Is it worth it to congratulate an ex-girlfriend. Congratulations to an ex-girlfriend Happy birthday to an ex-girlfriend

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May our plans not come true
Let the dreams come crashing down
Still moments of happiness
You still bring.

On this day I want to congratulate
Happy Birthday to You
And say thank you for everything
Not rude and not rude.

Stay the best
And find your love.
Don't lose faith in your friends
Good only again and again!

Fulfillment of dreams
And a whole lot of health!
Well, it's hard to be
Only from bouquets of roses!

happy birthday congratulations
And I want to tell you
What is always only with warmth
I will remember you.

I wish you happy
You, beauty, were
To not regret the past
Like a rose bloomed.

Happy Birthday,
You are worthy of admiration
Even though we broke up with you
But the dream remained blue
I wish you happiness,
And all the friends of your participation,
For love to find its own
Even though I still love you
But I won't bother you
I won't stop believing in happiness
Let's both be happy
I ask God for love!

We parted for a long time,
But I remember you dear
You were a dream girl
You were almost like a saint to me
But that's how fate happened
Guilty is not to be found
I want your life
Didn't let you suffer
I only wish you happiness
To bathe like in the sea in it,
And I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy birthday to you!

You are my ex... but still
I want to congratulate you.
After all, there is nothing more precious to us
Memories of those and feelings.
Now we have different paths
They are forever separated.
I wish you were loved
All long earthly life!

Happy birthday to ex girlfriend

Take care like I used to
Protected you from all troubles.
We broke up, it's not our fault
And fate is like a waiting room...
It will still come in a different composition
On the platform is your new destiny.
Let love take you by surprise
And rumors will buzz about the wedding!

I'm glad that we are still close,
It's nice that you meet me with your eyes,
We had to break the threads of passion,
But the bond of communication is unlikely to break off.
You are celebrating a wonderful birthday
Catch congratulations from the former
I wish you fairy tales and love,
And so that the eyes burn like fires.

Passing through the pain and the burden of parting,
We are together again, though, as friends,
You make many wishes
May they come true - I wish.
I know that you love your birthday
And appreciate this cool, bright day,
I want to be in a good mood
But only, too much, you do not drink.

You know, there is no such thing as a lot of happiness,
So I wish again and again
To fill your heart with joy
And love was found in the corner of the soul.
Let every day not look like the old one,
You fill the world with fresh newness,
Goodness and affection, I wish you tenderness,
And I will try to be with you more often.

We built love in a big world
But something suddenly, once missed,
I won't remember the past
I want to wish you good luck.
Be happy, because you deserve happiness
Let sadness and bad weather bypass you,
Don't be afraid, don't be sad and don't be bored
And charge all your friends with love.

Happy Birthday,
You are beautiful as always
Even though we're not together,
You are always in my soul.

On this day, a gift to you
I wrote congratulations.
Be happy, dear
Blossom you, my flower.

You are an ex-girlfriend
Happy birthday, I congratulate you
Though not letting me into my heart,
But I wish you happiness
I often remember with nostalgia
Our meetings and our dreams
And only now I understand
How happy we were

But love didn't work out
And dreams flew away forever
And trouble swirled over me,
And winter has come in my soul!

I wish you happiness, a full house,
Love intoxicating like rum
Let dreams come true
You will always be desired.

Let's leave all the grudges in the past
And let's remember the good things.
Please accept my congratulations.
From the bottom of my heart - happy birthday!

Forgive me for what happened
Accept me for what I am
I love you because you loved
I appreciate you for what? - Do not count!
For affection, tenderness and care,
For being a good person
Yes, we are not together, someone will say,
But, our friendship is many years old.

I wish you happiness, a full house,
Love that intoxicates like rum
Let dreams come true
You will always be desired.
Let's leave all the insults in the past,
And let's remember the good things.
Accept my congratulations,
From the bottom of my heart, happy birthday!

Happy birthday to ex girlfriend

Hello, congratulations
Let it not grow together, not come true,
But I fondly remember
Everything that has passed like a moment,
And let's not be together
Anyway, congratulations,
May your days be easy
Happiness, luck, love!

I'm looking at you now
Raising a sparkling glass
I understand that I was a fool
And your eyes are radiant on the heart!

Too bad we're just friends now
But I'm glad that with you - my love!
For you, he will tear anyone,
And he made you happy!

Well, what about you and me
He knows nothing!
And so he shakes his hand
And pours another glass!

Happy birthday, congratulations
Your ex-girlfriend
And I wish you love
I don't look in your direction
I take my eyes off you
I'm afraid to fall in love again
And even passing by
I'm afraid to stop
You be happy without me
Stay beautiful like this
And in the light of the birth of the day,
Get your peace of mind!

With you, unfortunately, we parted,
And maybe, fortunately, how to find out?
But since we're still friends,
I hasten to congratulate again

You on your holiday - Birthday,
And I want to wish you well
Love, health and luck
And so that you are happy!

Every year you are only more beautiful
And on your birthday I wish -
To be happy, beloved, glorious,
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you!

And even though we are not together with you,
I remember with a smile
All our ups and downs
We are friends with you.

I wish you a strong family
And may all dreams come true.
After all, you know, in this white world,
You deserve only the best.

I want to wish you today
Find new happiness.
And if you already found it for yourself,
May it give two wings!
And there will be no quarrels between you,
How have we been so far...
I sincerely wish that forever
The right person was with you!

I didn't forget to congratulate you
I don't know if it's appropriate or not...
But once we met
And there were no more beautiful years ...
I wish you happiness, but different
Without unnecessary quarrels and separations.
To be loved again
Let your new friend appreciate you!

I congratulate you, dear
Even though we are no longer a couple.
You may have forgotten me
Or maybe I didn't forget...
But on your birthday, of course,
I will tell you as always:
You are the best woman in the world
Among the luminaries - one star!

Congratulations on a special thrill
You with a new year in life.
Let it come true, what you believe
Your cozy home will be cheerful.
May all dreams come true
Weekdays will give joy.
And luck will come to the street
And the soul will love again!

I loved you but still
Something in life did not grow together.
Though I was dearer to all,
Yet happiness did not come true.

Happy Birthday!
Be happy with others.
And all my regrets
They will fly away like smoke in the sky ...

Stay as beautiful and sweet
Shine brighter than the brightest star
Let everything around you radiate light
In the wake of your best dreams.

I congratulate you on your birthday
Love and success, and more warmth,
So that life is the happiest for you,
And in it to make you even more beautiful.

It's been a long time already
How we parted, by chance.
But happy birthday
And I confess in everything you were the best!

The one who is next to you today
He was smarter than me, and understood immediately
There is no one like you in the world!
You bring joy to both the soul and the eye!

Around you girlfriends in a crowd,
There are not enough envious people, you are beautiful!
I wish that in life you are young,
Everything happened in the subject, and not in vain!

You and I are no longer together
We did not find passionate feelings.
But I'm grateful for everything
What went through with you.

I wish you a birthday
For you to be happy.
And your love rather
You found life difficult.

Every year you are only more beautiful
And on your birthday I wish -
To be happy, beloved, glorious,
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you!

And even though we are not together with you,
I remember with a smile
All our ups and downs
We are friends with you.

I wish you a strong family
And may all dreams come true.
After all, you know, in this white world,
You deserve only the best.

Ex-girlfriend, remember me?
I wish you happiness!
Keeping this date in memory,
Congratulations on your birthday!
You're sorry that we did not grow together,
I still respect you!
I wish everything in your life come true
And I raise a toast to you!

I'm texting my ex girlfriend
I want to congratulate her
Don't forget about birthday
After all, I loved her very much,

So take the words
I wish you happiness and good
To meet your love
And the blood boiled in the veins!

May it be the best birthday
Remember him for a whole year
Among friends, in wonderful surroundings,
Let's celebrate it without worries.
I gently kiss your cheek
As before, I will hug you tightly again,
Like you're a sister, my girlfriend
But know that I still love a little.

We're exes as a couple, so what? -
I still admire you
You are a miracle and my desire,
I enjoy communication with you.
I want you to be happy
And never shy from sadness,
I wish, on your birthday, wish:
May all that you wished come true.

Meet everyday life and worries with a smile,
Let the gray work not load
Live and enjoy every day
Be in love as I am in love with you.
In love, like a friend, like a former boy,
From our friendship will definitely be good,
I wish you not to be sad on your birthday,
And more rest, but drink with us!

I'm glad that we are still close,
It's nice that you meet me with your eyes,
We had to break the threads of passion,
But the bond of communication is unlikely to break off.
You are celebrating a wonderful birthday
Catch congratulations from the former
I wish you fairy tales and love,
And so that the eyes burn like fires.

Happy birthday, my ex!
I will forget about it today.
I get drunk, and love is not melting,
I will come to you.
I wish through a drunken frenzy
And health and love to you burning.
And in the hour of our passion is in full swing
You will understand that there is no cooler than me!

Hello my girl. Former.
Forgetting about our bright love.
I'm sorry that this happened
Our happiness did not happen to you!

And I want love, no doubt.
Not with me, so with another, but love!
It's only you, baby, live!

I wish you happiness
In the future, without me, fate!
Let love find you
My ex girl.
In the meantime, happy birthday
I congratulate you! Nothing
May sorrow be upon you
I wish you good luck in your destiny!

I wish to meet you
Someone better than me.
Who will be able to forgive
There is no resentment in the soul.
I wish you love
Adult this time.
And then maybe you
What will not work with us will come out.

My ex girlfriend
Probably forgot about me
Happy Birthday to you!
And of course I wish for a moment
To make your life bright!
Let fate shower with gifts
Be happy, I wish, always
Do not be sad, I ask, never!

The times when young people, parting, turned into irreconcilable enemies, fortunately, have passed. Today, no one will be surprised if her ex appears at the birthday party of a young person, carefully carrying a wrapped gift in a package. Congratulating kindly ex-girlfriend has become a rule of good manners among young people. Having addressed her artless, simple words of congratulations from the heart, the guy can leave the holiday or, at the request of the lady, stay to have fun with other guests. Our birthday greetings to the ex-girlfriend will help the young men pronounce the right wishes for the birthday girl.

And even though we broke up with you,
I wish you happiness
Good luck, more than gifts,
Relatives, adventures by suit.
You are so funny, so beautiful
Never been before
Let everything be possible for you
You will be nice to guys.
Not with cats you will meet old age -
With my beloved husband,
And you will be friendly to everyone for joy,
And we will keep the house for you.
The hearth of your light love
You can't pay off
Let it shine like a comet
I wish you a long life.
And let you be without me now
You can't handle everything
You will be loved and true
Someone there at all!

There are many possibilities in life -
Maybe the paths will meet again
In the meantime, I wish not to be capricious.
And move forward in the world.
Always cover yourself with a warm blanket,
Drink tea and dream about everything in the evenings.
So that you hear from your relatives: "Do not be bored"
And she loved more than words.
So that by the evening you become playful,
She raged, bloomed and laughed out loud.
So that you are free and beautiful,
For guys to be a trick.
Happy birthday to you beauty
Your retired gambler and drunkard.

It doesn't matter what day of the week it is
After all, a bright holiday has come to the house,
To never get bored
Bouquets of flowers for you!
To give them to you on the day
Pieces five, or ten, or a hundred,
For the angels to keep you
She was as beautiful as the east.
She was mysterious, playful,
Very good, very nice
To entertain the soul, sang,
And not tired of dreaming.
Career growth for you
So that in life it was very simple,
To make dreams come true
And in the dance with the guy you were spinning.
And I will find another happiness -
You can't be a part of it.

May our plans not come true
Let the dreams come crashing down
Still moments of happiness
You still bring.

On this day I want to congratulate
Happy Birthday to You
And say thank you for everything
Not rude and not rude.

Stay the best
And find your love.
Don't lose faith in your friends
Good only again and again!

Fulfillment of dreams
And a whole lot of health!
Well, it's hard to be
Only from bouquets of roses!

Ex girl, hello
I write poetry, though not a poet,
And today I congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you to be happy without me!

It's great just to study and dream,
And then become a cool specialist,
And love seriously, without deceit,
The heroine of a real novel!

Have fun, show off and fly
And captivate the guys with your beauty,
Win in sports and in life too,
Everything is possible for such beautiful people!

I loved you but still
Something in life did not grow together.
Though I was dearer to all,
Yet happiness did not come true.

Happy Birthday!
Be happy with others.
And all my regrets
They will fly away like smoke in the sky ...

I wish you happiness, a full house,
Love intoxicating like rum
Let dreams come true
You will always be desired.

Let's leave all the grudges in the past
And let's remember the good things.
Please accept my congratulations.
From the bottom of my heart - happy birthday!

Your holiday has come, your birthday, well,
Let me wish you happy years!
We have not been a couple for a long time, but still, nevertheless ...
I sincerely wish to live without sorrows and troubles!

Let your gentle smile flicker
Let your femininity bloom.
You are my former love, we will not be together, I know
But from the bottom of my heart I wish you always good luck!

As composer Igor Nikolaev,
Once sang, in his song,
I'll tell you: "Congratulations!",
Though it's not destiny to stay together.

You probably don't remember
Moments of the past world,
I send you as a keepsake
My snow-white congratulations!

Let it sparkle and shimmer
Like fluffy snow in December
In the spring, of course, it will melt,
And you will forget about me.

For both of us, our meeting
Taught fate a lesson
But you on your birthday, as before,
My congratulations read!

It's good that we parted as friends,
And I can congratulate you again!
You become more beautiful every day
I admire and love you

Of course, now as a friend,
A message to give good luck and love!
For you to get what you want
From life, take only the best!

Let there be a madly loving one,
Able to throw the whole world at your feet,
And if someone offends you,
Then with pleasure I will give him in the face.

Fate separated us on different roads,
How are you and with whom, I certainly do not know.
Only one thing I ask God
To love you like I do.

On your birthday I sent a bouquet
Delicate daisies, you love them, I know.
This is my little heart hello,
To have everything you want.

Happy birthday my friend,
I congratulate you
And I hope that myself
I won't hurt you now.

In my congratulations, I wish
Be happy, popular,
I appreciate you as a friend
You were nice to me.

While we were as a couple,
We were not bad together
But now that we've parted
You and I will have a hard time.

woman man funny relatives
wife husband cool mother-in-law
girl guy short father-in-law
girlfriend friend beautiful mother-in-law
sister brother original father-in-law
daughters son in your own words daughter-in-law
mom dad SMS son-in-law
girl boy in prose kume
aunt uncle in verse kumu
grandmother grandfather postcards goddaughter
niece nephew Pictures godson
child colleague matchmaker

Smart people, even after parting, maintain normal relations with the former subject of passion. On the birthday of an ex-girlfriend, it is not necessary to give a gift, but it is quite possible to sincerely congratulate the birthday girl. Warm congratulations on the birthday of the ex-girlfriend are posted on our website. They are quite neutral and do not look like a hint of a reunion, especially if each of you already has a new love. See for yourself by reading a large selection of wishes and congratulations for the holiday on this page.

My distant ex
Happy birthday to you.
Find your happiness
I wish as soon as possible.

Forgive me for everything
I won't stop you from being happy.
After all, only good me
As a friend now, I tenderly wish!

We were with you
Dispersed - so it was necessary!
But I remember you
You are always in my destiny.
Happy Birthday,
I lift my spirits
Happiness knocks on your door
You let him in!
Take a quick look into the eye -
Accept my congratulations!

We will not celebrate a birthday together,
Now I have become superfluous at the holiday,
I still wish you happiness
I'm for you, my ex-girlfriend.

I wish you with another
Be happier than with me
We parted ways,
They turned their backs to each other.

I want to forget the insults
Do not keep a stone in your bosom
You and I became the former
But I wish not to become enemies.

Happy birthday my friend,
I congratulate you
And I hope that myself
I won't hurt you now.

In my congratulations, I wish
Be happy, popular,
I appreciate you as a friend
You were nice to me.

While we were as a couple,
We were not bad together
But now that we've parted
You and I will have a hard time.

You are a kind, sensitive person
The strings touched the soul.
But fate decreed -
You are no longer with me.

I wish you a birthday
For you to be happy
To love and fly
Protected the light of the soul.

Hello, congratulations.
Let it not grow together, not come true,
But fondly remember
All that has gone by in an instant.

Let's not be together anymore
But congratulations,
May your days be easy.
Happiness, luck, love!

No matter how far our destinies have diverged, on your day I want to wish only the best. Let there be an understanding, sympathetic, reliable person who sincerely loves you. Be always in a good mood, healthy, lucky and happy. Happy Birthday!

Ex girl, hello
I write poetry, though not a poet,
And today I congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you to be happy without me!

It's great just to study and dream,
And then become a cool specialist,
And love seriously, without deceit,
The heroine of a real novel!

Have fun, show off and fly
And captivate the guys with your beauty,
Win in sports and in life too,
Everything is possible for such beautiful people!

I loved you but still
Something in life did not grow together.
Though I was dearer to all,
Yet happiness did not come true.

Happy Birthday!
Be happy with others.
And all my regrets
They will fly away like smoke in the sky ...

Happy birthday my ex-love.
It's a pity you no longer excite my blood.
And now you will share the path of life with another.
I wish you - be cheerful.

Let your eyes shine with bright joy,
Only from happiness there is a tear.
May unprecedented success come to you
Let only good things in fate await you!

With you, unfortunately, we parted,
And maybe, fortunately, how to find out?
But since we're still friends,
I hasten to congratulate again

You on your holiday - Birthday,
And I want to wish you well
Love, health and luck
And so that you are happy!

Your holiday has come, your birthday, well,
Let me wish you happy years!
We have not been a couple for a long time, but still, nevertheless ...
I sincerely wish to live without sorrows and troubles!

Let your gentle smile flicker
Let your femininity bloom.
You are my former love, we will not be together, I know
But from the bottom of my heart I wish you always good luck!

Happy Birthday,
You are beautiful as always
Even though we're not together,
You are always in my soul.

On this day, a gift to you
I wrote congratulations.
Be happy, dear
Blossom you, my flower.

As composer Igor Nikolaev,
Once sang, in his song,
I'll tell you: "Congratulations!",
Though it's not destiny to stay together.

You probably don't remember
Moments of the past world,
I send you as a keepsake
My snow-white congratulations!

Let it sparkle and shimmer
Like fluffy snow in December
In the spring, of course, it will melt,
And you will forget about me.

For both of us, our meeting
Taught fate a lesson
But you on your birthday, as before,
My congratulations read!

I wish you happiness, a full house,
Love intoxicating like rum
Let dreams come true
You will always be desired.

Let's leave all the grudges in the past
And let's remember the good things.
Please accept my congratulations.
From the bottom of my heart - happy birthday!

happy birthday congratulations
And I want to tell you
What is always only with warmth
I will remember you.

I wish you happy
You, beauty, were
To not regret the past
Like a rose bloomed.

I congratulate you on your birthday!
I wish you only good on this day,
And I will say without a shadow of a doubt
What happiness you will meet, I know!

I'm not looking for excuses
But there will still be love, believe me!
Wishes will come true soon
Just open the door for them a little!

May our plans not come true
Let the dreams come crashing down
Still moments of happiness
You still bring.

On this day I want to congratulate
Happy Birthday to You
And say thank you for everything
Not rude and not rude.

Stay the best
And find your love.
Don't lose faith in your friends
Good only again and again!

Fulfillment of dreams
And a whole lot of health!
Well, it's hard to be
Only from bouquets of roses!

Let us no longer be together with you,
I can't forget this date
congratulations with sincere love
And I wish you the right path.

May your world be filled with only happiness
And all the flowers fall at the feet,
Be successful, it's in your power
And always be the center of beauty!

No matter how far our destinies have diverged, on your day I want to wish only the best. Let there be an understanding, sympathetic, reliable person who sincerely loves you. Be always in a good mood, healthy, lucky and happy. Happy birthday!

Let our paths part with you,
But I remember and respect you
I wish you to go to happiness, to joy,
Happy birthday today!

I want to be confident
And always be desired and loved,
I wish you bright days in your destiny,
Be unique, unique!

We will not celebrate a birthday together,
Now I have become superfluous at the holiday,
I still wish you happiness
I'm for you, my ex-girlfriend.

I wish you with another
Be happier than with me
We parted ways,
They turned their backs to each other.

I want to forget the insults
Do not keep a stone in your bosom
You and I became the former
But I wish not to become enemies.

happy birthday congratulations
And I want to tell you
What is always only with warmth
I will remember you.

I wish you happy
You, beauty, were
To not regret the past
Like a rose bloomed.

I loved you but still
Something in life did not grow together.
Though I was dearer to all,
Yet happiness did not come true.

Happy Birthday!
Be happy with others.
And all my regrets
They will fly away like smoke in the sky ...

Stay as beautiful and sweet
Shine brighter than the brightest star
Let everything around you radiate light
In the harbinger of your best dreams.

I congratulate you on your birthday
Love and success, and more warmth,
So that life is the happiest for you,
And in it to make you even more beautiful.

What a pity that our paths parted,
And destinies are not destined to be together,
But I owe you a lot
And I still keep warm in my heart.

On your birthday I wish you happiness
Mutual love and pleasant meetings,
Always stay so beautiful
And keep only the best in your heart.

Be divinely beautiful
Like when we first met
Charming, happy
And unique forever.

Always be great
Kind, sincere, simple,
So that I regret, without fail,
That we parted with you.

Let it come what you dreamed of
And eyes are burning with happiness
And luck, laughter and joy
Life will be filled overnight!

I wish you light and hope
The warmth of a cozy soul.
So that only bright portraits
Life painted about you.

I want the right decisions.
And fair deeds
Serious, true relationship,
Which I couldn't build myself.


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