What decoration are you? If you chose a necklace

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Imagine that you are an ornament. Which one? what is it made of? what is its size? Perhaps you will have a whole story. Now see which options matched yours.

  • 1 Decoration size:

Large, noticeable decoration- you love attention, you like to be the soul of the company. You are witty, do not go into your pocket for a word, do not get lost even in difficult situations. Know how to look at life with humor. They say about people like you: "A bright personality." People are drawn to you. Often they turn to you for help, ask for advice in difficult situations. Your authority is recognized - openly or implicitly.

But sometimes you can outshine others. Listen to yourself - is there any hidden competition in you? Are you fighting for attention? Whose attention are you really missing? Most likely, this increased need for attention comes from childhood and is actually addressed to parents. But the past must be left in the past - now, first of all, you can take care of yourself. Then the need for someone else's attention will not be so high.

Medium decoration- you know how to keep a balance between the attention that you take from others, and the attention that you give to others. You are either a bright storyteller or an attentive listener. You are confident enough in yourself, but this does not translate into self-confidence. You are self-sufficient, value yourself, but you are also aware of your own shortcomings. This helps you to perceive others realistically, to see reality as it really is.

small decoration- you are shy, a lot of attention is a burden to you. In the company you prefer to sit in the corner and watch everyone from the side. It is hard for you to meet new people, and in contacts you are mostly passive - you are waiting for the initiative from others. You have a small circle of friends, but they are real friends. We must give you credit - you know how to be a devoted friend and accept other people for who they are.

However, you lack self-confidence. It is she who is the cause of your shyness. In fact, you would like to be more noticeable, to show yourself brighter, but this is hindered by inner fear. Think - is this fear really justified? Here and now, in your present? Usually, the fear of presentation is implanted in us in childhood - an unfriendly class in which the child has become an outcast simply because he wears glasses; a strict school teacher, critical parents... Children's fears are best left in childhood. Now you can already present yourself the way you want to, be noticeable and bright ... Really close people will accept you in your incarnation as well.

  • 2 The material from which it is made:

Expensive metal (gold, silver), possibly with precious stones, pearls- you know how to value yourself, know your strengths and know how to use them. You realize most of your abilities and talents, but it is worth remembering that you should not let the situation take its course, abilities alone are not enough - you also need work. You expect that others will appreciate you, but this does not always happen. Do not be sad - it's not always about you, sometimes others are driven by hidden envy. The main thing is that you yourself can evaluate your achievements.

Decoration - jewelry, it is beautiful, but inexpensive (plastic, ordinary metal): Certainly, modesty decorates, but not always. You sometimes lack a sense of your own worth and significance. Even if you are in the center of attention, in the depths of your soul there is still a fear of losing this attention. Praise yourself more often, be pleased with yourself. Feel your uniqueness, originality, difference from all others. Believe me, each human individuality is unique!

Natural material (wood, bone)- you have a strong connection with your roots, your family gives you good support. You can rely on your loved ones. Sometimes you are characterized by a certain conservatism, adherence to traditions - but who said that this is bad? Your parents, explicitly or implicitly, remain authority figures for you. But the balance between loyalty to the family and independence is important. Sometimes it is worth deviating from traditions - because life does not stand still, it changes. Your family most likely has a strong influence on your life script, and you may repeat the behavior of one of your relatives. Try to distinguish between when following traditions is good for you, and when it is better to refuse it.

  • 3 What kind of decoration is this.

Modern: you are practical and realistic. Live in the present. Ability to make decisions and take initiative. There is no way you can say that you are going with the flow. You already have obvious successes, and this is your merit. You have achieved them by your own work, and not by random luck. Sometimes, however, you can be skeptical and overly critical of life. However, this allows you to keep your sense of humor and presence of mind in any situation.

Antique: you are romantic, sometimes naive, prone to nostalgia. You know how to appreciate art, you feel it subtly. Most likely, you have talent for it: musical or artistic. You have a good memory, you know how to learn from mistakes, learn. But sometimes it is difficult for you to part with the past, and you begin to live in memories or dreams: “Oh, if this came true ...” Because of this, it can be difficult for you to part with things that are associated with a lot of memories. But over time, they can fill your home - just like the interior space. One must be able to part with the past - with respect and gratitude, but part.

family name: you have a strong bond with your family. And not just with parents, but with the whole family. It gives support and strength. You have someone to rely on. But sometimes it can limit, imposing a certain set of rules, scenarios. If at times you act differently from the traditions of your family, this will not mean that you do not love her. Remember that you are not just a member of the family, but also an "independent creative unit." Trust your intuition more often and rely on your own, and only your own opinion!

Ethnic: you are characterized by non-standard thinking, originality. This makes it possible to find a way out of difficult situations. You are creative, professions in which you are not limited by rigid limits are more suitable for you. However, sometimes you lack self-discipline. In your room, most likely, there is a "creative mess", and in life plans too. Perhaps it is worth streamlining them a little, bringing more structure, organization into your life? This will help increase your success.

  • 4 Decoration type.

Earrings- you lack romance. I would like you to be looked after, admired, showed signs of attention, but at the same time, so that the relationship does not go beyond flirting.

hand bracelet- you want support. You would like to lean on your partner, feel behind him, like behind a stone wall. Maybe you shouldn't wait until he figured it out himself? Sometimes you can ask for it directly!

Anklet- You want to be a "femme fatale." You really can be her, but it’s better to understand why you need it. Maybe you do not have enough male attention? Or are you deep down insecure about yourself as a woman? Or is there no man next to you now to whom you would have a true sexual interest, and there is not enough passion in your life? ..

Necklace, beads, chain - what is worn around the neck - you would like more freedom in presenting yourself, your feelings. Something is holding you back and limiting you. Try to understand - is it an external or internal factor? Perhaps your work is connected with strong feelings that should not be shown. Or maybe these are internal fears from childhood ... In any case, only you know the answer to these questions!

Tiara, hoop - decoration for the head: you are rational, realistic. Love to put everything on the shelves, literally and figuratively. You have a clear system of values, your own set of rules that you adhere to. However, sometimes it limits you and deprives you of the opportunity to gain new valuable experience. Experiment!

Ring- you would like to slightly change your social circle, making it wider or qualitatively change the connections that you already have. Try to understand how you would like to see it ideally, what exactly should be changed, and what should be left as it is. Everything is real - but it is better to clearly represent your goal.

Brooch- you would like to increase your own importance. You are not sufficiently realized in the social sphere - your ambitions are not satisfied. Be more active - don't wait for success to come into your hands!

piercing jewelry- deep down, you are dissatisfied with yourself, consider yourself not attractive and interesting enough, and are afraid that those around you underestimate you. But it's not! Try to value yourself more, love, accept. Then other people will be drawn to you too. Accept rather than reject care and love.

Prepared by psychologist Irina Solovieva especially for the magazine "Our Psychology"

Reading 3 min. Published on 10/18/2018

Jewelry can not only emphasize your beauty, but also tell a lot about you. For example, what is your sense of taste and style, what clothes suit your style, what perception of beauty do you have.

How to choose decoration?

If you instantly recognize your style, then choose it. If you like several jewelry at once, choose the one that causes you the strongest attraction.

Now find out how important the choice of jewelry is!

Decoration 1

You are conservative and adore classic style. Your choice is the correct forms and natural beauty. Flashy clothes, thick makeup - all this is clearly not for you. Elegance, restraint, efficiency - these are the main components of your style. Others appreciate you for the integrity of the image!

Decoration 2

Do you love vintage jewelry? You can be called the owner of a unique charm and special charm! Vintage style really suits you, you skillfully combine clothes, hair, makeup and jewelry to create a unique holistic look. Among other representatives of the fair sex, it is you who remain forever in the memory of men, because your image is the brightest!

Decoration 3

What style suits you? This is a light, "spring" style that makes you the owner of a unique charm, creates an aura of mystery around you, makes men turn around after you. There must be a secret in a woman - and, of course, there is a secret in you and attracts others to you.

Decoration 4

Your art of choosing jewelry is based on your romance! The natural-romantic style really suits you. Natural natural shades in clothes, make-up and accessories are perfect for you. You constantly strive to surround yourself with harmony. Creating a holistic image of yourself does not cause you any difficulties, because you have a very strong sense of beauty!

Decoration 5

You prefer the most luxurious jewelry! Your style is bright, feminine, noble. Thanks to the exquisite taste, you will always be the center of attention. You are a real prom queen. Expensive clothing style suits you more than others!

Decoration 6

What style suits you more than others? Sophisticated style is the best reflection of your personality. Exquisite style - in clothes, in hair, in accessories - makes your image unique and attracts admiring glances to you! You can be called a trendsetter. The sense of beauty is developed in you very deeply!

Always be sure which style suits you! Be beautiful!

Wow, almost everything matched! Every woman loves jewelry. Someone prefers something pompous, and someone likes something simpler. Did you know that the love of jewelry can tell a lot about the character of a woman. I suggest you take an interesting test that will tell you what kind of woman you really are. Here are four beautiful decorations. Choose one of them that you would love to wear.

Test: What kind of jewelry did you like? What does it tell about you! So, choose:

1.If you chose EARRINGS

You are a woman of mystery, unpredictable and sincere. Such women listen to the opinions of others, but when making important decisions, they are guided solely by their hearts.

They always go their own way.Men are always interested in these women, however, if a girl of this type was brought up in strictness and discipline, then she seems to be hiding and does not show all the facets of her beauty ... But only the right time comes and she charms everyone around again.

Often these are creative people, generously gifted by nature. If you have not yet shown yourself in creativity, then you should definitely try.

2. If you chose a bracelet

You are a whirlwind woman, passionate and frantic ... However, outwardly, these women can even give the impression of being cold, they often hide their feelings. In youth, they often fall in love and are often burned on their first love because of their natural gullibility.

Then it is difficult for them to fall in love, their love must be earned. They value loyalty and reliability in men. Change is not forgiven.

These women make good leaders. However, in family life, they always give way to the headship of the husband. In intimate life, just a dream of any man.

3. If you chose a necklace

You are a woman of love, lovely and tender. Women of this type have incredible feminine strength, they smile sweetly enough and the whole world is already spinning at their feet. However, they rarely use this power.

These women are very kind and sympathetic, good friends, born psychologists. They need a strong man nearby who will protect them.

However, these women themselves often, because of natural kindness, choose a weak man and take care of him all their lives.

This is not worth doing, because then the female power of these women seems to go out. And another interesting fact is that almost all women of this type simply adore chamomile.

4. If you chose a diamond ring

You are a woman-lady, refined and light. Often these women have a bright beauty from early childhood. However, they themselves evaluate people solely by their inner qualities, and not by beauty.

Almost every man secretly dreams of marrying such women. Refined, always looking great (this woman never allows herself to be unkempt), a wonderful hostess and a great mother, such a woman delights men.

Appreciate intelligence in men, often make friends with men (who, of course, are secretly in love with them).


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