Where to find dragon priest masks in Skyrim. Location of masks of the dragon priests in Skyrim Where are the dragon priests in Skyrim map

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is a group of valuable artifacts in the game Skyrim. Traveling through the game world, you will more than once discover sarcophagi, thereby disturbing the peace of the dragon priests who previously worshiped these powerful winged creatures. A strange force in connection with the appearance of dragons resurrected these priests.

Each of them has a unique mask that gives its owner special power (we can show on the map where to find the masks of Skyrim dragon priests). In total, you will have to collect eight masks, taking them from the bodies of defeated dragon worshipers, who are very tenacious, strong and dangerous opponents (or twelve, if you count the priests from the Dragonborn expansion).

The wooden mask can simply be found in the Shrine of Bromnoir, which is located in Labyrinthian, but without all the other masks it will be useless. Above you can see a map of the masks of the dragon priests of Skyrim.

Most of them have a corresponding quest associated with them, during which you will need to destroy some dragon priest, although they will not always be the main goal (for example, Nankrin will simply be located near the entrance to Sovngarde, but you will still have to kill him , since it will prevent you from going further). After you get all eight masks, using the wooden one you can travel back in time. The teleportation location is located in the same building as the mask itself.

There you can also find the ninth and most powerful mask - Konarik. Now let's look at the masks from the Dragonborn expansion.

Miraak's Mask

Its owner was the dragon priest Miraak. The main features of the mask include the fact that it comes in both light and heavy armor (most likely it depends on the development of your skills at the time you received it), as well as the impossibility of improvement. You can only get this mask by completing the task “At the Top of Apocrypha” and killing the main enemy (you can see where to find masks of dragon priests on the Skyrim map, all except this one).

Zakrisosh Mask

Priest Zakrisosh with a heavy armor mask is located in Bloodskal Barrow. You can take it, as always, only by dealing with its owner. It is possible to improve the mask at the workbench by using an ebony ingot and having the ability to forge ebony armor.

Dukan mask

This heavy armor mask can be obtained by killing one of the four dragon priests - Dukan, located on the island of Solstheim (where you can find dragon priest masks in Skyrim on the map and this island you can find out on our website). His sarcophagus can be found in the ruins of the White Ridge mound (near it, by the way, you can find the Black Book “The Sick Regent”). The mask can also be improved by having an ebony ingot and the skill of creating ebony armor.

Azidal Mask

You can find Azidal in Kolbjorn's Mound during the "Excavation" quest. His mask will be very useful for mages (as it provides a 25% increase in fire damage), vampires (as they become less vulnerable to fire spells) and Dunmer (who, thanks to their initial resistance ability, can become completely invulnerable to fire). The remaining eight you can see on the map of masks in Skyrim.

    There are a total of 10 masks in the game. I'll tell you about them:
  • 1. Wooden mask - Needed to get the Konarik mask
  • 2. Volsung - Prices are 20% more favorable, the carrying capacity is increased by 20, the wearer can breathe underwater.
  • 3. Morokei - Magic is restored 100% faster.
  • 4. Vokun - Spells from the schools of witchcraft, illusion and change consume 20% less magic.
  • 5. Krosis - Hacking, archery and alchemy skills increased by 20%.
  • 6. Otar - Increased resistance to fire, cold and electricity by 30%.
  • 7. Hevnorak - Complete immunity to diseases and poisons.
  • 8. Ragot - Increases your stamina by 70 units.
  • 9. Nakrin - +50 to magic, destruction and restoration spells consume 20% less magic.
  • 10. Konarik - At low health, it gives a chance to heal the wearer and cause damage to nearby enemies. Occasionally summons a ghostly dragon priest to help the owner.

1.Wooden mask

2.Wolsung mask

The mask is located in the "Wolskigge" location. You need to get to the "Peak", there will be a mask there
To obtain it, you must kill the dragon priest Volsung. After killing it, remove it from his body

3. Morkea's mask

Honest way
This mask can be obtained ONLY for the quest "Staff of Magnus", That is, you need to go through the College of Winterhold.
The mask is located in the Labyrinthian location

The essence of the quest
You need to find the Staff of Magnus in order to defeat Ancano
At the end of the location you will enter a huge hall. You will see that the dragon priest Morokei is tightly protected by two magicians who constantly support this protection

Quest tips

First we kill the magicians, then Morokei.

  • 1.Against Mages:
  • 1.1 Bow - the magician's scourge (taken from one of the ghostly Draugr earlier) - quite effective against magicians holding Morokei;
  • 1.2 Mages can be killed directly from the corridor leading to the hall with Morokei, thereby saving your resources before the battle;
  • 1.3 The magician on the highest platform occupies a convenient position from which the entire cave is visible; you might want to take his place;
  • 2Against Morokei:
  • 2.1 Morokei can summon a Storm Atronach, but he doesn't seem to be able to summon it again if you kill him;
  • 2.2 Morokei can use Daedric Command, which turns the atronachs you summon against you;
  • 2.3 Morokei sticks to ranged and magical attacks, avoiding melee combat; In general, when tested, it was proven that he is powerless (does not attack you at all) if you are very close to him and inflict physical damage on him;
  • 2.4 Platforms around the walls of the room provide protected positions, which will give you a significant advantage in the fight;
  • 2.5 It turns out that if you drive him into the pool, he will not be able to get out of the water, and also will not be able to fight back;
  • 2.6 You can use the door to the hall where Morokei is located as protection and in order to attract his attention. In addition, you can move away from the door when he attacks, or simply close it: Morokei will remain in the hall, giving you the opportunity to recharge your spells and aim.
After the murder, take the Morkay mask and the Staff of Magnus. When you leave the location, Estormo will interfere with you, he will want to kill you.
Using Lightning Bolts against him is effective.

Dishonest way
Go to the console and write "player.additem 00061C8B 1"
(The console button is most likely “e” or look in the controls)

4. Vokun mask

The mask is located in the location "Ruins of the High Gate"
After going inside and going further, you will meet Anska. After talking with her, the quest “Scroll for Anska” will begin. She will become a companion for you.

The quest says "Defeat Vokun"
After the victory, take the mask from him and, going further, we take the scroll.
We give the scroll and receive Gold.

5. Krosis mask

6. Otar mask

The mask is located in the location "Rangvald"
The quest "Uncover the secrets of Rangvald" is also available.

The essence of the quest:

When you arrive in Ragnvald, you will see a tomb in the main hall. To open it, you need to find 2 skull keys: Sarek's skull key and Torsten's skull key. When both skulls are obtained and inserted into the slots in the tomb, the dragon priest Otar the Mad will awaken. After defeating him, you can pick up your reward - the Otar mask.

7. Hevnorak mask

The mask is located in the "Valthum" location. You receive the mask after killing the dragon priest Hevnorak.

9. Mask Nakrin

Located in the Skuldafan location
Be located across the portal to Sovongard. On the dragon priest Nakrin. Must be collected after death.
You can only get to this location during the Story Mission.

10. Mask Konarik

After you have collected all the masks, we go to the Shrine of Bromunar.
Where the Wooden mask was lying, we put it on. The mask takes you back in time. In front of us is an altar and on this altar we need to place all the masks (except for the wooden one because if we take it off we will go back) on the altar. After which you will receive a Konarik mask. You can also pick up other dragon priest masks.

DLC masks

In addition Dragonborn for Skyrim there are 4 masks.
Description of masks

  • 1.Mirak - Increases the supply of magic. The power of the spell depends on your level.
  • 2. Zakrisosh - Resistance to electricity 50 units. Increases Electrical Damage by 25%
  • 3.Dukan - Cold resistance 50 units. Increases cold damage by 25%
  • 4. Azidal - enhances fire spells by 25%, and also protects the owner by 50% from attacks by spells based on this element.

The very first servants of dragons in the Elder Scrolls universe were the well-known Dragon Priests from Skyrim. Their habitats are considered to be a wide variety of locations, for example, Labyrinthian, Nordic ruins and Walls of Words with Words of Power depicted on them. If the player wants to find them, then first of all he should pay attention to those places in the northern province where dragons were once a cult of worship.

general information

When the player disturbs the Priests, they rebel and attack him. During battle, the Dragon Priests of Skyrim use various spells and the ability to summon creatures. The fact that they managed to become immortal necromancer liches speaks of their powerful past.

There is also a special spell in the game that allows Dovahkiin to call followers of the Dragon Cult to his aid. The main condition for the spell is the last mask of the Priests - Konarik. Note that the liches summoned in this way are significantly inferior in strength to named characters.

Detailed information about the Dragon Cult is stored in the book "War of the Dragons".

Priests against Dovahkiin

Any battle requires the right tactics, and the battle with the Dragon Priests of Skyrim is no exception. First, we will look at the basic behavior of the enemy in battle. As mentioned earlier, necromancer liches love to use magic spells and also summon various creatures. An unprepared mid-level player is unlikely to withstand such force. That is why it is better to go to the location of the Dragon Priests of Skyrim at a high level or after careful preparation.

In addition to enormous strength, followers of the Dragon Cult have high vitality. In close combat they are not as effective as in long-range combat, so the enemy will try to move as far away from the player as possible.

Priests do not like to stand in one place, so they always change their position. While moving, they use the unique power of their enchanted staffs. If the blow hits Dovahkiin, his health will begin to rapidly decrease.

Suitable Tactics

Taking into account all the above information, you can imagine how the battle should take place. The most winning strategy consists of several simple actions that require repeated repetition. To begin with, we cast the word that slows down time and hit the enemy several times. The lich will not be able to dodge all attacks at once, so he will still receive some damage. Next, we run closer to him to take advantage of the most powerful artifacts, for example, Dawn's Radiance or Mehrunes' Razor.

If the priest managed to call several creatures to his aid, then you can try to use the spell Chain Lightning (or a staff that has the same effect). However, if we talk about the most effective weapons, then these are, of course, the spells of the school of Destruction. They will help to penetrate not only the armor of the Dragon Priests of Skyrim, but also any other evil spirits. In turn, the use of ice spells and “minds” is practically useless.

Dragon Cult Masks

Eight Priests (thirteen including Dragonborn) are considered nominal. Each of these followers keeps a unique mask with various magical effects. All masks of the Dragon Priests of Skyrim contain a special power - this could be the ability to control large weights, or a bonus to magical energy.

All this makes Priests truly difficult opponents for the average player. Some of them may be endowed with the same abilities as Dovahkiin. It's about understanding the dragon language, as well as the ability to use certain minds.

After finding all the name masks (plus the wooden one), the player has the opportunity to find the last and strongest of them - Konarik.

Masks of the Dragon Priests of Skyrim - where to find them? Part 1

You can collect masks not only for the sake of magical boosts - they also open up access to an additional quest, after completing which you can get the last, most powerful mask.

  • Wooden - for this mask the player will have to go to Labyrinthian. Its main property is to move its owner through time.

If you wear the Wooden Mask in the tomb, not far from the cult altar, you can go back in time. Several pedestals will appear in front of the player, on which eight masks of the Dragon Priests of Skyrim must be placed. This way we will open the passage to the last artifact. In order to move back to the present, it is enough to pick up the Wooden Mask.

  • Volsung - Hidden in the Nordic ruins of Volskigge. By wearing it, the player will be able to gain access to an infinite supply of oxygen to stay underwater and increase their carry weight by 20 units. Among its main properties, one can also note the receipt of a twenty percent discount on all goods from merchants.
  • Morokei - Dovahkiin must go to Labyrinthian again for the third mask. Suitable for all magicians, as it completely regenerates mana.

We continue the hunt for masks. Part 2

  • Vokun - another mask suitable for magicians, is located within the ruins of the High Gate. Thanks to its magical properties, the hero can use 20% less mana during spells (only the schools of Illusion and Change).
  • Krosis - hidden in the Double-Headed Peak location. This mask is suitable for the type of player who prefers to conduct a hidden and quick battle. With its help, you can increase your archer, stealth, and alchemist skills by 20%.
  • Otar - during the search for the sixth mask, the player will visit the expanses of Rangvald. The flock is considered a kind of bonus to the abilities of all “tanks”. Thanks to it, the hero receives elemental defense increased by 30%. Protection acts against cold, fire and electricity.
  • Hevnorak - located within Valthum. The mask gives the strongest immunity and protects the player from all diseases and poisons that the northern province is so rich in.

  • Ragot - kept in Forelhost. Due to the fact that the Ragot mask increases the power level by 70 units, it can be used by warriors.
  • Nakrin is the last artifact hidden in the Nordic ruins of Skuldafn. The mask is loved by all students of the schools of Destruction and Restoration. It increases magic damage (by 50 units) and reduces mana absorption from spells (by 20%).

Konarik mask

After the player has managed to collect all existing masks, he gains access to the Shrine of Bromjunar. The main and strongest mask, Konarik, is kept inside. Its unique properties give the character true immortality. Konarik's mask works according to the following principle: when Dovahkiin's health approaches zero, he gains the ability to instantly heal. At the same time, he inflicts very significant damage on opponents.

Konarik - Dragon Priest

To expand the in-game lore, through the efforts of modders, a rather interesting mod for the Dragon Priests of Skyrim was created. It adds a new quest to the game about the great and terrible Konarik, with whom Dovahkiin can fight. As a reward for completing the modification, the player receives the same Konarik mask, albeit with more improved characteristics and boosts.

The quest begins from the Bromjunaar sanctuary (location Labyrinthian) - there, not far from the Breton skeleton, there is a bloody note. We read it and fulfill all the conditions. After this, we find Konarik and fight with him in an unequal battle. We kill the Priest and take the improved Mask - the quest is completed!

Greetings dear gamers. In this post I will talk about the unique elements of the character's armor - the masks of the Skyrim dragon priests "a!

Experienced Nords may not be interested in this post.

Face of the Damned. Dragon Priest Masks

Face of the Damned. Dragon Priest Masks

Let's start with the story elements.

In ancient times, when dragons ruled Nirn and people bowed to them, Alduin chose some people from the crowd and gave them masks that give their owners enormous power, making them Dragon Priests.

They guarded sanctuaries, ancient mounds and fortresses. And so, the dragons managed to disappear and will appear again, but the dragon priests did not go anywhere. They slept in ancient graves, doomed to eternal life, albeit in a dead body.

Superficial information.
So, in Skyrim you can meet only 8 dragon priests. Each of them has special powers, each wears a magical mask.

You can meet them in ancient temples/ruins, ancient Nordic burials, or in the mountains - near walls with words of Power.

Location, description of effects.
Total in game 10 masks, but at first we can only find 9 of them.

Let's start with the simplest mask.

Wooden mask.

Face of the Damned. Dragon Priest Masks

Face of the Damned. Dragon Priest Masks

This mask does not give the player any special bonuses; it is needed to perform the ritual of obtaining the 10th mask in the Labyrinthian Temple. We will find it in the sanctuary of Bromjunar, in Libyrinthian.

Mask of the priest Nakrin.

Face of the Damned. Dragon Priest Masks

Face of the Damned. Dragon Priest Masks

We will find this mask as we complete the main quest, searching the body of the murdered priest Nakrin in Skuldafn. Gives bonuses to magic.

In the dragon language, "Nahkriin" means "Revenge".

Mask of the priest Krosis.

Face of the Damned. Dragon Priest Masks

Face of the Damned. Dragon Priest Masks

Located on Double-Headed Peak, between Whiterun and Windhelm.

This mask will be useful to thieves.

In the language of dragons, "Krosis" means sadness.

Draugr can be heard saying "Unslaad Krosis" - "Eternal Sorrow".

Paarthurnax expresses his regret with the word "Krosis".

Mask of the priest Hevnorak.

Face of the Damned. Dragon Priest Masks

Face of the Damned. Dragon Priest Masks

Hevnorak is the boss in the quest "Evil Slumbers". Located in Valtum.

In the language of dragons, "Hevno" means "Cruel".

Mask of the priest of Morokea.

Face of the Damned. Dragon Priest Masks

Face of the Damned. Dragon Priest Masks

A whole story could be written about this priest. Found in Labyrinthian, and only during the quest "Staff of Magnus"

commissioned by Winterhold's Colleague.

"Morokei" means "Glorious" in the language of you know who.

He is the owner of the Staff of Magnus.

Ghostly images from the past found in the Labyrinthian show how Savos Aren encountered Morokei before Dovahkiin. In desperation, he sacrificed the lives of two College students in order to keep him sealed in Labyrinthian for the good of Skyrim.

As the Labyrinthian progresses, Morokei addresses the player - first in dragon language, then in human, mistaking him for Savos. His disembodied voice, often accompanied by a blue wind that drains magic, follows the player all the way to the end of the dungeon, where the player finds two ex-college students holding Morokei back.

Mask of the priest Otar.

Face of the Damned. Dragon Priest Masks

Face of the Damned. Dragon Priest Masks

Otar the Mad is the final boss in Ragnvald. He is in a closed coffin near the Wall of Words, but you can only get to it by first killing Otar. To get to him, you must defeat his two guards - Thorsten and Sirek - and take their skull keys.

Mask of the priest Ragot.

Face of the Damned. Dragon Priest Masks

Face of the Damned. Dragon Priest Masks

Ragoth is a high-ranking dragon priest located in a sarcophagus in Forelhost, atop a mountain south-southeast of Riften.

Mask of the Volsung priest.

Face of the Damned. Dragon Priest Masks

Face of the Damned. Dragon Priest Masks

It can be found at the end of the Wolskigge dungeon, or by climbing the hill above the main entrance.

The name "Volsung" can mean - Terror of the Air or Air Horror, as it can be divided into two separate words: Vol, meaning Horror, and Su, meaning Air.

Mask of the priest Vokun.

Version: 2.1
Language: not required

Dragon Priests are powerful bosses of Skyrim who possess unique collectibles - Dragon Priest Masks. They are unique and there are only 10 of them (not counting the DLC mask). Unfortunately, the vanilla game textures of all masks use the same textures and as a result, the masks do not show their uniqueness in this way and this does not allow one to fully appreciate all the advantages and uniqueness of the masks. So, I created these new textures to really show that each of the masks is one of a kind, with a sinister cool look! These new textures now represent true evil! All 10 masks of the Dragon Priests, the Mask of Hevnorak, Krosis, Morokea, Nakrin, Otara, Ragot, Vokuna, Volsunga, the Wooden Mask and the most powerful mask of Konarik have undergone changes.

- Added a stand-alone version of all 10 masks with hoods with the ability to manufacture in a forge and improvement (via additional link below)

- All hoods for all 10 masks have been updated, now they have a unique, different appearance (new hoods in the screenshots)
- Updated and increased texture normal maps for all 10 masks

More details:
So, the author created completely new textures from scratch to show that each of the masks is one and only with an ominous look!!! These new textures now represent the true EVIL displayed in masks. This mod is in 2 versions, complete retextures of vanilla game masks of priests with hoods and autonomous 10 masks of Priests with hoods with the ability to make them in a forge and improve them.

1-version of mod v2.0 is a retexture of all 10 Dragon Priest masks with hoods:
Mask of Hevnorak, Krosis, Morokei, Nakrin, Otara, Ragot, Vokuna, Volsunga, Wooden Mask and the most powerful mask of Konarik

The 2nd version of the mod v2.1 is an autonomous 10 Priest masks with hoods with the ability to make them in a forge:
- Unique mask - Otar (with hole for eyes)
- Unique mask - Otar (sewn eyes)
- Unique mask - Otar
- Unique mask - Morokei
- Unique mask - Vokun
- Unique mask - Wooden mask (no eyes)
- Unique mask - Wooden mask
- Unique mask - Konarik
- Unique mask - Krosis
- Unique mask - Volsung
- Unique mask - Nakrin
- Unique mask - Ragot
- Unique mask - Hevnorak
- Unique mask - Hevnorak (without eyes)

If you want all 10 Priest masks to simply change the appearance in the game without the possibility of manufacturing and improvement in the forge, then download the v2.0 mod from the main link
If you want all 10 Priest masks to be autonomous with the ability to make and improve them in the forge, then download the v2.1 mod from the additional link
Place the data folder in the root of the game and confirm the replacement if asked


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