Rescuer's Day holiday history. Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - the day of the rescuer of the Russian Federation. History and traditions of the holiday

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I am on the day of the rescuers of Russia
I make this congratulations
For those who spare no effort,
In someone else's trouble more than once helped!

May your courage and courage
Will never let you down!
And heroic deeds glory
From mouth to mouth carries the people!

I am the lifeguard, you are the lifeguard
All of us, brothers, well done,
In our very difficult business -
Real specialists!

I raise a toast to us
And I wish from the bottom of my heart
For our wives to love us
And, of course, babies!

For good health
And it took a hundred years
To shine on us every day
Warmth and happiness light!

Congratulations on the Day of the Rescuer,
Happy life saver day!
After all, it would be hard for us without you,
Any incident would take our lives!

Now I send you congratulations,
How the gratitude of my soul is the result!
I wish you more luck
Live happily ever after!

Your courage is not just courage,
The feat has become everyday for you,
Celebrate your holiday today
Everywhere in Russia.

Your work is a lesson to all people,
An example of great courage.
We give you congratulations
On a beautiful sheet of paper.

You always help out of trouble,
Today we want to wish you:
Let the lifeguard come out dry
And from the fire - unharmed!

Russians congratulate
All the rescuers of the country,
Because daily
We need lifeguards!

These guys are all heroes
Well done, as a selection,
Your commander is handsome -
The real Chernomor!

We wish you good luck
Happiness, joy, love,
We give you a good poem,
Congratulations inside!

You, dad, are a lifeguard, this is your holiday,
In honor of this, I send you congratulations!
You help different people out of trouble,
You do what no one else could.

We are proud of you and you know it...
We look forward to going home every time
After all, we love with all our hearts, we worry,
You are our best, dear man!

It's easy to be a lifeguard.
It's like Spiderman!
It is possible to make a feat
No big problem!

To all rescuers of Russia
Sending congratulations
And I want to say thanks:
Everyone could do a lot!

Someone rescued a jellyfish from the sea
Someone is a chick in the nest.
Who consoled a woman in grief ...
There are lifeguards everywhere!

Happy rescuer day
Congratulations today!
You are our hope!
Glory to you nationwide!

When there is trouble
Suddenly happens sometimes -
Always with us
Dear heroes!

Every piece of life
What did you ever save?
Lies in this congratulations
Poetry award!

At work you are a lifeguard
And for the son you are a hero,
Because you are with your son
With real kindness!

I and my son wish you
Our beloved, dear,
To be whole, unharmed
You returned home!

To be the best in the world
You always stayed
To not come close to you
Even a small problem!

You are fearless guys
And our hope
You literally every day
Get better!

We love you very, very much
We are waiting for you impatiently
And we wish in difficult service
Good luck!

We give you gentle congratulations
And we wish you happiness
And of course we will help you
Survive the storm!

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

The Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief (MES) is a federal executive body that is responsible for the development and implementation of state policy, legal regulation, as well as supervision and control in the field of civil defense , protecting the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, ensuring fire safety and the safety of people at water bodies.
All activities of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters of Russia are subject to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, orders and directives of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation.
For more than 20 years, Sergei Shoigu has been the permanent head of the Russian rescue services. In 2012, Vladimir Puchkov headed the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

Vladimir Puchkov

To date, on the territory of the Russian Federation there is one specific day, which is dedicated to the rescuers of the Russian Federation and this day is called the "Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations". This holiday appeared relatively recently. Even literally at the end of the 80s, people who work in such a courageous and heroic profession did not have a professional holiday. This is all because such an important state structure as the Ministry of Emergency Situations simply did not exist at that time. Only in 1990, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR on July 17, a decision was made to form the Russian Rescue Corps. And already 4 months later, on December 27, 1990, the decision came into force. That is why December 27 is the official founding date of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, to which the Day of the Rescuer is timed.

Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations December 27

The Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1306 of December 26, 1995 "On the Establishment of the Day of the Rescuer of the Russian Federation." This day is considered the holiday of the rescuers and is celebrated every year on December 27th.
On this solemn day, it is customary to hold various events and festive concerts, which are dedicated only to the Day of the Ministry of Emergencies.
On December 27, all employees of the rescue services are congratulated by the first persons of the state, colleagues and management, and films and programs are dedicated to them in the media.

Awards for the Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

The following dates are also professional holidays of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters:
1. April 30 - Russian Fire Protection Day;
2. October 4 - Civil Defense Day;
3. December 27 is the Day of the Rescuer of the Russian Federation.
Despite the professional holiday, not all rescuers celebrate this day. And all by the fact that some are at work.

Rescuer Day - working day

The day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is not a red day of the calendar, but a regular working day for most rescue workers. Many rescuers have the opportunity to feel like real heroes on their professional holiday.

Ministry of Emergency Situations at work

On this day, the best rescuers of Russia are awarded with commemorative certificates, orders and valuable gifts. Honored guests, management and personnel of the emergency department, cadets of departmental universities also take part in the solemn ceremony. Solemn meetings, concerts, banquets are necessarily held at the highest government level and in labor collectives. According to the established tradition, Minister Vladimir Puchkov in Moscow annually lays flowers at the complex of monuments to "Firefighters and Rescuers" and "Veterans of the EMERCOM of Russia".
All of Russia celebrates this day every year. The organizers approach the preparation of festive concerts and events very responsibly, as this is a holiday of real men and heroes of the country. Throughout its activities, the Ministry of Emergency Situations has saved a huge number of lives, eliminated many natural disasters. Knowing about the devotion and full dedication of each employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, you can sleep peacefully and be sure that you are under reliable protection.

Rescue services are one of the rare examples of good organization and conscientious work of employees in modern Russia. Having appeared relatively recently, the structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was established so well that in the 1990s, the Ministry of Emergency Situations was almost the only ministry in the country that did not cause any complaints either in society or in the supreme power. We will find out what date the Day of the Rescuer of the Russian Federation is celebrated in 2019, when Russian rescuers celebrate their professional holiday.

What date is Rescuer Day 2019 in Russia

The Day of the Rescuer of the Russian Federation is celebrated in our country annually on the same date - 27th of December.

This day is the date of foundation of the Russian Rescue Corps, which appeared back in Soviet times, in 1990. For some time, the future of the Ministry of Emergency Situations existed as the State Committee of the Russian Federation, until it finally became a full-fledged ministry within the government of the country.

As the first head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Sergei Shoigu, later recalled, the creation of such a huge structure, which later turned out, was not even planned in 1990.

The idea was to create a kind of rescue special forces of about 500 people, which could be quickly sent to the places of the worst incidents. Chernobyl and the catastrophe of two trains near Asha, an earthquake in Armenia and plane crashes - the news reports of the late 1980s were full of terrible events. There was an understanding that the country simply did not have a service capable of quickly and accurately responding to such natural and man-made disasters.

The holiday itself appeared five years after the founding of the rescue corps, in 1995. By that time, it was already becoming clear that the creation of a separate body that deals with the prevention of emergencies and the elimination of their consequences was the right decision. The Ministry of Emergency Situations has become more modern and more responsive to emerging emergencies than the Soviet system of civil defense. The structure turned out to be much larger and more comprehensive than its creators intended.

Earthquakes and fires, disasters on railways and roads, incidents on water and in the air - Russian rescuers use the most modern developments in the timely and complete provision of assistance to victims.

The modern EMERCOM of Russia is practically an army, in which a little less than 300 thousand people serve. But rescuers also include people whose places of service are territorial and municipal rescue services, private rescue services, various types of fire protection, non-staff, public rescue organizations. All of them celebrate their professional holiday on December 27, 2019.

On December 27, Russia celebrates the Day of the Rescuer of the Russian Federation. This is a professional holiday for all those who have dedicated their lives to saving others, eliminating the consequences of emergencies, natural and man-made disasters.

As the date of the holiday, the day of December 27 was not chosen by chance. It was on December 27, 1990, 28 years ago, on the basis of a decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, that the Russian Rescue Corps was created. This structure became the prototype of the Ministry for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief (EMERCOM of the Russian Federation), which was created a little later.

In fact, the need to create a special structure that would be responsible for the prevention of emergency situations, emergency rescue work arose a very long time ago. Taking into account the vast territory of the country, a large number of industrial facilities, a developed transport infrastructure, and the presence of numerous environmental risks, the state simply had to have a centralized and well-organized system for dealing with emergencies. However, until 1991 such a structure did not exist.

In the Soviet Union, the functions of eliminating the consequences of emergencies were assigned, firstly, to the civil defense troops subordinate to the USSR Ministry of Defense, and secondly, to other military and paramilitary formations of the USSR Ministry of Defense and the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. But, as practice has shown, the troops, due to their cumbersome structure and many other features, were not ready for a prompt response to emergencies.

On July 30, 1991, the Russian Rescue Corps was transformed into the RSFSR State Committee for Emergency Situations, which has already become a direct base for further organizational experiments and improvement of the civil defense system in the country. It was on the basis of the State Committee for Emergency Situations of Russia on January 10, 1994 that the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM of Russia) was created.

Thus, modern Russian rescuers are practically parallel to the history of modern Russian statehood. Despite the rather narrow specifics of the work of the department - the elimination of emergency situations and the fight against the consequences of natural disasters, the State Committee for Emergency Situations (and then the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation) played an important role in the development of post-Soviet Russia. This was largely due to the political figure who headed the organization.

As soon as the Russian Rescue Corps was created, it was headed by 36-year-old Sergei Shoigu, in 1990-1991. who served as deputy chairman of the RSFSR State Committee for Architecture and Construction, and before that he worked as the second secretary of the Aban city committee of the CPSU and an instructor in the Krasnoyarsk regional committee of the CPSU. For a party leader, and in the past a civil engineer, Shoigu, the leadership of the all-Russian rescue structure became a new type of activity in which, admittedly, he got used to it and in a few years managed to form a completely independent and previously unparalleled power structure in Russian history - the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

The young and purposeful Shoigu was the best fit for the role of head of the new structure. He energetically undertook the creation of a ministry that combined a variety of components - civil defense troops transferred from the Ministry of Defense, rescue organizations subordinate to executive authorities, trade unions. The new structure was tasked with monitoring and forecasting emergency situations, preventing and eliminating emergency situations, and conducting emergency rescue operations. The basis of the “power” of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was, of course, the military units of the former civil defense forces of the USSR, but new rescue units were also formed, staffed by high-class professionals. The Ministry of Emergency Situations has its own medical units.

One of the most famous units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, whose activities are regularly and widely covered in the media, is "Centrospas" - the State Central Airmobile Rescue Squad of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "Centrospas". It was established on March 13, 1992 to carry out search and rescue operations of any kind and to provide assistance to the population in "hot spots".

The last direction of activity was especially relevant in those years - the beginning of the 1990s was accompanied by a sharp aggravation of the situation in the post-Soviet space. In the Russian Federation, “hot spots” arose in the North Caucasus, where ethnic, confessional, and political interests of different peoples of the country intersected. Almost from the very beginning, the structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were involved in providing assistance to the civilian population in the republics of the North Caucasus - North Ossetia, Ingushetia, Chechnya, Dagestan.

"Centrospas" is staffed by top-class specialists, including not only professional rescuers, but also cynologists, engineers, signalmen, medical workers, and psychologists. Each employee of "Centrospas" is trained in a number of rescue specialties and knows from 6 to 15 specialties. Centrospas includes on-duty search and rescue units of the search and rescue service, a mountain search and rescue unit, a chemical search and rescue unit, a search and rescue unit of technical intelligence, a diving search and rescue unit, a logistics unit, an analysis and organization of the search and rescue service.

Over the past three years, Centrospas has been headed by a veteran of the detachment, Kirill Stanislavovich Borodin, an international class lifeguard, Honored Lifeguard of the Russian Federation. A graduate of the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute, Kirill Borodin was professionally engaged in tourism and speleology from his youth, and these activities led him to the rescue service. He became one of the first rescuers of the Centrospas, being enlisted in the detachment on July 1, 1992.

For twenty-six years of service in the detachment, Kirill Borodin has mastered many rescue specialties - he is a diver, a speleologist, an underwater swimmer, and the commander of a gas rescue squad. It is on people like Kirill Borodin that the most serious rescue unit of the Russian Emergencies Ministry rests. I must say that the state appreciates the merits of rescuers. For example, Kirill Borodin was awarded the Order of Courage, medals of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st and 2nd degrees, and numerous professional awards.

Centrospas also has Heroes of the Russian Federation. Vladimir Danatovich Legoshin. A graduate of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Legoshin joined the State Emergency Committee in 1992. In 1996, he became deputy head of the Centrospas detachment, participated in many rescue operations in various parts of the world - from Abkhazia to Rwanda and Burundi. In 1995, Legoshin was part of the Centrospas rescue team who parachuted to the North Pole. Legoshin received the Gold Star of the Hero of Russia in 2000.

Two employees of the Centrospas detachment were awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation posthumously. Andrei Nikolaevich Rozhkov (1961-1998), rescuer and climber, professionally engaged in mountaineering for a long time, and then joined the rescue structures and soon took the position of deputy head of the Centrospas detachment. The Georgian-Abkhazian conflict, Bosnia, the First Chechen War - this is far from the full combat path of the rescuer Andrey Rozhkov. He died on April 22, 1998 while diving into the waters of the Arctic Ocean - the rescuer was testing new diving equipment. It was for his death during equipment testing that he was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

Valery Valentinovich Zamaraev (1959-2004) came to Centrospas after thirteen years of service in the fire department, where he rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel and the position of head of the fire department. In 1996, Zamaraev was appointed to the position of deputy head of the search and rescue service of the Centrospas detachment. Like other rescuers of the detachment, he visited a variety of "hot spots", participated in the aftermath of numerous man-made disasters. On September 3, 2004, Valery Zamaraev died during the liberation of hostages in Beslan - he was seriously wounded by an unexploded grenade from an underbarrel grenade launcher and died in an ambulance. Valery Zamaraev was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

You can talk about the exploits of the rescuers of the Centrospas squad for a very long time. This is a kind of elite of Russian rescuers, people of the highest professional skill and no less personal courage, who, as we have shown in the examples given, are ready to give their lives in the name of serving their duty - saving people.

In addition to Centrospas, rescue centers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations exist in a number of regions of the Russian Federation, solving the most diverse range of tasks in the field of preventing and eliminating the consequences of emergency situations. The personnel of the subdivisions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation is staffed by military personnel, employees with internal service ranks, state civil servants, and civilian (civilian) workers. In 2002, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation included the bodies and forces of the state fire protection and state fire supervision, removed from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which had been in charge of them since the Soviet era.

The inclusion of fire protection in the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation caused quite heated discussions in Russian society, especially in a professional environment. Moreover, in 2005 the fire service was divided into two components. The Federal Fire Service remained within the Ministry for Emergency Situations, while the regional formations were transferred to the jurisdiction of the relevant structures of the regional executive power. What consequences this led to is a topic for separate materials.

The successful work of the EMERCOM of the Russian Federation contributed to the formation of a purely positive image of the Minister - the founder of the structure, Sergei Shoigu, who was transferred to the work of the Governor of the Moscow Region, and now is the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and it is difficult not to recognize his achievements in this position.

After the departure of Sergei Kozhugetovich Shoigu from the post of Minister of Emergencies, from May 11 to May 17, 2012, Ruslan Khadzhismelovich Tsalikov served as minister, from 2012 to 2018. The Minister of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation was Lieutenant General of the Reserve Vladimir Andreevich Puchkov, a graduate of the Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School, who since 1983 served in the civil defense forces, and then in the system of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. In 2018, Vladimir Puchkov was replaced as Minister of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation by Colonel-General Evgeny Nikolaevich Zinichev, a native of the structures of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

Today, on the Day of the Rescuer of the Russian Federation, it must be emphasized once again that the courageous people working in the Russian Emergencies Ministry, in other structures and formations responsible for saving people and combating the consequences of emergencies, are worthy of honor and respect. These are real warriors who risk their own lives in the same way, and often give them up in the name of saving other lives. The profession of a rescuer retains its romantic halo and a certain prestige, which is why many young people willingly enter the service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, in specialized educational institutions.

"Military Review" congratulates all military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, employees of other rescue structures, veterans and everyone involved in rescue activities on their professional holiday, wishes all the best, and most importantly - no losses among the "rescued" and among the rescuers themselves. Russia really needs your service!

Risking one's life for the sake of saving others - not everyone can choose such a profession for themselves, but by no means everyone is ready to devote their entire conscious life to this profession. The lifeguard profession is one of the most difficult, noble and universally recognized in the world.

According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1306 of December 26, 1995 “On the Establishment of the Day of the Rescuer of the Russian Federation”, all EMERCOM services celebrate their official holiday on December 27.

In 1990, on this day, the Russian Rescue Corps was formed. The creation of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM of Russia) was caused by a growing number of natural, man-made and epidemiological emergencies.

One of the directions in the activities of the Ministry is the management of the creation and development of the Russian System for Warning and Action in Emergency Situations (RSChS). It was formed in order to combine the forces and means of federal and local executive authorities in the prevention and elimination of emergency situations.

The functional subsystem and emergency commissions include:

Bodies of day-to-day management and on-duty dispatching groups;

Forces and means of observation, and control of emergencies

Forces and means of liquidation of emergencies.

Readiness for self-sacrifice in the name of saving people's lives, courage and courage - these are the distinguishing features of the representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Courage, determination, quick reaction, the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation - all these qualities allowed the rescuers to win the respect of not only Russians, but also citizens of many foreign countries, in which our rescuers confirmed their professional qualities. The departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations employ real professionals, for whom daily work is a constant risk, they come to the rescue of those who find themselves in a difficult situation associated with a risk to life every day. Their usual workdays can be called heroic, and this is unlikely to be pathos. Many of the rescuers have various state awards, 9 employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were awarded the high title of Hero of Russia:

Shoigu Sergey Kuzhugetovich - General of the Army, First Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief (until 2012).

Vorobyov Yuri Leonidovich is one of the organizers of the Russian rescue service.

Kozlov Ilya Nikolaevich - rear admiral, head of the emergency rescue service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Rozhkov Andrey Nikolaevich - international class rescuer.

Legoshin Vladimir Danatovich - Deputy Head of the Centrospas Detachment of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Yelistratov Dmitry Viktorovich - Leading Technologist of the Centrospas Detachment of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Maksimchuk Vladimir Mikhailovich - major general of the internal service.

Zamaraev Valery Valentinovich - Deputy Head of the PPS of the "Tsentrspas" detachment.

Chernyshov Evgeny Nikolaevich - colonel of the internal service.

Many books have been written about the valor and heroism of the rescuers, dozens of feature films and documentaries have been shot, monuments and memorial plaques have been erected in their honor.

In the city of Moscow, on Kremenchugskaya Street, there is a sculptural group of 3 monuments dedicated to the employees of the Ministry of Emergencies (“Rescuers of the Ministry of Emergencies”, “Veterans of the Ministry of Emergencies”, “Mine Rescuers”). At the grand opening of the monument "Rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations" in 2010, Sergei Shoigu said: “This monument is dedicated to the courage and courage of those who every hour, every minute come to the rescue and, sometimes, at the cost of their own lives, save another life.”

By the way, 2016 was declared the Year of Fire Protection in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. This year, the main attention is paid to improving the efficiency of the regulatory system for emergencies, fires and other disasters, raising the level of citizens' knowledge of fire safety rules, fire prevention, familiarizing the younger generation with the heroic and courageous profession of a firefighter.

According to the statistics of fires, according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, in the 1st half of 2016 compared to the 1st half of 2015, the number of fires decreased by 9%, and human casualties by 5%. It would seem that the percentages are not as high as many would like, but behind these percentages, in fact, there are hundreds of saved human lives, the preservation of property worth billions of rubles.

At a meeting of the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Strategic Development, the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Vladimir Puchkov, said:

We have ambitious goals: to reduce the number of people killed, injured and injured as a result of emergencies and fires by 15% by 2018, by 40% by 2024.

The department plans to achieve these indicators through the purchase of modern equipment, improving the quality of education and retraining of personnel, and most importantly, through targeted preventive work among the population. After all, it is the notorious human factor that continues to play one of the negative roles in emergency situations today.

The department of international activities of the EMERCOM of Russia emphasizes that the ministry annually improves the methods and mechanisms of emergency humanitarian response. In total, since the beginning of 2016, 20 humanitarian aid operations have been carried out, of which five on a bilateral basis (Tajikistan, Ecuador, Macedonia, North Korea, and the autonomous territorial entity of Gagauzia). In total, assistance was provided to 16 countries, more than 15,000 tons of humanitarian goods were delivered, including humanitarian aid to residents of Donbass, citizens of the Syrian Arab Republic.

The result of the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for 26 years is one and a half million lives saved, five million people who were assisted in various situations.

Rescuer Day is a day of courageous, strong and brave people. Emergencies happen every day, it is often very difficult to foresee them, but it is the Russian rescuers who are ready, sacrificing themselves, to come to the rescue in a timely manner.


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