 degrees, it will help bring down the elevated body temperature. Colds occur quite often in children. During the period of illness, a large number of harmful microorganisms and toxins accumulate on the surface of the skin, which are released through the sweat glands. Accordingly, it is not only possible, but also necessary to bathe the baby, only do it according to the following recommendations:
  • If the temperature is very high, then in the first days it is better to refrain from water procedures. For hygiene purposes, use a damp towel.
  • To make a cold go away faster, add sea salt to your bath water. At the same time, you can rinse your baby’s nose with the same solution if he has a runny nose.
  • If you have a cold, plan the bathing procedure so that the child goes to bed immediately.
  • Additionally, if the baby has a cold, add decoctions of medicinal plants, for example, chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus leaves, etc., to the bathing water.
If you have a cold, water treatments with the addition of sea salt and decoctions of beneficial herbs will help you cope with it faster.

The child has a high temperature. Is it possible to swim?

If the baby’s temperature is above 37.5, then bathing is not advisable because it will begin to rise even more. When the cold subsides and the temperature does not exceed the mentioned level, some experts recommend bathing the child, but the water should not be hot - a maximum of 36 degrees.
At high temperatures, it is useful to wipe the skin with cool water from time to time and apply a cooling compress to the forehead.

The child has a runny nose, can he be bathed?

A runny nose is not always a harbinger of a serious illness, however, it is necessary to monitor the baby for some time. If the body temperature remains normal, then there will be no obstacles to water procedures.
If you have a runny nose, the temperature of the bathing water should be slightly higher than usual, but not more than 2 degrees. Immediately after water procedures, it is advisable to wrap the child well and put him to sleep in a room where there are no drafts.

Bathing for cough

Cough comes from different origins. It depends on whether you can bathe your baby or not. If the cause is an infection and the baby has a wet cough, then bathing is not advisable. High humidity will worsen the condition. The same is true at high temperatures.
If the cough occurs for another reason, for example, teething or an allergy to something, then you can bathe the baby. If you have a cold, you can also allow your baby to take a bath in the bathroom only if the body temperature is normal and the cough is shallow and there is not a lot of sputum. It is advisable to bathe the baby in a decoction of medicinal herbs and after the procedure, let it warm up, wrapped in warm clothes.

Is it possible to bathe a child if he has chickenpox?

During this disease, specific pimples form on the body. When the disease just begins to develop, it is better to refrain from swimming, as you can introduce additional infection into the wounds.
It is allowed to start water procedures when there is no longer a fever and the wounds have healed. It will be better if you add a decoction of oak bark or celandine to the water. They promote wound healing and relieve itching. It is not advisable to use detergents while swimming with chickenpox, even soap and shampoo. After water procedures, be sure to lubricate the wounds with a solution of fucorcin or brilliant green.
You can bathe your baby when he is sick, but you need to take his condition into account. Then water treatments will be beneficial.


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