DIY crafts for children for Easter. Easter. Easter crafts. How to make Easter eggs with thread

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How to make crafts for Easter in kindergarten? Easter is a very colorful holiday filled with childishly cheerful traditions. The process of preparing for it brings a pleasant revival in the life of the baby, anticipation of joyful moments and surprises.

And minutes of creativity will help the child pass the wait and better reveal the atmosphere of the upcoming celebration. For example, you can make charming crafts for Easter in kindergarten and congratulate their teachers and comrades in the group.

Crafts for Easter from Kinder Surprise eggs

Making crafts for Easter with your own hands is an interesting and exciting task for children. Children's crafts for Easter can be made in a variety of techniques: applique, drawing, modeling from plastic material, scrapbooking, embroidery and many others. We offer to create non-standard souvenirs on the Easter theme.

From floss threads, shells and a kinder surprise egg, a charming chicken in a nest is obtained.

From plastic testicles, you can build a whole nest with chicks.

You can make a real Easter bouquet from plastic eggs.

Watch the video on how to make an Easter wreath of Kinder Surprise eggs:

DIY Easter Bunnies

Another Easter favorite is the rabbit. The easiest way to make an Easter bunny is to glue it together from disposable paper plates.

You can make a wonderful Easter bunny out of a plastic egg.

A charming Easter Bunny is made from a cardboard roll and colored paper.

Easter bunnies from socks

A very interesting rabbit is obtained from a white sock. The rabbit's face can be embroidered with threads. Inside such a rabbit is stuffed with padding polyester.

Watch how to make an Easter bunny out of a sock in this video:

You can not drag the rabbit's head with a thread, but make a funny pom-pom tail for the rabbit.

DIY Easter baskets

Foarmin or colored cardboard makes a lovely Easter basket.

Foamiran can be cut in the shape of a circle, make cuts on it and glue it along the edges. We get a small basket for one testicle. If we weave three strips into a pigtail, then we get a basket handle.

Adorable Easter baskets - chickens are obtained from disposable paper cups.

Easter baskets - chickens

A lovely Easter basket is obtained from a cardboard cell from under the testicles.

The base and handle for the Easter basket can be made from cardboard tape. The decor can be very different, for example, a basket for an egg in the form of a green lawn looks very nice.

Basket for the testicle "Green Lawn"

An interesting Easter basket is obtained from disposable paper plates.

A very good idea is an Easter basket made of a plastic container and ribbons:

Easter paper basket as part of an Easter composition. The lower part is made from a cardboard box pasted over with green paper.

Easter basket made of felt designed in the form of a green lawn.

Easter basket from foamiran "green lawn"

Applications for Easter in kindergarten

In honor of Easter, you can make a large number of bright and colorful crafts made using the appliqué technique. The first option is the application "Easter basket". Using potatoes, we make color prints on a sheet of paper. Wait for them to dry and cut them out. We color the half of the paper plate brown and glue beige stripes on it. We glue one strip up, making the handle of the basket. We fill our basket with eggs.

Colored Easter eggs can be used as room decoration.

Take note of the application "Easter cake". Willow branches are made from twisted paper tape. We make verbochki and a light from twisted paper (using the quilling technique).

Application "Easter cake"

From colored cardboard, ribbon and pieces of plasticine, a charming Easter decoration is obtained.

From beans, peas or corn you can make a wonderful Easter application "chicken".

Easter applique "chicken"

Another great craft for Easter, made using the appliqué technique, is a chicken on a stick.

An Easter chicken can be planted in a paper pocket. From colored paper, cut out the shell and all the details of the chicken. We glue all the elements and decorate with flowers.

One of the sides of the testicle can be connected with a movable hinge. Then the chicken can be "opened and closed" in the testicle. We make the chicken itself out of felt and decorate it with a feather. The chicken can not be glued to the base, then it can be taken out and planted in the testicle. The kids will love this Easter craft!

The application "chicken" can be made from colored cotton balls.

Application "chicken" from cotton balls

Another version of the application for Easter is “Easter Easter Cake”. Cut out the napkin like a snowflake. We glue it and a brown paper cake.

Glue the eggs and the base of the candle. We make the flame and the upper part of the cake from twisted paper. We decorate the cake with pieces of plasticine and glue the flowers.

"Powder" for Easter cake and flowers

Another original Easter craft is a button appliqué.

DIY Easter cards

Using adhesive tape, you can make a very delicate Easter card. Strips of adhesive tape are glued to the back layer of the postcard. Glue on it the front layer of white paper with a hole in the form of a testicle. We decorate with a delicate flower - the Easter card is ready!

A very unusual craft for Easter can be a voluminous Easter paper card. The folding basis of the postcard is thick paper according to the model.

We fold the base of the card

We decorate the "steps" of the postcard with Easter and spring attributes.

A very beautiful Easter card can be made using the scrapbooking technique. To do this, you can use colored paper, ribbons, flowers or napkins, as well as use special scrapbooking kits.

Easter card with ribbons

Watch the video on how to make a beautiful Easter card with your own hands:

Crafts for Easter using quilling technique

A charming postcard for Easter is obtained using the quilling technique. The basis of the craft will be egg-shaped cardboard folded in half.

For a postcard, we need special paper strips for quilling. We cut two of them (yellow) with special scissors, making a fringe on one of the edges. Now we twist our strips into rolls - we get the body and head of the chicken.

Twisting other strips we form flowers, the sun and a cloud and a wing. We glue all the details of the Easter card onto the base.

Another wonderful craft for Easter using the quilling technique is a voluminous egg with a chicken. We wrap the tennis ball with a film and glue the white rolls one by one. Glue the rolls one to the other.

We will get a blank that looks like half an eggshell. We fix the impromptu shell on the stand (we glue the stand from round purple and compressed green rolls).

Craft for Easter from paper balls "Temple"

In order to make such a craft, we need thin paper. A regular napkin works very well. We cut the paper into fairly large strips, apply liquid glue to it and roll it into tight balls.

We roll balls of white, blue and orange. Each ball is dipped in glue and glued onto thick cardboard.

When all the balls take their places, we should get a temple. Now we need paper tape for quilling. We roll small spirals from white paper strips. We fix the edge of the paper tape with glue. We squeeze paper spirals from one side - we should get small white droplets.

Glue strips of brown paper. We place paper droplets around the edges - we should get very tender willow branches around the temple. We decorate the top of the temple with a cross made of golden paper. Our beautiful white-walled temple is ready!

Easter craft "Temple"

Crafts for Easter from eggshells

Dyed and plain eggshells can make adorable Easter chicks.

You can make a small Easter applique from eggshells.

And here is a stunning Easter composition made of eggshell "cockerel and hen". For this craft, you can use a whole boiled egg or a whole eggshell. We glue the eyes, scallop and beak on the testicle - we have a cockerel.

We decorate the chicken with a bow and rope hairs.

We cut out the bottom from a plastic bottle and wrap it with colored paper - we get the basis for the Easter basket. We tie the basket with a ribbon and put a corrugated paper straw into it. We plant a cockerel and a hen in this cozy nest. Craft for Easter in kindergarten - ready!

Easter souvenir in an egg shell

A very touching Easter souvenir can be made right in the eggshell. First we need to make a hole in the raw egg. The contents should flow neatly out of it. My testicle and let it dry. We should be left with a clean, dry shell.

We make a hole in the upper part of the shell with an awl and thread a rope through it. We tie the rope in a knot so that the testicle can be hung.

Fill the shell with sisal or thin paper shavings.

We put fluffy Easter chickens and small Easter eggs inside. Ready! It remains to hang a souvenir by a rope.

The kids will be delighted with the Easter egg tray "chicken". Cut out a chicken from cardboard.

We put the chicken on a cardboard tray from under the testicles. At the bottom we put straws from corrugated paper.

We color the testicles, draw eyes, attach scallops and beaks - we will get yellow chickens. Easter egg tray - ready!

Watch the video on how to make a very effective Easter chick in an egg craft:

For kids of the younger and middle groups of the kindergarten, the hatched chicken craft made from salt dough is suitable. The lightly colored dough is very popular with children and is completely safe, even for the smallest creators.

An adorable Easter chick can be made from paper rings or a cut cardboard roll.

Easter crafts from threads

The kids will be delighted with the Easter crafts made of threads. The easiest way to make a craft from threads is to make it from pompoms. You can see how to make a pom pom in our article "". Once you have mastered the technique of making pom-poms, you can make an Easter-themed craft, such as a little yellow chicken.

Another option for making an Easter pom-pom craft is to make it with a small balloon. We wrap it tightly enough with thick threads and cover the threads with glue. After the glue dries, and the threads become dense, carefully pierce the ball and remove it. We should have a frame of their threads - this is the future body of the Easter chicken.

Glue the eyes, nose and legs to the frame. Easter thread craft is ready!

If you take floss threads and small balloons as the basis, you can make a very effective Easter composition from openwork eggs.

The eggs can be hung by a string, then we will get unusual Easter pendants.

DIY drawings for Easter

Crafts for Easter in kindergarten can be done in a combination of drawing and appliqué techniques. We create a voluminous Easter basket in a very interesting way: we make cuts on the main sheet, into which we insert strips of corrugated cardboard.

Teachers who decorate the Easter corner in kindergarten may find it useful to draw a “chicken in a clearing” for Easter.

For school, we offer a drawing with Easter cakes in a basket. First, make a sketch with a pencil.

We color the basket, Easter cakes, eggs and a bow. Mark the outlines on the basket with a marker.

Coloring the chicken in yellow. We draw brown legs for him.

We highlight the color of the bow, testicles, basket and Easter cakes. We are waiting for the paint to dry. We highlight the basket and bow along the contour with a marker. We spread the upper white part of the Easter cakes with glue and cover with sprinkles. Drawing for Easter - ready!

Another version of the Easter drawing is a hen with a chicken. To begin with, we make a sketch with a pencil.

Pencil sketch "chicken and hen"

We color the chicken and chicken with paints.

We finish drawing a tender green meadow with flowers and greenery for the chicken and the chicken. We put the picture in a frame - we get a lovely Easter decor.

Painting as a gift for Easter "Hen and chicken"

Drawing "Easter egg"

For Easter, you can draw a beautiful Easter egg. The main subject of the drawing. can become symbols of spring - birds and flowers. And patterns located on horizontal lines are convenient for coloring. First, make a sketch with a pencil.

Drawing "testicle" in pencil

Then we paint the egg with paints.

Drawing "Easter egg"

Watch the video "how to draw an Easter egg":

This Easter drawing reflects all the symbols of Easter - the church, basket, Easter cake, eggs, spring twigs and flowers.

A charming Easter basket with Easter can be made from ordinary plasticine. First, we sculpt a concave Easter basket. We sculpt a thin flagellum from plasticine.

Fold the flagellum in half and twist it.

Gently glue the flagellum along the edge of the basket. We will get a very interesting effect of a wicker basket.

We roll a thick yellow sausage from plasticine.

We cut the sausage into two parts - this is the future basis for Easter cakes. On each base we lay a white round cake - “icing”.

Easter cakes with "icing"

For crafts, we need small real twigs.

We glue gray elongated lumps of plasticine on the branches - we will get a very believable willow. We put Easter cakes, willow twigs in a basket, complement the composition with colored eggs.

Sprinkle the cookies with food powder. Crafts for Easter from plasticine - ready!

Very delicate Easter egg pendants can be made from salt dough.

Easter chicken from ribbons and felt

A very cute Easter chicken can be made from ribbons and felt. We cut the ribbon into squares and fold it according to the pattern, fixing the workpiece with glue. The technique of making crafts from small pieces of ribbons is called kanzashi.

We glue the lower green part of the flower from the blanks. We glue purple blanks for the flower itself using the same technique. We glue them together. Place a bead in the center. Putting the composition together.

Glue yellow felt onto the cardboard base. From yellow ribbons we make blanks for the chicken.

We glue a tuft and wings of yellow ribbons onto the base. Glue the bead eyes and beak. It remains to decorate the chicken with a flower and a bow. We got a very spectacular Easter souvenir!

The most famous and beloved craft for Easter is a wreath. It can be made as decoration of the hall or room. The base of the wreath is made from branches that are connected to each other with adhesive tape.

We wrap the wreath with a garland with artificial flowers and greenery. We fix the garland with double-sided tape.

We decorate the wreath with ribbons. We paint plastic eggs with bright Easter patterns and fix them with double-sided tape on the wreath. The final touch of the Easter wreath is fluffy chickens.

Wreaths for Easter from branches can be decorated with feathers, flowers and willows.

Do-it-yourself willow twigs from cotton wool

Crafts that are very useful to you for Easter are willow branches. With these branches we can decorate an Easter wreath or make a luxurious Easter bouquet. Dilute starch with hot water.

We form future willows from cotton wool with starch. We color the willows in gray. Do not get carried away with coloring, light and uneven application will give the willows naturalness.

Glue the colored cotton balls to a real branch with a glue gun. On the underside, under each verbochka, we glue a “pocket” of felt.

Our willows are ready! It remains to form a spring Easter bouquet!

DIY Easter tree

Since the bright holiday of Easter symbolizes the flowering of a new life, in some countries a tradition has appeared to decorate the Easter tree. After all, it is the tree that personifies nature and the ability to revive after a long winter. We take the sawn testicles and carefully pierce them from two opposite sides. Their contents can be blown out with a straw.

Coloring the eggs. Using a stick, insert a ribbon into them.

We tie a ribbon on one side with a bow. Leave a loop on the other side. Easter eggs are ready. It remains to make the basis of the craft - the tree itself. We make it from interconnected painted twigs. Pour gypsum into a small container and insert twigs there. It remains to hang the testicles on the tree. Our Easter tree is ready!

DIY Easter tree (video):

Easter basket chicken made of felt

A very beautiful Easter basket "Chicken" is obtained from felt. Cut out the details of the chicken according to the pattern in the photo.

We sew the parts together. Leave free the edges at the bottom and top. The bottom will be sewn in. In the upper part we will fold the testicles.

Sew on the bottom piece.

We put eggs in the Easter basket.

You can decorate the Easter composition with a yellow chicken. It is very easy to sew it from felt. We cut out 2 oval parts for the body from felt and sew them together, not forgetting to fill them with padding polyester (you can immediately sew a crest between the body parts). Sew on the wings. Glue the factory eyes and beak. Easter chicken with felt chicken - ready!

An interesting Easter idea - do-it-yourself soap in the form of chickens for Easter!

A very beautiful Easter craft basket is made from pasta. To make it, we need to inflate a small balloon and glue it with pasta in the shape of “horns”.

Leave the hole in the front unglued. We color the pasta and decorate the hole with pasta in the form of "bows".

The Easter stand will be the best decoration of the Easter exhibition.

Happy Easter to you and your children!

Crafts for Easter in kindergarten reviews:

Beautiful crafts! Happy Easter) (Hope I)

I really like the testicles made of threads, the original technique and very popular now (Dashulya)

Easter is a bright and sunny holiday celebrated by all believers. This is not only a strict fast and a restriction from all entertainment events. It is also a joy that comes to every home. Very often, small children in kindergarten and primary school are taught to make interesting and uncomplicated crafts in order to introduce the child to this holiday. Here, the fantasies of educators and teachers have no boundaries, because you can do whatever you want! There is a lot of material now - take it and do it! And also, it's very nice to look at those things that you made yourself with your own hands. Let's plunge into the atmosphere of childhood and crafts that kids do in schools.

Paper crafts to school for Easter

Perhaps these are the simplest and easiest crafts, because they do not need anything supernatural. Only paper, scissors and the desire to do something interesting with your own hands. This material is often taken because it folds quite simply, lends itself to bending, and takes absolutely any shape. Paper is generally very fun for kids to play with, which is why this is the most popular way to do something at the same time with your own hands, turning it into a unique craft. You can cut out a rabbit or chicken figurine from beautiful cardboard by gluing eyes and a tail to it - why not a cool children's craft for school? What other interesting things can you do with paper?

Colored basket. Everything here is made entirely of paper. Of course, you will need glue and scissors, but other than that, you can not touch anything. The paper is neatly rolled into different shapes: it can be a flower, butterfly wings, and even droplets. After twisting, the form is glued to the cardboard until it is completely bonded. If you look at pictures on the Internet, then such a craft looks very interesting, you can’t even assume that a schoolboy did it.

Hen with egg. Very simple, but at the same time interesting craft. Take cardboard and colored paper. Cut a semicircle out of hard material so that the resulting one looks like a chicken egg. Then, glue it with colored paper in different cuts and colors, and then add some fluff with glue. Now you can cut out a chicken with interesting eyes and fasten everything together.

Crafts from threads

A very simple decoration for Easter. Yes, and you will not need so many devices: a beautiful and pleasant-colored thread, an empty chicken egg, glue, scissors, a small inflated ball (it’s better not to inflate much, you need a small size).

All that is needed is to wrap the testicle with threads, after wetting them with glue. Everything should dry, and then - you can gently break the shell and remove it. The same can be done with a ball by wrapping it in threads. By the way, it will be better to pull it out very easily, since it is enough just to burst it gently. You can use ordinary foam as a stencil, the same size as an egg. Wrap it with threads, pressing with needles, and then slowly separate the threads frozen from the glue. It will turn out something like a nest, in which it remains only to add toy birds and hang everything on a hook. If there is a desire, then it is quite possible to decorate the finished craft with some interesting and bright sparkles, sequins or beads.

Salt dough crafts

This is the favorite part of the job for little kids. At school, asking to do such crafts is a wonderful hobby for elementary grades.

All that is needed is salt dough, paints, glue and oilcloth, on which you will need to roll out. The child will really like to do something with his own hands, collect the dough into small lumps and sculpt figures. Everything is very simple: roll out the contents on an oilcloth, lay out an interesting figure, you can use a special stencil for clear lines. Then, insert the bulges with the help of separately assembled dough and let the whole "work of art" cool. Now, you can safely paint the Easter figurine with all the colors of the rainbow, the main thing is to make it beautiful and interesting.

Felt crafts for Easter

This version of the craft is already much more complicated than the previous ones. Here you will need the help of one of the adults, since an ordinary student is unlikely to cope with felt. Although such material is easy to use, in order to get smooth edges, you need to skillfully use scissors. You can cut out both on a stencil, and for more experienced lovers of working with crafts from felt - on your own, without stencils. And, by the way, be sure to grab the glue to make beautiful Easter compositions. For example, a basket of eggs!

It looks like this is very interesting. And how about making cute pink felt bunnies by carefully cutting out their ears and sewing them on the sides? You can even add some beads here to highlight the nose and eyes. Such children's toys will look very interesting as surprises for Easter, gifts, and just the most ordinary decorations next to Easter cakes.

Egg baskets

For kids at school, the following activity will be exciting: make a craft called an “Easter egg basket”. It's very simple: take an ordinary wicker basket, some corrugated paper, glue and buttons. Carefully spread the paper along the edges of the container, you can even stir it up a little, as if it were a nest with twigs. Now, you need to glue everything on the sides. You can also stick paper on the handle - for example, regular colored paper or one that bends well is perfect. Glue it carefully. Squeeze flowers from corrugated material that will look great next to real Easter eggs in a basket. See what an interesting option you can come up with for a bright holiday?

An Easter egg basket can be made from ordinary cardboard. To do this, find a diagram of how to make a beautiful mini-basket out of it. Fold everything neatly, sewing the ribbon on top of the handle. You can glue the buttons on the front side. Some soft filler will look great inside, so that there is something to put boiled eggs on. Such a craft will be an incredible decoration and joy for the student that he could do everything himself, with his own hands. If the cardboard is painted in different colors, it will be much more fun, agree? Give the child some time, let him dream up what to do. You can even set some kind of subject for drawing: for example, Easter bunnies, angels or doves.

How about an egg basket that can be made in 10 minutes from colored paper? True, this is not such a great option as with a real straw basket that can be pasted over, but still interesting. Any student in a labor lesson will cope with such a craft for one or two. That is why many teachers take this version of the Easter basket as a basis. By the way, it holds a maximum of 3-4 eggs. So, be sure to calculate the weight of the container so that the bottom does not tear.

Egg stand for Easter to school

So that on the Easter table all the eggs stand in their places, but you can make a very interesting craft - a special stand. These, by the way, are also very often done in schools. To work, you need to take colored paper and fold it according to the scheme. In fact, literally 10-15 minutes and you will already have a beautiful egg stand ready. See how fast and easy it is. The main thing here is to make the right measurements.

As a stand, there can be a strong fabric that needs to be glued, and small cardboard supports can be placed inside. Make cuts on top, as if it were grass, and paint everything green with bright gouache. If you put an egg in such a craft, it will look as if it lies somewhere in beautiful grass.

A more creative version of the craft is a cock-stand made of plain paper. True, with this you need to tinker a little, the students will need help in manufacturing. It is necessary to cut out the head of the chicken according to the stencil, color it, then proceed to the tail, and also make the third detail - the stand itself, carefully twisting it into a circle so that there is where to put the egg. Well, it remains only to connect everything with glue, let it dry, and then try out the stand in action, let's say so.

As an interesting option, you can consider a corrugated paper stand. All that is needed is to gently squeeze it, rewind it with a ribbon and insert the egg. A very simple way, and most importantly - fast, easy to understand at the school level. You can even take some colored plain paper and glue it with corrugated paper - this will look more voluminous.

A lot of interesting things can be done as surprises on a pleasant joyful Easter holiday. Baskets where you can put not only eggs, but also buns, all sorts of goodies. Ordinary paper coasters, where a pretty painted illuminated testicle can fit. Real crafts in the form of roosters, hens and other interesting animals that can be easily made using only cardboard and glue. Try to make something unique for Easter, because the main thing is that all this will be done by your own hands. Children in schools are actively engaged in crafts, it is very easy to get them interested in this, you just need to tell and show what will happen as a result. In general, create together with the kids, be creative, come up with some new figures together, where you can install Easter eggs. This is such a bright and colorful holiday when you need to rejoice and say to everyone “Christ is Risen!”. So we congratulate you in advance, let everything in your house be fine, and the children please each time with their achievements.

What crafts can be done for Easter with children?

  • The bright holiday of Easter is eagerly awaited not only by adults, but also by children.
  • For kids, Easter is a special time of fun and joy. But most of all, children look forward to the moment of receiving a symbolic gift and presenting pre-prepared crafts.
  • This article contains step-by-step descriptions of children's Easter crafts of different levels of complexity.
  • Prepare your own Easter souvenir from improvised materials a few days before the holiday or a couple of hours - you choose. Get inspired and get creative with your kids.

DIY crafts for Easter from napkins

You can quickly make an Easter craft from napkins. You just need to wrap a boiled egg with a napkin and tie a beautiful ribbon. You can replace napkins with corrugated paper.

Another way to make crafts from napkins:

  • Prepare a drawing on which a layer of napkins will be applied.
  • Decide on the colors and pick up the napkins of the right shades.
  • Cut a lot of squares from 2x2 cm napkins.
    Crumple each square into a small ball.
  • Stick balls of napkins inside the drawn contours.
  • You can make a postcard with a spread or cut a figure along the contour.

An Easter composition would be incomplete without an egg stand. It is possible to make it from napkins:

  • fold a paper napkin diagonally

  • bend the corners of the formed triangle up, connecting them with the upper corner

  • we twist the bottom edge of the resulting square with a roller approximately to the midline

We roll half of the formed square with a roller

  • turn the structure over and connect the lower corners under the roller

  • fasten them with a staple
  • turn the future basket over again (the paperclip should be at the back) and straighten the ends of the workpiece

Options for crafts from napkins:

Video: Do-it-yourself chicken, cockerel from napkins. Master Class

Video: Easter bunnies from napkins

DIY crafts for Easter from pasta

Pasta is also used in the manufacture of various crafts. We offer you several lightweight options for creating an Easter souvenir from pasta.

Method one: the original Easter egg

Prepare the necessary materials and tools:

  • wooden or styrofoam eggs
  • glue (it is better to take PVA, then there will be no traces of glue on the finished craft
  • tassel
  • bright colors
  • stand on which the finished product will dry
  • pasta in the form of small stars
  • dry glitter

Let's start creating!

  • Let's apply a layer of glue evenly on the blank of the future Easter egg and start gluing pasta stars in even rows (but only raw ones!).

  • If desired, you can use small pasta of various shapes, as well as glue them on the workpiece in any order.
  • Leave the egg for a while so that the glue dries well.
  • We check if the glue has dried up and, if all the stars hold well on the Easter egg blank, cover the product with paint. We use a brush for this.

  • To decorate the egg with sparkles, smear the desired place with glue, and sprinkle with dry sparkles. After the glue dries, shake off excess glitter.

  • These bright souvenir eggs you can make with your child and decorate the room for Easter by putting crafts in a basket.

You can make angels from pasta of various shapes.

For crafts you will need the following pasta:

  • asterisks
  • horns
  • spirals
  • vermicelli

A self-made angel can be placed next to Easter eggs, placed in a basket or placed next to willow branches.

We will need:

  • pasta
  • sticks
  • glue (Moment or a thermal gun will do)
  • PVA glue
  • pre-prepared salt dough balls or store-bought styrofoam or wooden round blanks

How to make a pasta angel:

  • We glue the pasta in the form of a wheel to a thick tube.
  • We apply glue to a ball of salt dough or a foam blank and connect it to the body.
    We glue a small ribbon on the back.

  • We select the pasta for the wings that is suitable in shape and size (we have pasta-bows) and stick it on top of the ribbon.

  • We use small vermicelli for the hair of an angel: we smear his head with PVA glue and immerse it in a bowl with vermicelli or lay it out in even rows.
  • Macaroni-horns are used for pens. We glue them near the wings.

  • We just have to cover the angel with paint. You can use golden paint, white or silver.

  • Why do you need a wand? To glue it inside the body of an angel and place it in an Easter basket.

Video: Crafts for Easter from pasta

Video: Pasta basket. Pasta products. creative work

DIY crafts for Easter from cotton pads

Without the image of a chicken, an angel, it is difficult to imagine the Easter holiday. Let's try to make an interesting simple craft - a bright and cute chicken, which can become an element of the decor of an Easter basket or decorate a room during the holiday.

For work you will need:

  • cotton pads
  • yellow egg dye
  • colored paper or cardboard sheets of the desired color
  • scissors
  • chenille wire

Let's get to work:

  • Dilute the paint with water and dip cotton pads into the solution. For one chicken, you will need two yellow-colored disks. We leave them to dry.
  • We will make paws from chenille wire of a suitable color.

  • Cut out a crest from red or orange paper, wings and a beak.
  • We place the parts cut out of colored paper between two cotton pads and glue them.
  • For the chicken eye, you can use toy blanks or cut out of paper and draw a black pupil. Glue eyes on both sides.

You can make angels from cotton pads that will complement any interior.

How to make an angel out of cotton pads?

  • We divide the cotton pad into two parts.
  • We put the bead in the center of one of the parts of the cotton pad.
    We process the edges of the cotton pad with zigzag scissors for a more aesthetic appearance of the product.

Tie a button with thread

  • We bend a disk with a bead inside in a circle and wind the thread under the bead. We straighten the resulting "skirt" from a cotton pad.
  • Fold the second part in half. We wrap the edges of the workpiece at the same distance from the center. After that, wrap the edges to the center.

Making the wings and body

  • Having dipped a toothpick in glue, unfold a slightly twisted cotton bud and paste it inside.
    Glue the wings to the body.

We connect the parts with glue and apply shiny paint dots on the wings

  • It remains only to apply a halo stripe on the head and dots on the wings of glitter paint and the delicate angel is ready!

Other options for crafts from cotton pads:

Easter crafts from cotton pads

What do-it-yourself Easter crafts to do quickly?

In this section you will find descriptions of Easter crafts that can be done in 15 minutes:

paper chicken

For work you will need:

  • paper plates or cardboard
  • paints
  • colored paper

  • Cut out a circle from a paper plate.
  • Fold the circle in half
  • Cut out wings, eyes, crest and beak from colored paper
  • Glue to the plate

Easter egg stand:

This craft can be done with children in kindergarten.

For work you will need:

  • white and green colored paper
  • white yarn pompom
  • scissors, pencil, glue
  • pink marker
  • shell or wooden egg

  • To make an egg stand, we will transfer the outlines of a rabbit onto paper: this is a figurine with ears, paws and a strip for attaching around the egg. Color the middle of the ears in pink.

  • The length of the strip should be such that the egg is on a stand, which will be obtained after gluing the wide strips of the workpiece. Let's cut it out.
  • Draw a strip of grass on green paper and cut it out. With this strip we will paste over the white strip-stand.
  • Bend the hind legs forward. Glue on the pom-pom tail.

  • We put the egg on the stand and glue the front paws together.
  • The craft is ready. If you wish, you can finish the muzzle of the rabbit, and draw a few flowers on the grass.

Other options for making an Easter egg stand

Easter themed postcard

  • A greeting card can be made from a sheet of cardboard. Draw or cut out of colored paper, felt a chicken, a rabbit, an Easter egg. You can decorate the postcard with lace, appliqué, pieces of felt, buttons.
  • If you are not interested in making a regular application, then create a voluminous one at the place of the paper fold. You can make movable joints, or make a chicken peeking out of an eggshell. To do this, cut out the top of the shell from thick cardboard and fasten it on one side of the postcard.
  • A postcard that you or your child made with your own hands will bring special warm emotions to the one who receives it as a gift.

Salt dough crafts for Easter

We offer to make simple but beautiful Easter crafts from salt dough.

For work you will need:

  • salty dough
  • glass of water
  • several different brushes
  • stack
  • paints (preferably gouache)
  • rolling pin
  • plungers or suitable baby molds
  • a raw egg

Let's get to work!

  • First you need to blow out the contents of the egg by making holes at opposite ends.
  • Let's make long sausages from salt dough and roll them out with a rolling pin into flat ribbons.

  • Take one ribbon and wrap it around the egg. We take the tape again and glue it until half of the egg is hidden under a layer of dough.
  • We sculpt an egg stand, using a juice cap or a plastic bottle cap, and put a wooden egg on it.

  • Using molds or a plunger, we prepare flowers for decoration and, having moistened with water the place where each flower will be attached, we put the cut-out decor blanks.
    We supplement the composition with leaves cut from salt dough.

Cut out flowers for decoration. We use plugers or children's molds for this.

  • Inside the egg there will be a bird, a chicken or a candle, which also needs to be molded from the dough.

  • Dry the product. To make the drying process faster, place the product in the oven and dry on low heat with the door open for 2 hours. Then leave with the door closed until cool and repeat until the product is dry enough.

  • Remove the egg shell from the dried product.
    Inside the craft we place the previously prepared figure from salt dough.

  • We decorate the craft, decorate it with beads or beads, varnish it. Salt Dough Easter Chicken

For work you will need:

  • ready-made salt dough
  • paints
  • tassel

We make a cake from salt dough - the base of the nest.

  • We will make the walls of the nest with the effect of weaving by passing the salt dough through a garlic press. Lay out the resulting strips around the perimeter of the nest.

Cooking a cake - the base of the nest

  • Let's start making the body of the chicken. We blind the cake again and stretch the edges up to make a neck. We stick a match inside the neck, so that later we can fix the head on it.

  • The hen's head is spherical. Add black pepper eyes, make a comb and a beak.

  • Attach the head to the body. We put the chicken in the nest. We dry the structure.

  • We make wings and attach them to the body of the chicken.
    We make a tail and also attach it to the body, beautifully straightening the edges.

You can make your own Easter egg for a chicken. To do this, you need a Kinder Surprise egg. You just need to wrap it with salt dough and dry it. After that, we apply a layer of paint and an inscription. We cover the entire craft and the egg with varnish.

Another way to make an Easter egg stand:

Crafts for Easter from felt do it yourself

What can be done from felt for Easter with children - watch the video.

Video: Felt Chicken. Detailed master class

Video: Easter egg made of felt

Video: DIY Easter baskets made of felt

DIY crafts for Easter from corrugated paper and cardboard: schemes

Easter paper hen

Video: DIY Easter crafts from corrugated paper

Crafts from foamiran for Easter: templates

Templates for flowers from foamiran

Fabric crafts for Easter: schemes

Textile Easter chicken bags:

  • Such chickens will decorate the festive table or become a bright element of the decor of the kitchen interior. Such a chicken can be presented as a souvenir for Easter to relatives and friends.
  • A real or decorative egg is placed in a hen-handbag and the hen becomes the keeper of Easter eggs. In addition, the needlewoman always has a lot of colorful shreds of the remaining fabric, which are a pity to throw away.
  • A great way to use them is to sew original souvenirs.

For work you will need:

  • shreds of fabric
  • floss threads
  • scissors
  • needle and thread for stitching
  • ruler
  • pattern

The entire manufacturing process is shown in the photo.

Tilda bird

A cute textile bird made on the principle of a tilde doll will become a cozy craft for Easter. Such a bright gift can be given to relatives or friends.

For work you will need:

  • pieces of cotton of the same or different colors
  • a piece of dark fabric for the beak
  • filler (synthetic winterizer, holofiber)
  • 3 buttons
  • ribbons and lace
  • acrylic paint
  • threads
  • needle
  • scissors
  • piece of chalk or soap for pattern
  • wooden stick
  • sewing machine (if any)

How to sew a tilde bird

  • We draw and cut out a pattern from paper: body, wings (if you wish, you can make a bird without wings), beak.

We immediately fix the beak between the two parts of the bird, sew it, leaving room for turning the workpiece. By the same principle, you can sew Easter bunnies and chickens. You will need templates for making patterns:

Easter egg hat with bunny ears

And here's how you can sew a bright souvenir - an Easter egg.

For work you will need:

  • shreds of fabrics (you can take chintz, cotton, linen with ornaments and patterns)
  • pattern (its size can be changed depending on what kind of egg you want to sew: life-size, small - for a needle bed, a little larger or very large, which will then be used as a sofa cushion)

Draw a pattern on paper and cut it out.

  • We apply the pattern to the fabric on the wrong side, circle with a pencil or chalk. Cut out, transferring the points from the pattern to the fabric at the same time.
  • We fold the two parts right side inward point to point and sew.
  • Repeat with the second pair of flaps.
  • We fold the two halves of the workpiece side by side, and turn one of them on the front side. We put the turned part inside the other part.
  • We connect the parts with pins. The main thing here is that the edges do not go beyond each other. Sew together, leaving an opening for turning.
  • Turning out an Easter craft.
  • We give volume to the Easter craft by stuffing it with padding polyester.
  • Close the left hole with a hidden seam.

We turn inside out

Crafts for Easter from kinder eggs

What crafts can be done for Easter from kinder eggs you will learn by watching the video.

Video: Making a chicken from a container from Kinder Surprise

Video: How to make an Easter chicken: do-it-yourself Easter crafts

Crafts for Easter from ribbons with your own hands

How to make Easter souvenirs from ribbons? The video below reveals the secrets of creating original Easter eggs.

Video: Easter eggs from satin ribbons

Video: Artichoke Easter souvenir

Crafts from plasticine for Easter

The video tutorial will tell you how to make an Easter bunny from plasticine.

Video: DIY Easter crafts

From the video you will learn what plasticine crafts you can do with children to decorate the house for Easter.

Video: Three super cool crafts for Easter with kids

DIY Easter crafts for the competition

The videos below will inspire you to create an original Easter craft for the competition.

Video: Easter composition - Nest with a bird. Master Class

Video: DIY Easter decor

Helpful Hints

On Easter, people not only prepare various dishes, but also create various decorations.

There are many crafts you can do do it yourself and don't waste too many resources.

In addition, there are crafts that children can make, or you can create with them.

Here are the most interesting and easy crafts that you can make with your children:

Crafts in the garden for Easter: use corrugated paper

You will need:

Drawing or printout of an Easter egg

Corrugated paper (cut into small squares) or plain colored paper

1. Print or draw an Easter egg on a piece of cardboard.

2. Draw simple patterns on the egg.

3. Crumple all the squares of corrugated paper and begin to carefully glue them over the drawn patterns.

DIY Chicken for Easter

You will need:

Craft for Easter in the kindergarten: a paper egg decorated with a thread

You will need:


Thick colored thread

1. Cut out an egg from cardboard.

2. Tape one end of the thread and start wrapping around the egg.

3. When the entire cardboard egg is wrapped with thread, reattach the end of the thread with tape.

4. Make a small hole in the top of the craft and thread a thread or ribbon through it so that the craft can be hung.

Children's crafts on the theme of Easter: an egg from a painted shell

You will need:


Colored shell (from shelled eggs)

PVA glue or hot glue

Cotton swab (if necessary).

1. Draw a large Easter egg on paper.

2. Apply glue and start gluing small pieces of shell. Instead of the shell, you can use small pieces of crumpled colored paper.

DIY Easter crafts for kindergarten: simple patterns

You will need:


Scotch tape (painting tape or duct tape)

Paints or chalk with water.

1. Draw a large chicken egg on paper.

2. Glue a few strips of tape over the pattern.

3. Start coloring the drawing in different colors. You can use paints or dip the chalk in water and paint with wet chalk.

4. When you have finished coloring, wait until the drawing dries and carefully remove the tape - you will have a beautiful pattern.

Children's crafts for Easter in kindergarten: stickers

You will need:

Sheet foam (foam paper)


Small container of water.

1. From foam paper, cut out several eggs and details for decorating them.

2. Dip the foam sheet eggs into the water and stick to the window. To decorate them, dip different parts from the same foam paper into the water and attach them on top of the eggs.

Easter crafts for kids: decorating eggs with felt-tip pens

1. First boil the eggs.

2. Grab some colored pens and start drawing different patterns or animals.

DIY Easter crafts for school: balloon

You will need:

Plastic eggs (you can pack chocolate eggs)


simple pencil


Glue stick

Thread or twine

Small ring (can be bent from a short piece of wire)

Thin wire.

1. Cut a piece of thin wire about 30 cm long.

2. Thread the wire through the holes in the plastic egg. If there are no holes in the plastic egg, then they can be made using a thin nail and a hammer or awl. Twist the ends of the wire inside.

3. From a strong thread, cut 8 pieces of 80 cm and fold each in half.

4. Start attaching threads to the ring. Since they are folded in half, there will be a loop on one side - you need to thread the ends of the thread on one side into the loop on the other (see image). Repeat the same with the rest of the threads.

5. Start tying the adjacent parts of the threads into a knot.

6. Make the second row of connections in a checkerboard pattern (see image). Continue connecting the threads until you reach the desired result for you.

7. Put the resulting blank on a plastic egg. Pass the thin wire (which you first threaded through the egg) through the ring so that the craft can be hung up later.

Making a basket:

8. Draw a square about 5.5 x 5.5 cm on cardboard and divide it into 9 small squares.

9. Cut a strip of about 3 x 8 cm from other cardboard. You can use tape instead of a paper strip.

10. Cut out a cross from a cardboard square and fold it so that you get a basket (see image).

11. Attach the basket to the threads with tape - just tape the basket along with the threads.

Children's crafts for Easter with their own hands: a garland of paper eggs

You will need:

Colored or wrapping paper

An old newspaper or pages of an old, unnecessary book (can be replaced with colored cardboard)

Strong thread (string)

PVA glue


Simple pencil.

1. Fold 2 sheets of paper of the same color. Draw a small egg on top colored paper and cut it out. You can first cut out a template from cardboard and use it.

2. Repeat the same with a few more sheets of other colors. Make sure that the eggs are approximately the same on all sheets.

3. To make a voluminous egg, fold one part in half and glue to the second part. Repeat the same with other colors.

4. From an old newspaper or colored cardboard (its color should contrast with the color of the egg), cut out several "flags" of the same color.

5. Glue one egg at a time to the center of the flag.

6. Lay the twine evenly on the table and glue the flags to it.

Now you can hang the decoration on the wall.

Crafts with children for Easter: eggs with confetti

You will need:

Food coloring, vinegar and water

Confetti (you can buy or make your own from colored paper)

corrugated paper

Glue stick.

1. Carefully make several small holes in the egg to make one hole about 1 cm in diameter.

2. Remove all contents of the egg and wash the inside of the egg with soap and water.

3. Color the shell using food coloring, 1 cup water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar. Let the shell dry.

4. Fill the egg with confetti.

5. Cut a small piece of crepe paper and glue it over the hole in the shell.

If you add some details, you can get such cute crafts:

DIY Easter crafts for children: paint paper eggs

You will need:

Paper or cardboard

simple pencil


Cotton buds

Small plastic containers (if needed)

1. Draw some eggs on white cardboard and cut them out.

2. Start painting cardboard eggs. You can use the plastic containers as a palette to mix in some colors.

DIY Easter with children: decorate cardboard eggs with colored paper

You will need:



Colored and/or wrapping paper (or an old glossy magazine)

1. Tear off small multi-colored pieces from colored paper or an old magazine.

2. Glue all these pieces on the cardboard as you like.

3. Turn the cardboard over, draw one or more chicken eggs on it and cut them out.

4. Make a hole in each craft at the top and thread a braid through it so that the decoration can be hung.

Easter crafts for kindergarten: eggs decorated with melted wax crayons

You will need:

Hot boiled eggs

Wax crayons


Egg packaging.

1. Boil the eggs. Place them in water and cook with the lid closed for about 3 minutes. Remove from heat and let them soak in hot water for about 10 minutes.

2. Drain the hot water and use a towel to transfer the hot eggs to the carton.

3. Be careful - the eggs are hot. Children can color them under the guidance of adults. You just need to touch the wax crayons to the eggs, and the crayons will begin to melt, leaving bright traces. Thus, you can color Easter eggs.

The most difficult step will be the stage where you need to turn the eggs over to color them on the other side.

When the eggs have cooled, you will have beautiful Easter crafts.

DIY Easter crafts with young children: paint eggs and don't get dirty

You will need:

acrylic paint

Zippered plastic bag

Boiled egg.

1. Pour a couple of colors of acrylic paint into a bag, put a boiled egg in it and close it.

2. Give a bag of boiled eggs to a child to paint with their hands.

3. When the egg is colored, carefully remove it and place it on cardboard or wax paper to dry.

* You can also stick one or two small stickers to the egg before dyeing. After painting, remove the stickers and you will have a beautiful drawing.

Easter holiday - all Christians are waiting for this day with special trepidation. The brightest and purest Easter holiday is celebrated on the same day by both Catholics and Orthodox. Traditionally, various kinds of Easter souvenirs will appear in stores, but why not try to make them yourself? After all, do-it-yourself Easter crafts are not much inferior to store counterparts.

There are many wonderful Easter ideas, many of which can be made by the whole family, including even small children in needlework. Do-it-yourself crafts for Easter can be accompanied by stories about the history of this holiday.

The symbolism of the holiday is very important. Traditionally, its symbols are what one way or another means the renewal of life - these are Easter streams, Light is the Easter fire and Life itself (cakes, eggs and rabbits).

Easter eggs are the most common holiday symbol that marks the victory of life over death. Traditionally, they should be red, but today eggs are decorated in every way. But red is still important. Indeed, according to legend. when Mary Magdalene came to the ruler Tiberius to inform about the miraculous resurrection of Christ and brought him an egg as a gift, he said: “It is impossible, just as it is impossible that the egg will turn red.” And the egg turned red in the hands of Tiberius! Since then, red means the victory of life over death, renewal.

For more than a century, there has been such a tradition: to send beautiful Easter cards to relatives and friends. They depict not only symbols of the holiday, but also all the beauty of spring flowering. As well as cute chickens, rabbits, flowers, Easter cakes.

There are a lot of options for decorating an Easter egg. They depend on what materials to use: paper, embroidery, just threads or beads. But first you need to make its preparation.

Easter egg preparation

As a blank in the form of an egg can be:

  • wooden blank
  • foam blank
  • natural material preparation
  • non-standard blanks

Wooden blank for eggs

Perhaps the most convenient will be a foam blank. And all because it perfectly holds its shape, while not being too hard. You can easily stick pins into it, etc.

Styrofoam egg blank

But doing Easter crafts with your own hands is also good because even a blank can be made from improvised materials!

In the most ordinary raw egg, we have to make two small holes: on top - no more than 2 mm, and on the bottom - about 5 mm in diameter. For this purpose, we need an awl or a fairly thick needle. After these procedures, the protein and yolk will easily pour out from below. You just have to wash the shell and dry it.

A plastic egg from a well-known children's chocolate treat can also be used as a blank - it is quite possible to braid it with beads or tie it.

Easter eggs from beads

Beaded eggs are distinguished by their grace and always attract attention. This is quite painstaking, delicate work, but the result is always impressive. We need to weave a special pattern, and then carefully transfer it to the egg, on which we will first apply the thermal sticker. But if you have not been beading before, it will be difficult, although such a detailed master class as will be a great help in the first creative experience of this kind.

Easter eggs with embroidery

Why not break away from the voluminous egg standard by making a flat embroidered pendant? It looks very cool, original, and not to say that some kind of work is difficult to do. The detailed master class describes how to embroider and assemble such an unusual egg. The difficulty, perhaps, will be only in the fact that the embroidery itself will take some time. But the result is worth it!

You can still stay with the traditional idea of ​​​​a voluminous egg, and in this case, "Cross" recommends paying attention to the creation master class. Only instead of a Christmas ball, we will use an egg-shaped blank. Rest assured, the souvenir will be very delicate, everyone will want to take a closer look at it, or even become the owner of such beauty.

Easter eggs made of felt and fleece

If you make such an unusual gift for Easter with your own hands, be sure that it will be appreciated. It can even act as a talisman, because souvenirs made from these materials always look bright and unusual.

And, by the way, you can definitely involve children in the preparation of this souvenir. The main requirement is accuracy, but there will be no difficulty in the process of making such an egg, everything is extremely simple. However, evaluate for yourself by watching the master class "Easter eggs made of felt - a wonderful souvenir on a bright day!"

Felt egg garland

One has only to stock up on these incredibly advantageous materials in needlework, and then the work will go like clockwork.

Knitted Easter eggs

Even if you know little about knitting, you can also make beautiful knitted Easter eggs. It is enough to pick up a hook, bright yarn and master the reception of a single crochet.

Of course, there are more difficult options. More experienced knitters will probably want to attach a bright flower with a beautiful button in the core to an egg already tied in a simple way. But on its creation you will already have to try, although this is not so difficult to do.

Easter eggs look very cool, "dressed" in an openwork cobweb. This is a gentle, delicate, and not at all difficult work. The master class with the beautiful name "Lace Splendor" describes in detail all the moments of making this handmade souvenir.

It is also a very interesting version of a souvenir - such a hand-made gift for Easter will appeal to many. In order to make it, we need:

  • foam blank
  • silk or cotton white threads
  • PVA glue
  • pins
  • polyethylene film
  • decor details

First, we close the foam blank with polyethylene. This is necessary so that our threads do not stick to the foam and subsequently come off easily. Then we need to very carefully stick the needles into the blank. One row will be along the edge of the future window, and the second row will go along the oval of the Easter egg.

There will no longer be a window in the second half, so we will make a number of needles exclusively along the oval of the egg.

The halves are made separately from each other!

We moisten the threads in PVA glue, and wrap our workpiece with them. It is better to wrap not randomly, but following the “zigzag” pattern through the pins of the outer and inner rows.

When the wrapping is completed, the threads can be covered with glue a second time. Next, wait for the workpiece to dry thoroughly. As soon as this happens, we very, very carefully take out the pins, and then remove the half from the workpiece.

We do the second half in a similar way. Now you need to connect them to each other. You can tie them with a satin ribbon or fix them with a hot gun.

It's great if you plant a fluffy miniature chicken or rabbit inside such a delicate Easter egg. The egg can be tied with a thin ribbon, decorated with a bow on top for beauty. It turned out to be a very beautiful craft: many will be surprised that you did it yourself!

Easter egg in Origami technique

Colored paper and triangular modules - if that tells you something, it's definitely worth experimenting with such an Easter souvenir.

How to Make a Triangular Origami Module

First you will have to learn how to make modules from colored paper, later this skill will come in handy in new origami crafts.

To do this, you line colored paper in a special way. However, there are at least two ways to manufacture modules. Usually the paper is folded several times, cut at a certain stage, and then the same pieces are turned into future modules. How to cut paper correctly, you can watch the video:

Step by Step Origami Easter Egg Tutorial

We will act as follows:

  1. We need to prepare 99 green and 112 pink triangular pieces.
  2. In the 1st, 2nd and 3rd rows there will be 8 green modules each. They are easily placed on top of each other.
  3. In the 4th row there will be 16 pink modules, which you need to wear with one pocket.
  4. We make the 5th row according to the principle: 2 green modules - 2 pink modules - 2 green, etc.
  5. 6th row: the same principle, but the pattern itself needs to be slightly shifted to the side.
  6. Next, we try to give the egg the shape of a bowl and continue to lay out the same pattern, not forgetting to move it to the side.
  7. You need to make 8 rows with a pattern.
  8. The next row will be of 16 pink modules.
  9. The work will be completed next to the green modules, which will be mounted on three corners.

The video master class will instruct you in detail how to create an origami egg:

And the next master class will tell you how to improve the work. But for beginners, the first way will be the best choice, since it is as simple as possible, but the result is just as attractive.

Easter egg in quilling technique

To perform work in this technique you will need:

  • egg preparation
  • pins
  • paper pins

First of all, think about what the egg will be. Elements can be glued to the workpiece itself:

And then you can carefully remove the workpiece. This is necessary in order for the egg to turn out hollow and openwork.

If you chose the second option, then the manufacturing principle will be the same as making an Easter egg from threads. That is, we go the following way:

  1. We close the egg with polyethylene, and then, starting from the very top of the workpiece, we glue the quilling elements. Each element should not only be attached to the previous one, but also secured with two or three pins.
  2. This is how the upper half of the egg will be done, after which you need to cover it with varnish, leave to dry.
  3. Now you can do the second blank (lower half), and after drying, glue both parts.

The quilling elements are twisted the way we need it. It is better to practice in advance so as not to waste time in the process of making an Easter egg. In order not to get lost, it is better to follow this video master class:

Prosperity and abundance in Easter symbolism is a rabbit. It is believed that it will bring good luck to those who receive it as a gift. You can plant him next to the Easter egg basket, he will be her cute and sweet guard.

You can sew a simple rabbit from gray linen, you can sew colored charming rabbits using all your imagination. It is not necessary to remove this souvenir until the next Easter, because it can be a good talisman for a year.

Check out our Lucky Easter Bunnies tutorial and choose the one you like)

Without spending a lot of effort, you can make the cutest Easter basket with your own hands, in which colored eggs will look so great. And there are many variations:

In addition, craftswomen make baskets even out of paper! Baskets made using the Quilling technique are especially beautiful.

And how do you like a basket decorated with knitted flowers? Really beautiful?! Easter cake and eggs knitted using the Amigurumi technique will serve as an excellent filling!

Easter candles

Egg-shaped candles are an original souvenir for Easter. Our master class "Easter candles and their protective properties" will not leave any questions on the topic "how to make them."

By the way, the same eggshells can become the best candlesticks:

Easter napkins

Classics of the genre! However, now you can start making them, because such embroidery takes a lot of time. There are a lot of patterns according to which you will embroider. Assess your skill level and choose.


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