Happy birthday margarita, rita, margo. Happy birthday margarita, rita, margo Margarita the queen was congratulated on her anniversary

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Happy birthday, Margarita!
Be happy always
Like washed by the sun
Never be sad!
Stay beautiful
Such amazing!
I want a sea of ​​passion
Let love come to you!

Happy birthday to Margaret
From the bottom of our hearts today we want.
We wish you eternal luck
Sincerely today we say:
You are beautiful, so let over the years
Your beauty blossoms
And for all the good deeds
Let love always hide!

Our dear Margo,
Happy Birthday
And we wish everything:
Happiness, joy, luck
Fighting mood
And health and love
You catch fate by the tail!

All in the world congratulations
They just fade before you...
Margarita, happy birthday!
And today is your holiday
Let me create a miracle
To live in your destiny -
From diamonds, emeralds
And let it to you
Peaceful sleep protects
From evil and witchcraft!
Let diligently protect
In honor of such a celebration!

Rita, on your birthday
I wish you well from the bottom of my heart,
Let love come to you
What a beautiful reflection of paradise!
Let your life go
Carefree and calm
Brings only joy -
You deserve good!

Ritulya, Rita, Margarita,
You are like a fresh flower
Your soul is always open
Always be so gentle.

I wish you much happiness
Good health, good luck,
Mutual love, tart passion,
Offenders to be able to give back,

In work, so that it always burns,
Double the pay
What I thought, I managed
Stay beautiful longer!

Here comes the birthday again
Margarita smile.
You are so young
Let happiness rush upward.

If necessary, we will help
Because we are your friends.
May good luck and wealth
They will meet you soon.

Be calm, everything will come,
You take care of your health.
And love will be great
There is a little ahead.

Rita, happy birthday to you and ...
I wish you health - so often it is not enough!
I wish you fun - it never interferes!
Good luck - it doesn't come often!
And I just wish you great personal happiness!

Margarita, congratulations,
Be fun today!
We sincerely wish
To have a happy life.

To be inspired
For creative success
Let luck help
Fulfillment of hopes.

You are the other half
On earth be able to find
So that love is great
So no more to be found.

Margaret, my baby
Let me hug you.
Birthday - yours has come true
Let's have fun walking.

Look how many people are here
Everyone came to you alone.
Be happy and healthy
Success is not far away.

Be careful, don't be proud
Life is given to you.
And so love
Kill her to the end.

Margarita - a pearl means
This name suits you!
I wish, dear, good luck,
And success for happiness in the struggle,
Let love gently touch you
And stay in my heart forever
Let a smile, like a bright sun,
Gives a gentle, joyful light!

Margarita, like pearls, is beautiful,
I don't know a better name.
On this joyful birthday of yours
I wish you the best.

You are a pearl at the bottom of the sea
Margaret, you are wonderful.
Your name is associated with a flower,
And the comparison is not in vain.

You are a bud adorned with dew,
You love tenderness and care.
You are beautiful with wondrous beauty,
I saw a breed in you from afar.

Every gesture breathes nobility,
Every step you take boldly.
I am resurrected with you for love,
I begin to live clumsily.

In love, living and dissolving,
I congratulate you, dear.
I want to say without hesitation
That I only want you!!!

I know one girl, slender, beautiful ...
Happy birthday, Ritusik, dear, beloved!
So that on this day all worries and sorrows go away,
Only joyful news ahead to wait for you!
Even if something goes wrong, I'm always by your side,
I will disperse the clouds with my hands and warm with a gentle look,
I am writing this SMS and looking forward to our meeting,
Get ready, honey, today I promise a hot evening!

Margarita, dream woman,
Novels are dedicated to people like you.
Blessed be beauty
She inspires poets for centuries.
On your birthday, we wish you
Earthly happiness and great love.
To always shine with joy
Your eyes are beautiful.

Oh, this name is Margarita -
Like precious wine.
As if entwined with roses
It calls to the land of love.
And the one that bears this name,
It truly suits him:
She with her talents
Used to shine in society.
The soul is open to all friends,
Good, modest - and therefore
We just call her Rita -
Not Queen Margot.
She has an enviable skill
Solve the acute problem
And to the goal chosen striving,
Talent to learn and teach.
Her kindness
We are subdued for years.
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you happiness
Today, tomorrow - and always.
And if you meet bad weather -
That's just a short strip.
Always let the Master be near -
Guardian, knight and hero.

Rita, happy holiday to you
Congratulations to all friends!
We wish you on your birthday
So that you are healthy
I found a guy with a dowry,
For you to live happily
And don't forget your friends!

Congratulations, Margarita,
Let dreams come true
Let it be in life - what you want:
Love and money and flowers
Overcoming problems
You just be stronger
We wish you health
You just live more fun
And every day is unique
Appreciate it, God gave it,
We want you to be loved
Happy woman always!

A poet's dream, Margarita,
Today is your birthday!
Let sorrows be forgotten
Sorrows will be like a mirage
And only happiness will be obvious
Give joy and dreams!
People love you, Margarita
For intelligence, beauty and kindness!

Margarita, congratulations,
I want to be cheerful.
Break out, dance
Live, love, dream, fly.

You're from the life of the pie
Bite off a bigger piece
And don't be hard on yourself
So you can live longer.

Let every day be great
We break glass for you!

Dear Rita, congratulations
Happy Birthday to You!
Health, happiness, I wish you
To be around only best friends!
So that in your personal life everything is OK,
And the sun illuminated your smile every day,
May there be more bright days in the life
And there will be very, very few blacks!

Magic name, what can I say
The cat Behemoth trembled, admired.
We want to wish you, Margarita,
May your every breath be filled with kindness.
Be happy, take care of your feelings,
And every day to bring positive.
And it was warm from dear people,
In all situations, you won.

Ritulya, Rita, Margarita,
There are many names, you are alone
The way a kitten is playful
And then calm as the moon.
We are on your birthday
We say hello
For our invitation
Thank you!

Margarita! Like an angel
You descended from the sky to us.
The whole world froze with happiness
Ready to lay down at your feet.

To make you happy
I never knew sorrow
Life has been fair
I do not argue with your joy.

Stay nice, gentle -
All doors are open to you.
Let happiness be boundless:
Congratulations, Margarita!

Margarita, always smile!
Let your birthday
Brings only joy and happiness
And your smiles are for us.
More beautiful than a fairy rose
You always be as you are now
Forget about tears!
Everything will be great for you!

Your birthday, Margarita, -
Favorite holiday for all of us.
Margo, you are not forgotten by us!
Forget sorrow at this hour!
Leave worries and doubts
With all the warmth of my heart
We congratulate you on your birthday,
This whole holiday is only yours!
We will walk until dawn
All toasts are only in your honor!
Remember, Rita, in the whole world
Your friends - do not count!

Margo, you are regally beautiful,
You were born to command
But cheerful, noisy, playful,
You get drunker than wine.
May it be a glorious birthday
Flowers cling to your feet
Be healthy in body and soul
Sorrows will disappear like smoke!

Congratulations Margarita
On the happiest of days
Let them be wide open
Your doors are for friends.

May fate not be strict
Heaven bless,
Let life be smooth roads
Spreads out for you.

May they always go with you
Tenderness, faith and dream,
guiding star
Kindness shines in the heart.

Margarita, Margo, dear,
On this bright, solemn day
Happy birthday to you,
Wish us today is not too lazy
To make your life bright and smooth
Stayed for you forever
So that in love it was tender and sweet,
So that sadness never comes!

There is no more beautiful you in the world
No wonder the classic wrote so,
You Margarita give happiness
To those who have ever met you!
You are an amazing lady
Can't find a flaw in you
We wish you to meet
Your Master is on your way.

What a wonderful day today
It's my Rita's birthday!
And I'm not lazy at all
Say words of love and congratulations!

And for this day to pass
In smiles, joy and happiness
I will throw in a festive cauldron
Illnesses, quarrels and bad weather.

For them to bypass you
And you've never been sad in your life
After all, you and I are on the way,
We have love - that's power!

Margarita, Margot, Rita
The mystery is hidden in the name.
You are sociable, smart,
And sometimes a little modest.

You achieve every goal
You get all the answers.
For what? What for? Where?
Clear for you always!

Oh! Ritual, congratulations.
We sincerely wish you
Good luck, joy and happiness.
Let them pass by bad weather!

You are the epitome of beauty
Mind and tender femininity,
So much kindness in the eyes
When I catch your glance boundless.
Margarita, to you with all my heart
I wish on my birthday
To have a wonderful life
For everything to work out. Congratulations!

On this day under the window
The daisies have blossomed.
While you were sleeping peacefully
They brought news to everyone.

Margarita has jam day today,
She has really grown up!
Voice like birds singing
The girl was loved by everyone.

So we congratulate you
We wish you all the best,
Kiss, love, hug,
And we never forget!

Rita, you are the main thing in my life,
Beloved daughter!
Be the happiest and have many friends
I wish you a birthday!
You rejoice in the sun, be happy
Good luck and success!
Forget about various doubts -
Problems are solved with laughter!

Rita, Rita, Margarita!
For people the soul is open,
The path you have chosen is straight,
As a decree for life issued!
Receive congratulations
Accept wishes:
May fate keep you
And good luck be friends.
A string of bright days
Make a necklace.
I wish beauty bright
And mutual love, hot,
Fully enjoy life
And stay a gem!

Rita, dear friend,
It's your birthday today!
I know we can't live without each other
If I'm not near - mentally with you,
Let everything that you dream about happen
Let love reign in your life
Let happiness happen to you
And stay with you forever!

Ah, Rita, Rita, Margarita...
You should know on your birthday:
Which year the soul burns, and
You're probably too lazy to put it out.

But seriously speaking,
The reality is no longer the same.
It's too late to fall in love with you
You are busy with a glorious husband!

And yet I note that Rita
(That is the real truth, not flattery!)
Eyes burning like daisies -
There are such flowers in the fields!

I want, always with my heart, Rita,
You were open to light and warmth!

The most beautiful girl in the world
Congratulations on the holiday - coming of age!
And I wish, Rita, in life only joys,
Health, happiness, kindness and less nasty things!

Girls are more beautiful, with an open soul,
Though the whole world go around,
Exactly the same as Margarita,
You will never find.
We congratulate you all from the bottom of our hearts,
We wish you happiness.
Also good luck, love
We are in your destiny.

Outside the window the landscape is dull,
Autumn does not give up its possessions ...
But the girl has one, well, very cute
Today is a birthday celebration!
And let it be rain and sleet outside
For all friends, you, Rita, instead of the sun!
Therefore, we wish to cry less in life,
Light up with a smile, like a light in a window.

Let's wish Margarita
We are wholeheartedly open
Smile and bloom
And get wealth!
Let the stars shine for you
The wind will take away grief!
May fate welcome you
God will take it by the bosom!

Rita, you are the best!
When I look into your eyes
I dream of hearing your laughter.
I thank heaven
For the fact that you are next to me,
I'm afraid to lose you!
Today, on your birthday,
I confess my love to you!

Margarita! Our happiness!
Everyone idolizes you -
No smarter, slimmer and more beautiful
On the ground Margo and Rit!
Let the wind blow in the sails
The sun illuminates the path
More fun and healthier
Year after year, Rita, be!

There are very few like you!
First of all, you are a great friend
We have been friends for a long time, everything happened ...
And the joy of meetings and in the relationship of a blizzard.
But, Rita, we are still together!
On your birthday, I wish you happiness
So that life is one beautiful song
And bypassed all the bad weather!

The meaning of the name Margarita: pearl.
origin of the name Margarita: from the ancient Greek margaritis (pearl). One of the epithets of Aphrodite, the patroness of sailors.
Relatives affectionately call Rita, Ritulya, Rita, Margo, Margosha, Maga, Seas, Margusha, Ritusha.
Women with this name are sociable and friendly, persistent and persistent in achieving their goals.

Happy birthday to Margarita

Margarita, dream woman,
Novels are dedicated to people like you.
Blessed be beauty
She inspires poets for centuries.
On your birthday, we wish you
Earthly happiness and great love.
To always shine with joy
Your eyes are beautiful.

A poet's dream, Margarita,
Today is your birthday!
Let sorrows be forgotten
Sorrows will be like a mirage
And only happiness will be obvious
Give joy and dreams!
People love you, Margarita
For intelligence, beauty and kindness!

Happy birthday Margarita!

Ah, Rita, Rita, Margarita...
You should know on your birthday.
Which year the soul burns, and
You're probably too lazy to put it out.

But seriously speaking,
The reality is no longer the same.
It's too late to fall in love with you
You are busy with a glorious husband!

And yet I note that Rita
That is the real truth, not flattery!
Eyes burn like daisies
There are such flowers in the fields!

I always want Margarita.
You were open to light and warmth.

Even if fate is angry for some reason,
The star of hope will never go out.
Be a precious pearl, Margarita,
Stay beautiful and bright always.
Do not lose faith in the joy of love along the way,
And grace will find you.

Congratulations to Margarita!
What else do you need to be happy?
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts today!
Everything will be fulfilled, we know it for sure!
We wish you to be always happy
The kindest, sweetest and most beautiful!
The most sincere and most tender!
In general, stay the same as before!

What are we waiting for? Champagne is spilled
Holding a glass in your hand, you look at the guests.
So be happy, Margarita,
Princesses and royal daughters!

Poems Happy Birthday Margarita

Words seem banal to me
To convey wishes.
Margarita has a glorious holiday,
And the rhyme is hard to come by.
Much will be said today
Good, warm, tender words.
I connect to congratulations
And let love bloom in the soul.

Happy birthday to Margarita

Congratulations to our Rita
Happy bright name day!
Let the soul be open to everyone -
The world is one and not divided

On their own or others.
Interesting in a person
Marguerite every stroke -
After all, in knowledge the world is wonderful!

We congratulate her together
To be able to be happy!
We wish you everything you need -
Good meetings, love, warmth!

Happy birthday to Margaret

Charming Margarita!
Your soul is always open
Diamond gold smile
For a long time no one will be forgotten!
And we will never forget
That Rita is a nice person
The kindest and most beautiful
Unique, burning, passionate!

Margaret's birthday -
Bright day, set table.
Wine is poured to all guests,
Rita and throne in the center.

Like Queen Margaret!
And around the queen to know.
Picks a favorite -
Who will congratulate?

We all wish together
Prosperity, long years!
Happiness, joy without end
And green light everywhere!

Happy birthday to the woman Margarita

Happy birthday to Margaret
From the bottom of our hearts today we want.
We wish you eternal luck
Sincerely today we say:

You are beautiful, so let over the years
Your beauty blossoms
And for all the good deeds
Let love always hide!

Girls are more beautiful, with an open soul,
Though the whole world go around,
Exactly the same as Margarita,
You will never find.
We congratulate you all from the bottom of our hearts,
We wish you happiness.
Also good luck, love
We are in your destiny.

Funny birthday greetings to Margarita

For Margarita there are no barriers.
She is the pearl of the universe.
And any outfit suits her -
Extravagant, excellent taste.
She is a little feisty.
Confident, critical.
Beautiful, feminine, slim.
Determined and romantic.
Further joy in destiny
We wish you, Rita!

Happy birthday to Margarita

Happy birthday to you, Margarita,
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
The heart will be open to happiness
Let the door be open for love in it!
And all tenderness hovers around you,
Wants to be closer to love
You are as beautiful as the vastness of the sky!
It's impossible not to fall in love with you!

champagne splash,
smiling friends,
Postcards, notes,
So many things.
We congratulate you
Margot, from the bottom of my heart!
We wish in love
Great success!

Margaret's birthday wishes

Margarita, Margo, dear,
On this bright, solemn day
Happy birthday to you,
Wish us today is not too lazy
To make your life bright and smooth
Stayed for you forever
So that in love it was tender and sweet,
So that sadness never comes!

So beautiful, Rita
You will always be!
And on this birthday
Well, and, of course, a year later!

And ten years later
And even after twenty
You will not know troubles
And you will sing and have fun!

Happy birthday to Margaret

Happy birthday Margot!
We wish you that
What will be useful for you:
Joy, love, fun,
And good mood, of course.
May luck be eternal
Well, don't be careless.
May fate be successful
And in the wallet, let it not decrease.
Be healthy always
Never meet trouble.
Do not forget the rest at sea,
And conquer men you are proud.
Once again, happy birthday to you
We say so sincerely loving you. (FROM)

On Daisy's birthday
Buying a postcard together
They began to break their heads
To wish this.

And agreed in unanimous opinion,
What is needed without exception
All girls - super-pop,
To always be the first in the top!

Let your "Madame Sit"
It will be cool - just horror!
We want to be fit
Happy birthday congratulations!

Precious Daisy
To be wished the most quick,
To open the box office
As soon as you come - immediately!

To grab a boyfriend
The best one ever!
To all colleagues first
You would get on your nerves!

And in general - be ahead!
Walk confidently into life!
And get drunk on your birthday -
Also the first, without a doubt!

Girls are more beautiful, with an open soul,
Though the whole world go around,
Exactly the same as Margarita,
You will never find.

We congratulate you all from the bottom of our hearts,
We wish you happiness.
Also good luck, love
We are in your destiny.

Margarita! Our happiness!
Everyone idolizes you -
No smarter, slimmer and more beautiful
On the ground Margo and Rit!

Let the wind blow in the sails
The sun illuminates the path
More fun and healthier
Year after year, Rita, be!

champagne splash,
smiling friends,
Postcards, notes,
So many things.

We congratulate you
Margot, from the bottom of my heart!
We wish in love
Great success!

Margarita, dream woman,
Novels are dedicated to people like you.
Blessed be beauty
She inspires poets for centuries.

On your birthday, we wish you
Earthly happiness and great love.
To always shine with joy
Your eyes are beautiful.

Margo, you are regally beautiful,
You were born to command
But cheerful, noisy, playful,
You get drunker than wine.

May it be a glorious birthday
Flowers cling to your feet
Be healthy in body and soul
Sorrows will disappear like smoke!

Kindness, love - always open
The woman whose name is Margarita.

She heals with a smile
People living next to her.
Smart, humble and interesting,
Full of tempting ideas.

She will never be bored
Wherever she is, there is always peace.
And you will feel happy
Only next to a woman like that!

Flowers, drinks, the table is set,
Friends with gifts are already knocking on the door.
Your birthday, Rita, is not forgotten,
But I can't be on it, believe me!

Now I'm far away, but I know for sure
What do you miss me, love, wait ...
And I love you and happy birthday,
And smile when you read this SMS!

You are a pearl at the bottom of the sea
Margaret, you are wonderful.
Your name is associated with a flower,
And the comparison is not in vain.

You are a bud adorned with dew,
You love tenderness and care.
You are beautiful with wondrous beauty,
I saw a breed in you from afar.

Every gesture breathes nobility,
Every step you take boldly.
I am resurrected with you for love,
I begin to live clumsily.

In love, living and dissolving,
I congratulate you, dear.
I want to say without hesitation
That I only want you!

Dear Margarita, happy birthday,
You came into this world today
May there always be inspiration
May your soul not know troubles.

I wish you a smooth path
So that the road leads only up,
So that everything is always in order,
To make you the happiest of all.

Let it be warm in the heart and faith,
And let hope not leave
I want to be an example for you all
So that sadness does not touch you. ©

Amazing margarita
On the best birthday ever
Congratulations from the heart and soul
And I wish you advancement in your career.

To become the boss of all,
So that you always have success
To have a lot of money
To be loved by all.

I wish the best fate
And health to be mighty,
To make your dreams come true
To never grieve. ©

I wish Margarita a birthday
More in a feast of thrills.
Joy, attention and affection,
To always live, as if in a fairy tale.

Happiness to feel more
Everything was easy and simple.
It was to have a glorious mood,
Added vivid impressions.

And on the lips a smile to shine,
There were many friends around you.
So that everything is fine with health,
And the happiness became simply boundless. ©

Wonderful and wonderful person
Charming girl Margarita,
Congratulations on your birth,
You are a real senorita.

I want you to meet the prince
For life to be successful,
I wish you success in your career
May success come to you by right.

May all decisions be correct
So that there are no problems in life,
I wish you adventure
And good luck in everything. ©

It's your birthday, Rita.
I walk, forgotten by you,
I want to congratulate indefinitely
But you are like a block of granite.

Beautiful Margarita,
I would become your satellite,
Would circle with you in orbit
Away from the usual life.

Or I would become a Moor, Margarita,
If Desdemona were killed
Spotlights would shine on the stage,
And the cup of jealousy is drunk ...

Pillow filled with tears
And my heart is broken...
Congratulations, Rita!
From a friend ... and grief-peeit.

Pearl - beauty,
Ritusechka dear
We congratulate you on the holiday
We all love and kiss.

For dear Marguerite
Flowers, cakes, champagne,
And chocolate bars -
Freight station wagon.

Ritusya, the sun is red,
Let them sound on your birthday
Passionate confessions in love
and birds of paradise singing.

Rita-Rita, Margarita, happy birthday,
We congratulate you today from the bottom of our hearts.
We are delighted with the beautiful creation
You, light-Rita, dance merrily to us.

Why do we deserve such happiness?
That the Lord Ritulu-miracle sent us
So that we all live in harmony with her
Our Rita is a flurry of emotions, a carnival.

We wish on this holiday, on your birthday
We - fun, she - good luck and love,
The beauty of the soul and body of admiration.
Rita, dear, you live for us for a hundred years.

champagne splash,
smiling friends,
Postcards, notes,
So many things.
We congratulate you
Margot, from the bottom of my heart!
We wish in love
Great success!

Pearl - beauty,
Ritusechka dear
We congratulate you on the holiday
We all love and kiss.
For dear Marguerite
Flowers, cakes, champagne,
And chocolate bars -
Freight station wagon.
Ritusya, the sun is red,
Let them sound on your birthday
Passionate confessions in love
and birds of paradise singing.

What are we waiting for? Champagne is spilled
Holding a glass in your hand, you look at the guests.
So be happy, Margarita,
Princesses and royal daughters!

I congratulate you
I want to wish
Live without knowing sorrows
And do not experience troubles.

Let the money, Margarita,
Hurry into your pocket
All sorrows are forgotten
And happiness is an ocean!

I congratulate my sister
And I sincerely wish
I have a lot of money for you
And let them not judge strictly -

You always be beautiful
Cheerful and happy
Let there be no trouble at all
And people give joy!

On Daisy's birthday Together, having bought a postcard, They began to rack their brains, To wish this. And they agreed in unanimous opinion, What is needed, without exception, All the girls - a super-priest, To always be the first in the top! Let your "Madam Sit" Be cool - just horror! We wish you to be fit, Happy Birthday!

Precious Daisy To be wished by the most nimble, To open the box office, As soon as you come up - right away! So that the boyfriend grabs the Best of those that were! So that you would be the first to fray your nerves to all your colleagues! And in general - be ahead! Walk confidently into life! And get drunk on your birthday - Also the first, without a doubt!

Happy birthday to you, Margarita,
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
The heart will be open to happiness
Let the door be open for love in it!
And all tenderness hovers around you,
Wants to be closer to love
You are as beautiful as the vastness of the sky!
It's impossible not to fall in love with you!

Margarita - a pearl means
This name suits you!
I wish, dear, good luck,
And success for happiness in the struggle,
Let love gently touch you
And stay in my heart forever
Let a smile, like a bright sun,
Gives a gentle, joyful light!

A poet's dream, Margarita,
Today is your birthday!
Let sorrows be forgotten
Sorrows will be like a mirage

And only happiness will be obvious
Give joy and dreams!
People love you, Margarita
For intelligence, beauty and kindness!

Margarita, happy birthday to you,
With all our hearts we wish you happiness, joy, kindness,
Let everything conceived come true without interference,
Let luck and laughter accompany you.
We wish you good health and good,
Generous, rich table,
Success and luck every day
Let the lilac always bloom in the soul.

Daisy, it's your birthday today
This is the most important day in life
May the mood always be excellent
Let luck follow you like a shadow.
Let health be excellent
May your dreams come true without fail
Let the sun give a ray of warmth
May the Lord always keep.

Birthday is a bright holiday
He is accompanied by joy, laughter,
With all my heart, Margarita, congratulations,
May success accompany you in everything.
May today be better than yesterday

Let life be like a full river
May fate reward you in full.

Congratulations on your personal holiday
We sincerely wish you great happiness,
May all dreams come true,
You deserve only admiration.
Margarita, be desired and loved,
Always be the happiest
Let luck choose only you
May the Lord keep from troubles and evil.

You are in a great mood today
On your wonderful holiday - birthday,
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you happiness
Let the rain wash away all the bad weather.
Margarita, good health to you, good luck,
Wealth and well-being in addition,
May fortune always smile on you
Let reliable friends surround you.

Today is the main celebration in your life,
your birthday
God grant that you are always lucky in everything,
Let life give only pleasure.
Margarita, all the best to you, good luck and kindness,
May your path be illuminated by a bright star,
Let you be lucky in everything, always
May the good angel keep you. ©

On your glorious birthday holiday,
All the compliments to you, no doubt
Let life flow like a full river
May happiness always smile on you.
Daisy, we wish you joy, good luck,
Beautiful moods in addition,
May your cherished dream come true
May your fate be amazing.

Margarita, Margo, dear,
On this bright, solemn day
Happy birthday to you,
Wish us today is not too lazy
To make your life bright and smooth
Stayed for you forever
So that in love it was tender and sweet,
So that sadness never comes!

Ritulya, Rita, Margarita,
There are many names, you are alone
The way a kitten is playful
And then calm as the moon.
We are on your birthday
We say hello
For our invitation
Thank you!

Again on the threshold, Margarita, your holiday,
Wonderful birthday, so meet
Your friends that are standing at the door in a crowd,
Treat with sparkling wine, sweet cake,
Let after you even to the North, even to the South
A bright star will be ready to go,
May my dear friend always be by your side,
May happy years await you.


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