I am 14 years old and I am getting married. Is it possible to get out. Difficult life situation

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Not so long ago, the entire Internet was shocked by information about the wedding of an 80-year-old grandfather and a 12-year-old girl. On their Facebook page, the Deplorables Inc community posted a video titled "80-year-old man marries 12-year-old girl." The video has received millions of views and tens of thousands of angry comments in all languages ​​of the world.

In the video, you can see how a small old man enters the house of a 12-year-old girl, he is greeted with hooting by the family of the “bride”. Grandfather opens the bedroom of his future wife with his keys, kisses her and sits next to him on the bed. Outraged commentators called Arab norms savagery, and the marriage of a girl and an old man an inhuman tradition. Although there were also users who explained what was happening with centuries-old traditions and local mentality and advised not to go into someone else's monastery. The most interesting thing is that such a wedding is possible only in Saudi Arabia, while in other states such a marriage is considered as pedophilia and is punished in accordance with the law. True, early marriages are a tradition not only in Saudi Arabia. Even in our country this is possible!

In Russia, the law allows you to get married and get married from the age of 18. In dozens of regions from Murmansk to Magadan, including the Moscow region, "as an exception" you can get married from the age of 14. There must be good reasons for this, for example, the pregnancy of a minor bride or a de facto marital relationship. In a special position are the peoples of the Caucasus and Central Asia. Their original traditions have been observed for centuries, although to a society accustomed to modern weddings that mix Russian, European and American customs, they may seem like medieval savagery.



Remember the scandal that broke out a couple of years ago because of the marriage of 47-year-old Chechen security official Nazhud Guchigov to 17-year-old Luiza Goylabieva? The media and social networks were outraged by the too young age of the bride, the 30-year difference with the groom, were convinced that she was being extradited by force, and found signs of the girl’s “deep suffering” in the photo and video. Louise, with a mournful face, avoided her betrothed, was in prostration, as if under drugs, and moved with difficulty, as if on the verge of fainting. In addition, everyone was shocked by the fact that the school graduate became Guchigov's second wife. With the first, more suitable for his age, he is connected with the so-called Muslim marriage, which is concluded by a mullah, without a stamp in the passport and is valued by Chechens above an official marriage in the registry office.


However, the law allows the regions in some cases to reduce the age of marriage to 16 years, and taking into account special circumstances - to 14 years. In Chechnya, this is actively used, so 17-year-old brides are not at all uncommon here. If a girl and a guy meet before the wedding, they have no right to approach each other, touch, talk about intimate topics. Out of respect for the elders, it is even undesirable for them to show themselves together, so often they have to communicate through intermediaries and discuss only the future family and the joint household.


The wedding itself for the Chechen bride is more of an ordeal than a holiday. During the entire celebration, she, modestly downcast, stands in a decorated corner (it is believed that in a place of honor), does not participate in conversations, does not dance. She cannot stare around, express joyful emotions, but crying is allowed and even desirable.

She has no right to sit down or leave her seat. It happens that she is completely covered from everyone by a curtain, which is pushed back only if the guests ask to show the bride. The groom's relatives approach her, look under the veil. She can talk to young girls, and to older girls she should only answer “yes” or “no” or listen silently, lowering her eyes.

The bride can sit down and eat only with the permission of her husband's mother and sisters - they themselves must seat her somewhere far away from the common tables so that none of the elders finds her at the meal. By the way, it is the elderly, and not the newlyweds, who are the main and most honored participants in wedding celebrations in Chechnya and the Caucasus as a whole. In the same hall with them, the bride spends her wedding day, without even seeing the groom, who has been with friends all this time in a separate room. He does not participate in the general feast, although his side pays for the entire wedding. The bride's relatives (except sisters) are not present at the wedding, for them the celebration ends at the moment when the girl is taken away from home.


In recent years, the authorities have introduced a number of bans so that young people do not deviate from modest national traditions. For example, at a Chechen wedding (if it is celebrated not at home, but in a restaurant or other public places), a man and a woman cannot approach each other in a dance more than at arm's length, one cannot perform acrobatic movements, since they are considered indecent, and also dance two and more couples at the same time.

And finally, polygamy. Local journalists admit that it is very common in Chechnya, and in neighboring Dagestan as well, and is generally approved by society. The girls and women they interviewed say that they would agree to become second wives, especially since the older and younger wives each live in their own house, and the husband is obliged to give both equal attention. The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, generally considers it necessary to legalize Islamic polygamy in the Caucasus. Chechen girls themselves do not feel disadvantaged either, and in an interview they admit that it is quite normal for them to get married at the age of 17 and they would also go to the house as a second wife.

Wedding in Karachay-Cherkessia


In this North Caucasian republic, girls are also married off right after school, especially if the party is profitable. As in many other places, it is customary to pay a ransom for the bride, but in Karachay-Cherkessia this is done twice: first, the traditional kalym, and after the wedding, the so-called syi, in order to raise the prestige of the young wife. Moreover, in both cases, the amount is rather big (in 2012 it was an average of 100,000 and 50,000 rubles, respectively), so that the groom's relatives often take bank loans.

They celebrate for three days, the third is the main celebration, when everyone gathers, and only after that the wedding night will take place. Basically, all three days the bride sits quietly in a corner or in her separate room, she can eat and drink, but unnoticed. The bride's parents are not present at the wedding, and in general the older generation of intermarried families does not meet at the celebration and tries not to meet anywhere before the holiday, even just on the street.


The bride is first led out to the assembled guests, having covered her head and upper half of her body with several painted shawls. She stands like an idol in the middle of the hall in full view of everyone, while boys and girls in national costumes alternately dance around her. In the process, one by one, the scarves that hide her face and figure are removed, so that by the end of a rather long, but beautiful action, everyone can finally see her. A very special sight is the Karachai wedding cortege. At any wedding, they try to make it look as festive and rich as possible, so the roofs of foreign cars are decorated with ... carpets. They are fixed with adhesive tape, the bride's car is covered with the brightest and most expensive carpet. After each carpet is donated to the owner of the car on which it was transported.


Ossetian wedding


It may seem to the guests of an Ossetian wedding, if they are not from the Caucasus, that this is the most boring, tiring and “hungry” feast in their life. Here endless toasts are made, one longer and more intricate than the other, the word is passed from the elders to the younger, and it drags on for hours, as if everyone is competing in endurance. At the same time, the tables are bursting with abundance - here are delicious Ossetian pies, and meat, and other dishes, but you can’t eat while speeches are being made, and they are as long as possible.


The bride and groom actually have two separate weddings, in any case, they do not see each other, although they may be in the same building. The Ossetian bride, like the Chechen one, silently stands in the corner, and, in theory, she cannot even go to the toilet and, knowing this, the girls try not to drink anything. Relatives, mostly women, come up and, lifting the veil, spit at the bride - of course, not really, but symbolically, as if protecting her beauty from the evil eye, but in any case, this is not particularly pleasant. The whole day the bride is under the veil and only at the end of the evening is the opening ceremony of the face.


Having defended the entire wedding, the bride goes to a separate room, where she is finally allowed to sit down. Periodically, guests drop by with wishes, she must meet them standing. About how "fun" it was at her own wedding, she learns only later, according to the stories of the guests.

According to an old custom, after the wedding, it was considered indecent for a daughter-in-law to talk in the presence of older family members until they presented her with a present, thereby “legitimizing” her presence in the house. Old people and many middle-aged Ossetians still support it, and young people observe it only out of respect for them, since it is simply inconvenient to communicate with nods and gestures in modern life.


Georgian wedding


A modern Georgian wedding is more and more reminiscent of a European version with a national flavor. Unlike the previous ones, it is considered youthful, cheerful, and most importantly, the bride and groom celebrate it together. Celebrations can last up to six days, when everyone goes to visit each other.

After the wedding in the church, the young people pass under the daggers of the groom's friends raised up - it is believed that in this way they gain protection from adversity. Child marriages are also very popular there, and this is a real problem. Under the pressure of tradition, 15-year-old rural girls, raised by conservative grandmothers and mothers, often drop out of school and get married. Moreover, the data is difficult to take into account, since families often circumvent the law by not registering marriage officially for several years.

By the way, earlier, after the wedding night, the mother-in-law, according to tradition, checked the bed of the newlyweds for the presence of blood to make sure that the daughter-in-law was clean and chaste. A young wife suspected of not being a virgin could be thrown out in disgrace.

Azerbaijani wedding


For centuries, in Azerbaijan, parents married their children themselves - they looked for a party in advance, made thorough inquiries about the upbringing, status, financial situation of their future relatives, agreed on the upcoming marriage behind the back of the bride and groom, without even informing them.


After the wedding, if the young people live with their husband's relatives, the daughter-in-law at first is not supposed to "catch the eye" of the father-in-law. Previously, she could not leave her room at all for several days. After one and a half to two weeks, the mother-in-law prepares dinner, all family members sit at the table, except for the daughter-in-law. The father-in-law himself calls her and brings her to the table, gives her an expensive gift. After that, she becomes a member of the family and gets the right not to hide from anyone anymore.

Gypsy weddings


A simple gypsy family from the small town of Pugachev became famous throughout the country. 19-year-old Bilana gave birth to a son from 13-year-old Zabar, and their personal life became the property of the Investigative Committee, and then the First Channel: the couple was shown in the program “Let them talk”. The family went to the transfer hoping for help: according to the law, Bilan faces up to 10 years in prison for seducing a minor. But, in addition to laws, there are traditions - it is customary for gypsies to marry early.

According to tradition, young people marry very early. At the age of 19, a girl is already considered an unnecessary old maid. The rule of early marriage is explained by the fact that young people should not deteriorate, it is better to woo early. By the way, the choice of a suitable candidate for young people also takes place at other people's weddings. During the festival, every young man or girl performs a dance. The older generation at this time is eyeing the candidates. In gypsy families, the word of the elders is the law.

Children do not dare to contradict the choice of their parents. Therefore, after the groom's family has laid eyes on the girl, bidding for the bride begins. The amount of the ransom depends on the wealth of the families. It also happens that a groom from a poor family cannot redeem his bride. Then there is the tradition of stealing the bride. After the girl spent the night in the young man's house, she is considered spoiled, and the parents have no choice but to agree to the wedding.

Can you get married at the age of 14? If possible, how does it happen? given by the author *Euphoria* the best answer is good way to blow the minds of others :))

Answer from For good[active]
Did you fall off the oak tree?

Answer from Angelina Mosentseva[guru]
We don’t get married at 14, but get married only under special circumstances.

Answer from Valery Lebedev[guru]
And who do you want to take as your wife?

Answer from Dextra Nahemoth[guru]
On the fly - you can.
This happens through the registration of marriage in the registry office.

Answer from Dasha[guru]
can! you need permission from the parents, which will be given after the mother writes an application ... in the municipality

Answer from Luke[guru]
Of course you can, but after the wedding, your chosen one will be released from prison in 4 years, we have criminal liability for sexual relations with a person under the age of 16 :))
P.S. Even if this relationship is consensual :))

Answer from Luna[guru]
My kids. You still have to play with dolls, and you get married. The bridesmaids probably haven't grown up yet. Have pity on your parents

Answer from Vita[newbie]
Roof went to get married at 14?? ? No, of course NOT!!! !

Answer from Irina[guru]
Come on, this is not an interesting occupation for 10 years!

Answer from Martin[guru]
With parental consent, yes.

Answer from Igor Sokolovsky[guru]
uh .. you can)) but you need the consent of the parents ... they submit an application to the local government ... but there is one point - our dear police can themselves, without anyone's help, start criminal prosecution of 2 spouses, if he the moment it was already 18 years old ... for the seduction of minors .... we already had such a case ....

Answer from Kim.. Sergey[active]
no, of course it’s impossible, the fact is that only those persons who have reached the age of 18 can write applications in the registry office .... but I think you probably read the story where the kings married such underage girls ...

Answer from Detected74[guru]
Is it not fate to wait until 18? Or are they able to feed themselves? Or will mom and dad drag you and your premature (due to age) child by the ears again ???

Answer from Vladimirovna[guru]
Baby, you were born in a Christian country and don't worry about it, better study, baby, and achieve a position in life.

Answer from Natalia Kildeeva[guru]
for fun ... blah

Answer from Harmfulness[guru]
you can) by flight_) you collect certificates and in the registry office)
read here)
In Russia, you can now officially marry from the age of 14 - the relevant amendments to the Family Code were adopted yesterday by the State Duma. This requires "special circumstances", but there is no list of them in the law, which allows in many cases to interpret it at one's discretion. Parental consent is not required for early marriage, although their opinion is taken into account.
Now in the presence of "special circumstances" you can get married from 16 years. However, in a number of subjects of the federation, the minimum age of marriage for women is not set at all, and the Committee on Women and Youth Affairs decided to unify legislation in this area and oblige the regions to bring their laws into line with federal laws. Now the minimum marriageable age /14 years/ is established in 21 subjects of the federation. The deputies supported the law unanimously: all 403 votes were cast in favor.
As an exception
"As an exception, in the presence of special circumstances, local governments at the place of residence of persons wishing to marry have the right to allow persons aged 14 to 16 to marry at their request," the text of the law reads. The opinion of parents and guardians will be taken into account, but their consent, in accordance with the bill, is not a prerequisite for registering a marriage. If the parents are against, they can only appeal the decision of the registry office in court. Under special circumstances is meant pregnancy or the birth of a child, as well as a de facto family - the so-called civil marriage.
According to Svetlana Goryacheva, chairman of the Committee on Women and Youth Affairs, the demographic situation in Russia is complicated by the fact that pregnant women do not want to give birth out of wedlock. Since it is impossible to get married at the age of 14, but you can get pregnant, Goryacheva advocated lowering the age of marriage to 14, "in order to avoid criminal abortions and broken lives."
"In the national republics, puberty occurs before the age of 14"
But even below this age, the deputies did not agree to lower the bar, although there were such proposals. Deputy Andrey Vulf /SPS/ came up with an amendment on the possibility of marriage "upon reaching puberty". "Let's think about the national republics, where puberty occurs before the age of 14," the deputy urged his colleagues. "For marriage, not only sexual maturity, but also psychological and civil maturity is necessary," Goryacheva said sternly to Wulf. "Well, then many people can't get married even at 40," the deputy waved his hand hopelessly. But he recalled that Romeo and Juliet were 13-14 years old and they would never have been able to get married according to our code.
"Indecent acts are not always associated with marriage"
At the same time, in the summer, the chamber adopted in the first reading amendments to the Criminal Code concerning raising the "age of consent" for sexual relations from 14 to 16 years. This means that after the entry into force of this law, a young man who has an affair with a fifteen-year-old girl can be held liable for child molestation. Let's say he comes to the registry office to formalize a marriage with her, and here he is caught red-handed. So it is not clear in which cases one law will apply, and in which - the second. "I don't see any contradiction in these two laws," Alexander Barannikov, a member of the committee, a member of the Union of Right Forces, explained to GAZETA. was opposed to raising the age of consent for sexual intercourse. /Newspaper. Ru, October 31 /

It is difficult to find a girl who does not dream of getting married faster - this has been the case since ancient times. Now the situation is changing - young guys are also interested in the question - when can they get married.

Often, for girls, this is due to the desire to leave parental care, and for guys, with the right to officially legalize meetings and relationships with a girl.

Questions are not uncommon: how can you get married at 14, and what is needed for this. Let's try to understand and answer this and other questions of young lovers.

Marriage age in Russia and other countries

Whatever the reasons and intentions of teenagers regarding marriage, the legislator approved the general conditions for registering a marriage:

  • both partners must be at least 18 years old;
  • both must agree to the marriage.

If any of these conditions is violated, the marriage is declared illegal.

Establishing a boundary at 18 implies that a person entering this age has the main important signs of adulthood:

  • has reached a certain psychological maturity that allows him to reasonably make decisions about creating a family with children, as well as to understand responsibility for his actions;
  • reached a certain physiological maturity, allowing him to conceive and safely without harm to his own health.

At this age, young people receive a basic education, a man - the opportunity to start, many other rights and obligations arise.

In addition to these two important points - consent, voluntarily expressed, and a physiologically suitable age - legislators in the Family Code have determined some more conditions necessary for registering a family.

Conditions for registering marriage in Russia:

  • the absence of both partners of undissolved marriages concluded earlier;
  • the absence between the spouses of a close relationship, the so-called first degree (brother, sister, etc.);
  • there are no relations of this kind between those joining in marriage: or guardians - their ward pupils;
  • there are no mental disorders, which can lead to the recognition of such a partner as legally incompetent through the court.

In general, reaching the age of majority in life, young people can already set different goals for themselves, evaluate an act, and therefore approach marriage consciously. These rules apply to our compatriots, but what do other nations consider the correct age of marriage?

In different parts of the world, the age for marriage is different, but for the most part it is set as in Russia - 18 years. In 1962, the United Nations signed the Marriage Convention. It states that registration of marriage before the age of eighteen is not allowed.

But there are exceptions: due to good reasons or religious norms and traditions, the age may decrease. Here are some examples of such exceptions related to local customs.

A girl can become a bride at the age of nine in Yemen or Oman, in Nigeria or Kenya - and this is the optimal age for them. Venezuelan girls become brides at twelve, and boys become grooms at fourteen.

Despite ancient traditions, a modern or Algerian will say "Yes" at sixteen, and an Egyptian at eighteen. In the old prim, they can at sixteen, and French women can go down the aisle at fifteen, but for an eighteen-year-old Frenchman.

It is interesting that, on the contrary, the age is significantly shifted: it is not allowed to become a husband before twenty-two years, and a wife - before twenty years. In the CIS countries, the age for marriage is almost the European standard.

Azerbaijan has set the age for marriage for its residents: seventeen for women, eighteen for men. Although the old traditions of early marriages still live on, girls are often given as brides up to the age of fifteen.

And for too early marriage, partners can go to jail. The country has established lower limits - seventeen for a partner, eighteen for a partner.

But according to the WHO, the leaders in early marriages remain and they have the youngest marriages.

Despite such low age limits for spouses, official consent to marriage is not always accompanied. Rather, this is only a confirmation of the intention to take a young girl as a wife.

Can you get married at 14?

Russian legislators have described in detail all the circumstances and age for starting a family. But in life there are many different unplanned situations that are not specified in the laws and require solutions. In such cases, the age for marriage is allowed to be reduced to sixteen years.

Each region has this right. Therefore, individual subjects of the Federation lower the age limit for registering family relations for good reasons - up to fifteen or fourteen years.

Those who have entered into an early marriage have the same rights as eighteen-year-olds, but this also imposes on them certain obligations in the law. For example, they can work or be engaged after registering with the tax office.

Here is an example. The marriage was registered when the groom was sixteen and the bride fourteen. A year later, the husband decided to be an entrepreneur. As confirmation of his right to such an occupation, he provided them to the tax authorities. It became the basis for confirming his full capacity.

In which regions of the Russian Federation can you get married at 14?

Taking into account personal circumstances and special centuries-old traditions, the Russian regions, by their legislative documents, allowed their residents to enter into official relations until they reach the age of eighteen.

Boys and girls from:

  • Adyghe and Chechen Republics;
  • Moscow and Tyumen, Tula and Kaluga, Tambov and Vologda, Orel and Nizhny Novgorod regions;
  • Khanty-Mansiysk or Jewish Autonomy.

Their peers in a year - at fifteen, can submit a personal application for marriage registration in other regions:

  • Chelyabinsk or Murmansk regions:
  • Kabardino-Balkaria.

The peoples from the Caucasus and the Far North, being part of a large country, due to the original marriage traditions observed in the regions for centuries, are in a special position.

Future relatives look after a young bride in childhood, watching her grow up. Therefore, becoming a wife at the age of fourteen in Chechnya or Adygea is not at all uncommon.

Conditions and procedure for getting married before the age of 18

In addition to the desire of young lovers to live together officially before the age of eighteen, certain conditions established by regional authorities must be met in order to register their relationship.

The conditions for registering a marriage at the age of 14 include:

  • the presence of special reasons;
  • obtaining permission to register from the local administration where the future spouses live;
  • consent from both partners to the marriage.

With obtaining permission to register and with mutual consent, everything is clear. What is meant by good reasons - for each of the couples they may differ.

The generally accepted factors that give the right to register a relationship are:

  • pregnancy;
  • birth of a child;
  • a threat to the life of one of the partners;
  • the need to legalize;
  • conscription of the future husband into the army;
  • other possible reasons that the administration authorities recognize as valid.

In each case, the decision will be made individually.

To obtain permission, minors submit documents according to the list to the local administration. It includes:

  • a personal statement from both partners wishing to register a marriage;
  • a document confirming special reasons (a medical certificate of pregnancy, a birth certificate for a baby, a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office on conscription, and others);
  • birth certificates and their copies;
  • passports and their copies.

Additionally, they may ask for: the consent of the parents of minors to marry them and certificates indicating the income of the future spouses from the place of study or work. Permission is usually given by the head of administration in an ordinance. The marriage is then registered as normal for any adult.

Legislators provide for the possibility of petitioning for a reduction in the age of marriage not only by young people, but also by their parents or guardians, other possible persons or organizations involved in the education of these people.

The family registration limit is eighteen years. Reaching this age, young people are considered to be fully formed in the physiological and psychological sense of the citizens.

There are exceptions to the general rule:

  • if the person entering into marriage is not a citizen of the Russian Federation, then the rules do not apply to him;
  • the age for marriage may be reduced to sixteen years, and for special good reasons - to fifteen or fourteen years.

There is no upper limit for family registration. Citizens of the Russian Federation have complete freedom in creating a union.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, in order to enter into a marriage, the mutual voluntary consent of the future spouses and reaching marriageable age(Art. 12 RF IC). In the absence of one or another condition, the marriage will be declared invalid by the court. This will entail a lot of negative consequences for both sides. Marriage age in Russia is set 18 years(Art. 13 RF IC). Legislator Allows the age of marriage to be lowered to 16 but only in cases stipulated by law. The average age of citizens for marriage is not established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, nor is there a limit.

Marriage is a free union of a man and a woman, based on equality, its goal is. It can be concluded subject to the rules defined by the legislator, including the mandatory registration with the registry office.

So called "civil marriages" the legislator does not recognize as the basis for the emergence of family rights and obligations. Unions concluded before July 8, 1944 are an exception, since before that date the laws recognized both actual and marriages registered in the registry office.

Age of marriage in Russia

The marriageable age is the minimum age of a citizen, after which the legislator allows marriage. In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 13 RF IC, marriageable age is 18.

In different countries of the world, the marriageable age is different, but in most countries it is set at 18 years, that is, from the moment a citizen reaches the age of majority established by international law. In accordance with the Convention on Consent to Marriage, adopted by the United Nations in 1962, marriage is not allowed by a person under the age of 18 years, the competent authority in exceptional cases, with good reason, may give permission to register a relationship before reaching the specified age.

There are a number of reasons for this age limit. It is assumed that a citizen upon reaching the age of eighteen reaches maturity:

  • physiological(the state of the spouses allows them to conceive and give birth to a child without prejudice to their health and the health of the child);
  • mental(by entering into marriage, a citizen is ready to take responsibility for his family, his actions and actions of his spouse, as well as for the behavior of his children, and be responsible for the whole family as a whole).

Full civil capacity for a citizen entails:

  • the ability of a citizen to acquire and exercise civil rights;
  • a person becomes able to create for himself civic duties and fulfill them.

A capable citizen is fully aware of and can be held responsible for his actions. It depends on the mental development of the person. The legislator assumes that an eighteen-year-old citizen is mentally developed enough to be fully responsible for his actions. By the age of 18, an individual usually completes secondary education. A man of this age is considered ready for military service. At this age, a person is capable of a sober assessment of the situation and can fulfill one of the most important conditions for entering into marriage, namely, to give voluntary consent to it.

In addition, the registration of marriage has as its purpose - creating a family and having children. The state is interested in improving the demographic situation. Because of this, it is necessary that citizens who are physically mature and ready for childbearing enter into marriage.

In this regard, in accordance with Art. 15 RF IC, citizens entering into marriage, may undergo a medical examination, counseling on genetic issues and family planning. Such an examination is carried out by medical institutions at the place of residence of the examined person exclusively voluntarily and free of charge. The result of the examination can be transferred to the future spouse only with the consent of the examined person.

If during the medical examination it turns out that the future spouse has one of the diseases listed in Part 3 of Art. 15 of the RF IC, namely HIV infection and sexually transmitted diseases, marriage may be declared invalid. This is possible on the condition that the sick person must know about the presence of such diseases and deliberately hide this from his spouse. The list of diseases in which a marriage may be declared invalid is exhaustive and not subject to broad interpretation, i.e. cannot be extended or interpreted arbitrarily.

The age requirements established by the Russian legislator do not apply to individuals who are not citizens of the Russian Federation. In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 156 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the conditions for entering into a marriage on the territory of the Russian Federation are determined for each of the persons entering into marriage by the laws of the state of which he is a citizen at the time of the marriage.

For such citizens, it is only obligatory compliance with the conditions contained in Art. 14 of the RF IC, namely:

  • the absence of a previously concluded marriage among persons who intend to marry;
  • lack of close relationship between persons wishing to register their relationship, including adoptive parents and adopted children;
  • the lack of incapacity established by the court due to a mental disorder.

For persons who, along with citizenship of a foreign state, citizenship of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation is applied to the conditions for concluding a marriage. faces, having multiple citizenships foreign states, can choose, the legislation of which state will be applied when entering into a marriage. If a person does not have citizenship, then the conditions for concluding a marriage will be regulated by the legislation of the state in whose territory this citizen has a permanent place of residence.

Future spouses can submit a joint application for marriage registration personally to the registry office or send in the form of electronic documents through a single portal of state and municipal services. The application sent in the form of an electronic document is signed by the electronic signature of each future spouse. In addition, the application can also be submitted through the multifunctional center for the provision of municipal and state services.

The legislator allows separate submission of applications for marriage registration if one of the applicants cannot personally submit it. In this case, each application of the future spouse must be certified by a notary.

Minimum Age of Marriage

Marriage age, established by the Family Code of the Russian Federation, is not a fixed indicator. Under certain conditions, it can be reduced up to 16 years(part 2 of article 13 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The list of conditions under which the marriageable age can be reduced to 16 years is not provided by law. The legislator regulates only the conditions for reducing the age of marriage.

To reduce the marriageable age collectively the following:

  • request of persons wishing to marry;
  • they reach the age of 16;
  • valid reasons for marriage;
  • permission of local authorities at the place of residence of persons.

In the case of registration of relations by a citizen before he reaches the age of majority, he becomes fully functional(part 2 of article 21 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). If a citizen dissolves such a marriage before the age of 18, his legal capacity is preserved. Except in cases where the marriage is declared invalid by the court.

The minor registered the marriage at the age of 16. At the age of 17, he decided to go into business. The tax authority is obliged to register him as an individual entrepreneur, provided that he is provided with a marriage registration certificate, which is proof of full legal capacity.

The legislative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation may determine special conditions under which marriage is possible before the age of sixteen. This means that any subject of the Federation can pass a law that will determine the age of citizens who wish to marry, and the conditions under which such a marriage is possible.

At present, in Russia, the age for marriage has been reduced to 15 years in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Chelyabinsk, Murmansk regions and in a number of other regions and republics. The marriageable age to 14 years has been reduced in the Republic of Adygea, Chechnya and other republics and regions of the Russian Federation.

Citizens who have entered into marriage before the age of majority have the right to conclude a marriage contract, since they are fully capable.

The legislator does not make exceptions in matters of regulation of marriage registration for minors declared emancipated in accordance with Art. 27 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. A person who has reached the age of 16 can be declared emancipated in the following cases:

  • works under an employment contract;
  • engaged in entrepreneurial activities with the consent of the parents.

Emancipation is made decision of the guardianship and guardianship authorities with the consent of both parents, in the absence of consent - By the tribunal's decision.

An emancipated person has all civil rights and is responsible, i.e. is fully capable, with the exception of those rights and obligations for the acquisition of which the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes an age limit. Such cases include marriage, therefore, in order to register it, an emancipated person needs those specified in Art. 13 RF IC conditions.

Average age for marriage

RF legislation no median age t for marriage. This category is more economic than right. There is a noticeable increase in the average age of citizens wishing to register their relationship. This is due to several factors:

  • long periods of training for a future profession;
  • an increase in the number of urban residents who marry later than rural residents;
  • increase in life expectancy.

The state is trying to regulate the age of marriage through other norms, not allowing it to be excessively lowered. But these rules are more of a recommendation.

In accordance with "Fundamentals of the state youth policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025", approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on November 29, 2014, a young family is a family that is in the first registered marriage, in which the age of each of the spouses does not exceed 30 years (35 years in the case of resolving issues related to housing relations).

Marriage age limit

Russian legislator no age limit set marriage. Citizens of the Russian Federation are free, their rights are the highest value, and their observance and protection is the main duty of the state. It does not matter and the age difference between the spouses.

This situation has not always existed in Russia. In 1744, by decree of the Synod, the maximum marriageable age was set - 80 years for men and 60 years for women, since at this age it is difficult to achieve the main goal of marriage - birth of children.

Questions from our readers and answers from a consultant

I am 16 years old and my boyfriend is 23 years old. We want to get married. My parents are against our marriage. Can we get married ?

The possibility of marriage in this case depends on two conditions:

  • there are valid reasons for marriage, for example, pregnancy;
  • there is a law in the subject of the Russian Federation where you live, allowing marriage at the age of 16. But in this case, you must have the reasons for marriage specified in this law. Parental permission is not required for your marriage.

I am 85 years old, my chosen one is 50. Can we get married, provided that the chosen one is a disabled person of the 2nd group?

Marriage between you is possible provided that the disability of your chosen one is not caused by a mental illness, and she is not deprived of legal capacity by a court decision.

Me and my fiancé are cousins. I am under 16 but I am pregnant. Can we formalize our relationship?

In accordance with Art. 14 of the RF IC, marriages between close relatives are prohibited in Russia. Cousins ​​under Russian law are not close relatives. Accordingly, such a relationship is not an obstacle to marriage. Due to the fact that the marriageable age in Russia is 18 years old, and in exceptional cases 16 years old, as a general rule, you cannot get married. But, if the subject of the Russian Federation in whose territory you live has issued a law on lowering the age of marriage, then there is the possibility of marriage.


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