How to make a Batman mask from colored paper with your own hands in stages. How to make a mask, batman costume, fox for a holiday? Batman mask drawing from paper

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See, papercrafter, how to make a Batman mask.

Many people ask two eternal questions - how did life on earth originate and how to make a Batman mask with your own hands? We are happy to inform you that you have just found the answer to one of these questions. Comrades, we print, we look at pepakura, we read the forum and enjoy our man-made masterpieces. Moreover, we have more than one Batman mask, but we will throw off the two most successful of the available ones.

So, the first option on how to make a Batman mask takes 14 pages in pepakura. Although it has a few more pages than the second version, it is assembled a little easier due to the large number of small but simple details. It is worth noting that these instances of Batman masks differ from each other not only in the number of parts and complexity of assembly, but also in shape, appearance, so to speak.

How to make a DIY Batman mask -

The second version of the Batman mask takes 11 pages in pepakura. The polygonality of this mask is much higher than that of the first one. The details are mostly solid, which is good news, however, this is overshadowed by a large number of cuts and joints. In some places, they may not be cut, where the line is solid and there are no docking "ears", but I'm afraid that lovers of scissors will have a hard time here, so I advise those who have not done this to stock up on a scalpel.

Often parents need to solve questions: where to get a Batman costume, foxes, turnips, how to make masks? Master classes will teach you how to make it yourself.

The content of the article:

Fairy tales are often role-played in kindergarten and elementary school. Thus, children are introduced to the magical world of art. Of course, without the help of parents can not do. They will have to buy a costume for the matinee or make it with their own hands so that the role of their beloved child is a success. You can use the outfits available at home with a little transformation and adding beautiful masks that you can also make yourself.

We make masks for children

If a performance is being prepared in a children's institution in which animals participate, pay attention to the samples presented.

These animal masks are sewn from soft felt. This material does not wrinkle, it is pleasant to the skin of the face and quite soft. Let's start by creating the image of an owl. To make a mask, enlarge the photo, redraw the details on a sheet of paper:
  • heads;
  • eye;
  • beak.
Cut out the first, largest detail from dark felt. The eyes are light brown and the beak is orange.

To make the mask dense, you can cut out 2 identical parts of the head. Put them wrong sides together, put ties on the side, stitch along the outer edge and where the eye sockets are.

If you want to make one-sided animal and bird masks, then sew on the ribbons for tying from the wrong side. Sew a yellow border for the eyes, and a beak on top of it.

The rest of the animal masks are sewn in the same way. For a hare and a fox, only three colors of felt are needed:

  • brown;
  • light gray;
  • Orange.
To emphasize the cunning eyes of the fox, such a beautiful slanting frame is made around them. For a hare, gray fabric is sewn on the inside of the ears and on the nose. Having created a mask of a cunning cheat and an oblique one, you can play a fairy tale with their participation. you already know how to create a robe for a fox, you will understand by reading the next chapter.

In the meantime, consider another example of creating a mask of a wise owl. It can also be sewn from felt or made from cardboard.

If you want to print masks for children on a printer, then here is the finished scheme for you. It consists of:
  • faces;
  • eyebrows
  • beak;
  • eye;
  • eye rims.
The diagram also shows what color each part should be. If you want to sew a mask, then stitch the elements to the base, and if you make it from cardboard, then glue it.

First, you need to attach the edging of the eyes to the base-head, eyes on them, and thick eyebrows on top. If you are sewing such children's masks, then sew on ribbons or a solid elastic band. If this part of the carnival costume is made of paper, in this case, attach the edge of a thin elastic band to the corner of the mask, grease with glue, place a small piece of cardboard on top, press it. Also check out the other side.

If you want to make a Batman costume, then you can't do without a mask. See how to make it and clothes for a boy who plays the role of a super hero.

How to make a Batman costume?

His attire consists of:

  • overalls;
  • capes;
  • hood;
  • masks.
What Batman looks like, the photo eloquently demonstrates.

To sew a jumpsuit, you will need a pattern that fits the size. Take a pattern of children's winter overalls from Burda magazine, but one size smaller. You can sew a Batman costume from a knitted, satin fabric.

If you are not strong in this needlework, put on trousers or sweatpants for the child and a T-shirt or turtleneck to match. It remains to make a cape, mask and hood. To create a cape, use the following pattern.

For this accessory, you only need 2 measurements: the length of the cape, the girth of the neck. Redraw the pattern. On the fabric, mark the places where the hands will stick out. Finish the cuts. This can be done with braid or strips of leather. For the collar, you need to cut out 2 identical parts. Sew them at the top and sides, folding them right sides together. Turn inside out on the face, tuck the edges of the neckline, stitch to the raincoat.

If the fabric is thin, so that the collar fits well, put a seal inside that holds the shape.

Attach a clasp or ties. You can sew this cape, symbolizing the wings, to the top of the garment. You can make it differently using a broken umbrella. Sometimes his knitting needles fall into disrepair, while the fabric is still good. Remove it from the base, make a round hole for the head in the center with scissors, and from here - a vertical cutout to the edge.

Sew the left half of the raincoat to the left sleeve of the turtleneck - from the shoulder to the wrist, the right - to her right sleeve. And here's how to sew a hood: reshoot the pattern.

Based on it, you need to cut out 2 sidewall parts and one central wedge from the fabric. After matching the letters on the pattern, sew these 3 parts on the wrong side. To make pointed ears, cut out 2 small triangles from cardboard and the same fabric as the hood. Match the first pair by laying the cardboard on top of the fabric. Roll the shape into a cone shape. Do the same with the second ear, sew them on the hood.

Please note that the fabric for the ears must be cut with a margin on all sides. You will need it when you sew or glue the triangles into cones, and then to sew these parts by the fabric to the hood.

The superman costume will be ready soon - it remains to cut and attach the sign and make a mask. The bat can be cut out of shiny fabric, self-adhesive paper or painted with acrylics.

Choose which mask you like best. She can be like that.

Then you need to draw a bat with outstretched wings and make slits for the eyes. An elastic band is sewn on both sides of the mask. If you wish, cut out the mask from the knitted fabric, sew it to the hood.

After the costume for the boy is ready, see how to make the promised fox outfit for the girl. It can be sewn from fabric or reconstruct an existing dress.

How to make a fox costume?

Consider a low-cost and very simple option. For this outfit you will need:
  • white turtleneck or t-shirt;
  • white tights;
  • orange or red fabric or fur for a vest and skirt;
  • hoop and cardboard for ears or fox mask.
To sew a skirt, cut a rectangle from faux fur or fabric. Its width is 1.5 hips, and the length is the length of the product, plus 2.5 cm for the hem of the bottom and top.

This skirt has only one seam. It will be located at the back, follow it. Fold the top of the skirt inward, fold the edge 7 mm, hem it, thread the elastic, measured at the waist.

If you are using thick fur, then it is better to sew a braid from the inside out at the top, and not tuck the fur. Then the waist will not turn out bulky.

Hem the bottom of the product, and the skirt is ready. If you want, when making a fox costume, you can sew not one, but a flared sun.

It also requires a minimum of calculations, and you can easily sew a skirt without a pattern. Fold the fabric in half 2 times, put the beginning of the ruler at the corner, set aside a radius equal to the value obtained by dividing the waist circumference (From) by 6.28. Make a semicircular cutout according to this markup. Stitch in a zipper, a belt. To keep the skirt in shape, you can sew a petticoat.

Here are 2 ways to make it from taffeta:

  1. For the first, cut off a belt and many stripes from the fabric. Tie each to the belt, bending in half. The more stripes, the fuller the skirt.
  2. From taffeta, based on the calculation of the flared sun, make 3-5 skirts. The splendor of the future product depends on their quantity. Stitch them to a single belt, sew on a button, make a loop to put on and take off a skirt.
You can sew a vest from fur or fabric by reshooting the pattern according to the size of the child or by making it in the form of a cape. Measure around the bottom of your child's neck. This is the "A" value. The distance from this point to the chest is "B", this is the length of the cape.

Fold the fabric in half twice. Also, as in the case of a skirt, measure the radius from the corner, which is equal to = Divided by 6.28. Make a rounded neckline and cut from the neck to the chest (it will be in front). Decorate these 2 edges by folding and stitching them. Sew along the top and bottom edges of the cape in the same way. Sew on ribbons to tie a new thing on them.

You can make a fox mask as described at the beginning of the article, or buy a ready-made one. If there is neither one nor the other, then cut a strip of orange fur or fabric corresponding in length to the headband, and the width will be 2 times the width of the headband, add allowances for the seams.

Bend the canvas along the wrong side up, sew the edges on two long sides and on one small one, turn the workpiece inside out, insert a hoop into the hole. On your hands, sew a free, fourth, end. From cardboard and fabric or fur, cut out triangular ears. Sew them by inserting cardboard into a blank of fabric. Stitch to the rim.

Now you know how to make a fox mask and party outfit. But not only children, but sometimes adults dress up in carnival costumes. Corporate parties, home holidays will be more fun if you develop a script in advance and play a performance.

Clothes of the characters of the fairy tale "Turnip"

There are 7 characters in this old story:

  • turnip;
  • grandmother;
  • granddaughter;
  • bug;
  • cat;
  • mouse.
But now fairy tales told in a new way are popular. You can come up with or take a funny story from the Internet and arrange a fun performance. Moreover, the number of heroes can be reduced or left the same.

You can sew a turnip costume very quickly. For him, you only need:

  • yellow and green fabric;
  • threads in tone;
  • braid;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • sewing machine.

As you can see in the photo, the costume of the main character may consist of a lush yellow sundress. You can sew it even without a pattern. Depending on what the main character has more - breasts or hips, determine the volume of one of these parts of the body.

If you need a magnificent sundress, then multiply this value by 2, if not, then it is enough to multiply by 1.5. The length of the product is from the armpits to the middle of the calves or ankles, plus 5 cm for the collar of the bottom and top. In children, it may be shorter.

Cut out such a rectangle from the fabric, stitch it on the side. Tuck at the top, sew so that the drawstring remains inside. Insert a rubber band here. Hem the bottom of the product, sew on straps from the same fabric or from a wide yellow braid.

It remains to supplement the corporate suit with green elements. It can be a scarf of this color, a scarf. To sew the greens, as in the photo, a long strip of the desired width is cut off from the green fabric, the edges of its long sides are tucked, a 5 mm seam is made. A fishing line is inserted into this space, and such an interesting wavy effect is obtained. You can stitch it with the edges of the fabric immediately, without tucking them, using an overlock.

If you need the turnip to be round, then collect not only the top, but also the bottom of the sundress with an elastic band. In this case, it is better to cut it from a dense fabric.

And here's how to make a turnip costume for a child. Draw the outline of this heart-shaped vegetable on a piece of paper. To make it even, fold in half, trim the edges with scissors.

Attach the template to the fabric folded in half. Cut out 2 pieces with seam allowances on all sides. From foam rubber, make the same turnip. Place the workpiece so that it is between two pieces of fabric. Bend the edges of the canvas inward, sew on all sides.

To make the mask, measure a strip of green cardstock around the size of your head, cut it out with a little extra to glue the tape on the back. From the same thick paper, cut out a few turnip leaves, glue them to the cardboard hoop.

The turnip is attached to a green cape. To sew a vest, find out the distance from the bottom of one shoulder to the bottom of the second, add a seam allowance. Cut out a rectangle from the fabric. We have already determined its width, and to find out the length, put the beginning of the centimeter tape to the bottom of the hips in front, lift it up, throw it over your shoulder back and stop at the bottom of the hips in the back.

Fold the vest in half. Cut out a hole for the head. To make it fit well, you can make a clasp on the back or on the shoulder. In the latter case, the cape is cut from two canvases.

It remains to put white tights, a shirt, shoes on the child and that's it. what you sewed for the matinee with your own hands and go to the holiday. To quickly make a costume for a cat, dog, mouse, it is enough to make masks of these animals, you can supplement the images with tails that are sewn to the fabric belt.

For a grandmother, you can sew a sundress, as well as for a turnip, and complement the image with a scarf. And it’s enough to put on trousers for grandfather, a wide shirt, taken one size larger, which must be tied with a wide belt. Let the old man be modern, put on him a cap with the emblem of a sports club.

As you can see, there are many outfit ideas. Imagine, experiment, and you will definitely succeed! And to make it easier for yourself, watch instructive videos:

Learn how to make cat ears out of hair and thus make a costume for the character of the fairy tale "Turnip". Such an original hairstyle is also suitable for the image of a fox:

But what the outfit of this cunning cheat can consist of:

The eve of New Year's parties is almost always a headache for parents. Especially if the child wants to take on some special image, for example, a superhero costume. The hero of films and the animated series, Batman, enjoys great love among the guys. Of course, such a suit can be purchased at the store. But since such “fashionable” carnival outfits are not cheap, we suggest that you simply put your child in black trousers and golf, sew him a black one and a raincoat. True, the easily recognizable black mask of Batman is undoubtedly considered the fundamental part of his costume.

How to sew a Batman mask?

The most realistic do-it-yourself Batman mask is obtained by sewing it. You will need the following materials:

  • a piece of felt or an old felt hat;
  • scissors;

So, let's start making a Batman mask:

How to make a Batman mask?

If the previous method seems too complicated for you, we suggest you sew a very simple Batman mask. To make it, you again need a small piece of black felt. Also, prepare the following:

  • wide elastic band;
  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • safety pins;
  • threads in black and contrasting colors.

The plastic man in the black Batman mask saved everyone again.

The editors of the site visited the pre-premiere screening of the cartoon, and have already shared. In short: it’s a must to go. Parents will appreciate it and kids will love it.

Even if your child by some miracle has so far avoided falling in love with Lego superheroes, after the cartoon he will have a new idol. We invite you to meet this love fully armed, and tell you how to make a Lego Batman mask out of cardboard with your own hands.

And you can do everything in advance, and go watch the cartoon already in a cool Lego Batman mask.

Get your child involved too. And you will have a great time, and you yourself will become a little superhero in his eyes. Making a Batman mask out of paper is almost a feat.

How to make a Lego Batman mask out of cardboard

For Lego Batman masks you need:

  • Printed stencils
  • Cardboard box
  • Thick glossy black paper
  • Pencil, ruler and eraser
  • Falzbein
  • Stationery knife and scissors
  • Insulating tape, black duct tape
  • Hot glue gun (optional)
  • cutting mat

Paper Batman Mask Templates

How to make a Lego Batman mask: step by step instructions

Cut a strip of glossy black paper 30 * 80 cm. Draw a line in the center of the strip. Place the mouth hole stencil on the wrong side of black paper 3 cm from the bottom edge, circle and cut out.

Roll the paper strip into a tube and tape it at the back. Make sure the baby's head fits comfortably in the tube.

Take the thick cardboard from the box, circle stencils A and B on it and cut out two pieces of each copy.

Bend cardboard parts according to stencil A along the dotted line. To the bottom of each of them, tape the parts according to stencil B, as shown in the figure.

Place stencil D on the remaining black paper and cut along the outline. Using a seam and a ruler, make a few vertical lines down the center of the part so that the fold is not sharp, as in the picture - this will be the nose of your Lego Batman mask.

Place the eyes from stencils A and B symmetrically on the main "pipe" of black paper. Attach them right above the mouth opening using duct tape or a hot glue gun.

Cut out two pieces of cardboard according to stencil C and attach them above the eyes. These are the eyebrows of Lego-Batman masks.

Temporarily attach the nose between the eyes. Trim around the edges if needed. Then cut a hole in the base of the Lego Batman mask along the contour of the nose so that the child's nose does not rest against the layer of paper.

Make a cut in the black base straight from the eyebrow line and up. Overlap one half with the other to get a sloping forehead. Make several such incisions symmetrically around the entire circumference of the head. Temporarily leave the slit at the back in the center untouched, you will return to it later.

Make two more diagonal cuts in the middle of each of the eyebrows, again for a sloping forehead, as in the picture.

Then, next to each such incision, make two curved ones (like devil's horns). Cut a strip of black paper about 3 cm and securely attach to the forehead with electrical tape.

Pull back a little and glue the other end to the "back of the head" of the mask - you should end up with something like a handle above the bucket. Cut off the excess and set aside.

Cut two copies of the black paper stencil E, insert them into the curved cut on the “forehead” of the Lego mask. Attach and align the ears with tape.

Now go back to the notches around the entire circumference of the mask. Seal them with tape to get a neat and smooth hall.

Cut out two pieces of black paper according to the stencil F. Using a seam and a ruler, mark and fold along the marked line. Glue to the back to add volume.

Cut out two copies of the G stencil and glue them next to the front of the ear as shown. Cover the gaps with pieces of black paper.

To add volume to the mask, you can cut out two triangles (23 cm along the bottom edge, and 20 cm along the edges). Fold each of them in the center and glue to the mask on the sides. But first, try on a mask for a child, perhaps you absolutely do not need additional volume.

Now that the base is ready, we need to make the mask completely black. For this, it is best to use black tape. Cut the ribbon around the Lego Batman mask.

First seal the eyes and nose completely, then cut out the holes and bend the edges inward. You can even make eyelashes by cutting the ribbon with a fringe.

Now that your entire Batman mask is black, you can glue on the nose with a dab of hot glue.

Let the Batman mask with your own hands dry a little, and you can arrange a masquerade. Don't forget the superhero cape. And if you go to the cartoon in this outfit, get ready to sign autographs and answer questions on how to make such a cool Batman mask.

Batman is undeniably one of the most beloved superheroes among both children and adults. If you are preparing for a masquerade where you are going to appear in the image of this superhero, then the Batman mask will perfectly complement your outfit. Whether you want to make a simple eye mask or a real helmet mask, this article will be useful to you in both cases. With it, you can print a mask template and cut out a mask from foamiran, or take cardboard and make a mask-helmet. If you need a mask that exactly follows the contours of your face, then you can make a mask from adhesive tape.

Method 1 of 4: Making a Simple Foamiran Mask

    Measure your face. You need to determine the half-girth of the head and the vertical distance from the tip of the nose to the top of the forehead, as well as the distance from the nose to the eyes. Record your measurements so you can use them to create the exact mask that fits you.

    • Take a measuring tape and measure from ear to ear across your face.
    • Determine the distance from the tip of the nose to the top of the forehead.
    • Measure the distance from the tip of the nose to the lower eyelid, as well as the size of the eyes themselves.

  1. Start sketching the outlines of the mask on paper. It may not be easy, but with all the necessary measurements, you will successfully create a mask template that is suitable for your face.

    • Draw a horizontal line corresponding in length to the measured width of the face.

  2. Draw the nose of the mask. Find the center point of the horizontal line and place a dot 2.5 cm below it. Using a ruler, connect this point to the right end of the horizontal line. Connect the left end of the line to this point in the same way.

    • You need to draw two slanted lines from the ends of the original horizontal line. These lines should converge at an obtuse angle at a point located 2.5 cm below the center of the horizontal line.

  3. Draw the outlines of the upper part of the mask and the ears. The ears will be curved lines starting from the ends of the horizontal line.

    • Draw two curved lines going up from the ends of the horizontal line. The height of these lines should correspond to the distance from the nose to the forehead plus an additional 7.5 cm.
    • Complete the triangular contours of the ears by drawing their second halves with curved lines starting from the tips of the ears. These lines should have a mirror opposite curve with respect to the first lines of the ears and form triangles with a base about 5 cm wide. It is these triangles that will become the ears of the mask.
    • Draw a line connecting the bottom points of the ears.

  4. Draw holes for the eyes. To do this, draw two ovals.

    • The bottom point of the ovals should be about the same distance from the center point of the mask as the distance you measured from the tip of the nose to the lower eyelid.
    • Measure in the figure the required distance from the center point of the horizontal line to the level of the lower eyelids.
    • The eye holes themselves should be about twice as wide as your eyes.
    • Draw the ovals in such a way that they are slightly narrower from the inner corners of the eyes and lean down a little.

  5. Cut out the prepared mask template. Take scissors and cut out the mask template along the contour, do not forget to cut holes for the eyes.

  6. Transfer the contours of the mask to black foamiran. To transfer the contours of the mask to foamiran, take a pen.

    • Even though Batman's traditional color is black, you can make the masks in any color you like if you plan to use them as party favors.

  7. Cut out the mask. Take scissors and cut out the foamiran mask, also do not forget to cut holes in it for the eyes.

  8. From the sides of the mask, make two small mounting holes for the ties. You need to make one hole from each end of the mask at about the same level as the holes for the eyes.

    • For this purpose, a hole punch is perfect, but you can also just use the sharp tip of scissors.

  9. Attach elastic to the holes. Tie one end of the piece of tape from one end of the mask, and the other from the other end. The length of the elastic band should be sufficient to wrap it around the back of the head.

    • Tie the elastic with a double knot so that it cannot come undone.

Method 2 of 4: Making a Cardboard Helmet Mask

  1. Cut out a large rectangle from black cardstock. The size of the rectangle should be such that you can completely wrap your head around it, and neither your hair nor your face is visible.

    • Use a tape measure to measure your head circumference. Increase the resulting measurement by 2.5 cm; the result will be the length of the rectangle.
    • Measure the height of the head, starting from the chin. Increase the measurement taken by 13 cm. This will be the width of the rectangle.
    • You can also use thin corrugated cardboard instead of regular cardboard.
    • If you couldn't find black cardboard, then white and brown are also suitable. You just have to then paint the finished mask black.

  2. Draw the outlines of the top part of the mask. At the top of the mask you need to draw the ears.

    • Use a tape measure to measure the distance between your ears. Start at the anterior point of one ear and slide the measuring tape across your face to the anterior point of the other ear.
    • Repeat the whole process with the back of the head. Start at the back of one ear and run the measuring tape across the back of your head to the back of the other ear.
    • Divide the back measurement in half and add 1.5 cm to the result. On the left side of the cardboard rectangle, draw a horizontal line of this length, stepping back from the top edge of 13 cm. Similarly, draw the same line on the right side of the rectangle.
    • In the gap between the two lines, draw a third, which will be equal in length to the front measure of the distance between the ears. There should be a distance of about 2.5-5 cm between the ends of this line and the ends of the other two lines.
    • From the ends of the center horizontal line, draw vertical lines going to the top edge of the rectangle.
    • From the top points of the vertical lines, draw curved lines going to the inner ends of the first two horizontal lines.

  3. Draw the contours of the mask in the area of ​​the mouth and chin. At the bottom of the mask in the center, you need to draw two lines that look like triplets. One such triple will be correct, and the second will be mirrored. At the top, the ends of these triples should close, but not at the bottom.

    • Measure the distance from the tip of the nose to the chin. It is at this level that the opening for the mouth should begin at the mask.
    • Measure the distance between the outer corners of your eyes. This distance should correspond to the width of the slot for the mouth.

  4. Finish the design of the lower contours of the mask. You will need to separate the mouth part of the mask from the rest of its lower edge.

    • Draw two arcs going up at a distance of about 1.5 cm from the lower ends of the triplets drawn earlier. The height of these arches should be approximately 7.5 cm, and the distance between the arches and triples at the widest part should be about 5 cm.
    • As a result, you will get something similar to two fangs located on the sides of the mouth.
    • From the ends of the arcs you have drawn, draw horizontal lines. These lines should go towards the side edges of the cardboard rectangle.

  5. Draw the outlines of the holes for the eyes. The eyes should be represented by two somewhat oblique ovals, which will be slightly larger than your eyes in size.

    • The outer tips of the eye holes should rise up.
    • Measure from the tip of the nose to the level of the lower eyelids to get an idea of ​​where exactly to draw the ovals.

  6. Cut out the contours of the mask. Cut the cardboard along the contour of all the lines you have drawn.

  7. Connect the ends of the mask. Carefully twist the mask to align its back ends. Secure them with tape or glue.

    • You can overlap the ends of the mask within 1.5-2.5 cm.

  8. Cut out the piece for the nose of the mask. The nose of the mask is made from a separate diamond-shaped piece of cardboard.

    • Measure the width and height of your nose. Add 0.5 cm to both measurements.
    • Draw a diamond at the corner of the new piece of cardboard. Its dimensions must correspond to the calculations performed.
    • Cut out the rhombus and bend it vertically along.

  9. Attach the nose piece to the mask. Draw the diamond-shaped outlines of your nose on the main part of the mask. They should exactly match the measured width and height of your nose.

    • Cut out this extra mask segment.
    • Glue the previously prepared nose piece in this place with glue or tape.

  10. Prepare the top of the mask. Attach another piece of cardboard to the top edge of the mask and circle the contours of the mask circle on it. Cut out the resulting circle.

  11. Attach the top to the mask. Apply a layer of glue along the entire top horizontal edge of the mask. Carefully attach the prepared circle to the mask and press. Let the glue dry.

Method 3 of 4: Making a Mask from Tape

  1. Cut out a large oval from the plastic bag. Place the rest of the bag over your head so that your eyes, nose, and mouth remain open.

    • The bag should cover your hair and the sides of your head. All excess will be cut off later.
    • The bag will act as a protective layer between you and the tape.

  2. Cover the bag with tape. Cut pieces of tape about 12.5-20 cm long and stick them on the bag. You need to cover the entire package to get something that looks like a helmet made of scotch tape. Be careful not to accidentally stick the tape on your skin or hair.

    • It will be easier for you to start working with the top of the head and move forward, sideways and then back.
    • Tape over the area of ​​the bag that covers your forehead. The adhesive tape should reach the level of the eyebrows, smoothly move into the areas that cover the ears, and go further along the back of the neck.
    • It is best to use black tape. In this case, you will not have to repaint the tape black later.

  3. Create the nose of the mask. Fold along a 10 cm strip of tape. Put it between the eyes on the nose and glue it to the front of the mask.

    • Attach a couple more folded 15 cm strips to the mask, going from the nose to the ears. You should end up with something resembling the letter "T", the top of which goes right under the eyes, and the bottom covers the nose.
    • Be careful not to stick the strips over your mouth.
    • You should have free space for the eyes.
    • To give the mask the shape of your face in the area of ​​the cheeks and nose, cover this area with additional tape.

  4. Draw the contours of your nose on the mask. You need to draw a triangle from the bridge of the nose to the wings of the nose.

  5. Cut out the nose of the mask and glue the cardboard part in this place. For the nose, you will need to prepare two cardboard triangles. When they are ready, attach them to the nose of the mask with tape.

    • To perform this operation, it will be more convenient for you to temporarily remove your mask.
    • The cardboard triangles should be glued in such a way as to create a pointed mask nose.

  6. Finish the bottom of the mask. Take additional bags and tape to complete the mask in the cheek area. For the cheeks, you will need to cut out two plastic circles with a diameter of 10 cm.

    • Glue the prepared circles to the strip of tape that goes under the eyes. Tape them with additional tape, thus creating the front of the mask.
    • The mouth and chin should remain open.

  7. Make ears. Each ear should be made from three cardboard triangles connected to form a flat prism. Prepared prisms of the ears must be filled with newspapers and pasted over with tape.

    • Attach the ears to the mask so that they overlap with your real ears. Glue the ears with additional tape.
    • While gluing the ears to the mask, it is necessary to make sure that they fit snugly against it, and do not stick out to the sides.
    • There are no strict parameters for the size of the ears, but usually they should be quite long and narrow. The base of the ears should be about 5 cm wide. The length of the ears should be approximately 15 cm.

  8. Finish the mask. Remove the mask from the head and properly finish the design of its lower edge, nose and eye holes, once again using polyethylene and tape.

    • To prevent the mask from creasing during operation, stuff it with crumpled paper.
    • The eye holes should be oval and about twice the size of your eyes.
    • Using adhesive tape, draw a smooth lower edge of the mask, starting from the nose. Cut off the remaining excess polyethylene sticking out.
    • If desired, the mask can be pasted over with another layer of adhesive tape to hide some irregularities and give it greater density and strength.

  9. Try on a mask. At this stage, it should already be completed.

    • If there is something left that does not suit you, continue to finish the mask, looking in the mirror.

Method 4 of 4: Create a mask from a template

    Download the mask template. Save the template image to your computer so you can access it.

    Put heavy paper in your printer. To print a mask template, heavy paper is required so that the mask made from it is more durable.

    • Change the printer settings to heavy paper so that paper feeds into the printer and prints properly.
  1. Print the template. Select the file you want to use as the mask template, open it in a PDF reader or MS Word and print.

    Cut out the mask. Take scissors and cut out the outlines of the mask. Pierce the paper with scissors in the areas for the eye holes and cut holes of the required size.

  2. Attach the elastic band to the mask. Take a hole punch and use it to poke holes for the ties on both ends of the mask. Tie an elastic band to them.

    • Tie one end of the piece of ribbon to one side of the mask and place the mask over your face. Wrap the braid around the back of the head and determine the required length of the tie to secure it from the opposite end of the mask.
    • To prevent the mask from tearing at the attachment points of the tie during wear, reinforce these places with tape.
  • To make the mask as durable as possible, use thick cardboard for its manufacture.
  • When creating a mask from tape, look at yourself in the mirror so that the shape of the mask is exactly what you need.
  • Reinforce the fixing points of the mask ties with tape so that they cannot tear through the mask.

What will you need

A simple foamiran mask

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • A pen
  • Scissors
  • Black foamiran
  • Elastic tape
  • Hole puncher
  • Tape measure

Cardboard mask-helmet

  • Cardboard
  • Scotch
  • Scissors
  • Tape measure
  • Marker, pencil or pen
  • black paint

scotch mask

  • Plastic bag
  • black tape
  • Cardboard
  • Heavy paper
  • Scissors
  • permanent marker
  • Mirror

template mask

  • Heavy paper
  • Printer
  • Scissors
  • Elastic tape


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