How to get fish oil out of baby clothes. How and what is the best way to wash things to get rid of the smell of fish. Removing fishy smell from different types of clothes

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How to remove oily stains from fish

1. To remove oily fish stains from clothes, tablecloths, or any other fabric, you do not need to wait, you need to immediately wash them.
2. An effective remedy is to sprinkle potato starch on a greasy stain. The starch absorbs all the fat contained in your fabric. After half an hour, clean the starch from the fabric using a brush. Another equally effective way is to pour two tablespoons of water into one tablespoon of 8% vinegar, then moisten the stain, put the product in the washing machine, choosing the washing program suitable for this fabric.
3. If you don't want to bother with Starch or Vinegar, then use simple stain removers made specifically for greasy stains on a variety of fabrics. Stain remover type "Vanish" is applied to the stain during washing. This method will help to get rid of the smell and greasy stain without much effort.
4. Dried fish stains are easily removed with glycerin and ammonia. This mixture is made as follows: mix 1 teaspoon of glycerin with 2 teaspoons of water, then add six drops of ammonia and lubricate the stain well and leave it to dry for 20 minutes, then rinse the fabric in soapy water, and launder in the usual way. A mixture of glycerin and ammonia removes stains from all types of fabric, including artificial and natural silk, velvet, acetate, velor, guipure.
5. If it so happened that you stained cotton fabric, then pour warm water into the container, add a cap of bleach that contains chlorine, and soak the fabric for 15 minutes, then wring it out, rinse, and put it in the washing machine, while choosing the mode for cotton products.
6. Well, and lastly, another effective way to remove grease stains from any type of fabric is a simple washable product that everyone has in the kitchen. Lubricate your stain liberally and leave it to soak for a day, then simply rinse in water and put it in the washing machine. This method is safe on any type of fabric and is good at removing fish stains and odors.

7. Potato flour is considered a good remedy for old greasy stains on any surfaces. Flour should be diluted with water to a thick porridge and smeared with this mixture on the contaminated surface. After a few hours, you need to remove the remnants of gruel with a rag soaked in gasoline. Finally, wipe the stain residue with stale black bread.

8. Soak the stain overnight with hydrogen peroxide. Then wash as usual.

9. Pure alcohol will also help to remove a greasy stain. For this method, add a teaspoon of ammonia and half a teaspoon of gasoline to half a glass of alcohol. Mix well and soak the stains with this mixture. Then you need to let the fabric dry.

Fish is a tasty and healthy product. However, it has a very unpleasant odor. Any kind of fish emits a sharp aroma that can be felt for a long time indoors, on hands, on dishes and on clothes. You can get rid of it, but you have to make an effort.

How to get fish smell out of clothes?

It is impossible to remove an unpleasant fishy smell immediately. First of all, try washing clothes in the washing machine in the usual way. If after washing the smell still remains, then use additional products. In a small container, mix the washing powder with the addition of lemon juice, stir well. The lemon absorbs the fishy smell. After washing with lemon juice, rinse the item in the washing machine with the addition of fabric softener.

How to get fish smell out of clothes?

If you don't have a fresh lemon on hand, use a lemon-scented cleanser. In no case should you add it to the washing machine. Dishwashing detergent produces a large amount of foam, which will later lead to equipment breakdown. Combine a lemon-scented cleaning powder with regular laundry detergent. Use the resulting mixture for hand washing. Do not forget that the previously contaminated item should be soaked. Add 1 large spoonful of table vinegar to the rinse water. Acetic acid is an excellent odor neutralizer.

If the proposed methods do not give the expected result, take the clothes to the dry cleaners. Professional cleaning products will certainly help you cope with the problem of an unpleasant fishy smell.

How to remove the smell of fish from the tablecloth and towels?

If you need to remove an unpleasant odor from a tablecloth or kitchen towels, try the following washing methods. Prepare the vinegar. Measure out 2 tablespoons, dilute in 5 liters of warm water. Soak the fabric, leave for a while, and then wash in the usual way.

In order not to have to look for the answer to the question: “how to remove the smell of fish?”, It is better to prevent this unpleasant smell from appearing. The fabric absorbs the smell of fried fish very strongly. The following methods will help prevent this situation.

While frying the fish, add a few potato slices to the vegetable oil.

Fish should be prepared in advance for frying. Clean the carcass, cut into small pieces, season and salt. Pour half a liter of beer into the pan, combine with fish pieces, place on the refrigerator shelf and leave the pan for 20 minutes. Before frying, place the slices in a colander to remove the remaining liquid.

Perfectly absorbs unpleasant odors ordinary kitchen salt. Heat it up in a frying pan, let it cool down. Heat the lemon zest in a frying pan (you can just hold it over the fire). Salt and lemon zest absorb foreign flavors in just a few minutes. Thanks to this, you will not need to look for ways to wash fish from clothes.

Pour a small amount of water into a saucepan, mix it with lemon juice and acetic acid. Boil the prepared water, thoroughly ventilate the kitchen.

The smell of fish can appear not only on clothes, but also in the refrigerator. How to remove it in this case? Mustard will be an excellent assistant in this matter. Pour a small amount of mustard powder onto a plate and place the refrigerator on the shelf. Another option is to wash the refrigerator with a solution of dry mustard.

Required components:

  • starch;
  • acetic acid.

Sprinkle the greasy stain with starch, which will remove excess fat. Clean the fabric of starch residue after half an hour. Connect 2 tbsp. spoons of water and a large spoonful of acetic acid.

A solution of ammonia and glycerin will help get rid of old fish stains. Mix 2 teaspoons of water and a small spoonful of glycerin. Drop 6 drops of ammonia. Moisten the stain liberally, leave for 20 minutes. Rinse the product in soapy water, wash in the usual way.

If the stain still remains, use a stain remover containing chlorine. Please note that it is undesirable to use it for washing delicate fabrics.

Washing the fish and getting rid of the smell of this product is not easy, but still possible. Lemon and acetic acid will be the best helper. Do not forget that the appearance of the smell is better to prevent than to get rid of it later. Wash things right away! And also make sure that during frying the fish does not emit such a sharp aroma.

Imagine: you put the most tender pink salmon fillet on the board, rub orange zest and mix it with coarse sea salt, Provencal herbs, pink pepper ... and get ready to enjoy the most delicious ceviche of your life ... If only it were all the way fashion food bloggers write! Well, why don’t they say that you will also have to “enjoy” the smell of fish, which remains on clothes even after washing ?! They just know these ways to quickly eliminate an unpleasant odor.

Different means for different types of clothes

To remove the fishy smell from clothes, you need to get down to business immediately after its appearance.

If a T-shirt or trousers get dirty, it is enough to soak them in a soapy solution with the addition of lemon juice. Citrus fruits perfectly neutralize odors on fabrics. Then things are washed in the usual mode with rinse aid.

A kitchen apron, towels are soaked in a solution of 5 liters of warm water and 2 tablespoons of table vinegar before washing.

Do not try to remove the smell of fish oil from outerwear yourself. It is not recommended to wash a jacket or coat when such a problem occurs. The smell can spread over the entire surface and penetrate into the filler. In order not to spoil the thing, it is recommended to immediately contact the dry cleaning specialists.

How to choose the best method depending on the type of fabric

The easiest way to get rid of the smell of fish on clothes is if they are made of white cotton or linen. These materials can be cleaned with chlorine bleaches. Chlorine effectively eliminates any unpleasant odors, including fishy. The thing washed with bleach must be rinsed several times and dried in the fresh air.

Clothes treated with chlorine will have a specific smell for some time, which disappears after several washes.

For colored and thin white fabrics, it is better to use oxygen bleaches. They fight odor by gently working on the fibers without destroying the dye.

Things made of wool and silk are difficult to remove from the smell of fish. Delicate fabrics must not be treated with aggressive substances. From exposure to a variety of bleaching agents, such a material is deformed and loses its attractiveness.

Salt solution is used to clean delicate fabrics. It is able to remove the smell of fish from clothes without damaging the fibers of the fabric. To prepare the composition, you need to take warm water and dissolve table salt in it at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon for 200 ml.

What to soak things stained with fish

Pre-soaking greatly increases the chances of successfully removing fish odor from clothing. To do this, use laundry soap or ordinary table vinegar.

The soap is pre-rubbed on a grater and dissolved in hot water until the most saturated composition is obtained. Soiled clothes are placed in it for 2-3 hours.

The darker the soap, the more alkali it contains, which effectively removes unpleasant odors.

To make an acidic soak solution, add 3-5 tablespoons of vinegar to warm water. Things are immersed in the composition for 40 minutes. Such soaking helps to get rid of not only the fishy smell, but also some types of stains.

White items and colored fabrics with a stable dye are soaked in water with bleach without chlorine and hold for 40 minutes. After the clothes are washed in the machine with an extra rinse.

Normal wash

It will be possible to remove the smell of fish from clothes if you get down to business right away.

When machine washing, set the program with the maximum allowable temperature. Powders are used, which contain acids or special enzymes that can break down protein. It is recommended to add a conditioner with a pleasant aroma.

Popular brands of powder are well suited for washing:

  • Tide;
  • Gloss;
  • Eared nanny.

If there is no suitable powder at hand, you can add a small amount of citric acid to the existing one.

When hand washing, lemon juice is added to the soap solution. During the first rinse, 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar are diluted in water, then the acid is thoroughly rinsed out so that stains and stains do not form on the fabric.

If washing is delayed, smelly items should be wrapped in newspaper. It will absorb some of the odor and make cleaning easier.


If the smell from the fish cannot be removed with normal washing, boiling can be used. This method is suitable for white natural fabrics that are resistant to high temperatures.

For boiling, you will need a large enameled container and tongs for hot laundry. A basin or pan is filled with water and put on fire. Add crushed laundry soap.

When the water boils, the smelly clothes are completely dipped into the container. It is necessary to keep a basin with linen on fire for 30-40 minutes. Then they take it out and send it to the washing machine.

Boiling eliminates even the smell of rotten fish.

Dishwashing liquid

An equally effective way to get rid of the problem is dish gel, preferably with lemon flavor. Sources of smell are wiped with a product and left for 30 minutes. Without washing off the gel, the thing is washed by hand.

In this case, machine washing is not suitable. The dish detergent produces a lot of foam that can damage the unit.

Folk remedies

Often, to get rid of the unpleasant smell of fish, it is enough to use one of the homemade recipes:

  1. To permanently remove the smell of fish from clothes, you can use baking soda. It removes even the old smell of fish. Instead of detergent, a glass of soda is loaded into the powder receiver and washed as usual.
  2. In a basin with 3-4 liters of warm water, add 2 tablespoons of vinegar. Immerse things and withstand 2 hours. Then rinse thoroughly and wash.
  3. In 2 liters of water, dilute 2 tablespoons of vinegar. In the resulting solution, wash things with laundry soap. After several rinses, hang out to dry in the fresh air.
  4. Things are placed in cold water with salt diluted in it for several hours, then sent to the wash.

In winter, when drying in the cold, unpleasant odors quickly disappear. In summer, you can not dry things under the sun. Ultraviolet fixes odors in tissues.

When you need dry cleaning

If the trouble happened with clothes made of delicate fabrics that are not recommended to be exposed to moisture, dry cleaning comes to the rescue. It is also recommended to turn to professionals if there is no confidence in the successful outcome of the use of home remedies. Dry cleaners are guaranteed to achieve a positive result without damaging the clothes.

Every housewife is familiar with such a problem as greasy stains on trousers, shirts or dresses. They are almost impossible to wipe off and remove in the process of hand or machine washing, so you have to use various methods to get rid of the trouble at home.

How to remove a greasy stain from suede, linen or cotton fabric? How to remove grease from trousers, shirts or dresses correctly and quickly? What products will be needed for white or colored fabric? Public funds will come to the rescue.

How to remove a greasy stain immediately after the appearance

How to remove a greasy stain quickly and easily? If you "planted" fat on clothes and immediately noticed it, you can use the "quick" method and clean the thing right away.

  • Blot the grease with a paper towel or clean cotton cloth. You can not rub the grease stains, this way you will only increase the size of the pollution, which is more difficult to get rid of.
  • After the fabric or paper absorbs the grease remaining on the surface, cover the problem area with salt.
  • You will have to repeat this until the salt “pulls out” the fish, pork or vegetable fat from the tissue. After you need to remove the remaining salt with a napkin.
  • After removing the salt, wash the stain with dish detergent and wash the entire garment.
  • Dishwashing liquid also works on stubborn grease stains, and can clean up traces left by machine oil.

Grease Removal Methods

If you did not see traces of fat immediately or it was not possible to resort to cleansing with salt and detergent, laborious methods will be needed to get rid of the contamination. How to remove grease on trousers or a blouse when some time has passed?

Ammonia solution (ammonia)

Dilute a small amount of table salt in 3 tablespoons of ammonia and moisten the stain with plenty of the resulting product. Set the item aside until the solution is completely dry, then rinse thoroughly. Salt can be replaced with a small amount of washing powder, the effect will not be worse.

Laundry soap will remove greasy stains

With this tool, you can remove a greasy stain from trousers or dresses from any type of material. However, laundry soap is used only on recent pollution, which did not have time to firmly “settle” on the fabric.

Soap the problem area and place things in a plastic bag for 10-12 hours, then wash by hand or in a washing machine.

The way to remove greasy stains "Blotter"

Blotting paper is effective at removing stains from both dark and light trousers or shirts. Put the "blotter" under the stain, and the second sheet on it and iron it with a moderately warm iron. If necessary, replace dirty paper with fresh paper.

Chalk against greasy stains

This method is suitable for trousers and blouses made from natural fabrics of a light shade. Grind a piece of chalk to a powdery state and fill it with a greasy stain. After a few hours, remove the remaining chalk with a damp cloth or sponge and wash the item.

How to remove grease stains with potato starch

With the help of starch, you can remove fat from those fabrics that cannot be washed. It is necessary to carefully rub the substance into the contaminated area and wait for 10-15 minutes. If the stain does not disappear, repeat the procedure until the fat is completely absorbed into the powder. After removing the stain, wipe the cloth with a dry, clean cloth.

Removing grease with tooth powder, talcum powder, baking soda, or baby powder

Apply any of the listed powders to the fabric, after laying out the clothes on a flat surface. Iron the soiled area covered with tracing paper or thin paper with a moderately heated iron for several minutes.

After that, press a piece of paper to something heavy (you can take books) and leave it for 12 hours. Then remove the remaining powder from the fabric with dry napkins and wash the item.

White bread and soap will get rid of greasy stains

Take the bread crumb and “roll” the dirt with it until the fat is completely absorbed. Then dissolve some laundry soap in warm water and wash the clothes.
This method is suitable for getting rid of traces of fat on products made of suede, velvet and other "loose" materials.

How to remove fish oil stains

This is a quick and easy way to remove fish, pork or other fat from your trousers or shirt. Apply a small amount of shaving cream to the dirt and rub it thoroughly into the cloth until it is absorbed. Then set the item aside for 5-10 minutes, and then wash it as usual.

mustard powder

Dilute the powder with water to make a paste-like mixture. Apply mustard to the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric for 30-40 minutes. After a soft damp sponge, remove the mustard residue and wash the clothes in warm water.

Salt and alcohol for grease stains

These substances are indispensable in removing stains from fabrics that cannot be washed, for example, from the upholstery of sofas and armchairs. Sprinkle salt on the greasy stain, and periodically change it to fresh until the contamination disappears. Then soak cotton wool or a piece of gauze in alcohol and wipe the dirt.

What to do with old grease stains

How to remove a grease stain and clean the fabric of trousers or T-shirts when a lot of time has passed? Traces can be considered old if 3-4 hours have passed since their appearance. It is not easy to clean the fabric from such contamination, but it is quite possible. To get rid of stains, there are the following methods:

  • Dissolve ½ cup of salt in a bowl of hot water and place your clothes in the solution. After half an hour, wash the thing with laundry soap and rinse thoroughly. This method can only be used on those things that cannot shed.
  • Wipe the stain with a swab dipped in gasoline or turpentine, after placing a thick napkin or sheet of paper under the cloth. It is recommended to clean greasy stains in the direction from the edges to the inside, periodically replacing dirty tampons with clean ones. Then wash the item in warm water.
  • Connect in proportions 1: 1 turpentine and ammonia. Apply the resulting liquid to the problem area for 4-5 hours. After you need to wash the clothes in a warm solution of soap.
  • Apply a small amount of glycerin to the fabric, and after 30-40 minutes, remove the remaining contamination with a cotton swab. This method is also suitable for fresh greasy stains.
  • Dilute the baking soda with warm water until you get a paste-like mixture. Apply the solution to the grease stains, and when it dries, remove the remaining soda and wash the item.
  • Pour 0.5 liters of Coca-Cola or Sprite into a basin with warm water and soak the soiled item in a container. After a few hours, wash your clothes as usual.
  • Mix an equal amount of vinegar (not essence!) and warm water and soak the clothes in the solution for 10-15 minutes. Wash with warm soapy water and rinse thoroughly. This method is suitable for getting rid of greasy stains on fabrics that can shed.


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