Sergei Kozlov. Fairy tales. I apologize to S. Kozlov Hedgehog and Bear were sitting on the porch, ...: darkmeister — LiveJournal

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Good morning! - Travinka told him.

Good morning! - muttered the Hedgehog. I washed myself in the dew and went to have breakfast.

After breakfast, he again went out onto the porch, stretched himself, went to a wide clearing and sat there under a thick elm tree.

Sunny hares danced in the grass, birds sang in the branches, and the Hedgehog looked with all his eyes and listened.

The Little Bear came, sat down next to the Hedgehog, and they began to watch and listen together.

How beautifully they dance! - said Little Bear, slightly moving to the right.

Highly! - said the Hedgehog. And he also moved closer, because the sun hares gradually led the round dance to the right.

I have never seen such large sun hares, - said the Little Bear.

And I, - confirmed the Hedgehog.

How do you think they have ears? - asked the Little Bear, continuing to quietly move around the trunk after the hare dance.

No, - said the Hedgehog, trying to keep up with the Bear. - I think no.

And in my opinion, there is! - said Little Bear.

And I think so, - agreed the Hedgehog.

So you just thought otherwise!

I like to think differently, - answered the Hedgehog, moving his paws.

Thinking differently is bad, - said the Little Bear.

They had already circled around the elm once and were now on their second round.

To think differently, - continued Medvezhenok, - it means to speak differently ...

What you! - objected the Hedgehog. - you can say the same thing. - And moved up.

No, said Little Bear. - If you think differently, you speak differently!

But no! - said the Hedgehog. You can think differently, but say the same thing.

How so? - the Little Bear was surprised, continuing to move and listen to the birds. He even raised the farthest ear from the Hedgehog to hear the birds better.

And very simple! - said the Hedgehog. - For example, I always think about how good it is to sit under an elm tree and look at the sun hares, but I’m talking about something completely different.

How about another?! - the Bear cub was indignant. - We're talking about whether they have ears!

Of course not! - said the Hedgehog.

You just said that there is!

And now I say no.

And you're not ashamed?!

Why should I be ashamed? - the Hedgehog was surprised. - I can have my own opinion.

But yours is different!

Why can't I have different opinions? - asked the Hedgehog and moved up.

While he spoke, Little Bear did not move, and now a decent distance formed between them.

You upset me, - said the Bear cub and sat down next to the Hedgehog. - Let's silently look at the hares and listen to the birds.

Tui! Tui! - the birds sang.

Still, it's better to think the same way! Bear sighed.

The hares were tired of dancing and stretched out on the grass.

Now the Hedgehog and the Little Bear were sitting motionless under the elm and looking at the setting sun.

In vain you are upset, - said the Hedgehog. - Of course, the sun hares have ears! ..

And although the Hedgehog and the Bear cub almost quarreled, it was a very happy sunny day!

autumn tales

- Here we are talking, talking, the days are flying, and we are still talking.

- We speak, - the Hedgehog agreed.

- Months pass, clouds fly, trees are bare, and we all talk.

- We're talking.

- And then everything will pass completely, and you and I will only remain together.

- If!

- And what will become of us?

- We can fly too.

- How are the birds?

- Yeah.

- And where to?

- To the south, - said the Hedgehog.

How to catch a cloud

When the time came for the birds to fly south, the grass had withered for a long time and the trees flew around. The hedgehog said to the bear cub:

Winter is coming soon. Let's go and fish one last fish for you. You do love fish!

And they took their fishing rods and went to the river.

It was so quiet on the river, so calm that all the trees bowed their sad heads towards it, and in the middle the clouds floated slowly. The clouds were grey, shaggy, and the Bear Cub was scared.

“What if we catch a cloud? he thought. "What are we going to do with him then?"

- Hedgehog! - said Little Bear. - What will we do if we catch a cloud?

We won’t catch, - said the Hedgehog. - Clouds are not caught on dry peas! Now, if they caught on a dandelion ...

Can you catch a cloud on a dandelion?

Of course! - said the Hedgehog. - Clouds are only caught on a dandelion!

It began to get dark.

They sat on a narrow birch bridge and looked into the water. The little bear looked at the float of the Hedgehog, and the Hedgehog looked at the float of the Bear. It was very quiet, and the floats reflected motionlessly in the water.

Why doesn't she peck? - asked Little Bear.

She listens to our conversations, - said the Hedgehog. - Fish are very curious by autumn!

Then let's be silent.

And they sat in silence for an hour.

Suddenly the Bear cub's float danced and dived deep.

Pecking! - shouted the Hedgehog.

Ouch! - exclaimed the Little Bear. - Pulling!

Hold it, hold it! - said the Hedgehog.

Something very heavy, - Bear cub whispered. “An old cloud sank here last year. Maybe this is it...

Hold it, hold it! - repeated the Hedgehog.

But then Bear Cub's fishing rod bent into an arc, then straightened with a whistle - and a huge red moon flew high into the sky.

And the moon swayed and floated quietly over the river.

And then the Hedgehog's float disappeared.

Pull! - Bear cub whispered.

The hedgehog waved his fishing rod - and high into the sky, above the moon, a small star flew up.

So ... - whispered the Hedgehog, taking out two new peas. “Now just enough bait!”

And they, forgetting about the fish, caught the stars all night long and threw them all over the sky.

And before dawn, when the peas ran out. The little bear leaned over the bridge and pulled two orange maple leaves out of the water.

There is nothing better than catching on a maple leaf! - he said.

And he was about to doze off, when suddenly someone grabbed the hook tightly.

Help! .. - Bear cub whispered to the Hedgehog.

And they, tired, sleepy, together barely pulled the sun out of the water.

It shook itself, walked along the narrow footbridge and rolled into the field.

All around it was quiet, good, and the last leaves, like small boats, slowly floated along the river ...

autumn fairy tale

Every day it grew lighter and later, and the forest became so transparent that it seemed: if you ransacked it up and down, you would not find a single leaf.

Soon our birch will fly around, - said the Bear cub. And he pointed with his paw at a lonely birch, standing in the middle of the clearing.

It will fly around ... - the Hedgehog agreed.

The winds will blow, - continued the Little Bear, - and it will shake all over, and in my dream I will hear how the last leaves fall from it. And in the morning I wake up, I go out onto the porch, and she is naked!

Naked ... - agreed the Hedgehog.

They sat on the porch of the bear's house and looked at a lonely birch in the middle of the clearing.

Now, if leaves grew on me in the spring? - said the Hedgehog. - I would sit by the stove in the fall, and they would never fly around.

What kind of leaves would you like? - asked Little Bear. - Birch or ash?

How is the maple? Then I would have been red-haired in autumn, and you would have taken me for a little fox. Would you say to me: “Little Fox, how is your mother?” And I would say: “Hunters killed my mother, and now I live with the Hedgehog. Come visit us?" And you would come. "Where is the Hedgehog?" you would ask. And then, finally, I guessed, and we would have laughed for a long, long time, until the very spring ...

No, said Little Bear. - It would be better if I didn’t guess, but asked: “What. Hedgehog went for water? - "Not?" you would say. "For firewood?" - "Not?" you would say. “Maybe he went to visit Bear Cub?” And then you would nod your head. And I would wish you good night and run to my place, because you don’t know where I hide the key now, and you would have to sit on the porch.

But I would have stayed at home! - said the Hedgehog.

Well, so what! - said Little Bear. - You would sit at home and think: “I wonder if this Bear is pretending or really didn’t recognize me?” And while I ran home, took a small jar of honey, returned to you and asked: “What. The hedgehog hasn't returned yet?" And would you say...

And I would say that I am the Hedgehog! - said the Hedgehog.

No, said Little Bear. - You'd better not say anything like that. And he said so...

Here the Little Bear stumbled, because three leaves suddenly fell off the birch in the middle of the clearing. They whirled a little in the air, and then sank softly into the rusty grass.

No, it would be better if you didn’t say anything like that, ”the Bear cub repeated. - And we would just drink tea with you and go to bed. And then I would have guessed everything in a dream.

Why in a dream?

The best thoughts come to me in a dream, - said the Little Bear. - You see: there are twelve leaves left on the birch. They will never fall again. Because last night I guessed in a dream that this morning they need to be sewn to a branch.

And sewed on? - asked the Hedgehog.

Of course, - said Bear cub. “The same needle you gave me last year.

How the Donkey had a terrible dream

The autumn wind blew. The stars circled low in the sky, and one cold, blue star caught on a pine tree and stopped right in front of the Donkey's house.

The donkey was sitting at the table, resting his head on his hooves and looking out the window.

"What a prickly star," he thought. And fell asleep. And then the star sank right to his window and said:

What a stupid Donkey! So gray, but no fangs.

Klykov! - said the star. - The gray boar has fangs and the gray wolf, but you don't.

Why do I need them? asked Donkey.

If you have fangs, - said the star, - everyone will be afraid of you.

And then she blinked quickly, and the Donkey grew a canine behind one and the other cheek.

And there are no claws, - the star sighed. And she made him claws.

Then the Donkey found himself on the street and saw the Hare.

Hello, p-tail! he shouted. But the scythe rushed at full speed and disappeared behind the trees.

"Why is he afraid of me?" Donkey thought. And I decided to go to visit the Bear cub.

Knock-Knock! Donkey knocked on the window.

Who's there? - asked Little Bear.

Who? - asked the Little Bear.

I? Open swarm!..

The bear cub opened the door, backed away and instantly disappeared behind the stove.

"What is he?" Donkey thought again. He entered the house and sat on a stool.

I came to drink some tea, - Donkey croaked. “I have a strange voice, however,” he thought.

No tea! shouted Little Bear. - The samovar lost weight!

How did you lose weight?!

I gave you a new samovar just last week!

You didn't give me anything! It was Donkey who gave me the samovar!

And who am I?

I?!. What you! I love tr-r-ravka!

Weed? - Little Bear leaned out from behind the stove.

I'm not a wolf! Donkey said. And all of a sudden he gnashed his teeth.

He grabbed his head and... couldn't find his long fluffy ears. Instead of them, some kind of hard, short ears stuck out ...

He looked at the floor - and was stunned: clawed wolf paws hung from the stool ...

I'm not a wolf! - Donkey repeated, clicking his teeth.

Tell me! - said Little Bear, getting out from behind the stove. He had a log in his paws, and a pot of melted butter on his head.

What are you thinking?! - Donkey wanted to shout, but only growled hoarsely: - Rrrr !!!

The little bear hit him with a log and grabbed the poker.

Will you pretend to be my friend Donkey? he shouted. - Will you?

Honestly, I'm not a wolf, - Donkey muttered, retreating behind the stove. - I love weed!

What?! Weed?! There are no such wolves! - shouted Little Bear opened the stove and snatched a burning brand from the fire.

Then the Donkey woke up ...

Someone knocked on the door, so hard that the hook jumped.

Who's there? Donkey asked thinly.

It's me! shouted Little Bear from behind the door. - Are you sleeping there?

Yes, - said Donkey, unlocking. - I was dreaming.

Well?! - said Little Bear, sitting down on a stool. - Interesting?

Scary! I was a wolf, and you beat me with a poker ...

Yes, you would tell me that you are a Donkey!

I said, - Donkey sighed, - but you still did not believe. I said that even if I seem like a wolf to you, I still like to pinch grass!

So what?

Did not believe…

The next time, - said the Bear cub, - you tell me in a dream: “Bear cub, do you remember, we talked with you? ..” And I will believe you.

Trusting Hedgehog

It snowed for two days, then it melted and it started to rain.

The forest is soaked to the last aspen. The fox - to the very tip of the tail, and the old Owl did not fly anywhere for three nights, sat in his hollow and was upset. "Wow!" he sighed.

And throughout the forest it spread: “Uh-h-h! ..”

And in the Hedgehog's house, a stove was heated, a fire crackled in the stove, and the Hedgehog himself sat on the floor by the stove, blinking, looking at the flame and rejoicing.

How good! How warm! How amazing! he whispered. - I have a house with a stove!

"A house with a stove! House with stove! House with a stove! - he sang and, dancing, brought more firewood and threw them into the fire.

Haha! Fire chuckled and licked the firewood. - Dry!

Still would! - said the Hedgehog.

How many firewood do we have? asked Fire.

Enough for the whole winter!

Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! - Fire laughed and began to dance so that the Hedgehog was afraid that he would jump out of the stove.

You are not very! he said to Fire. - Jump out! And closed the door on him.

Hey! shouted Fire from behind the door. - Why did you lock me up? Let's talk!

About what you want! - said Fire and stuck his nose into the crack.

No, no! - said the Hedgehog and hit Fire on the nose.

Ah, you're fighting! - Fire soared and buzzed so that the Hedgehog was scared again.

For a while they were silent.

Then the Fire calmed down and plaintively said:

Listen, Hedgehog, I'm hungry. Give me more firewood - we have a lot of them.

No, - said the Hedgehog, - I won’t give it. The house is so warm.

Then open the door and let me look at you.

I'm dozing, - said the Hedgehog. - It's not interesting to look at me now.

Well, what are you! Most of all I like to look at the dormant Hedgehogs.

And why do you like to look at the dormant?

Sleeping Hedgehogs are so beautiful that it's hard to see enough of them.

And if I open the stove, will you watch while I doze off?

And you will doze, and I will doze, only I will still look at you.

You are beautiful too, - said the Hedgehog. - I'll look at you too.

No. You better not look at me, - said Fire, - and I will look at you, and breathe hotly, and stroke you with warm breath.

Good, - said the Hedgehog. Just don't get out of the oven.

The fire was silent.

Then the Hedgehog opened the stove door, leaned against the firewood and dozed off. The fire also dozed, and only in the darkness of the furnace did its evil eyes gleam.

Forgive me, please, Hedgehog, - he turned to the Hedgehog a little later, - but it will be very good for me to look at you if I am full. Throw wood.

The hedgehog was so sweet at the stove that he threw in three poles and dozed off again.

Woo! roared Fire. - Wu-u-u! What a beautiful hedgehog! How he sleeps! - and with these words he jumped to the floor and ran around the house.

Smoke crept in. The hedgehog coughed, opened his eyes and saw Fire dancing all over the room.

I'm burning! - shouted the Hedgehog and rushed to the door.

But the Fire was already dancing on the threshold and would not let it in.

The hedgehog grabbed a felt boot and began to beat Fire with a felt boot.

Get in the oven, you old liar! - shouted the Hedgehog.

But Fire only laughed in response.

Ah well! - shouted the Hedgehog, broke the window, rolled out into the street and tore the roof off his house.

The rain poured down with might and main. The drops stomped on the floor and began to trample on Fire's arms, legs, beard, and nose.

"Slap-slap! Slap-slap!" - the drops were saying, and the Hedgehog beat the Fire with a wet felt boot and did not say anything - he was so angry.

When the Fire, hissing evil, climbed back into the stove. The hedgehog covered his house with a roof, filled the broken window with firewood, sat down by the stove and became sad: the house was cold, wet and smelled of burning.

What a red-haired, deceitful old man! - said the Hedgehog.

The fire didn't answer. And what was there to say to Fire, if everyone except the gullible Hedgehog knows what a deceiver he is.

Piglet in a spiky coat

- Let's not fly anywhere, Hedgehog. Let's sit forever on our porch, and in the winter - in the house, and in the spring - again on the porch, and in the summer - too.

- And our porch will slowly grow wings. And one day you and I will wake up together high above the ground.

“Who is that dark one running down there? - you ask. “Is there another one nearby?”

“Yes, it’s you and me,” I say. “These are our shadows,” you add.

snow flower

Aw! aw! aw! the dog barked.

Snow was falling - and the house, and the barrel in the middle of the yard, and the doghouse, and the dog itself were white and fluffy.

There was a smell of snow and a Christmas tree brought in from the frost, and this smell was bitter with a tangerine crust.

Aw! aw! aw! the dog barked again.

“She probably smelled me,” thought the Hedgehog and began to crawl away from the forester's house.

He was sad to go through the forest alone, and he began to think how at midnight he would meet with the Donkey and the Bear Cub in the Big Clearing under the blue Christmas tree.

“We will hang a hundred red chanterelle mushrooms,” thought the Hedgehog, “and it will become light and fun for us. Maybe the hares will come running, and then we will start dancing. And if the Wolf comes, I will prick him with a needle, the Teddy bear will hit his paw, and the Donkey with a hoof.

And the snow kept falling and falling. And the forest was so fluffy, so shaggy and furry, that the Hedgehog suddenly wanted to do something completely unusual: well, let's say, climb into the sky and bring a star.

And he began to imagine how he, with a star, descends to the Big Glade and gives the Donkey and the Bear cub a star.

“Take it, please,” he says. And the Bear cub waves his paws and says: “Well, what are you? After all, you have one ... ”And the Donkey nods his head nearby - they say, what are you, after all, you only have one! - but he still makes them obey, take the star, and he himself again runs away to heaven.

"I'll send you more!" he shouts. And when he is already rising quite high, he hears a barely reaching: “What are you, Hedgehog, is one enough for us? ..”

But he still takes out the second one and again falls into the clearing - and everyone has fun, everyone laughs and dances.

"And to us! And to us!" - shout the hares.

He gets them too. But he doesn't need it for himself. He is so happy that everyone has fun ...

“Here,” thought the Hedgehog, climbing a huge snowdrift, “if the flower“ EVERYONE IS GOOD AND EVERYONE IS FUN ” grew somewhere, I would dig up the snow, take it out and put it in the middle of the Big Glade. And the hares, and the Bear cub, and the Donkey - everyone, everyone who would see him, immediately felt good and fun!

And then, as if having heard him, the old fluffy Christmas tree took off her white hat and said:

I know where such a flower grows, Hedgehog. Two hundred pines from me, beyond the Crooked ravine, at an icy stump, the Ice-Free Key beats. There, at the very bottom, is your flower!

Didn't I dream about you, Yolka? - asked the Hedgehog.

No, - said Yolka and put on her hat again.

And the Hedgehog ran, counting the pines, to the Crooked Ravine, crossed over it, found an icy stump and saw the Ice-Free Key.

He leaned over him and cried out in surprise.

Very close, shaking its transparent petals, stood a magic flower. It looked like a violet or a snowdrop, or maybe just a big snowflake that does not melt in the water.

The hedgehog stretched out his paw, but did not get it. He wanted to pull the flower out with a stick, but was afraid to hurt it.

“I will jump into the water,” the Hedgehog decided, “I will dive deep and carefully take it with my paws.”

He jumped and when he opened his eyes underwater, he did not see a flower. "Where is he?" thought the Hedgehog. And swam ashore.

The wonderful flower still swayed at the bottom.

How so! .. - cried the Hedgehog. And again he jumped into the water, but again he saw nothing.

Seven times the Hedgehog dived into the Ice-free Key ...

Chilled to the last needle, he ran home through the forest.

“How is it? he sobbed. - How so?" And he did not know that on the shore it turns into a white, like a flower, snowflake.

And suddenly the Hedgehog heard music, saw the Big Clearing with a silver Christmas tree in the middle, Bear Cub, Donkey and hares leading a round dance.

"Tara-tara-there-ta-ta! .." - the music played. Snow was spinning, hares glided smoothly on soft paws, and a hundred red light bulbs illuminated this celebration.

Ouch! Donkey exclaimed. - What an amazing snow flower!

Everyone spun around the Hedgehog and, smiling, dancing, began to admire him.

Oh, how good and fun it is for everyone! - said Little Bear. - What a wonderful flower! The only pity is that there is no Hedgehog ...

"I'm here!" - wanted to shout the Hedgehog.

But he was so cold that he could not utter a word.

Piglet in a spiky coat

It was winter. There were such frosts that the Hedgehog did not leave his house for several days, stoked the stove and looked out the window. Frost decorated the window with different patterns, and from time to time the Hedgehog had to climb onto the windowsill and breathe and rub the frozen glass with his paw.

“Here,” he said, again seeing the tree, the stump and the clearing in front of the house. Snowflakes were circling over the clearing and then flying somewhere up, then descending to the very ground of snowflakes.

The hedgehog pressed his nose against the window, and one Snowflake sat on his nose on the other side of the glass, stood up on thin legs and said:

Is that you, hedgehog? Why don't you come out to play with us?

It's cold outside, - said the Hedgehog.

No, Snowflake laughed. We are not at all cold! Look how I fly!

And she flew off the Hedgehog's nose and circled over the clearing. “See? Do you see? she shouted as she flew past the window. And the Hedgehog pressed himself so close to the glass that his nose flattened out and became like a piglet; and it seemed to Snowflake that it was no longer the Hedgehog, but a pig wearing a prickly fur coat was looking at her from the window.

Piglet! she called. - Come out with us for a walk!

"Who is she calling?" - thought the Hedgehog and pressed himself into the glass even more to see if there was a piglet on the mound.

And Snowflake now knew for sure that a pig in a prickly fur coat was sitting outside the window.

Piglet! she shouted even louder. - You have a coat. Come play with us!

“So,” thought the Hedgehog. - There, under the window, probably, a pig in a fur coat is sitting and does not want to play. We must invite him into the house and give him tea.

And he got down from the windowsill, put on his boots and ran out onto the porch.

Piglet? he shouted. - Go drink tea!

- Hedgehog, - said Snowflake, - the piglet just ran away. Play with us!

I can not. Cold! - said the Hedgehog and went into the house.

Closing the door, he left his felt boots at the threshold, threw firewood into the stove, again climbed onto the window sill and pressed his nose against the glass.

Piglet - shouted Snowflake. - Are you back? Come out! Let's play together!

"He's back," thought the Hedgehog. He put on his boots again and ran out onto the porch. - Piglet! he shouted. - Piglet-o-ok! .. The wind howled and snowflakes swirled merrily.

So until the evening, the Hedgehog either ran to the porch and called the piglet, then, returning to the house, climbed onto the windowsill and pressed his nose against the glass.

Snowflake didn’t care who to play with, and she called either a pig in a prickly coat when the Hedgehog was sitting on the windowsill, then the Hedgehog himself when he ran out onto the porch.

And the Hedgehog, falling asleep, was afraid that a piglet in a prickly fur coat would freeze on such a frosty night.

Long winter evening

Oh, what snowdrifts the blizzard has covered! All the stumps, all the bumps were filled with snow. The pines creaked deafly, swayed by the wind, and only the hard-working woodpecker pecked and pecked somewhere above, as if he wanted to peck low clouds and see the sun ...

The hedgehog was sitting at home by the stove and no longer looked forward to when spring came.

“Hurry,” thought the Hedgehog, “the streams murmured, the birds sang and the first ants ran along the paths! , Squirrel! So spring has come! How did you spend the winter?'"

And Squirrel would fluff its tail, wave it in different directions and answer: “Hello, Hedgehog! Are you well? And we would run all over the forest and inspect every stump, every Christmas tree, and then we would begin to tread last year's paths ...

“You trample on the ground,” Squirrel would say, “and I - on top!” And jump up the trees...

Then we would see the Bear cub.

"And it's you!" - the Little Bear would have shouted and would have helped me tread the paths ...

And then we would call the Donkey. Because without it it is impossible to pave a big path.

The donkey would run first, after him - the Bear cub, and after them - I ...

“Tsok-tsok-tsok” - the Donkey would pound with his hooves, “top-top-top” - the Bear cub would stomp, but I would not keep up with them and just roll.

"You're ruining the track! Donkey would have shouted. “You ripped it all open with your needles!”

"No problem! - Bear cub would smile. “I will run after the Hedgehog and trample down the ground.”

“No, no,” said the Donkey, “it’s better for the Hedgehog to loosen the gardens!”

And I would begin to roll on the ground and loosen the gardens, and the Donkey with the Bear Cub would carry water ...

"Now loosen mine!" - Chipmunk would ask.

"And mine!" - the Forest Mouse would say ... And I would ride all over the forest and benefit everyone.

And now you have to sit by the stove, - the Hedgehog sighed sadly, - and it is still unknown when spring will come ... "

How the Donkey, the Hedgehog and the Teddy Bear celebrated the New Year

A blizzard raged in the fields all the week before New Year's Eve. There was so much snow in the forest that neither the Hedgehog, nor the Donkey, nor the Bear cub could leave the house all week.

Before the New Year, the blizzard subsided, and friends gathered at the Hedgehog's house.

That's what, - said the Little Bear, - we don't have a Christmas tree.

No, agreed Donkey.

I don’t see that we had it, - said the Hedgehog. He liked to express himself intricately on holidays.

We must go look, - said the Bear cub.

Where can we find it now? Donkey was surprised. It's dark in the forest...

And what snowdrifts! .. - the Hedgehog sighed.

And yet you have to go for the Christmas tree, - said the Bear cub.

And all three left the house.

The blizzard subsided, but the clouds had not yet dispersed, and not a single star could be seen in the sky.

And there is no moon! Donkey said. - What tree is here ?!

And to the touch? - said Little Bear. And crawled through the snowdrifts.

But he couldn't find anything either. Only large Christmas trees came across, but they still wouldn’t fit into the Hedgehog’s house, and the small ones were covered with snow.

Returning to the Hedgehog, the Donkey and the Bear Cub were sad.

Well, what a New Year it is! .. - Bear cub sighed.

“If it were some kind of autumn holiday, then the Christmas tree might not be obligatory,” thought Donkey. “And in winter it’s impossible without a Christmas tree.”

Meanwhile, the hedgehog boiled the samovar and poured tea into saucers. He gave the little bear a jar of honey, and the Donkey a plate of burdocks.

The Hedgehog did not think about the Christmas tree, but he was saddened that for half a month now, as his watch-clock broke, and the watchmaker Woodpecker promised, but did not arrive.

How do we know when it's twelve o'clock? he asked Bear.

We will feel! Donkey said.

How are we going to feel? - the Little Bear was surprised. “Very simple,” said Donkey. - At twelve o'clock we will have exactly three hours to want to sleep!

Correctly! - the Hedgehog was delighted.

Why not a tree? shouted Little Bear.

And so they did.

A stool was placed in the corner, the Hedgehog stood on the stool and fluffed the needles.

The toys are under the bed, he said.

The donkey and the Bear cub took out toys and hung a large dried dandelion on the upper paws of the Hedgehog, and a small spruce cone on each needle.

Don't forget the light bulbs! - said the Hedgehog.

And three chanterelle mushrooms were hung on his chest, and they lit up merrily - they were so red.

Are you tired, Yolka? - asked Little Bear, sitting down and taking a sip of tea from a saucer.

The hedgehog stood on a stool, like a real Christmas tree, and smiled.

No, said the Hedgehog. - What time is it now?

The donkey was dozing.

Five minutes to twelve! - said Little Bear. - As the Donkey falls asleep, it will be exactly the New Year.

Then pour me and myself cranberry juice, - said the Hedgehog-Yolka.

Do you want cranberry juice? - asked the Little Bear from the Donkey. The donkey was almost completely asleep.

Now the clock should strike, he muttered.

The hedgehog carefully, so as not to spoil the dried dandelion, took a cup of cranberry juice in his right paw and began to beat the clock with his lower foot, stamping his feet.

bam! bam! bam! he said.

Three already, - said the Bear cub. - Now let me hit!

He tapped his paw on the floor three times and also said:

bam! bam! bam! .. Now it's your turn, Donkey!

The donkey hit the floor three times with his hoof, but said nothing.

Day by day it grew lighter and later, and the forest became so transparent that it seemed that if you ransacked it up and down, you would not find a single leaf.

Soon our birch will fly around, - said the Bear cub. And he pointed with his paw at a lonely birch, standing in the middle of the clearing.

It will fly around ... - agreed the Hedgehog.

The winds will blow, - continued the Little Bear, - and she will shake all over, and in my dream I will hear how the last leaves fall from her. And in the morning I wake up, I go out onto the porch, and she is naked!

Naked ... - agreed the Hedgehog.

They sat on the porch of the bear's house and looked at a lonely birch in the middle of the clearing.

Now, if leaves grew on me in the spring? - said the Hedgehog. - I would sit by the stove in the fall, and they would never fly around.

What kind of leaves would you like? - asked the Little Bear. - Birch or ash?

How about maple? Then I would have been red-haired in autumn, and you would have taken me for a little Fox. Would you say to me: “Little Fox, how is your mother?” And I would say: “Hunters killed my mother, and now I live with the Hedgehog. Come visit us?" And you would come. "Where is the Hedgehog?" you would ask. And then, finally, I guessed, and we would have laughed for a long, long time, until the very spring ...

No, - said the Little Bear. - It would be better if I didn’t guess, but asked: “What. Hedgehog went for water? - "Not?" you would say. "For firewood?" - "Not?" you would say. “Maybe he went to visit Bear Cub?” And then you would nod your head. And I would wish you good night and run to my place, because you don’t know where I hide the key now, and you would have to sit on the porch.

But I would have stayed at home! - said the Hedgehog.

Well, so what! - said Little Bear. - You would sit at home and think: “I wonder if Little Bear is pretending or really didn’t recognize me?” And while I ran home, took a small jar of honey, returned to you and asked: “What. Has the hedgehog returned yet?” Would you say...

And I would say that I am the Hedgehog! - said the Hedgehog.

No, - said the Little Bear. - It would be better if you didn’t say anything like that. And he said so...

Here the Little Bear stumbled, because three leaves suddenly fell off the birch in the middle of the clearing. They whirled a little in the air, and then sank softly into the rusty grass.

No, it would be better if you didn’t say anything like that, - the Bear cub repeated. - And we would just drink tea with you and go to bed. And then I would have guessed everything in a dream.

Why in a dream?

The best thoughts come to me in a dream, - said the Little Bear. - You see: there are twelve leaves left on the birch. They will never fall again. Because last night I guessed in a dream that this morning they need to be sewn to a branch.

And sewed on? - asked the Hedgehog.

Of course, - said the Little Bear. - With the same needle that you gave me last year.

When the time came for the birds to fly south, the grass had withered for a long time and the trees flew around. The hedgehog said to the Bear cub: - Winter is coming. Let's go and fish one last fish for you. You do love fish! And they took their fishing rods and went to the river. It was so quiet on the river, so calm that all the trees bowed their sad heads towards it, and in the middle the clouds floated slowly. The clouds were grey, shaggy, and the Bear Cub was scared. "What if we catch a cloud?" he thought. "What are we going to do with it then?" - Hedgehog! - said Little Bear. - What will we do if we catch a cloud? - We won’t catch it, - said the Hedgehog. - Clouds are not caught on dry peas! Now, if they were catching on a dandelion... - Can you catch a cloud on a dandelion? - Of course! - said the Hedgehog. - Clouds are only caught on a dandelion! It began to get dark. They sat on a narrow birch bridge and looked into the water. Little Bear looked at the float of the Hedgehog, and the Hedgehog looked at the float of the Bear. It was very quiet, and the floats reflected motionlessly in the water. . . Why doesn't she peck? - asked Little Bear. - She listens to our conversations, - said the Hedgehog. - Fish are very curious by autumn! .. - Then let's be silent. And they sat in silence for an hour. Suddenly the Bear cub's float danced and dived deep. - Biting! - shouted the Hedgehog. - Ouch! - exclaimed the Little Bear. - Pulls! - Hold on, hold on! - said the Hedgehog. - Something very heavy, - Bear cub whispered. - Last year, an old cloud sank here. Maybe this is it?.. - Hold it, hold it! repeated the Hedgehog. But then Bear Cub's fishing rod bent into an arc, then straightened with a whistle - and a huge red moon flew high into the sky. - Moon! - the Hedgehog and the Bear cub exhaled in one voice. And the moon swayed and floated quietly over the river. And then the hedgehog float disappeared. - Pull! - Bear cub whispered. The hedgehog waved his fishing rod - and high into the sky, above the moon, a small star flew up. - So ... - whispered the Hedgehog, taking out two new peas. - Now if only there was enough bait! .. And they, forgetting about the fish, caught the stars all night and threw them all over the sky. And before dawn, when the peas ran out. The little bear leaned over the bridge and pulled two orange maple leaves out of the water. - There is nothing better than catching on a maple leaf! - he said. And he was about to doze off, when suddenly someone grabbed the hook tightly. - Help! .. - the Bear cub whispered to the Hedgehog. And they, tired, sleepy, together barely pulled the sun out of the water. It shook itself, walked along the narrow footbridge and rolled into the field. All around it was quiet, good, and the last leaves, like small boats, slowly floated along the river ...


Day by day it grew lighter and later, and the forest became so transparent that it seemed that if you ransacked it up and down, you would not find a single leaf. - Soon our birch will fly around, - said the Bear cub. And he pointed with his paw at a lonely birch, standing in the middle of the clearing. - It will fly around ... - the Hedgehog agreed. “The winds will blow,” continued the Little Bear, “and she will shake all over, and in my dream I will hear how the last leaves fall from her. And in the morning I wake up, I go out onto the porch, and she is naked! - Naked ... - Hedgehog agreed. They sat on the porch of the bear's house and looked at a lonely birch in the middle of the clearing. - What if leaves grew on me in the spring? - said the hedgehog. - I would sit by the stove in the fall, and they would never fly around. - What kind of leaves would you like? - asked the Little Bear. - Birch or ash? - How is the maple? Then I would have been red-haired in autumn, and you would have taken me for a little Fox. Would you say to me: "Little Fox, how is your mother?" And I would say: "My mother was killed by hunters, and now I live with the Hedgehog. Come to visit us?" And you would come. "Where is the Hedgehog?" you would ask. And then, finally, he guessed, and we would have laughed for a long, long time, until the very spring ... - No, - said the Little Bear. - "Not?" you would say. "For firewood?" - "Not?" you would say. "Maybe he went to visit Little Bear?" And then you would nod your head. And I would wish you good night and run to my place, because you don’t know where I hide the key now, and you would have to sit on the porch. But I would have stayed at home! - said the Hedgehog. - Well, so what! - said Little Bear. - You would sit at home and think: "I wonder if Little Bear is pretending or really did not recognize me?" And while I ran home, took a small jar of honey, returned to you and asked: "What. Has the hedgehog returned yet?" "And you would say ... - And I would say that I am the Hedgehog!" - said Hedgehog. - No, - said the Little Bear. - It would be better if you didn’t say anything like that. But you said this ... Then the Little Bear stumbled, because three leaves suddenly fell from the birch in the middle of the clearing. They circled a little in the air, and then gently fell into the reddened grass. “No, it would be better if you didn’t say anything like that,” repeated the Little Bear. “And we would just drink tea with you and go to bed. the best thoughts come to me in a dream, - said the Little Bear. - You see: there are twelve leaves left on the birch. They will never fall. Because last night I guessed in a dream that this morning they need to be sewn to a branch. And sewed on? - asked the Hedgehog. - Of course, - said the Little Bear. - With the same needle that you gave me last year.


The autumn wind blew. The stars circled low in the sky, and one cold, blue star caught on a pine tree and stopped right in front of the Donkey's house. The donkey was sitting at the table, resting his head on his hooves and looking out the window. "What a prickly star," he thought. And fell asleep. And then the star sank right to his window and said: - What a stupid Donkey! So gray, but no fangs. - What? - Klykov! - said the star. - The gray boar has fangs and the gray wolf, but you do not. - Why do I need them? asked Donkey. - If you have fangs, - said the star, - everyone will be afraid of you. And then she blinked quickly, and the Donkey grew a canine behind one and the other cheek. “And there are no claws,” the star sighed. And she made him claws. Then the Donkey found himself on the street and saw the Hare. - Hey-r-raise, Ponytail! he shouted. But the scythe rushed at full speed and disappeared behind the trees. "Why is he afraid of me?" - thought the Donkey. And he decided to go to visit the Little Bear. - Knock-knock-knock! - Donkey knocked on the window. - Who's there? - asked the Bear cub. - It's me, Donkey, - and he was surprised at his own voice. “Who?” asked the Little Bear. “Me? "What do you want?" - Little Bear asked in a frightened voice from behind the stove. "Here he came to drink some tea," Donkey croaked. "However, I have a strange voice," he thought. - No tea! - shouted the Little Bear. - Is the samovar leaky? - How did you lose weight?! Did I give you a new samovar just last week? - You didn't give me anything? Was it Donkey who gave me the samovar? - And who am I? - Wolf! - I?!. What you! I love tr-r-ravka! - Weed? - Little Bear leaned out from behind the stove. - I'm not a wolf! Donkey said. And all of a sudden he gnashed his teeth. He grabbed his head and... couldn't find his long fluffy ears. Instead of them, some hard, short ears stuck out... He looked at the floor - and was stunned: clawed wolf paws hung from the stool... - I'm not a wolf! repeated the Donkey, clicking his teeth. - Tell me! - said Little Bear, getting out from behind the stove. He had a log in his paws, and a pot of melted butter on his head. - What are you thinking?! - Donkey wanted to shout, but only growled hoarsely: - Rrrr !!! The little bear hit him with a log and grabbed the poker. - Will you pretend to be my friend Donkey? he shouted. - Will you? “Honestly, I’m not a wolf,” Donkey muttered, retreating behind the stove. “I love weed!” - What?! Weed?! There are no such wolves! - shouted Little Bear opened the stove and snatched a burning brand from the fire. Then the Donkey woke up... Someone knocked on the door, so hard that the hook jumped. - Who's there? Donkey asked thinly. - It's me! shouted Little Bear from behind the door. - Are you sleeping there? Yes, - said the Donkey, unlocking it. - I was watching a dream. - Well? - said Little Bear, sitting down on a stool. - Interesting? - Scary! I was a wolf, and you beat me with a poker ... - Yes, you would have told me that you are a Donkey! “I said,” Donkey sighed, “but you still didn’t believe. I said that even if I seem like a wolf to you, I still like to pinch grass! - So what? - I didn’t believe it ... - Next time, - said the Bear cub, - you tell me in a dream: “Bear cub, do you remember, we talked with you? ..” And I will believe you.


It snowed for two days, then it melted and it started to rain. The forest is soaked to the last aspen. The fox - to the very tip of the tail, and the old Owl did not fly anywhere for three nights, sat in his hollow and was upset. "Wow!" he sighed. And the whole forest resounded: "Uh-h-h! .." And in the Hedgehog's house the stove was heated, the fire crackled in the stove, and the Hedgehog himself sat on the floor by the stove, blinking, looked at the flame and rejoiced. - How good! How warm! How amazing! he whispered. - I have a house with a stove! “A house with a stove! A house with a stove! A house with a stove!” he sang and, dancing, brought more firewood and threw it into the fire. “Ha ha!” Fire laughed and licked the firewood. - said the Hedgehog. - Do we have a lot of firewood? - asked Fire. - Enough for the whole winter! - Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! - Fire laughed and began to dance so that the Hedgehog was afraid that he would jump out of - You're not very good! - he said to the Fire. - Jump out! - And covered it with the door. - Hey! - Fire shouted from behind the door. - said Fire and stuck his nose into the crack. - No, no! - said the Hedgehog and hit Fire on the nose. - Ah, you are fighting! - Fire soared and buzzed so that the Hedgehog was frightened again. For some time they were silent. Then Fire calmed down and said plaintively: - Listen, Hedgehog, I'm hungry. Give me more firewood - we have a lot of them. - No, - said the Hedgehog, - I won't give it. It's already warm in the house. "I'm dozing," said the Hedgehog. it's not interesting to watch. - Well, what are you! I love to look at slumbering hedgehogs most of all. - And why do you like to look at the dormant? - Sleeping hedgehogs are so beautiful that it's hard to see enough of them. - And if I open the stove, you will watch, and I will doze off? - And you will doze, and I will doze, only I will still look at you. - You are also beautiful, - said the Hedgehog. - I will also look at you. - Not. You better not look at me, - said Fire, - and I will look at you, and breathe hotly, and stroke you with warm breath. - Well, - said the Hedgehog. - Just don't get out of the stove. The fire was silent. Then the Hedgehog opened the stove door, leaned against the firewood and dozed off. The fire, too, dozed, and only in the darkness of the furnace did its evil eyes gleam. - Forgive me, please, Hedgehog, - he turned to the Hedgehog a little later, - but it will be very good for me to look at you if I am full. Throw wood. The hedgehog was so sweet at the stove that he threw in three pieces of wood and dozed off again. - Wu-u-u! boomed Fire. What a beautiful hedgehog! How he sleeps! - and with these words he jumped to the floor and ran around the house. Smoke crept in. The hedgehog coughed, opened his eyes and saw Fire dancing all over the room. - I'm burning! - Shouted the Hedgehog and rushed to the door. But the Fire was already dancing on the threshold and would not let it in. The hedgehog grabbed a felt boot and began to beat Fire with a felt boot. - Climb into the stove, you old deceiver! - shouted the Hedgehog. But Fire only laughed in response. - Ah well! - shouted the Hedgehog, broke the window, rolled out into the street and tore the roof off his house. The rain poured down with might and main. The drops stomped on the floor and began to trample on Fire's arms, legs, beard, and nose. "Slap-slap! Slap-slap!" - the drops were saying, and the Hedgehog beat the Fire with a wet felt boot and did not say anything - he was so angry. When the Fire, hissing evil, climbed back into the stove. , sat down by the stove and became sad: the house was cold, wet and smelled of burning. - What a red-haired, deceitful old man! - said the Hedgehog. The fire did not answer. And what was there to say to the Fire, if everyone except the gullible Hedgehog knows what he is deceiver.

autumn fairy tale

Day by day it grew lighter and later, and the forest became so transparent that it seemed that if you ransacked it up and down, you would not find a single leaf.

Soon our birch will fly around, - said the Bear cub. And he pointed with his paw at a lonely birch, standing in the middle of the clearing.

It will fly around ... - the Hedgehog agreed.

The winds will blow, - continued the Little Bear, - and it will shake all over, and in my dream I will hear how the last leaves fall from it. And in the morning I wake up, I go out onto the porch, and she is naked!

Naked ... - agreed the Hedgehog.

They sat on the porch of the bear's house and looked at a lonely birch in the middle of the clearing.

Now, if leaves grew on me in the spring? - said the Hedgehog. - I would sit by the stove in the fall, and they would never fly around.

What kind of leaves would you like? - asked Little Bear. - Birch or ash?

How about maple? Then I would have been red-haired in autumn, and you would have taken me for a little Fox. Would you say to me: “Little Fox, how is your mother?” And I would say: “Hunters killed my mother, and now I live with the Hedgehog. Come visit us?" And you would come. "Where is the Hedgehog?" you would ask. And then, finally, I guessed, and we would have laughed for a long, long time, until the very spring ...

No, said Little Bear. - It would be better if I didn’t guess, but asked: “What. Hedgehog went for water? - "Not?" you would say. "For firewood?" - "Not?" you would say. “Maybe he went to visit Bear Cub?” And then you would nod your head. And I would wish you good night and run to my place, because you don’t know where I hide the key now, and you would have to sit on the porch.

But I would have stayed at home! - said the Hedgehog.

Well, so what! - said Little Bear. - You would sit at home and think: “I wonder if this Bear is pretending or really didn’t recognize me?” And while I ran home, took a small jar of honey, returned to you and asked: “What. Has the hedgehog returned yet?” Would you say...

And I would say that I am the Hedgehog! - said the Hedgehog.

No, said Little Bear. - You'd better not say anything like that. And he said so...

No, it would be better if you didn’t say anything like that, ”the Bear cub repeated. - And we would just drink tea with you and go to bed. And then I would have guessed everything in a dream.

Why in a dream?

The best thoughts come to me in a dream, - said the Little Bear. - You see: there are twelve leaves left on the birch. They will never fall again. Because last night I guessed in a dream that this morning they need to be sewn to a branch.

And sewed on? - asked the Hedgehog.

Of course, - said Bear cub. “The same needle you gave me last year.

(Sergey Kozlov)

autumn fairy tale

A bright yellow-red-orange alarm clock rang, and Autumn Beauty woke up.

Am I late? - she was alarmed and looked out the window. - They're probably waiting for me.

Autumn gathered quickly and, of course, did not forget her magic shawl. The golden shawl was woven from the threads of mushroom rain and sunlight, and if you look closely, you could see multi-colored autumn leaves, mushrooms and ears of corn, grapes and apples, and flying cranes, and so much more that even Autumn itself could not remember.

Autumn has come to the people. And people didn't even notice. Not before them. Surprised and upset people. Large apples in the orchards have grown over the summer, but sour. There are golden ears in the fields, beautiful ears, and the grains are light, as if they are not real - they will not make good flour. And the grapes are heavy in the vineyards. Apparently-invisibly them, but not sweet grapes, not tasty at all. That's what people are worried about.

And Autumn is not worried. “Summer did a good job, prepared everything,” she looked around, “it’s up to me.” And the magic shawl of Autumn flew up over the gardens, fields, vineyards.

Now people just have time! Apples are sweet: in that basket - yellow, in this - red. Grains are heavy: from some - flour for bread, from others, the best - for pies and cakes. The grapes are sweet, juicy: for today and tomorrow, and still enough for juices for kids until spring.

The people quickly gathered the harvest and, it seems, were very pleased with it. And Autumn is happy. How else! But then people looked around, and it turned out that there were no apples left in their orchards; and the fields are not golden at all, but black; and the vineyards, formerly yellow-green and purple, have become pale, sad, without a single bright grape. People looked at each other:

Autumn? Already?

“Of course, it’s me,” thought Autumn, “it’s been me for a long time. Probably, people were so busy with the harvest that they just didn’t notice me right away. No matter! The main thing is that there is a lot of everything and everything is delicious.” And Autumn smiled - she was pleased. And the people didn't smile, they didn't seem to be happy anymore.

Yes ... - people sighed. - Summer is over. Here is autumn. Yes ... - they thought. - Autumn ... And what to do? .. But there's nothing to be done.

“It’s strange,” Autumn was surprised, “people don’t seem to be happy with me. It can not be".

And again, now over the forests and copses, the magical shawl of Autumn flew up.

And then car after car, bus after bus, people were taken to the autumn forest. People walked through the forest for a long time and, it seems, were satisfied. “I liked the harvest, I liked my forest, which means that people are happy with me,” thought Autumn.

And people seem to be dissatisfied with something again, as if they are even sad. People carry baskets full of mushrooms. And in red, and in different - red, chocolate, yellow - caps. And baskets with autumn berries - bright bright red cranberries! And also armfuls of multi-colored rowan, oak, maple leaves. People carefully carry this autumn magic home and sigh:

Autumn... Yes... Absolutely autumn. But what to do? .. But nothing can be done ...

“What, what should be done? - Autumn almost frightened. Why are people sad? Do they want to drive me away? Do they really not like me?"

And she decided to surprise people, to let them admire what you will not see at any other time of the year. This time, the magical shawl of Autumn flew up into the very sky.

Look, look, - people called each other, - faster, you won’t have time.

Even the most indifferent did not take their eyes off the sky for a long time. And no wonder. Birds flew. They just flew, that's all. South.

See? This is a flock of swallows. Small, but very brave.

No, it's an even, uneven thread of fabulous swan geese.

You have misunderstood it! These are cranes. This is their slender wedge. It is they who are chirping.

This is the miracle that Autumn gave to people. For a long time people looked at the sky, following the beautiful different birds. And then?

Yes... Autumn. Yes, true autumn. So what to do? And there's nothing you can do...

Autumn lowered her hands. Autumn cried. “You can't please people. I'll leave!" She wrapped herself in her magic shawl and went wherever her eyes looked. But here's the trouble - upset, offended Autumn accidentally put on her shawl inside out. And the wrong side was ... Not at all golden, not at all beautiful, the wrong side was completely different. This happens not with magical things, but even more so with magical things. Not red apples, not golden leaves, not the cries of cranes carried the wrong side of a wonderful shawl. A cold long rain and an evil wind escaped from her folds.

The wind is blowing, the rain is pouring, Autumn is slowly wandering off into the distance along the already soaked road. But what about people? People are looking the other way. There, on the other side, invisible so far, on the side of the road, so as not to step into the slush, the beauty Zima stands in her white clothes.

Winter waved her magic shawl, and at first rare, then more and more snowflakes flew. Amazing, fragile, patterned, weightless, beautiful. Miracle? Joy? Yes, I don't know...

Winter? Already? people looked at each other. - Yes... Autumn has passed. How fast... Yes... What a pity. Here comes the winter. But what to do? .. But nothing can be done ...

Interesting people - people. Pity them for Autumn! Today's - rainy, sad, ugly. But Winter with all the wonders seems to be out of time for them. Weird people. Yes ... But what to do? .. But there's nothing to be done.

(Natalya Abramtseva)

Forest fairy tale about how to keep warm in cold autumn

In autumn, the forest was cold. Once the Hedgehog woke up later than usual in his cozy mink. He jumped from the warm and soft bed to the floor and immediately climbed back on it. It turns out that the floor in his mink became so cold during the night that the Hedgehog's paws could not stand it.

The hedgehog rustled his paw on the floor in search of some slippers. Once upon a time, the Bunny gave him warm slippers, and the Hedgehog prudently put them under the bed.

Feeling nothing, the Hedgehog got off the bed and looked under it.

Ah," he said, as if lost himself.

But no one answered him. And the Hedgehog himself had to climb under the bed on the cold floor for slippers. And lo and behold, they were there!

Slippers have not been taken out for a long time, so one fly considered the shoes as its new home and has been living in them for several months. The hedgehog took out his slippers from under the bed and shook out a sleepy fly from them.

What good! - said the Hedgehog to himself, sticking his slender paws into shaggy slippers.

Having circled in slippers, first in one direction, then in the other, the satisfied Hedgehog said:

What a warm gift the Bunny gave me a long time ago! And what a useful one! He used to warm my fly, and now he warms my paws.

And the Hedgehog made another circle on the floor in these slippers, so he liked his soft insulated shoes.

And without wasting a minute, the Hedgehog dressed warmer, grabbed his favorite books and got out of the mink. In the forest, he was immediately doused with a cold piercing wind. The hedgehog clutched beautiful books to himself, pulled his hat over his ears, and with small steps through the wind went to his friend Bunny.

And when the Hedgehog came, cold and with books, and knocked on the door, a sad Bunny looked out of the hare's hole.

Hello Bunny! - said the Hedgehog, covering his nose with a red scarf and straightening his hat with his paw.

Oh hello hedgehog! - the Bunny was delighted. And a cute smile appeared on his sad muzzle. - How nice to see you!

And I thought that in such weather no one would stick their nose out into the street.

As you can see, - the Hedgehog answered him, - I stuck it out. But I would gladly put it in some hole already. For example, in yours.

Oh yes, of course! Come in, - the Bunny remembered and called the Hedgehog inside, to his home.

How glad I am to see you! Bunny smiled again. - It's so cold alone.

I know, - answered the Hedgehog.

And under his breath, the Hedgehog still muttered:

And warm slippers are only half the battle. They only keep their paws warm.

Go visit and meet your friends there more often, despite the weather! Especially if she does not have to walk.

Good guests are a great way to warm yourself and warm your soul.

Forest fairy tale about why the leaves turn yellow

Autumn began for the Hedgehog one fine morning. The wind tore a leaf from the aspen with force, swirled it and threw it at the Hedgehog when he got out of his mink to take a walk in the forest.

Ouch! - Shouted the Hedgehog in surprise and closed his eyes. He thought that he got in the way of someone and that someone had just crashed into him.

Opening first one eye, then the other, the Hedgehog saw an aspen leaf on his tummy. But not simple, but yellow.

Oh-oh-oh! - exclaimed the Hedgehog, examining a yellow leaf. He turned the paper over in his paws to make sure it was yellow.

The hedgehog forgot about the collision, and now he was only occupied with this leaf, which for some reason turned from green to yellow

The hedgehog walked around the aspen and carefully looked at what was under it. Finding no more yellow leaves, the Hedgehog said to himself:

Only one yellow leaf. But he's from this tree. But why are all the leaves green, but this one is yellow? Interesting!

And with these words, the Hedgehog pricked a yellow aspen leaf on his needles and went through the forest to look for the answer to his question.

The first Hedgehog met Squirrel. He showed her a piece of paper on the back and asked:

Squirrel, and Squirrel, why do you think the leaves turn yellow in autumn?

The squirrel answered without hesitation:

It's clear why. Because in the fall they get sick! When I'm sick, my face often turns yellow too.

How is it that they get sick? Why are they sick? - the Hedgehog was surprised. Because this yellow leaf was so beautiful. And it did not seem at all that he was sick with something and needed treatment.

It gets so cold in autumn, brrr! So anyone gets sick. And look at him! - said Squirrel, taking a yellow aspen leaf in her paws. He doesn't even have fur. How can he and the rest of the leaves not fall ill in such a chill, which happens in our forest every autumn?

The hedgehog thought for a minute, after which he took a leaf from Squirrel's paws, put it on his back and said:

I don't think the leaves are sick. I'll go through the forest and ask around for more animals. Maybe someone knows another answer.

The second Hedgehog met a red Fox. She practiced jumping to better hunt mice. The hedgehog handed her a yellow aspen leaf and asked:

Fox-Fox, why do you think such leaves turn yellow in autumn?

The fox took a yellow leaf in its paws and immediately answered:

It's clear why. To make it easier for me to hunt in autumn! I'm red-haired, so it's easy for me to hide among the yellow leaves, wait for the mouse and catch it!

The hedgehog thought for a minute, after which he took a leaf from the fox's paws, put it on his back and said:

I do not think that all the leaves of the forest turn yellow for you. I'll go through the forest and ask around for more animals. Maybe someone knows another answer.

And the Hedgehog continued his way through the forest.

The third Hedgehog met a wise Owl. She always knew the answer to any question, so the Hedgehog hurried to ask her about his leaflet:

Wise Owl, you know everything in the world! Tell me why the leaves turn yellow in autumn?

Wow, - Owl drawled, - I haven't been asked such good questions for a long time!

And the Owl even spread her wings with pleasure, as if she wanted to stretch well before answering an interesting question.

The hedgehog looked at all these preparations, and he was eager to find out the truth as soon as possible.

The leaf is not as simple as it seems to you, - the wise Owl began her answer. - Each leaf is the whole Universe.

What is the Universe? - asked the Hedgehog, hearing a word unfamiliar to him.

The owl sighed and continued to answer:

A leaf is like a forest. It has a lot of things that are not visible at first glance. There are many minks in which a variety of pigments live. Pigment is that little beast that can be green, yellow, or orange. The pigments are so small that a huge number of them fit in a sheet. When it is light, green pigments emerge from their holes on the surface of the leaf. Therefore, in summer, when there is a lot of sun, all the leaves are green. And in autumn, when the light becomes less, the green pigments become weak and cannot crawl out of their holes, so the leaves lose their color. And with the onset of cold weather, other pigments that live in the leaf and love the cold come out of their holes on the surface of the leaf. Their color is yellow, and therefore the whole leaf becomes yellow, - said the Owl. She was very pleased with herself, who managed to explain such a complex process to the Hedgehog.

The hedgehog listened to the Owl with his mouth open all this time.

Thank you,” he said when Owl finished her answer and hurried away.

To health! - Owl managed to shout after him only.

And the Hedgehog quickly moved his paws along the ground and thought aloud:

Of course, Owl has the most correct answer. But I prefer to think that the leaves turn yellow because the sun rarely appears in the forest in autumn. And the leaves that miss the sun turn yellow, so that thanks to them the forest will turn yellow again, as if it is flooded with sun!

(Tatiana Landina,

About how the little fox found out about autumn

The little fox had fun in the forest. She learned a lot. And how many stories happened to her and can not be counted. But then one day she woke up, got out of her mink, stretched ... She looks around and does not understand anything. Everything seems to be as usual, but still something is not right. The fox pulled its nose, sniffed. The forest smells somehow in a new way, but it’s not clear what’s new. She decided to take a walk. He sees that the squirrel jumped off the tree, snatched something out of the grass and back onto the tree. The fox looks, and in the paws of the squirrel there is a small mushroom. She planted it on a branch and down again. The little fox watched and watched how cleverly the squirrel collects mushrooms, and asks:

Hello, squirrel, picking mushrooms. Why do you need so many? You are small. Eat so much, you'll be as fat as a bear.

The squirrel heard the fox's words and let's laugh:

Ha ha ha! Don't you know why squirrels need reserves?

Of course I know, - the little fox cheated. I really didn't want the squirrel to laugh at her.

Well, tell me if you know.

She must have invited guests. This is where you cook all kinds of goodies.

Ha ha ha! - even more amused squirrel. - I didn't guess again.

It was a shame to the little fox that the squirrel was mocking her.

I won’t guess anymore, I’d better go and ask the bear.

The fox said so and went along the forest path to look for the bear. She was walking and suddenly she heard someone rustling in the grass.

Mouse! thought the little fox. - It's time to have breakfast.

Hidden and how to jump! And this is not a mouse at all, but a prickly old hedgehog. The red-haired paw pricked, sat down on the grass, crying. A hedgehog crawled out of the grass, looked at the fox, shook his head:

What, you didn't like my hairstyle?

What's the hairstyle? - the little fox was surprised and even stopped crying. - You don't even have hair.

How not? I have more than enough hair. Wow they are! - put out a hedgehog thorns.

Well, he made me laugh! Here is my hair - beauty and nothing more. One tail is worth something! It's not hair, it's just thorns. Why are they just needed?

Well, this is how to look, - the hedgehog smiled and sat on a stump. - My thorns help me a lot.

What is it like? asked the little fox.

Very simple. Saved from predators: I will curl up into a ball, put out needles. Try to eat me! You'll burn yourself out, that's all.

Chanterelle only tucked her sore paw.

What else?

More? Look!

With these words, the hedgehog went up to the mushroom that grew nearby, put out the needles and put the mushroom on them. Then he went, and carried a mushroom on thorns.

How? And do you pick mushrooms? - the little fox was surprised. - What is going on? What, today is a mushroom day in the forest? Squirrel collects, strings on a branch. You are wearing mushrooms on pins and needles. I don't understand anything.

The old hedgehog laughed.

Oh, you fool! Today is not a mushroom day, just autumn has come.

Who stepped on? Why has it come? Foxy didn't understand. - And in general, who is this autumn to step on someone? Is she big?

Every day it grew late, and the forest became so transparent that it seemed that if you ransacked it up and down, you would not find a single leaf.

- Soon our birch will fly around, - said the Bear cub. And he pointed with his paw at a lonely birch, standing in the middle of the clearing.

- It will fly around ... - the Hedgehog agreed.

“The winds will blow,” continued Little Bear, “and she will shake all over, and in my dream I will hear how the last leaves fall from her. And in the morning I wake up, I go out onto the porch, and she is naked!

“Naked…” the Hedgehog agreed.

They sat on the porch of the bear's house and looked at a lonely birch in the middle of the clearing.

- What if leaves grew on me in the spring? - said the hedgehog. - I would sit by the stove in the fall, and they would never fly around.

What kind of leaves would you like? - asked the Little Bear. - Birch or ash?

How about maple? Then I would have been red-haired in autumn, and you would have taken me for a little Fox. Would you say to me: “Little Fox, how is your mother?” And I would say: “Hunters killed my mother, and now I live with the Hedgehog. Come visit us?" And you would come. "Where is the Hedgehog?" you would ask. And then, finally, I guessed, and we would have laughed for a long, long time, until the very spring ...

- No, - said the Little Bear. - It would be better if I didn’t guess, but asked: “What. The hedgehog went for water? - "Not?" you would say. "For firewood?" - "Not?" you would say. “Maybe he went to visit Bear Cub?” And then you would nod your head. And I would wish you good night and run to my place, because you don’t know where I hide the key now, and you would have to sit on the porch.

But I would have stayed at home! - said the Hedgehog.

- Well, so what! said Little Bear. “Would you sit at home and think: “I wonder if Little Bear is pretending or really didn’t recognize me?” And while I ran home, took a small jar of honey, returned to you and asked: “What. Has the hedgehog returned yet?” And you would say ...

- And I would say that I am the Hedgehog! - said the Hedgehog.

- No, - said the Little Bear. - It would be better if you didn’t say anything like that. And he said so...

Here the Little Bear stumbled, because three leaves suddenly fell off the birch in the middle of the clearing. They whirled a little in the air, and then sank softly into the rusty grass.

“No, it would be better if you didn’t say anything like that,” the Bear cub repeated. “And we would just drink tea with you and go to bed.” And then I would have guessed everything in a dream.

- And why in a dream?

- The best thoughts come to me in a dream, - said the Bear cub. - You see: there are twelve leaves left on the birch. They will never fall again. Because last night I guessed in a dream that this morning they need to be sewn to a branch.

And sewed on? asked the Hedgehog.

“Of course,” said Little Bear. “The same needle that you gave me last year.”


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