Step by step braiding technique. Braid weaving. Types and patterns of weaving braids

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If you are tired of the monotonous pigtail, but you do not like to wear loose hair and want to somehow diversify your everyday look, we will help you with this. If you are the owner of medium or long hair and love pigtails, then this article is for you. Also, you can use these patterns to style your daughter's or younger sister's hair.

Also, some of the presented hairstyles are quite suitable for an evening out.

We offer you patterns of weaving various braids from the simplest to the more complex. You can braid your own hair or ask someone to help you.

Let's start with the simplest.

How to braid a regular three-strand braid.

1. French braid or spikelet.

A spikelet is woven like a regular braid, only another thin strand is woven into each strand. Comb your hair back. Separate two thin even strands from the temples and overlap them. Then separate the third thin strand, weaving into it a thin strand taken from the temple, etc.

There are many variations of spikelet hairstyles.

Another type of spikelet is the “lower” spikelet. Weaving such a braid starts from the crown. Thus, you can visually increase the length of the braid.

2. Hairstyle Waterfall from braids.

The basis of this hairstyle is also a French braid, only slightly modified.

And another version of the Waterfall from braids.

3. Spikelet on the contrary or Dutch braid.

This braid is braided like a spikelet, but vice versa, i.e. strands are woven from the bottom of the braid.

Two braids woven into one will look very impressive.

4. Braid "Fishtail.

You can see video: How to braid a fishtail braid.

It differs from the usual braid in that the hair is divided into two parts, small thin strands are separated and intertwined.

Fish tail variations.

French fishtail.

Knot braids.

Now all kinds of braids from knots are very popular. You don’t need to braid such braids, you need to tie them, so to speak.

5. How to braid a wreath of braids.

6. Pigtail Harness

An easy braid to make. The hair is divided into two equal strands, twisted into a bundle, and then these two bundles are intertwined.

7. Flower of braids

Braid one or two braids. Pull out each weave on the left side and twist the pigtail into a flower.

8. Braid of four strands. Weaving scheme.

"The scythe is a girl's beauty" our ancestors have long repeated. Braiding is a good tradition, it is a practical, stylish and very creative solution for those who want to "tame" their unruly hair. If you have not yet learned how to weave various and intricate braids for girls: 100 hairstyles with step-by-step photos will come in handy for you. In our article, you will learn a lot of interesting and useful information, learn the secrets of the perfect braid and learn how to make real works of art from ordinary braids.

We offer you a variety of diagrams, photo and video instructions thanks to which you will stop visiting expensive salons and start making breathtaking masterpieces. We will teach you how to style your hair in the most unimaginable way, while spending a little time and effort. Together we will try to braid neat and stylish braids, designed for both long and short hair. Our methods are accessible and understandable even for dummies and are especially suitable for young mothers who dream of beautiful, practical and strong braids for their babies.

The little princess is beautiful outfits, bows, and, of course, pigtails. Any mother can make the most ordinary braid or ponytail. And to build something unusual and original by combining these 2 elements into an unusual ensemble, we will teach you right now.

Master class number 1. Chic composition of ponytails and braids

The first hairstyle seems quite laborious, but we will tell you in detail how to quickly and efficiently make a beautiful composition.

Step 1. We comb the hairs and collect them at the top in a small ponytail. At the edges we have hair, which we will also divide into ponytails.

Step 2 Now we divide the hair at the crown into 3 more ponytails, forming even triangles at the base.

Step 3. We need to divide each of the strands into 2 more parts.

Step 4. And now we make the original "flagella" of the hair. To do this, we take a strand from one section and twist it with a strand from the next. So we connect all the strands together in turn, having previously wound them on our fingers (so that the flagella hold better).

Step 5 The length of the flagella should be several centimeters, and at their intersection a ponytail of “loose” hair is formed.

Step 6 We transfer a strand of hair from the tail to the middle finger, forming a loop. We thread the end of the hair under the elastic, near the base of the ponytail. We make such loops of strands around the entire circumference of the hairstyle, threading them under the rubber band.

Step 7. We hide the hairs that remain in a small bun and decorate with a ribbon.

Master class number 2. Hairstyle for a girl from braids

Master class number 3. French braid for girls

This hairstyle is done for 10-15 minutes. And it looks great.

  • You can form a small bump or bunch.
  • You can add a pigtail.
  • We will tie the tail, decorating it with a ribbon.

Master class for moms: wonderful pigtails for every day

Little princesses are very active and mobile, so for every mom it is important that the hairstyle is not only beautiful, but also practical. With the following hairstyle, your little naughty girl will look very neat and stylish.

We comb the hairs into a zigzag parting and sprinkle with varnish.

We make ponytails, fix them with an elastic band and weave pigtails.

We tie the pigtails together by following the instructions in the photo.

We fix the pigtails under the rubber bands and decorate with hairpins or bows.

And this hairstyle looks very festive and spontaneous.

We offer you to weave a circular pigtail for your little beauty.

And this wonderful weaving will turn your baby into a fabulous Goldilocks.

At the heart of the already familiar French braid.

We divide the hair into 5 parts from occiput to crown.

At the very bottom we will have a tail, then a French braid goes above it.

Then comes the tail again, the braid and the tail at the top.

We have a layered hairstyle and a long ponytail in the middle. We lubricate it with gel and twist it into flagella, they should turn out 3 pieces.

The result is simply amazing. Your little one will be very happy.

Braids for girls: 100 hairstyles for every taste

For girls, both small and large, it is important that the hairstyle is beautiful, strong and easy to weave. After all, mommy also wants to look feminine and elegant. We offer you various options for weaving braids for both mothers and their charming daughters, as well as step-by-step photos with their implementation. Be beautiful always!

Weave braids for short hair

Babies with short hair will not be left without our attention, because any hairstyle can be made beautiful with a little effort and imagination.

A bob haircut can be decorated with an original braided flower.

This is how easy it is to do a French braid for short hair.

Playful ponytails are very suitable for babies with short hair. Even soft and fluffy baby hair can be braided very elegantly and beautifully.

Charming braids for owners of long hair

See how you can braid long hair and try one of these hairstyles yourself.

Naughty pigtails for girls: original and simple

Very stylish and popular hairstyles for little beauties. Try to repeat for your baby.

Popular braid patterns: quick and easy

Moms know how hard it is sometimes to braid a pigtail for a restless and mobile child. We offer you simple and affordable braid patterns so that the weaving process is quick and enjoyable.

First scheme- This is a common pigtail, very popular among mothers. It is called differently: French braid, dragon, spikelet. The weaving scheme is quite simple and understandable.

This waterfall weave is very romantic and stylish.

French braid inside out creates the effect of stunning volume on the hair.

The harness dragon is an amazing weaving.

Very comfortable braid combined with a bun.

Favorite and irreplaceable fish tail.

Pigtails for girls: 50 options for all occasions

Beautiful hairstyles can be admired endlessly. Let's not just watch, but make chic pigtails together.

It doesn’t matter if you are the owner of medium, long or short hair, you should know that every representative of the weaker sex must be able to weave braids. Hairstyles with braids are amazing, everyone is a feast for the eyes. They have always adorned women's heads.

Masters of hairdressing have come up with many ways to weave braids. There are easy schemes, there are also complex bindings. But, having mastered the techniques and learned how to wield curls, you can easily change hairstyles every day and give your hair the most beautiful and varied transformations. We suggest starting to train how to weave braids for long, medium and short hair.

Weaving a braid of three strands

A braid braided from three identical strands is considered to be classic. Although modern hairdressers have come up with a lot of new ways to weave hair, the classic three-row braid is always in fashion. With her participation, you can perform many beautiful hairstyles. But first you need to practice and learn how to weave it.

  1. We divide the hair into three strands of the same thickness.
  2. Let's throw the right (or left, no matter which side to start weaving from) strand to the central one and bring it out under the left
  3. Throw the left strand back to the central curl and bring it under the bottom of the right
  4. So we throw the strands to the end and fasten. Classic braid done

In the classic way, you can braid one or more braids, and then lay them effectively. From such a pigtail, you can perform a daily or evening hairstyle. An interesting styling will turn out if, before weaving the hair, you perform a classic braid on one of the strands.

4 strand braid step by step

A four-row braid looks incredibly beautiful. With this hairstyle, you can go wherever your heart desires. The most amazing thing is that, looking at the braid, weaving seems uniquely complex. Actually, it is not. Unless, of course, there are skills in weaving ordinary braids.

Having learned how to manage with 4 strands, you can try to add a few more individual curls and braid your hair into a chic voluminous braid. To understand how to repeat everything on your hair, step-by-step braid weaving and a diagram will help.

  1. First of all, we divide the hair into equal and equal thickness 4 strands. Conventionally, each curl is denoted, starting from the left, with the number 1, 2, 3 and 4
  2. Next, we cross the 2nd and 3rd curl so that the strand No. 2 is the top
  3. We draw the curl that is on top under strand 1, and we wind the bottom one over the fourth curl
  4. Check: curl 2, 3 turned out to be after weaving from the edge, and 1.4 moved to the middle
  5. Next, put strand 4 on No. 3 and repeat the manipulations with the strands in the middle. So we continue weaving to the desired length and fasten with an elastic band

Weaving a four-row braid is easy to get confused. It is important, until the hands get used to it, to clearly remember the serial number of the curl. Control: the last three strands are braided according to the classical pattern, while the fourth with each weave is laid out under the strands down.

Four-row braid with ribbon

For those who find it difficult to understand how to weave a four-row braid, there is an easier way. For this, a regular tape is used. She will act as one of the strands. The braid is weaved clearly according to the scheme. For those who find it difficult to navigate along it, step-by-step weaving will help.

A four-row braid is elegant in itself, it does not need any decorations. Nevertheless, the woven thin ribbon effectively enhances the beauty

Fishtail braid - weaving pattern and types of hairstyles

The braid braided in this technique is really very similar to the belly of a fish covered with scales. This hairstyle was liked not only by ordinary girls, but also by star beauties. With such a scythe, a lot of spectacular hairstyles were invented. To try on styling on your own hair, you should learn how to braid a fishtail. The technique is easy to repeat on medium and even short hair. The most beautiful thing is a braid on long hair. The weaving pattern will tell you how to throw curls to make a beautiful fishtail.

In order to braid a fishtail pigtail to yourself without outside help, you should put two mirrors so that, without turning around, you can see how the hands work, the curls are laid out
  1. After combing the hair, separate a thin strand from the temples and lay them crosswise in the middle of the head
  2. It is important to hold the weaving with your fingers. We separate the new strand and lay it on the crossed curls. Separate the strand again, only from the opposite side, and also lay it out on top of the binding
  3. Similarly, weave to the desired length and at the end we put on an elastic band or a hairpin

How to do a fishtail braid

A beautiful hairstyle is obtained if you first make a high tail on the crown, and then braid it into a fishtail. Such styling is especially effective on long hair. Medium-grown hair, and even more so short, the hairstyle will not work.

  1. We perform first on the very top of the tail
  2. We divide the mane in half, and then on each side we also separate a curl
  3. Next, the braid is braided in the same way as described in the step-by-step instructions above.
  4. The braid is tied with an elastic band

Having learned to weave a fishtail, you can experiment. For example, divide the hair into three parts, braid each one using this technique, and after the pigtail, braid it as if it were a regular braid of three strands. It will turn out beautiful and extravagant.

How to weave a braid

With a braid braided with a spikelet, you can meet both little girls and adult beauties. This hairstyle is comfortable and beautiful, practical. Even a braided spikelet on short hair does not fray for a long time, the hairstyle looks neat.

Every representative of the weaker sex is simply obliged to be able to weave a spikelet. Even if she is the owner of a short haircut. Better hairstyles than a spikelet are not found for girls. It is done quickly and simply. We suggest using step-by-step weaving to learn how to weave a spikelet for everyone who has not yet comprehended this technique.

  1. Let's comb the hair. Starting from the forehead, separate the curl. If there is a bang, then we release it
  2. We will divide this curl into three parts. First, we throw the right (you can start from the left side) part onto the central strand, after the left
  3. From the second weaving, we add a little hair taken from the side of the head of hair to each tossed strand. Each time you need to slightly tighten the central curl
  4. Weave to desired length. Spike braid can be finished with a tail or a bunch

French braid pattern

When someone says that he knows how to weave a French braid, most listeners have surprise and admiration in their heads. Anyone who thinks that such a technique is one of the unrealistically complex hairdressing transformations is mistaken. In fact, the French braid is also called an ordinary spikelet, only braided in reverse. True, glamorous stylists, with all authority, declare that the hairstyles mentioned are completely different. Let's not argue, but rather learn how to weave a French braid. And a simple pattern and step-by-step weaving will help in mastering the technique.

  1. Combing your hair back, separate the curl from the crown. We divide it into three strands
  2. We send the extreme strand (we can start from any side) under the bottom of the central one and bring it out on top of the opposite strand
  3. Now we begin to weave from the other side, similarly drawing a curl from the bottom up
  4. As we weave, starting from the second binding, we add loose hair to each side curl
  5. Weave to desired length. If you need a voluminous braid on long hair, it is enough to stretch each weave a little

Using this weaving technique, you can come up with a lot of original and beautiful evening and everyday hairstyles. Two French braids, braided in reverse, look unusually beautiful. You can also play with ribbons. It will work effectively if they are woven together with the central strand

How to braid pigtails

Pigtails, called plaits, are considered the simplest hairstyles. Even a little girl can handle them. Probably, this technique is the first one that babies unconsciously master while training on dolls. A pigtail harness can be made as you like, but it is more convenient and more effective to make it from the tail.

  1. We fasten the tail higher at the crown
  2. We divide it into two parts, each, winding it around the hand, turns it into a tight tourniquet
  3. Fasten, so as not to unwind, plaits with rubber bands
  4. Now you need to twist the two bundles into a “rope” with a figure eight and tie a braid with an elastic band

Braid around the head

A braid braided around the head looks elegant and spectacular. It will turn out to make a hairstyle for long or medium hair. With such styling, you can go to work, and not worry at all that your hair will be disheveled before the end of the working day. If you have plans for the evening, after work you don’t have to run to the hairdresser to put yourself in order. In this, a braid braided around the head is versatile and practical.

There are plenty of types of weaving such a hairstyle. What to choose? It depends on the imagination and the level of treatment of one's own hair. If the various braiding techniques are easy to do, then it's time to start inventing new hairstyles.

Braid around the head

A braid braided with a rim around the head looks feminine tenderly. From the hair breathes romance and refined grace. It is easy to repeat styling. The hairstyle scheme will help to cope with the hair.

  1. First you need to comb your hair to one side, for example, to the right. After doing a parting, resembling an arc, starting from ear to ear and passing along the entire top of the head
  2. Separate 3 strands from the left temple. It is important that they are the same thickness.
  3. Weave a braid in the French technique, heading towards the right side of the head. In parallel, as weaving we add curls from the side where the parting
  4. We reach the ear and continue to weave, adding the lower strands
  5. The braid is braided to the neck. And now it must be brought to the tip, and then wrapped in a bunch or tucked. The hairpin will help to fix the hairstyle
A braid around the head can be braided on short hair. Only for this it is necessary to start weaving not from above, but from the back of the head itself. In order for the hairstyle to retain its accuracy for a long time and not to be disheveled, you need to cover the strands with mousse or foam before weaving

Harness braid

A braid around the head from a tourniquet was once invented by girls who support the hippie movement. Since then, a lot of time has passed, but the hairstyle has not gone out of fashion. She will suit a young freedom-loving and romantic nature. Such a braid around the head on long hair can be easily braided. Step-by-step braid weaving will help.

  1. First of all, you need to make a parting. It can be straight, wavy or combed in a zigzag.
  2. Taking one side part, divide it in half and twist each one, wrapping it with your fingers, into a tourniquet
  3. Now you need to twist the two bundles made in a figure eight to get one rope. Similarly, perform a braid from the other side. We fix the ends with rubber bands
  4. Throwing the cords from one to the opposite side, lay with a rim and fasten with hairpins. Hair done

We braid the braid inside out around the head

Braiding the braid inside out around the head is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Will have to practice. When performing this hairstyle, it is important to ensure that all weaves are of the same thickness. Having learned how to do such styling of her hair, the beauty will not remain without attention and compliments.

  1. We immediately make a central clear parting. It is better to fasten one side of the hair so that it does not interfere with the work with the hair
  2. Divide the second side of the hair from below into three curls and start weaving the braid in reverse, weaving the strands according to the “spikelet” principle, only from top to bottom. Weaving is performed towards the crown
  3. Having braided to the place of the ponytail, fastened with an elastic band at the very beginning, we dissolve the hair and continue to make the rim, weaving the second part of the hair
  4. Having circled the braid around the head, weave the tip to the end and lay it, hiding it under the weave. Be sure to fasten with a hairpin, otherwise it will fall out and the hairstyle will fall apart

Bezel-braid around the head from below

You can’t think of a better hairstyle for work or school than a braided headband laid underneath. Hair does not interfere, and styling gives the image neatness and restrained modesty. The hairstyle scheme is simple, step-by-step weaving will be repeated even by an inexperienced beauty. For styling, you should learn how to weave a French braid.

  1. After combing, divide the hair into two halves. Having separated three thin curls at the temple, we begin to weave from the very top, heading down, a French braid (curls are selected only from the crown)
  2. We will braid a similar braid on the other side
  3. Lay the braids in a “basket” at the bottom of the head and fasten with hairpins

Braid headband with loose hair

When going to some event, the weaker sex carefully thinks through their image. You will have to tinker with the selection of an outfit, and try to do the hairstyle yourself by making a romantic headband with loose hair. How charming and romantic a girl looks with such styling!

  1. Braid weaving begins with a shift to the side. After parting, separate three thin curls
  2. Weave around the circumference of the head according to the rules of French technique, a braid inside out. If desired, such a braid with a ribbon can be braided - it looks beautiful and original
  3. Grabbing additional strands of hair only from the side, reach the middle and fix the tip with a regular elastic band, matched to the tone of the hair
  4. Using invisible hair, attach the braid to the hair and hide the elastic under the curls
  5. Straighten the weaves, giving them volume
  6. Perform similar manipulations on the other side of the hair. Lay the braid over the first, and stretch the tip under the bottom of the weave and pin with an invisible

The hairstyle looks spectacular on curly hair. But weaving, without experience, twisted hair with a curling iron, is difficult. Therefore, advice: first lay the headband itself from the braid around the head, and then twist the ends of the curlers or curling iron.

How to braid a basket around your head

Seeing a braided basket on their heads, many fashionistas gasp with admiration. What a craftsman you need to be to braid such a braid around your head! In fact, this installation will take about 10 minutes to complete. Everything is quite simple. The scheme and step-by-step weaving will help.

  1. First you need to tie the tail, dividing the hair according to a certain pattern. We tie the tail at the crown, and behind it around the entire circumference of the head there should be free curls about 5 cm wide to the extreme hairline
  2. We start weaving at the temple. We separate two strands from free hair, take the third from the tail. We begin to weave a spikelet
  3. Next, we make one free binding and again add a new strand from the tail. So we perform a braid around the entire circumference
  4. Having reached the starting point of weaving (to the temple), we continue to braid the braid using the classical method. We fasten the tail with an elastic band and hide under the basket
  5. For maximum confidence, it is better to fasten the hairstyle additionally with hairpins.

Weaving a basket is easy if you understand the principle of adding strands. If desired, to increase the beauty of the hairstyle, you can braid the braid with a ribbon. In this case, additional accessories for decorating the hairstyle will not be needed - they will be out of place.

The scheme of how to weave a braid-waterfall

A braid braided using the “waterfall” technique looks very romantic and gentle. With such a hairstyle, a young beauty will easily conquer men passing by. The hair is beautiful and charming. It is carried out quickly, outside help is not needed. But it’s still worth practicing with step-by-step weaving braids.

  1. Weaving of the “waterfall” braid begins on the side and at the very forehead. If there is a bang, you can release it or try to weave it into your hair. After separating a small curl, we divide it into two parts. We throw the part that is closer to the forehead, over the second strand
  2. We take a thin strand from the crown, lay it on top of the curl that was originally closer to the forehead, and leave it in free fall. This strand should lie on a loose head of hair.
  3. Again we take the strand, which is closer to the forehead and weave it. Picking up another curl from the crown, spread it on the middle part and leave it hanging
  4. Having reached the back of the head, we braid the usual thin pigtail from the ends and tie it with an elastic band. We raise the occipital hair and under them with the help of invisibility we attach a pigtail braided from the ends. We lower the hair, the hairstyle "braid-waterfall" is ready

Beautiful braid with bubbles

A fancy name for the hairstyle is the bubble braid. No desire to try it on and give your hair a wonderful transformation? A braid with bubbles is suitable for a baby and an adult beauty. It is better to braid it on long hair or medium. Even on short hair, you can do the hairstyle. Moreover, it will turn out neat, regardless of whether the curls are the same or different lengths. To weave a braid with bubbles, you will need a ribbon.

  1. Depending on where the braid will be located (in the center, on the side), we will separate the strand and divide it in half. Tie two ribbons to the strand. The result will be 4 strands in the hand, consisting of alternating hair and ribbon
  2. Taking the extreme ribbon (working part), put it on a strand of hair, stretch it under the second ribbon, i.e. with the third strand and lay it on a strand of hair (it goes fourth)
  3. Now you need to wrap the last strand with the working part, laying it on the tape located in the center
  4. Now we add a thin extreme curl of free side hair to the podlet, as if a spikelet is woven.
  5. Then we repeat weaving in the same way to the desired length.
  6. Hair done. You can leave it like this. Get a braid that resembles a bamboo trunk. If you need a glamorous and festive hairstyle, you need to stretch the weave a little, giving them an airy look.
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How to braid a simple beautiful braid is known to all owners of long hair and mothers of long-haired babies. But if you want to perform a more complex design, you will first have to see how professionals do it, get acquainted with the diagrams and photographs. Having mastered the skill, you can always build a fashionable, original hairstyle.

Beautiful braiding is not only a great way to create a beautiful hairstyle, but also a good opportunity to keep your hair neat.

Hair woven into braids does not interfere, does not fluff, does not get tangled. Some hairstyles can be worn without unraveling for 2-3 days. This is very convenient when the child goes to kindergarten or school.

It is quite possible to braid a beautiful braid on your own, as practice shows, three or four practical lessons are enough, and this technique will be mastered.

Several step-by-step instructions on how to weave braids, with diagrams and photographs, are presented on this page.

Weaving a single French braid at home

This is the easiest braid to master.

If you didn’t know how to weave braids from your hair before, then it’s better to start with an ordinary French classic braid. Hairstyle can be done on medium and long hair.

The braid can be single, double or any other variation. But here the easiest option is considered - step-by-step weaving of a single French braid in the middle of the head.


  1. Comb your hair, if it is soft and frizzy, dampen it a little with water.
  2. If there is a bang, then separate it, leaving it free. Long bangs can be woven into a braid.
  3. Stand behind your back and ask to tilt your head slightly.
  4. In front of the head, collect a small bun of hair, divide it into 3 parts and start weaving a regular pigtail.
  5. For each next weave, add strands to the bun in your hand from the sides, alternately, from one and the other.
  6. The braid should gradually begin to thicken.
  7. Finish with a loose, cascading braid and tie off with an elastic band. If desired, the tail can be left loose.

Step-by-step weaving of such a braid is shown in the photo:

How to braid your hair into a beautiful snail braid (with video)

Sophisticated in appearance, but easy to learn, the snail hairstyle is very comfortable in summer. The hair is collected, does not interfere, it will be easy and cool.

If the weaving is fixed a little with varnish, then you can carry the “snail” for several days. The hairstyle is hardly suitable for too thin and sparse hair, but it will look great on thick ones.

Instructions for weaving do-it-yourself snail braids:

  1. Comb your hair and moisten with water, it will be more convenient to do this from a spray bottle.
  2. Part your hair to reveal the middle of the crown.
  3. In the very center of the head, separate a small strand from which weaving will begin.
  4. Start weaving a thin braid, moving clockwise. You will have to move around your head.
  5. Weave in a circle in a spiral, grabbing hair from only one, outer part. Adjust the thickness of the braid to your liking. The thicker the hair, the more turns you can get.
  6. Finishing weaving, tie a ponytail with an elastic band and fix the tip of the hair with an invisible hairpin or any other hairpin.

Watch the video on how to braid your hair into a beautiful snail braid:

We braid a “basket” braid at home

Another very original hairstyle created by weaving.

"Basket" will also be a good option for hot weather.

It can also be done as a festive hairstyle. The pigtail is suitable with any density of hair and long from the shoulder blades.

We braid a “basket” braid at home:

  1. Comb your hair carefully.
  2. At the crown, gather a ponytail from the central part of the hair. If you want the “basket” to be voluminous, you can put a thick elastic band on the tail.
  3. Start braiding your regular French braid around your head. It is better to start from the side or from below. Alternately weave a strand into the braid from the outer edging of the hair and from the tail.
  4. Having closed the circle, weave the free braid to the end. Pin it to the “basket” with invisibles, or collect it into a bump, decorating it with a hairpin.

These photos show weaving braids-"baskets" with our own hands:

How to braid your own braid - "heart"

A girlishly cute heart-shaped braided hairstyle will suit fashionistas of any age.

Hair for such weaving should be shoulder-length and longer. Weaving itself is not difficult, but it will require some skills. It will be easily performed by those who have already learned how to weave “dragons” well.

Instructions on how to weave a braid-"heart":

  1. Comb your child's hair.
  2. First, make an even vertical parting.
  3. On each side from the middle, make diagonal partings, going up a little. Tie each of the 4 resulting zones with rubber bands so that the hair does not interfere with weaving and the parting does not fall apart.
  4. Start braiding from the top, from the inner corner to the outer hair zone.
  5. Coming to the edge, do not complete the braid, but, having made a smooth fold, go to the bottom of the hair.
  6. Weave the braid diagonally to the middle of the parting and fix it with an elastic band.
  7. Do the same on the other part of the head.
  8. Connect the resulting pigtails together. You should get a heart.
  9. It is not necessary to weave all the hair into the lower braids, they can be left loose at the back. And you can collect the entire lower part of the hair and into a single braid.

Look at the diagrams and photos of how to weave beautiful braids:

Pigtail in a hurry

A cute pigtail, woven in a few minutes in a hurry, will suit even the crumbs. Hairstyle can be done on medium length hair.


  1. Comb your hair and make a side parting on the top of your head. Gather a ponytail from a small part of the hair.
  2. Starting from the middle of the forehead, weave a small pigtail, moving diagonally.
  3. Finish the braid at the level of the existing ponytail.
  4. Gather a second ponytail from the rest of your hair.
  5. As a result, you will get two cute ponytails and a pigtail woven in front.

When making weaving, do not forget that braids should not cause discomfort to the child.

Don't weave them too tight. All of the above hairstyles can be easily mastered at home on your own in a couple of tricks. With any of these braids, your baby will look irresistible.

Here you can see step by step photos of weaving a simple braid:

Weaving a curly French braid for beginners (with video)

French weaving, although very simple in its technique, still allows you to create incredibly beautiful curly braids. If you are already well versed in weaving such a braid, then it's time to move on to slightly more complicated options.

We create an unusual collected hairstyle that others will envy.


  • Lightly moisten the hair with water so that it does not fluff, comb it.
  • In the middle of the parietal zone, we make an even horizontal parting, comb part of the hair forward, the rest can be stabbed with a clip so as not to interfere.
  • We start weaving from the side, take a comfortable position relative to the temple, separate the strand from the edge and proceed to weaving.
  • We gradually weave into the braid all the separated hair from the front, moving from one temple to another.
  • When you come to the opposite edge, pin the braid with a clip so that it does not unravel, and separate part of the hair in the middle part of the head, while you can collect the rest in an elastic band.
  • Take the braid again and continue weaving, turning around and moving to the middle part. To do this, you will have to change your position as you move around.
  • Do the same twist of the braid, going to the bottom, third part.
  • Finishing the braid on the side, continue to loosely weave to the ends of the hair.
  • Lift the falling braid up, laying it on its side, and stab it with invisibility.
  • Decorate your hair with decorative hairpins - and the chic weaving is ready! If desired, you can leave the braid free.

Spit "on the contrary"

All the same simple weaving technique can be diversified if you make the braid “vice versa”.

Watch the video for beginners on weaving a curly French braid, which shows all the nuances of the work:

Braid weaving option

You can use the following step-by-step braid weaving option.


  1. Hair must be clean. Moisten them with a little water, comb.
  2. Make a horizontal parting along the entire line of the head at the crown. Comb one part forward, pin the bottom or tighten with an elastic band so that it does not bother you.
  3. Weaving should start from the temporal part. Separate a small strand from the side and start making a braid, but only the other way around, that is, inside out, inward. If this is your first time doing this, then at first you may not succeed, although in general, there is nothing difficult in this. Don't be discouraged if the braid falls apart, loosen it and start over.
  4. Continue moving to the opposite temple, weaving strands on the sides from the separated part of the hair into the braid. Such a braid turns out to be convex, more pronounced than if it were a classic weave.
  5. Having reached the edge, weave the braid to the ends and tighten with an elastic band.
  6. Gather a ponytail at the back of your head from the bottom of your hair and tie a pigtail into it. Decorate the ponytail with a beautiful hairpin or decorative elastic band. The hairstyle is ready.

Evening braided hairstyle

This weaving is suitable as an evening option. The hair looks amazing.

It is not difficult to make it yourself, the whole sequence of such weaving is clearly visible in the photo.

  1. The braid retains a beautiful and neat appearance for a long time. Weaving is not afraid of wind or humidity, does not wrinkle under a hat and is less electrified than loose ones.
  2. Beautiful braids are appropriate everywhere. On the beach, in the office or at a wedding, they will look equally good.
  3. Even if you master only one weave, you can create an infinite number of variations based on it. For example, braid two or three braids instead of one. Or decorate your hair with accessories. Ribbons, scarves can be woven into braids, decorative hairpins or hairpins can be added. Fresh flowers will look good in your hair in summer.

How to weave braids

  1. It is better to start with simple options. Do not rush to weave a complex braid from your hair right away, practice on ribbons or floss threads. Having mastered the principle, you can experiment with the location, number and complexity of braids.
  2. If you are braiding yourself, do not use a mirror, trust your feelings. It is quite difficult to navigate the mirror, it is very confusing in the process.
  3. To make it easier to work with hair, they need to be washed, dried and combed well. Mousse or styling gel will also come in handy: thanks to it, the hair will become obedient.
  4. When weaving braids, it is better to use wooden combs. Wood electrifies hair less than plastic, which means it will be easier for you to work with strands.
  5. Alternating strands according to the scheme, pull them evenly. With practice, you will master any weaving.

6 options for weaving braids

Two strand braid

The two strand braid is a twisted two strand ponytail that will suit medium length hair. Weaving can be used for a French braid. A ribbon woven into a bundle will look beautiful.

  1. Divide your hair into two sections.
  2. Tie a ribbon to one of them.
  3. Twist each strand into a tourniquet clockwise.
  4. Twist the strands counterclockwise. The difference in directions will not allow the braid to fall apart.
  5. Secure the ends of your hair with a ribbon.

Fish tail

This braid captivates with its spectacularity, although it is woven quite simply. Suitable for shoulder length, but looks especially good on long ones.

A simple option is weaving from the back of the head.

  1. Divide your hair into two parts.
  2. Separate a thin strand from the left half from the side of the ear and throw it over the top to the right side.
  3. Then separate a thin strand near the right ear and throw it to the left.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you reach the ends of your hair. Secure the braid with an elastic band or ribbon.

If you want to make the weaving more complicated, make a French braid that turns into a fishtail.

french braid

French braid goes well with a strict office suit. Weaved on the basis of a braid of three strands. Suitable for long hair and medium length hair.

  1. Divide your hair into three sections.
  2. Throw the far right to the center.
  3. Then send the extreme left there.
  4. Continue until you run out of hair.

For a change, you can weave a French braid only to the middle of the back of the head. Collect the remaining strands in a bun or, securing with an elastic band, leave in the form of a tail.


At the heart of the same braid of three parts. Unusual hairstyle give released strands. This braid is suitable even for chin-length hair. It weaves horizontally from the temple. You can collect hair in this way only on one side. Or you can make a symmetrical weave and wear it instead of a headband: styling collects hair and prevents it from getting into your eyes.

  1. Separate a strand of hair from the temple and divide it into three parts.
  2. The beginning is the same as in a regular three-strand braid. Throw the top strand to the center, then do the same with the bottom.
  3. Once again, send the top and then the bottom strands to the center.
  4. Add a strand of hair to the top.
  5. You don't need to add anything to the bottom. Instead, under the existing lower strand, collect another, separating it from the free ones. Release the old one. Move the new one to the center.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you reach the middle of the head. Temporarily fix the braid.
  7. Make a symmetrical weave on the other side.
  8. Connect the ends of both braids together and secure with an elastic band or ribbon.

Four strand braid

The complexity of weaving will allow you to apply this option without embarrassment not only to a female hairstyle, but also to a long beard.

First, try weaving a straight braid. When you master weaving, you can make braids from the back of the head or rim using this technique. In order not to get confused, remember that only the outer strands need to be moved.

  1. Divide your hair into four sections. Take two strands in your right and two in your left hand.
  2. Stretch the leftmost strand (we will consider it the first one) over the second and under the third. Now in your left hand you will have the second and third strands. The first and fourth will be in the right hand.
  3. Place the rightmost strand (fourth) under the first.
  4. Again, take the leftmost strand (second). Swipe it over the next (third) and under the fourth. In your left hand you will have the third and fourth strands. The first and second will be in the right hand.
  5. Stretch the rightmost strand under the next one.
  6. Place the leftmost one under the next one and over the next one, transfer it to the other hand.
  7. Bring the far right one under the neighboring one, which we just moved.
  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until you reach the end of the strands.
  9. Secure the weave with a ribbon or elastic band.

Five strand braid

The weave is reminiscent of Irish knitted arana patterns. This option will require training, but braids from many strands look very unusual and bright.

Practice braiding a five-strand braid based on a high or low ponytail. The tail will hold the hair, and it will be more convenient to work. When you master this method, move on to a hairstyle without a tail or make a French braid with such a weave.

  1. Divide your hair into five equal sections.
  2. Take three middle strands. First, throw the left to the center, then the right - just like in a braid of three strands. Then take the outermost strands of the three middle strands, lift them above the weave and temporarily secure with a clip.
  3. You will be left with the middle strand and two side strands, which we have not touched yet. Of these three strands, throw the leftmost strand to the center. Then send the far right there.
  4. Fix the middle one with another clamp. This will keep the weave from falling apart.
  5. Release the strands that you lifted. Place them along the edges of the weave.
  6. Take the strands that you just worked with: now these are the second and fourth parts in the weave. Lift and secure them over the hair.
  7. Of the remaining three parts, first move the leftmost to the center, then the rightmost.
  8. Fix the middle strand with a clip.
  9. Lower the raised strands, placing them along the edges of the weave.
  10. Lift and fix the second and fourth strands.
  11. Repeat steps 7-10 until the end of the weave.


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