Is December 31 considered a public holiday? The new year will begin in the old. When will it happen again

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December 31, 2018 falls on a Monday and is the last business day of the year. However, according to the decision of the Government, this day has been moved to Saturday, December 29, which will become the 6th working day with a 5/2 work schedule. For those citizens who work a six-day week, this will be a normal working day, not related to transfers.

However, it will be reduced by 1 hour, in accordance with the general rules for shortening pre-holiday days. So, the Government made its decision: December 31, 2018 is not a working day, but a day off for all citizens of Russia.

New Year's holidays start differently

Due to the transfer of the working day on December 31, 2018, Monday, to the previous day off - Saturday, December 29, the last working week was extended by 1 day. But her tension is smoothed out by the fact that the 29th is a working day shortened by 1 hour, which is enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

yandex_ad_1 On the other hand, the long weekend will start on Sunday, December 30th, and will give the housewives the opportunity to perfectly prepare for the festive feast. But this is for those who work on a 5/2 schedule.


With a six-day working week in Russia, there are 5 days off in December: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30. Transfers are not provided for a six-day work week. On December 31, citizens with such a work schedule go to their jobs and work according to the rules of the pre-holiday day, with a decrease in its duration by 1 hour. December 31, 2018 is a normal working day for them, or it will be brightened up with corporate gatherings. Celebrations for them will begin in the evening, when people will gather around lavishly laid tables.

Interesting! How to celebrate the New Year 2019 so that it is successful

However, these citizens will have enough time to spend the old year, to celebrate the arrival of the New Year to the sound of chimes.

Which day will officially become the last working day this year, it turns out differently for some categories of employees. For some it will be the 29th, for others it will be December 31st. Also, the New Year holidays for some employees will begin on December 30, 2018, while for others - only on January 1, 2019, and the rest will last not 10, but only 8 days.

yandex_ad_2 This is important for families who have planned trips to the resort in advance, even on such a long weekend, literally every day is important. It is necessary to plan the purchase of tickets, accommodation in a hotel, timely return home by the end of the holidays. All citizens go to work the same way - on January 9, on Wednesday, regardless of the length of the working week.

The government made a standard transfer

Government Decree approved transfers in the last days of the outgoing 2018. In order not to interrupt the long vacation, on Saturday, on the 29th, citizens working on a five-day work day will return to their places instead of December 31st.

Thus, Monday, the 31st day, which ends the working year, becomes an additional day off.

According to experts, this day will be inefficient in work - everyone will be tuned in to the beginning of the holidays, and the reduction of the day by 1 hour will knock the workers out of their usual rhythm. The fact that it will be a long work week of 6 days instead of the usual 5 will also play its role. Nevertheless, the decision has been made, and the holidays are being extended.

With a shift work schedule, the situation is somewhat different than with workers with five and six-day working weeks, unfortunately. According to paragraph 4 of Art. 91 of the Labor Code, each enterprise is obliged to record the time worked by members of the labor collective. At the same time, the code determines the maximum norms for the duration of work time, which in the standard version are equal to 40 hours per week (8 hours per day) with a 5-day working day. For some categories of employees defined by law, the temporary working standard is reduced and amounts to 24, 35 or 36 hours.

Accounting for labor time can be done in several ways. If the daily regime of work involves the same number of hours, then the daily method of accounting for hours worked is applied. If during the week the working days are uneven in duration, although the total working time is equal from week to week, then weekly accounting is used.

Shift work is different in that it is rather difficult to comply with the established norms for the duration of work - both during the day and during the week, therefore it is impossible to apply the daily method of accounting, while the weekly method is used, but rarely. More often in such cases, the summarized method is used, within the framework of which a shift work schedule is drawn up for employees. If the schedule is drawn up incorrectly or unforeseen circumstances intervene (illness of the shift, force majeure, etc.), as a result of the execution of the planned shifts, hours of work are formed that go beyond the norms established in the code. Thus, it is worth talking about the essence of the summarized accounting of hours worked in more detail. Summarized accounting of hours worked is devoted to Art. 104 of the Labor Code, which defines such a method as the calculation of working hours in aggregate over a pre-selected period. That is, labor shifts on different days in time may not be the same and go beyond the limits established by law. They can also be unequal and go beyond the maximum duration of work and work weeks. At the same time, summed up for a month (quarter, half year, year), the time standard for the duration of the performance of work duties must be observed and correspond to that specified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The fact of applying the summarized accounting method and the reporting period are established by the internal documentation of the organization. Work on a non-working holiday is work that is performed in conditions that deviate from normal, as well as work at night (Article 149 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this regard, the employee is made the appropriate payments provided for by labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, collective and labor contracts, agreements, local regulations. According to Art. 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if the work shift falls on a non-working holiday, it is paid in the following amounts:

pieceworkers - at least at double piecework rates;

employees whose work is paid at daily and hourly tariff rates - in the amount of at least double the daily or hourly tariff rate;

employees receiving a salary (official salary):

in the amount of at least a single daily or hourly rate (part of the salary (official salary) for a day or hour of work) in excess of the salary (official salary), if work on a weekend or non-working holiday was performed within the monthly norm of working time;

in the amount of at least double the daily or hourly rate (part of the salary (official salary) per day or hour of work) in excess of the salary (official salary), if the work was carried out in excess of the monthly norm of working time.

At the same time, this article states that the employer can set the specific amount of wages on a weekend or non-working holiday on his own, but not lower than the amounts provided for by law.

Thus, if an employee’s shift falls on a non-working holiday and a few more hours fall at night, he is entitled to two additional payments:

for work on a holiday (Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

for work at night (Article 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

So, in this case, the change should be paid as follows:

hours actually worked on a non-working holiday are paid at least twice the amount (except when, at the request of the employee, he is given another day of rest);

wages for each hour of work at night should be increased by at least 20%.

International holiday - New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve is the last day of the year in the Gregorian calendar that precedes the New Year. By tradition, it is a separate holiday from the New Year holiday.
On New Year's Eve, celebrations around the world begin to welcome the next new year. Fireworks are used in the celebration of many cultures.
In Russia, the New Year's Eve holiday is a working day, but as a rule, feasts and celebrations begin everywhere on this day, continuing until the New Year's holiday.
Today is a holiday among the Slavs - Generous evening
On December 31, the power of Korochun weakened and a new Sun was born on the Slavic land. On this day, the Slavs celebrated the most joyful and beloved period of the year - Big winter Christmas time or Big Veles Christmas time, as they were also called. Holidays lasted from December 24 to January 5 - twelve whole days!
Christmas time consisted of two six-day periods - light and dark. The first part of Christmastide was completed on December 31 with the Generous Evening or Shchedrets. Since ancient times, generous songs (shchedrovkas) have been heard everywhere on this day, and a big festive feast has been arranged among the people. And before a generous feast, it was necessary to amuse the people with mummers and lavish coats. The mummers approached every house or people gathered on the street and sang: “Generous evening! Good evening!". Then they began to carol, that is, to beg for gifts from the owners, complaining that they had come from afar and the goat's legs hurt ... The owners were supposed to resist and laugh it off. Then the mummers began to sing generous songs, with joking threats. It was considered a great shame after that not to give gifts to carolers. If the owners seemed greedy, the mummers sent them a “curse”: “Give them, Svarozha, on the back and in the face. Smash them, Father Perun! An empty bag for them, a holey pot!

Church holiday - Modestov's day

On this last day of the year, Orthodox Christians celebrate the memory of St. Modest, who served as archbishop in Jerusalem in the 7th century. Modest, according to popular tradition, was born into a Christian family in Asia Minor. In his youth, he was tonsured because he was drawn to the monastic life. After Modest was the abbot of the monastery of St. Theodosius the Great, located in Palestine.
When the troops of Persia attacked Palestine and Syria, which destroyed Christian churches and captured Patriarch Zacharias from Jerusalem, Modest began to manage the Jerusalem Church, with the help of John the Merciful, the Patriarch of Alexandria, he restored all the destroyed shrines of Christians, buried the remains of the murdered monks.
In Russia, Saint Modest was considered the guardian of cattle, they prayed to him to protect cattle from predatory animals and death. On this day, men usually arranged joint feasts - brothers, at which meat dishes were served. So Saint Modest was thanked for his care of the flocks. Women were not allowed to play cards on Modest, because it was believed that in the summer hens would peck at cucumbers.
The girls on Modest tried to predict fate for the next year. To do this, they lay down on the current, where they threshed bread, and listened to the knock: if it knocks under the girl, then death awaits her, and if it rings, then there will be a wedding, but if the threshing is heard, then the girl will be rich.
In the evening, 12 boxes were taken to Modest, salt was poured into each and named after one of the 12 months. The next morning, the girls looked in which of the boxes the salt would be raw, that month it would rain. Our ancestors predicted the weather for June on this day: it will be the same as the weather on Modest's day.
Name day December 31: Vera, Victor, Vladimir, George, Elizabeth, Zoya, Ivan, Ilya, Mark, Martin, Mikhail, Modest, Nikolai, Sevastyan, Sergei, Sophia, Thaddeus, Fedor.
world calendars
Gregorian calendar: December 31, 2013 - Tuesday, week 53, day 365 of the year
Julian calendar: December 18, 2013
Jewish calendar: 28 Tevet 5774
Islamic calendar: 27 Safar 1435
Chinese calendar: 29th day of the 11th month of the 30th year of the 74th cycle (snake, black, water)
National Calendar of India: 10 Pause 1935
Indian lunar calendar: 29 Margashirsha 2070 of the Vikram era - the constellation of Jyestha
Persian calendar: 10 Daya 1392
Baha'i calendar: 1 kull-i shay 9 wahid 18 year (Abha) 16 month (Sharaf) 1 day (Bahá)
May calendar (Long count): 13 baktun 0 katun 1 tun 0 uinal 15 kin
Calendar "May" (Short account - Haab): 13th day of the month "Kankin"
Calendar "May" (Short account - Tzolkin): 2nd day of the month "Hish"
French calendar: 1 day (Primidi) 2 decades 4 months (Nivoza) 222 years

All holidays December 31

New Year's Eve (International)
Omisoka - Great Purification Festival (Japan)
Day of formation of special transport of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Russia)
Last day of the year
Solidarity Day of World Azerbaijanis (Azerbaijan)
Day of Customs Service Workers (Kyrgyzstan)
Hogmanay - Old Year's Night (Scotland)
Republic Day - Founding Day of the Labor Party (Republic of the Congo)
International Day of Peace Meditation (Global)
Night of Prophet Muhammad's Migration from Mecca to Medina (Islam)
Day of the Restoration of the Republic (Geneva, Switzerland)
Saint Sylvester's Day (Austria)
Leap second day
National Champagne Day (USA)
Bad Luck Day (USA)
Opinion Day (USA)
World Universal Hour Day (USA)
Historical events on this day 31.12:
1968 First flight of the Tu-144, a supersonic passenger aircraft.
1994 Russian troops stormed Grozny in the first Chechen war.
1999 Boris Yeltsin resigned as president of the Russian Federation. Vladimir Putin has been appointed acting president.

In 2017 December 31st is Sunday. Accordingly, many citizens of Russia are lucky, because on the last day of the old year they will be able to prepare for the holiday, and not spend time at work.

The New Year 2018 will come very soon, but for now, the Russians are trying to find out how they will spend the last days of the outgoing year. Many will spend these days in New Year's bustle or in the family circle, but not all Russians are so lucky, some will work.

December 31, 2017 holiday or not: the last day of 2017 is a holiday

Many Russians who work 5 or 6 days a week will receive a legal day off on Sunday, December 31st.

What does it mean that December 31, 2017 is a day off in Russia.

But not everyone will be so lucky, for a certain category of workers this day will still be working. These categories include:

  • entertainment workers;
  • firefighters;
  • doctors;
  • public transport workers;
  • law enforcement officers;
  • guards;
  • catering workers.

Almost until the very beginning of 2018, trade establishments will actively accept their customers.

December 31, 2017 holiday or not: it became known the schedule of the weekend for 2018

In 2018, many employees are waiting for the so-called New Year holidays. Indeed, in the New Year, the Russians will rest for the first 10 days: from 12/30/2017 to 01/08/2018.

December 31, 2017 holiday or not: the work of the Moscow metro on New Year's Eve

In honor of the New Year, the Moscow Metro has adjusted its schedule. From 31.12 to 01.01 the metro will operate without interruption and closing for the night.

This decision was made a year ago, because the residents of the capital hinted that such a decision would give them a lot of opportunities, and the authorities made concessions to the citizens and would not close the fastest and most convenient public transport on New Year's Eve.

Residents of Moscow, as well as guests of the capital, have the opportunity to get to New Year's Eve anywhere in the city without any problems. Since during the festive period in Moscow there are huge traffic jams of 10 points out of 10, and people need to buy a lot of gifts, get ready for the holiday, it was decided not to close the metro. After all, on personal transport on Moscow roads, you can not be in time anywhere.

On March 9, 2020, the deadline for submitting compositions for participation in the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 expired. Russian viewers waited all day in vain - on the official website of the competition in the section "Participants" the song from the group representing our country "Little Big" did not appear. Instead of the title, it says "No song yet" and "To be announced later".

But you should not worry - the organizers reported that the song was received on time. And the delay is explained simply - the Russian "sponsors" decided to "warm up" the public's interest in the event and arrange a show out of the premiere of the song.

We tell when, what time and on what channel will the presentation of the song "Little Big" for the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 take place.

Very soon - on Thursday 12 March 2020, we will find out with which song "Little Big" will represent Russia at the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest.

Announced that the presentation of the song "Little Big" will happen on Channel One live broadcast "Evening Urgant". The program is scheduled to start on 23:30 Moscow time March 12, 2020.

Previously, the broadcast with the "Little Big" group in the program "Evening Urgant" was planned by the "First" channel on Friday, March 13, 2020 (starting at 23:20 Moscow time).

That is, the presentation of the song "Little Big" for the Eurovision Song Contest 2020:
* When will take place - March 12, 2020 (Thursday).
* On the "First" channel, in the program "Evening Urgant".
* What time - at 23:30 Moscow time.

The band's frontman Ilya Pruskin announced that the song would be fun and with a "Brazilian touch". Perhaps the composition for the European song contest will be the song "Uno", a 15-second segment of which has already appeared on YouTube.

Updated on 03/12/2020 at 23:45: The composition with which the band will perform at Eurovision was (as we expected) song "Uno". You can watch the clip on the site of the "First" channel in the "Music" section.


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