Louise Hey affirmations for every day. Why are affirmations so powerful? I trust myself and my experience

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that small article about affirmations, for the visitors of our site and the Keepers of the Secret Club, those who support us, shares their successes on the way to their happiness, for those who believe in the Healing power of Gratitude and Love. Your messages to me fill my heart with Unconditional Love even more. Let me show you one of my favorite affirmations...

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“I choose the path of truth. I realize that I have little control over the outside world. And I also control my reactions ... "

Viktor Razuvaev

Affirmations are very powerful and deep.

One of my favorite tools to banish fear and other negative emotions from my life is positive affirmations. I have been using affirmations for a long time now and throughout the day I find inspiring and calming thoughts popping up in my mind each time that keep me uplifted and loving. And if I find myself frightened or annoyed by any situation in my life, I just start repeating the appropriate affirmations over and over again until I feel like I am under a warm blanket. Amazing!

Whenever you feel fear or resentment, use affirmations one way or another, because affirmations are a very strong and positive statement that tells us “everything will be fine”, “everything is fine now”, “everything is already fine”, despite all the negative thoughts that may visit us from time to time. With constant repetition of inspiring and comforting affirmations, the voices of anxiety and pessimism that pervade our minds are replaced by thoughts of peace, our inner strength and love. Yes!.. All is well!

I believe that one of the reasons for the incredible power of affirmations is that by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, we actually transfer ourselves from one weak state of mind (“I am weak”) to another, more powerful, strong and loving state. ("I'm strong"). I can't even think of a better state for myself.

There is another reason why affirmations are so effective. They are much more powerful than they seem at first glance. Although an affirmation is a small statement, it has a very deep meaning and subtext. It seems to me…

Affirmations contain a wealth of life-affirming thoughts that remind us that we are inherently very loving and very strong and therefore we are not afraid of anything.

Let me give you an example: I have a small frame on my desktop where I have captured one of my favorite affirmations…

When I experience fear attacks or feel confused or annoyed about any situation in my life, I notice my "reminder" right in front of me, and I begin to repeat this affirmation again and again. When I do this, I begin to feel my body relax, negative feelings disappear, and I am really truly overcome with thoughts that EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING IN THE BEST WAY FOR ME!

Of course, you might be thinking, "Victor, how can things work out for the best when so many things don't work out the way we want them to?" Good question. And if we dig into the deeper meaning of this affirmation, we will find the answer. For me, this affirmation is the short version…

My mind cannot see the big picture of life's huge constructor. I don't know why things happen this way in life, I just believe that everything that happens has the greatest meaning. Even when things don't go the way I want them to, I try to relax and focus on what life is teaching me and what experiences I will take with me into the future. In this way, I become a stronger, more knowledgeable and more loving person.


You will see that with such a deep meaning and frequency of repetition, everything really happens only in the best way for you, by saying such affirmations you can create a wonderful feeling of peace and love around you.

By the way, you should not even believe that the affirmations you say have such a positive effect on the body, mind and soul. Maybe you don't even feel that EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING IN THE BEST WAY FOR ME! the main thing is to know that it has a deep meaning for you. Marvelous…

This shows that speaking, thinking or writing positive thoughts makes us stronger in any case, whether we believe in these words or not.

Incredible, isn't it...

Recently I made another interesting and important discovery for myself…

If you say affirmations often enough, you will inevitably begin to believe in them.

This is easy to explain, since affirmations have the property of "working as is." That is, they do not need additional explanations. The phrases themselves and affirmative statements contain actions. If you "act as is" long enough, your mind allows this affirmation to sink inside you and your possibilities to increase, effortlessly. And, ultimately, you accept the fact that this is true.

Another example: There was a time when I really did not believe that my life could be different, that it could be different. I had very low self-esteem. In order to somehow help myself, I began to study literature and, even sometimes, visited self-help groups. And just at one of these groups I got the tools on how to use affirmations. At first I was skeptical. But then, I thought: "An attempt is not torture." That affirmation that I began to say daily, over and over again, "MY LIFE HAS A HIGHEST MEANING", although I certainly did not think so at the time.

And once it happened, it was so exciting that to this day I remember this moment very well. What happened? I was enveloped in life-changing events: "My life really has a higher meaning." Tears rolled down my face from the joyful realization that my life is in motion, it is constantly changing, it really has a higher meaning. It was this deep awareness that lurked in me for so many years, until I began to focus on all the good things that were and are in my life. And if you think about it, it all starts to work when we repeat affirmations, despite the fact that you may not yet believe in their magical power.

Whether you believe in affirmations or not, I will touch on this topic in the future, but this simple statement creates a tremendous change in the energy within us, gratitude, love and an all-encompassing desire to create.

As soon as you start repeating affirmations over and over again, keeping their deep meaning in mind, your interaction with the outside world will begin to change on a subtle plane. For example, when you say the affirmation “I have great power of love and bravely go my way” quite often, you begin to act differently, events begin to happen differently, you react to the outside world differently. You become more loving. And the most amazing thing is, you are treated very differently. You look healthier and the loving energy is completely enveloping you and your life. Affirmations are really very powerful, aren't they.

You may, of course, be thinking, "Oh Victor, I'm so busy adding one more activity to my daily routine." No worries! Proper use of affirmations takes absolutely no time at all. How is this possible? Because, …

All you are doing is replacing negative thoughts with healthy and positive thoughts of peace, our inner strength and love.

Read it again! Such negative thoughts, which we more than replace with positive ones, with the help of affirmations, we can repeat when we get dressed, take a shower, do our daily business while you eat in transport, and of course, when we go to bed.

The key to a happy life is to remember the powerful power of affirmations and say them!

To do this, I propose to write down your favorite affirmations, for example, on tear-off sticky notes, and place them where you appear most often, in the car, on your desktop, on the mirror, in the hallway, on the refrigerator. It will be much easier for you to remember that any negative thought can be changed into a positive, life-affirming motive, and affirmations will help you with this. You can get very creative with this procedure. Important! It is important that you do this work with a feeling of sincere joy.

I will share with you the ways of some participants of the program "Affirmations - the path to miraculous change!". One of the participants, getting to the university for about an hour, spending in public transport, made notes in a notebook, one affirmation on each page, and while she spent time on the road, she read the affirmations, repeating each of them ten times. And so every affirmation while driving to the university, day after day. And at the end of the trip, she always felt in high spirits, was full of inner strength and radiated an unconditional feeling of love. I might add that in the end, she was able to change her life dramatically.

Bad habits are hard to break (and negative thinking is definitely one of those habits), and the bottom line is that we can still break these habits. And for starters, the best thing to do is to use affirmations more intensively until they become a daily part of your thinking. Again, this is very easy, because. you already know that repeating affirmations does not distract you from work, they do not take time and do not require additional devices. All you have to do is replace negative thoughts with positive ones by simply repeating certain statements - affirmations. A very good exchange, isn't it!

Now let me introduce you to ten affirmations with their deep meaning as I see them. Since you will be able to see the real meaning of the affirmations, you will be able to create your own affirmations.

And as an experiment, I encourage you to repeat each affirmation, quietly or silently, ten times after reading its deep meaning. It is very important! I tried to make it more convenient for you by organizing each affirmation and its deep meaning on a separate sheet, in a frame. You can cut them out and place them in a place you can see so that the affirmation is constantly at your fingertips, because it's easier to start saying them and start moving along your path of happiness. Now let me make a prediction:

After reading the ten affirmations... understanding their deep meaning... and repeating each of them ten times, you will definitely feel uplifted, the energy of your entire body moving in the direction of peace, inner strength and love.

I believe one day you will see their positive meaning and make affirmations a part of your daily life, as I have made them part of mine. After all, who can resist, replacing the echoes of pessimism in the mind with thoughts of peace, inner strength and love?! Neither I ... I hope not you. Forward!

Photos from open sources

Thought is material, and this will not surprise anyone today. Everything we think about is in danger of becoming the truth. Thoughts dressed in words, including positive affirmation phrases, have special power. Affirmations are endowed with a special power of human faith in what he says. With their help, you can program your reality and environment. The main thing is to know how.

The power of affirmations can be used in a variety of ways. Someone prefers to listen to audio affirmations, someone prefers to work, rewriting the phrase on paper, and someone prefers to say the settings out loud. It is important to find your own way, then the words will be most effective.

To use the power of positive attitudes in everyday life correctly, you need to remember 4 simple rules and follow them.

1. Believe what you say

As you work with affirmations, focus on the words you are saying. Drop the doubts that may subconsciously arise in the background. It is extremely important to help your mind to believe that the affirmation will work. To do this, you need to choose the right formulations that the brain is able to accept as truth. For example, instead of "I am rich, I have a lot of money," you should say "My wealth is growing every day, success and money love me."

When your mind accepts the affirmation, the affirmation can work.

2. Work with beliefs, not facts

Fact-based affirmations don't work. Statements must be associated with beliefs (established stereotypes, attitudes, clichés). Formulate statements so that they do not contradict your beliefs. For example, it is difficult to argue with the fact "A person is either fat or slender". With the statement "It is believed that more than half of overweight people are able to lose weight" it is much easier to work with. Listen to yourself, and if the statement does not cause protest or contradictions in your subconscious mind, feel free to use it.

3. Look for examples and proof of your beliefs

Affirmations become stronger when they are backed up with concrete examples. The "they could do it, I can do it" scheme is the best assistant in this business. If you want to work with a career-related statement, for example, look for examples of how other people have been successful in this area to support you. Say the affirmation and remember those who have already succeeded in this matter. The right attitude will help affirmations gain a foothold in your mind and start working.

4. Stay tuned

After some time, when you start using the affirmation, changes will begin to occur around you. Take a closer look, evaluate them, rejoice at the first result. If you do not notice anything, it is worth reconsidering the tactics of using affirmations. Most likely, you are doing something wrong, and your body refuses to accept the statement as true.

Affirmations are affirmations that help change the way we think and shape the future we want. But not only ... Affirmations are thoughts, words, feelings, emotions that each of us uses in everyday life. At the same time, as we all understand, we use not always positive, but also negative statements. So first of all, if you want to change your life for the better with the help of affirmations, then you need to use them only in a positive way.

So how does it work?
Think about what you are saying? Count how many times a day, for example, you or the people around you say the word "Nightmare !!!" and "Horror!!!" These words must be forgotten! Each time, instead of them, say "Hurrah!" If it’s difficult to do this out loud, you can say it to yourself. The main thing is to replace every negative impulse with a positive one.

Or, for example, the phrase of a surprised person “Wow!” doesn't stand up to scrutiny at all. Remember once and for all - "All to yourself." And only in this way, then well-being will follow you around.

Our thoughts and emotions shape our lives and remember that like attracts only like. Negative thoughts attract negative events into our lives, and fears and fears will certainly come true, since we ourselves have projected them. What you think about is what you become.

From the foregoing, we can draw a wonderful conclusion: “positive thoughts and emotions of love, happiness and pleasure will attract happy events and people we need into our lives.”

Well, for those who are convinced that this does not work. I will explain that affirmations may not work in only one case - if there is a conflict between what you say and who you really are. That is, if you think one thing, say another, and mean the third, then your guardian angels all the more cannot understand what you really want to receive. That is, if you say “I want a suitcase of money” every day, and the subconscious mind answers “Yeah, hee hee, now I’ll repeat it 10 more times and get two suitcases ... This theory does not work”, of course, nothing will work . Because there is no specific goal. There is a simple "I want".

The main thing is your positive attitude, the belief that everything will work out for you. First come to harmony within yourself, and you will immediately notice that the world around you has changed. Changed as much as you wanted.

So, first of all, any positive statement formulated in the present tense or as a fait accompli. Secondly, there should not be a “not” particle. Thirdly, it should be directed only to a good cause and in the name of goodness and love throughout the Universe.

And one more thing, not those desires that you think you want come true. And those that your subconsciousness really wants to fulfill. So, do not be surprised if what you so passionately wanted to come true, but were even afraid to think about it ...

Of course, I cannot fail to cite the example of the great Louise Hay, who is the founder of the theory of affirmations. Despite the fact that she was born into a very poor family, was bullied by others as a child and many other things that I will not talk about, she changed her life with the help of positive thinking, which became the essence of her life (those who wish can read her book, where she talks a lot about the path of this change). And everything that Louise Hay managed to achieve, she achieved without outside help through the active application of the method of positive thinking she mastered and even improved, which is based on her unique affirmations. This woman restored her ruined health on her own (she got rid of uterine cancer without drugs and operations, but only with the power of thought) and improved her destiny!

Another important note. Affirmations can change your life, so, first of all, think about whether it is worth changing the life that you have now. As the saying goes, don't fix what isn't broken. If you have firmly decided that you need change, like air, then go ahead. Great things are ahead of us.

Saying affirmations is an effective way to achieve your goal, happiness, love, inner harmony, health and well-being. Work with them every day, saying them out loud or to yourself, and the result will not keep you waiting!

And the last piece of advice, before you start using affirmations, ask forgiveness from yourself and your body for thinking badly about someone (especially about yourself) before, for having experienced negative emotions, and promise yourself from now on to think and speak only positively. And keep that promise.

When only positive thoughts, feelings and emotions fill your life, peace, mutual understanding, sympathy, the ability to forgive and, most importantly, love will come with them and stay with you forever.
I wish you to learn to see the good in everything you meet, and believe me, the world will answer you the same. Positive bright thoughts will guide you through life and open all doors for you.

Based on materials from the House of the Sun website.

Today it is no secret to anyone that you and your life depend on your prevailing thoughts. About 50-60 thousand thoughts rush through a person’s head every day. Many of these thoughts are not conscious and have no effect on our lives. But 1-5% of thoughts are repetitive. They are the ones that dominate. When a thought is constantly repeated, it becomes a belief and constantly influences a person's decision-making process. And often these beliefs are limiting.

This is where affirmations come in. - These are conscious thoughts that a person thinks intentionally in order to replace already formed beliefs.

By and large, this is nothing but thoughts. You can repeat them out loud or to yourself.

Perhaps, like visualization, affirmation is the easiest and most powerful way to influence the subconscious mind. You can use them anywhere and anytime. Just choose the one that expresses your desires and repeat it several times. And it doesn't matter where you are now and where you want to go. It is important to correctly compose affirmations and work with them, and you will notice the effect very quickly.

How do affirmations work?

Affirmations work on the principle of substitution. At a certain point in time, the mind can only hold one single thought, so the essence of affirmations is to fill and hold thoughts in your mind that reinforce your desire.

Imagine a glass of cloudy water. You take this glass and put it under the tap, turn on the water and start pouring clean water into it. Turbid water begins to overflow over the edges, and clean water enters the glass. Over time, all the cloudy water will be replaced by clean water.

The same thing happens with the human brain. Now the brain (glass) is filled to the brim. When you work on a new affirmation, it replaces the old one. But the replacement does not happen immediately, but over time. The stronger the affirmation you wish to replace, the more time and effort you will have to spend to make the change.

The essence of affirmations is to surround yourself with mentally positive thoughts that contribute to the achievement of the desired result.

If a certain thought is held in the mind long enough, it begins to evoke emotions that activate the work of the universe.

Affirmations have nothing to do with the current state of affairs. They are based on how you would like to see the state of your affairs.

Emmerson said, "We become what we think about all day long."

Using affirmations every day is the easiest way to change your desired situation for the better.

In our brain, 50-60 thousand flashes. thoughts daily. Why only 1-5% have influence on us, and the rest just disappear into the stream? Because these 1-5% make us emotional!

Now let's look at how to write affirmations.

Criteria for correct affirmation:

1. Affirmations should always say what you want, not what you don't want.

Affirmations should be about gaining something, not about getting rid of something. Affirmations should be about achieving something, not about avoiding something.

You get what you focus on!

Wrong affirmations:

I don't want to sleep so much

I don't want to earn so little

I don't want to drive so far to work

Correct affirmations:

I sleep X hours a night, sleep well and feel great (X - replace with the desired number)

I earn xxx per month (x - replace with the numbers you need)

I have xx km to my work (xx - replace with the numbers you need)

Affirmations should be in the affirmative form, and in no case in the negative. The use of the "not" particle is prohibited. If you want to succeed in a certain business, the affirmation can sound like this: “I succeeded in ...” and in no case “I did not lose ...” or “I did not fail.” Negative affirmations on a subconscious level work quite the opposite than we think. They destroy you. If you say you lost, then defeat is perceived. In simple terms, the “not” part is ignored by the subconscious. If you want to get positive results, you need to create positive images. Negative images lead to negative outcomes.

Avoid using affirmations such as:


Has ceased

got rid of, etc.

2. Affirmations must be formulated in the present tense.

When you repeat affirmations, you should feel that what you are saying has already happened.

The brain does not understand the past and the future. When you say “I will have a house by the ocean”, your brain understands this “I do not have a house by the ocean”. When you say “I will”, you implicitly say that you don't have it now. Your subconscious does not understand such words as "I will", "soon", "tomorrow". It only understands what is happening to it right now. Depending on how you accept a certain idea now, depends on how quickly it will be implemented in the future. When you tell your subconscious that you already have it, it will immediately begin to realize it. When you talk about the future, the subconscious does not know when to start realizing and whether to start at all.

Wrong affirmations:

Next week I will have a great haircut

Tomorrow I will have a beautiful day

Starting Monday, I will completely stop drinking alcohol.

Correct affirmations:

I bought a new house

I have great hair

I have a great productive day

I am always and in all situations 100% sober

3. Affirmations must be specific.

Must be specific, because only specific wording can evoke strong emotions. The whole point is that affirmations create emotions, and the more emotions they create, the better these affirmations will work for you. And what emotions can create fuzzy, general formulations?

Compare, for example, the following two statements:

“We bought a new beautiful house” and “We bought a new three-story white brick house the size of a football field and this house is located on the seashore”

Feel the difference in emotions?

It is thanks to this difference that your wish will come true.

Do you want to buy a car?

Compare these two formulations:

“I have a beautiful new Lexus” and “I have a new snow-white Lexus GS 460 with automatic transmission”

Feel the difference?

You should have noticed that in the first formulations, the emotions are weak, and in the second, strong. All this is due to the pictures that your brain paints in the first and second cases.

4. Affirmations should be composed using words that indicate emotions.

We have already talked about the difference between effective affirmations and ineffective ones, and came to the conclusion that effective affirmations evoke strong emotions. That's it in order to make our affirmations even stronger, we will add emotional words to affirmations. When compiling affirmations, care must be taken that they cause us joy, inspiration and enthusiasm. Any words that evoke strong emotions in you will also have a strong effect on your subconscious. The rule is simple: the stronger the emotions, the faster your belief will change.

Find the words that create movement in your brain, that hook you and evoke emotions, words, very vivid words.

Here are some good words:





With great joy

Simply and easily

With pleasure

With admiration

I will say that affirmations that reinforce your most important life values ​​have tremendous power. Think about your values.

Examples of emotional words in affirmations:

I easily and with great pleasure build my own business

30 minutes. every day I visualize my future with great joy

I treat my wife (husband) with awe and admiration

I enjoy exercising every morning

I really like to think about promoting my own business.

5. Affirmations should only concern you and the state of your affairs.

You can make affirmations only regarding yourself and your affairs. Affirmations that aim to improve someone's affairs will not work. We cannot do affirmations for someone else.

If you want to help someone change, think about what change in you will help that person and send your affirmations to these changes in yourself. Remember, you cannot force someone to do something with affirmations.

The following affirmations will not lead to anything. You are just wasting your time:

People love and respect me

My boss considers me the best employee

My boyfriend/girlfriend loves me more than anyone in the world

My mom is recovering

No matter how good affirmations that apply to other people, I do not recommend using them. You cannot significantly influence other people, your environment with your thoughts. Therefore, it is better not to waste your strength and energy and take care of yourself.

The secret to how affirmations work is to keep repeating them simple and convenient. Imagine that your statement consists of more than 10 words. How many times can you repeat it? Optimal is 3-4 words. For example, "I am a successful person." Only you should clearly know what a successful person means to you. These repeated affirmations can make a big difference in your life in a very short period of time.

Try to find an affirmation that, when repeated once, already causes very positive feelings. Very well, if she will.

Why Affirmations May Not Work for You

Often people make very gross mistakes in the construction of affirmations and therefore do not get any effect.

Here are a few of those blunders:

Building an affirmation using the word "I can."

For example, "I can be a successful person." Your subconscious already knows that you can, so it won't even start doing anything. And then, with such an affirmation, you do not even take responsibility. - Do not work with affirmations regularly.

Affirmations are in the future tense.

Affirmation causes a lot of resistance in you

If you claim that you will have something, this 'will' is perceived by the subconscious that you do not have what you claim now. And thus you will always 'be' and never find in the present. If you practice affirmations every day, but at the same time repeat different affirmations each time, the effect is greatly weakened. We can draw the following analogy: if you take a magnifying glass on a sunny day and direct it to one place, thereby concentrating the rays of the sun in one place, you can easily light a fire, but if you take the same magnifying glass and constantly drive it, concentrating on different points , you won't be able to. This is because energy is dissipated.

And the biggest mistake people make when working with affirmations is that they don't have the patience. When you are just getting started with affirmations, you need to break through the concrete wall of your current beliefs. It may take a month of hard work, and people try a couple of days and say: "they don't work." Of course, they don’t work if you already have such powerful beliefs rooted, for example, such as “I will not see success like my ears”, “All these books are written only in order to earn money. No one is interested in you, and no one will teach you anything”, “I don’t believe in the subconscious, only my logic is real.” What happens if a person with such beliefs begins to apply the affirmation: "I am a successful person." This affirmation can go against the whole belief system.

That's why it takes time for affirmations to start working. How long it takes depends on how much you believe in your current affirmation.

Affirmation Examples that you can use (although I highly recommend making up your own affirmations, following the rules I described above):

Every day my confidence grows

I am a genius and in everything and always I apply my wisdom

Now I have more money than before

I need all my wishes to come true

Every day my business is thriving

I am surrounded only by positive, cheerful and successful people.

The Universe always leads me to my dreams in the most harmonious way.

Everywhere and in everything I achieve success

Every day, everywhere and in everything, my business is going better.

Every day I get better and better

Every day my income is growing, regardless of whether I work or have a rest.

The Universe guides me through life in the best and most harmonious way.

I deserve great happiness, great family relationships and wealth

I live an amazing life and attract only the best in it.

Great ideas always come to me on time.

Every day I start with love and gratitude

I attract successful people to help me build my business.

Affirmation of the day:

My world takes care of me

Every day my life gets better and better

Every day more and more money comes to me

Every day my business is getting better and better in every way.

Every day I get better and better

Every day I get better as a person

Learn to work with affirmations, feel their influence on your inner world, and then you can start creating those that suit you best. Just do not forget: you must be extremely careful when creating a new verbal formula. Create your motto in one, two, three words. Then give it images, paint in pleasant colors. Affirmation is a conspiracy magic formula. The ideal affirmation is a perfectly rhythmically and phonetically built phrase.

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In previous articles on this topic, we talked with you about the power of the word and the patterns that follow us everywhere.

The power of affirmations or the power of positive thinking is the topic of today's article.

Good day, friends and guests of my blog site

The power of affirmations is the power of positive thinking

With this article, I intend to close the series of articles on this topic. And so, here, I want to talk about the power of positive thinking.

You and I already know that the word, just like the thought, has great power over the processes that take place in our lives.

Science, as close as possible, did not get close to the discovery of quantum physics, which is exactly what this statement says.

Thus, perhaps you and I are living at a time when this statement can be proved scientifically, in the language of formulas. In the meantime, it is clear to me even now that a positive thought is many hundreds of times stronger than a negative thought.

And this proportion makes me very happy. If so, let's learn to think positively. For all its seemingly simplicity, this is a very difficult task.

It is necessary to fill your brain with positive information. But for this, it is necessary to remove negative thoughts. How to do this, I have already said. Television, radio, newspapers are all sources of this information.

We come to the most important thing. I learned a long time ago that the more I say positive and positive affirmations, the more I attract them into my life.
These statements are affirmations.

Moreover, it is known that almost any habit in a person is formed in about 40 days. What prevents us from “inculcating” this habit in ourselves?

I do the following - in the morning, when I brush my teeth and wash my face, I do one of my favorite exercises - I start the day with Gratitude.

These are my gratitudes to the Universe, to the higher Self, to God — for everything that surrounds me and that I have. This is a very strong exercise that I have already become a habit. Thus, thanks to you, you repeatedly attract into your life what you are grateful for - love, health, family, material wealth ...

I always say the following affirmation when I go outside in the morning.

I am open and receptive to all the good that the Universe gives me - not a drop of good, but an ocean of good

- this is the affirmation that I read from the books of Louise Hay.

What prevents you from saying every day, several times a day?

Thus, you let even more positive, good, energy into your life. We do not know something, and when we find out, we regret it.


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