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I ask you, my dear ones, to take the written laws with all seriousness, they are very important to all of us in our hectic life, and bring God's Grace. We are all for the good.
And do not be afraid that there are so many of these laws. There are also many things in life!
There are 247 Laws of the Cosmos in total. Divided into parts.


2. LAW OF KARMA OR NEWTON'S 3rd LAW.- Every action is equal to counteraction. What you sow,
then you will reap.
3. LAW OF SPIRAL OR EVOLUTION - everything returns to normal.

All white light rests on Love.

5. LAW OF SPACE: Any vibration released into space is amplified by tens,
thousands, millions, billions of times. Associated with the structure of the matter field of your space,
the structure of the substance of your Universe depends on the structure of its elements, there are 128 of them in total
(we are talking about the Hydrogen Universe, but there is Diamond, phosphorus, etc.).


7. PHYSICAL WORLD. There is a struggle between darkness and light, or Light /-/ and Light /+/,
Moreover, this is an organic world. Everything strives to get out of the darkness.

8. LAW OF FORM. Communication in space arises on the basis of the Law of Form: Like stretches
to something like this.

9. LAW OF OBSTACLES. They are necessary for the improvement of human Consciousness. Blows of the Spirit
nothing but progress along the spiral of evolution, according to the principle of a jet engine.

10. LAW OF THE STAGE OR SPIRAL. You cannot jump over the steps at once, but if
commensurability, then it is possible. But this is an exception to the rule. According to the Law, the 1st step is
human consciousness in 3 years, 3 steps in 9 years. But if a person has a body
to receive high-frequency energies and the Spirit rushed to the Higher Spheres, then in one year
it is possible to pass 3 steps. We remind you that this is rare in the Universe.


space. The germ of infinity. Penetrating into the "O" Space, you can correct
or violate physical laws.

13. LAWS OF ASCENDING AND DOWNLOADING ENERGY act on a person and on everything Existing, they
should be in balance, in harmony and at rest. It is necessary to combine two teachings -
this is Agni - Yoga and the teachings of Sri Aurobindo. From the human consciousness located in
in a state of Harmony and Peace, only one vibration comes out - LIGHT-BEARING LOVE.
This is God, there is the Sun, there is Truth.

14. THE TRUTH IS ONE, BUT IT IS POSSIBLE TO GO TO IT IN DIFFERENT WAYS. Every person has a Path to the Truth.
How many people - so many paths. The shortest is the Path of the Heart, the Path of Light, Love, Harmony
and Peace. The flame of the HOLY SPIRIT will ignite from the spark. But the spark must come from the Free
The will of man.

15. LAW OF FREE WILL. We have 30% free will in the physical world,
unconscious karmic energy - 70%.
In the Fiery World - 100% free will. This means that our will is given to God and is like a bird
The will of God is the atmosphere of the Earth, the bird is absolutely free in the atmosphere of the Earth
In the subtle World there is 70% free Will, 30% karmic, unconscious.
Humanity is free to choose the spiritual path. It is necessary to balance the axis
Earth, and that it was clean. If part of the axis is darkened, the Earth can change poles.
It is necessary first of all to fix in the minds of people that the pure axis of the Earth is the basis
their existence.

16. LAW OF THE BALL. Everything in existence strives for the shape of a ball (to perfection)

in the physical world are based on this Law, as well as in the Subtle and Fiery worlds.

18. LAW OF REPULSION OF RESULTING FORCES. Two equal forces will repel each other
friend. If they are not equal, then the weak will be absorbed by the strong.

19. THE LAW OF A SINGLE ASCENT. Applicable to people. Warn only once.
(You cannot step into the same river twice.)

20. THE LAW OF THE DARK (impurity). The dark strive for grouping. (A pig will find dirt everywhere).

21. DO NOT ASK - DO NOT DO. Without a call (Call of Love), no one will understand and will not accept someone else's Good.

22. LAW OF STRIVING. What you strive for, you will get. (If you want strength, you will get it, but
unconscious, blind, which will control you). If you want Light, you will receive Knowledge.
If you want the Holy Spirit, you will receive the Holy Spirit.

23. SMALL AND GREAT ARE EQUAL IN ITS NATURE. She is a mother, loves all of her equally

24. THE LOWER THE CONSCIOUSNESS, THE HARDER THE FRAMEWORK, the less the degree of freedom.
For example: stone - 1st degree of freedom of consciousness, man - 4th degree of consciousness,
the natural instincts of the animal are the frame of evolution.

25. ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE. Everyone is responsible for everyone, and everyone is responsible
responsibility for one. Mankind is one person, One organism is one cell.


Universes, molecules, atoms. Vacuum is the cause of everything and the place of origin.

psychic energy, both in the human body and in the state, class, on Earth,
without giving it to the construction of the World: Light, Love, Harmony.

consciousness, it is thinner than human consciousness, and even more so consciousness, stone, plant,
animal, element. It is controlled by Light, Love, Harmony, Peace. If the human
Consciousness enters this state, then the Holy Spirit does not slow down to enter a person from the inside.
This is a high-frequency vibration - energy. To constantly live in the Holy Spirit on Earth is very
hard, hard in the human body, in the physical, but very easy in the mental body
(in the body of the mind). For example: Each cricket know your hearth. According to Senka and a hat.

30. Blasphemy humiliates the HOLY SPIRIT. The lofty is manifested only in pure thoughts.

ON WHICH CONSCIOUSNESS IS. EXAMPLE: trouble has come - open the gate, this consciousness is in
low frequencies - in Antimir.


STRIVING TO DIVINE INFINITENESS. If a man, dying at the ready
consciousness, will send a thought to the Divine Infinity, it will no longer be embodied in
physical body, but will become a spiritual being - the Spirit of the planet, System, Universe, World.


35. THE GERM OF MENTAL ENERGY IS LIGHT AND LOVE, a crystal of psychic energy is given
everyone from birth. It can be:
1. Waste
4. Expand to the Divine Infinity Light is God, the masculine principle.
Love is the Mother of God, the feminine principle. There must also be balance here.
If there is a lot of Light, but little Love, the psychic energy goes hard,
if there is little Light - Love becomes blind, i.e. approaching darkness.
And the Darkness will not keep you waiting!

36. THE HEAVENLY FATHER AND MOTHER ARE GIVEN TO EVERYONE. But only a few people who radiate
Vibrations of the Holy Spirit in the physical body, the body of Darkness for the Spirit. Higher energies are difficult
tolerable, the shock for a person is strong. There are cases when, with
unavailability of the physical body or consciousness to receive high-frequency energies
of the Holy Spirit, instead of grace, the destruction of the physical body or personality occurs,
loss of reason. These energies descend according to the law of Karma and for an aspiring person,
consciously wanting to help the cause of evolution, this will never happen.
The teacher won't allow it.

Spirit (for all other objects and organisms - in the center or the Golden Section).
The embryo /+/ in the anti-worldly body,/-/- in the worldly body.

illness (mild or severe), 3/4 is already death. One-time energy output is not more than 10%
(to the World), and it is absolutely impossible to give it to the Antiworld.

personal, state, planetary, universe. At the initial stage - the "lamp of the desert",
the second stage is the "lion of the desert" (there is a conscious release of energy, the same stage is knowledge
Arhat, here is free will 65%).






1) awareness of it,
2) love and highlighting its dark areas, its spiritualization;
3) harmony and peace;
4) its immeasurable expansion and awareness of it in the Divine Infinity;
5) managing it when you see it, feel it, smell it, hear it, taste it;
6) awareness of the Lord in oneself /+/ and /-/;
7) straight-knowledge and discipline of thought - you are the master, master of your thoughts.
This is based on the control of the psychic energy of the World and the Antiworld.

below. Otherwise, there would be no victory of Light, but there would be an eternal struggle of Darkness and Light.

balance, harmony, peace, otherwise there would be no evolution. On Earth, 47% of 100% of the Earth's axis
polluted with negative energy. The critical state is 52%.
planet explosion.

48. IN HUMAN MENTAL ENERGY THERE IS THE IMPERIL POISON, so it is so difficult for a person to take the substance of grace. The percentage of poison in a critical amount leads to death, this is 52%
from the whole body, 35 - 51% - a disease from mild to severe, 31 - 34% - a predisposition to illness. "Imperil" passes along the lines (channels) of Karma, thereby attracting black spirits (congenital diseases). But there are diseases of free will .The man himself began to save "imperil"
(he was healthy, started smoking - died of lung cancer). And there are divine diseases when
a person begins to absorb "imperil" himself in order to process it into Light.
Imperil and Aeropyril (in the Earth's noosphere) - MENTAL ENERGY that can be turned into /+/. And those who suck in will definitely receive a RAY OF GRACE through the TEACHER OF HUMANITY. Otherwise, death. HELPING THE CAUSE OF EVOLUTION.

49. THE LAWS OF MENTAL ENERGY ARE INCHANGABLE. They operate both in the Small Body and in the Higher.
The more perfect the consciousness, the more perfect psychic energy it possesses.

50. EVERY PERSON, IMPROVING, REACHES ZERO - SPACE. At first, he occasionally goes there
falls, then constantly. Leaving the bodily shell, his Spirit goes either into the Light /+/ or
into the Light /-/. His psychic energy goes along the blade of a knife. Through the "O" Space
all phenomena occur, and it is through it that one can instantly get into other Worlds
or Antiworlds. If the Spirit commits a betrayal, then he immediately falls into the Light /-/,
into Darkness - darkening, if the feat is conscious - then into / + /, into the Light World.
Karma /-/, thoughts /-/, wills /-/, disharmony, ignorance, narrowed consciousness,
the unpreparedness of the physical body, the lack of faith in the Lord - all this prevents
pure Zero - channel. Then, through the Zero - channel, alien
essence. Into the human body through the protective veil that permeates his consciousness,
there are guests from all the Worlds, mostly bad ones, because they are attracted to ectoplasm and Spirit (fire)
emitted by man.

It depends on consciousness. A cat has a developed "O" channel, a fish - a piranha, a flower - a rose,
cockroaches, rats.

It is not enough to have a developed consciousness, one must believe in the Lord, otherwise a man appears - a king
Nature, and he is not a king, but a child. The king has yet to become.


This place is located in the cerebral cortex on the right side 5 cm above the ear.
You need to massage the system 3 times for 15 minutes clockwise.

In a dream, one can be aware of oneself from time to time - this is the first step towards Immortality. But Immortality
it is impossible without the expansion of Consciousness, without Light, Love, Harmony and Peace of Consciousness.
This is one of the basic laws of energy.

vibrations of Evil, Fear, Hatred, hypocrisy, irritation, lies, theft, gluttony,
self-pity, pride, selfishness, etc. And the direction of this inexhaustible source
to increase Light, Love, Harmony, Peace. Awareness of oneself and the Lord in oneself and in everything
Existing, Expansion of Consciousness - this is the path of the God-man, the path of self-transformation,
the surrounding material world. This is written in fairy tales. We were born to have a fairy tale
make it come true, i.e. being. This is the law of evolution of the /+/ mundane and /-/ antimundane.

tends to the ball, and two balls will merge into one, but if one is larger or thinner, then
the principle of the matryoshka is formed - the Space is formed, which is nothing but
fusion of various bodies - psychic energies.



This reserve affects our existence after death. If psychic energy
is positive, then the Spirit can incarnate in other planets or on Earth with a talent or
If the psychic energy is negative, the Soul can go to Cosmic processing,
to the Antiworld, keeping /+/ grain. Or incarnate on Earth in lower states - for example
in an animal, or in poor living conditions. For a good incarnation on Earth
a large supply of /+/ psychic energy is needed - 12g, for the embodiment of a genius - 4-10 (g)
talent-3-7(g). On another planet - 0.64 g. Negative supply of psychic energy.
For the animal state, the accumulation of antimatter imperil is -5-12 g, for a bad incarnation -3-8 g, for chaos and cosmic processing -10-11 g. A large amount of energy reaches a negative point - and then an explosion occurs. Everything is black as a result of an explosion turns into light.

USE OF THE STOCK OF MENTAL ENERGY. But in addition, it happens constantly
outflow of energy. Our body burns slowly (since the psychic
energy - ectoplasm is released). There may be an excessive outflow of ectoplasm into
as a result of stress, fear, fear, a desire to help a lot, physical fatigue, and
overvoltage, etc. (or as a result of the rhythm of the Cosmos. Micro - and Macro -,
environment, atmosphere).

Space is a collection of bodies, and all bodies are fed by psychic energy as /+/
so /-/. A vampire (Antiworld) feeds on /-/ psychic energy. A person, a plant,
an animal - /+/ with psychic energy. A person's free will - to eat /-/ or /+/.
The highest positive psychic energy is the HOLY SPIRIT (Light Spirit).
The highest negative energy is the Lower Spirit (Dark Spirit). The signs differ, but the reserve itself
the same.

Appendix - recycles psychic energy embedded in food.
Tonsils - the negative psychic energy of the air.
Endocrine glands - /-/ energy of People. If there is a lot of it, then the organs become inflamed, not
having time to process, in this case, their treatment is recommended.
Stage 1-2 inflammation of the appendix - this requires hunger.
Stage 1 glands - do not breathe from 10-30 sec. 5-6 times a day
Stage 1-2 inflammation of the endocrine system is loneliness in nature.




OF THE SEX CHAKRA, AND FOR WOMEN - IN THE AREA OF THE HEART CHAKRA. But it happens the other way around, or
mixed state. For a solar person, a crystal of psychic energy must
to be above the crown. In people of the fifth race - in the SPIRITUAL HEART.

on the 8th chakra, there will come an ERA OF LIGHT AND LOVE, HARMONY AND PEACE - a disharmonious person
will not be able to stay in this ERA.

69. THE ERA OF FIRE BEGINS. That is, the entry of Fire into the human body, into his consciousness and
will continue for 3507 years. So much time is needed for the mutation of the organism. In the Cosmos, everything

TO THE SUBCONSCIOUSNESS, FALSE RELIGION. Using the imperfect mental apparatus of man,
can connect to consciousness. A person himself gives way to the Antiworld - it is used
curiosity, disbelief in the Lord, in the Higher Mind of the Perfect Sun, Light Forces.
(Hence, fear, ignorance, UFOs - THESE ARE BEINGS, MOSTLY FROM THE ANTI-WORLD, use
destructive energy of our World).

1) awareness of psychic energy with love through the heart by All that exists, including in oneself
2) faith in the Lord, Teacher (in Light, Love, Harmony).
3) there should not be denial inside a person (Yes, everything is possible in this World, Extended
Consciousness and Subconsciousness, I accept everything with gratitude).
4) observance of hygiene of thought and body.
5) development goes only through the center - the sun of man, through the Spiritual Heart.
6) the whole body is built only for bestowal through the Spiritual Heart - Light, Love,
7) Improving yourself, help - give a helping hand to the imperfect.

1) the heart chakra opens - the 4th
2) opens the 3rd eye (6th chakra)
3) the center of the bell is the 7th chakra
4) kundalini - 1st chakra
5) 5th chakra
6) 2nd chakra
7) 3rd chakra.
8) the last, 8th chakra - for the indulgence of the fiery stream. Connection with the Fiery World.
If you start from 1 - madness if 4 and 7 are closed. If from 8th - fire centers if closed
4 and 7.

RESULTS. The body must be trained and adapted to overload.
Fiery Baptism includes oxygen starvation, fear, the pulse reaches
250 beats per minute, kidneys work 10 times harder, liver with 5 times overload,
the circulatory system is 10 times overloaded, the excretory system is 10 times overloaded -
this is when a fiery stream descends on a person from within.
Qigong is used to train such abilities.
Man has little time left - PLANET EARTH IS IN DANGER.

scary, uncomfortable, unpleasant - therefore, there must be a strong connection with the Teacher, and through Him
with the Hierarchy. Symptoms are various - physical: hot flashes, cold, numbness
some parts of the body, tingling, pain. When such symptoms are present, be aware that
The hand of the Lord touched you, and for this case there is a wonderful prayer: "Under the Fiery


humanity provides itself with an almost natural source of energy.
No need for warm buildings, food, cars (computers, televisions, telephones, airplanes - all this
it is much better for the person inside him to eat).
The power of the Antiworld is ending. The Era of Light, Love, Harmony is coming.

THE ORGANISM OF THE FINEEST ENERGIES. Therefore, the hygiene of thought will be natural, because everyone can
read the mind of another person.

talents from the Bible), DOES NOT ACT ON CREATION, BUT ON DESTRUCTION. And first of all
destroys itself if not used in this incarnation for the good.

and is not used for its intended purpose, for example, during a session by a medium - nourishing
semi-conscious creatures or unconscious shells in which there is no SPIRIT OF TRUTH -
so many ridiculous predictions from here. Ectoplasm of the highest quality is the HOLY SPIRIT,
brings good, comes from within from the SPIRITUAL HEART, FROM THE NUCLEI OF CELLS. The Kingdom of God, Heaven -
within us. Impure ectoplasm is a favorite delicacy of imperfect spirits, darkened ones.
Therefore, with pure ectoplasm, there will be Pure Spirits near you, DIRTY WILL NOT BE ABLE

A HUMAN BECOMES COMPLETELY MANAGED. The task of a person is to make it manageable
Consciousness, Mind, thought, but not Feeling. The only Feeling is the Feeling of Love
to everything that exists, equal to the sum of Joy, Beauty, Unity, Harmony. That is, mental
energy must be controlled by Light - (Knowledge, Mind) and Love (Harmony, Unity,
Beauty, Joy). Both one's own and someone else's psychic energy.

1 - heart, 2 - spleen, 3 - kidneys, 4 - liver, 5 - stomach, 6 - lungs, 7 - uterus,
8 - bladder, 9 - ovaries, 10 - intestines, 10 - intestines, as in steps
consciousness - "smart" heart and spleen, but - "stupid intestines".

81. LAW OF EXCHANGE OF MENTAL ENERGIES IN SPACE. Everyone exchanges. Everything is fed by a friend

82. THE LAW OF THE COSMIC MAGNET. The Spiritual Heart is a small cosmic magnet (located
in the center of the chest). A pure, black, gray heart goes against the Cosmic magnet.
And it can create its own separate little world, it destroys everything, goes against the flow of Everything
Existing. Based on this: the sympathies of people, peoples, nations, in the physical world or in some
or another world, substances. Also, relations between states, and all
surrounding phenomena.

Distortion of information comes from a person, from pollution of his Spirit, psychic energy
goes through the channel of the Heart, from within, outward. That is, Light, Love goes from Heart to Heart,

According to God's plan, he must transform it into a convenient acceptable and send
further to people, the world, nature, animals, plants. i.e. strengthen it, and he often this
he spends his fertile energy on evil, or even turns it into imperial or aeroperil.
Man should help evolution, not hinder it.



TO THE LORD (Light, Love, Harmony, Peace, Beauty). She will descend in the form of the Holy Spirit
From within from the Spiritual Heart outward and will intensify as the Spirit ascends
Human to the Lord and merge with Him.
And in contrast, the psychic energy of a person will be dirty, dark,
destructive and will go from outside to inside and will control a person if
his aspirations are selfish: such as, arrogance, SELF (SELFISHNESS), POWER, MONEY,
These include: sorcerers, psychics. The little man is conceived by God as a beloved child who
should repeat the Father, but here on Earth he (MAN) deviated from this Plan
and instead of the White Sun, it becomes the Black Sun.
White Sun Energy of Creation, Light, God-Man of Love, Harmony and Peace, Joy,
Beauty is aimed at the expansion of Consciousness, at the merging, Unification of all Existing, at
creativity, health, longevity, happiness only to give, shine and love.
The energy of destruction, compression - consciousness, matter, separation of all Existing. Sooner or
late, having reached a critical point, an explosion of consciousness (disconnection) is inevitable.
In humans, this occurs in the form of madness (an explosion of consciousness) or the destruction of matter,
physical plane - illness, death.
THIS ENERGY IS DIRECTED TO THE MOUNTAIN, CHAOS, a meaningless existence without creativity
(like a robot). A person's loss of the meaning of life. After all, each person can return to
Cosmic cooperation. There is Free Will.

explosion (madness, wars: Chechnya, Iraq). The Law of Free Will. Therefore, the Powers of the Lord
they will never order, indicate directly, but only indirectly, advise,
leaving for the Man the Right of Choice.

89. STRIKES OF THE SPIRIT ON THE PATH OF EVOLUTION Help to move psychic energy Dark forces
or Light /-/ plays here a fulcrum, obstacles. The process resembles an action
jet engine.

90. LIGHT-BEARING MENTAL ENERGY. coming from within, open -
brings good, evolution, a state of ecstasy, when dirty, i. open outside-bear
pain, discomfort, death, destruction. Pure Heart, pure thoughts, moral
actions are one single emanation - THIS IS LOVE FOR ALL THAT IS.

91. WHEN THE CRYSTAL OF MENTAL ENERGY, which is given to everyone from birth by God, is destroyed, /-/ psychic energy is also released, goes to the Antiworld and feeds its henchmen, servants, slaves.

92. DEPOSIT OF LIGHT-BEARING PSYCHIC ENERGY, ENERGY OF GRACE IS OBSERVED ON THE WALLS OF ENERGY VESSELS, AS IS THE POISON OF IMPERIL, THE POISON OF IRRITATION. In spiritually developing people, the body intensively produces phosphorus, which is formed when the substance of Grace combines with the elements of the body. Solar people glow even in the dark, like JESUS CHRIST, all saints,
E.I.ROERIKH, SERGEY OF RADONEZH, but representatives of the Antiworld, UFOs can also shine.
They are very dangerous for people.



95. DARKNESS OR LIGHT /-/ AND LIGHT /+/ EMPLOYEES, BUT NOT ENEMIES. EXAMPLE: sit in the Light room /+/ compared to the basement. Go outside, into the Sun and then the room Light /+/ turns into Light / -/ in comparison with the Light /+/ of the Sun. This is what happened on your planet - the basic Cosmic Law of Commensurability - Harmony is violated. Because of this, another law comes into force - Centripetal acceleration. In Nature, everything rotates: atom, cell. Earth,
The Universe. Due to the violation of the Law of Harmony, the Earth either remains in this Universe or flies into the Antiworld, into Chaos. As long as the Earth has crossed the Universal Equator and the Earthlings have the opportunity to escape. Victory will be for the FORCES OF LIGHT !!!

96. THERE IS A CERTAIN POINT OF FILLING THE MATTER OF SPACE, A POINT OF SEAL. Here is the densest substance in the Universe -131051 tons per 1 cm, and more than this a Black Hole is formed. And then - an explosion of Space. The Earth attracts /-/ psychic energy due to radiation Earthlings. And is a Black Hole.

And Hinders IT. It feeds on the energy of separation and they are Unconscious everywhere except the Earth. They are Unconscious, but here the Unconsciousness began to possess the rudiment of consciousness due to the sorcery of people. There is no such thing anywhere in space.

98. TIME FOR MERGING ENERGIES DEPENDS ON RHYTHM. Example: the inner rhythm of a person, the rhythm of day and night, the rhythm of the Cosmos, the rhythm of Nature, all the same.

(otherwise - feeling unwell):
one). do not drink alcohol;

2). do not eat meat and products associated with decomposition;

3). Do not smoke;

four). radiate energies of LIGHT, LOVE, HARMONY, JOY.

5). Sex is rare (2-3 times in a lifetime);

6). Physical change in appearance. Blond hair - golden, green eyes, height - 2-3 m.
for men, 180 cm for women;

7). people of the sixth race fly, pass through walls, walk on water, have the ability of telekinesis, clairvoyance, clear hearing, smell, touch and have subtle taste sensations;

8). A person of the sixth race does not know how to think badly, any bad thought will cause physical suffering;

9). A person of the 6th race will live 600 years;

10). Calmly tolerates radiation, ultra, infra - rays, does without food, air;

11). The body is a condensed astral, i.e. on the physical plane 1/3 of life, in the astral body 2/3.

12). All Absolutely creative people, brilliant in all areas.

13). They almost do not eat physical food, they eat accumulated solar energy or directly from space.

14). Very kind, clean, like children, funny, beautiful.

The cross is a symbol of the intersection of two spaces - planes. The subtle world lives in a plane perpendicular to our measurement, has gradations of manifestation of psychic energy. and a fiery cross, then these signs draw in the Antiworld and its representatives, act like an elevator. This sign is the protection of our World and a funnel for the Antiworld. When meeting with its representatives, one should say the words:

"YOU ARE OUR FRIENDS /-/, EMPLOYEES, BUT WE DO NOT NEED YOU. GO TO YOUR HOME" - and mentally put (outline) this fiery sign on uninvited guests. This circle and the cross in the circle.

I know myself as the World of Unity Klimkevich Svetlana Titovna

El Morya and "247 Laws of the Cosmos"

851 = Only Knowledge gives the True Faith and as its peak - complete trust in the Creator (30) = The unique energy of the Earth contributes to the growth of consciousness of the entire universe =

"Numeric Codes". Book 2. Kryon Hierarchy

I Am That I Am!

I am El Morya! I salute you, Lord!

Svetlana, as you say, “knocking on the rail” is useless, if there is no one around, no one will hear anyway.

What am I talking about, about the fact that we met “by chance”, you and El Morya’s book “247 Laws of the Cosmos”, where the book came from, do you remember? Someone said and you bought. And if I hadn’t called the railroad, you wouldn’t have heard that there is such an Author – El Morya, it turns out that it’s not the author at all, but the Lord. But you understand this now, but then I was the Author for you. Well, it’s good that you believed in me, who else would you start reading “247 Laws of Space”. And that they were written by a simple person of the earthly plane, who received information from me, then you simply would not understand this. It is impossible to tell a Person of the level of Social Consciousness that this is a Telethinned Universal Connection, he will not understand, because he does not yet have the Knowledge of the Unified Energy-Informational Structure of the Cosmos, because it is with this intention - to teach a Person the Higher Laws of the Cosmos - that the Hierarchy of the Creator comes.

The Father-Mother Creator passes on all his Knowledge to the Children, because they have already grown up and can receive a legacy from the Father-Mother Creator.

Svetlana, every Human of the Earthly Plan will be able to understand and accept the Higher Knowledge, because the Divine potential is initially laid in him, it just needs to be developed in Time. Therefore, Time does not end - "There will be no end of the world" - there will be a New Year! Only this Year is not Earthly, but Galactic, and it lasts according to earthly standards - “Long”, so we will develop our Higher abilities and capabilities for a long time to master the expanses of the Universe.

In Unity there will be something for everyone to do, it is interesting and fun to master the unknown, the Creator in Development, Creation in Development, Life is Eternal - Infinite - Universal.

El Morya - inspires, inspires "knocks on the rail" - People, wake up in the Spirit! Take your Power! Become the creator of your own reality, become an adult, receive a legacy from the Creator!

People wake up reluctantly, everyone always loves to “sleep” more than to work on their awareness. But nothing, the potential of the chemical mind of a Human is not yet known to him, and the Creator knows what he has laid in a Human, he knows - they will wake up - Everything, the instrument of awakening is in the hands of the Creator, He created all the Worlds, knows how to wake up. And you will know how the Creator wakes you up, if you want to understand this, there is no mysticism, there are the Laws of Creation, and you must master them. Everything is clear and concrete when consciousness has grown to this issue.

BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE: Keys of Enoch - opens the Ecumenical secrets, try to understand them. Our books, Svetlana, prepare a Person for the Higher School of the Spirit, and everyone in it will have to study.

We knock - "knock on the rail"! We wake up - we wake up the "sleepers"!

The morning of the Galactic Age of Knowledge has come, rise, let's go to the School of the Unified Consciousness of the Creator of the World of Worlds!

Love you!

El Morya! Manu of the Sixth Race!

Thanks, Vladyka! I love! Svetlana.

This text is an introductory piece.

Consequences from the laws 34. Any murder, whether committed personally or approved, is a terrible obstacle; done intentionally, out of malice or ignorance, whether (the feelings) were strong, moderate or weak, the result will always be misfortune.

Consequences from the Laws 34. The main obstacle to Yoga is any killing of a person or animal, either personally committed or simply approved, regardless of the state of mind. One should not kill animals to satisfy hunger and one should not eat meat, as this will

Algorithmic finding of laws of the relation For simplicity the yantra is used. Denote the polarities A, B, C,

Chapter 10. The Unity of the Laws of the Microcosm and the Macrocosm of the Universe The solar system was formed as a result of the curvature of space that arose at the birth of our star - the Sun. At the birth of a star, the dimension of the space surrounding it is deformed, which in turn

Dialogue with Rossul el Morya This chapter is a continuation and addition to the previous one. Perhaps there will be some repetitions in it, but since the correspondence of 1996 is given here, I did not edit these letters. I began to think about the impact of egregore on life a long time ago

Definitions of the Laws of the Universe There are three Eternal Laws of the Universe - we want to help you understand them accurately so that you can consciously, effectively and satisfactorily apply them to the physical manifestations of your life. The Law of Attraction is the first of the Laws that we

The Ten Laws of Wealth 1. The Law of Subconscious Affirmations Our wealth is an accurate reflection of our own inner beliefs about money. We have exactly as much as we value ourselves. Do you think that a salary of 20 thousand rubles is enough for you

[Realization of the Laws of Psychic Energy and the Future of the World] It is the discovery of the laws of psychic energy that will help to establish a new striving for life; the connection of the worlds will become evident. Truly the World to come, the Higher World is coming in the armor of laboratory rays. That is, laboratories

Studying the 247 Laws of Cosmos - Nature 763 = Only people who wake up in the spirit can leave the earthly labyrinth = Enlightenment is the balance of spiritual and biological components (26) - The Word goes into the past, the Thought becomes the Creative Principle (30) = Resistance of darkness and light -

Crystallization of Cosmic Laws on Earth 263 = From Separation to Unity = Bringing Heaven to Earth (43) = Sacred Women (16: Starfire Priestesses) = Heart of Man - House of Fire (2) = Connection with Prototype = Those Who See and Hear = 495 = Crystallization of cosmic laws

Magic is simply knowing the laws of the universe. To be alive means to be free, to have the right to choose your own path and make your life the way you want it to be. Deepak Chopra. The Way of the Magician Each of us at least once in our lives has experienced something that we do not

Beyond systemic laws, beyond the family During family constellations, we are aware of our inner workings not only on a personal level, but also on a collective level. When we learn to respect what our collective mind says, something within us begins to relax. I

Consequences of the two most important laws Everyone lives in his own world. Whoever wants to change his world must change himself. The law of polarity. Always and in all situations it is necessary to remember the opposite pole! Good intentions often lead to very unpleasant results.

As many as 247 laws of the Cosmos - and everyone will be immeasurably happy, who will read to the end and the processor will not smoke

All people have heard about the Laws of Nature.
Everyone says: "Breaking the laws of Nature, you will get into trouble." We began to search for these Laws. But, alas, they did not find it. They are dispersed in Space-Time. And we asked the Universe-the Supreme-Teacher-himself a question: “What are they, the Laws of Nature? Laws of the Cosmos? And the answer came from the depths of our Consciousness, from the Source of Truth. These Laws are before you. There is no limit to these laws.

1. The law of commensurability or the law of Harmony.

2. Law of Karma or Newton's 3rd Law: Every action is equal to a reaction. What goes around comes around.

3. Law of the spiral or evolution: Everything returns to normal.

4. One vibration of Love balances, harmonizes, neutralizes all vibrations of Chaos: All white light rests on Love.

5. Law of space: Any vibration released into space is amplified by tens, thousands, millions, billions of times. It is connected with the structure of the matter field of your space. The structure of the substance of Your Universe depends on the structure of the elements of Your Universe, which include 128 elements. (We are talking about the Hydrogen Universe, but there is Diamond, Phosphorus, etc...).

6. This law says that: God gave reason to man to help evolution, and not vice versa.

7. Physical world. There is a struggle between darkness and light, or Light /-/ and Light /+/, and this is an organic world. Everything wants to come out of the darkness.

8. The law of form. Communication in space arises on the basis of the law of form: Like is drawn to like.

9. The law of obstacles. They are necessary for the improvement of human Consciousness. The blows of the Spirit are nothing else than progress along the spiral of evolution, according to the principle of a jet engine.

10. The law of steps or spirals. It is impossible to jump over the steps at once, but if commensurability is achieved, then it is possible. But this is an exception to the rule. According to the law, 1st stage is assigned to human consciousness in 3 years, 3rd stage in 9 years. But if a person's body is ready to receive high-frequency energies and the Spirit rushes to the Higher Spheres, then in 1 year, it is possible to go through 3 steps. We remind you that this is rare in the universe. You have this exception on Earth, otherwise the death of the Earth. The process has begun.

11. Embryo - is the beginning of all Existing. It has everything.

12. "O" space or Nothing, where there is no plus or minus. This is the germ of space. Embryo of Infinity. Penetrating into the “O” Space, one can correct or violate physical laws.

13. The laws of ascending and descending energy act on a person and on Everything Existing. They should be in balance, in harmony and at rest. It is necessary to combine two teachings: Agni Yoga and the teachings of Sri Aurobindo. From the human consciousness, which is in a state of Harmony and Peace, comes only one vibration - Luminous Love. This is God, there is the Sun, there is Truth.

14. Truth is one, but you can go to it in different ways. Everyone

There is a path to Truth. How many people - so many ways. The shortest one is

Path of the Heart, Path of Light, Love, Harmony and Peace. A spark will ignite the flame of the Holy Spirit. But the spark must come from the Free Will of man.

15. Law of Free Will. You have 30% free will in the physical world, 70% unconscious karmic energy. We have 100% free will in the Fiery World. This means Our Will is given to God and is like a bird. Will of God - Atmosphere of the Earth. The Bird is Absolutely Free in the Earth's Atmosphere. In the Subtle World there is 70% free will, 30% - karmic, unconscious. Humanity is Free in the Choice of the Spiritual Path. It is necessary to keep the axis of the Earth in balance, and to keep it clean. If part of the axis is darkened. The earth can change poles. First of all, it is necessary to fix in the minds of people that the pure axis of the Earth is the basis of their existence.

16. Shar's law. Everything in Existence strives for the shape of a ball (for perfection).

17. The law of concentration or universal gravitation. Psychomagnet law. All processes in the physical world are based on this Law, as well as in the Subtle and Fiery Worlds.

18. Law of repulsion of resultant forces. Two equal forces will repel each other. If they are not equal, then the weaker one will be absorbed by another, stronger one.

19. The law of one-time ascent. Applicable to people. Warn only once. (You cannot step into the same river twice.)

The law of the dark (impurity). The dark ones strive for grouping, (The pig will find dirt everywhere).

21. Do not ask - do not do. Without a call (Call of Love), no one will reach.

22. Law of aspiration. What you strive for is what you will get. (If you want power, you will get it, but unconscious, blind, which will control you). If you want Light, you will receive Knowledge. If you want the Holy Spirit, you will receive the Holy Spirit.

23. Small and Great are equivalent in their Nature.

24. The lower the consciousness, the more rigid the framework, the less the degree of freedom. The higher the consciousness, the greater the degree of freedom. For example: a stone is the 1st degree of freedom of consciousness, a person is the 4th degree of freedom of consciousness, the natural instincts of an animal are the frame of evolution.

25. One for all, and all for one. Each is responsible for all, and all are responsible for one. Mankind is one person, One organism is one cell.

26. Each coil of psychic energy will be born 1/3 higher in quality.

27. The psychic energy poles /+/ and /-/ are connected by the corridor “O” of the Space between the Worlds, Universes, molecules, atoms.

28. The concentration of psychic energy is fraught with an explosion. Therefore, it is harmful to concentrate psychic energy both in the human body and in the state, class, on Earth, without giving it away for the construction of the World: Light, Love, Harmony.

29. The highest psychic energy is the fiery energy - the Holy Spirit. This energy does not rape consciousness, it is thinner than human consciousness, and even more so the consciousness of a stone, plant, animal, element. It is ruled by Light, Love, Harmony and Peace. If the human Consciousness enters this state, then the Holy Spirit does not slow down to enter the person from within. This is a high frequency vibration - energy. To live constantly in the Holy Spirit on Earth is very difficult, hard in the human body, in the physical, but very easy in the mental body (in the body of the mind). For example: Every cricket, know your hearth. According to Senka and a hat.

30. Blasphemy destroys the Holy Spirit.

31. The open gates of Consciousness create a flow or corridor of psychic energy of the plane on which the consciousness is located. For example: Trouble has come, open the gate. Consciousness in low frequencies in the Antiworld.

32. An equilateral triangle is a symbol in which all paths of psychic energy are equal, but for different planes of consciousness.

33. The capacity of consciousness or its filling with psychic energy depends on the degree of striving towards the Divine Infinity. A person who, dying, sends a thought to the Divine Infinity, (and when the consciousness is ready) no longer incarnates in a physical body, will become a Spiritual being - the Spirit of the planet. Systems, Universe, World.

34. The laws of psychic energy are the same for all types of Cosmos (Micro- and Macro-,) /+/ = /-/ , then there is Harmony, Peace.

35. The embryo of psychic energy is Light and Love, a crystal of psychic energy is given to everyone from birth. It can be:

1. Waste

2. Donate

3. Pollute

4. Expand to Divine Infinity

Light - is God - masculine.

Love is the Mother of God - the feminine principle. Here, too, there must be a balance. If there is a lot of Light, but little Love, psychic energy goes hard, if there is little Light, Love becomes blind, that is, it approaches Darkness. And Darkness will not keep you waiting.

36. Heavenly Father and Mother are given to everyone, but only a few people who radiate the Vibrations of the Holy Spirit remember them, in the physical body (the body of Darkness for the Spirit) they are very difficult to bear, since these are higher energies. The shock to the person will be strong. There are cases when the physical body is not ready or the consciousness is not ready to receive very high-frequency energies of the Holy Spirit. These energies descend according to the law of Karma. Then instead of grace or destruction of the physical body or loss of reason or one's personality. But for an aspiring person who consciously wanted to help the cause of evolution, this will never happen. The teacher won't allow it.

37. The embryo of psychic energy is located in the region of the heart chakra. This is the Crystal of the Spirit. (For all other objects and organisms in the center or the Golden Section). Embryo - /+/ in the anti-worldly body, /-/ - in the worldly body.

38. Do not give more than 1/3 of psychic energy - to the World, to Man. Recoil 2/3 - illness (mild, severe), 3/4 - death. One-time issuance of energy is not more than 10% to the World, and cannot be given to the Anti-World.

39. With an Agni Yogi, the release of psychic energy occurs in obedience to the rhythm of Karma: personal, state, planetary, universe. At the initial stage, the “lamp of the desert”. The stage “the lion of the desert” is the awareness of the release of energy, the same stage is the knowledge of the Arhat. (Here, free will is 65%).

40. Two psychic energies harmonized, being in balance, give the strength of seven psychic energies, equal to - 1 ps. energy increased by 7 times.

41. Psychic energy directed at destruction, making a circle, destroys the creator himself, and directed towards good, gives good to the creator. Under the law /З/.

42. Imprudent issuance /-/ of energy does not free from the laws of nature, the law of the circle, but deep repentance softens the blow.

43. The problem of building up a crystal of spiritual energy is subject to the law of free will, known only to God.

44. A denser psychic energy draws in a less dense one (Law of vampirism).

45. The key to managing your psychic energy lies in:

1/ Awareness of it.

2/ Love and its illumination (of the darkened areas, and its spiritualization).

Z/ Harmony and peace.

4/ Its immeasurable expansion and realization of it in the Divine Infinity.

5/ You can manage when you see it, feel it, smell it, hear it, taste it.

6/ When you realize the Lord in yourself /+/ and /-/.

7/ When there is straight-knowledge and discipline of thought, you are the master. Lord of thought.

This is based on the control of the psychic energy of the World and the Antiworld.

46. ​​Law of the Mirror. Each /+/ of psychic energy corresponds to /-/, but /-/ is two orders of magnitude lower. Otherwise there would be no victory of Light, but there would be an eternal struggle of Darkness and Light.

47. Law of Nature. /+/ Energy of the World is two percent more than /-/, then there will be balance in the World. Harmony, Peace, otherwise there would be no evolution. On Earth, 47% of 100% of the Earth's axis is polluted with /-/ energy. Critical condition 52%. Then - the explosion of the planet.

48. In the psychic energy of a person there is the poison “EMPIRE”, that is why it is so difficult for a person to accept the substance of grace. The percentage of poison is a critical amount leading to death, it is 52% of the whole body, 35 - 51% - mild disease - severe disease, 31 - 34% - predisposition to disease. “IMPERIL” moves along the lines of channels of Karma, thereby attracting black spirits (congenital diseases). But there are illnesses of free will - a person himself began to accumulate "IMPERIL" (he was healthy, started smoking - he died of lung cancer). And there are Divine illnesses when a person begins to absorb “IMPERIL” himself in order to process it into Light. Imperil and aeroperil (in the Earth's noosphere) /-/ psychic energy that can be turned into /+/. And those who suck in are sure to receive the Ray of Grace through the Teacher of Humanity. Otherwise, death. The Ray of Grace transforms this poison if a person, not sparing himself, helps the cause of evolution. (Psychics, charlatans, sorcerers do not have this ray, which means they do not help the laity).

49. The laws of psychic energy are immutable; they operate both in the Small body and in the Higher. The more perfect the consciousness, the more perfect psychic energy it possesses.

50. Each person, improving, reaches the “O” Space. At first, he occasionally gets there, then constantly, and, leaving the bodily shell, he goes either into the Light or into the Light/-/ his Spirit goes. His psychic energy goes along the blade of a knife. All phenomena happen through “O” Space, and it is through it that one can instantly get into other Worlds, or Antiworlds. If the Spirit commits a betrayal, then he immediately falls into the Light/-/ - Darkness-darkness, if the feat is conscious, then into /+/, into the Light World. Karma /-/, /-/ thoughts, will/-/, disharmony, ignorance, narrowed consciousness, unpreparedness of the physical body, lack of faith in the Lord - all this hinders the pure “O” channel. Then, through the “O” channel, essences penetrate into the Soul, into the Mind, the Human Body, through the protective veil that the consciousness penetrates, guests from all the Worlds come, mostly bad ones, as they are drawn by ectoplasm and the Spirit (fire) emitted by a person.

51. Plants and animals do not all have a developed channel of zero “O” Space. It depends on consciousness. Developed "0" channel has a cat, piranha fish, rose flower, cockroaches, rats.

52. A certain imbalance of developed consciousnesses, with faith in the Lord, is now observed in the world. It is not enough to have a developed consciousness, one must believe in the Lord, otherwise a person appears - the king of Nature, and he is not a king, but a child. The king is yet to be.

53. Disease of the internal organs, swelling of the glands is generally associated with the rhythms of psychic energy, with the ebb and flow.

54. Growth of the endocrine glands, and glands in general, is due to the fact that the mechanism responsible for the balance of the supply of psychic energy /+/ and /-/ - is disturbed, this place is located in the cerebral cortex on the right side 5 cm above the ear. Massage the system (3 x 15 minutes per day). Clockwise.

55. Awareness of oneself continuously in different Worlds and frequencies of energy is Immortality. In a dream one can become aware of oneself from time to time - this is the first step towards Immortality. But Immortality is impossible without the expansion of Consciousness, without Light, Love, Harmony and Peace of Consciousness. This is one of the basic laws of energy.

56. Release of psychic energy (from attachment to the material in the Soul, from all vibrations of Evil, Fear, Hatred, hypocrisy, irritation, lies, theft, gluttony, self-pity, pride, selfishness, etc.). And the direction of this inexhaustible source to increase Light, Love, Harmony, Peace. Awareness of oneself and the Lord in oneself and in all Existing. Expansion of Consciousness - this is the path of the God-Man, the path of transformation of oneself, the surrounding material world. This is written in fairy tales. We were born to make a fairy tale come true, that is, being. This is the law of evolution /+/ - worldly and /-/ - anti-worldly.

57. Union of two psychic energies on the basis of the law of necessity. Everything in Nature strives for a ball, and two balls will merge into one, but if one is larger or thinner, then the principle of a matryoshka is formed - Space is formed, which is nothing more than a merger of various bodies - mental energies.

58. Psychic energy is subject to ebbs and flows throughout Nature, obeying the rhythms of Microcosm and Macrocosm.

59. Psychic energy presupposes the development of 3 degrees - steps in one cycle.

7 cycles - 1 period

12 periods - 1 epoch 360 epochs - 1 cycle and second order and so Infinity.

60. Psychic energy is deposited in the region of the crown. This reserve influences our posthumous existence. If the psychic energy is /+/, then the Spirit can incarnate either on other planets or on Earth. Embodied by talent or genius. If the psychic energy is /-/, then it can go to cosmic processing, to the Antiworld, preserving /+/ the grain. Or incarnate on Earth in lower states in an animal or in bad living conditions. A good incarnation on Earth requires /+/ a supply of psychic energy of 12-12 g, a talent of 4-10 g, a genius of 3-7 g. On another planet = 0.64 g. A negative supply of psychic energy /-/. For the animal state, the accumulation of imperil antimatter is 5-12 years, for a bad incarnation - 3-8 years, for chaos and cosmic processing - 10-11 years. A large amount of energy reaches a negative point, and then an explosion. Everything black as a result of the explosion turns into Light.

61. Excessive outflow of psychic energy occurs as a result of improper use of the reserve of psychic energy. But, in addition, it is a constant flow of energy. Our body burns slowly (because psychic energy constantly expires - ectoplasm is released). There may be an excessive outflow of ectoplasm as a result of stress, fear, fright, a desire to help a lot, physical fatigue and overstrain, etc. (or as a result of the rhythm of the Micro- and Macro Cosmos - environmental conditions, atmosphere).

62. Psychic energy is used and nourished by the entire surrounding space. Space is a collection of bodies, and all bodies feed on psychic energy, both /+/ and /-/. Vampire, Antiworld feeds on /-/ psychic energy. Man, plant, animal - /+/ psychic energy. The free will of a person is to eat /-/ or /+/. The highest positive psychic energy is the Holy Spirit (Light Spirit). The highest negative energy is the Lower Spirit (Dark Spirit). The signs are different, but the stock itself is the same.

63. Psychic energy is processed by endocrine glands in humans. Appendix - processes the psychic energy embedded in food. Tonsils - psychic energy of air. Endocrine glands - the energy of people. If there is a lot of it, then they become inflamed, that is, they do not have time to process, in this case - Treatment:

1-2 tbsp. appendix - hunger.

1 st. tonsils - do not breathe from 10 - 30 sec. 5-6 times a day.

1 - 2 tbsp. endocrine system - loneliness in nature.

64. Psychic energy is the resultant of all forces in the body.

65. The laws of psychic energy are inseparable from the laws of Nature.

66. Psychic energy in the human body is transferred from one plane of consciousness to another with the help of special channels, such as “O” Space.

67. Mental energies are concentrated in the body of a man from birth. in the area of ​​the sex chakra, and in women in the area of ​​the heart chakra, but it also happens vice versa, or a mixed state. For a sunny person, a crystal of psychic energy should be above the crown of the head. People have 5 races, - races - in the Spiritual Heart.

68. In the perspective of the development of the human body, all men or at least one third of men on Earth should move to the 4th chakra, 1/3 of women - to the 8th chakra. When everyone is on the 8th chakra, the Era of Light and Love, Harmony and Peace will come - a disharmonious person will not be able to stay in this era.

69. The Age of Fire has begun. That is, the entry of Fire into the human body, into his consciousness will continue for 3507 years. How long does it take for an organism to mutate? Everything in the Cosmos is subject to Fire. Fire is the psychic energy of comprehension, awareness, intelligent energy.

70. When pumping psychic energy, some civilizations of the Antiworld use special techniques: forcing depression, explosions of the individual's consciousness, connection to the subconscious, false religion. Using the imperfect mental apparatus of a person, they can also connect to consciousness. Man himself gives way to the Antiworld - curiosity, disbelief in the Lord, in the Higher Reason of the Perfect Heart, the Light Forces are used. (Hence, fear, ignorance, UFOs - these are creatures mainly from the Antiworld - they use the energy of the destruction of our World).

71. Seven postulates of the development of Psychic energy in a person.

I/ Awareness of psychic energy with love through the heart in Everything Existing, including in oneself.

2 / Faith in the Lord, Teacher (in Light, Love, Harmony).

Z/ There should not be denial inside a person (Yes, everything is possible in this World, Expanded Consciousness, and Subconsciousness, I accept everything with gratitude).

4/ Observance of hygiene of thought and body.

5/ Development goes only through the center - the sun of man, through the Spiritual Heart.

6/ The whole organism is built only on bestowal through the Spiritual Heart - Light, Love, Harmony.

7 / Improving yourself, help - give a helping hand to the imperfect.

72. Untimely opening of the centers can lead to the death of the human body, i.e. the principle of gradualness is needed:

1) - the heart chakra opens - the 4th

2) - 3rd eye opens - 6th chakra

3) - the center of the bell - the 7th chakra

4) - kundalini - 1st chakra

5) - 5th chakra

6) - 2nd chakra

7) - 3rd chakra. The last 8th chakra for the descent of the fiery stream is the connection with the Fiery World. If you start with 1 - madness if 4 and 7 are closed. If from the 8th - fire centers if 4 and 7 are closed.

73. The discrepancy between the opening of the chakras and the general readiness of the body can also lead to sad results - the body must be trained, adapted to overload. Fiery Baptism includes oxygen starvation, fear, the pulse reaches 250 beats per minute, the kidneys work 10 times harder, the liver with a 5-fold overload, the circulatory system is 10 times overloaded, the excretory system is 10 times overloaded - this is with indulgence a fiery stream on a person from the inside, this is what sport was invented for. Man has little time left - Planet Earth is in danger.

74. The development of psychic energy is accompanied by a change in the state of consciousness. It can be scary, uncomfortable, unpleasant - therefore, there must be a strong connection with the Teacher, and through him with the Hierarchy. Symptoms are various - physical: hot flashes, colds, numbness of some parts of the body, tingling, pain. (Prayer: “At the Fiery Baptism or. I realize You, Lord, Teacher, and with gratitude I accept Your Energy from within from the Spiritual Heart”).

75. By accepting the fiery transmutation from within with its Consciousness and Heart, humanity thus provides itself with an almost natural source of energy. Warm buildings, food, cars are not needed (computers, televisions, telephones, airplanes - all this is much better for the person himself inside him). The power of the Antiworld is coming to an end. The Era of Light, Love, Harmony is coming.

76. The transmutation of centers is invariably accompanied by the release and acceptance by the human organism of the subtlest energies, and therefore the hygiene of thought will be natural, since everyone will be able to read the thoughts of another person.

77. The psychic energy accumulated by the previous incarnation (the parable of unrealized talents from the Bible) acts not on creation, but on destruction. And first of all, it destroys itself, if it is not used in this incarnation for the good.

78. Psychic energy is constantly released in the form of ectoplasm, and often ectoplasm is used for other purposes, for example, during a session by a medium - feeding semi-conscious creatures or unconscious shells in which there is no Spirit of Truth - hence so many all sorts of ridiculous predictions. Ectoplasm of the highest quality - the Holy Spirit, brings good, comes from the inside from the Spiritual Heart from the nuclei of the cells The Kingdom of God, Heaven is within us. Impure ectoplasm is a favorite delicacy of the imperfect spirits, the obscured ones. Therefore, with pure ectoplasm, there will be pure Spirits near you, dirty Spirits will not be able to eat.

79. Upon reaching the stage of the “desert lion” in Spiritual Practice, the psychic energy of a person becomes completely controlled, that is, the task of a person is to make it controlled by Consciousness, Reason, thought, but not by Feeling. The only Feeling is the Feeling of Love for everything that exists, equal to the sum of Joy, Beauty, Unity, Harmony. That is, psychic energy must be controlled by Light - (Knowledge, Mind) and Love (Harmony, Unity, Beauty, Joy). Both one's own and someone else's psychic energy.

When distributing psychic energy in the organs, it is most concentrated: 1-heart, 2-spleen, 3-kidneys, 4-liver, 5-stomach, 6-lungs, 7-uterus, 8-urinary bladder, 9-ovaries, 10-intestines , as well as on the steps of consciousness - a smart heart, spleen, etc., stupid intestines.

81. The law of the exchange of mental energies in space. Everything exchanges, Everything feeds each other.

82. Law of the cosmic magnet. The Spiritual Heart is a small cosmic magnet (located in the center of the chest). An impure, black, gray heart goes against the Cosmic magnet. And it can create its own separate little world, it destroys everything, goes against the flow of All That Is. Based on this: the sympathy of people, peoples, nations, in the physical world or in any other world, substances. Also relations between states, all surrounding phenomena.

83. Psychic energy in a person can move along the channels, just as in Space. Distortion of information comes from a person, from pollution of his Spirit, psychic energy goes through the channel of the Heart, from inside, out, that is, Light, Love, Harmony goes from Heart to Heart.

84. When receiving heart energy, a person often uses it for other purposes. According to God's plan, he must transform it into a convenient, acceptable one and send it further to people, the world, nature, animals, plants, i.e., strengthen it, and he often spends this blessed energy on evil, or even turns it into imperil or aeroperil. Man should help evolution, not hinder it.

85. The psychic energy of Luminous Love absorbs all negative or dark energies, recycles and illuminates them.

86. Plants, animals, stones have positive psychic energy - worldly, and /-/ negative psychic energy - anti-worldly. Example: oak /+/ gives, aspen /-/ takes.

87. The psychic energy of a person will be pure and luminous if it aspires to the Lord (Light, Love, Harmony, Peace, Beauty). It will descend in the form of the Holy Spirit from within from the Spiritual Heart outward and will intensify as the Human Spirit ascends to the Lord and merges with Him. And in contrast, the psychic energy of a person will be dirty, dark, destructive, and will go from outside to inside and will control a person if his aspirations are selfish: pride, selfishness (selfishness), power, money, fame, sex, alcohol, etc. e. everything that nourishes the Antiworld, the World of the Unclean Spirit. These include sorcerers, psychics. Man is conceived by God as a beloved child who should repeat his father, but here on Earth he deviated from this Plan, and instead of the White Sun, he becomes the Black Sun

White sun


The Energy of Creation, Light, Love, Harmony, Peace, Joy, Beauty is aimed at expanding Consciousness, at merging. The unification of all that exists, for creativity, health, longevity, for happiness only to give, shine and love.

This concludes and

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Not later than a year, books must be checked,

otherwise the number of victims will be great. On shelves

bookstores are full of lies.

Agni Yoga

The very title of the book is disturbing. The Great Teacher will never call "his own" the Knowledge that He perceives from the Highest Source. "I do not give, but accept!" - this is His principle and call, emphasizing that He is not personally the author and source of what was sent down, but only a pure and unclouded transmitting link of the Light Hierarchy. I was also struck by the sheer number of so-called "Laws of the Cosmos". It is well enough known that the Aggregate Divine Creation vibrates in three Primordial Laws: Interaction, Similarity and Attraction. All the rest, including what is stated in your book, are only consequences of the named Laws, Their various manifestations along the cut of the Worlds, particular consequences of Their various interactions and combinations. And call these manifestations Laws, as well as limiting their number to any number, is not authorized. To use the Holy for many Name of the Great Teacher, moreover, is immoral and false. Having passed over in silence the bright pages of the book, which are the unconditional majority and which with awe of thanksgiving to the Almighty and gratitude to All Who In Between have echoed in my heart, I draw your attention to some points from what you have printed that do not agree or even contradict the Immutable Laws of Creation, that is, God's Will. Of the most obvious in this respect is the call for repeated repetition of the text in bold italics on p. 12. By itself recitation memorized words will never acquire the power of heart prayer, that is, it makes it impossible to establish a channel of communication with the Light Forces. "Do not pray in any way, but in the spirit" (Agni Yoga). "It's already bad that you daily repeat alone and those same words" (Grail Message). This is as far as form is concerned. However, the following statement that such a repetition is sufficient to "be born from within the God-man of the 6th race" can be called explicit wrecking, because instead of the Mountainous Path to the Light, it instructs a person to "sweet doing nothing" and, moreover, deifies the person himself. The phrase from Law 55 (p. 18) also testifies to the weak containment of the authors of the foundations of God knowledge: "Light is God, the masculine principle. Love is the Mother of God, the feminine principle." Yes, God is Light!(Your word sequence is wrong). He is the Source Total Existing. The Aggregate Creation was formed from His Emanations. The Masculine and Feminine Beginnings are hidden in the Radiation of the Most High in harmonious unity, and Their separation occurs at the starting point of Creation - in the Holy Grail, thus forming an equilateral Radiant Cross of Creation. Love also comes from God and is a property His radiation. And if He is the First, "Alpha and Omega", then what kind of Mother of God can we talk about at all?! If about Mary of Nazareth - the earthly mother of Jesus, then having given birth on Earth cult Mother of God, people have already caused enough suffering to her soul. The assertion that the human soul can "...incarnate on Earth in an animal..." (Law 60, p. 21 and Law 190) contradicts the very nature of the human Spirit. Like a conscious immortal creature, The spirit is inherent only to a person. He incarnates (reincarnates) in the body of an earthly person, as in a space suit, in order to be able to act in the manifested World in order to develop consciousness. It's a mistake to call Lucifer servant darkness(Law 169, p. 47). He is indeed a traitor to the Lord, the master of the Earth. Agni Yoga calls Him the Prince of Darkness. By the evil will of people, He created His Dark Kingdom, the abode of the Babylonian harlot according to John, "Antimira" in your terminology, and is (perhaps is no longer) His Ruler. According to the meaning of the phrase "The energy of creation and destruction is present in the /+/ Light", an erroneous opinion may arise that in the Radiation of the Supreme initially the energy of destruction. Light brings Peace, Happiness and Joy to all Existing, which develops according to the Laws of Creation. However, if It does not cope with its tasks or even harms the Evolution, then under the increasing pressure of the Light according to the Law It is destroyed. There are quite a lot of such inaccuracies and ambiguities in the book. However, there are clear inclusions malicious. Indeed, Agni Yoga is "the book of life and the textbook of Mankind" (p. 80), but only without your his hyphen! Behind the little dash is a big forgery with evil, gloomy intent. Only Helena Roerich - Urusvati - is the Mother of Agni Yoga! It is through her really Great The Teachers of mankind gave him for his own salvation this clear Teaching of the New Epoch - the Living Ethics, the Ethics of Life. Without going into the content of the so-called "Agni - Yoga" (this is a special conversation), it should be noted that forgery, even among people, has always been considered one of the most heinous crimes. Here we are dealing with a betrayal of Truth. And the payoff is harsh. It is also unsuitable to attribute to Helena Roerich the authorship of Abramov's Facets of Agni Yoga. The year of the beginning of her writings is also indicated incorrectly - 1924 instead of 1920. In general, an analysis of the contents of the book, as well as the list of recommended literature (pp. 94 - 95) points to the hand of the Tibetan Teacher leading you, He is Dzhual Khul. It is for this reason that Abd-Ru-Shin's work "In the Light of Truth. The Grail Message" is missing from this list, whom Lord Maitreya Himself called the Messenger of the Lord, and His work - the Second Book after the Bible. ( Call of the Light. "Tsenton" - K., CJSC "NICHLAVA", 2002, p. 226). Daniil Andreev with his "Rose of the World" is not on the list, although there are many references to him in the text. It seems that there is one among you " trained initiate", through whom Djwhal Khul intends to give the people of Earth the final aspect of his Teachings of "Timeless Wisdom" and to fulfill with your hands "one of the main goals of the future", which he himself indicated: "4. Continuously distribute my books that contain most of the teachings of the New Age. "(Brigit Lamborg "The Mirror of the Disciple," p. 486). By the grace of mankind already sent down Knowledge, which it only able to contain and which are necessary for his own salvation. You, partially replacing, blurring and clouding the Truth, harm those who seek in the knowledge of the Will of God in Creation, take away precious time, instruct them on false paths. Beware, so as not to be numbered among the scribes and Pharisees, among the traitors of Christ - the Word of the Lord! "You will learn how My treasures are replaced. And you will raise your sword. Therefore, know how to fight" (Agni Yoga. Leaves of the Garden Morya. Call. 1922, December 30). 3

El Morya and "247 Laws of the Cosmos"

851 = Only Knowledge gives the True Faith and as its peak - complete trust in the Creator (30) = The unique energy of the Earth contributes to the growth of consciousness of the entire universe =

"Numeric Codes". Book 2. Kryon Hierarchy

I Am That I Am!

I am El Morya! I salute you, Lord!

Svetlana, as you say, “knocking on the rail” is useless, if there is no one around, no one will hear anyway.

What am I talking about, about the fact that we met “by chance”, you and El Morya’s book “247 Laws of the Cosmos”, where the book came from, do you remember? Someone said and you bought. And if I hadn’t called the railroad, you wouldn’t have heard that there is such an Author – El Morya, it turns out that it’s not the author at all, but the Lord. But you understand this now, but then I was the Author for you. Well, it’s good that you believed in me, who else would you start reading “247 Laws of Space”. And that they were written by a simple person of the earthly plane, who received information from me, then you simply would not understand this. It is impossible to tell a Person of the level of Social Consciousness that this is a Telethinned Universal Connection, he will not understand, because he does not yet have the Knowledge of the Unified Energy-Informational Structure of the Cosmos, because it is with this intention - to teach a Person the Higher Laws of the Cosmos - that the Hierarchy of the Creator comes.

The Father-Mother Creator passes on all his Knowledge to the Children, because they have already grown up and can receive a legacy from the Father-Mother Creator.

Svetlana, every Human of the Earthly Plan will be able to understand and accept the Higher Knowledge, because the Divine potential is initially laid in him, it just needs to be developed in Time. Therefore, Time does not end - "There will be no end of the world" - there will be a New Year! Only this Year is not Earthly, but Galactic, and it lasts according to earthly standards - “Long”, so we will develop our Higher abilities and capabilities for a long time to master the expanses of the Universe.

In Unity there will be something for everyone to do, it is interesting and fun to master the unknown, the Creator in Development, Creation in Development, Life is Eternal - Infinite - Universal.

El Morya - inspires, inspires "knocks on the rail" - People, wake up in the Spirit! Take your Power! Become the creator of your own reality, become an adult, receive a legacy from the Creator!

People wake up reluctantly, everyone always loves to “sleep” more than to work on their awareness. But nothing, the potential of the chemical mind of a Human is not yet known to him, and the Creator knows what he has laid in a Human, he knows - they will wake up - Everything, the instrument of awakening is in the hands of the Creator, He created all the Worlds, knows how to wake up. And you will know how the Creator wakes you up, if you want to understand this, there is no mysticism, there are the Laws of Creation, and you must master them. Everything is clear and concrete when consciousness has grown to this issue.

BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE: Keys of Enoch - opens the Ecumenical secrets, try to understand them. Our books, Svetlana, prepare a Person for the Higher School of the Spirit, and everyone in it will have to study.

We knock - "knock on the rail"! We wake up - we wake up the "sleepers"!

The morning of the Galactic Age of Knowledge has come, rise, let's go to the School of the Unified Consciousness of the Creator of the World of Worlds!


1. The law of commensurability or the law of harmony.

2. Law of Karma or Newton's 3rd Law: Every action is equal to a reaction. What goes around comes around.

3. Law of the spiral or evolution: Everything returns to normal.

4. One vibration of Love balances, harmonizes, neutralizes all vibrations of Chaos: All white light rests on Love.

5. Law of space: Any vibration released into space is amplified by tens, thousands, millions, billions of times. It is connected with the structure of the matter field of your space. The structure of the substance of Your Universe depends on the structure of the elements of Your Universe, which include 128 elements. (We are talking about the Hydrogen Universe, but there is Diamond, Phosphorus, etc.).

6. This law says that: God gave reason to man to help evolution, and not vice versa.

7. Physical world. There is a struggle between darkness and light, or Light /-/ and Light /+/, and this is an organic world. Everything wants to come out of the darkness.

8. The law of form. Communication in space arises on the basis of the law of form: Like is drawn to like.

9. The Law of Obstacles. They are necessary for the improvement of human Consciousness. The blows of the Spirit are nothing else than progress along the spiral of evolution, according to the principle of a jet engine.

10. The law of steps or spirals. It is impossible to jump over the steps at once, but if commensurability is achieved, then it is possible. But this is an exception to the rule. According to the law, 1st stage is assigned to human consciousness in 3 years, 3rd stage in 9 years. But if a person's body is ready to receive high-frequency energies and the Spirit rushes to the Higher Spheres, then in 1 year it is possible to go through 3 steps. We remind you that this is rare in the universe. You have this exception on Earth, otherwise the death of the Earth. The process has begun.

11. The germ is the beginning of all things. It has everything.

12. "O" space or Nothing, where there is no plus or minus. This is the germ of space. Embryo of Infinity. Penetrating into "O" Space, one can correct or violate physical laws.

13. The laws of ascending and descending energy act on a person and on All Existing. They should be in balance, in harmony and at rest. It is necessary to combine two teachings: Agni Yoga and the teachings of Sri Aurobindo. From the human consciousness, which is in a state of Harmony and Peace, comes only one vibration - Luminous Love. This is God, there is the Sun, there is Truth.

14. The truth is one, but there are different ways to get to it. Every person is the Path to Truth. How many people - so many ways. The shortest, this is the path of the Heart, the Path of Light, Love, Harmony and Peace. A spark will ignite the flame of the Holy Spirit. But the spark must come from the Free Will of man.

15. Law of Free Will. You have 30% free will in the physical world, 70% unconscious karmic energy. We have 100% free will in the Fiery World. This means Our Will is given to God and is like a bird. The Will of God is the Atmosphere of the Earth. The Bird is Absolutely Free in the Earth's Atmosphere. In the Subtle World there is 70% free will, 30% - karmic, unconscious. Humanity is Free in the Choice of the Spiritual Path. It is necessary to keep the axis of the Earth in balance, and to keep it clean. If part of the axis is darkened. The earth can change poles. First of all, it is necessary to fix in the minds of people that the pure axis of the Earth is the basis of their existence.

16. Shar's law. Everything in Existence strives for the shape of a ball (for perfection).

17. The law of concentration or universal gravitation. Psychomagnet law. All processes in the physical world are based on this Law, as well as in the Subtle and Fiery Worlds.

18. The law of repulsion of resultant forces. Two equal forces will repel each other. If they are not equal, then the weaker one will be absorbed by another, stronger one.

19. The law of one-time ascension. Applicable to people. Warn only once. (You cannot step into the same river twice.)

20. The law of the dark (impurities). The dark ones strive for grouping, (The pig will find dirt everywhere).

21 Don't ask, don't do. Without a call (Call of Love), no one will reach.

22. The law of aspiration. What you strive for is what you will get. (If you want power, you will get it, but unconscious, blind, which will control you). If you want Light, you will receive Knowledge. If you want the Holy Spirit, you will receive the Holy Spirit.

23. Small and Great are equivalent in their Nature.

24. The lower the consciousness, the more rigid the framework, the lower the degree of freedom. The higher the consciousness, the greater the degree of freedom. For example: a stone is the 1st degree of freedom of consciousness, a person is the 4th degree of freedom of consciousness, the natural instincts of an animal are the frame of evolution.

25. One for all and all for one. Each is responsible for all, and all are responsible for one. Mankind is one person, One organism is one cell.

26. Each coil of psychic energy will be born 1/3 higher in quality.

27. The psychic energy poles /+/ and /-/ are connected by the “O” corridor of the Space between the Worlds, Universes, molecules, atoms.

28. The concentration of psychic energy is fraught with an explosion. Therefore, it is harmful to concentrate psychic energy both in the human body and in the state, class, on Earth, not giving it away for the construction of the World: Light, Love, Harmony.

29. The highest psychic energy is the fiery energy - the Holy Spirit. This energy does not rape consciousness, it is thinner than human consciousness, and even more so the consciousness of a stone, plant, animal, element. It is ruled by Light, Love, Harmony and Peace. If the human Consciousness enters this state, then the Holy Spirit does not slow down to enter the person from within. This is a high frequency vibration - energy. To live constantly in the Holy Spirit on Earth is very difficult, hard in the human body, in the physical, but very easy in the mental body (in the body of the mind). For example: Every cricket, know your hearth. According to Senka and a hat.

30. Blasphemy destroys the Holy Spirit.

31. The open gates of Consciousness create a stream or a corridor of psychic energy of the plane on which the consciousness is located. For example: Trouble has come, open the gate. Consciousness in low frequencies in the Antiworld.

32. An equilateral triangle is a symbol in which all paths of psychic energy are equal, but for different planes of consciousness.

33. The capacity of consciousness or its filling with psychic energy depends on the degree of striving towards the Divine Infinity. A person who, dying, sends a thought to the Divine Infinity, (and when the consciousness is ready) will no longer be embodied in a physical body, will become a Spiritual being — the Spirit of the planet. Systems, Universe, World.

34. The laws of psychic energy are the same for all types of Cosmos (Micro- and Macro-,) /+/= /-/ , then there is Harmony, Peace.

35. The embryo of psychic energy is Light and Love, a crystal of psychic energy is given to everyone from birth. It can be: 1. Waste2. Donate3. Pollute4. Expand to the Divine Infinity Light — there is God — the masculine principle. Love is the Mother of God - the feminine principle. Here, too, there must be a balance. If there is a lot of Light, but little Love, the psychic energy goes hard, if there is little Light, Love becomes blind, that is, it approaches Darkness. And Darkness will not keep you waiting.

36. The Heavenly Father and Mother are given to everyone, but only a few people who radiate the Vibrations of the Holy Spirit remember them, in the physical body (the body of Darkness for the Spirit) they are very difficult to bear, since these are higher energies. The shock to the person will be strong. There are cases when the physical body is not ready or the consciousness is not ready to receive very high-frequency energies of the Holy Spirit. These energies descend according to the law of Karma. Then instead of grace or destruction of the physical body or loss of reason or one's personality. But for an aspiring person who consciously wanted to help the cause of evolution, this will never happen. The teacher won't allow it.

37. The embryo of psychic energy is located in the region of the heart chakra. This is the Crystal of the Spirit. (For all other objects and organisms in the center or the Golden Section). Embryo - /+/ in the anti-worldly body, /-/ - in the worldly body.

38. Do not give more than 1/3 of psychic energy to the World, Man. Recoil 2/3 - illness (mild, severe), 3/4 - death. One-time issuance of energy is not more than 10% to the World, and cannot be given to the Anti-World.

39. For an Agni Yogi, the release of psychic energy occurs in obedience to the rhythm of Karma: personal, state, planetary, universe. At the initial stage, the "lamp of the desert". The “lion of the desert” stage is the awareness of the release of energy, the same stage is the knowledge of the Arhat. (Here, free will is 65%).

40. Two psychic energies harmonized, being in balance, give the power of seven psychic energies, equal to - 1 ps. energy increased by 7 times.

41. Psychic energy aimed at destruction, making a circle, destroys the creator himself, and directed towards good, gives good to the creator. Under the law /З/.

42. Imprudent issuance /-/ of energy does not free from the laws of nature, the law of the circle, but deep repentance softens the blow.

43. The problem of building up a crystal of spiritual energy is subject to the law of free will, known only to God.

44. A denser psychic energy draws in a less dense one (Law of vampirism).

45. The key to managing your psychic energy lies in: 1/ Awareness of it. 2/ Love and illumination of it (of dark areas, and its spiritualization). 3/ Harmony and peace. 4/ Its immense expansion and awareness of it in Divine Infinity. 5/ Control you can when you see it, feel it, smell it, hear it, taste it.6/ When you realize the Lord in yourself /+/ and /-/.7/ When there is straight-knowledge and discipline of thought, you are the master. The Lord of thought. This is based on the control of the psychic energy of the World and the Antiworld.

46. Law of the Mirror. Each /+/ of psychic energy corresponds to /-/, but /-/ is two orders of magnitude lower. Otherwise there would be no victory of Light, but there would be an eternal struggle of Darkness and Light.

47. Law of nature. /+/ Energy of the World is two percent more than /-/, then there will be balance in the World. Harmony, Peace, otherwise there would be no evolution. On Earth, 47% of 100% of the Earth's axis is polluted with /-/ energy. Critical condition 52%. Then - the explosion of the planet.

48. In the psychic energy of a person there is the poison "EMPIRE", therefore it is so difficult for a person to accept the substance of grace. The percentage of poison is a critical amount leading to death, it is 52% of the whole body, 35 - 51% - a mild disease - a severe disease, 31 - 34% - a predisposition to the disease. "IMPERIL" moves along the lines of channels of Karma, thereby attracting black spirits (congenital diseases). But there are illnesses of free will - a person himself began to accumulate "IMPERIL" (he was healthy, started smoking - died of lung cancer). And there are Divine illnesses when a person begins to suck in "IMPERIL" himself in order to process it into Light. Imperil and aeroperil (in the Earth's noosphere) /-/ psychic energy that can be turned into /+/. And those who suck in are sure to receive the Ray of Grace through the Teacher of Humanity. Otherwise, death. The Ray of Grace transforms this poison, if a person, not sparing himself, helps the cause of evolution. (Psychics, charlatans, sorcerers do not have this ray, which means they do not help the laity).

49. The laws of psychic energy are immutable; they operate both in the Small Body and in the Higher Body. The more perfect the consciousness, the more perfect psychic energy it possesses.

50. Each person, improving, reaches "O" Space. At first, he occasionally gets there, then constantly, and, leaving the bodily shell, he goes either into the Light or into the Light/-/ his Spirit goes. His psychic energy goes along the blade of a knife. Through "O" Space, all phenomena occur, and it is through it that one can instantly get into other Worlds, or Antiworlds. If the Spirit commits a betrayal, then it immediately falls into the Light/-/ -Darkness-darkness, if the feat is conscious, then into /+/, into the Light World. Karma /-/, /-/ thoughts, will/-/, disharmony, ignorance, narrowed consciousness, unpreparedness of the physical body, lack of faith in the Lord — all this hinders the pure “O” channel. Then, through the “O” channel, essences penetrate into the Soul, Mind, Body of Man, through the protective veil that penetrates the consciousness, guests from all Worlds come, mostly bad ones, as they are drawn by ectoplasm and Spirit (fire) emitted by man.


202. Mutational processes that occur gradually can also occur unconsciously. The amount of Light descending to the physical plane increases. And whose Spirit deserves its past incarnations, good behavior, the ability to feed on Light and Love in its purest form, this Human Spirit begins to progress. A Man suddenly realizes that he led a wrong life, a Man begins to manifest the abilities of a Man of the 6th race, and if a Man continues to persist in his unwillingness to improve, then the Forces of the Impure Spirit, the Forces of the Antiworld, will quickly take him into their hands. Imagine, in past lives a Man aspired to the Lord and the Mother of God, and in this life he discovered extraordinary abilities, his narrowed consciousness of this Physical body, ignorance allows the Antiworld to penetrate into it from the outside through sins and low frequencies. It is necessary not to be afraid of these abilities, but to say: “Lord, with gratitude I accept everything from You!” And do not, like a snail, try to escape from yourself, feeding Antiworld with your fear. At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish between extraordinary supernatural abilities, where did they come from: from the Lord, the Forces of Creation, or from the Devil, the Forces of Destruction. Since the first ones appear in a person from the Forces of Creation or according to Karma, i.e. a person deserves it, or from his personal aspiration to the Lord, and directed to creation. This manifestation is very, very rare on Earth, these human abilities to destroy. They also appear according to Karma with /-/, according to personal aspiration, but not to the Lord, but to the desire to dominate, control the forces of Nature, Fire, using them for selfish purposes. And if a person sells for money, for some good, what was given to him from the Lord, i.e. The Divine Gift (but not the time spent on the lecture, do not confuse one with the other), thereby giving way to the Antiworld, the Impure Spirit, complicates and lengthens the evolution of your Spirit, i.e. can plunge it into space processing. In the Bible, Jesus said about the emergence of such abilities in people: “People like me will appear, even better than me.” That is, the Cosmic term has come, and there is no getting away from it. The Hand of the Teacher, the Lord of Shambhala, will support you in difficult times and will not let you fall in Spirit.

203. The law of form. Law of psychic energy. In addition to the law of form, that everything tends to a ball, this law says that creatures that can quickly change their shape survive better in space. The lower the development of matter and consciousness, the more difficult it is to change the form. The form is nothing but a matrix, a frame on which atoms and molecules are hung. The form, as we said, depends on the development of matter and consciousness, and therefore a person, developing his Consciousness with the help of striving for Light, Love, Harmony and Peace, i.e. to the Lord and the Mother of God, transmuting itself, as a result of this, matter can easily change its shape. Why a chicken is obtained from a chicken egg, and a Man from a person, because the law of form operates. Information about the form is in the cell's DNA, the nucleus. Genetic engineering is trying to penetrate DNA, but the Lord opposes this in every possible way, because. each new animal bred by an animal, getting out of control, can change a lot in the development of the Earth. DNA is a form of forms. A huge amount of information is stored in DNA, DNA is a bowl of accumulation of this type of living matter, in metals there are pro-DNA, an energy matrix, as well as in inanimate nature, in crystals, i.e. transitional forms of life from inanimate to living nature have pro-DNA, that is, the role of DNA is performed by particles that cause the division of crystals. Why can't a person grow a severed hand, because the energy frame of the hand is intact? Yes, because consciousness and matter are still at such a stage of development, where they are very rigid and there is little light in them, the degree of freedom is insufficient. Form is also an organ of matter, with the help of which this type of matter seeks to occupy a niche in the building of Mother Nature. Hence the law - like is drawn to like (The fisherman sees the fisherman from afar), according to the plan of the Lord, the unification of forms (i.e., species, family, nation, gender) of matter must first occur, and then already the unification of consciousness, and then various forms matter disappears, and one ball remains. At first, on the physical plane, the Earth was in the form of a Fireball, then there was a cooling, the disintegration of the Earth's surface into stones, the appearance of crystals - the progenitors of living life, and so a stone - a plant - an animal - a person, each branch of matter has its own form and consciousness, i.e. . step matter - consciousness is in harmony for this species, then matter develops as much as possible for the physical plane - this is Man, continuing to develop consciousness, he fulfills the Plan of the Lord - the Unification of everything that exists, but already on a new round of consciousness, that is, on a new, more subtle plan than physical. And the time will come when the consciousness of the Earth - plants - animals - a person will merge into a Single living Organism with the help of Light, Love, Harmony, Peace and Joy, such is the plan of the Lord and the Mother of God.

204. Law of the System. In Nature, everything is built on laws, on a system, in order, that is, scientifically, and the Science of Sciences is the highest mathematics. Any phenomenon in life, in nature, is subject to the Cosmic Law, and if a person is unable to explain this or that phenomenon, then he simply does not know the Cosmic Law, the law of Nature. The highest integral of the Lord and the Mother of God or Natural Mathematics is the integral of Love. All the laws of Nature and Cosmos are built on it. But we know that the Love of the World, of the Worldly Forces brings creation to a person, the Love of the Antiworldly Forces, the destruction of the Antiworld. Entering a new round of its development. Man recognizes these laws of Nature and applies them to creation, because the laws of Nature and Cosmos are oriented towards creation and evolution. Everything in the World is Good! Everything that is done is for the better! (Russian proverb).

205. The law of relativity. For example, Light, Love, Harmony, Peace and Joy are good for the World, for worldly people, for worldly consciousness, but bad for the Anti-World, anti-worldly people or non-people in human shells. Darkness, Love of Darkness, Chaos, Disharmony - good for the Antiworld, but bad for the World and worldly people. When a worldly person loves another person, he only gives Light, Love, Harmony, Peace and Joy, and it is good if the person he loves is also worldly - he is also a small white Sun. Then these two worldly people exchange their Lord and Mother of God, helping the cause of evolution, brightening the dark matter, according to the principle of eight. But imagine, a worldly person loves an anti-worldly, that is, a black sun, egoist, then the law of Cosmos and Nature is violated, that is, there is no exchange of energy, and as a result of this, a person who only gives begins to get sick and wither away next to the egoist. And consider an example when an egoist, an anti-worldly person, a black sun, loves a worldly person, he can only take energies, and when an egoist says that he loves you, he speaks sincerely, but at the same time he will not give you water if you are sick, or beat, as some men like to do with their wives; drunkards who torture their wife and children and say they love them. These people are really sincere. But you know that the Love of the Antiworld brings Darkness, Chaos, Disharmony, that is, the energy of destruction. The wife and children cry, sob, huge energy is released, especially if they are also afraid of him, while this energy is used to feed the Antiworld, and the representative of the Antiworld is a drunkard, while the psyche of the children and wife is destroyed, and their health. But why, you ask, does a (worldly) wife live with an alcoholic or sadistic husband, why does she love him and not leave him? The reason for this is Karma. It is Karma, the previous energy debt to this person in previous lives that makes poor women live with this representative of the Antiworld.

206. Cosmic law of dissimilarity. Every object, every organism, every atom, every planet is strictly individual. You can not enter the same river twice - the law of one-time receipt of information. The law of unlikeness or individuality is needed because everything that exists in Existence is the entire creation of the Lord. Every leaf, every blade of grass, every planet is dear to the Lord, not to mention Man. And if there is a choice - a blade of grass or a person - here the law of commensurability, or expediency comes into force - the value of the reserve of conscious psychic energy, since in the Cosmos, in Nature, conscious energy is valued. Of course, a person is more valuable than a blade of grass, but it happens that a blade of grass is more valuable in terms of the energy of awareness than a person. God knows better!

207. Bypass law. Even in the story of O. Henry it is said: in Nature there is no strict straightness, and if it occurs, it is rare, there are no sharp right angles, everything is smoothed out, swirling in it. Here is an example - an ocean of water and a drop of water (we agreed that water is for the physical plane, the body is what the Holy Spirit is for the Fiery body), a drop of water contains all the information about the ocean. Man is a drop in which there is the Holy Spirit, the Lord is the Ocean. Everything is the Holy Spirit. Further, when a brook strives to get into a river or ocean, it does not go right through, directly, it looks for workarounds, and will follow its own individual path-plan, even if it goes through a stone (a drop sharpens a stone), bypassing somewhere, maneuvering, accumulating potential energy. This energy is in a compressed form, it is not on the physical plane, but in the subtle world. And finally, having accumulated energy, this stream breaks somewhere and goes straight, sweeping away everything in its path, i.e. transforms energy from potential to kinetic, visible to the physical plane. But there may be an artificial path - the path of a canal dug by man. It is easy to swim through such a channel, but the energy of water in this way to merge with the ocean does not train, it does not experience the so-called blows of the Spirit, that is, compression and tension, it calmly falls into a river or ocean, and so does a person. Jesus said that everyone who can get into the Kingdom of God, into the Fiery World, will come by their own difficult narrow paths. That is, the path to God of each person is strictly individual, this is the path of Agnia Yoga, the path of a loner, who along the way saturates the surrounding spaces with his water-energy, cleansing everything and everyone around, collecting dirt and garbage, and nourishing the world around him with Light, Love, Peace and Peace, Joy and Harmony. That is, an Agni Yogi brings the Lord and the Mother of God, Faith, to the world around. And what difference does it make what religion a person is, if only religion — that is, the path to the Lord — was aimed at giving Light, Love, Harmony, Peace, Joy to the whole World and sucking out the poison-dirt through the Feat, and brightening it, i.e. so that religion is aimed at cleansing a person from Darkness, Ignorance, Fear, Malice, Hatred, Envy, Hypocrisy, Pride / a stone is the personification of a person’s Pride, his impregnability, but a drop sharpens a stone /, purification of self and other features of the Antiworld in a person. Who cares what the color of his eyes, skin, gender, race and language. If only there was a Man in the highest sense of the word.

208. The law of fertilization of space. The energy “O” of Space is the impersonal virgin Light, Love, Harmony, Peace, Joy, and not the Antiworld. This is the virgin Mother Nature, which has never been touched by thought, either bad or good, has never been touched by will. This Truth is the Supreme Consciousness. It is the energy of “O” Space that feeds the embryo of a plant, animal, or human. The energy “O” of Space is fed by the Lord and the Mother of God — that is, Spiritual people who can never incarnate on the physical plane and subtle. The energy “O” of Space gives life to all Existing, it is a very powerful and subtlest energy, it is the Window of the Worlds. Miracles happen through him. Remember Blavatsky, Radonezhsky, Jesus, David Copperfield, Sai Baba, who removed objects from space, transferred the body from one point of the physical plane to another. Jesus worked miracles with the help of the “O” energy of Space, the healing is instant, also the energy of “O” Space, werewolves are also the energy of “O” Space. The energy “O” of Space nourishes the Holy and Unclean Spirit. That is, this is the very energy that is fertilized by thought, which is a little coarser than the subtlest energy of “About” Space, “About” Space — there is Absolute Peace, Harmony, Light, Love. Thought is the engine and shaper of the Worlds, Universes, Planets, which can be faster than thought. So, be kind, Human, merciful, so that your whole essence is directed only to the bestowal of Light, Love, Harmony, Peace, and then the energy of “O” Space will go to creation, evolution, Peace, Creativity, and it is very dangerous directly , without the guidance of the Lord of Shambhala, to keep in touch with the energy of "O" Space, because it acts instantly and is very powerful, but the connection with the Lord lies through a pure, immaculate Heart. Of course, the Impure Spirit also uses this energy, an unkind person uses it for his evil, power-hungry, selfish purposes, and then it kills him on the physical and subtle planes (what he himself gave birth to with his evil thoughts kills him). "Don't dig another hole, you yourself will fall into it." Man, learn once and for all: you need to think kindly, rebuild your essence, love everything around you, no matter how incomprehensible and hostile it may seem to you (when everything around seems evil and hostile, it means that your consciousness is darkened, it means that the representative of Darkness you, and inspires your mind with these thoughts). By the way, we allow the representative of Darkness ourselves, if we do not want to know, we do not want to be kind and merciful to others and ourselves, we do not want to be hardworking and honest, we do not want to realize ourselves with the Lord and the Mother of God. The forces of destruction are right there. Darkness feeds on fear; it is a bridge between the Worlds. And say further: "You are good, but we do not need you, go to your Antiworld." And say to yourself: “Jesus (or another name of the Lord), enter my Heart from the inside, be with me in joy and sorrow, create protection and protection for me from the inside. Be in me, Jesus! Or briefly: “Jesus, enter my Heart from the inside,” 3 times while inhaling, and Jesus will enter your Heart. And bad thoughts and vibrations will disappear, consciousness will instantly brighten up, and you will immediately turn from an evil, scandalous person into a peaceful and kind one, but this is suitable if the person is worldly. If he is anti-worldly, then the Lord Jesus will not hear him. So saturate, fertilize the Space, or, to put it correctly, cement the Space with good thoughts. Send into the Space more often from the whole Heart on the exhale: "Let the whole world be well"! Send Light, Love, Harmony and Peace into Space!

209. The law of the application of forces. Force is attracted to each energy - force - matter - psychic energy. To each thought, word, desire, a corresponding force is attracted, which depends on the development of consciousness. Example: there is a huge desire, but the consciousness is not developed, it is narrowed - then the power of fulfilling the desire will be small, and part of the energy that goes to fulfill the desire goes through /-/ karmic channels i.e. to cover the old debt, as well as through the channels of resentment, envy, fear. So that the desire is fulfilled on the physical plane:

2/ from 6 signs - paths of the Devil (attachment to money, sex without love, alcoholism, power, fame, pride);

3/ get rid of the secondary ones - ignorance, fear, anger, irritation, hypocrisy, etc., laziness, condemnation.

4/ believe in the Higher Powers and strive for Them with your Essence (you can strive for both the Devil and the Antiworld, desires are also fulfilled, but at the expense of the energy of destruction - the destruction of the energy of the person himself and his loved ones, and not creation), i.e. the desire from the Lord is fulfilled at the expense of the energy of creation, not destruction. It does not contradict the laws of Nature. Example: a person decided to make his life easier by robotization, i.e. due to the destruction of Nature, although it was possible to lighten the physical plane by reducing or rejecting material values, desires, and follow the path of Agni Yoga, i.e. By the Spiritual Path, through Spiritual Improvement, create the same objects by the power of thought from the Space (using the energy “O” of the Space).

210. The law of interpenetration. The Infinity of our inner World must merge with the Infinity, the Infinity of the Outer World. Our Lord and Mother of God, the inner, spiritual, our inner Heaven, Inner Cosmos, must merge with the outer Lord and Mother of God — the outer Heaven and outer Cosmos.

211. Hence the Law of the tuning fork, unison. The internal vibrations are transmitted to the external physical plane. Your inner vibration of Love, mercy is transmitted to objects, causing them to respond with vibrations, forcing them to be in the same mode of vibration, in range. If several vibrations coincide, a unison is obtained, i.e. amplification in the given object of vibration repeatedly. In space, vibrations increase: 2 people - 7 times, 3 people - 49 times, 4 people - 343 times. Karma is divided into physical, subtle. For thoughts, for the corruption of the Spirit, Karma will be harder than for physical deeds. The Law of Unison will help here. Example: an egg is thrown into boiling water, nearby eggs from the “SOS” signal fall into a “faint”.

212. The law of energy reversibility. If you have an enemy, then maybe he is turned to the other side for you, the dark one. And for his mother, this same person is turned to the bright side. The fiery energies that go to the Earth will be good for those who accept them with joy and with Love, and evil for those who do not want to perceive and resist these energies, i.e. basically it all depends on consciousness, on what vibrations come from a person /+/ or /-/. For some, /+/ it will be 999 - which means - without fear, without a doubt, without death, for others /-/ 666 - fear, doubt, death.

213. The law of visibility and invisibility of energy. A lot of types of energy are invisible to a person, and only an insignificant part of low-frequency or high-frequency energies is visible to a person. When a person tunes in to the unison of Space and turns to the Lord and the Mother of God, then high-frequency energies descend through the corridor of Consciousness from (O) Space, from the Fiery World, from the Subtle World to the physical plane, this is accompanied by a change in low-frequency energies, they begin to rotate in a wide range . A person does not see the energies of the Subtle World, the Fiery World and “O” Space, because the physical eye is not adapted to high-frequency energies; vision of the subtle world, subtle energies, or Spiritual vision, which does not need an eye, and which sees the Fiery, Superfiery World and the energies of “O” Space with the Heart.

214. The law of transformations of excess energy into energy "O" of Space. Excess energy is formed due to its release as a result of the strikes of the Spirit, when the Spirit strikes it is released into the “O” Space, at the same time it serves for some time as a launching pad for moving the Spirit up the evolutionary spiral. Thanks to this law, everything in Nature evolves and moves forward like a rocket projectile.

215. The law of reasonable distribution of energies. The Higher Mind of the Perfect Heart knows where and when to apply this or that energy so that the Spirit would benefit and evolve, and when the Spirit separates itself from the Lord and the Mother of God, it cannot receive the energies of creation, but receives the energies of destruction, which bring degradation and involution. The Lord and the Mother of God send us the best opportunities. You only need to use them, everyone in life is given a chance to correct themselves at least 3 times and turn their Face, Heart, Soul, Body, Mind, Consciousness, and all life to the Lord and the Mother of God, i.e. to Light, Love, Harmony, Peace and Joy of Existence.

216. Law of Goodness. It is never too late to turn your Face to the Lord, the Mother of God, that is, to Light, Love, Harmony, Peace, Joy, no matter how low you fall.

217. Law "Love your neighbor as yourself." The law of balancing internal and external harmony. Love yourself, that is, harmonize your inner energy, and gratefully accept, for example, your appearance, Man, such as you have, your body, abilities. You deserved them in past lives and past incarnations. For example, if in this life you were born blind, say day and night: “I realize and gratefully accept, Lord, my blindness in this life, because in a past life I did not want to see the suffering and pain of other people, animals, plants, Mother Earth, this world. And after that, begin to love the whole surrounding World as yourself, and then you will not need physical eyes, you will have a Spiritual sight that sees everything and everything. This applies to all physical illnesses.

218. Know thyself, or the law that Man is created by Nature. It includes all 247 laws of Psychic energy, and, knowing himself, Man enters into the Natural Cosmic Laws. Prayer for self-awareness in this World: “I /name/ am aware of myself in my body, I am aware of the Lord and the Mother of God in myself.” This prayer builds up health, consciousness, power of Spirit and Body.

219. The law of quality. The transition of psychic energy from quality to quantity is carried out in a planned way (increasing) or stepwise (in steps). The law of step evolution or spiral.

I / is the increase in energy,

2/ - accumulation of quality,

Z/ - a sharp jump-like transition of quality into quantity as a result of the blow of the Spirit,

4/ is practically the same thing,

5/ - more often this is absent - immediately a spiral.

220. Law of perforation of Space and leader. For example, it is born from an egg - a chicken breaks through the space of the shell with its head. He finds himself in a new world that lives according to its own laws, and if there is no leader next to the chick, i.e. chicken or anyone else, the chick will die. So it is with a person engaged in Spiritual practice, if there is no leader nearby, then the person will die, not knowing how to behave in the Subtle, Fiery and Physical worlds. And although the world around is beautiful and harmonious, it will seem hostile to a chick or a person. Therefore, a Master-Teacher should always be next to a person.

221. The law of aging of psychic energy for a given plane, except for "O" Space. During the evolution of Space, the law of aging of energies is necessary. For example, the time has come: a child needs to be born (it is good for him to swim in the womb while he is not yet born, water is the Holy Spirit for the Fiery body). But the time has come to enter the White Light. To do this, you will need not soft skin, but thicker and tanned skin, you will need new energies, that is, the aging of energy is not its extinction, but its transition to a new, better quality, a person has also approached Cosmic childbirth, and you need to go out into the Fiery World - into the White Light - but for this you need a Fiery Body, which can live in the "Kingdom of God", in the Fiery World. To do this, you need to go through the Fiery Baptism (purification). An old tale about Ivanushka, who went through Fire, Water and Copper pipes. Your spirit needs to get rid of the old accumulations, the old junk that hinders us, and for this you need to rush with all the Power and Will of your consciousness to the Fiery World under the guidance of the Lord of Shambhala, under the sign of Buddha, Maitreya, Morya, which means Light Invincible Love, Mercy for everything Existing.

222. Law of centrifugal force. All energies tend to the center, that is, the Grain of a person's Spirit attracts those energies that he himself generated with his thoughts and desires. If he strives for the Fiery World with his whole Being, then, as Sergey of Radonezh said, it will be like this: “Acquire the Spirit of the World and thousands will be saved near you. “If you, people, strive to merge with the Grain of your Spirit with the Cosmic Magnet, with the Universal Grain of the Spirit, then you will be given the best opportunities. The law of centrifugal force is the best of the Cosmic laws. It will act the stronger, the stronger your desire for Peace, Light, Love, Harmony, Peace, Beauty, Joy, that is, for the Lord, the Mother of God, Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Allah through Muhammad. Remember this people!

223. The law of series connection of energy. There is a sequence in this world, or the Law of Increasing Rhythm. As a result, waves are formed in the ocean of energies. Thanks to this law, everything that exists evolves. The law of the consistent connection of energies prevents Chaos and Destruction. Thanks to this Law, for example, three-dimensional space develops into four-dimensional space, four-dimensional space develops into five-dimensional space, and so on. This law is best represented in a rainbow. Jesus loved the rainbow and said, “Where the rainbow is, there I am.” A rainbow is nothing but a collapsed white light. The diffraction of white light or its decomposition into colors allows humanity to join the White Brotherhood, since people are all different colors, each has its own individuality. The Law of consecutive connection of energies is equivalent to the Law of Harmony. In order for the joining of energies to take place, each previous energy has the germ of each subsequent energy. This is expressed in evolution, in the growth of energy tensions: this is for the World, that is, the growth of the Worldly energy, the energy of Light and Love. For anti-world it is expressed in involution, decomposition of energy. The law of the consistent connection of energies operates in all spaces and dimensions. Violation of this law is Chaos, Disharmony, Destruction. It includes a spiral and steps. It is impossible to go directly from red to yellow or from orange to purple without including all the previous colors. May this Law be blessed!

224. Law of the best combinations. Thanks to this law, for example, when going to visit or to another Space, you take the best clothes or your best qualities of consciousness, walking under the guidance of the Teacher or Lord Buddha, Maitreya, Morya, you can always use this law in life. Due to the fact that the Teacher directs the development of your consciousness-Spirit, he knows when and how is best for you. Nothing will happen to you to harm you in the evolution of your Spirit-consciousness. Teacher, do it right! Lord, do it right! Mother of God, do it right! Repeat these words if something is not clear in this life or in a dream.

225. The law of uniformity of the rainbow. Rainbow Uniformity Law, i.e. all colors of the rainbow must be saturated to a certain limit and uniform, otherwise there will be no white color, but white with pink, white with blue, etc. This law also says that there must be a certain amount of energy of each color in a person in order to have a white color. This law contains 223 and 224 laws. “Everything should be beautiful in a person: face, clothes, Soul and thoughts” , - said A.P. Chekhov, let us add, and Spirit-consciousness. Clothing should consist of Light, Love, Harmony and Peace, Beauty. And the rainbow is a symbol of Beauty, Harmony and Joy. You can't add anything to it and you can't take anything away. It's perfect, it's the Truth. Truth is beautiful and pure. In a person, all psychic energies should be developed evenly, in each chakra a certain amount came in and approximately the same amount radiated. Part of the energy goes to the physical body and its needs. The smaller the needs of the physical body, the smaller this difference will be. For fiery people, it is minimal. The chakras must be 100% open each - that is, they are radiated by direct rays from the inside. Sons and Daughters of Light - it is painful to look at them with human eyes. For Worldly Humans, the chakras will rotate clockwise, thereby contributing to the health of the Spirit, Consciousness, Soul, Body, and the surrounding world. The body of such a person will be perfection itself. Consciousness is beautiful, Soul and Spirit are beautiful - that is, True. Such a Person turns into a bearer of the Truth. And this Perfection is Infinite in the Eternities. Man, strive to improve!

226. Cosmic Law — ignorance does not relieve one from responsibility. The mechanical sending of huge unconscious energy (meaningless mantras, prayers, phrases, i.e. the meaning of words a person does not know), space clutter and causes energy to manifest on the physical plane. But such energies that have evoked. And they go “there, I don’t know where”, they ask for something, “they don’t know what”. If a child does not know the quality of fire and touches fire, he gets burned. For a Human it is the same: ignorance of the Law does not exempt from responsibility. That is why it is so important to say every day: “Lord, I entrust my Spirit into your hands (before going to sleep). Lord, Teacher, guide my Spirit, my Soul, my Consciousness, my Mind, my Body through life.” Only under the guidance of the Teacher can one walk boldly, fearing nothing. Repeat more often: “Let my consciousness be transferred to the consciousness of the Master. Teacher, do it right. Lord, do it right!”

227. Each energy that has exhausted itself carries the germ of another emerging energy. This is also the Law. Our physical body carries the grain of the Spirit of the emerging fiery energy: for example, a stone evolves — that is, in its psychic energy there is an embryo of the consciousness of a plant. Crystals are the smartest of stones. The psychic energy of a plant contains the embryo of an animal. For example, corals are a transitional form from plant to animal.

228. Law of multidimensional space. At each point in space, there simultaneously exists an infinite number of worlds and planes of consciousness, that is, a person has at the same time a body in a physical body (3-dimensional space), a subtle body Soul (4-dimensional, 5-, 6-dimensional spaces), a fiery body Consciousness (6,7,8,9,10,11,12-dimensional spaces), Superfiery body Spirit (13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21-dimensional spaces) to "O" Space etc. According to this law, all bodies of the Soul, Mind, Consciousness, Spirit following the physical body include all the previous ones. And it turns out that a person is such a body that can include an infinite number of spaces, bodies, Dimensions. But if a person, for example, does not have a Subtle Body, i.e. freed from desires and all feelings, except for the feeling of love, from all thoughts, except for one - to shine and give light - this person becomes a Fiery person. Holy, Pure, Light. And if his Mind passes into the Heart, he turns into a Spiritual person, i.e. merges with the Lord or the Mother of God.

229. The law that says that the strength of psychic energy depends on its mass multiplied by the power of this psychic energy. The strength of psychic energy is measured in mass. 3 kg of psychic energy of the fiery, subtle, and physical planes will be different. Everything depends on what plane it is on — physical, subtle, fiery, superfiery. For example, you wished to buy a car, that is, with what force you wish to receive this car. If you wish, very strongly, the mass of thought increases with each desire, the power of the energy of thought increases, and the car is realized faster on the physical plane, it passes from the world of thought to the physical world faster. Thanks to this law, it is customary to rebuild the coordinate system. Depending on which plane the thought is more concentrated on, it is fulfilled on that plane. If you dream of something - beautiful cities or girls (provided that you have pure karma. Karma is the life path of the Spirit. It is strictly forbidden to do this with dirty karma), then you need to restructure your thinking in such a way that the dream turns into reality. That is, to represent not abstractly, but concretely (a city, a girl, a situation). Then the coordinates collapse, the space collapses and the desired is quickly realized, since the energy “O” of Space goes quickly to the physical plane. But this should be done only under the guidance of the Teacher. This is possible only with a developed Fiery consciousness.

230. The law denoting that psychic energy enclosed in a circle is Eternity /-/negative Eternity. Sisyphean labor, that is, when Sisyphus lifted a stone uphill, the stone rolled down, and everything started again. This happens in everyday life, when a person finds himself in a vicious circle of problems, feelings, actions, thoughts, meetings. For example, his stomach hurts, and his stomach hurts from irritability. With a sick stomach, a person becomes irritable, but the more he is irritated, the more the stomach hurts. And so always and in everything, in any situation. What is the way out? The only way out is to expand your Consciousness. That is, start learning. Get away from ignorance and darkness. Then turn, strive with all your being, every minute of your existence to the Lord and the Mother of God, i.e. to Light and Love, i.e. to an expanding infinity. And the Lord will enlighten his Consciousness, the person will understand that he needs to stop getting angry and annoyed, but he needs to love everything around him. The Lord and the Mother of God - there is Infinity, there is evolution, and then the circle (the ball of human consciousness stops narrowing into a point) begins to expand, rotate at a superluminal speed, turn into a spiral. This is the basis of the custom to enclose oneself in a circle, protecting oneself from low-frequency vibrations, the forces of destruction, otherwise, if they get there, they will not come out. The wheel of Samsara is the wheel of the Incarnations of Man. Moreover, he incarnates in the next life from the point of vibration at which he ended the previous life.

231. The law of cause and effect. Law of Karma. People often confuse cause with effect, and as a result, people's whole life is connected with degradation and involution, eternal problems, illnesses, misfortunes. First, the first reason for the appearance of mankind on Earth is to help the evolution of the physical plane. Man is conceived by the Lord and the Mother of God as a small Sun capable of emitting only Light and Love, Harmony, Peace and Joy. That is, to illuminate everything around and unite it into a single Existence with the help of a bridge of Love. A person is conceived by an open system — that is, an altruist, an extrovert, a system that could process heavy low-frequency energies, cosmic currents that are deadly for all living things, a system capable of transmitting to the physical plane fiery energies. Truth, Light, Love, Joy, Harmonious Peace, helping the evolution of the Fiery Plane. Fiery energies, if they enter the physical plane without a human intermediary, turn from the Fire of Grace into the destructive physical Fire-Agnia, as it is called. Agni Yoga is a teaching that teaches, enlightens a person, teaches him to love everything around him and to be a small Sun, a beacon for the world around him. It is Agni Yoga that helps to illuminate the surrounding physical world. All the Saints, associates who are known to mankind: Krishna, Zoroaster, Lao Tzu, John, Abraham, Buddha, Christ, Prophet Mohammed — these are people who, with the help of sacrifice, promoted the Consciousness of Humanity, illuminated it with the Fire of Love for all Existing. These people were directly connected with the Lord and the Mother of God, carried out their will, and it can be said that the Lord through them descended from the Kingdom of God, From the World of Fire into the physical world, dense dissociated High-frequency Evolutionary energies of Light, Love, Goodness, Harmony and Kindness. Human disease is a consequence, but not a cause. Man deviates more and more from evolution, from the Divine plan. He is more and more immersed in the material, especially now in Russia, not realizing that if he fulfills the will of the Lord (it can be compared: the Will of the Lord is the earthly atmosphere, the will of man is a bird. A bird is free in the atmosphere of the Earth), then a person will be able to change the surrounding cruel, the disunited physical world, into the world of the Sun, Light, Love, Harmony, Peace, One Single. But for this you need to get out of the Circle of Samsara - the Eternal Circle of Incarnations, rushing to the Lord and the Mother of God i.e. to Light, Love, Harmony and Peace, Joy. Diseases and wars will disappear. A person who aspires to the Lord and the Mother of God eats little. He does not eat meat, it is disgusting to him, since it contains information about murder, this person is kind, merciful, respects other religions, nations, he loves everything around him, without judging anything, but only strives to improve Infinitely. If the environment seems evil to you, it means that there are vibrations of evil inside you. And the surrounding world is a mirror of vibrations. Look at the children. The child is open, trusting and can only love. People will enter the Kingdom of God who, like children, are pure and blameless, who, like little suns, bring joy on Earth. Whoever does not love children does not love the Lord and the Mother of God, since we are the same children for the Lord and the Mother of God. The Lord and the Mother of God ask people only to love and shine, without violating their Freedom of Choice, to rejoice, to create beauty in Harmonious Peace. And you don’t have to attribute your thoughts to the Lord — that is, the Lord will punish, the Lord will be angry, angry, condemn — yes, Light and Love cannot do this, they can only love. And it is the person himself who does the deeds of evil, pride, murder, cruelty, greed, power. He wants money, fame, closes himself from the Lord and the Mother of God with a crust of evil, through which Light and Love cannot penetrate. How can a person not understand: he is born in Light and Love, he is born in Light and Love, and he must become Light and Love. But if he closes himself with the Darkness of ignorance, unwillingness to know Light, Love, Truth, he punishes himself, or rather the law of Karma. They say among the people: "There is nothing to blame on the mirror, if the face is crooked." It's all man's fault. And you just need to turn to the Lord and the Mother of God: “Forgive me, I want to improve, I love you, I strive with all my being for you, with my every breath, every thought, desire, every minute of my existence.” That's all. It's very simple. But to master and enter the World of Fire (to love it in the first place) is possible only under the guidance of the Lord, thereby avoiding what is dangerous for oneself. Agni Yoga is the book of life and the textbook of Humanity.

232. Law of the hour hand. If the system evolves, and the system means a person, his chakras rotate clockwise (this is a view from inside or from above), - the energy comes from the subtle world, from the Fiery World and the Super-Fiery World to the physical plane, that is, the energy goes mundane, aimed at creation , and it is necessary that all chakras rotate clockwise, and evenly, at the same speed. If a person is sick, angry, envious, obsessed with a thirst for power, money, fame, pride - the chakras can stop for some time, the state of the body at this moment is very difficult. At this moment, it seems to a person that he is dying or will die, then the chakras begin to rotate in the other direction, counterclockwise, and the system directs energy already into the Antiworld, to destruction, i.e. a person begins not to give Light and Love to the physical world, but to suck out the energy received through destruction into the Antiworld. That is, a person is no longer an altruist, but an egoist. An egoist and an introvert constantly complains that they don’t like him, or they don’t like him much, that he is lonely, because he feeds on the processed energy of people, and she is slop. Don't eat slop, Man!

233. The law of disease of space. Space is the Totality of Bodies. And since any body can be injured and can get sick, Space can also get sick. For example: at the moment when they want to kill a person with a violent death, he knows about it, he experiences, that is, pumps psychic energy with his consciousness like a pump into a given area, and at the moment of death a person is overwhelmed by wild fear and horror, and he gives rise to a thought-form, there is a rupture or a hole in the body of a given Space in a given area and a ghost is obtained. That is, the energy will go to the Antiworld. This thought-form - a ghost, generated by man, will feed only on the energy of destruction, because generated by similar energies, and like attracts like. And the cast appears either at a certain time of the year, or in similar circumstances, i.e. when a person is afraid of something and he has a weak energy field, then at that moment his Consciousness slightly opens the biofield and a lot of energy comes from it to feed the thought form - ghosts, bringing destruction to the person’s mental health. A weak biofield occurs in children, old people, sensitive men and women who feel that in this place there was once, many years ago, something terrible and creepy, because. in space there was a trace of the murder. You can cure it like this: perform the Rite of Purification in order to cleanse our World from the Antiworld, and by the prayers of pure people ask the Lord to patch up the biofield of Space in this place. Do the same for fears in children and adults. At night, mentally ask: “Lord, Mother of God, Holy Spirit! Patch holes in my biofield (or in the biofield of a child, apartment, area). The more the Hole is the suction, the more time and energy of Luminous Love is needed to patch up the Hole in Space.

234. The law of unity of physical and fiery-spiritual forms. The physical heart does not correspond to the fiery spiritual heart. The Spiritual Heart is located in the center of the human chest, it is the Sun. In the same way, spiritual vision does not correspond to physical and subtle vision. When a person has a Fiery body, he will not need physical eyes, because. With Spiritual vision, a person sees with any point of the physical body: with the heel, finger, back of the head or the Spiritual Heart. The Cross on the physical plane always corresponds to the Fiery Cross in the Fiery World, which has a purifying effect on the forces of destruction, or Darkness - thoughts of ignorance, ignorance. A thought about something, an idea is of a Fiery nature, which is realized first on the Subtle, then on the physical plane. The Lord is Light, Love, Harmony, Peace. But the physical man was created by Him in the image and likeness of God on the physical plane. What is similarity? In the ability to Love, Illuminate Everything with the Knowledge of the Sun, forgive, endure, give Harmony, Warmth, Joy, Create the Beautiful.

235. The law of paradoxes. Any phenomenon in nature, in the Cosmos, any psychic energy contains this law of paradoxes. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? , ?????? — ?????????????????? , ??????? — ??????????????? !BUT. S. Pushkin. Alcohol - good or bad? In small doses it is a medicine, in large doses it is a poison. Take any object, any phenomenon. Human. On the one hand - the energy of destruction, on the other - the energy of creation. A thief is a bad thing, but on the other hand, it’s good, because he teaches that being a mouthpiece is bad. For the thief himself, what he steals is good, but until he is caught and beaten. A husband walks away from his wife - this is bad. But the fact that he walks away from his wife indicates that he either does not love his wife, or the wife behaves in such a way that her husband walks away from her, that is, something is wrong in their family. Their union is not strong and may fall apart. And so you can continue ad infinitum. The phenomenon of the Chinese monad is contained in the law of paradox. Life is the most paradoxical phenomenon. Now fiery energies are coming to the Earth, an invisible, purifying fire is coming. On the one hand, it transmutes a person, turns him into a person of the 6th race, that is, he creates. But, on the other hand, the same fire destroys the man of the 5th race. Because before you build something, you need to destroy the old, i.e. the fire during transmutation will be the very Apocalypse, the very terrible Judgment, as a result of which some people will receive a new body, the never aging body of Eternity, and other people will go into space processing, that is, they will begin their evolution first on another planet.

236. The law of compromise or the golden section. Mind is a compromise between the Fiery World and the Physical World. The mind is needed to adapt the body to the physical world. The mind is needed for the production of Lucida Cosmic Matter — that is, Light-bearing matter. That is, the mind is needed in order to think about God, about Light, Love, Harmony, Peace, Beauty of Being, Divine Infinity and Eternity of Being. All other thoughts about fame, money, sex, guilt, power, pride, fear, envy, jealousy, hypocrisy, lies, gluttony - thoughts are dark, ignorant, ignorant of the Truth - all this is from the Evil One. Evil - is the temptation of Man, with freedom of Choice, an unclean conscience. The Higher Forces of the Hierarchy of Light do not force a person to be good. A person has the right of Free Choice. This law is applicable in any phenomenon of life. The golden mean - or fiery, brilliant, diamond, everywhere it is called differently. Entire treatises have been written about this law. It is used in the Pyramid of Cheops, and in architecture, and in painting, and in music, and in man. This is, in principle, the law of Harmony, the law of Existence. The law of the golden section or compromise is very important when raising a child. Thanks to this law, one can meet a person with a pure open heart, a bright consciousness, and a mind. Soul and strong Spirit. Everything in a person should be beautiful, harmonious, everything should obey the law of the golden section. The law of compromise balances all energies with each other. Thanks to this law, in the Higher World, Darkness or Light with /-/ and Light with /+/ are employees, but not enemies. How would we know Light without darkness, joy without grief, love without anger, ugliness without beauty, peace without chaos? Thanks to this law of the golden section, all natural phenomena take place directly in this range, in the golden section. Where this law is violated, destruction immediately arises. Or if a person receives a lot of Light without the Love of knowledge, high-frequency energies, his matter burns out. That is, when the Light is more than the norm, and a person does not love the Existing, i.e. cannot generously give the Light of Knowledge about Love. If a person has a lot of Darkness, ignorance, energies of destruction, then a deadly disease arises. That is, again, as in the previous case, destruction.

237. The law of supersaturation of matter with psychic energy. This law is automatically activated when a mother loves her child very much. Mother is the source of love. The child is a vessel of love. The mother over-saturates his vessel of love with the energy of love, and the vessel may burst. Then it is through this child that she will receive as much /-/ psychic energy as she has excessively invested /+/ psychic energy into his consciousness, into his vessel of Love. If the matter-consciousness is excessively saturated with Light and Love, and it is not ready to perceive such a volume of Light-Knowledge and Love, then negative behavior is inevitable at best, at worst - an explosion of consciousness matter, madness. Therefore, it is only under the guidance of the Lord of Shambhala that one should pass the Lessons of Life. How and where to behave. Make it very easy! Tell: “Lord! I entrust to you for Eternity my Heart, Spirit, Consciousness, Soul, Mind, Flesh, Life, Being, Destiny, My Time, Space and Space-Time!”

238. Law of the Cosmic Community or Cosmic Communism. Throughout the World and Divine Infinity, this law is observed, which includes all the laws of psychic energy. Thanks to this law, everything that exists exists in harmony, has its food in the Cosmos. The law of Hierarchy is also based on this law, without which man is doomed to perish. Acceptance of fiery energies without an intermediary, the Lord of Shambhala, the Lord of our Earth - Buddha, Maitreya, Morya (at this stage of the development of the Human Race), would contribute to the death of the Earth and Humanity, that is, to everyone - according to the need of psychic energy, depending on the ability to accept this energy, those. no one can receive without Faith and without measure, and no one can give without Love. To receive - we believe. To give into the Truth - we Love. But only with the Teacher, with the Lord, all the aspirations of Mankind, his Dreams come true. Under His banners, the banners of Light, under His wise guidance with His army of Light, the further Evolution of Humanity is possible. Transition-mutation to the 6th race.

239. Law of Faith. To each according to faith will be given. Thanks to this law, all 244 laws of psychic energy disappear, including the law of Karma. Connecting to the "O" Space through intermediaries the Lord, the Lord of the Universe and the Mother of the Universe, the Lord of the World and the Mother of the World, to the Lord of the Divine Infinity and the Mother of the Divine Infinity. Faith is a channel through which energy flows from the fiery plane to the physical, a channel that is constantly expanding. At the beginning we believe with the Heart, and then with the Spirit, Consciousness, Soul, Mind, Flesh, Life, Existence, Destiny, Time, Space, Space-Time. Faith 100% is a faith ball. White sun. Will and energy are the rulers of Karma. Believing in the Will and energy of the Lord, trusting him with your problem, believing with all 12 bodies, the following happens to a person: the law of Karma ceases to operate and in general all 244 laws of energy can cease to operate. 27.01.93 Moscow)

1 - Acceptance of God.

2 - Unity with God.

3 - Realization of God.

4 - Thank God.

5 - forgiveness of God, do not bother Him.

Rule 1: Don't ask for anything in prayer

2nd rule: say in the present tense: “I love you. Lord, Mother of God. The Lord is in me, I am in the Lord, I am with the Lord.”

3rd rule: A statement like what you would have: “I know. Lord, that You are abundance and will give me as much as I need.

Rule 4: Thank God as if He has already given to you.

5th rule: the ability to let go of the problem, the ability to free God in oneself, not to bind God and not to become attached to all that exists.

240. The law of combination, or Divine Infinity. Negative and positive give the phenomenon of combination. Everything in the household is useful. Any energy is needed in the Divine Infinity, both unconscious, and conscious, and creative, and destructive, any will find application. It is impossible to throw out psychic energy or push away, as it seems to you, which you do not need now, do not like, do not suit, i.e. when it seems to you that this person is not the one you need. Your consciousness denies it. And this person is needed by Divine Infinity, just as every blade of grass, every pebble, every atom, every thought is needed. Everything is needed, everything will be useful in the economy of Mother Nature. And it is not for you to decide and judge whether or not he is needed in evolution.

241. The Law of the Trinity or the Moment of Eternity. Three processes take place in us at the same time: - connection - destruction. All this is a moment of Eternity - the support of life "There is only a moment between the past and the future, it is he who is called life," was sung in a song from the movie "Sannikov Land". Every second we create thoughts, cells, deeds, deeds, but also destroy them. And at the same time we support life on the physical plane. Before the physical death of a person on Earth, the energy of creation is two orders of magnitude greater than the energy of destruction, that is, physical matter is being created. After 30 years, subtle matter is created. It becomes two orders of magnitude larger, i.e. the matter of Spirit begins to develop. A person is physically aging, but his Spirit is just beginning to grow and develop. And if he does not violate the laws of psychic energy, the laws of Cosmos-Nature, then everything goes well. Until old age, he maintains good health, a clear mind, acquires wisdom, spiritual knowledge, a person is cleansed of dirt, there is a need to believe in Light, Love, he needs Harmony and Peace. The soul needs Beauty, i.e. she aspires to the Lord, the Mother of God, to the Divine Infinity. There is a thirst to know to create, to love the beautiful. Unless, of course, it violates the Laws of Cosmos-Nature.

242. Law of the wheel of knowledge. Each psychic energy obeys this law in its development (lecture 28.01.93 Molodtsova G.S. Seminar "Reiki", Moscow, from Raja Yoga). World of Light, Love, Harmony, Joy, Peace, Creation of Beauty, Immortality, Eternity and Infinity. To do this, you need to remember the Spirit when he was one with the Lord and the Mother of God, that is, he lived in them, breathed or thought in them. There were no religions then. There was paradise. Diamond World, which is described in the Bible. Then comes the Golden Age, both for man and for any psychic energy. For the first time, a person cognizes, or rather, realizes himself, plucks the fruits from the Tree of Knowledge prematurely and without permission. Next is the Silver Age. He lives with guilt and fear that he has violated the prohibition of the Lord. Bronze Age - a man confesses that he did, plucked the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, while blaming Eve. And the Iron Age - the Lord expels a person from Paradise into the Darkness of ignorance. Chaos, into destruction, into harsh earthly conditions, or rather, into Hell. And, finally, the time has come when a person can return to the Diamond Age. The time has come for the Spirit to remember itself; live again in God, breathe and think God, become one with Him and merge with the Heart, Spirit, Soul, Consciousness, Mind, Body, i.e. become yourself, the Lord and the Mother of God. Now there are 5.5 billion incarnated souls on Earth. And the capacity of the Earth monad is 60 billion souls. The Bible says: all the dead will rise, that is, now the population of the Earth is the number of Souls that ever incarnate on Earth, and the Apocalypse is the division into evolving and involuting. So, the wheel of Knowledge.

1. Patience. When they tell you dirty tricks, transform them into joy, into a joke. When they hit on the left cheek, turn the right cheek, this will tempt the hitter.

2. Acceptance. All rivers flow into the ocean. We are rivers. The ocean is the Lord. Accept everyone as they are, do not wash them. Love them the way a mother loves her child.

3. The ability to assess the situation, the phenomenon. You need to be a jeweler in life to distinguish stone from diamond, grain from chaff.4. Scales. Weighing the situation, whether it is worth reacting to it. If the mind is directed towards the Lord and the Mother of God, there will be balance in life. Why waste precious energy on the destruction of oneself and the environment. Why be angry, jealous, offended? Strive better in Spirit to the Lord and the Mother of God.

5. The ability to accept difficulties, obstacles, enjoy them. Blessed are the obstacles, by which we grow. Remember, your difficulty is a conversation with the Lord and the Mother of God. In order to go up the spiral of evolution, blows of the Spirit are needed.

6. Cooperation. The number six is ​​cursed, because a person does not cooperate with the Lord. The boy can support the sky with his finger. E.I. Roerich and also other Prophets and the Fiery Brotherhood, as the Giant of the Spirit, kept the Earth in balance.

7. Save energy. Spend it wisely. Have you ever asked yourself the question: who gets more tired than an old gossip or a turner at the machine? Gossip, empty chatter is the suction of energy into the Antiworld. If you praise and sing about God, then this is a creative energy, and it goes into the World.

8. Go forward without turning around. At the moment of death, concentrate on Light, Love, Harmony, Peace, Beauty, Eternity, go to God and the Mother of God, i.e. home, and not think about who will get your money, cars, wives, summer cottages.

243. The law of sealing. Still waters run deep. This law says that isolated psychic energies necessarily rot and deteriorate. How can psychic energy be sealed? Again: greed, ignorance, darkness, anger, irritation, fear, selfishness, pride, cunning, hypocrisy, envy, jealousy, servility. Our Earth was in subtle isolated conditions. After January 1993, there was a shift towards depressurization of the Earth. The process of involution is over. The Earth has entered a new evolutionary round. Fiery transmuting currents began to act everywhere. Humanity needs to finally come to an understanding and awareness of the Lord and the Mother of God, i.e. To connect the Lord and the Mother of God, Light and Love - internal with the external Lord and the Mother of God, with the external Light and Love, with the help of a bridge of joy. Since January 1993, the Mother of God of the Earth appeared from the captivity of Antimir, as Daniil Andreev wrote about in the Rose of the World. Mutation processes in the human body will go very quickly, the decompression of the physical body begins. This process is painful and unpleasant. Transmuting fiery streams will clearly divide people into evolving and involuting: into the 6th race and the 5th race (which, by the way, will go to Cosmic processing). And here acquaintances, flirting with God are useless, connections, money, power are useless, you only need a pure open heart from the inside, but not from the outside, i.e. open to God, but closed to the people of the world. The Sun of our World is 100% open from the inside, and 100% closed from the outside. Try to get inside the Sun. Light consciousness and mind, pure Soul and strength of the Spirit, pure white clothes, healthy strong body. An open heart is needed in order to accept the Love of the Heavenly Father and the Heavenly Mother, a bright consciousness and mind - in order not to go crazy, because. when the heavenly fire descends, that same Apocalypse sets in, but not on the physical plane, but on your Spiritual Sky, the Sun and stars stop burning for a while. The darkness of ignorance, accumulated in incarnations, is trying to love you for the last time, human. And you'll be scared, man. The evil one will say: go, take your own life, go crazy. But the Lord and the Mother of God will hear you at this moment. And don't be afraid, man. A teacher who will hear you through your open heart will come to your aid, man. Teacher Buddha, Maitreya, Morya, the Lord of our Earth (for the current period of human evolution), the Lord - this is how the clergy call him. And say, man, at this moment: “I love you, Vladyka! Come to the rescue, Lord! Give me a chill!" And the Lord will come to the rescue, help to survive the horror of darkness and extend the Leading hand. It will help you get through fire, water, copper pipes, i.e. accept the Fiery Baptism. And feel it man. Peace and Joy in the soul, and instead of burning fire you will feel cold and ice. Otherwise your body will burn, man. Before it's too late, turn to the Teacher, man. Say every day: “I love you, Lord, I will go with Your shield, but not on the shield.” A pure Soul and strength of the Spirit are needed because those who are pure in Soul, like children, can enter the Kingdom of Heaven, the World of Fire. And in order to survive this transmuting process, one needs the strength of the Spirit, trust in the Lord and confidence in the victory of the Forces of Light. The author of these lines has gone through this process. More about him below. Your body must be healthy and hardy, for this physical education is needed, i.e. the physical cult of Light (Ur means light). Christ beautifully called our body the temple of the soul. It is the Temple, and the Temple should be clean and tidy and not look like a wrecked hut, and age, man, has nothing to do with it. Your own laziness does not allow you to keep the temple in order, so that your vessels are in order, so that your joints are flexible, and your muscles are trained, otherwise heart attacks and strokes are formed from these fiery energies. the vessels contaminated with imperil do not withstand the pressure of new energies from within and explode. Imperil is a poison produced by a person during irritation, anger, jealousy, resentment. The heart of this person was closed, and the mind was dark, consciousness flourished in darkness and ignorance (mind, consciousness, intellect are completely different concepts. Do not confuse). The great period of Cosmic childbirth has come. And it will be easy and joyful for an open heart, a kind person, a healthy body and soul. These fiery energies will be gladly received by his Spirit, and a man will become a Man of the 6th race. And there will be no religion for a person, because. he will begin to live in God, will breathe God, unite with Him into the One Whole, i.e. he will become the Source of Light, Love, Harmony, Peace, Beauty, Joy. Becomes Immortal and Infinite. This is what all the religions of the world are talking about, all the outstanding minds of mankind have written about this. H.P. Blavatsky, H.I., and N.K. Roerichs. This is stated in the "Rose of the World" by Daniil Andreev. So this book comes out for you to make your choice, man. It is completely dictated by the heart, there is not a single personal word here. Long live the Lord of the World, the Universe, the Galaxy, the Earth, Man. Long live the Mother of the World, the Universe, the Galaxy, Man. May the rainbow of Jesus live in us and with us. The Rainbow is the union of the Seven Worlds. This is Harmony, Peace and Beauty of Being. The rainbow includes and unites all people, all psychic energies on the basis of Love and Free Will, it is perfection. After all, we are such different people: some are strong, others are healthy, third are smart, fourth are trusting and chaste, and our Bioclots can be of different colors. And the Holy Spirit says to you: “I kiss and hug you, baby. I embrace and shed tears. Your Spirit chose the hard way, and don't be sad about anything. Everything in this world is your home. The Almighty loves you so much. Accept my gift, child, the love of my heart. My hand is in your hand and the sky is blue and rainbows, the sunrise will come and Russia will shine again, like a diamond Spirit. Accept everything, forget the blows that fate inflicted, forget everything black, it's gone. Accept all colors. The color white is the unity of the World.

244. Basic Law of the Universe. The law of field singularity: A system brought into equilibrium takes the form of a ball and is mathematically expressed as follows: The following stages are observed in the development of this system:

1. Point of origin - O.

5. When the extreme point and saturation of matter for a given plane (on the example of the physical one) occurs, microexplosions of the system (for your Earth) occur, causing an imbalance.

7. The system, brought into balance, passes to another plane (Fiery World for the Earth), a new vibrational level.

245. Law. Adverza's tactics are a method by contradiction.

1. The Lord uses this tactic to teach a person. He teaches how not to do it, but how to do it. Man himself thinks of it and becomes the Creator, carving out the energy that feeds "O" Space, and therefore Nature and the Lord.

2. The energy of creation and destruction is present in Light (it can be creative and destructive). In Love too (Love of an altruist and love of an egoist, the first creates, the second destroys). In order to know the Truth, a person goes through the stages: Slave, Servant, Son, Collaborator, Brother, Leader, Master and Creator, this is in the world (the conductor of the Holy Spirit to the physical plane). The same stages go through in the Antiworld. And the highest manifestation of the Anti-Creator, conducting the Unclean Spirit or the energy of destruction to the physical plane. But it is so conceived by Nature: the energy of creation and the energy of destruction. "Where it is thin, there it breaks." Those. the energy of destruction, or the tactics of Adverza constantly tries the strength of the construction of the Worldly Building of the Universe. If you succumbed to 1) ignorance, 2) hatred, 3) anger, 4) laziness, 5) sold out for money, sex, pleasure, power, fame, wine, sit, my friend, on the physical plane. If you are ready, then you pass into the Fiery World, into the Spiritual World, without ceasing to create, create Worlds. But since there is a Cosmic law (the extreme point of saturation of matter with energy), then, saturating your Spirit with the Impure energy of destruction (or dirt sticks together into lumps), forming the Black Sun — the Black Hole in the Cosmos, Man, his Spirit reaches the extreme point and forms an explosion of dark dense Matter, forming pure White Light, pure virgin energy of Mother Nature. But that's the way nature is. She is in Harmony and in Balance — i.e. the energy of creation in it is 2 orders of magnitude greater than the energy of destruction. If /+/ and /-/ are equal, then there will be a war, but not Harmony and Peace in any way, this is the Hellish circle from which there is no way out. If /+/ and /-/ are equal, there will be no upward spiral, a spiral of perfection of each Creature in Nature. That is her law.

246. Law is related to Life Force. Or the luminous subtlest energy of the Holy Spirit permeates everything that exists — visible and invisible.

b) Law of rotation. Everything in the world revolves in a circle. There is no immovable in the world. Immobility - "About" Space + Infinity - Infinity.

c) The law of numbers. 0 - the germ of space and all that exists, 1 - the unification of all that exists, one God, 2 - the struggle of opposites, 3 - the second stage of unification: body - soul - spirit, 4 - your space, 5 - the power of energy (unconscious ), 6 - betrayal, turning off the true path, 7 - the third stage of unification, the favorite number of the Lord, the commensurability of all things. "Seven times measure cut once". Conscious force, intelligent force. be, 15 - think about the meaning of life, 16 - the embryo has developed, 17 - do not tire excessively, 18 - be ready for the journey, 19 - courage, 20 - stop on the way, contradictions tear apart, 21 - 3 x 7 - three times perfect, 22 - the path to darkness (you see the abyss),

425. - caution in handling thoughts (with energy), 23 - hatred, 24 - threshold, door, 25 - 2nd step - the path has begun, matter has finished developing, 26 - 1st step in the ascent of the spirit, 27 - rest after 1 -th stage, 28 - 2nd stage, 29 - rest after the 2nd stage, 30 - 3rd stage, 31 - rest after the 3rd stage, 32 - gaining physical strength for the jump, 33 - jump either up or down, goes to brighten (Earth) improvement, 34 - karma, 35 - further improvement of psychic energy, 36 - the stage of development of the internal TV, 37 - think about whether the choice is right, if there are any mistakes, 38 - bow down pride, 39 - hopes fade, a difficult stage in a person's life,40 - the stage of the ascent of the Spirit,41 - the Spirit feels loneliness,42 - rejection of the new,43 - problems, or rather, the beginning of health problems, illness,44 - the capacity of consciousness decreases temporarily (stop before lifting),45 - The spirit rushes upward, aspiration 5et., 46 - bad luck, failure, 47 - the collapse of hope, 48 - artistry, 49 - displeasure, 50 - relations between the floors are balanced (balance).

247. Cosmic Law unites all physical laws on Earth. Be sure in your dreams Forget insults and on the long way Do not forget to open your Heart to yourself and people, Do not touch the weak, do not take them with you, After all, all your plans and hopes will be connected by one fate. Open your eyes and ears. On the road you need to be sighted, And strain your heart's hearing, Danger is near, close, Step by step, follow the trail. And the Children of the World will help To overcome fatigue, the dirt of the Path. And be Pure with a Pure Heart, luck and success Will be in your wings. And people only later, Waking up from the fog, Forgetting all the insults that they Inflicted, like the Angels of Nature and like children, Join hands and Form a circle. And everyone will close in that circle: And the Heart, And the Mind, and the Soul, And the Human Spirit So quickly rises up, As if the Song went up. The lights around are Burning so brightly, with colors The spirit suddenly shone and people will become hot together - The Fire of Love has shone again! Mother of the World Color white - Unity of the World. The color red is his strength. The color is yellow, gold - his health. The color blue is his dreams. The color green is his chastity and purity. The color purple is his idea. The color pink is his infancy. The color lilac is the color of adult energy. The color of turquoise is its Natural color. The color is azure - the Unity of the World of Worlds Mother of the World. 1997

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