Business cards for wedding guests places. Seating arrangements for wedding guests: templates and decoration. Cardboard wedding cards

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The plan is a beautifully designed scheme, which schematically shows the tables located in the banquet hall. For each table there is a list with the names of the guests. The guest finds his name on the plan, finds out the number of the table intended for him and calmly goes to him. Such visual navigation is important for weddings with any number of guests, because the plan will help you navigate the hall without any problems, easily find your table, and avoid confusion and confusion in finding the right place.

Wedding seating arrangement options

A creatively decorated booth with a seating chart for guests should be more than just useful and informative. It is desirable to turn it into an element of celebration decoration. You can draw up a seating plan itself, on the basis of which a decorative scheme will be made, on our website. With the help of the seating plan, you can visually see the options for the arrangement of tables, what place will be reserved for each guest and send the final version to the designer.

There are many options for designing a plan-scheme. Which one to choose depends on personal preferences, as well as on a number of important points:

  • The plan of the banquet hall is recommended to be carried out in the same style with other decorative elements used for the wedding. When choosing a color palette, it is worth starting from the style of the celebration, the chosen theme, and the season.
  • For a themed celebration, the plan may have an appropriate look. For example, for a sea wedding - in the form of a starfish, a ship, a shell, a treasure map. For a winter wedding - in the form of snowflakes, a snowman, a snow-covered Christmas tree.
  • The size of the canvas depends on the number of tables and the number of guests. In any case, the names of all those invited should fit on the plan, and in such a way that they can be read without much difficulty.
  • The scheme can be made both from paper (plain or designer), thick cardboard, and from beautiful fabric, tree bark, leather, written with chalk on a blackboard or paint on glass, placed in a picture frame, etc.

Wedding tables on the plan can be simply numbered. But it will be much more interesting to use beautiful names instead of faceless numerical designations. The names corresponding to the theme of the wedding can be different: the names of plants, fruits, precious stones, flowers, seasons, planets, songs, names of artists, athletes associated with the sea, travel, etc.

Familiarize guests with the plan

It is not worth introducing the invited guests to the seating chart in advance. After all, a wedding is a celebration of the bride and groom, so they decide how their guests will sit. Moreover, it is quite possible that you will have to make adjustments and changes to the plan at the last moment, already on the eve of the wedding.

The prepared plan must be placed in a conspicuous place at the entrance to the hall. This will avoid crowds in the banquet hall itself and make it easier to find a designated place. If many guests are invited, it is advisable to prepare a plan in several copies so that they do not have to push around one. Some guests may need help learning the plan and finding their seat. It can be provided by the wedding manager (if any), the parents of the bride and groom, the witness and the witness, or someone close who knows the plan well.

Guest seating cards are an important element of the celebration

An addition to the wedding seating plan will be cards with numbers or table names, as well as cards with the name of each guest. Seating cards are an opportunity to effectively complement the overall picture of the interior, while each guest takes his place, not to confuse the tables. In addition, name cards with wishes, beautiful poems, drawings, etc. can become a souvenir that guests will take with them.

Seating Card Design Ideas

All printing (plan, cards, invitations) must be made in the same style. Newlyweds can prepare original cards with their own hands or entrust this important matter to professionals. Here are some of the options for designing seating cards:

  • In the form of postcards

Such seating accessories can be made both in the classic rectangular version (placed as a house), and in the form of flowers, animals, stars, shells, etc. In addition to the name of the guest for whom the indicated place at the table is intended, you can write kind words, wishes to friends and relatives on the inside of the postcards.

  • On a stand

Each banquet card can be installed on a stand. As a holder, you can use any items that are relevant to the theme of the wedding. For example, ready-made special holders, cones, fruits, in the incision of which they fix a card with the name of the invitee.

  • Origami

Cards can be made by hand using the origami technique. Such accessories are suitable for the celebration of Japanese or Chinese themes.

  • On bonbonnieres

Name cards attached to bonbonnieres will look original. After the celebration, guests can take small souvenirs and beautiful personalized cards with them.

When planning the design of seating cards, it is worth considering the following:

  • Cards, as well as a plan, should have a similar design to other wedding accessories. They can be made from paper, cardboard, fabric in combination with lace, beads, buttons, ribbons, rhinestones, etc.
  • In terms of size, shape, decorative design of the card, you can do whatever you like. The main thing is that the names of the guests on them should be printed or written in large, legible font.
  • It is desirable to sign them in accordance with the nature of the celebration. To organize a large number of guests, it is better to indicate the first and last name. With a small number of invitees, you can only indicate the name and degree of relationship, for example, “Uncle Sasha”, “Grandmother Galya”.
  • With a not crowded wedding, seating cards can be supplemented with a photo of the guest. Such accessories will cause a special delight among the guests.

Practical points

  • Who and when will deal with the layout of cards

You need to lay out the cards in accordance with the prepared seating plan for guests in advance, for example, when the newlyweds go for a walk after the registry office. If you invited a wedding coordinator to serve the celebration, then he will do this work. If you decide to do without a manager, this important matter can be entrusted to the restaurant manager or one of the responsible relatives who will kindly agree to come to the restaurant before anyone else.

  • Options for laying out cards on the table

It is better to place numbers or original table names in the center of the table. Name seating cards are usually placed near the plate or on the plate. You can also place them by attaching them to a glass (tied with a ribbon to a leg, “planting” a butterfly, flower, heart, bird with a name on the edge of the glass), tying it with a satin ribbon to the guest’s chair, decorating them with candles standing on the table.

If you carefully think over and prepare the design of the plan and seating cards for guests at your wedding, show creativity and imagination, then show all participants in the celebration that you have shown attention and care for each of them in advance. Guests will certainly want to take such a name card as a keepsake in order to keep a good impression of the celebration for a long time.


A wedding is a holiday to remember for a lifetime. However, this does not mean that fabulous sums should be spent on wedding celebrations. You can, and sometimes even need to, not buy some “little things”, but do it yourself - this will give them individuality. For example, do-it-yourself seating cards can be made by any of us.

To be honest, seating cards are a very important element of the holiday. A carefully thought-out scenario of the celebration can fly into hell if the guests are divided into small groups according to their interests and stop participating in the entertainment offered to them. It is even worse if "warring" parties happen to be nearby.

But even a well-thought-out guest accommodation plan cannot be turned into reality without seating cards with names displayed on the tables. At the same time, beautiful seating cards with your own hands can be made from almost any materials at hand.

Candy seating cards

The easiest option is to use cone-shaped sweets (they are also called “truffles”) in a pretty shiny wrapper for the base of do-it-yourself seating cards. In addition, you will need: tulle (mesh fabric), thin beautiful ribbons, guest names printed on a piece of paper.

The process of creating candy seating cards with your own hands is as follows:

  • we cut out circles with a diameter of 15-17 cm from tulle, you can circle a plate that is suitable in size;
  • in the middle of each such circle we put a candy;
  • cut out the printed names of the guests from the common sheet (the text should be in bold and easy to read from a distance of at least 1 meter);
  • we apply a strip of paper with a name to the bottom edge of the candy and raise the edges of the tulle circle up (in other words, we repeat the contours of the candy);
  • tie the candy seating cards with ribbons.

paper hearts

For "heart" seating cards with your own hands you will need:

  • thick colored paper
  • a marker (its color should stand out well on the paper of your choice);
  • scissors,
  • glue.

First of all, we cut out a heart stencil, its width should be about 10 cm. Then we circle the stencil, attaching it to colored paper, and cut it out. Now let's write in the upper right "side" of the heart the name and surname of the guest. We cut the heart with scissors from below (along the axis of symmetry) to its middle. Using glue, glue with a slight overlap (five millimeters) one lower edge of the heart on the other (cut off the protruding tip of the paper with scissors) so that the hearts are bent with the inscription inward - so the seating cards will acquire volume.


To create DIY butterfly seating cards, you will need white cardboard, a pencil, bright gel pens and scissors.

First, make a beautiful butterfly stencil (the picture can be printed from the Internet). Then circle it, putting it on cardboard, and cut it out with scissors. With colored gel pens, repeat the contour of the butterfly, stepping back from the edge of 2-3 mm, if desired, you can stick sparkles or beads), write the name and surname of the guest. Then bend the butterfly in half, giving it a resemblance to a living creature), cut the "belly" and put a seating card with a cut on the edge of the wine glass.

flowers or leaves

Seating cards look no less beautiful in the form of not too narrow ribbons (paper or satin), on which names are written. With such ribbons, you can tie a few autumn maple leaves or small bunches of wild or spring flowers.


The easiest option for do-it-yourself seating cards is satin ribbon bows. The name and surname of the guest in this case are written on the ends of the bow, and the ribbon itself should be wide enough to make the bow beautiful and voluminous.

A wedding banquet is an event that requires a clear organization. The correct seating of guests and relatives, a clear definition of a place for each of the guests is one of the most important tasks facing the organizers and hosts of the celebration.

To avoid confusion and unnecessary fuss, seating cards with the name of the guest are placed on the tables. This will help those invited to quickly find their place at the festive table, and the hosts of the holiday will know exactly where their relatives, friends and relatives are.

Guest, name or seating cards are a kind of business card, thanks to which people with similar interests, close or well known to each other, find themselves at the same table at such an important celebration. When deciding how such cards should look, one must not only adhere to the general style of wedding accessories, but also do everything to ensure that the signs next to them placed on the tables attract the attention of guests.

There are many types of personalized guest cards that you can purchase ready-made or do it yourself:

Postcards with names

The best design option is business cards with the names of invited guests. They should be small, square, triangular or rectangular in shape.

If the card itself is made on white paper, then you need to decorate it with a pattern or pattern that stands out against the general background, you need to highlight the name of the guest in an even brighter color.

Postcards with the names of the invitees can have any shape, but they must stand firmly on the table, so they are most often folded in the form of a house.

On the inside of such a card, you can write a few kind words, and then the guests will definitely keep them as a memory of the past celebration.

Flowers with signs

Flowers at a wedding are an obligatory attribute, vases with live plants simply placed on the tables take up too much space and sometimes interfere with people's communication.

But a card with the guest's name, located on a flower or placed inside it, plays an important role in organizing a holiday and decorates the table.

A small decorative flower that will remain as a keepsake and can be kept by the guest as a home plant will remind you of a beautiful identity for a long time.

It is better to use miniature pots for indoor flowers that guests can take with them.

Name boxes

Name boxes will be a pleasant surprise for guests. After all inside each you can put a small souvenir.

Sweets or a tiny figurine will be a pleasant reminder and help surprise guests.

It is easy to make such a box with your own hands, and then the name cards will be unique.

Origami, paper boats

Guest landing cards made in the form of origami look original. They can be placed on plates, loaded with sweets, made of bright colored paper, decorated with beads or flowers.

Paper boats, mounted on a small stand, towering above the table, will not go unnoticed if the sails adorn the names of the guests.

A figurine made of colored paper will make the card unusual and attractive.

Stones with names

Stones with names are not an ordinary card, but a real souvenir. On the reverse side, you can write a wish and it will be kept for a long good memory.

Such pebbles will become a real decoration of the table.

In the form of butterflies, hearts

Butterfly or heart shaped guest cards are recognized as an indispensable accessory on the wedding table.

The heart is a symbol of love and tenderness, and according to the legend, such small souvenirs bring happiness, and guests will surely keep them.

Fruits with signs and names

Fruits with signs and names will be a good addition to the table setting and will help maintain a festive mood.

Fruit will be eaten, and a card with a name and a wish will remain as a keepsake.

Cookies with names

Cookies with names can also be saved as a reminder of the festive evening if desired.

This delicious sweet pointer will help you find your seat at the table.

Candies with a sign

Candies with a sign put on a plate. Each candy is not only a decoration and a treat, but also a stand for a card holder.

Shells with names

Seashells with names will not go unnoticed among the dishes on a festively served table and always remain as a souvenir.

Keys with inscriptions

Keys with inscriptions cannot be lost. A guest card with such a keychain will last for a long time, reminding you of the past celebration.

Photos of guests on the plate

Seating cards with photographs of guests will save wedding invitees from having to read the text in search of their first and last names.

Cards sitting at the same table can be placed side by side, using an apple as a stand. A candy set in the center of the plate can also become a support for the photo.

Medals with names

The medal, on which the name of the guest is written, will not easily be remembered, it will be a reminder and decoration.

Cocktails with signs

Before the celebratory banquet begins, guests will be offered drinks, and cocktails with the names of the guests placed on the tables will play the role of seating cards.

Wooden badge with the name of the guest

A small wooden badge, on which the name of the guest is displayed, will not burden and please its owner, and later it can be used as a keychain on a bunch of keys, constantly reminding you of the past celebration.

A small stump is a great stand for a guest card.

On the back of the badge, you can leave your wishes to the guests or express your gratitude to them for visiting.

Seating cards can have any shape and be made from a wide variety of materials. Do-it-yourself views will be remembered, so it is worth making an effort to please your guests.

How to make landing cards for a wedding with your own hands: step by step instructions

The seating card for each guest is intended only for him and is personalized, they are all made in the same style, but may differ in design and color. If there is no desire to use finished products, then you can make such an accessory with your own hands, using available materials (for example, left after manufacturing) and without spending a lot of time.

Paper medals with guest names are simple and attractive seating cards. To make them you need:

  • paper for creativity;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • narrow satin ribbons;
  • elements for decoration (beads, small artificial flowers).

First of all, you need to decide whether all the medals will have the same shape or whether it will be different for each table. Now you can start preparing the components for name cards. The number of elements is determined by the number of invitees, given that for each medal you need at least three paper circles, ovals, polyhedra.

The best option - the outer edge of the medal is the same for everyone, and its middle for each table is selected separately. They begin by cutting out strips of at least 5 cm wide from soft corrugated paper of bright color. There should be as many strips as there are cards to be made. Now, from paper of the same quality, but of a different color, cut out an equal number of strips no more than 3 cm wide.

As shown in the figure, carefully fold the strips so that circles are first large, then smaller. You can fasten the edges with glue. The next step is to align the centers of the large and small circles by overlapping the details one on top of the other. At this stage, you will need glue again. A narrow satin ribbon is attached to the reverse side of the medal with a stapler. A circle, an oval, a star or a detail of any other shape is placed in the middle of the workpiece, on which the name of the guest is beautifully written.

Another option making seating cards with your own hands - beautiful postcards decorated with beads. To do this, it is enough to cut out rectangles from cardboard in a certain size (chosen at your discretion) in an amount corresponding to the number of invited guests. Carefully fold each piece in half.

On the front side, write the name of the guest and decorate the card, using whatever the master finds most appropriate. It can be a flower or satin ribbon, beads or small shells glued with a glue gun. Inside the postcard, it is worth writing words of gratitude for the fact that the guests came to the heroes of the occasion on such a festive and memorable day. The remaining pieces of cardboard can be used for making for guests.

It is original, simple and convenient to use small photos of guests to make seating cards. They can be fixed on wooden skewers tied with thin satin ribbons, and strengthened by sticking them into sweets and fruits.

Remember that the plates laid out on the tables must correspond.

Wedding Seating Cards: 5 Templates

The seating card must contain the guest's first name (possibly a last name). The chosen form depends on the general style of decoration of the celebration. It can be hearts or butterflies, rectangular postcards, patterned embossed pattern. The hosts make their own choice.

The original design of the card will attract the attention of guests; words of wishes or gratitude can be written on its back. Here, next to the name of the guest, the table number can be indicated (pattern 1).

Name cards are installed on specially prepared stands, for which fruits, sweets, and cakes are used as a support (pattern 2).

By bending a double-sided postcard in half (template No. 3), you can install it on the surface of the festive table, inside write a few kind words addressed to the guest.

This design (template 4) at a glance allows men and ladies to understand on which cards they can see their name.

Delicate openwork contour, small size, original design (pattern 5). In the middle, enter the name of the guest, and if necessary, the number of the table.

Free download templates for printing (one archive):

Being engaged in manufacturing on your own, you can find a ready-made template according to which you can create really interesting and original cards, and using the video instruction, you will not have to spend a lot of time on this work.

Video instruction

Master Class on creating seating cards with your own hands is presented in the video:


Pre-prepared seating cards with the name of the guest, his surname, table number will help to hold an identical banquet without fuss and confusion. So that the invitees can easily find their place at the festive table, even at the entrance to the banquet hall, a table is installed, which indicates the location of the tables in the hall of their room, and the guests have a table number on their seating cards. Thus, it is possible, without asking unnecessary questions, without excitement and turmoil, to go to a place intended for a particular person.

Preparing for a wedding is a long, laborious process. Every bride knows that every little thing needs to be thought through. One of the important details of the celebration is the beginning of the banquet, where all guests will look for a place. To save time, more and more often the organizers of the celebration use special cards on which the names of the invitees are written - they are put on the table. You can buy this banquet accessory, but it's much nicer to make your own seating cards.

What cards can be made for seating guests

Cards can be of different sizes, shapes, colors, in the form of an accordion, origami, suspended like garlands, and so on. Use all sorts of embellishments to create the perfect look. A seating card can be themed if the wedding has a certain concept. For such ceremonies, use unusual solutions: fallen leaves for an autumn celebration, shells for a marine-style wedding, tree bark for an outdoor celebration.


Delicate butterfly cards are perfect for a summer wedding. To create a decoration, you will need white or any other pastel-colored cardboard (or thick paper), scissors, gel pens, pencils. How to do:

  • print the stencil;
  • circle it with a pencil, cut it out;
  • stepping back a few millimeters from the edges, circle the outline with a pen, and then write the name, surname of the guest;
  • slightly incise the lower region of the beginning of the wings, bend and “plant” the butterfly on the glass.


For those brides who cannot devote much time to making seating cards, this simple option will do. To make a banquet accessory, you will need two things - a wide satin ribbon and scissors. The ribbon must be tied with a beautiful bow, and the name and surname of the guest must be written along the two edges.


The heart symbolizes the love of the newlyweds, so this figured decoration is perfect for the holiday. To create original seating cards with your own hands, you will need a heart stencil (size - 10 cm wide), colored red paper, a pen or marker, glue, pencil, scissors. That's instructions for creating cards:

  • Attach a stencil, circle, cut.
  • On the upper right corner, sign the card, then cut the heart from the bottom to the center.
  • Let the left side overlap to the right, the heart will bend, become voluminous.
  • Cut off the protruding paper.
  • Instead of an inscription, you can use a sticker, and you can attach a heart, for example, to a glass with a thread threaded in the corner.


To create such a seating card, take thick paper, ribbon, scissors, a hole punch and a marker.A postcard card can be of any size. To make it:

  • Cut out a 10cm x 10cm square.
  • Bend it in the middle from top to bottom to make a horizontal rectangle.
  • Make holes on top with a hole punch, write a name on the card.
  • Pull the ribbon through the holes, tie a bow.

Look at photos of different postcard cards - a popular accessory to the festive table.


Seating cards, for the manufacture of which flowers are used, look romantic. This idea can be implemented in several ways:

  • Put the flower in a square box, inside of which there will be a small vessel with water so that the plant stays blooming longer, and write an inscription on the box.
  • Decorate a postcard with dry or decorative flowers, creating the perfect composition.

It will be good if the plants are the same as those present in the bride's bouquet.

With applications

The application is cutting out figures, sticking them on top of each other to get the desired image - it can be an animal, a person, plants, curly patterns. Seating cards with do-it-yourself applications will look interesting. Use your imagination by coming up with various variations of the accessory.

origami figurines

Graceful DIY origami seating cards are perfect for a Chinese, Japanese style wedding. Making paper figures is a time-consuming process that requires accuracy, so ask for help in creating cards. To decorate the entire banquet hall, you will need a large number of them.

Watch a video that describes step by step how to make a paper crane:

Write the name of the invited guest on the wings or use the figurine as a stand for a business card with an inscription.

Stands and holders for beautiful seating cards

Various objects can act as supports for seating cards - glasses, special "legs", fruits. Below we will look at some beautiful ways to secure them.


Bonbonnieres are not only beautiful, but also a pleasant way to secure a card and seat a guest in his place. The bonbonniere is a box where the organizers can put a pleasant surprise for the guest - a sweet, a small souvenir.

Fruits and berries

To make an edible card holder, you need to take a piece of fruit, make a cut and attach a business card with a name. Card-leaves of apples, pears look beautiful (see photo). Berries are usually poured into a vase, a toothpick is inserted there, and a piece of paper is glued to the upper tip with glue or double-sided tape, where the name of the invited guest is written.


These original coasters will ideally decorate an outdoor celebration, which is held in nature. You can also make a winter version - spray white, light blue paint around the edges of the cones, and fix the card on top.


The popularity of fixing a seating card on a glass lies in the simplicity, convenience, and also the elegance of the method. For this, a heart card, a butterfly, an ordinary business card are suitable: one or several cuts are made, with their help the accessory is placed on the wall of the festive wine glass.

Where to find and download original layouts and templates

Ready-made templates are usually placed on thematic sites.

Below you can see the options for ready-made templates and download them.

Tools and materials for making beautiful cards

The main devices and tools that will help create beautiful accessories are:

  1. scissors (simple and curly);
  2. ruler;
  3. hole puncher;
  4. scotch;
  5. glue.

As a basis, use paper of different materials, density - cardboard, thick sheets, thin sheets for applications, strips of bright colored paper. Rhinestones, sequins, glitters (decorative sequins), beads, satin and tulle ribbons can serve as decor elements.

Master class: step by step with a photo

To create one beautiful seating card, you will need blanks:

  • cardboard of any color (square with a side of 10 centimeters);
  • satin ribbon of a suitable shade (width - 5 millimeters);
  • application paper;
  • glue;
  • high-quality thin double-sided tape;
  • ruler.

Step-by-step instructions for making an accessory:

  1. Using a ruler, bend the cardboard in half, place a horizontal rectangle with the folded side up - the future seating card is ready.
  2. Write or print the name of the invited person, stick with double-sided tape to the front side.
  3. Glue the tape as shown in the figure with glue, burn the edges with a lighter so that they do not bloom.
  4. Make a bow, add a bead on top.

Beautiful handmade seating cards will help you quickly seat guests, support the concept of the celebration, and create the right mood. Be guided by your imagination, come up with an original style that will reflect your vision of the holiday.

A wedding is a celebration that people traditionally try to make as beautiful as possible. And what a beautiful and memorable celebration can be without guests? However, if you do not take into account a sufficient number of small things, it is easy to overshadow the holiday with all sorts of misunderstandings. If you do not want to overshadow such a solemn event, you just need to think over its organization, including the table seating of guests. For these purposes, seating cards for the wedding are used.

More recently, seating was carried out at a wedding in an extremely simple way. The guests from the groom's side sat on the side of his part of the table, the guests from the bride - from her side. If the wedding is not numerous, then, in principle, this has always been enough. When there are a lot of people invited to your celebration, then in this case, confusion and even disputes simply cannot be avoided if you do not think over the seating of the guests in advance. When a specific place for each guest is not indicated, at least awkwardness cannot be avoided, because many guests may be strangers. Wedding seating cards will allow you to spend a holiday in the best of scenarios!

Today everything should look more civilized. There are many items available to everyone that will streamline the seating of guests.
Buying these cards, you instantly buy a guarantor of the future peaceful, measured atmosphere at your wedding. The cost of such cards is simply negligible compared to all other costs, and the value of this small but very important accessory is great.
Also remember that such cards will come in handy not only at those weddings where there are a lot of people, but also at small ones. Even if there are very few of your guests, and you are sure that they can easily figure out the seating arrangement, then landing cards, one way or another, will emphasize the level and modernity of the event.

If you need the right cards, contact the Pion-decor salon professionals!


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