Face coloring book for kids. face painting. Learning to paint a child's face for a carnival. Makeup options for men

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To date, face painting has become so popular that it is used on almost every children's holiday. What is it and why is it needed? In fact, face painting is a special paint that is harmless to children's skin, which is used to paint on faces. With the help of such makeup, you can create almost any image, depending on the wishes of the baby. A child can become their favorite cartoon character in just a few minutes, just a few manipulations with paints are enough for this. Face drawings for children are not only interesting entertainment, but also a way to express yourself, appearing in front of your peers in one way or another.

What to draw?

Of course, the main question that parents or novice animators face is: "What paints can I use?" Professional theatrical makeup is considered ideal, but this is not the only way out. Today, there are several types of paints that are suitable for creating drawings on the faces of children. Face painting involves the use of water-based paints, there are also special options in the form of a dry powder that needs to be diluted with water. Remember that you can not use ordinary art paints like gouache or watercolor, they can irritate delicate children's skin or provoke allergies.

Making our own paints

In some cities, especially in small ones, it will be problematic to find face painting paints. The absence of special goods in stores is not a reason to abandon the idea, because face painting for children is a favorite entertainment at all children's parties. So, what are these miracle paints made of? All we need is an ordinary baby cream, a little starch and various food colors. Take a disposable cup or any other container, add 3 tablespoons of starch, then pour in one and a half tablespoons of warm water and add 10-15 g of cream, mix everything thoroughly until the mass becomes homogeneous. Now you can gradually add the dye. This method allows you to independently create the desired shades. Even if you have already purchased paints, it will be useful to know the recipe, because face drawings for children are like bait, you always want more and more, and paints can run out in the midst of the holiday.

When working with children, it is very important to remember that babies are a special audience. Here are some important tips that will make it easier to practice with them and help adults create an interesting drawing in a relaxed environment. Drawings on the face for children should bring joy, and not tire the kids.

1. Firstly, in no case should children be forced to put on makeup. Not everyone likes to feel the paint on their face - if the child resists, there is no need to insist. Respect his right to decide for himself whether he wants a mask or not.

2. It is very good if you can visually demonstrate to the baby a few finished drawings. You can print pictures or show photos. So it will be easier for the child to decide which mask he wants.

3. Do not forget that it is difficult for babies to sit still, they need to constantly move. Therefore, even simple drawings on the face of children need to be done quickly and clearly. Movement must be confident. If the child is tired, take a break, let him move a little, warm up.

4. Place a mirror near the workplace, it will distract the child. The kid will be able to look at himself, watch how his face changes and sit quietly for a while.

5. While drawing, do not forget to talk with the child, ask why his choice fell on this or that character or animal. Ask about interests, try to captivate with a pleasant conversation.

Drawings for boys

Boys most often choose the images of the heroes of their favorite comics or cartoons. Many dream of being reincarnated as a pirate or spider-man. Due to the lack of small details, rather simple drawings on the faces of children are obtained. Photos clearly demonstrate examples of face painting.

Drawings for girls

The most popular images among girls are fairies and princesses. When else will there be an opportunity to turn into the heroine of your favorite cartoon?
Many also like to transform into different cute animals, and just beautiful flower patterns look great.

If you've been invited to a Halloween party, it's time to think about your look. If you have already decided on the character, then you need to choose the appropriate costume, accessories and paraphernalia, as well as take care of the hairstyle. But in order for the image to be complete and realistic, special attention should be paid to makeup or makeup. If you have no idea how to paint your face for Halloween, then some valuable tips and ideas will help you make the right choice.

Face preparation

A woman or child should always apply only to a previously prepared face. Otherwise, you risk damaging your skin or even getting chemical burns. It is necessary to degrease the upper layers of the skin well, for this wash with ordinary soap, and then use any tonic on alcohol. Then apply a thin layer of cream or this will protect the face from the harmful and drying effects of cosmetics.

Makeup options for women

How to paint a face for Halloween for a woman or girl? Everything will depend on the image and complexity of the costume, we will consider the most popular options.

Gothic makeup

Classic makeup is suitable for the image of a witch, demoness, mistress of shadows or similar face painting for Halloween does not take much time and does not require special skills.

Skeleton image

It is very difficult to make such a face for Halloween, but the result is worth the effort and time spent.

  • First you need to draw the contours of the main bones of the skull. The places where the bones are supposed to be are painted over in white, the voids are highlighted in black. The main elements of drawing are the eyes, nose, cheekbones and jaw. If your suit does not cover the neck and décolleté, you need to draw the cervical spine and upper chest.
  • Start painting with "voids", for this, use black and dark gray shadows. The intensity of the shade should decrease from the center to the edges.
  • Paint the rest of the face with white. Cover your lips completely. With the help of silver and light gray shadows, highlight the cheekbones and temporal lobes.
  • Final touches. The lines of the teeth and protruding bones need to be made very sharp and clear, for this you will need a liquid eyeliner or pencil.

Artistic images

It is not at all necessary to make a scary and frightening face for Halloween with the help of makeup: the photos below are a vivid confirmation of this. Your image can be mysterious, fatal and even romantic. With the help you can turn your face into a real work of art.

When applying make-up, it is worth remembering that it must be kept in the same color scheme as the costume. Too rich a palette of colors can spoil the image and turn it into a carnival.

Makeup options for men

If everything is clear with the fair sex, then how to paint the face of the male half of the population on Halloween? The stronger sex in this regard was much more fortunate, because their image can be really awesome, while the girls still want to keep a little femininity and beauty.

the walking Dead

Perhaps the most popular characters among guys are skeletons and zombies. However, the variations are very different, it can be a stylish skeleton guy or a real Horseman of Death. But the general essence of the makeup does not change, usually it is a white face and dark accents on some parts of the skull.

Characters from movies and comics

If you want to emphasize individuality and stand out from the gray mass, then for the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmakeup, you can use the image of a character from your favorite movie or comics. Heroes such as Edward Scissorhands or the Mad Hatter are especially popular. Fans of Batman films can use the makeup of the Joker or Harley Joker. But fans of Marvel comics are the luckiest, as they have hundreds of thousands of characters to choose from from the Hulk to Spider-Man.

Makeup options for children

Do not forget about the smallest members of the family. Even though kids prefer to wear scary face masks, for Halloween, you can pick up an image in which they are not needed at all. Therefore, an interesting make-up will help complement the costume.

Makeup for girls

How to paint a girl's face for Halloween? This, first of all, depends on her age and costume. For a baby, for example, the image of a Pumpkin is very suitable.

  • Take paint or theatrical makeup and draw the outline of a pumpkin on the child's face. It should capture the eyebrows, cheeks and the top of the chin. Using different shades, create a smooth gradient from light yellow to bright orange. The color intensity increases from the center to the edges.
  • Using brown paint, apply longitudinal curved lines. They will imitate pumpkin sectors.
  • With black eyeliner or gouache, apply triangular eyes and a carved mouth of the future festive pumpkin.
  • Finish the makeup with a stalk and green leaves.

An older girl can dress up as a witch, for this you need a bright and beautiful make-up. Use different glitters and rich colors. And to give the image a holiday spirit, draw a web, bat wings or an imp's tail. Well, if the daughter is not afraid to be funny, she will like the image of a real witch with a creepy green face.

Makeup for boys

The boys can choose a variety of holiday makeup options. Various animalistic characters are very popular. For example, a puppy, a kitten or a tiger cub. They are very easy to draw and look quite cute. For a more specific image, it is worth choosing an individual make-up. If your son decided to be Count Dracula, then you should put on vampire makeup, if he chose then the symbols of Batman or Spider-Man will come in handy. And for the living dead, zombie or skeleton, there is a detailed photo instruction.

How to remove makeup

After the holiday, it is necessary to properly remove makeup from the face. To do this, it is better to use a special milk, but if it is not available, you can do with water and soap. To do this, wet your face with warm water and apply a little liquid soap on a cotton pad or sponge. Wait until the paint becomes soft and flowing, and carefully remove it layer by layer. Do not rub the skin or smear makeup all over the face, harmful substances can get into the eyes. After washing, wipe the skin with an alcohol-containing tonic and moisturize with a fat cream.

You are in the category Coloring Face. Coloring page you are looking at is described by our visitors as follows "" Here you will find a lot of coloring pages online. You can download Face Paint coloring pages and also print them for free. As you know, creative activities play a huge role in the development of the child. They activate mental activity, form an aesthetic taste and instill a love of art. The process of coloring pictures on the topic Face Paint develops fine motor skills, perseverance and accuracy, helps to learn more about the world around us, introduces you to all the variety of colors and shades. Every day we add new free coloring pages for boys and girls to our website, which you can color online or download and print. A convenient catalog compiled by categories will make it easier to find the right picture, and a large selection of coloring pages will allow you to find a new interesting topic for coloring every day.


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