When is the energy day of the year. Energy Day in Russia. What is Energy Day

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Any modern person cannot imagine his life without light and heat. And yet we do not often think about how important electricity is to us. But when the wires break and the power goes out, the world freezes, work stops, it becomes cold and uncomfortable. And the only consolation at such a moment is the arrival of a specialist to troubleshoot the network.

Electricity consumption in our country has reached enormous proportions. Russia ranks second after the United States in terms of energy produced and used. Human life is unthinkable without electricity. It was natural and necessary to define a day when employees from the energy sector receive well-deserved words of gratitude for their work. And it was installed.

Energy Day: a little about the history of the origin of the holiday

A little over a hundred years ago, at the end of the 19th century, the first timid attempts began to introduce alternating current into human life. Scientists understood the benefits and prospects of the emergence of electrical energy.

In Russia, in 1920, on December 22, at the Congress of Soviets, a GOELRO plan was outlined for the electrification of the entire country. And it gave a result. Despite the complete devastation and economic collapse, the planned number of power plants was exceeded three times. This was a powerful impetus in the development of the state. In memory of this significant day, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in May 1966, the Day of the Energy and Thermal Industry was approved. A little later, in 1980, they decided to celebrate the holiday on the third Sunday of December, since this day did not always fall on a weekend.

December 22 (Power Engineer's Day) falls on the winter solstice. And this may not be a coincidence! It is during this period, when the main energy of the Earth - the Sun - is stingy on light and heat, the need for artificial lighting especially increases.

December 22 (Power Engineer's Day) remains a normal working day. There is no rest on this holiday, unless, of course, it falls on a weekend. Specialists of electrical and thermal systems work on this day in the same way as on all other working days.

How to celebrate a holiday among colleagues?

Over time, this holiday has acquired certain traditions, the essence of which is to once again thank the people who hourly provide comfortable and cozy living in their homes. Congratulations are accepted by all energy specialists, regardless of qualifications: directors, engineers, electricians, workers.

At the solemn meeting, the best employees of the current year are celebrated. Words of gratitude alternate with the presentation of commemorative letters and valuable gifts. On December 22, Power Engineers Day is also celebrated by pensioners - former employees of this sector.

By this significant date, newspapers publish articles dedicated to the holiday. On Power Engineer's Day, TV channels also mention this event. The media does not bypass this holiday.

How to celebrate a holiday in the family circle?

Workers in this area deserve a warm, cozy festive evening and in the circle of relatives. On Power Engineers Day, loved ones will set the table and raise their glasses to the health and well-being of their favorite professionals.

It is worth listening to the hero of the occasion on this holiday. Power Engineer Day is an excellent occasion for telling interesting stories from the life of colleagues and colleagues.

In the event that the family is large and friendly, and even with relatives and friends who have joined the feast, you can arrange a real themed evening. Funny scenes from the life of power engineers, electricians and fitters will complement the festive atmosphere. And thematic competitive games will be remembered for a long time and will warm the soul with pleasant memories.

How to congratulate the power engineer on their professional holiday?

There is nothing better than realizing that your work is important and valuable to society. It is even more pleasant to receive gratitude from the authorities in the form of a valuable gift or a cash bonus.

Various establishments every year take care to diversify the holiday date of energy workers with a boring pastime. Many employees of the electrical and thermal sector celebrate December 22 as Power Engineer's Day at the banquet tables of local restaurants. When else will there be an opportunity to talk heart to heart and discuss professional issues in a warm atmosphere?

What to give energy for a professional holiday?

What celebration takes place without presents? On Power Engineers Day, it would be appropriate to give something symbolic, one way or another connected with the profession. These can be tool kits, overalls, a souvenir T-shirt, a helmet. All this can be supplemented with verbal congratulations on the Power Engineer's Day. Postcards signed by the team will be a nice gift that will remind you of this day for many years.

Books about the history and development of the energy industry are perfect as a serious presentation from the authorities to energy workers.

If we are dealing with a romantic nature, you can give a Florentine sky lantern so that later you can launch it into the sky by making a wish. The essence of such gifts is to wish the heroes of the occasion the same endless energy and inner light that they bring to all people.

In Russia, there are a large number of holidays that are dedicated to people of a particular profession. This is a housing and communal services worker, Fireman's Day and so on. One of these holidays is Electrician's Day, which will be discussed now.

It should be noted in advance that this holiday is by no means a day off. Electrician's Day is celebrated on December 22. An interesting fact is that this is perhaps the shortest for the whole year. Accordingly, it is on December 22 that the work of the power engineer becomes most noticeable. By the way, the Day of the Power Engineer is celebrated by all those who are somehow connected with the industry, which covers the generation, transmission and further sale to consumers of thermal and electrical energy.

This holiday was approved in the USSR. This happened in accordance with the decision of the Presidium of May 23, 1966. What was the reason for issuing such a decree? Famous This plan was adopted back in 1920 during the Eighth All-Russian Congress of Soviets. Most of all, the GOELRO plan was remembered by a simple man in the street as "Ilyich's light bulb." Some of this equipment is still in use today. "Ilyich's lamp" is a common household one that is used without a ceiling. This concept arose in the same 1920, when the leader of the world proletariat himself was present at the opening of a power plant in the village

Cashino. That was only the very beginning of the implementation of the GOELRO plan. Together with the power plant in Kashino, it was planned to build 30 power plants throughout the country. Vladimir Ilyich planned the reconstruction of absolutely all branches of the national economy. To the satisfaction of the leadership of the country of the Soviets, the plan was carried out over the next 11 years. And after 15 years, by 1935, it was overfulfilled three times.

Returning directly to the holiday, we can recall another significant date. On November 1, 1988, such a state body as the PVS issued a decree regarding the Power Engineer's Day. In accordance with this decree, his celebration was postponed, now it was a day that fell on the third Sunday of December. But recently, this decision was tacitly canceled, and December 22 again became Power Engineer's Day. But at the same time, some organizations retained their commitment to the PVS decree.

In addition to the fact that on December 22 Electrician's Day is celebrated in the Russian Federation, it is also celebrated in some countries. These are Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine and Belarus.

As for such an aspect as congratulations on the Day of the Power Engineer - most of them must certainly be cheerful, provocative and interesting. By itself, such a holiday is not particularly distinguished by anything, but if you congratulate your friend with a funny verse or a funny parable, this will definitely be remembered. For example, a congratulation on the Day of Power Engineers, which was very relevant in 2012: “You canceled the end of the world once again and gave light to people again! Thank you for that!".

Energy Day is celebrated in Russia on December 22. But this date was chosen not at all because on the shortest day of the year the work of power engineers is in great demand, but for another reason. On December 22, 1920, the Eighth All-Russian Congress of Soviets adopted the famous GOERLO plan, which determined the most important stages in the electrification of all of vast Russia. The plan, designed for 15 years, was the result of the work of a huge number of specialists. Its main goal was to electrify even the most remote and hard-to-reach corners of our vast country. It must be said that the GOERLO plan was fully implemented even with a slight lead: by the beginning of the 1930s, the vast majority of settlements in the USSR had been electrified.

It was in honor of the adoption of the State Plan for the Electrification of Russia that on May 23, 1966, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a decree on the establishment on December 22 of a professional holiday for workers in the energy industry. True, in 1980 another decree was issued, according to which Power Engineer's Day was moved to the third Sunday of December. So, we can safely say that workers in the energy industry have two professional holidays. It is curious that sometimes the 22nd actually falls on the third Sunday of December. Then at the same time two whole Days of the Power Engineer are celebrated!

Energy Day in modern Russia

The UES of Russia is the second largest in the world after the United States. Today, it includes more than 80 systems operating in all regions of the country. It is safe to say that Power Engineers Day is a holiday for millions of people employed in the energy industry. These are specialists who develop and maintain energy systems, scientists, technicians, engineers and people of many other specialties. People who every day make sure that our homes always have light and warmth.

Energy Day Traditions

Although in Russia Power Engineers Day is an ordinary working day, the holiday is celebrated quite solemnly both at the government level and in labor collectives. Concerts, meetings are held, the best energy workers and veterans are awarded with valuable gifts and diplomas. It has also become a good tradition to hold rallies and actions dedicated to new, alternative energy sources and environmental protection on this day.

I must say that December 22 is the Day of Energy is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in other post-Soviet countries: in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Belarus.

In our country, it is customary to celebrate professional holidays in various fields of activity: there is also a fireman's day, a trade worker's day, a police day, a builder's day ... Among them, one can single out the electrician's day, it is also sometimes called the day of the power engineer, as recognition of the merits involved in providing people with comfortable living conditions: light and heat, and enterprises - one of the main production resources - electrical energy.

Who is congratulated on this day

It would be unfair to call this holiday only the day of the electrician, because the electric power industry covers much larger areas of human life. All those who in one way or another are involved in the direct generation, transmission and distribution of heat and electricity energy work in this area of ​​the national economy: from simple workers at electrical substations to directors of energy corporations, from developers of sophisticated equipment for nuclear power plants to ordinary installers of power transmission networks.

The power engineer is not an easy profession. Often they have to work in very harsh conditions, especially if there are various accidents and emergency situations. It is in such cases, when the benefits of civilization, to which everyone is so quickly accustomed, in the form of heat in houses and electricity in wires, cease to flow to consumers, people remember energy and understand their importance in modern life. It is thanks to them that hospitals, schools, residential buildings and industrial enterprises from small factories to huge concerns function. We can safely say that these people, with their daily hard work, support and improve the normal life of every inhabitant of the country, and also contribute to its economic and industrial development.

In order to keep up with the passage of time, power engineers have to constantly improve their skills, because the power engineering profession is mostly technical - the Russian (and world) power industry is constantly evolving and technically becoming more complex. Thus, there is an increasing interest in new environmentally friendly energy sources: solar, wind, as well as improving and reducing the cost of energy production by already known methods, especially in the field of nuclear energy. Such conditions require high professionalism and a desire to serve people and their profession from power engineers. In universities and colleges for energy areas there is always a consistently large competition, the profession of power engineer - for people who see this as their calling, there are a lot of real energy dynasties in the country, when all family members of more than one generation work for the benefit of heat and light.

History of the day energy

The holiday of all power engineers was introduced back in the heyday of the USSR: it was established by a decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1966. The introduction of honoring the workers of the country's energy system was associated with the anniversary of the GOERLO Plan, adopted back in 1920 at the 8th Congress of Soviets under the leadership of Lenin (therefore, for the majority of the population, the words "GOERLO" and "electrification" are associated with the "Ilyich light bulb" - an ordinary incandescent lamp without a ceiling or chandeliers).

Thanks to this plan, the young Soviet country was able to increase energy and production capacities in a short period of time, make the life of many people easier and more comfortable, and launch new plants and factories. The GOERLO plan began to be implemented with the launch of a power plant in the village of Kashino near Moscow and was completed in a record eleven years (overfulfilling the plan by 1935 by three times!), During which another three dozen power plants were built throughout the country, and all industries were modernized.

During the Soviet Union, everyone involved in supplying the country with energy celebrated their professional holiday on December 22, right before the New Year. However, in November 1988, for some reason, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR decided to make the date of the celebration floating and set it on the third Sunday of the last month of the year. Then the holiday was again celebrated on December 22. It is very symbolic that this day is considered the shortest daylight of all days of the year, after which the day begins to arrive at a "sparrow's step", things are moving towards spring ("the sun - for summer, winter - for frost"). It is on such dark and cold days that the work of power engineers becomes especially important and noticeable.

Additional Information. And now, in some energy organizations throughout Russia (as well as in many CIS countries: former Soviet republics such as Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine and Belarus), the professional holiday is celebrated in the old fashioned way, on the 3rd Sunday of December.

Celebration traditions

Although the day of the electrician (power industry) in Russia is not an official holiday, everyone involved in this area of ​​the national economy feels like real birthdays on this December day. On this solemn day, current and former employees and specialists of the energy industry gather for festive events. The management of energy generating, energy transmission and energy sales enterprises awards bonuses to employees who have especially distinguished themselves, gives valuable gifts, awards the best employees of the industry with certificates of honor and diplomas. The trade unions (and they are still quite strong in this numerous industry) do not forget the retired power engineers either. Lists are preliminarily compiled, according to which they go home, honor the veterans who gave their best working years to the cause of "warmth and light", and give them valuable thematic gifts.

The energy industry is one of the most numerous and capital-intensive in the country, so the energy industry celebrates its professional holiday at a high level. Festive events are held: concerts, festivities, performances by sponsored kindergarten and school groups. Smart workers and members of their families accept congratulations and compliments from colleagues, bonuses and awards from management.

They strive to make congratulations on the day of power engineers by all means cheerful, provocative and memorable. The holiday itself does not particularly stand out (especially against the background of the approaching New Year), but, thanks to the original congratulations with a funny rhyme or original expressions, it can be remembered for a long time. For example, many power engineers in 2012 (when the Mayan apocalypse was expected) were amused by congratulations in the style of “You canceled the end of the world once again and gave light to people again!”

A feature of the energy industry and its historical development in our country is that many enterprises for the generation, transmission and distribution of energy have become city- and village-forming. Thus, for many small towns and villages, especially in the Siberian region of Russia, the day of the power engineer is a holiday for the entire population, because many families in several generations work at these and servicing enterprises, study at universities and colleges in energy specialties. Everyone celebrates on December 22: from young to old, artists are invited, and fireworks are arranged.

Specialists, most of whom are directly involved in providing our homes with heat and light, and industrial and agricultural enterprises with an important resource - electricity, are dedicated to the professional holiday celebrated on December 22 - Power Engineer's Day. However, they deserve our admiration and recognition for their selfless work day after day and on other days of the year.


Power engineers at work
Even on your legal day.
Take a break for a minute
Don't look for problems here.

Very friendly and nice
congratulations now,
In a bright and happy world
Let it carry more than once.

Let the energy, like a flame,
Never burns out..
Power engineers are walking
The hum goes through the wires.

We congratulate all power engineers,
We praise the work of power engineers,
We love you, protect and respect you,
We wish you love and a bright life!

And surrounded by love
And good, Siberian health,
After all, without energy, as without water -
Neither here nor there!

Why did they freeze in an ice floe
Herd of beast lizards?
It just wasn't in sight
Power engineers then!

Get a "thank you" bouquet!
Roses wither - angry frost,
And "thank you", power engineer,
More beautiful and more expensive than roses!

We wish you dear
On your only December holiday,
Miss Luck to shine
An eye brighter than a lantern!

Like the midday sun
At the equator, however,
Warms the whole soul to the bottom
Let love in the night and day!

We praise you, energy!
On your day, we wish you more light,
To reign in your soul
Just a happy summer.

Your work is worthy of praise
He is needed by everyone, without exception,
You bring good to every home
You give light and warmth to all of us.

You are at work all the time
You do everything flawlessly.
Let your career soar
And happiness adorns life.

Miracle master power engineer,
Light sends us greetings,
Illuminates everything around
And all the streets, and the house!

With the advent of the masters
It became a lot: trains,
And trams, electric trains ...
People spend less matches.

Our whole world became happy,
Because I realized
"We can't live without: light,
Council Power Engineers!

Honor, praise you for your care,
For a decent job
For skill, for work,
For comfort and coziness!

Like an electron through a wire
My love rushes to you.
For the light that came to every home,
You, energy, bow.

May your life be full
Love, energy, warmth.
Live happily, without troubles.
Good luck to you. Let there be light!

Happy energy day today
I want to congratulate you
I want to be stylish and fashionable,
And not to run to the doctor,

Let there be enough strength for everything:
Work and rest
Well, in general, life is always beautiful
And never lose heart!

Previously, it was tight without light,
And a candle came to the rescue
In the computer age it is difficult without light,
It is impossible to work without it.

Complex and delicate work
Wires and current, one concern,
To the power engineers, a big bow to the earth,
Good luck and happiness is full of the house!

Well, how can we live without energy,
Though practice, though even theoretician?
In our age without electricity is impossible,
Accept congratulations, friends.

May there be a lot of light in your destinies,
Warmed by recognition and kindness,
On the personal front, joyfully, cloudlessly,
And so that life flows unceasingly.

Warm, light in our apartment
Thanks to your work.
Yes that in apartment - around the world!
You are always in business, in care:

To work without delay
All businesses, schools, hospitals,
Each of you is selfless
Smart, persistent without limits.

So be always successful
Strength, health for centuries,
Careful and diligent in work.
Happy Energy Day!


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