April lunar calendar of beauty and health

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If you are already accustomed to regular depilation, then hair removal does not scare you. From time to time, every girl was faced with the fact that the effectiveness of any procedure is less than usual. The thing is that when working, it is necessary to take into account the phases of the Earth's satellite - the Moon. The lunar calendar for hair removal for April 2016 can help with this. Auspicious days are marked in it, on which the maximum effect can be expected from epilation.

These unusual effects have been noticed for a long time. The lunar calendar allows you to focus not only on hair removal. Planting calendars, haircut calendars and other recommendations are being compiled for April 2016 to improve the quality of life. If you choose the right days in April 2016, then the hairs will grow back slowly.

It is worth emphasizing that the lunar calendar is especially relevant for women. The fact is that the representatives of the weaker sex are most dependent on such cyclicity. At least because of the presence of their own monthly cycles. It is not surprising that on other days the influence of the Earth's satellite also manifests itself, but in other areas.

According to one theory, the growing moon allows you to increase the intensity of the movement of blood through the vessels, which leads to the fact that the metabolism is accelerated. On such days, all processes are accelerated. This time is the most inappropriate for epilation. But a haircut or manicure on such days will be the best, especially if you want to grow long, thick hair.

The waning moon in April 2016 leads to a slowdown in these very processes. These days are just perfect for epilation. In addition to the fact that these days of 2016 the epilation session will be the most painless, you can also count on thinning and lightening the hairs.

At the same time, the other two phases, such as the full moon, are considered ideal for nourishing your hair and skin. If you are planning to undergo an epilation session, then in these days of 2016 it is recommended to focus on additional skin nutrition. It is also recommended to use these days in April for hair coloring.

If the lunar calendar foreshadows a new moon, when the moon is completely dark, then this time serves the body as a time of renewal. In these days of 2016, it is recommended to give the body maximum rest, freeing it from any cosmetic procedures.

It is worth emphasizing that the lunar calendar is an integral part of the life of Tibetan monks. They often time a certain activity, choosing the most favorable days for this.

It may seem to some that the lunar calendar for 2016 is just a superstition, but do a little experiment to make sure it works. To get started, select a day that the lunar calendar does not recommend for hair removal, and see what the effect will be and how long it will last. Further, for the purity of the experiment, using the lunar calendar, stop on another day, which is considered favorable for such procedures. Perform hair removal in the same way and see if the effect and duration of this effect differ from the first one obtained.

Proper preparation

Of course, the lunar calendar is not the only thing to rely on when performing epilation. It is also necessary to properly prepare the skin for such a procedure and choose the right days. If you feel unwell or irritated by something, it is best to postpone the procedure, as its sensitivity will be noticeably higher than on ordinary days.

Additionally, women are advised to focus on their own menstrual cycle. A couple of days before it starts, girls usually feel more pain. Therefore, it is better to exclude these days from the list of available for the procedure. It is best to wait for the cycle to complete.

You can also take a hot bath to reduce soreness. This will open the pores as much as possible, which means that the hairs will come out faster and easier. However, do not forget that if your choice is waxing or shugaring, then the use of any moisturizers should be excluded, since they create a protective film that significantly reduces the effectiveness of such working materials.

Scrubbing can be done while taking a bath. In order for the skin to be degreased before the procedure, it is best to use alcohol-containing face water, and then lightly powder with baby powder.

We care after

After epilation is done, the skin is at greater risk, its vulnerability increases, it needs protection. Within a day after the hair has been removed, it is recommended to limit the use of deodorant, perfume and any cosmetics that contain fruit acids. This will avoid possible irritation.

Several times a day, it is best to use special products that will soften the skin and further slow down hair growth. In the first two days, it is recommended to protect the skin from exposure to sunlight or a solarium. This can lead to age spots and increased inflammation.

The skin needs to be free of inflammation. The main task here is the neutralization of bacteria. If you have normal skin, then it is enough to use a regular cream, or try products specifically designed to care for skin that has just been depilated. An excellent sedative can be a cream for children. Baby powder that is used before work should be avoided. This can cause clogged pores, which inevitably turns into inflammation.

If immediately after the procedure you notice a number of microtraumas, such as redness or red dots, disinfect your skin with any antiseptic or thermal water. To relieve irritation, it is enough to use any antiseptic ointment, it is desirable that it contains panthenol. With the help of such a tool, you can quickly remove microbes and restore the skin structure.

Another danger is associated with ingrown hairs. Thorough scrubbing will help to avoid them. It can be performed within two days after the procedure. Exfoliating the top layers will keep pores from clogging and hairs will grow outward rather than inward.

Helpful Hints

In April, the weather is already much warmer than in the previous month, the winter wardrobe is replaced by spring, lighter. I want to bright colors, new emotions and a feeling of lightness in everything. April 2016 there are much more favorable days for visiting cosmetologists and plastic surgeons, so if you have been postponing some procedures, now you can safely sign up for them by looking at the lunar calendar.

It is better to plan all operations, cleaning procedures, a visit to the dentist on the days of the waning moon: from 1 to 7 and from 22 to 30 April 2016(avoid inauspicious days). In the days of the growing moon ( from 8 to 21 April 2016) various anti-aging procedures will be much more useful, nourishing and firming masks for face, hair and body.

Almost the entire month from 5 to 30 April 2016) Venus will be in the sign of Aries. During this period, you are likely to be more drawn to brighter colors in clothes and brighter makeup. Also at this time it is important not to make quick decisions, all your actions in relation to appearance should be well thought out in advance.

Build your fitness workouts so thatalternate loadswithin a month. For example,from 1 to 5 April 2016your workouts should be with minimal loads, as this4th phase of the moon.

From 8 to 12 April 2016 your workouts should be most difficult. During this period, the energy begins to increase markedly. You will have more strength and you will be able to work deeper into everything. important muscle groups.

From 14 to 20 April 2016 slightly reduce physical activity compared to the previous week. And from 22 to 28 April 2016 your load should be high again. it 3rd phase of the moon, when you can also do more complex exercises, in addition, during this period you will lose extra pounds faster if you are training to lose weight.

Take a break from training on days when the moon approaching a phase change: 6, 7, 13, 21 and 29 April 2016.

At the end of the article you will find listing the main beauty procedures and the most favorable days for them in April 2016.

Other useful articles heading Lunar calendar for April 2016:


The new month will start on a positive day. Moon and Venus today will be in a favorable aspect, which means that various cleansing procedures for the skin are useful today. You can also go to the dentist today to get rid of tartar, but treating teeth or putting crowns or dentures is not yet recommended. After sunset, be sure to visit a nail salon, or do a manicure and pedicure at home.

Fitness : today you can do cardio exercises, but without stress on your knees. It is good to give a load on the arms, shoulders, chest muscles.

Unusual for you hair, makeup and clothing today will attract the attention of the opposite sex. Today, cleansing masks for the face and body will come in handy. You can also go to the sauna and massage. On this day, age spots and freckles are well removed.

Fitness : work with the back area.

Today you can use new care products skin and hair. Hardware cosmetology tools will help you get rid of any problems. Today it also makes sense to experiment with makeup and hairstyles. You can visit the solarium.

Fitness : cardio loads, running, but you should be more careful with the lower leg: there is a risk of stretching the muscles.

Moon off course until 08:46

It is better not to do operations today: the risk of side effects is increased. Also today it is worth avoiding others complicated procedures for the face and body, as the Moon makes an unfavorable aspect with the malefic Mars. If you have a fungus on your toes, procedures to remove it will be effective today. It is useful to massage the reflex zones of the foot.

Fitness : light physical activity.

Moon off course from 13:33

On this day it is also unfavorable to do complex operations due to damage to the moon. Masks for cleansing the skin of the face and body will be good. Scrubs can be used to remove dead layer of skin cells. In the evening, be sure to take a bath with your favorite aroma oils. It is impossible to visit a hairdresser on this day, but the removal of unwanted hair will be very effective.

Fitness : full body cardio workout. Do not focus on any part of the body today. But do not forget to do exercises to strengthen the press.

Moon off course until 09:46

dangerous and bad day, especially on this day you can not plan plastic surgery and other complex procedures. In general, it is better to rest and relax more on this day, although you want more movement. The day before the new moon is important to spend in a calm and relaxed atmosphere. Healthy Smells to Improve Your Condition Today: Smell pine needles, basil, sage. You can light opium incense sticks.

Fitness : relaxation.

Beauty: lunar day calendar

NEW MOON at 14:24

Today is a new moon, which means it's time make plans for next month. Today, postpone all complex procedures and, like yesterday, do not burden yourself so as not to accumulate stress. A lucky lunar day will start at 14:24 and will last until 06:33 the next day. During this period, it is important to make wishes and make plans, to imagine how you see yourself in the future.

Fitness : rest, or very little physical activity.


Moon off course until 09:11

The moon is beginning to grow, so now various anti-aging procedures are especially useful, with the exception of operations. Also, if possible, you should not do beauty injections so that side effects do not appear. Shopping for clothes, jewelry and cosmetics will be successful.

Fitness : with the growth of the moon, you may need more intense training, this is especially true for those who want to get rid of extra pounds. Over the next week, try to do the most complex programs and reduce your calorie intake. Today you can work with the muscles of the middle part of the body.

Moon off course from 12:49

Auspicious day. All procedures, at least the beginning of them, plan for the first half of the day. To avoid puffiness, drink less liquid today than usual. You can please yourself sweet fruits, but any dishes with white flour and sugar are best avoided if you are losing weight. It is useful to take baths with sea salt and aromas of vanilla and bergamot, which will help get rid of accumulated stress.

Fitness : yoga, relaxation exercises, stretching.

Moon off course until 08:59

Today is a good day to go to beauty saloon, however, it is better to refuse any operations and injections today, since the Moon will be struck by the pest Mars. Today it is better not to do a manicure. A good day to learn a lot about yourself in the field of beauty and health.

Fitness : load on the thighs and buttocks. It is better not to do exercises to strengthen the muscles of the arms and chest, as they are now the most vulnerable.

Hand care will have a good effect. Can you make special hand masks, put your hands in warming gloves at night, or apply a nourishing cream to your hands before going to bed. Today, pay special attention to the condition of the skin on your hands. Do not use household chemicals without gloves. Manicure is still not recommended today. It is good to visit a sauna or a bath.

Fitness : today do cardio exercises with an emphasis on the legs. You can do running, jumping rope.

Moon off course until 11:07

Until 11 am do not start any procedures, especially if they are the first, since the moon is in "idle". In the afternoon, you can pay attention to the skin, as it is now losing its vulnerability. Be sure to make nourishing and tonic masks for the face and body, but it’s better not to deal with hair today.

Fitness : Give yourself minimal exercise today to allow your muscles to recover a bit from the previous days' hard workouts. Walk more.

Today is a difficult day: the change of the lunar phase is approaching. If possible, avoid complex procedures, especially surgeries. Can do face and body masks at home. Pay special attention to the neck and décolleté area. You can use fermented milk products in the basis of homemade masks.

Fitness : relaxation.

Lunar beauty calendar 2016

The second phase of the moon from 07:00

Moon without a course from 07:01 to 16:53

Do not do hair in the morning. In the late afternoon (after 17:00) you can visit the hairdresser. Also in the evening you can increase eyelashes and hair. In the morning, you can remove unwanted hair at home.

Fitness : today you can do exercises for all muscle groups, in the evening, give up cardio. Jogging is better to move to the first half of the day.

Great day for visits to salons and hairdressers. Today you can do various anti-aging procedures, nourishing masks, apply wrinkle-smoothing serums. Hairstyles made on this day will delight. It is good to dye your hair, especially in bright colors. Nice, bright day, don't miss it! After sunset, you can do manicures and pedicures.

Fitness : It is better to postpone cardio exercises and strength exercises for the back muscles. Today you can work with arms and legs.

Still a good time for visits to the hairdresser. Today you can experiment with hairstyles, makeup and clothes. Look for a new, brighter and more visible look that can improve your mood and help you become more confident. Also today it is good to wear gold jewelry or jewelry "gold-like". Be careful with physical activity.

Fitness : do abdominal exercises today, but without a strong load on the back area. postpone cardio better, or do simple exercises. Today it is not recommended to spend the day passively. If you're not exercising today, make sure you take about 10,000 steps during the day. Walk more and breathe in the air. If possible, go for a walk outside the city.

Today it is not recommended to do plastic surgery and other complex procedures. You can visit the hairdresser and do nourishing face and body masks. You can build eyelashes, as well as weave African braids. Today, a contrast shower and massage of problem areas will be especially useful.

Fitness : today you can do the lower body, but it is better not to pump the press in order to avoid discomfort in the abdomen. Cardio exercises focusing on the legs will be very effective.

Moon off course from 15:29

This day is a good start weight loss programs: it will be easy for you to refuse harmful products. Soon the moon will begin to wane and extra pounds will go away much faster. Still a good time to visit the hairdresser. All complex procedures are best scheduled in time after 10:00 when the Moon leaves the negative aspect with Saturn.

Fitness : today it is also better to do a moderate cardio workout. Yoga, stretching.

Moon without a course until 14:24

Today you can go to the hairdresser for a new haircut, but better in the afternoon. Do not pluck your eyebrows and remove unwanted hair: they will quickly grow back. In the afternoon, it is especially useful to do various rejuvenating treatments for face.

Fitness : today try to move more. It is better not to load the thigh area. Buttocks and lower back.

A good day to visit a beautician for consultation and development of an individual skin care program. Cleansing procedures should not be done yet, since the moon is still growing, but nourishing and rejuvenating masks will be very efficient.

Fitness : cardio load, exercises for the whole body.

Moon off course from 09:13

Operations and complex procedures are not recommended today, as the full moon and also the moon will be idle all day. On this day, it is best to rest and relax, surround yourself only with pleasant people and pleasant emotions. You can go to the sauna or bath, sign up for a relaxing massage.

Fitness : relaxation.

Lunar calendar of health and beauty

FULL MOON at 08:25

Today is a full moon day, so operations are unfavorable. Also refrain from unusual and fashion complex procedures, which you can be offered, since the result of their use may be quite unexpected. Today, you can make classic cleansing masks, especially if you have problem skin.

Fitness : yoga, stretching.

Peelings of different levels of complexity in the face, neck and décolleté area can be very effective. This day is also suitable for plastic surgery and removal of neoplasms in the face and neck. Also today it is good to visit a dentist, whiten teeth, remove tartar, put dentures and crowns.

Fitness : cardio exercises with an emphasis on the upper body.

Moon off course until 15:46

Don't plan anything big for the first half of the day. After 16:00 you can do hair treatment, make cleansing masks for the face and body, wraps against signs of cellulite. Can be deleted ingrown nails.

Fitness : today try to build a workout so that there is no stress on the hips and buttocks.

Today, various procedures are also allowed to get rid of the "orange peel", but try not to resort to too much aggressive methods, since the thighs and buttocks are now very vulnerable. Today, any operations are prohibited, as the Moon is affected by malefic planets.

Fitness : cardion, aerobics.

Learn new information about cosmetic procedures, operations and cosmetics: you may have missed something. Today you can do surgeries, beauty injections and various complex cosmetic procedures, as Venus and the Moon will be in harmonious aspect with each other.

Fitness : strength exercises for hands. Do not load the hips and buttocks, it is better to work only with the upper body today.

This day is perfect for taking care of face and body skin. Be sure to do a body and face scrub and other skin-cleansing treatments. Can do scalp peeling which will stimulate hair growth. Tartar can be removed. Today, surgeries in the chest and abdomen are allowed.

Fitness : cardio without jumping. Do not put pressure on your knees. It is better to give up running long distances.

Good to do today treatment of diseased skin if you have any problems. You can visit a beautician. All new, previously untested procedures, today it is better to postpone. Experiments are not welcome today. You can cleanse your skin at home. It's good to get a manicure and pedicure today.

Fitness : yoga, stretching.

Moon without a course from 10:07 to 11:47

Difficult day before the change of the lunar phase. Do not schedule any important procedures for today, especially if it is first procedures. If possible, do not put any stress on skin, as it is still very vulnerable today. Light cleansing slabs and masks are allowed. In the afternoon you can visit the sauna. After sunset, you can get a manicure and pedicure.

Fitness : relaxation.

Fourth phase of the moon from 06:30

Today is a good day for massage, sauna or bath. You can also do a self-massage and take a soothing bath with your favorite scents. It's still good to make scrubs and skin-cleansing masks if you haven't done them within a week. Today you can also visit the solarium. You can also make masks face whitening or seek treatments to get rid of freckles and age spots. You can do tattoos and tattoos.

Fitness : from now on and in the coming week, your workouts should not be too strenuous. Today, be sure to give yourself a good cardio load. You can go to the pool, go swimming or water aerobics.

Lunar calendar of cosmetology for April 2016

Nourishing and soothing face masks: 9-21
Purifying masks: 1-5, 22-30
Facial scrub: 1-3, 22, 24, 26-30
Rejuvenating treatments: 8, 9, 15, 16, 19, 20
Skin Treatment: 1, 26, 28
Removal of age spots and freckles, alignment of complexion: 2, 3, 30
Dental care, dentist: 1, 22, 23, 26-28
Manicure: 1, 8, 15, 22, 28, 29
Hand care: 10-12
Pedicure: 1, 15, 28, 29
Sunburn, solarium: 2, 3, 29, 30
Facial piercing: 2, 3, 26, 30
Facial plastic: 23, 26
Tummy tuck: 23, 27, 28
Breast plastic: 1, 23, 26-28
Massage: 2-5, 10-12, 19-21, 29, 30
Stone therapy: 10-12
Lymphatic drainage massage: -
Aromatherapy: 4, 5, 12-14, 22-24
Cryotherapy: -
Depilation, epilation: 4, 5
Removing unwanted facial hair: 4, 5
Weight loss programs (beginning): 17, 18
Anti-cellulite programs (beginning): 10, 24-26
Healing procedures (beginning): 8, 9
Sauna, bath, baths, swimming pool: 2, 3, 10-12, 19-21, 29, 30
Eyelash extensions, hair extensions: 8, 9, 15-17
Coloring eyelashes, eyebrows: 8, 9, 15-20
Plucking and shaping eyebrows: 4, 5, 12-14
Permanent makeup and tattoos: 2, 3, 26, 30
Visit to the hairdresser: 8, 9, 15-20
Visiting a cosmetologist, trichologist: 8, 9, 19, 20, 26, 28
Makeup visit: 8, 9, 19, 20, 26
Fungus treatment: 4, 5
Purchases: 8-11
Unfavorable days for complex procedures and operations: 4-7, 10, 13, 17, 21, 22, 25, 29
The most successful days for cosmetic procedures: 1, 8, 9, 19, 20, 23, 26-28

Lunar energy affects not only our mood, but also well-being. If you want your nails to look healthy and beautiful, use the recommendations of the lunar manicure calendar.

Doing a manicure only when you have time is not entirely correct. After all, you can get into an unfavorable phase, and then the health of the nails, and the body as a whole, can suffer significantly. Given the influence of the zodiac constellations on the eternal satellite of the Earth, you can create the perfect manicure.

April 1- The moon is in the constellation Capricorn, which will help make your fingers not only well-groomed and attractive, but also strengthen your immunity.

April 2 and 3- the night luminary will move into the zodiacal constellation of Aquarius. And this means that you should wait with any procedures related to your hands.

April 4 and 5- not the best time for a manicure. The stay of the Moon in the constellation of Pisces allows you to carry out only the most basic hand care procedures, namely: scrubs, masks, massage of the fingers and a slight adjustment in the shape of the nails.

April 6 and 7- lunar energy under the influence of the Zodiac Sign Aries will soften the situation. These days you can process the cuticle and cut the nails. However, it is better to refrain from all kinds of coatings.

April 8- an unfavorable day for the treatment of nails and hands in general. In the evening, you can take a relaxing bath using aroma oils. This will help soften the skin on your hands.

April 9- a good day to visit the master. The influence of the Taurus constellation and a bright manicure will cheer you up and charge you with optimism.

From 10 to 14 April- It will not be the best period for a manicure. These days it is not recommended to expose your hands to various procedures. Only nail trimming and deburring is allowed.

April 15- The growing Moon continues to be in the constellation Leo, which will allow you to make a great manicure. But you should not be limited only by appearance, pamper your hands with masks and a relaxing massage.

April 16- Not suitable for nail coatings. Today it is better to leave everything as it is and reschedule the visit to the master for another day.

April 22- The moon under the influence of Scorpio will positively affect all the procedures done. Allowing yourself to apply a new color of varnish on your nails, you will attract the attention of the opposite sex.

April 23— not suitable for experiments. Do not blindly follow fashion trends, give preference to classic manicure.

From 24 to 26 April- you have a wonderful opportunity to pamper your hands with herbal baths and nourishing creams. As a result, you will get smooth skin that will shine with health and beauty.

From 27 to 29 April- the influence on the Moon of such Constellations as Capricorn and Aquarius will allow you to make an excellent manicure and increase self-confidence.

April 30- The Moon, being under the influence of the Zodiac Sign Aquarius, does not have to cardinal changes. If you are planning to change the shape of your nails or try a new product, reschedule these procedures for the next day.

Life does not stand still, which is why you should pay attention to the signs that the Universe sends us. Properly and timely caring for your body, you can achieve not only a beautiful appearance, but also be filled with the energy of happiness and abundance. The lunar calendar wishes you a great mood, achievement of your goals, and don't forget to press the buttons and

24.03.2016 00:40

With the lunar haircut calendar for 2019, it's easier to plan a trip to the stylist. Knowing what days...

In April, the weather is already much warmer than in the previous month, the winter wardrobe is replaced by spring, lighter. I want to bright colors, new emotions and a feeling of lightness in everything. In April 2016, there are much more favorable days for visiting cosmetologists and plastic surgeons, so if you have been postponing any procedures, now you can safely sign up for them by looking at the lunar calendar.

It is better to plan all operations, cleaning procedures, visiting the dentist for the days of the waning moon: from 1 to 7 and from April 22 to 30, 2016 (avoid unfavorable days). During the days of the growing moon (from April 8 to April 21, 2016), various anti-aging procedures will be much more useful, nourishing and firming masks for face, hair and body.

Almost the entire month (from April 5 to April 30, 2016) Venus will be in the sign of Aries. During this period, you are likely to be more drawn to brighter colors in clothes and brighter makeup. Also at this time it is important not to make quick decisions, all your actions in relation to appearance should be well thought out in advance.

Build your fitness workouts so that alternate loads within a month. For example, from April 1 to April 5, 2016, your workouts should be with minimal loads, as this 4th phase of the moon.

From 8 to 12 April 2016 your workouts must be most difficult. During this period, the energy begins to increase markedly. You will have more strength and you will be able to work deeper into everything. important muscle groups.

From April 14 to April 20, 2016, slightly reduce physical activity compared to the previous week. And from April 22 to April 28, 2016 your load should be high again. it 3rd phase of the moon, when you can also do more complex exercises, in addition, during this period you will lose extra pounds faster if you are training to lose weight.

Take a break from training on days when the moon approaching a phase change: 6, 7, 13, 21 and 29 April 2016.

At the end of the article you will find table listing the main beauty procedures and the most favorable days for them in April 2016.


The new month will start on a positive day. The Moon and Venus will be in a favorable aspect today, which means that various cleansing procedures for the skin are useful today. You can also go to the dentist today to get rid of tartar, but treating teeth or putting crowns or dentures is not yet recommended. After sunset, be sure to visit a nail salon, or do a manicure and pedicure at home.

Fitness: today you can do cardio exercises, but without stress on your knees. It is good to give a load on the arms, shoulders, chest muscles.

Unusual hairstyle, makeup and clothes for you today will attract the attention of the opposite sex. Today, cleansing masks for the face and body will come in handy. You can also go to the sauna and massage. On this day, age spots and freckles are well removed.

Fitness: work with the back area.

Today you can take advantage of new skin and hair care products. Hardware cosmetology tools will help you get rid of any problems. Today it also makes sense to experiment with makeup and hairstyles. You can visit the solarium.

Fitness: cardio loads, running, but you should be more careful with the lower leg: there is a risk of stretching the muscles.

Moon off course until 08:46

It is better not to do operations today: the risk of side effects is increased. Also today, other complex procedures for the face and body should be avoided, as the Moon makes an unfavorable aspect with the pest Mars. If you have a fungus on your toes, procedures to remove it will be effective today. It is useful to massage the reflex zones of the foot.

Fitness: light physical activity.

Moon off course from 13:33

It is also unfavorable to do complex operations on this day due to damage to the moon. Masks for cleansing the skin of the face and body will be good. Scrubs can be used to remove the dead layer of skin cells. In the evening, be sure to take a bath with your favorite aroma oils. It is impossible to visit a hairdresser on this day, but the removal of unwanted hair will be very effective.

Fitness: full body cardio workout. Do not focus on any part of the body today. But do not forget to do exercises to strengthen the press.

Moon off course until 09:46

A dangerous and unfavorable day, especially on this day, plastic surgery and other complex procedures cannot be planned. In general, it is better to rest and relax more on this day, although you want more movement. The day before the new moon is important to spend in a calm and relaxed atmosphere. Useful smells to improve the condition today: the smell of needles, basil, sage. You can light opium incense sticks.

Fitness: relaxation.

April 7, Thursday. 30th lunar day from 06:05, 1st lunar day from 14:24. ARIES

NEW MOON at 14:24

Today is a new moon, which means it's time to make plans for the next month. Today, postpone all complex procedures and, like yesterday, do not burden yourself so as not to accumulate stress. A lucky lunar day will start at 14:24 and will last until 06:33 the next day. During this period, it is important to make wishes and make plans, to imagine how you see yourself in the future.

Fitness: rest, or very little physical activity.


Moon off course until 09:11

The moon is beginning to grow, so now various anti-aging procedures are especially useful, with the exception of operations. Also, if possible, you should not do beauty injections so that side effects do not appear. A trip to the store for clothes, jewelry and cosmetics will be successful.

Fitness: with the growth of the moon, you may need more intense training, this is especially true for those who want to get rid of extra pounds. Over the next week, try to perform the most difficult programs and reduce the calorie content of food. Today you can work with the muscles of the middle part of the body.

Moon off course from 12:49

Auspicious day. All procedures, at least their beginning, plan for the first half of the day. To avoid puffiness, drink less liquid today than usual. You can treat yourself to sweet fruits, but any dishes with white flour and sugar are best avoided if you are losing weight. It is useful to take baths with sea salt and aromas of vanilla and bergamot, which will help get rid of accumulated stress.

Fitness: yoga, relaxation exercises, stretching.

Moon off course until 08:59

Today is a good day to go to a beauty salon, but it is better to refuse any operations and injections today, as the Moon will be struck by the pest Mars. Today it is better not to do a manicure. A good day to learn a lot about yourself in the field of beauty and health.

Fitness: load on the thighs and buttocks. It is better not to do exercises to strengthen the muscles of the arms and chest, as they are now the most vulnerable.

Hand care will have a good effect. You can make special hand masks, put your hands in warming gloves at night, or apply a nourishing cream to your hands before going to bed. Today, pay special attention to the condition of the skin on your hands. Do not use household chemicals without gloves. Manicure is still not recommended today. It is good to visit a sauna or a bath.

Fitness: today do cardio exercises with an emphasis on the legs. You can do running, jumping rope.

Moon off course until 11:07

Before 11 am, do not start any procedures, especially if they are the first, as the moon is in "idle". In the afternoon, you can pay attention to the skin, as it is now losing its vulnerability. Be sure to make nourishing and tonic masks for the face and body, but it’s better not to deal with hair today.

Fitness: Give yourself minimal exercise today to allow your muscles to recover a bit from the previous days' hard workouts. Walk more.

Today is a difficult day: the change of the lunar phase is approaching. If possible, avoid complex procedures, especially surgeries. You can make face and body masks at home. Pay special attention to the neck and décolleté area. You can use fermented milk products in the basis of homemade masks.

Fitness: relaxation.

The second phase of the moon from 07:00

Moon without a course from 07:01 to 16:53

Do not do hair in the morning. In the late afternoon (after 17:00) you can visit the hairdresser. Also in the evening you can increase eyelashes and hair. In the morning, you can remove unwanted hair at home.

Fitness: today you can do exercises for all muscle groups, in the evening, give up cardio. Jogging is better to move to the first half of the day.

A great day to visit salons and hairdressers. Today you can do various anti-aging procedures, nourishing masks, apply wrinkle-smoothing serums. Hairstyles made on this day will delight. It is good to dye your hair, especially in bright colors. Nice, bright day, don't miss it! After sunset, you can do manicures and pedicures.

Fitness: It is better to postpone cardio exercises and strength exercises for the back muscles. Today you can work with arms and legs.

Still a good time to visit the hairdresser. Today you can experiment with hairstyles, makeup and clothes. Look for a new, brighter and more visible look that can improve your mood and help you become more confident. Also today it is good to wear gold jewelry or jewelry "gold-like". Be careful with physical activity.

Fitness: do abdominal exercises today, but without a strong load on the back area. postpone cardio better, or do simple exercises. Today it is not recommended to spend the day passively. If you're not exercising today, make sure you take about 10,000 steps during the day. Walk more and breathe in the air. If possible, go for a walk outside the city.

Today it is not recommended to do plastic surgery and other complex procedures. You can visit a hairdresser and make nourishing face and body masks. You can build eyelashes, as well as weave African braids. Today, a contrast shower and massage of problem areas will be especially useful.

Fitness: today you can do the lower body, but it is better not to pump the press in order to avoid discomfort in the abdomen. Cardio exercises focusing on the legs will be very effective.

Moon off course from 15:29

On this day, it is good to start weight loss programs: it will be easy for you to give up harmful foods. Soon the moon will begin to wane and extra pounds will go away much faster. Still a good time to visit the hairdresser. It is better to schedule all complex procedures for a time after 10:00, when the Moon leaves the negative aspect with Saturn.

Fitness: today it is also better to do a moderate cardio workout. Yoga, stretching.

Moon without a course until 14:24

Today you can go to the hairdresser for a new haircut, but better in the afternoon. Do not pluck your eyebrows and remove unwanted hair: they will quickly grow back. In the afternoon, it is especially useful to do various anti-aging facial treatments.

Fitness: today try to move more. It is better not to load the thigh area. Buttocks and lower back.

A good day to visit a beautician for consultation and development of an individual skin care program. Cleansing procedures should not be done yet, as the moon is still growing, but nourishing and rejuvenating masks will be very effective.

Fitness: cardio load, exercises for the whole body.

Moon off course from 09:13

Operations and complex procedures are not recommended today, as the full moon is approaching, and the moon will be idle all day. On this day, it is best to rest and relax, surround yourself only with pleasant people and pleasant emotions. You can go to the sauna or bath, sign up for a relaxing massage.

Fitness: relaxation.

FULL MOON at 08:25

Today is a full moon day, so operations are unfavorable. Also refrain from unusual and fashionable complex procedures that you may be offered, as the result of their application may be quite unexpected. Today, you can make classic cleansing masks, especially if you have problem skin.

Fitness: yoga, stretching.

Peelings of different levels of complexity in the face, neck and décolleté area can be very effective. This day is also suitable for plastic surgery and removal of neoplasms in the face and neck. Also today it is good to visit a dentist, whiten teeth, remove tartar, put dentures and crowns.

Fitness: cardio exercises with an emphasis on the upper body.

Moon off course until 15:46

Don't plan anything big for the first half of the day. After 16:00, you can do hair treatment, make cleansing masks for the face and body, wraps against signs of cellulite. You can remove ingrown nails.

Fitness: today try to build a workout so that there is no stress on the hips and buttocks.

Today, various procedures are also allowed to get rid of the "orange peel", but try not to resort to too aggressive methods, as the thighs and buttocks are now very vulnerable. Today, any operations are prohibited, as the Moon is affected by malefic planets.

Fitness: cardion, aerobics.

Find out new information about cosmetic procedures, surgeries and cosmetics: you may have missed something. Today you can do surgeries, beauty injections and various complex cosmetic procedures, as Venus and the Moon will be in harmonious aspect with each other.

Fitness: strength exercises for hands. Do not load the hips and buttocks, it is better to work only with the upper body today.

This day is suitable for face and body skin care. Be sure to do a body and face scrub and other skin-cleansing treatments. You can do a peeling for the scalp, which will stimulate hair growth. Tartar can be removed. Today, surgeries in the chest and abdomen are allowed.

Fitness: cardio without jumping. Do not put pressure on your knees. It is better to give up running long distances.

Today it is good to treat diseased skin if you have any problems. You can visit a beautician. All new, previously untested procedures, today it is better to postpone. Experiments are not welcome today. You can cleanse your skin at home. It's good to get a manicure and pedicure today.

Fitness: yoga, stretching.

Moon without a course from 10:07 to 11:47

Difficult day before the change of the lunar phase. Do not schedule any important procedures for today, especially if these are the first procedures. If possible, do not give any stress to the skin, as it is still very vulnerable today. Light cleansing slabs and masks are allowed. In the afternoon you can visit the sauna. After sunset, you can get a manicure and pedicure.

Fitness: relaxation.

Fourth phase of the moon from 06:30

Today is a good day for a massage, sauna or bath. You can also do a self-massage and take a soothing bath with your favorite scents. It's still good to make scrubs and skin-cleansing masks if you haven't done them within a week. Today you can also visit the solarium. You can also make face whitening masks or seek treatments to get rid of freckles and age spots. You can do tattoos and tattoos.

Fitness: from now on and in the coming week, your workouts should not be too strenuous. Be sure to give yourself a good cardio load today. You can go to the pool, go swimming or water aerobics.

Lunar calendar of cosmetology for April 2016

Neutral day for cutting and coloring hair. Great day for depilation this month. According to the lunar health calendar for April 2016, it is useful to pay attention to massage. It will help you concentrate and relax.

Lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for April 2, 2016

A haircut on this day can cause depression. For coloring is also not a very favorable period. Also, according to the lunar beauty calendar for April 2016, today it would be good to devote time to sports, as well as arrange a fasting day. It is also useful to go to the bath or sauna. A visit to the dentist is recommended, a good time to restore the nervous system.

Lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for April 3, 2016

According to the lunar haircut calendar for April 2016, this day of the month is not particularly successful for hair manipulations. Cut your hair today to problems and change plans soon. It is not recommended to eat fatty foods, the day is favorable for strengthening the whole body and physical activity.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for April 4, 2016

The lunar calendar of beauty and health for April 2016 warns that today special attention should be paid to the musculoskeletal system. A good day for surgery and plastic surgery. Eye care procedures will also be favorable.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for April 5, 2016

Today is a good day for cutting and coloring hair, as well as their care. Therefore, do not be lazy and make a nourishing or moisturizing mask. The lunar health calendar for April 2016 advises you to start dietary nutrition today, unloading, pay special attention to the heart.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for April 6, 2016

Today's haircut will take you a lot of energy. It is better to reschedule the procedure for another day. At the same time, the lunar beauty calendar for hair coloring for April 2016 says that a radical change in shade will bring health and profit. It is also not advisable to cut your nails - this can bode failure. Plus, today is a good time to clean your face. An unfavorable day according to the lunar calendar for mental and physical overstrain, you should not overeat. A good day for relaxing procedures, relaxation.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for April 7, 2016

Not the best period for cutting hair, as well as for coloring. According to the lunar manicure calendar for April 2016, today you can cut and build up your nails, do a pedicure, but if possible, it’s better to postpone the procedure. The day is well suited for surgical intervention, treatment of the digestive system.

Lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for April 8, 2016

A very good time for hair care. Start today a course of nourishing masks, procedures for. Also, according to the lunar health calendar for April 2016, today you can do active sports, undergo a medical examination, anti-aging procedures.

Lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for April 9, 2016

According to the beauty lunar calendar for April 2016, cutting and coloring hair today is necessary for those who want to improve their health and resistance to negative environmental factors. A good day to get rid of bad habits and start a diet. The right time to treat oral problems. Special attention to the respiratory system.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for April 10, 2016

Engage in relaxation and communication with others. Not the most favorable day for the treatment of diseases and the beginning of any courses. You should not go to the hairdresser either - a haircut will lead to waste. It is better to devote time to relaxation and rest, sleep well.

Lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring on April 11, 2016

The moon warns that cutting hair today is unfavorable. But the day is well suited for wellness treatments for hair. Do a head massage, a moisturizing mask. According to the lunar health calendar for April 2016, today is a favorable day for the treatment of problems of the musculoskeletal system, surgical operations.

Lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring on April 12, 2016

A haircut promotes acquisitions and wealth, but manicures and pedicures can cause a quarrel. Also p about the lunar calendar of health for April 2016, wraps are effective today. As for health, dental treatment, wellness and restorative procedures are recommended.

Lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for April 13, 2016

According to the forecasts of the Moon, cutting hair today can break the connection with space. And this can affect your health and success in business in the future. The lunar calendar of beauty and health for April 2016 on this day recommends physical activity that will energize you. Possible problems with the nervous system.

Lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for April 14, 2016

Auspicious day for breathing exercises and strengthening the work of the heart. Also, the beauty lunar calendar for April 2016 today does not recommend buying new cosmetics and trying untested procedures. Today, be sure to take care of your facial skin and, if possible, observe.

Lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for April 15, 2016

According to the lunar beauty calendar for April 2016, water procedures will be especially effective today. So take a bath with herbs, or go to the pool. Cutting hair on such a day is a sign of failure and problems with relatives and friends. Also, do not cut your nails - there is a risk of a deterioration in mood or even the onset of depression. The day is favorable for playing sports, starting diets and visiting the dentist.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for April 16, 2016

A fruitful day in the beauty lunar calendar for April 2016 for cosmetic procedures and massage sessions. The ideal period for a haircut is if you are either tormented by disturbing thoughts and it is difficult to fall asleep. Trim at least the ends of your hair and your mood will noticeably improve. The day is good for strengthening the body, attention should be paid to digestive problems.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for April 17, 2016

As for hair, according to the beauty lunar calendar for April 2016, today hair can be dyed, but not bleached. It's also best not to try new products on your face today, especially if you're prone to allergies. The best day according to the lunar calendar for mental activity, rejuvenation and plastic surgery.

Lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for April 18, 2016

A haircut will enhance the sharpness of the mind and intuition. Gold or copper coloring can be profitable. Today is one of the most suitable days for epilation and depilation, and the skin needs active hydration. The lunar beauty calendar for April 2016 says it is imperative to take time for home cosmetic procedures, in particular for the body.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for April 19, 2016

Hair coloring is allowed only with natural dyes. Be careful not to overwork. Eliminate spicy and heavy foods from your diet. The lunar beauty calendar for April 2016 today recommends visiting a beauty salon - this can bring new interesting acquaintances. Please note that the skin today is quite vulnerable and sensitive, so it is not recommended to try new cosmetics.

Lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for April 20, 2016

Auspicious day for haircut. She will be able to attract happiness, improve appearance. But it is better to refuse staining. According to the beauty lunar calendar for April 2016, today it is useful to nourish the skin with vitamins. So take the time and make a couple of homemade face masks.

Lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for April 21, 2016

An unfavorable day for any load on the body. Dedicate it to self-care and maintaining an emotional state. According to the beauty lunar calendar for April 2016, the body is very sensitive during this period, so try to be especially careful with food and drinks.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for April 22, 2016

According to the lunar calendar, a great day to start a new stage, for example, it will be effective to start following a diet. Lunar beauty calendar for April 2016 recommends cutting and coloring hair today for those who want to get rid of negative thoughts.

Lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring for April 23, 2016

A favorable day for physical activity, because the moon will help saturate the body with energy and stamina. A day for experiments: dye your hair in an unusual shade for you, make an interesting hairstyle - take on everything that your fantasy tells you. According to the lunar beauty calendar for April 2016, changes will favorably affect your appearance.

Lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for April 24, 2016

Hair coloring in light or red shades will be successful. The mood on this day can change several times a day, you can devote such a day to changes in the house or in yourself, massage will come in handy. According to the beauty lunar calendar for April 2016, if you don't know what to do in a difficult situation, cut your nails to find the right solution on an energy level.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for April 25, 2016

According to the lunar haircut calendar for April 2016, today it is better to refuse a haircut in order to avoid possible troubles. Dye your hair in the color that brings you luck and confidence. Also, the beauty lunar calendar for April 2016 says to pay attention to warming procedures. So feel free to go to the bath.

Lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for April 26, 2016

Lunar beauty calendar for April 2016 says that today is a good time for cleansing and other beauty treatments. Spend time nourishing and moisturizing the skin, as well as massage. On this day, it is good to do homemade masks and peels, visit the pool.


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