How to bleach towels at home without boiling? Rules for bleaching waffle and terry towels at home

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The lighter the towel, the easier it is to care for them, noticing dirt in time. Now there are different ways to whiten towels at home: some use traditional methods, some use chemicals, some still boil.

First, the towels are washed in the washing machine as usual using powder. If after washing the freshness does not return, they try traditional methods. To do this, they use substances that are in the kitchen and in the first aid kit of every housewife. They are simple, inexpensive and accessible.

Mustard powder

If the stains are relatively fresh, prepare a solution in which the fabric is soaked for a couple of hours before washing. For every half liter of water, one tablespoon of powder. If it is old, prepare a more concentrated paste, apply it to the stain and leave for 1.5–2 hours.


Prepare a concentrated saline solution: add a tablespoon of salt to a liter of water. You can also sprinkle additional salt on the stains and leave for 10–12 hours.


If the stains are very old, then pour vinegar onto the stain, wash and rinse after a while. Fresh stains come off well when soaked in a solution: add 3-4 tablespoons of vinegar to a bowl of warm water. Vinegar works well against mold and removes unpleasant odors.

Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide is one of the effective whitening substances. In order not to spoil the textiles, peroxide is diluted with water, applied to the stains for 10–15 minutes, then washed and rinsed several times in cold water. For better effect, add a couple of drops of ammonia. Peroxide is not recommended for colored items, as it corrodes paint and fibers. But it is ideal for whites.

Potassium permanganate and laundry soap

This method is also considered one of the most effective. For pre-soaking, prepare a solution: add seven crystals of potassium permanganate to a bucket of water and grate laundry soap. Everything should dissolve in water. Laundry soap should be brown with a strong smell, like in the “old” days. Also, rub the towel with laundry soap and put it in a bag for a day, and then wash it. This method removes yellowness and unpleasant odors well.


For every three liters of water add one spoon of alcohol. It is recommended to soak for only 20 minutes. Ammonia works well on coffee and tea stains. Also, four parts of glycerin are added to one part of ammonia - this mixture will work even better and will also make the textiles whiter.

Vegetable oil

Add one part of baking soda, powder and five parts of vegetable oil to boiling water. Soak overnight and wash in the morning. The oil softens the fabric, making it easier for dirt, especially fat, to be removed.

Dishwashing liquid and shampoo

They remove fruit and grease stains well. Soapy water is also prepared in which the towels are soaked before washing.

Boric acid

Add two tablespoons of boric acid to a bowl of hot water. Soaking lasts 2 hours, then the products are washed.

Soda ash and bleach

For ten liters of water take 500 grams. salt and 500 gr. bleach. The solution is infused for a day and filtered to remove any lumps. Soak for 2 hours, then wash in any way and rinse well. When using this method of bleaching, be sure to use gloves, since bleach is an aggressive substance.

First, the items are washed, then citric acid is poured onto the stains and left for 10–15 minutes, after which they are washed and rinsed.

Improvised substances of plant origin and simple medicines from the first aid kit have a more gentle and gentle effect on the fabric, unlike chemical store-bought bleaches, so textiles last longer. These methods are inexpensive and simple, and most importantly, safe. If after such manipulations the stains remain in place, you should try chemical remedies.

Purchased chemicals

Household chemicals for whitening things are various powders, gels and liquids. Some just need to be applied pointwise to the stain, some are added to the machine when washing or used for pre-soaking.

Chemical bleaching agents are stain removers and bleaches, which are divided into three groups:

  • chlorine-containing;
  • oxygen;
  • optical (which do not bleach the fabric, but dye it).

Such chemicals include: whiteness, Ac, universal bleach and stain remover Amway, Vanish and others.

When washing with bleach, you must use gloves, since bleach consists of chlorine. You can soak items with whiteness in cold water for an hour, in warm water for 20 minutes. When machine washing, use it carefully and in extreme cases, as it can damage the device. It is advisable to use chemicals infrequently: it affects the structure of the fabric, destroys and thins the fibers. Towels wear out faster and holes appear.


If traditional methods without boiling did not help, then the towels are bleached using the old proven “grandmother’s” method - boiling. It is especially suitable for cotton and linen, which are used in most kitchen products. The procedure is carried out in an enameled or galvanized container (bucket, tank, basin, pan). Copper and iron utensils are not suitable: an oxidation reaction is possible, which will ruin things.

Proper boiling

Strict adherence to the algorithm will allow you to carefully wash contaminated kitchen utensils:

  1. Place a white cloth on the bottom of the container.
  2. Dilute the soap solution with powder or any detergents. Add one spoon of ammonia to 10 liters of water - it acts as a bleach.
  3. The oldest stains should be lathered additionally by hand.
  4. Boil the products for 30–60 minutes, stirring with a wooden stick for better penetration of detergents.
  5. Rinse well.

If one of the family members is allergic to the powder and the flavorings that are added to it, the odors that arise during evaporation, then other substances can be used when boiling:

  1. Potassium permanganate and soap. You can use potassium permanganate with laundry soap when boiling. Prepare the solution as in the case of soaking. Boil for half an hour is enough.
  2. Soap and silicate glue. For ten liters of water, take 5 spoons of soap shavings, 5 spoons of powder, 2 spoons of silicate glue. Boil for half an hour, stirring.
  3. White. Add 2 caps of white, 200 g to 10 liters of water. powder and boil for about 1–1.5 hours. After this, rinse thoroughly several times in hot water and then in cold water. Boiling with whiteness is one of the old and effective methods that works well with yellowness on fabrics. But you shouldn’t get carried away with it.
  4. Soda. Boil for 10–15 minutes, adding a few tablespoons of soda to the container.

This method not only removes dirt, but also disinfects the product, which is a big plus for kitchen towels.

Caring for kitchen textiles

  1. Choose linen, cotton, waffle fabrics. They absorb water better and are more pleasant to use; they are easier to wash and bleach.
  2. Replace kitchen towels every 2-3 days.
  3. Wipe your hands only; wipe off dirt and stains with a sponge or napkins.
  4. Immediately soak fresh stains, without waiting until they turn into old ones, which will be more difficult to remove.
  5. When machine washing, set the temperature to at least 60 degrees for colored items and 90 degrees for white items.
  6. When rinsing in cold water, add starch. This will keep the textiles looking fresh longer.
  7. After washing, iron the items so they get less dirty.

Every housewife can bleach kitchen towels at home. And it is not necessary to spend money on expensive products if the procedure can be carried out with a minimum of costs and maximum health benefits and safety. There are accessible and inexpensive products in every home; all you have to do is choose which one to use.

In order for the kitchen to delight you with its cleanliness, it is important to treat every item with care, do the cleaning on time, and wash textiles. This is important from the point of view of both hygiene and aesthetics. However, with repeated washing, the products lose their attractiveness. For this reason, many housewives are interested in how to whiten towels at home.

How to bleach towels without boiling

Many people are familiar with this method of bleaching, such as boiling. However, you should be aware that exposure to high temperatures has a negative effect on the fabric. For this reason, it is advisable to first use more gentle methods.

For example, you can whiten towels using folk recipes: hydrogen peroxide, soda ash, potassium permanganate, mustard and even vegetable oil. It is also always possible to purchase a high-quality stain remover with bleaching particles in the store.

Soda ash with bleach

This product is very popular among housewives, as in most cases it copes well with the problem of contamination and easily whitens waffle and terry towels at home.

  1. Add half a kilo of chlorine and soda to a bowl of warm water, mix thoroughly.
  2. Wait for the mixture to cool, and then strain it through a double layer of gauze.
  3. Place towels in the solution for no more than 3 hours.
  4. Remove items, wring out and wash as usual.
  5. After drying, iron.

Hydrogen peroxide

A pharmaceutical preparation intended for treating wounds and abrasions is also useful for bleaching towels.

  1. Wash soiled items as usual.
  2. Heat 6 liters of water to 70 degrees and add 50 ml of peroxide to it, as well as 25 ml of ammonia.
  3. Soak the towels in the resulting solution for 25 minutes, then wring out and rinse several times in clean water.

Vegetable oil

The method of bleaching towels with vegetable oil may seem strange to many. However, by making a solution with this component, you will be convinced of the effectiveness of the result. There are several recipe options for treating kitchen textiles with sunflower oil.

  • Pour 2 tablespoons of refined oil into 5 liters of boiling water, add 100 grams of washing powder and 50 grams of dry bleach, mix all ingredients thoroughly. Soak the items in this liquid for 3 hours, then rinse. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated several times.
  • Another product for bleaching fabrics consists of 7-8 liters of boiling water, 70 ml of vinegar essence, 2/3 cup of washing powder, three tablespoons of powdered bleach and 70 ml of vegetable oil. Having made the solution, proceed similarly to the previous method: soak the towels for several hours and rinse.
  • Pour 10 liters of water into an enamel container and bring it to a boil. Add 2 tablespoons of dry bleach, the same amount of oil and about 150 grams of washing powder. When all the components have dissolved, immerse the products in the liquid and turn off the stove, covering the container with a lid. After everything has cooled down, take things out and rinse in clean water.

You can whiten towels using vegetable oil and simple ingredients.

All three methods of whitening towels with vegetable oil have been tested by many housewives and are considered effective. But before using any of them, it is advisable to wash the products in the usual way.

In the video you can more clearly see the process of bleaching with vegetable oil.

Video: Whitening towels using vegetable oil

Potassium permangantsovka

To prepare the solution you will need:

  • Large saucepan, basin or bucket;
  • 200 grams of washing powder;
  • Several crystals of potassium permanganate;
  • 5 liters of boiling water.

So, the product is ready, you can soak towels in it, after washing them in the usual way. When the water has cooled, remove and rinse the bleached items in clean water.


Dry mustard will quickly and safely clean up your towels. Simply mix the powder with hot water, cool the mixture and immerse the products in it for about 3 hours.

After the procedure, the towels need to be wrung out and rinsed with the addition of aromatic fabric softener.

Whitening with aspirin, lemon juice or vinegar

Acid is excellent at breaking down contaminants. You have several options at once:

  • Aspirin (5 tablets);
  • Juice squeezed from one lemon;
  • Vinegar (3 tablespoons).

You can bleach textiles using any of these means

Take any of the three listed products and mix with three liters of water. Soak the products in the resulting solution overnight. Rinse bleached towels thoroughly.

Soaking with salt for whitening

Dissolve 3 tablespoons of regular table salt in 3 liters of water. You need to soak the items in this liquid for several hours (the dirtier the towel, the longer), and then rinse. This whitening method is simple but very effective.

Bleaching with pine turpentine

The recipe for this bleach solution contains the following components:

  • 3 spoons of pine turpentine;
  • 3 liters of water.

Soak kitchen textiles in the liquid for about 8 hours and then rinse. If possible, hang the towels in the sun to dry.

Bleaching with hydroperite

Hydroperite, intended for hair bleaching, has the same effect when treating fabric. You will need 5 tablets of this product, which must be dissolved in five liters of water. The towels are soaked in the resulting liquid overnight.

If you need to achieve high results faster, you can use the boiling method using hydroperite. After the procedure, rinse the products, dry and iron.

How to bleach towels by boiling

White linen towels can be boiled, but with other things this bleaching method should be used carefully. Not all fabrics can withstand high temperatures without damage.

  1. Wash the soiled item as usual.
  2. Pour enough water into a metal container so that the towels can be submerged entirely.
  3. Add washing powder with active bleaching particles, you can also add a stain remover. The products must be completely dissolved in water.
  4. Place the container on low heat and stir the towels in it from time to time using a wooden spatula or metal tongs.
  5. After an hour, remove the container from the stove and wait until the contents have cooled completely.
  6. Rinse towels in clean water.

To avoid burning your hands during the boiling process, you must use wooden tongs.

We boil terry without fear of spoiling the product

A terry towel differs from others in its fluffy structure. But this fabric is quite capricious in use and does not tolerate high temperatures.

In general, it is not recommended to boil terry, although if no other means have dealt with the stains and faded color of the products, and the towels do not look aesthetically pleasing, this method can still be used. Boiling in the case of terry items should be gentle.

First prepare a solution consisting of:

  • 7-8 liters of boiling water;
  • 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide;
  • 1 teaspoon of ammonia.

Immerse your washed towels in the resulting hot liquid for about 30 minutes. It is better not to place the pan on the stove. When the water has cooled, take out the towels and rinse.

Boiling with silicate glue

A very unusual way to tidy up waffle towels is silicate glue. Mix 50 grams of it with five liters of water so that there are no lumps.

Immediately dip towels into the resulting slimy mass and simmer for several minutes over low heat. Next, you need to rinse the kitchen textiles very thoroughly several times.

Boiling with bleach

Of course, the smell of this product is unpleasant, but the whitening effect is noticeable from the first use.

Pour 100 grams of lime into a liter of water and stir. Dip a towel into the resulting substance and boil for several minutes. Next, rinse the product, changing the water at least twice.

How to wash towels in a washing machine

Kitchen textiles, like any other things, are, of course, best washed by hand. But to save time, many modern housewives use their main assistant - a washing machine.

Products will not lose their attractive appearance too quickly if:

  • The washing water is soft;
  • Delicate mode selected.

It is quite possible to improve the quality of water using available means by preparing a solution from them.

It is done like this:

  1. Mix six glasses of vinegar and one glass each of water and soda;
  2. When the sizzling and foaming reaction is complete, pour 6 cups of water into the mixture;
  3. Add a few drops of essential oil with your favorite aroma and mix everything;
  4. The product is ready, you need to pour it into a tray intended for conditioner, but not all of it, but about 100 ml at a time.

To prevent fabric from being damaged when washing in a machine, you need to follow a few simple but very important rules.

  • Do not use washing powders; liquid detergents for delicate items are much preferable;
  • Place several special rubber balls in the drum along with the towels; they will straighten and fluff up the pile;

  • Do not use conditioners and bleaches too often, and when using them, rinse things more thoroughly;
  • Choose a mode appropriate to the type of fabric; as a rule, white items are washed at 40 degrees, and colored items at 40;
  • Terry products should not be ironed; it is allowed to treat them with hot steam at the maximum possible distance.

Is it possible to use a spin cycle and how to dry towels correctly?

To keep your laundry smelling fresh and not absorbing foreign odors, it is better to hang it outdoors. The same rule applies to drying towels. It is important to ensure that the products are not exposed to direct rays of the sun, otherwise they will be hard, which is not very pleasant.

A great option is to hang or lay bleached towels on a horizontal surface on the balcony in the shade.

Which store-bought product whitens best?

There are so many different types of bleaches in the household chemicals store that sometimes your eyes just run wild. But perhaps the most famous remedy is “Whiteness”. It comes in both white and colored fabrics.

Whiteness is a simple and effective means for whitening towels

This bleach works effectively on both of them, but is not always safe, especially if you do not follow the recommended amount. That is why before bleaching white towels, you must read the instructions for use.

In custody

Towels in the kitchen are an extremely necessary thing. But, unfortunately, with frequent and improper use, these items quickly lose their pristine snow-white appearance. To bleach them, you will need a little patience and time, as well as household chemicals or folk remedies.

Such a necessary thing, a towel, has been playing a vital role in the life of any person for centuries. In any home, bath towels, kitchen towels, as well as for hands and other parts of the body are used. And of course, our well-being and health depend on their cleanliness and freshness, since it is the towels that come into direct contact with the skin. Do experienced housewives know that maintaining the original soft shape of terry is very difficult, because after the first wash it becomes hard, faded and scratchy to the touch, and drying with such a towel is not very pleasant. Today we will tell you how to wash, boil, boil, and restore washed white terry towels in order to restore their cleanliness and pleasant pristine softness and not waste money.

Why do towels become hard?

All soiled towels, when washed incorrectly, cease to be soft and turn into a hard, prickly “monster” that kills all the wonderful sensations from a relaxing bath. And it’s all about the special properties of terry:

  • The fabric gets dirty very easily, since the loops of the material do not fit tightly together.
  • Regular washing using traditional powders aggravates the situation and the terry becomes harder and unpleasant to the touch.
  • Terry towels require additional rinsing, as detergent particles easily clog the fibers of the material.
  • Terry is a specific material that does not like either moisture or dryness.

General care rules

In order for terry towels to become gentle pets, they must be properly cared for. We will tell you about all the intricacies of washing, rinsing and drying below, but now the basic rules of care:

  1. Do not keep the towel wet for a long time, as it will begin to smell unpleasant, and as a result, mold may appear.
  2. Don't throw towels in the laundry basket with other dirty clothes. Terry absorbs moisture and unpleasant odor very quickly.
  3. It is necessary to wash dirty terry products immediately so that the dirt is not absorbed into the fibers of the fabric.
  4. Excessive dryness makes the terry hard, so you can’t dry the products near heating devices.

All the details of washing terry towels

When caring for delicate material, listen to the recommendations on how to wash washed terry towels:

  1. Before washing the terry for the first time, carefully study the label and ask what washing mode the manufacturer offers.
  2. If there is no label on the product, then wash the product on a delicate cycle at a temperature of 40-60 degrees.
  3. Be sure to find out how hard the water in your tap is. If necessary, add water softener in tablet form to the machine. When washing by hand, add 100 ml of vinegar per 10 liters of water.
  4. Use only liquid detergent for washing. Regular laundry detergent is difficult to rinse out of fabric and clogs the fibers.
  5. Don't use bleach. Microparticles of bleach penetrate deep into the terry and are difficult to remove. As an exception, use bleach when washing a white or light-colored towel, in cases where the contamination is very strong and it is impossible to wash it by hand.
  6. Hand wash all dirty areas before machine washing. Remove heavy stains using laundry soap or ammonia.
  7. Dry a wet, dirty towel first and then wash it to avoid an unpleasant musty smell.
  8. Do not wash on the economy cycle. The fabric is very hygroscopic and requires a lot of water for washing and rinsing.
  9. Place several special balls for washing down products in the machine drum along with towels. You can also use tennis balls for this purpose. After beating with balls, the pile will become soft and fluffy.
  10. To wash washed terry towels, do not boil them. Soak the item overnight in a double solution of detergent and put it in the washing machine in the morning.
  11. The ideal product for effective and high-quality washing of terry products is baking soda. Add 0.5 cups of soda to the detergent - this will help eliminate unpleasant odors and get rid of fungi and mold.
  12. When washing heavy stains, choose a detergent without chlorine or dyes. If you use a stain remover to remove stains, make sure that the product does not get on clean areas of the towel. After processing the product, be sure to rinse it thoroughly in warm water.
  13. Wash terry towels in the washing machine separately from other items, with the drum three-quarters full. If it is not possible to wash separately, then exclude items with zippers, buttons and protruding accessories so as not to catch the terry thread.

How to rinse towels after washing?

  1. If you are machine washing, run an extra rinse cycle to remove all detergent from the fabric fibers.
  2. Do not use regular fabric softener as it will clog the terry loops.
  3. Use fabric softener that contains silicone to rinse. But don't use too much of it, as too much silicone reduces the absorbency of the fabric.
  4. You can use baby fabric softener for rinsing.
  5. To straighten the terry loops, add a little table salt to the conditioner section. If the towels are very hard and old, then salt can be added to the washing powder section.
  6. After hand washing, rinse towels in water and vinegar.

Spin and dry rules:

You should be careful when squeezing, as during strong squeezing the terry is stretched and gradually loses its properties.

Some housewives prefer not to wring out towels at all and hang them immediately after rinsing in fresh air so that the water drains off on its own. In this case, the terry does not crush and remains fluffy after drying.

If you decide to use the spin mode in the washing machine, then set it to the minimum: 500-700 revolutions and fill the drum ⅔ full.

Where and how to dry?

After you have managed to wash the washed terry towels, you can dry the products:

  • In an electric car. After such drying, the products become soft, even without using conditioner.
  • In the fresh air. Try to hang your towels outside more often, they love it very much, just don’t overdry, otherwise they will lose their fluffiness.
  • On the balcony or in a well-ventilated area at room temperature.

Before hanging the terry towel to dry, shake it thoroughly so that the loops are as straight as possible.


If you still need to iron the product, then use the steam mode and a temperature of no higher than 150 degrees for this purpose. It is better to use vertical steaming. Iron decorative elements on the towel with a warm iron without steaming.

  1. If terry towels become stiff after washing, soak them overnight in clean water. Water will wash away all remaining detergents. In the morning, rinse the towels, wring them out lightly and hang them to dry in the fresh air.
  2. If, after processing, elongated loops appear on the product, then do not try to straighten them, just cut off the problematic threads. Towels are not knitted, but woven products, so after cutting the threads, the material will not unravel.

Important! If you decide to pay attention to bedding, also find out so that you don’t have to buy new ones.

How to wash washed terry towels at home by hand?

Washing by hand always has a lot of advantages, since you directly monitor the process and can add various ingredients to the water that will help soften terry towels efficiently and effectively.

Carry out the process in the following sequence to thoroughly wash washed terry towels:

  1. Fill your bath with warm water. Do not use bowls for washing, as terry cloth absorbs water well.
  2. Dilute liquid detergent in water.
  3. If the water is hard, then add vinegar (1-2 cups of vinegar per ⅓ of the bath).
  4. Wash the product.
  5. Leave to sour for half an hour in soapy water.
  6. Drain off the soapy water.
  7. Rinse the item thoroughly under high pressure to remove all detergent from the fibers.
  8. Fill your bath with clean, warm water.
  9. Add some salt to the water. The salt will help fluff the product and make it softer.
  10. Leave the product in the water for half an hour.
  11. Rinse the towel in salt water.
  12. Drain the water.
  13. Unscrew the towel very carefully.
  14. Hang to dry in the fresh air.

How to bleach washed terry towels?

Clean and fresh towels are the decoration of the house and the pride of the hostess. Each has its own secrets for the wonderful transformation of old and washed towels into snow-white “swans”. Today we will talk about some recipes that help whiten washed terry towels.

Method number 1. Boiling

Our grandmothers also used this simple method:

  1. Pour water into a bucket or boiler.
  2. Add a mixture of laundry soap and soda ash.
  3. Place terry towels in a container with soapy water.
  4. Place on fire and boil for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Give the water and contents time to cool.
  6. Rinse the laundry in plenty of water.
  7. Dry your towels in the fresh air to remove the smell of soap.

Method No. 2. We use hydrogen peroxide

For this method you will need:

  • 15 liters of boiling water.
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of hydrogen peroxide.
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of ammonia.

Mix all the ingredients, dip the laundry in the solution and leave for 30 minutes. The result is obvious: no stains and noticeable whitening of the fabric.

Method No. 3. Potassium permanganate + laundry soap:

  1. Prepare two bowls at once.
  2. Fill the containers halfway with boiling water.
  3. Grate the laundry soap on a coarse grater.
  4. Pour soap shavings into the first bowl.
  5. In a second bowl, dilute potassium permanganate until it turns red.
  6. Pour the contents of the first basin into the second.
  7. The mixture should turn brown.
  8. Place terry towels in this solution.
  9. Leave the laundry for 6 hours.
  10. Rinse thoroughly.
  11. Dry in fresh air.

Method number 4. Whiten towels with vegetable oil

This is the most unusual, but effective way to return towels to their whiteness. The oil softens all stains and helps remove them.

Proceed as follows:

  1. For 15 liters of boiling water, take ⅔ cup of any washing powder, 3 tbsp. spoons of bleach, 3 tbsp. spoons of refined vegetable oil and 3 tbsp. spoons of vinegar essence.
  2. Mix everything thoroughly until the powder is completely dissolved.
  3. Soak the laundry in the solution overnight.
  4. Wring out the towels in the morning.
  5. Wash terry items in the washing machine.

To make the whole process easier for yourself, first dissolve the powder and bleach (preferably powder) in water, and then pour the oil into the mixture. Otherwise, the oil film formed on the surface will complicate the dissolution process.

Method No. 5. Soaking before washing

If you are not ready to endure the smell of boiling or you do not have time for this procedure, then use the soaking method before washing.

You can soak:

  • In salt water. Pour salt into a bowl of cold water at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon per 1 liter of water. Leave dirty towels in the solution for a couple of hours and then wash.
  • In laundry soap. Rub wet towels generously with laundry soap. Place the processed products in a plastic bag. After a day, rinse the towels in cool water. This method will get rid of greasy stains, remove yellowness, unpleasant odors and very effectively wash washed terry towels.
  • In dishwashing detergent. Soak towels in the dish soap solution for 10 minutes. And if you need to bleach cotton or waffle kitchen towels, drop a small amount of ammonia into the water.

Towels from frequent use quickly lose their appearance and become stained. Frequent washing turns towels into gray, sloppy rags.

There are many methods for whitening towels - ancient folk recipes that were used by grandmothers, there are also modern ones that have received good reviews. Here are just a few of them.

Whitening with potassium permanganate and soap

Chop half a bar of regular laundry soap with a knife. Then add a little water and a teaspoon of potassium permanganate solution. The mixture is poured with boiling water and stirred. Leave the towels in the solution until the morning. In the morning, rinse and dry them.

This will not only make the towels white, but will also disinfect them. The recipe is successfully used for bleaching terry towels, which become more dirty.

Use of vegetable oil

To prepare the solution, take:

  • vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons;
  • soda ash – 1 spoon;
  • liquid bleach – 2 tablespoons;
  • washing powder – 1 cup;
  • salt – 2 tablespoons.

Take a large saucepan covered with enamel and boil water, put all the ingredients in it, stir. Place the towels in the solution and boil for 40 minutes. Wait until the contents of the pan have cooled completely. Once the towels have cooled completely, remove them and rinse well.

If you do not want to boil, then leave the towels in the hot solution for a day. Then remove them from the solution and rinse.

Bleaching in a washing machine

The recipe will allow you to bleach waffle towels in a regular washing machine without boiling.

Place white towels in the machine separately from other items. Pour washing powder and bleach into the machine tray. Amount of bleach according to package instructions. Set your machine to a high temperature pre-wash setting. At the end of the program, you will see that the waffle towels have washed perfectly.

Whitening with mustard

  • Stir mustard powder in hot water and let it settle. When the mustard has settled, carefully drain the water. This is what is used to bleach towels. They are soaked in it for 3 hours. Rinse them afterwards.
  • Mix mustard powder with water to make a paste and apply it to towels. Pay special attention to those places on the fabric where there are stains. After two hours, wash them as usual.

Whitening with hydrogen peroxide

Terry bath towels bleach effortlessly.

You will need regular hydrogen peroxide. Prepare a solution of 15 liters of boiling water, 1 tablespoon of ammonia and 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Dip a terry or waffle towel into the solution for half an hour. Then rinse it.

To prepare a smaller solution, use smaller proportions of ingredients.

Whitening without boiling

If you are not ready to boil your laundry, then you can bleach towels at home without long boiling. Soaking and then washing will help.

  • Soaking with salt. Dilute salt in cool water - a tablespoon for every liter of water. Soak the towels in the mixture for a couple of hours. Then wash them with powder.
  • Soaking with laundry soap. Rub the terry towels thoroughly. Then put everything in a plastic bag for a day. Squeeze the air out of the bag before sealing it. After a day, rinse in water.
  • Soaking in dishwashing liquid. This method helps get rid of greasy stains on towels. If you also want to bleach the towel, then add a little ammonia to the solution.

Bleaching with white

Dissolve white in hot water. How many liters of water - so many tablespoons of whiteness. The towels are soaked in the solution until it cools completely. If there are stains on them, wash them by hand after the solution has cooled. Then the towels need to be rinsed well.

All of these methods are based on minimal use of chemicals, which means they will help you safely and carefully restore the whiteness of waffle and terry towels. With their help you can get rid of old stains. After all, it is on the little things that comfort in every home is based.

Whitening kitchen towels can be done effectively at home if you choose the right product. The material quickly loses its appearance as it is regularly used. The service life of towels also depends on the composition of the fabric. This factor should be taken into account when choosing a whitening product. It is permissible to use the most aggressive substances rarely, because they greatly damage the fabric: the threads become thinner, which leads to the formation of holes.

How to bleach kitchen towels without boiling

Boiling woven material has a number of disadvantages: an unpleasant odor, an increase in ambient temperature, and an increased risk of a dangerous situation when working with boiling water. In addition, not all things can be exposed to high temperatures. For these reasons, safe mild agents are used. These can be special chemicals or folk recipes.

Not all available methods allow you to get excellent results when bleaching kitchen towels at home without boiling. Often the use of the same product provides different effects. This is due to the difference in structure, composition, type of pollution and the degree of its age.

Some products are used to remove stubborn stains: vegetable oil, mustard powder, soda, etc. Chemicals are also considered, for example Aspirin, White, hydrogen peroxide. They can change the appearance of the product, so they are used with caution.

With vegetable oil

When choosing ways to bleach towels, it is recommended to first pay attention to this option. It may seem that using a product containing fat will only make the problem worse. In reality, vegetable oil reacts when combined with other components. This helps to change the structure of the substance and improve its properties. There are different options:

  1. Washing with sunflower oil, bleach and washing powder. At home this is the best way. To implement it, use 5 liters of water, ½ cup of washing powder, bleach (no more than 1 tbsp), vegetable oil (2.5 tbsp). The bleaching agent can be anything, but you should take into account the recommendations for its use, it is important that the substance does not spoil the material. The main components are added to hot water. The product will make towels snow-white if you soak them for 10-12 hours in the prepared solution, then wash them.
  2. Bleach, vinegar essence, vegetable oil. Prepare 3 tablespoons of these components. To them add 2/3 cup of a product designed to improve the appearance of terry products. The components are mixed. They are added to water (15 liters need to be prepared for the indicated amount). Soak things in the solution for 10-12 hours, you can leave them overnight. The last step is to wash them. This product whitens and softens towels.


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