How to see by the hand how many marriages there will be. Divination by hand: How many times will you marry? Information about divorce on the palms

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Divination for romantic relationships is one of the most popular in palmistry. The line of Marriage tells about all aspects of this sphere of life: the age of marriage or marriage, the number and duration of unions, the nature of the relationship can be found by deciphering the signs in the palm of your hand.

Marriage line in the palm of your hand

The line of Marriage is located horizontally in relation to the entire palm. It starts on the edge of the hand under the little finger and continues to This is a small, often short strip.

Fortune telling along the line of Marriage in the palm of your hand makes it possible to find out:

  • marriage age;
  • duration of the union;
  • the number of unions;
  • the nature of the relationship between partners;
  • in the family, etc.

Important If you need to find out what is destined for a person, look at the passive.

For a left-hander, this is the right hand, for a right-hander, the left hand. It provides information not only about the number of marriages, but also about serious relationships, about how a person will behave in them. The lines on it throughout life do not change.

When you need to analyze the current situation and make a forecast, in palmistry they look at the active palm. For lefties it is the left hand, for righties it is the right hand. It reflects past experience and is a mirror of the current situation. It gives an idea not only about the relationship between spouses, but also with children. The lines in this case on it are modified in accordance with changes in the life of the individual.

Sometimes there can be several lines of Marriage. This indicates several unions (their number is equal to the number of traits). For a detailed analysis, the longest and most pronounced is taken. It reflects the emotional connection between partners and the relationship between them.

It happens that there are no lines of Marriage at all. This suggests that the person will not create a family. But he can meet with representatives of the opposite sex, have a serious relationship, but it will not come to marriage.

If there are no lines of Marriage, but the person is in a family union, then this indicates a wedding of convenience, that is, without emotional attachment, or the person will live with his partner all his life in harmony and love.

The double line of Marriage speaks of the impiety of the partner. Means that he leads a double life, torn between his wife and mistress. The more pronounced the second line, the stronger the relationship with another person. If the line has processes, then the spouse will have many other partners. And if more stripes depart from them, then this is a sign that the spouse has children from other women. If such lines are found in a woman, they are not taken into account.

Main characteristics

Marriage lines have different length, width, severity and location. If the line is long, then this indicates a long relationship, a strong marriage. In such a union there will be mutual respect, sincere love and understanding. Quarrels are rare and do without consequences.

Other variations of the Marriage line are discussed below.

  1. Relationships will not last. From marriage to divorce will take no more than 5 years. Family life will be unhappy, quarrels are regular. There is no respect and love between the spouses, because the relationship was built on falling in love. The initiator of the break in relations will be a person with a short line of Marriage.
  2. Intermittent. Indicates a decline in feelings. It means that in the life of the spouses there will come a moment when they will need to live separately, or they will not be able to keep in touch against their will for about six months or less. But after the restoration in the family, harmony, love and satisfaction with life will resume.
  3. Pointed up. Good sign. It indicates that relations between spouses will only improve over the years. There will be common interests. They will actively work on the relationship, which will make the emotional connection stronger. There will also be improvements in the intimate life of the couple.
  4. Directed downward (to the line of the Heart). He says that a person with such a trait of Marriage will endure humiliation and physical violence. The spouse can scoff, trying to control the partner in such a way. Another option is to end the relationship and divorce due to emotional burnout. The abuser by his actions negatively affects the psyche of the partner. Between them there is an emotional fading away.
  5. Straight. Family life will be calm. Quarrels are balanced by pleasant moments. Husband and wife will love each other, respect. The owner of such a feature of Marriage expects only 1 marriage. Let him not be rich in an abundance of emotions, but make both spouses happy and cheerful. The main thing is that they will not lose interest in each other.
  6. Pronounced. In such an alliance, good, positive emotions will prevail. Love will increase, happiness will increase. Spouses will always be interesting to each other, have common hobbies and achievements. They will be able to open their own business, which will function successfully and bring excellent income.
  7. Weakly expressed. Marriage is possible, but it will take place by calculation. There will be no love, understanding between spouses. In such a family, betrayal, emotional or psychological abuse will be frequent. The couple will live together for no more than 5 years, after which they will divorce with a scandal.

Sometimes the line of Marriage may have processes. If a fork was found at the end of the line, you should know that this is a bad sign. It means that the owner of such a line of Marriage is expected, or all relationships (even serious ones) will not lead to marriage at the initiative of a partner.


On the line of Marriage, there may be various signs. They provide additional information about the nature of the union and the relationship between the partners. But not all people have them.

Often found on the trait of Marriage. If it consists of traits of Marriage, health and heart, then after a while the spouse will no longer perceive the owner of such a figure. Then, in a person with a similar line of Marriage, falling in love will pass quickly, it will be replaced by complete indifference, sometimes even hatred.

If the triangle is inverted (consists of the Marriage strip and traits of children), there will be two children in the union. Respect, friendship will be present in the relationship of the couple, but there is no love, so quarrels and sandals cannot be avoided. Usually such marriages end in divorce.

Among other signs that may be present on the line of Marriage, the following are distinguished.

  1. Means that the spouses live only for financial gain. The victim can be either a man or a woman. If the line is on a passive hand, then a rich person will initiate the wedding. If the dash with the star sign is located on the active hand, the proposal will be made by a person who wants to benefit from such a relationship. The duration of such a union is determined by the length of the Marriage strip.
  2. The owner of this sign is carefree and lives one day, the partner will be able to endure him for the first 2 years. But later, financial difficulties will begin, due to which interpersonal relationships will collapse. Gradually, complete emotional exhaustion will come.
  3. Another bad sign. He talks about problems in the intimate life of the spouses. They will have to eliminate what will take 1-2 years. Against this background, quarrels and sensual impulses will become more frequent. But divorce will not come. Having a strong emotional attachment, partners will be able to find an opportunity to realize their desire to have children.
  4. Dot. Sincere love and good relations reign in the family. But suddenly one spouse dies. Possible options are a car accident or death due to ill health. The larger the dot, the sooner this will happen. A partner can become mentally unstable, but not because of a spouse. The reason will be the negative consequences of the work.
  5. Lattice. Indicates dissatisfaction in family life. The owner of this sign on the line of Marriage in a relationship will be unhappy. Can tolerate bullying and violence from a partner. He will regret what he has done, because dreams of a happy and harmonious family will not come true.

If a circle is found on the line, this indicates the presence of a lover, that is, a secret union. The sign will be present only on the active palm. Relationships in a couple will worsen, the partner will increasingly spend time with another loved one. But if the circle is weakly expressed, then the partner will tolerate this, will not resist or leave. If the sign is strongly expressed, divorce cannot be avoided.

Guessing the age of marriage

The line of Marriage in palmistry makes it possible to learn not only about the number of marriage unions, but also about the age of marriage or divorce. To do this, you need to analyze in detail the line of Influence (located on the hill of Venus) and the line of Fate (located in the middle of the palm in a vertical position under the middle finger). The age of marriage depends on their location and distance from the marriage line.

Visually, the line of marriage must be continued so that it crosses the line of fate. Further from the beginning of the second strip, the number of cm is counted, 1 is equal to 15 years. This version of fortune-telling is great for people aged 25 to 50 years.

The second way is to use and (near the little finger). The site is divided into 3 parts, starting from the strip of the heart and ending with the beginning of the little finger. Each period is 25 years. On average, the site is divided into 4 periods: 0, 25, 50, 75 years. You can divide each interval by 2 to determine the time more accurately. This method of divination is more suitable for people under the age of 30.


In palmistry, the Marriage line makes it possible to find out the age at which a person will marry. Guessing from it, you can learn about the nature of the relationship with your spouse, the possibility of divorce, the duration of the union, the problems that you will encounter in family life. They use 2 methods for the age of joining the union: along the lines of the heart and the hill of Mercury or along the line of fate and the strip of Influence.

... He places a seal on the hand of every person, so that all people know His work
Job 37:7

  1. From the point of view of palmistry, one of the hands of a person is dominant, and the second is passive. For right-handers, the right hand is dominant, for left-handers, the left

dominant hand

  • tells about the character of a person and about how a person lives in the present
  • help predict the future

Passive hand

  • clear up the past
  • talk about childhood and the degree of parental influence on the fate of a person
  • reveal potential talents
  1. Four main lines are distinguished on each of the hands (see figure below)
  • blue line (1) - line of the heart - emotions and relationships. A person's ability to have strong emotional experiences is read along the line.
  • green line (2) - the line of the mind or the line of the head - the essence of a person, talents, potential. The geography of the line will indicate achievements related to intelligence and psychological problems.
  • yellow line (3) - life line - an indicator of life potential and the degree of its disclosure. On the line of life read information about the state of health and physical endurance
  • red line (4) - the line of fate (not always present) - changes in life, doubts, awareness of ultimate goals. As a rule, indicates a period of life of 35-50 years. The absence of a fate line is neutral and indicates the absence of specific goals in life, going with the flow
  1. In addition to lines, palmists distinguish the so-called hills or hillocks, which are under the influence of the planets of the solar system.

Where is the marriage line on the hand, and what is its significance?

The line of marriage or the matrimonial line is not quite the correct name for thin short lines located on the edge of the palm of the dominant hand in the zone of outer Mars between the hill of Mercury and the line of the heart.

Palmists call these lines

  • relationship lines
  • attachment lines

  • Relationship lines indicate the number of fateful unions in a person's life. What is meant by the term "fateful union". This is a union that affects the psycho-emotional state of a person or has a special spiritual meaning. Such a line does not always mean love relationships or marriage. For example, a conscious departure from worldly life to a monastery will also be displayed in the palm of your hand with a line of relationships.
  • Lines of affection are read in the direction from bottom to top from the line of the heart to the hill of Mercury
  • Near the line of the heart there will be lines indicating the earliest attachments
  • To see the lines more clearly, you need to lightly clench your hand into a fist.

In the photo: in a circle, two lines of affection are clearly visible, located between the base of the little finger and the line of the heart

How the approximate time intervals are determined when reading the attachment lines is shown in the photo below

Why two lines of marriage on the hand? Why are there different marriage lines on the hand?

There can be more than one attachment line. But this does not mean at all that there will be several marriage unions.

Attachment lines often indicate

  • on falling in love
  • for extramarital affairs, etc.

Such lines, as a rule, are short, often have additional elements in their styles in the form of islands, crosses, asterisks.

So, the line of marriage / affection is read taking into account

  • length
  • clarity
  • its location relative to the key lines
  • presence of additional elements

What does the long line of marriage on the hand say?

A long line of marriage / affection speaks of a reliable and strong relationship, which can be called a marriage bond. But it should be understood that the presence of a clear line of the appropriate length does not at all guarantee the presence of a seal in the passport

Types of marriage lines on the hand: photo

What can the marriage line tell about

  1. An eyelet / island at the end of the line may indicate a difficult relationship, accompanied by constant quarrels. The fork can be a sign of incompatibility between partners, which can lead to their separation.

2. The line of marriage, resting against the line of the Sun, predicts an alliance with an influential person. The line of marriage with an island at the end, curving in an arc to the line of the heart, indicates treason with a blood relative

3. Many palmists consider an arcuate line of affection crossing the line of the heart as a bad sign for a relationship. Widowhood does not always mean the physical death of one of the spouses. Quite often, such an arrangement of lines indicates a cooling of feelings to the level of "this person does not exist for me." If the arc of the marriage line rests on the line of the head, then there is violence in the relationship: both physical and moral.

4. Some additional lines accompanying lines of affection may indicate love affairs.

How to determine the number of marriages along the marriage line on the hand?

According to the line of marriage (and we remember that its correct name is “the line of affection”), the number of marriages cannot be determined. The number of marriages is determined by the line of fate and by the hill of Venus, on which they are duplicated Why did the marriage line disappear from the hand?

Surprisingly, many people do not have marriage lines on their hands. This does not mean that a person will not be in unions. This indicates the absence of an emotional component of such a relationship.

As a rule, lines of attachment are absent in people who are aimed at relationships built on profit and calculation. Surprisingly, women always have lines of affection, while many men are deprived of them.

Marriage line on hand: reviews

  • Lines are applied to our palms in the womb. And it's an undeniable fact
  • Experienced palmists are convinced that the lines of fate can be corrected by applying the “correct” images from above.
  • Any fortune-telling is just a forecast. Whether it becomes a reality depends directly on the person.
  • It is better to do without fortune-telling than to believe a charlatan or an inexperienced soothsayer. Keep this in mind when trying to predict the future
  • The lines on our hands change with us. What makes us sad today can be transformed into tomorrow's joy

Important: faith in yourself and your strengths is the main rule for success in your personal life and career. Keep this in mind as you try to know your fate

Video: Marriage line on the hand

Significant moments in the fate of a person reflect various lines on his palms. In particular, such lines are used to predict how many marriages and children there will be. To do this, traits are determined on the hand that carry detailed information about emotional attachments and procreation. Each person at home can find them and unravel the meaning of these lines.

Fortune telling by palm patterns

There are four main lines on the hand:

  • life;
  • love;
  • Fate.

They are used in complex divination when you need to make a portrait of a person. Any fortune-telling takes into account a combination of arcs, signs that cross them out, and breaks - they personify cardinal changes.

Stages of divination

The prediction begins with the search for the main lines. From the four arcs is the interpretation of all figures and signs. The figures are then compared and any differences are additional information. At the end of fortune-telling, predictions are compared by the active and passive hand - the fortuneteller can understand his fate, accept trials and important lessons that need to be learned from difficulties.

Marriage Line

The trait is able to determine the number of romantic relationships. These include attachments that do not last too long, but are remembered by the person. The arc of Love will help to see the line of Marriage. She is responsible for love experiences and sensuality. If a person has a clear and long arc, his life is filled with love, passionate romances and difficult experiences, he is a sensual nature, and his marriage will be strong.

The hills will help you to recognize the trait of Marriage on your hand. These are tubercles located under the phalanges of the fingers. They serve to enhance certain character traits. Mercury enhances stamina, and the hill of the Sun pushes a person to explore his sensual side. Saturn emphasizes the strong-willed character, and the Mount of Jupiter reveals psychic abilities in a person. All the hills outlined by the arc of Love affect the development of the fortuneteller and his future - they determine the choice of a partner and further relations with him.

Line location

A person who decides on a serious relationship takes on certain responsibilities. This is indicated by horizontal lines: they can be seen only by looking closely at the edge of the palm.

They are located under the little finger, the success of the existing pair depends on their length. The lines occupy the gap between the end of the arc of Love and the beginning of the little finger. By their nature, the features are not very clear, in most cases there are several of them. If a person experienced strong affection, the signs in the palm of his hand will show this, regardless of whether it was an official union or not.

The location of the sign in the classical and Indian teachings is striking. Adherents of the Indian direction examine the rings at the thumb to see strong love attachments. The largest and clearest ring is used, which wraps around the phalanx. The ring, enhanced by the hill of the Moon, does not reflect the exact number of marriages, but only shows the current serious relationship. If a separation occurs, the ring will be transformed into a future union.

General value

Adjacent patterns will help determine the exact value of the mark. If the arc of Love is clear and long, the marriage will be concluded in love: such relationships are characterized by passion and frequent quarrels. Conflicts are indicated by outgoing lines at the end of the arc.

The number of marriages depends on the furrows: the brighter they are, the more likely it is that the relationship will end in a wedding. It personifies the sign and civil marriages, if children appear in them or a person in such a union experiences strong feelings. The trait speaks of taking responsibility: its owner has found the inner strength in himself to share life with a loved one. The sign represents a relationship filled with a karmic connection.

Line of Children

Such lines help to find out the number and gender of children. Outgoing strips predict the birth of twins, if there were such cases in the family of the fortuneteller. The lines of children are used by men and women who are ready to build a serious relationship.

If we use the Indian teaching, then the features of the Children are located below, not far from the main ring. To see them, you need to bend your palm - the clearest marks that do not reach the wrist show the number of children in the future.

Ancient teaching includes the theory that the soul of children chooses their parents long before they are born. They are born to teach something, to help parents fulfill their mission, so the line appears in early childhood and does not disappear until old age.

Line location

In the classical teaching, the signs are located along the arc of Love. It helps to see how the addition to the family was expected and important. It is more difficult to see the number of children - each serious relationship has its own signs. First you need to decide where the reflection of the current marriage is located in the palm of your hand.

To do this, the edge of the palm is conditionally divided into 3 segments. From 18 to 25, from 25 to 35-40, and the last segment describes the age from 40 years. The lines of Children are long and most pronounced. They pass to the arc of Love - the most favorable location, promising a long-awaited replenishment in the family.

General value

The trait of the Children suggests that the partners have found flaws and virtues in each other. Palmistry describes the line of Children as a prediction of necessary changes. A person needs to take a new turn in fate and learn everything that it brings. An important sign for parents who cannot have children for a long time. For them, outgoing features are hope. They can be sure that they are not barren and the long-awaited addition to the family will happen.


With lines on the palm, special or general fortune-telling is carried out. It shows when a person will find family happiness and how quickly he will have children and be able to pass on his knowledge to them. Without the joy of married life, motherhood and fatherhood, he will not be able to fully find himself and his destiny.

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Happiness for a true woman is the hearth and family ties. Lack of personal life often causes prolonged depression and other negative consequences. The question of whether how to know when you're getting married are asked by millions of women. Some go to professionals for an answer, but if you wish, you can perform special rituals at home.

How do I know when I will get married

The desire to marry a woman arises depending on the degree of her maturation at the psychological level.

Psychologists are sure that based on the analysis of a particular person and her relationship with men, one can find out the date of marriage.

But not only psychological methods help to solve this issue, but also the oldest methods of prediction that have come down to the present.

Some believe that for a more accurate analysis, one can compare the facts obtained as a result of fortune-telling and psychological research. Indeed, these industries can largely complement each other, helping to more accurately determine the date of a woman's marriage.

By date of birth

The easiest way to calculate the date of marriage is considered to be an independent calculation.

85% of predictions come true

In the date of birth, according to numerologists, all information about a person is stored.

It can be decrypted by simple operations. You need to add all the numbers of the date of birth. Then bring the resulting number to a single digit by adding.

Let's consider the calculation procedure on a specific example. Let's say a woman was born on 11/14/1992 = 1+4+1+1+1+9+9+2 = 28 = 2+8 = 10 = 1+0 = 1. The result is the number one.

How to determine what year this figure corresponds to? In the same simple way of addition. The sum of the numbers of the year is also equal to a prime number. For example, 2+2+2+0=6.

Based on the presented calculation, the value of the next years will look like this:

  • 2018 – 2;
  • 2019 – 3;
  • 2020 – 4;
  • 2021 – 5;
  • 2022 – 6;
  • 2023 – 7;
  • 2024 – 8;
  • 2025 – 9;
  • 2026 – 1.

The wedding month is calculated in the same way. It is believed that it will be the ninth after the woman's birth month. For example, if she was born in May, then she will get married in February of the year following fortune-telling.

Watch the video. When I get married? Divination.

By the name

The first and last names also store a lot of information about a person. With their help, you can even calculate the date of the wedding.

For example, the girl's name is Daria Makushkina. The number of letters in the name and surname is counted, it turns out 14. Then the number is reduced to a single result: 1 + 4 = 5.

After that, the numbers of the day, month and year are added up when fortune-telling was carried out. For example, 06/13/2018=1+3+0+6+2+0+1+8=21. The value is also brought to one number. 2+1=3.

Then the number of the name and date of divination are added up: 5 + 3 = 8. Thus, 8 is the ideal month for the marriage of a woman with this combination of first and last name.

It is better to determine the wedding day at the beginning or end of the year.

According to the natal chart

A science such as astrology can also help you find out the date of marriage.

With the correct calculation of the natal chart, you can find out not only the date of marriage, but also the beginning of a relationship with a future spouse.

If there is no experience, it is better to contact a professional or use modern online methods.

When calculating this kind, a large number of nuances are taken into account. Particular attention is paid to the significator of marriage.

For example, in women born in the afternoon or in the morning - this is the Sun, evening persons are under the auspices of Mars. For men born during the day - Venus, for nocturnal persons - the Moon.

The age of marriage is calculated depending on the degree in which the significator was from this or that house.

By hand

The marriage line can be found between the heart line and the base of the little finger. It is always located in the horizontal direction.

According to palmists, the date of the wedding can be calculated from such a line.

Calculating the age of marriage is quite simple. First you need to measure the distance between the lower mark of the heart line and the upper mark at the base of the little finger. This interval is equal to 75 years of the life of an average person.

Then this section is divided into three equal segments by years: 0-25 years, 25-50 years, 50-75 years.

The symbols located in the first gap indicate unconscious love, the passion of youth.

The second gap shows a serious relationship with the possibility of continuation.

The third interval speaks of the arrangement of personal life in adulthood or even old age.

When calculating, it is important to consider that the total distance is about two centimeters. In this way, you can calculate that three years of life is equal to one millimeter. The data are corrected based on the structural features of the palm. Professionals also take into account the psychological age of a person.

Watch the video. Fortune telling about marriage with a golden ring.


Every girl wants to know when she is destined to find her betrothed and marry.

Thanks to a variety of fortune-telling, you can find out the future of the relationship, as well as the approximate date of the wedding.

On the maps

First you need to shuffle the deck of 36 cards well, then carefully remove the top with your right little finger and put it under the bottom of the deck.

Then the number of cards between the hidden lady and the king of the same suit is counted. This number will become the main indicator of the date of marriage. It could be a year or a month.

With ring

Grandmothers told fortunes in a variety of ways. The method associated with the ring has reached the present.

For divination, you will need your long hair and a wedding ring.

This method is simple, but proven over the years.

Hair must be passed through the ring. Then the ring is lowered into a glass of water.

If, after contact with the liquid, the ring pumps up, the wedding will be soon. It remains motionless - it means that the expectations are in vain.


Another way to find out your future is fortune-telling by candlelight.

For divination, you will need two small church candles and a mirror. The mirror is placed on the table, and candles are placed next to it.

Then you need to guess which of the candles represents a woman, which one represents a man. After that, you need to light them and watch the flame.

An evenly burning flame on both candles is a fast wedding.

If only the candle of a woman melts, then only she dreams of marriage. If the candle is a man, he will soon make an offer.

By the mirror

For fortune-telling for marriage, you need to prepare the largest mirror available in the house. It is necessary to wipe it well from dust.

You will also need a red cloth, which then will need to cover the mirror.

To perform the ritual, turn off the lights and close the doors. Make sure no light enters the room.

Without disturbing the darkness, write down the date of your birth on a piece of paper. Put the paper in front of the mirror.

Close your eyes and remove the material from the mirror. Then ask: "Tell me, reflection, when will I get married?"

After that, you need to turn away for five seconds. If you look in the mirror, you can see subtle numbers that will be the date of the wedding.

Based on the book

For this ritual, you will need a favorite book. If it is not available, you can buy or borrow.

The book should be flipped through until you realize that it's time to stop.

Then you need to close your eyes and run your finger along the page until the thought also comes that you need to finish the process.

On the line where the finger stopped, and there will be an answer to the question posed. It remains only to decrypt it.

By cherry

For divination, you need to buy cherries. The ripeness of the cherries is not important. Then you should eat them, and put the bones aside.

Count the number of bones left. Counting, you need to pronounce the following words: “In the near future, next month, this year, in a year, in two, never.”

The last bone will answer the question about the date of marriage.

The hand is a reliable source of information, along the lines and bends of which one can determine almost everything about a person’s personal life: about marriage, its duration, the number of possible marriages, success in life, divorces and the number of children.

The science of determining information from the hand is called palmistry. Also, this fortune-telling will help determine whether the marriage will end in divorce, which of the spouses will outlive the other, and whether the woman will remain a widow.

This line can symbolize the number of both registered marriages and civil or really serious, long-term relationships. In such cases, the line is clearly visible and runs deep into the palm. It is not an indicator of the number of fleeting hobbies and sudden novels. But there are exceptions.

If the bonds of marriage are not destined for a person, but only not a long-term relationship, then the marriage line may be fuzzy and have many branches. And for those who treat marriage as a burdensome everyday life, such a mark on the palm of their hand is most often absent.

How to decipher information along the line of attachment?

If, starting from the edge of the palm, and on the mount of Mercury, the line is drawn quite deeply, and towards its end it branches a little, this means that the bonds of marriage will become weaker and the relationship will become less strong. If all along the way the line has clear boundaries and does not have branches, which means the marriage will be successful and happy.

To find out if marriage is a destiny, you need to place both palms in such a way that the line of the heart, which on both hands is located immediately below the line of marriage, coincides in one long, straight line. In this case, it is believed that the second half was sent to you by God.

But there are additional symbols, together with which they consider the line of marriage and by which it is possible to determine the destined future:

  1. The line of attachment can start with a split, which is called a fork. This means that a strong energy from above will contribute to a marriage or relationship.
  2. If there is a plug at the end of the line, but it is narrow, then the relationship in marriage will gradually begin to deteriorate. This case is not critical and a man and a woman can still save their relationship.

    If the lines of the fork pass at a considerable distance from each other, such a marriage is doomed from the very beginning and everything will definitely end in divorce, while the former spouses will not even maintain friendly relations. A wide fork speaks of a complete discord in relationships and a big scandal.

  3. The marriage line is deep and well-defined, but interrupted, and then continues again - this means that someone outsider will make every effort to quarrel the spouses and, perhaps, he will succeed.
  4. Islets are outlined along the marriage line by its lines- relations between spouses will be very difficult, conflict situations will often arise with serious consequences for marriage.
  5. The line of affection intersects with the line of the heart- a bad sign, meaning that a woman is threatened with widowhood.
  6. The marriage line is very close to the heart line.- the marriage will be concluded very early.
  7. If there are several marriage lines, and they are located in the palm of your hand under each other - a person will be bound by marriage several times.
  8. There are several marriage lines in the palm of your hand, but one of them is the most clear and deep- one of the relationships will be the strongest and cause the greatest affection.
  9. There are two lines of affection in the palm of your hand, and they are equally deep and clear.- most likely, a person will love two people at the same time.
  10. There are several lines of marriage in the palm of your hand, but any of those that are shorter has a deepening at the end - this means that these relationships will leave a mark on a person’s soul for life and he will never stop loving his other half, with whom he will get close during a relationship corresponding to this line.
  11. There are two attachment lines on the palm and they are located at a small distance from each other, but the lower one is much deeper - the marriage will be concluded in order to obtain some benefit, but not out of love.
  12. In the case when the line of marriage descends to the bottom of the palm and intersects with the line of the mind- cruelty will prevail in family relations, beatings and other methods of assault are possible.

On the above line, you can also determine the number of children that is destined by fate. It is determined by the vertical processes from the marriage line. How many transverse process lines are in the palm of your hand - so many children will a person have. If the transverse lines are drawn weakly and have islands, most likely, children will grow up weak and painful.

Divorce and betrayal

A narrow, short line formed parallel to the attachment line is a sign of possible betrayal by the second spouse. Also a sign of treason is a line wrapping around the marriage line, like a snake.

Also, a divorce line may appear in the palm of your hand. Such a mark most often appears during a period of difficult marital relations. It is located under the thumb - it starts at its base and seems to fall down towards the wrist. If she appeared, divorce cannot be avoided.

There are islands or branches on the line - the husband and wife will quarrel a lot, and will not communicate after the divorce. A sign of divorce is the intersection of the marriage line with a perpendicular line, as a result of which a cross is formed. This means that the relationship is doomed, but the spouses are not to blame for this, since in this case outside forces are involved.

Every girl dreams of getting married, having a good family, a loving husband and smart, obedient children. And these thoughts, it should be said, appear in little ladies quite often, even in childhood. But how to find out what awaits the girl ahead and how many marriages she will have? Palmistry will help to understand this.

What it is?

How to find out how many marriages there will be? By hand! That's the whole answer that can be offered to the ladies. However, this is not so easy to do. You need to know the basics of palmistry and clearly understand this. Here the question may arise, what kind of teaching is this? So, palmistry is the science of lines in the palm of a person. Thanks to their competent understanding, you can find out your future down to the smallest detail. However, it can be very difficult to figure it out on your own, so if possible, it is better to seek help from a specialist. However, in this article we will talk about how to find out how many marriages there will be (by hand), on our own.

About marriage lines

What do these lines mean? So, these are relationships laid down by higher forces, the so-called karmic relationships. Depending on how many lines there are, so many partners will a person have, all of them are given by fate, and all these relationships will need to be worked out. However, not everything is so simple, you need to strive for this. It is necessary not just to sit and wait for your love, but to act. Indeed, situations are not uncommon when a woman has several clearly visible lines of marriage on her hand, and she remains a lonely lady until her old age. All because this woman at a certain time missed or drove away “her man”.


It should be said that in the palm of a person there are a lot of different lines. This can be viewed both independently and read in the book of the same name "Palmistry". The lines on the hand can be placed horizontally, vertically, be broken, rotated. All this is normal. And how among all this to find the bands that are responsible for marriage? First of all, it is better to find the line of the heart, the placement of which is known to almost every lover of everything magical. It is one of the most pronounced, located at the top of the palm, starts one and a half to two centimeters below the little finger and goes along the arm, mostly horizontally, sometimes turning at the end in one direction or another. All the girls who are interested in fortune telling by hand know this. The marriage line is slightly above the heart line and below the little finger. It can be one or there will be several, they are clear or not pronounced. However, this line is always even (sometimes with branches) and not too long, about a centimeter and a half.

one line

So how do you know how many marriages there will be (by hand)? To do this, you just need to count the number of those lines described above. The ideal option is considered if the line is one, pronounced, without forks and branches. It does not intertwine with anything and does not “merge” anywhere. This means that a person will have one real relationship for life. Why is it said "real"? The thing is that the line displays only what is based on love and is the purest and most sincere feeling. Such people are often monogamous and have been programming their lives since their youth, looking for a single person. It will be interesting that it happens like this: one of the spouses has one line in the palm of his hand, and the second has two. This means that at some point, the one who has two lines will have the opportunity to build other relationships, also based on the purest and noblest feeling - love. However, this does not mean that it will be so. A person has the right to choose, and he can try to save his first marriage by sacrificing his new happiness.

Multiple lines

We understand further how to find out how many marriages there will be (by hand). What does it mean if a person has several corresponding lines on his hand? Such a person will have several partners in life. It can be both full-fledged marriages, and just long-term serious relationships without a stamp in the passport. It is worth mentioning that several lines can display a strong emotional connection with a particular person, moreover, when a person has been in the same marriage all his life. However, multiple lines may be different in nature.

  1. Clear, deep, pronounced. This speaks of those partners who will be crucial in the life of a certain person.
  2. Multiple weakly expressed. This speaks of those people who often simply cannot make their choice or do not know what they want. This is a sign of emotional instability, an indicator of people who have a lot of frivolous relationships in life. And until these lines become clear, this person simply will not have a serious relationship.
  3. Two lines that are close to each other indicate that a person will have a lover.

Long or short?

What else will palmistry say about marriage lines? Signs - that's what else it is important to pay attention to. So, the lines can be quite long and fit into the belt of Venus or the hill of Apollo. In this case, it is worth talking about idealistic relationships based on romance. If a person has a cross on the hill of Jupiter, this may indicate strong feelings about his soulmate. If the line of marriage enters the hill of Apollo and the line of the Sun, such a person will have a marriage with a famous person.

Photo gallery: We determine by hand how many children and marriages there will be, a palmistry master class

Professional palmists can see key events in life on the hand and predict them with great accuracy. For example, a specialist can easily determine the date of death or the next difficult period. In addition to personal practice, palmists rely on basic knowledge that is available for everyone to study. Having carefully studied his palm, even an ordinary person will be able to "read" the fateful signs. According to practitioners, information about the number of children and possible marriages is hidden in the patterns and lines.

How to define family life along the line of marriage

It is customary to guess by the leading hand (right-handers look at the right hand, left-handers look at the left). The marriage line is very easy to find. It is located on the edge of the palm directly above the line of the heart.

One trait portends a happy family life. A person with such a sign on his hand is focused on strong stable relationships. There can be several strokes, they can be of different lengths and depths. A lot of weakly expressed dashes means frequent attachments that do not end in anything serious. Pronounced lines speak of long-term relationships that lead to official marriage. It is on them that the attention of practice is focused:

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  1. A long straight line means a successful marriage.
  2. The upward curve shows that the relationship will be very emotional (1). The downward bend symbolizes the partner's health problems (2).
  3. The fork at the beginning of the line (1) indicates complex relationships at the stage of their inception, a possible difference in class affiliation. An island (2) or a fork (3) at the end of the marriage line is an alarming sign. Such a drawing in the palm of your hand means a complete break in relations.
  4. There may be other signs on the marriage line. A star (1) indicates a crisis, a cross (2) indicates constant problems, a square (3) indicates physical abuse, a lattice (4) indicates a loss of interest among partners in each other.
  5. The closer the line is to the little finger, the later the person will marry or get married. So, the stroke next to the line of the heart speaks of an early marriage.

Sometimes palmists do not find marriage lines in the palm of their hand at all. This can be interpreted in different ways:

  • marriage without love (by calculation, forced),
  • emotional coldness, inability to experience feelings,
  • a person has a different destiny, in family life he will not be happy.

Characteristics of the line of children

In European palmistry, the number of children is determined by vertical strokes at the beginning of the little finger.

It is believed that the strokes reflect the potential number of children. Therefore, partners may have different patterns on their palms. Pay attention to the pronounced lines:

  1. A thick line indicates the birth of a boy, a thin line indicates the birth of a girl.
  2. A V-shaped line portends the appearance of twins.
  3. Strokes located close to the edge of the palm portend the early appearance of children. Conversely, the closer the line is to the center, the later the person will have a child.
  4. The dashes that come out of the marriage line up show the children who will be born in a couple that legitimizes the relationship. According to one interpretation, the longest line indicates a beloved child.
  5. The wide distance between the lines indicates that children will be born with a large age difference. Narrow - a small gap between births.

In eastern palmistry, attention is paid to the "belt of the family" and the hill of Venus.

The "belt" or "ring of the family" is the line at the base of the thumb. By the number of islets on it, the number of children is judged. The Mount of Venus is located under the third phalanx of the thumb. Experts believe that the vertical lines provide additional information about how many children a person will have.

The lines on the hand can tell a lot of interesting information about a person, which concerns both the past and the future. Of course, most people want to know their future more and more. For many, the issue of marriage and the birth of children is relevant. Palmistry allows you to recognize even such information by hand. So, how to determine the number of marriages and children along the lines of the hand?

The marriage line is responsible for the sphere of family life in the palm of your hand. It is located on the hill of Mercury, just below the base of the little finger, on the very edge of the palm. You need to analyze the marriage line on the right hand. As a rule, the number of small horizontal lines on the hill of Mercury indicates the number of love unions. Sometimes marriage lines can appear regardless of legal relationships. If a person truly loved and planned to create a long-term relationship with his soulmate, but it didn’t come to a wedding, this will still affect the marriage line.

Not everyone has this line. If it is not there, then this indicates a cold nature and indifference to relationships with the opposite sex. It happens that a married person does not have this line on his hand. This speaks of a marriage of convenience or a union in which there are no feelings.

Based on this, the line of marriage indicates not so much the marriage itself, but rather feelings and love.

The lines of marriage can also be used to judge the nature of the relationship. The longer and clearer this line, the longer the relationship lasted. If the marriage line is very short, then this indicates that the union was short-lived.

If small short lines go down from the marriage line, this means that not everything is going smoothly in the relationship. This is a sign of problems that can eventually destroy the marriage.

The marriage line, the end of which tends downward, will tell about dissatisfaction in the relationship. This means that a person is disappointed in choosing a life partner. Marriage gave him only troubles and problems.

Widowhood can be judged by the line of marriage, which crosses the line of the heart in the palm of your hand. This suggests that a person will outlive his partner and will mourn his loss.

If the line of marriage reaches the line of the mind, then this indicates an unhealthy relationship within the family. It is likely that the husband used physical force against his wife.

The marriage line, which has a fork at the end, indicates that the relationship has ended or may end in divorce.

If the fork is at the very beginning of the marriage line, then this indicates a reconnection with your soulmate. Usually such a sign appears when the husband and wife divorced, and then remarried.

Fortune telling by hand will help determine the number of children. The lines of children are, like the lines of marriage, on the hill of Mercury, and radiate upward from the line of marriage. Since each line of marriage symbolizes a specific relationship, it is easy to find out from which marriage how many children will be.

If the line of children is not even, then this may indicate an abortion, stillbirth, or a child born with a pathology. If the line of the child comes from the line of marriage in the form of the Latin letter V, then this means that twins will be born.

The lines of children may vary in their length. If the line is short, then a girl will be born, if it is long, there will be a boy.

It happens that the number of children on the palms of the spouses does not match. This means that one of them has the potential to conceive a child. It can also mean illegitimate children or children from previous marriages.

From the lines on the hand, you can find out a lot of useful information about your future, present and past. However, in order to fully reveal the picture of your fate, it is necessary to take into account all the lines and signs on the hand in the aggregate, then you can more clearly learn about your life. Liked the article? Then be sure to put

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