Police Day in Russia: when they celebrate, the history of the holiday, congratulations. Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies who celebrates

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Today in Russia, a holiday is celebrated, which is historically customarily called the Day of the Police. After the well-known reform carried out several years ago, both the police itself and the former name of the holiday officially ceased to exist. As a result, a construction with a rather cumbersome name "Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation" appeared in the calendar of holidays of the power structures of our country. However, the renaming did not change the essence of the celebration.

In 2017, the holiday has its own anniversary. The fact is that it has been celebrated as a professional event since 1962 - 55 years ago - on the basis of a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The date has a historical reference to November 10 (new style) 1917, when the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Republic Alexei Rykov (the future chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR) put his signature on the resolution "On the Workers' Police".

All law enforcement officers on this holiday were congratulated by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Police General Vladimir Kolokoltsev:

I heartily congratulate you on the Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation! This is a holiday for all those who have dedicated their lives to serving the people, the law and the Fatherland.

The profession of a police officer is one of the most important and necessary. The requirements for it have never depended on the time - it is always a high responsibility, honesty and courage.

Today, the staff of the ministry adequately responds to new criminal challenges and threats, fights against organized crime, terrorism and extremism, and ensures the economic and migration security of the state.

Thanks to your effective work, the level of protection of citizens is increasing and, as a result, the prestige of the department is growing.

On this day, we pay deep respect to our comrades who died in the line of duty, bow our heads before their feat and cherish the bright memory of the heroes.

I express my sincere gratitude to the veterans for their support and assistance in training, education and civil development of the young generation of law enforcement officers. Your experience, fidelity to duty and careful attitude to traditions are priceless for us.

I am sure that in the future the personnel will successfully solve the tasks entrusted to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, strengthen the confidence of their compatriots with their work and high results.

With all my heart I wish you and your families good health, happiness and prosperity!

"Military Review" joins these words and, for its part, congratulates all employees and veterans of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and the USSR, who stand (stood) on guard of law and order and the rule of law, on their professional holiday!

The history of the militia day in Russia began in 1715, when the first public order protection service was created by decree of Emperor Peter the Great. This service was called the police, which literally means "government of the state." When the revolution of 1917 took place, the decree of the NKVD "On the workers' militia" was issued. In accordance with it, a unit of workers' and peasants' militia (abbreviated as RKM) was created. The purpose of this unit was the protection of public order. However, the holiday itself was established in 1962 in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and was called the Day of the Soviet Police.
It became an official holiday for the whole country only in 1980. In 1991, together with the collapse of the country of the Soviets, the Day of the Soviet Militia disappeared. It was replaced by the Russian Police Day, which was celebrated until 2011. On March 1, 2011, the law "On Police" comes into force and the very name of the holiday "Police Day" becomes obsolete. In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2011 No. 1348, Police Day is officially called the Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. Employees of the internal affairs bodies accept congratulations on their professional holiday on November 10.
The traditions that formed the basis for celebrating the Day of the Police in Soviet times are preserved to this day. This is a festive concert with the participation of stars, and speeches by high-ranking officials of the Ministry of the Interior. An innovation was the solemn speech of the President of Russia before the start of the concert. Party leaders also congratulate law enforcement officers. As in the Soviet era, state awards are annually presented in the Kremlin to the best employees of the internal affairs bodies. As a rule, internal affairs officers celebrate their professional holiday and accept congratulations on the day of the police at the post, protecting the peace and sleep of the citizens of the country. After all, despite the fact that over time the name of the unit and the name of the holiday changed many times, the goal for employees of the internal affairs bodies remained the same: protecting the peace of citizens and order in the country.

Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (Police Day) is a professional holiday for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, regardless of rank, position and length of service. The date is marked by employees of the operational-search, investigative units, precinct, patrol, veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Their relatives, friends, acquaintances, close people join the event. The professional holiday is considered by teachers, students, graduates of specialized educational institutions.

Meaning: the holiday is dedicated to the adoption of the resolution of the NKVD of the RSFSR "On the workers' militia" on 11/10/1917.

On this day, a concert is traditionally held at the State Kremlin Palace. Distinguished employees are awarded certificates, medals, orders, promoted in ranks and positions. Rituals of washing the stars are carried out in work collectives.

The content of the article

history of the holiday

The celebrations begin on November 10, 1917. Then the Soviet government adopted a resolution of the NKVD of the RSFSR "On the workers' militia", creating a power structure. The event began to be celebrated in 1962, and at the official level, the celebration took place for the first time in 1980 after the signing of the corresponding Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The tradition of the disintegrated country has been preserved in the Russian Federation.

After the renaming of the police in 2011, it was decided to change the name of the memorable date. Her month and date remained the same. The event was fixed at the official level by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2011 No. 1348 “On the Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation”. The document was signed by D. Medvedev.

Holiday traditions

The day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation gathers all employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the festive table. Congratulations to the workers. An important part of the celebrations was the ritual of the so-called washing of the stars.

There are wishes of health, success in hard work. The leadership awards those who have distinguished themselves with medals, orders, certificates of honour. Orders for promotion in positions and ranks are signed. Thematic programs are broadcast on television. They tell about the everyday life of the police, interviews are taken from veterans, heads of departments. It tells about high-profile crimes, the course of the investigation and their disclosure.

On Police Day 2020, the State Kremlin Palace hosts events dedicated to the event. Creative groups, stars, top officials of the state perform on the stages.

Task for the day

Watch a feature or documentary film about the work of the police in the Russian Federation.

  • The Russian police originated in the 16th century. She was in the maintenance of the inhabitants of the cities. In large cities, police officers were called Zemsky yaryzhki. In Moscow they wore red and green uniforms.
  • During the Russian Empire, there was a palace police. The main function of this body was the external protection of palaces, the king and princes.
  • There are streets in Moscow that are named after policemen who were wounded and died in the line of duty. This honor was awarded to Lev Lvov, Konstantin Tsarev and Vasily Petushkov.
  • There are several versions of the origin of the word "ment". According to one of them, it came from the Polish expression mente, which means soldier. According to another version, this word comes from the concept of "mentik" - the so-called guards. According to the third version, the uniform jackets worn by policemen in Austria-Hungary were called "mentik".
  • Policemen are often referred to by the slang word "garbage". It comes from the abbreviation of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department (MCC).
  • According to statistics, 20% of Russian police officers are women.


“Congratulations on your professional holiday - Happy Worker's Day of the Internal Affairs Bodies! I wish you great prospects, career growth, opportunities for implementation and development. Let working days be safe, reliable - the partner's shoulder, strong - willpower and convictions. Health, prosperity and all the best!

“Thanks to all employees of the internal affairs bodies for the fact that we can sleep peacefully, take a walk on a dark night under the starry sky and the bright moon. May there be more sincerity, peace, as well as joyful, bright, wonderful and good moments in life.

“We raise a glass to the employees of the internal affairs bodies with a holiday. Let the troubles and problems pass by, and luck and success will become your inseparable companions. A fast-paced career, the realization of goals and the realization of grandiose plans.


Portrait. A portrait or cartoon of a policeman in uniform will be an excellent present for a professional holiday. Such a portrait will decorate the office and will remind you of the donor.

Sports Equipment. Employees of internal affairs need to maintain good physical shape. A home simulator, balls for sports games or a subscription to a gym will help with this.

Hobby gift. A police officer will appreciate a gift that will match his hobbies. A fisherman or a hunter will be pleased to receive equipment for outdoor activities as a present. The car enthusiast will be delighted with the accessory for the car.

Bottle for alcohol. A damask for alcohol with the emblem of the Russian police will serve as a stylish themed present for the holiday.


Know yours
Two teams with the same number of participants take part in the competition. Their task is to recall and name the heroes of fiction books or films who were policemen by profession. The team with the longest list of names wins.

Banquet charter
All interested guests of the holiday take part in the competition. It can be done at the table. The host invites the heroes of the occasion to announce the charter of the banquet. Those gathered at the table should come up with and take turns pronouncing the charter. After the charter is announced, the heroes of the occasion raise their glasses.

Synonyms for profession
An arbitrary number of players can take part in the competition. The host gives the contestants leaflets and pens and offers to write a list of synonyms for the word policeman. For example: policeman, detective, detective, district police officer, detective, etc. After the end of the allotted time. The contestants read out their lists. The one with the longest list wins the competition.

About the profession

The tasks of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation include patrolling the territory, responding to calls, conducting operational search activities, and interacting with citizens. To work in the ranks of the police, you must complete military service or have a special education. It is obtained in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Applicants must carry out training in the profession, have knowledge of the laws, the procedure for performing duties. You need to demonstrate the ability to handle weapons. The state body has ranks and insignia identical to military ones. Occupation of positions takes place in strict accordance with age and stars on shoulder straps. The work of a police officer is classified as life-threatening. Dozens of law enforcement officers die every year while on duty.

This holiday in other countries

In Ukraine, July 4 is National Police Day. On March 4 Belarus celebrates Police Day. April 16 is the Day of the Police Officer in Armenia. June 23 is celebrated as Police Day in Kazakhstan.

  • Various departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have their memorable dates. Transport police of Russia - February 18, patrol service - September 2, district commissioners - November 17, river police - July 25.
  • April 6 is the Day of Investigative Bodies.
  • April 17 is the Day of Veterans of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops.
  • July 3 is the Day of traffic police.


    We would like to sincerely congratulate you on Police Day,
    We are ready to glorify your hard work every day.
    And we want to wish your boss not to be strict,
    It was less so that you have force majeure and anxiety in your service,
    In the country, crime began to actively decrease in order to decrease,
    And so that your dreams begin to come true all at once.

    Happy Police Day! I wish you luck
    May good luck visit you often.
    May the mood be good in the morning
    And every day and hour will be happy.

    Let our people respect the laws
    And every citizen will be exemplary.
    May it always be calm on the streets,
    And work will not add gray hair to you.

What date is the Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation in 2021, 2022, 2023

2021 2022 2023
November 10 WedNovember 10 ThuNov 10 Fri

November 10 is one of the most significant holidays in the modern history of our country - the Day of the Internal Affairs Officer (formerly called the Day of the Soviet Police, now - the Day of the Police).

At the height of the October Revolution, the Soviet Republic faced the acute problem of protecting citizens from the criminal element. The creation of paramilitary workers' squads is becoming more relevant and logical than ever. These new-style militia detachments are replenished with thousands of volunteers. The enthusiasm with which they set to work will soon curb gangster arbitrariness.

history of the holiday

The origins of the holiday are rooted in the thick of the October events. On November 10, 1917, People's Commissar of Internal Affairs Rykov signed the decree "On the Workers' Militia". This date becomes the actual birthday of the police, but is not officially celebrated in any way until 1962, when the Presidium of the Supreme Council transfers the informal date to the rank of a professional holiday for policemen. And only since 1980, Militia Day acquires the status of a public holiday.

For many years the holiday was called "Militia Day". After the entry into force of the new law "On Police" on March 1, 2011, the name of the holiday became obsolete. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2011 No. 1348, the holiday became known as the "Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation." The old and beloved holiday received its modern name on October 13, 2011. This is due to the reform of the militia and its transformation into the police, which took place at the beginning of the same year.

For many years, one of the gifts for this professional holiday has been a big gala concert on television. Also on this day, many solemn and commemorative events take place, when they not only honor distinguished employees, but also congratulate veterans - former police officers and honor the memory of those who died in the line of duty.

Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation

History reference

The Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is celebrated annually on November 10th. It is this number that was chosen to honor the profession that guards public order. Thanks to patrolmen on the roads, PPS nicknames in public places, operatives and investigators, constitutional calm is maintained in the country. The date was not chosen by chance, but became the receiver of the Soviet holiday "Militia Day".

Voentorg "Voenpro" joins the congratulations to the employees and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and also offers for this holiday.

On November 10, 1917, the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR Rykov signed a decree "On the workers' militia". This day is considered the birthday of Soviet law enforcement agencies.

But the Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies itself began to be celebrated only in 1962, and the official holiday became even 18 years later. Concert events began to be prepared for the celebrations, and especially distinguished employees were awarded departmental medals, distinctions, and prizes. In society, it was necessary to create a bright image of the Soviet policeman, who stands guard over order. Therefore, a lot of attention was paid to the preparation of the holiday.

In 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the holiday was forgotten, and it was restored only 20 years later. Although, despite the absence in the calendar, the Day of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia continued to be celebrated, and quite loudly. For example, since the early 2000s, festive concerts have been held at the State Palace in the Kremlin. So the government took care of honoring the power structures.

In connection with the reform of 2011, the Day of the formation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was renamed the Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The militia itself became the police, which caused a lot of discussion in society. But in the end, everyone got used to the new name quite quickly, and this issue was no longer understood. On April 5, 2016, another reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was carried out, which led to the reduction of 163 thousand employees and the establishment of the general staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 904871 specialists of all categories.

Part of the reduced was transferred to the newly formed Russian Guard. And the Federal Drug Control Service and the Federal Migration Service were transferred to the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

What traditions exist on the Day of the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia?

The day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of Russia has many of its own traditions, which must be observed. Honoring the police takes place in all cities, where they organize a festive program with the invitation of famous pop stars, theatrical performances, showing documentaries or feature films. An interesting fact: the cult Soviet film "The meeting place cannot be changed" was also released on November 10th.

Congratulations on the Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies are heard from all representatives of the authorities. The most distinguished workers are awarded state and departmental awards. The presentation is held in front of the whole city, so that the population knows their heroes by sight. Concerts in large cities are necessarily broadcast on television, so everyone has the opportunity to watch the ceremony. After the official part, the concert continues.

Congratulations on the day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are also awarded to veterans of law enforcement agencies who have devoted their entire lives to serving people. They are invited to the holidays as guests of honor and are awarded with commemorative awards. Such continuity shows the young that not only the police maintain order in the state, but the state will not forget about its workers.

Another obligatory event is the solemn laying of flowers at the monuments and memorials of the fallen security officials, who fulfilled their duty to the end and did not retreat from the occupied lines even under the threat of death. Approximate statistics say that on average the country annually loses about a hundred employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the line of duty. More than half of all cases are related to attacks by militants on representatives of law enforcement agencies.

How to congratulate loved ones on the day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

The day of the internal affairs officer in 2016 is coming very soon, so it's time to think about presents. Of course, it is pleasant to receive state awards, but it will be much more pleasant to realize that relatives have not forgotten about such a significant date and have prepared a surprise. You always want to know that there is a loving family that will support you in any life situation.

Many do not know what to give for the day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to definitely please the recipient. It is enough to visit any military store, where you can easily find interesting accessories with the symbols of the relevant department. Such goods are very popular, as they are of high quality and can serve for a very long time, each time reminding the owner of the donor. For most people, in difficult moments, it is these signs that help not to break.

Of course, the Military Pro also remembers the heroes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Need not forget be sure that the 10th of November is the Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies and congratulate everyone who stands between the underworld and the peace of mind of citizens. There is no doubt that every employee deserves the honors shown to him. Even despite the risk to their lives, every year hundreds of young men and women consciously choose to serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs as their profession. Therefore, it is necessary to pay tribute to them and do everything possible to promote the image of a policeman in society associated with safety and security.

They can have practical value or just be souvenirs that can be put on the desktop. Enforcers have a good sense of humor, so something original will definitely give them positive emotions. In such a dangerous and difficult profession, it is impossible to live without fun moments that provide an opportunity to be distracted and think about something good.

Voenpro congratulates all employees of the internal affairs bodies of Russia on the holiday!

Work brothers!


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