Stamping manicure at home. Making color stamping for nails

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The arsenal of modern fashionistas is constantly replenished with prints, rhinestones, fluorescent varnishes, as the cosmetic industry provides many opportunities to emphasize the individuality of appearance.

One of the new products is nail stamping. What it is and this technology is so simple, not all girls and women still know, but it allows you to change the image almost every day, without significant overpayments.

Stamping for nails - what is it?

Stamping is a new word in the world of nail design. A stamp is a device that allows you to apply a pattern using a stamp-print.

Stamping helps to create nail prints with just three tools: a rubber (silicone) stamp, a metal disc and acrylic paints. With their help, it is easy to transfer any pattern from one surface to another.

Nail manicure technologies are constantly updated with new products, and stamping is one of them. What is it, how to make such a nail design and what is needed for this - read on

These tools simplify the process by replacing the usual stickers and hand-painting for the master. The technology of use itself is available and it is not difficult to master it, even for a master without much work experience, while the work time will be reduced to 10-15 minutes. This allows you to change the decorations on the nails yourself.

Benefits of stamping:

  • Complex patterns on nails can now be drawn even without experience.
  • Simplicity.
  • Savings on trips to the beauty salon.
  • The ability to fantasize. Over time, having mastered stamping, you can use it to decorate mobile phones, storage boxes, kitchen utensils.

It remains to understand what you need to stock up for high-quality stamping of jewelry, what a good set should look like and which brand to choose.

Stamping nail design: photo

Stamping kit

It is easier to understand the intricacies of nail stamping (what it is) if you purchase a stamping kit. It can be purchased at retail through the online store.

In retail chains, you should look for them in specialized departments with goods for nail masters, and a big plus of such a purchase is the opportunity to personally “feel” the product. Shopping in an online store is more risky, but they are favorably distinguished by low cost.

Prices for ready-made sets range from 500 to 2000 rubles.

Standard set includes:

  • Scraper or scraper. It helps to remove excess varnish, evenly distribute the paint over the pattern, instantly remove excess paint.
  • Silicone stamp. A tool for directly transferring the pattern to the nails: usually any manufacturer provides their product with detailed instructions and it is not difficult to use it.
  • Acrylic paints. With their help, the drawing will acquire volume, expressiveness and clarity - ordinary varnish does not guarantee such results.

Better to buy the whole set so as not to buy individual items. Experienced stylists advise you to see how many patterns are on the plate. Manufacturers often offer only one piece with 8 patterns, although there is always the opportunity to buy additional plates and diversify the palette of prints.

It is worth paying attention directly to the stamps: they sometimes differ greatly in diameter and shape.

It is impossible to advise the optimal size: over time, everyone selects it on their own, focusing on their own feelings and needs.

Also stem material is important: if the silicone is too dense, it may be of poor quality, which will greatly complicate the transfer of the image from the plate, and then to the nail.

What else do you need for stamping

Experienced stylists warn: for good work, which allows you not to limit yourself in the scale of activity, one set is not always enough.

Always have on hand:

In any manicure, including stamping, a nail file must be used.
  1. Nailfile.
  2. Cotton discs.
  3. Nail polish remover.
  4. Finish coating.
  5. Cotton buds.
  6. Lacquer base of any color.

These accessories are inexpensive, but are always needed for working with nails, allowing you to adjust or improve the result of work at any time.

Stencils, discs, plates for stamping. Where could I buy

It makes sense to purchase disks, plates and stencils for stamping separately and always replenish your collection. It is easy to find them in departments for nail masters, online stores at a price of 550 rubles. When choosing, you should keep a guide to a few rules that will help make the process of applying the tempo more pleasant and faster.

When choosing stencils (plates) for stamping, focus on the quality of engraving and patterns

When choosing these items, it is worth considering a few recommendations:

  • It is worth evaluating the quality of engraving, patterns: it is better if they are deep enough, as clear as possible.
  • For short nails, patterns, drawings of small sizes are more suitable, and for long or extended nails, it makes no sense to purchase less than 2 cm.
  • It is better if the kit is equipped with a special holder for disks. It is a special stand that holds the plate in one direction. So she does not "crawl", allows the master to work calmly.
For stamping, it is better to buy a plastic scrubber (scraper)

Which scraper to choose: metal or plastic

Many craftswomen think: which scraper is better to work with - plastic or metal.

If you believe the reviews, then the metal can damage the nail plate, especially if it is not filigree enough. Plastic is softer, although it has its drawback: as it is lighter in weight, it can remove excess paint not cleanly enough the first time.

What varnishes are suitable for stamping

A good varnish is the key to a beautiful, durable nail stamping, which guarantees a lasting result. Such stamping varnish should completely cover the nail plate in just one application.

The product should be matte, well pigmented, that's why it is recommended to choose varnishes with a metallic, holographic effect giving up nail polish.

Everyone who has been doing nail art for a long time loves acrylic-based varnishes. Why? Because they have a fairly dense and thick texture, a rich shade that retains clarity.

Here are the popular ones today it is better not to use shellacs- they are only suitable as a "canvas", creating the basis for the pattern.

The most stable for stamping - gel paint

What paint is needed for stamping

A more sustainable option is stamping with gel paint. The material, although it costs a little more, but allows you to work with convenience, does not spread and dries quickly. Plus - such nails look brighter.

On the shelves of professional departments for manicure masters there is a huge palette of acrylic paints of a wide variety of colors and shades.

Which stamp to choose for stamping

Today, craftsmen use two types of stamps: silicone and rubber. There are also transparent stamps.

It is much better and more convenient to work with a transparent stamp in the stamping technique.

Transparent stamp: advantages, features of use

The transparent stamp is considered innovative: it has an open top and you can fully control the process of applying the pattern. The pillow itself is also transparent, and it does not give an enlargement effect. This allows you to create a high-quality image.

Silicone stamp: advantages, features of use

Silicone has the ability to repeat the shape of the nail, capturing the entire surface. Although silicone stamps always require preparation of the nail for work: its surface should be rough for better grip.

And further it is very important to always remove excess villi, and they quickly stick to the surface of this device.

The silicone stamp should have a rough surface

Previously, everyone used dense rubber stamps, but rubber has proven itself not from the best side: it does not repeat the shape of the nail and it is important to adapt to it.

Some craftswomen are ready to boast of entire collections of stamps - from the original (branded, produced by the piece) to the most inexpensive of the "noname" category. But the functionality always trumps the brand, so it's important to find out the main characteristics of these devices.

The first and most important factor to consider when choosing tools is how many sides are involved in the die. It happens that the stamp of the picture is only on one side, but there are also double-sided options. The head that prints the design is often removable, which allows you to apply different shades of the same color, for example, to emphasize white with cream.

Use regular nail polish remover to remove ink from a stamp (except clear).

Stamping for nails: how to use, rules

Great skill is not required to make nail stamping. That this is such a simple nail design solution is noted by many who have tried this technique. However, for everyone who decides to master this craft, it is better to take into account a few rules in order to greatly facilitate the process and not spoil the result.

Note to be taken:

  • Only nail polish remover with acetone is suitable for work (except for transparent stamps). Oils and other nutrients spoil the dies themselves, harming the plates. The oil film will prevent the drawing from laying flat, it will be smeared.
  • Glitter varnish can not be taken for a background coating. The picture is lost on such a background.
  • It is important to print a drawing quickly - it dries almost instantly on any plate.
  • It is important to clean the scraper immediately after use. A minute of delay, and it will be much more difficult to do it.

Scraper, die and plates should be cleaned immediately after use

The most important thing is composure, accuracy of movements. But do not fuss, then the pattern will print well the first time.

Stamping with ordinary varnish (instruction, features)

The technique of applying stamps with gel varnish, like with ordinary varnish, has the same features and requires compliance with the rules. But do not forget that only thick, well-pigmented regular varnish and only trusted brands are suitable for stamping.

Stamping instructions:

  • To begin with, it is important to wash your hands, dry them, apply an antiseptic.
  • Nails are filed first with a soft file, and then with a hard file. This is important to remove the shine.
  • The surface of the nails must be degreased.
  • Then a base coat is applied.
  • Printed stamp.
  • Let dry.

Stamping technique with ordinary varnish

If you don’t like the result, the situation can be easily remedied with the same nail polish remover. But it is important to do this before the drawing is completely dry.

How to do stamping on gel polish step by step

Instructions for applying stamping on shellac:

  • When using gel polish, the base base is applied to the nail, and then immediately dried in a UV lamp for a minute. Then you can apply a second layer.
  • The disc is degreased: so the patterns lie more evenly.
  • The selected color is applied to the metal plate, removing the excess with a scraper-scraper.

Gel polish stamping technique
  • The sticky layer is removed from the nails.
  • The next step is when the pattern is transferred to the stamp, as if rolling it over the entire surface, and the pattern is immediately imprinted on the nail.
  • Dry the pattern in a UV lamp for 2-3 minutes.

Reverse stamping with gel polish

One of the most unusual techniques is reverse stamping for nails. What it is, you need to say in detail. Reverse nail stamping is also called reverse stamping.

Its essence is that the stencil is created independently using ready-made forms. It looks a little more voluminous, and gives you the opportunity to fantasize.

The main difference that this nail stamping has is that such decoration at the first stage is applied to the surface of the stamp. The print is allowed to harden, and then it is important to carefully move this thin product onto the nail plate and stick it.

As a result, the image lies on the contrary, that is, from the inside out. The technique, although it seems more complicated, is very easy to master, and therefore is often used.

How to make stamping with acrylic paints: instructions

Acrylic paints are used in the same way as gel polish:

  • You should apply the base base, and then immediately dry it in a UV lamp for a minute.
  • Then a second layer is applied.

Acrylic paints are also used for stamping.
  • The disc must be wiped with acetone, so the patterns will lie better.
  • The selected color is applied to the metal plate, removing the excess with a scraper.
  • The sticky layer is removed from the nails using an alcohol wipe or cotton pad.
  • Now you need to blot the pattern with a stamp, as if rolling it over the entire surface, and immediately print the pattern on the nail.
  • It is important to dry the pattern in a UV lamp for 2-3 minutes.

Color stamping: features of color combinations

When choosing color combinations for stamping, you should focus on fashion trends.

Match well:

  • Nude colors and vibrant tones. Pastel, muted shades from beige, coral, to powdery and flesh can be combined with scarlet, burgundy, hot pink colors.

On a dark background (blue, purple, for example), white patterns look good.
  • Blue, purple, black colors are important to combine with white patterns.
  • At the peak of fashion - neon bold colors that seem to glow from the inside. They are usually combined with transparent shades in the manner of a French manicure.

Stamping Manicure Ideas

From the drawings, you can give preference to floral prints or strict geometric patterns, although more and more popular predatory animalist in all its manifestations, especially snake skin imitation.

Patterns in the form of Indian mandalas are appreciated, as well as any floral ones: they are appropriate both during the day and in the evening. But "peep" of the season - prints in the style of minimalism, made as if they were drawn by a child.

Why stamping fails: errors

What can prevent you from getting a beautiful, stylish manicure - list of common mistakes:

The texture of the varnish used for stamping should be dense
  • The varnish should be saturated, dense.
  • It is always important to remove the protective film before using the plate (many beginners forget to do this).
  • It is better to use a holder for the plate - without it, the drawing is easy to spoil.
  • It is better to thin the paint if it seems too thick.

What nail stamping to buy

The most popular nail stampings are:

  • Stampings Moira. They are praised for their high quality, interesting prints. But the price is quite high - about 800 rubles. a piece.
  • Stamping Creative Shop. The brand is praised for its simple patterns. The disadvantages include a rather high cost of 600 rubles.
  • Konad stamping– has established itself as a practical, high-quality set that is very easy to work with. At the same time, a one-sided stamp can be bought for only 200 rubles, and the price of a set rarely exceeds 700 rubles. True, you should follow the manufacturer carefully so as not to buy a replica.

  • Born Pretty Stamping. The main advantage of this option for nails is interesting patterns. It is valuable that fashionistas themselves took part in their creation, who sent their options to the manufacturer.
  • Stampings with Aliexpress.

Well-groomed nails are the key to the attractiveness of every woman. Any young man will be pleased to hold his hand with a beautiful and neat manicure. Now at the peak of popularity is gel polish. This is not surprising if you look at its properties: durability, gloss coating for several weeks, thickening of the nail plate. Constantly doing a monochromatic manicure is boring. Not so long ago, a new type of design appeared called stamping. Most of you have probably heard about it many times. Such a manicure is done in almost every salon, but it can easily be done at home. Let's talk about this in more detail.

What is a stamping manicure

Not every person will be able to draw neat patterns with a brush, but everyone wants to have a beautiful design and fashionable manicure. With the help of stamping, you can make even and beautiful drawings on your nails without having any skills in the fine arts. The name of the method comes from the English word stamping, which means “stamping” in translation. The method consists in using a metal plate with an engraved pattern and a silicone stamp. It is worth noting that for this manicure you should buy a special varnish, which is characterized by increased density, otherwise the picture will be fuzzy and faded. Openwork motifs, zigzags, grid, letters and numbers - all this can be transferred to nails with perfect clarity. The main difference between stamping and other types of manicure is the original design with a minimum of effort.

Stamping manicure is very relevant

In everyday life, there is often such a phrase as "conad-stamping". No, this is not a separate type of this technique. Konad (in the original - Konad) is the name of a brand that produces products for manicure using the stamping technique: varnishes, stamps and plates with drawings and ornaments. It is considered the highest quality of all that currently exist on the market. It began its existence with the birth of the idea of ​​stamping and to this day does not lose ground. Unfortunately, fakes are common, so be careful when buying Konad products at an unnaturally low price. It is best to purchase their products in the official store or at nail art exhibitions. Original Konad items must be engraved or imprinted with the brand name.

How to make a gel polish manicure using the stamping technique

In order to make a stylish manicure using the stamping technique, it is not necessary to go to the salon. At first, you can go to a specialist if you are not at all confident in your abilities. But in fact, there is nothing complicated in carrying out this procedure. First you need to stock up on the necessary tools. Without them, a beautiful manicure will not work. Consider the items and materials needed for work:

  1. Ultraviolet lamp. Every girl who deals with gel polish type coating has this device. It is necessary for the polymerization of the layers. For beginners, it is best to purchase a device with a power of 36 watts. It is optimal for small tasks and medium loads: each layer dries in 120 seconds. Masters in salons and at home usually use more powerful devices, the indicator of which is already 48 watts, since this is the only way to serve a large flow of customers and save time. One layer in such a lamp polymerizes in 60 seconds. Its cost, of course, is higher than that of a less powerful one. Do not purchase devices with indicators less than 36 watts. In stores there are mini-lamps and flashlights, the power of which is sometimes only 9 watts. Maybe everything is fine in advertising these devices: they are compact, they can be easily taken with you, but there are problems when drying the coating. Such lamps either polymerize each layer for a very long time, or even cause the gel polish to curl.
  2. Base color gel polish. You can choose from several different shades that are combined with each other. This will make a stylish base for stamping.
  3. Base coverage. It adheres to the surface of the nail and guarantees a long wear of the manicure. If you can try to save money on colored gel polish, then it is best to buy a high-quality base. On average, the price of one jar of a good product ranges from 600–800 rubles and more. The base coat should be thick, pay attention to this when buying. This is necessary for correct modeling. The liquid texture will not strengthen the nail plate, and will also flow behind the cuticle and side ridges.
  4. Top cover. On it, as well as on the base, it is not worth saving. The top is the finishing touch for color retention and chip protection. Poor-quality coating can quickly become cloudy, and also begin to fall off at the free edge. This is especially true for long nails. The tool should not be too liquid, otherwise you will not be able to model the desired shape to create the effect of a perfectly even glare.
  5. Silicone stamp. It can be made from another material, just silicone is popular because of its ease of use.
  6. Liquid for removal of a sticky layer. If for some reason you cannot purchase this remedy, alcohol is a good alternative. With it, you can easily remove the sticky layer. It appears as a result of the polymerization process. If you have a top coat that cures without a sticky layer, you can skip this step.
  7. Plate with engraved objects. The best ones are made from metal. It is best not to buy cheap plastic plates, because they will make the drawing fuzzy.
  8. Acrylic lacquer. This tool has a high density and pigmentation. Choose the color that you want the drawings or patterns to be. Some combine several shades with each other, making a gradient on the plate. The result is very original and beautiful.
  9. Buff. Necessary for polishing the nail plate to ensure adhesion to the base coat. It usually looks like a rectangular bar, as this shape is the most convenient to work with.
  10. File abrasive in 190-240 Grit. With this tool we will give the free edge the desired shape. For thin and brittle nails, it is optimal to choose a file with an indicator from 240 to 210 Grit, and for strong ones - from 210 to 190 Grit. If you do manicures at home for other girls, use only disposable tools in individual kraft bags. This will play a good role in shaping the client's opinion of you as a master.
  11. Orange sticks. Needed to push back the cuticles, as well as eliminate smudges of varnish.
  12. Degreaser. Provides proper adhesion of the plate to the base coat. It is also necessary to remove fat particles from the surface of the nail. Alcohol or nail polish remover acts as an analogue. You can use them if you did not find a degreaser in the store.
  13. Cuticle nippers. Designed to remove hard and rough areas of the skin that cannot be removed with an orange stick.
  14. Lint-free wipes. Useful for removing the sticky layer and smudges, since cotton pads leave villi that cannot be removed.
  15. Scissors. If the free edge is too long, you will spend too much time shortening it with a nail file.
  16. Small container and 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt. These components are needed for a steam bath.

Important! Top, base and color coatings are best bought from the same company. Otherwise, a conflict may arise between the difference in the structure of the funds, which leads to the delamination of gel polishes after a few days. This does not happen very often, but in order not to waste time creating a new manicure, it is better to play it safe and protect yourself from such a problem.

So, after you make sure that you have all the necessary instruments and materials, you can proceed to the procedure. Consider the process step by step:

  1. First you need to prepare a bath with sea salt. To do this, pour 1 liter of warm water into a small container and add sea salt, mix well. We place both hands for 25 minutes. During this time, the cuticle will steam out and it will not be difficult to remove it with orange sticks and nippers. Salt strengthens the nail plates, making them harder and more resistant to damage. Before the bath, it is necessary to remove the previous coating. After 25 minutes, wipe your hands dry and immediately proceed to the second step.

    Bath with sea salt will strengthen the nails

  2. We begin to process the surface around each nail. Remove dry skin and cuticles with an orange stick. Burrs and hard particles can be removed with special wire cutters. At this stage, you need to get rid of all imperfections, since the appearance of the manicure depends not only on how smoothly you applied the varnish, but also on the processing of the cuticle and side rollers.

    It is necessary to process the cuticle to create a neat manicure.

  3. Next, take a file and begin to form a free edge. If it has grown too much and you want to fix it, use scissors. For long fingers, a square or semi-square shape is perfect, and for short ones, an oval, so they will become more elegant visually. The file must be worked in one direction, either from left to right, or vice versa. Randomly leading the instrument in both directions causes the nail to peel.

    Filing nails is necessary to create a beautiful free edge shape.

  4. We apply a degreaser to a lint-free cloth and wipe each plate.

    The degreaser will remove all grease particles

  5. The next step is polishing with a buff. We remove the glossy layer from the surface of each nail. It is worth noting that no harm is done to the plates in this case. The buff has a mild effect. The nail consists of about 95-97 layers, and you only cut off 1-2. So you should not be afraid of thinning the plate.

    The buff is needed to remove the glossy layer

  6. Next, proceed to the application of the first layer - the base coat. We distribute the product evenly over the plate, avoiding smudges. If you still couldn’t avoid them, use an orange stick. Move the cover as close as possible to the cuticle and side ridges. It happens that the product has an uncomfortable brush, which does not allow to distribute the varnish evenly in hard-to-reach places. Faced with this problem? Take a thin brush and paint over the areas next to the cuticle and side rollers with it. After the entire nail is covered with the base, turn your finger upside down and hold for 15-20 seconds. During this time, the agent will flow to the center. Without turning back with an orange stick, level the varnish so that there is a soft tubercle in the middle of the plate. Immediately after that, put your hand in an ultraviolet lamp. At first, it is better to work on 1-2 nails. Once you gain experience, it will be possible to cover all the plates at once.

    The base coat should not be liquid, otherwise it will flow into the side rollers and behind the cuticle

  7. It's time for colored gel polish. We apply it using the same technology as the base. Usually you can limit yourself to three layers, but if the color is very dull, then paint the fourth. Each of them must be dried in a UV lamp. Next, wipe the nails with a lint-free cloth moistened with a liquid to remove the sticky layer.

    Visual instructions for applying gel polish will help you during the procedure

  8. After that, we proceed directly to creating a design using stamping technology. We apply 1-2 drops of acrylic varnish on the desired image, located on a metal plate. Using a scraper, remove excess paint: it should only be in the grooves. We bring the stamp and gently press on the plate, avoiding shifts, otherwise the image will turn out to be smeared. Next, apply it to the nail, starting from the left side roller and moving to the right one or vice versa. The remaining paint from the stamp must be removed, and then proceed to the design of the remaining nails, doing the same. We remove excess acrylic from the side rollers and cuticles with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover. The acrylic varnish dries in the air for 5-10 minutes.

    Acrylic varnish must be removed from the skin immediately, otherwise it will be difficult to remove later.

  9. The final stage is the application of the top coat. Modeling is very important here, because if you do it wrong, even evenly painted nails will look ugly. To form the correct bend, you need to do the same as we did with the base: spread the product over the entire surface of the plate, then turn your finger over, wait until the gel drains to the middle and create a smooth bump with an orange stick. Dry the coating in a UV lamp. At the end of the procedure, remove the sticky layer with a special liquid and lubricate the cuticle and side rollers with nourishing oil.

    As a result, we get a breathtaking nail design.

I remember my first stamping manicure well. It turned out beautiful, but, as it seemed to me, imperfect. Too high pickiness to details takes its toll. The next time I resorted to a very interesting, but non-standard solution. But what if you cover the skin around the nail with something that will protect it from paint, but can be easily removed? Yes, I knew about special products that can cover the skin, but I could not find them in stores. I decided to use a regular mask-film, which did not suit my face. With a brush, I carefully applied the product around the nail, waited for it to dry, and then proceeded to stamping. I was incredibly pleased with the result: this time everything turned out just perfect. I removed the film, all the acrylic remained on it. I began to advise this method to my friends and acquaintances, and now I am sharing it with you.

Stamping manicure master class: video

Advantages and disadvantages of gel polish manicure using the stamping technique

Like any self-care procedure, a stamping gel polish manicure has its pros and cons. Let's look at its positive aspects first:

  1. It is very simple to cope with such a procedure: step-by-step instructions give the basic necessary knowledge, on the basis of which you can easily make an excellent manicure.
  2. Saving money. You don't have to go to the salon and pay for a manicure. By the way, many masters charge a separate fee for the design of each nail. Now imagine how much money you can save. By the way, it is reasonable to buy new varnishes on them in order to delight yourself with different colors, combine them and combine them.
  3. Great looking for a few weeks. Due to the gel polish, a properly executed manicure will last at least a month.
  4. Masking imperfections of the nail plate, such as white spots or yellowness. Also, gel polish will be simply necessary for those who have thin nails. The coating makes them hard and thickens several times.

Gel polish will hide the yellowness of nails

Now let's talk about the disadvantages:

  1. Many are not satisfied with the price of a starter kit for creating a manicure with gel polish. It includes UV lamp, top, base, color coat and other tools. Yes, you will have to pay for it in the region of 2 thousand rubles, but in a few applications the cost will pay off.
  2. The appearance of an allergy to the components contained in gel polishes. This happens infrequently, but, nevertheless, no one is immune from such cases. Individual intolerance is a contraindication.

The advantages of such a manicure are much greater than the disadvantages, but it is up to you to make the final decision on the procedure.

Overview of popular stamping varnishes

Consider the three most popular and high-quality stamping varnishes.


Konad is one of the best stamping polishes available today. A 5 ml vial costs about 200 rubles. The final price depends on the place of purchase. It is made in South Korea. The product has a dense texture with good pigmentation. Masters note quick drying and the absence of fuzzy borders. This varnish is perfect for beginners, as the probability of spoiling the drawing is minimal.

Lavender colored Konad polish will look great on a dark base.

The color palette of Konad is diverse: you can find both pure colors and mother-of-pearl.


Irisk is a well-known company that produces good gel polishes, as well as stamping polishes. The cost of a jar filled with 15 ml will cost you only 130 rubles. Country of origin - China. The texture is dense. This varnish dries in 20-30 seconds.

Irisk launches stamping polishes in clear bottles

The palette contains 12 bright colors, which, if desired, can be mixed with each other to create an original shade. The tool has a standard narrow brush.


Such varnish as Kaleidoscope is very popular with professional manicure masters. The price of a 9 ml bubble is about 500 rubles. Kaleidoscope has one of the richest color palettes. There are even chameleon shades that shimmer in different colors. The texture is liquid, but the varnish is very pigmented.

Kaleidoscope stamping polish is good for beginners

The drawing is clear and effective. This company will be of interest to those who love high-quality and unusual products.

Consider life hacks and tips that will make the procedure easier for beginners. But even if you have been doing stamping manicure for a long time, there may be tips here that will be useful to you. Consider them:

  1. If you do not have the opportunity to buy special varnishes for stamping, you can use regular acrylic paints. They dry quickly and have a dense texture and bright pigment. You should not worry about durability, because on top you will still apply a top coat, which is responsible for the safety of the manicure.
  2. Fashionable drawings can be made using a matte top coat. To make this design, apply a glossy top coat, dry it in a UV lamp. Next, drip a little matte top onto the stamping plate, remove the excess with a scraper. Carry out all the steps that are described in the instructions. Place your hand in a UV lamp to cure the pattern. As a result, you will get a beautiful matte pattern that looks very impressive on nails.
  3. A common problem faced by beginners is getting a pattern with blurry borders. The reason for this can be both poor-quality materials and improper pressing of the stamp. Bad acrylic varnish can bleed, and shifts during the transfer of the design to the nail create fuzzy outlines. Buy only high-quality materials for manicure. While pressing the stamp to the plate, do not allow shifts.
  4. An equally common problem is that the transfer of the pattern to the stamp is not complete. This is due to the fact that the paint hardens in the recesses of the plate faster than you transfer it to the instrument. It is very easy to solve with a cotton pad and acetone nail polish remover. Wipe the plate, then apply varnish. Its components will bind with acetone and will dry much more slowly.
  5. To keep the drawings clear, clean the plate and scraper immediately. Otherwise, the varnish will dry out and leave small bumps, due to which the coating will lie unevenly. Scraping hardened particles from the recesses is very problematic. In addition, the integrity of the plate can be violated in this way, as a result of which it will become unusable.

Photo Design Ideas

A very romantic manicure that is suitable for every day
The muted tones work beautifully with the contrasting pattern.
The stamped gold pattern creates a beautiful contrast against the black.
Manicure, made in burgundy with white patterns, suitable for a dinner party
A manicure in gold tones with black patterns looks very festive. Patterns on a green background look very impressive.
Stylish and fashionable manicure with black patterns
Bright, but at the same time discreet manicure, will be an excellent solution for both a holiday and everyday wear Bright summer manicure, which is decorated with patterns Delicate manicure, which is based on pink varnish, is perfect for a date or a wedding
Pale pink tones combined with rhinestones and lace design make this manicure romantic.

This article provides the basic knowledge and tips to help you create the perfect stamping manicure. If you do everything according to the instructions and follow the recommendations, then no one will distinguish your design from the salon. Are you a beginner and something didn't work out? Don't despair, just try again. Watch the video with the master class, you may have missed something. The main mistake of beginners is the usual inattention and haste. Do your manicure slowly, even if it takes several hours. Be beautiful and stylish!

The third popular variety is. Their pad also transfers the design perfectly, just like conventional silicone stamps. Their difference is in the extraordinary softness of the pillow itself, in which the nail literally drowns (which is especially convenient for fragile, thinned or injured nails). Despite the stickiness, these stamps do not need to be treated with a buff. The only way to clean it is with tape. But in the methodology of working with them there are subtleties:

    It is necessary to transfer the drawing strictly by pressing, and not by rolling (so that the flexible cushion of the stamp does not distort or stretch the drawing).

    It is necessary to perform stamping with such a stamp as quickly as possible so that the varnish does not have time to dry.

    In order for the stickiness of the stamp not to impair the transfer of the pattern, its surface must be regularly thoroughly cleaned of dust and small contaminants.

    Soft pads of sticky silicone stamps tend to fall out of the case frequently, so you should try to control the degree of pressure, and before starting work, sink the pad more firmly into the case.

An interesting and very useful subspecies of silicone stamps, which have appeared relatively recently, are the hole on the opposite side of the case. Such dies are especially convenient because they allow you to perfectly center the pattern or part of it on the nail, aiming accurately. This feature of this type of stamps has made them indispensable for French stamping.

Silicone pads of transparent stamps do not stretch or distort the design during transfer, having optimal elasticity and rigidity. They are good at picking up paint from engraving plates. The case sits ergonomically in the hand, allowing you to fully enjoy the process.

Once you've found your perfect stamp, ink, and board, it's time to get creative!

How to use nail stamping? Stamping design technology.

In order for you to succeed the first time, and the result itself to stay longer on the nail in its original form, follow these steps in sequence:

    After preparing the nail and applying the base, cover the nails with the chosen color of the base polish. The varnish must be allowed to dry completely so that it does not deform during stamping. It is not worth applying, as this may interfere with the qualitative transfer of the pattern from the board.

    After drying the base and covering it with a layer of top varnish, paint over the selected pattern on the board with varnish or stamping paint. Apply a thick layer of paint so that the smallest details are painted over.

    Holding the scraper (scraper) at an angle of 45 degrees, remove excess polish from the disc with a light stroke. You don't need to press the scraper too hard or too tightly, as otherwise you will remove too much paint / varnish from the engraving, and the pattern may not be completely transferred to the nails.

    Depending on the type of stamp, transfer the design by rolling or pressing, rather than purely stamping (like a normal document stamp).

    After each nail, carefully wipe the stamp, scraper and disk (plate) ZhDSL. Use tape for the silicone stamp.

    Beginners will find it convenient to use the disc holder. It securely fixes round boards, helping to keep the workplace clean.

    When stamping, remember: special varnishes and paints dry without a lamp and very quickly. Therefore, try not to let the varnish dry in the engraving of the plate, do the stamping on the nails as quickly as possible.

    Having covered all the nails with a pattern, be sure to fix the pattern with a special top for stamping. It will protect the manicure from damage and tarnishing, give the design a chic gloss. Special tops do not smudge the stamping design if applied carefully in 2-3 strokes. At the same time, try to smear the very drop of the finish on the nail, but do not touch the drawing itself with the bristles of the brush.

    Let the top dry and your exclusive stamping design is ready to please you for as long as you want.

Every girl who has tried stamping sooner or later asks the question: what is better - to buy products separately or to purchase a ready-made, as complete set as possible? We are ready to answer this popular question.

Stamping kits: everything you need is always at hand.

It is much more profitable to purchase ready-made selections of the necessary products for stamping, regardless of whether you decide on a small set or a stylish gift set. All components of such a set are only branded products from well-known, popular and reputable brands. Each set is designed in such a way that the products in it ideally complement each other in terms of quality (both in terms of the quality of materials and the safety of the formulations of liquid products and preparations). Another plus of ready-made kits is the presence of recommendations from the manufacturer. If you have forgotten something or are in doubt, a hint is always at hand, and you do not need to waste time searching for information.

Another important point is that before you seal the drawing, even if it seems to be completely dry, it is better to let the design dry for another five minutes before applying the top coat. In the finish itself, pre-test the brush. The brushes that can mechanically damage the pattern least of all are soft and wide, with light pressure on the nail and maximum coverage of its surface.

6. The varnish is not transferred from the board to the die, but from it to the nail. How to be?

The reason may be: a stamp that is too hard (choose a softer option), a shallow engraving of the plate (it is worth changing the board to a better engraved one), or a stamp that is too smooth (a light gash or will help). Also, the frequent causes of this problem include too thick varnish (therefore, for design it is worth picking up and keeping a couple of varnishes or paints of different consistency on hand). In addition, when removing excess varnish from the plate, do not be zealous with pressure, but only easily sweep away the excess.

We hope that now the world of stamping has become much easier, clearer and more attractive for you! We wish you successful creativity and only perfect manicures :)

ATTENTION! Each action should take no more than 2 seconds. They applied paint - 1-2sec - removed the remnants with a scraper - 1-2sec - applied the pattern to the stamp - 1-2sec - applied the pattern to the nail. varnish removal. It is advisable not to leave the plates and stamp dirty, as this may affect their further operation.


Our manicure with stamping design is ready!

If you are tired of plain nails, then make some bright and unusual manicure. For example, you can apply drawings or patterns. Do you think that this is only possible in salon conditions? In vain! You can easily create real masterpieces at home if you use the stamping technique.

What's this?

What is stamping? This is a special technique for decorating nails. Drawings in this case are applied using special tools. If the name is translated literally, it will mean "stamping" or "stamping". This is the essence of such an interesting and for many unusual way.

Stamping allows, firstly, to create interesting drawings and patterns. The choice is great, so everyone will find something to their liking. Secondly, this technique is quite simple and can be mastered by a beginner. Thirdly, the process is short, which is especially important for those who do not have enough time for trips to beauty salons and for long manipulations with nails.

Stamping kit

You can buy a stamping kit in a specialized store or in an online store (trust only trusted ones!). Here's what it will include:

  • Drawing disk. Usually, one such disc can fit from 4 to 8 (sometimes 10) different patterns. He plays the role of a stencil. Such a detail is made of metal, patterns are engraved on it (they will be filled with varnish in the process of creating a manicure). Discs are different, choose the one you like.
  • The scraper is intended for removal of surpluses of a varnish from a disk.
  • The stamp is designed to transfer the pattern to the surface of the nail.
  • Several varnishes for stamping.

The choice of such a set should be given special attention, because if it is of poor quality, then you simply will not succeed. Here's what to look out for:

  • To date, only one Korean company, Konad, produces high-quality kits. But in stores you can find numerous Chinese fakes, the purchase of which is better to refuse.
  • The cost of this set varies from 350 to 800 rubles (it all depends on what exactly is included in the set). A fake can cost 100-200 rubles.
  • Pay attention to every detail. The engraving on the disc must be clear and even. The stamp should have an ideal semicircular shape, it is made of elastic silicone (fakes are made from simple rubber). The scraper is made of metal.

What will be required?

So, before the procedure, prepare everything that you will need:

  • Stamping kit. There is a protective film on the disc, it will need to be removed before the procedure, otherwise nothing will come of it.
  • Lucky. First, you need the most common one, which will be used as a background for drawings. Choose what you like. Secondly, you need a varnish for drawing a picture. We will talk about his choice in a separate paragraph, since this is important.
  • . It is needed to remove varnish from the disk and from the stamp, as well as from the finger (be prepared for the fact that the drawings may go beyond the nail).
  • Cotton pads for cleaning the stamp and disc.
  • Fixer.
  • Cotton buds. With them you will remove varnish from the skin of the finger adjacent to the nail.
  • A little patience and free time. You can't do without it.

The choice of varnish for stamping

Varnish for stamping requires a special one. Here are the requirements it must meet:

  • Thick and sticky texture. If the varnish is too liquid, then it will not be possible to make a clear and bright drawing, because it will not be possible to transfer it completely.
  • Color saturation. The varnish should be bright, saturated and have a sufficient amount of pigment. If the color is not saturated, then the pattern will be uneven, gaps will be observed in some places.
  • The color itself is also important. It should be bright and dark enough to stand out from the main background.
  • It is advisable to choose matte tones, they will be bright and noticeable. Gloss can shimmer and make the picture fuzzy.

It is best to purchase special varnishes for stamping, they fully comply with all the above requirements. Yes, the price of such funds is higher than usual, but remember that the miser pays twice.

Ordinary varnishes may work, but not all. The product should be thick and have a rich color. There is one trick: leave the bottle of varnish open for 10-20 minutes so that the composition thickens a little. But here you can overdo it, and as a result, nothing will work anyway.

Acrylic paints may be suitable, because they are thick and saturated. But there is one big drawback: they dry very quickly, so you may not have time to apply the pattern to the nail. Everything should be done very quickly.

How to do?

How to do stamping manicure? So, you have already completely prepared nail polishes and other necessary tools and devices, as well as a workplace. The application technology consists of several stages:

  1. The first step is nail treatment. Remove burrs, push back cuticles. Create the desired shape of the nails, file the nails where necessary.
  2. Apply background polish. If necessary, make two layers, applying the next only after the previous one has completely dried.
  3. Start creating a picture only when the main nail polish is completely dry.
  4. How to use the kit? First, take a disc and apply varnish to the selected pattern. He must penetrate into all the details of the drawings, even the smallest ones. Try to apply the varnish in a uniform and fairly thick layer so that the pattern is clear.
  5. Now take a scraper, lean it against the drawing, pressing slightly, and with a confident movement remove the remnants of the varnish so that it remains only in the recesses. If necessary, this movement should be repeated.
  6. Now take the stamp, lean it against the disk, press and hold for a few seconds so that the pattern is fixed on the surface.
  7. The next step is to transfer the pattern to the nail. Place the stamp against your nail and apply the pattern to the surface with a rolling motion. You do not need to repeat the movements, otherwise the drawing will be blurry and fuzzy.
  8. Now, using a Q-tip and nail polish remover, clean the contaminated skin around the nail.
  9. After the patterns have completely dried, apply a fixer so that the pattern does not smear.
  10. With a cotton pad soaked in nail polish remover, remove all polish from the disc and stamp.
  11. Ready!

To make the perfect stamping with your own hands, follow these helpful tips:

  • Choose contrasting combinations of tones so that the drawing is beautiful and clear.
  • Don't worry if you don't succeed the first time, everything comes with experience. You can practice on paper or another surface.
  • Do everything quickly so that the varnish does not dry out prematurely, otherwise you will not succeed.
  • All movements must be confident and clear.

Create real masterpieces on your nails, surprise others!

One of the simplest areas in the selection of nail design and its implementation has recently received a sonorous name - stamping. In Russian, stamping is a stamp or print of the selected pattern, transferred to your nail and then, as usual, covered with varnish or other coating. Its difference from the usual one is that for stamping you need to purchase the necessary tools in advance - clichés or plates and a stamp. On one cliché or plate there are many different patterns united by one design idea, which means. that you have a real chance to come up with a unique one by combining different patterns and colors. Fantasize and you will create an amazing and unique manicure that no one else will have.

Stamping. Not so hot, but for the first time and 16 years is OK.

The main thing is not to be afraid, everyone gets stamping the first time. At the same time, it does not take much time, unlike the classic nail art, while it is distinguished by original design and low cost.

To get started, get everything you need for stamping:

Prices for stamping kits.

This is how stamping discs (cliches) look like.

The stamping design depends on the set you choose. The higher its quality, and, accordingly, the price, the neater and more beautiful the final design will be. Prices are very different from 80 rubles for a cliché to 900 rubles for a stamping kit, which includes all the components you need to work. It is better to purchase a stamping kit at any nail store, you can, of course, order from a catalog via the Internet, but in the photo the selected pattern may seem somewhat different than you expect. These are the inevitable costs of Internet commerce.

Stamping technique of applying to the nail.

As always, before transferring the selected pattern to the nail, do -, file the length and sand the nail.

For self-application, you can not do without the following varnishes: base for drawing, for covering the drawing and transparent varnish for fixing the stamping.

The first stage in the technology of self-stamping on the nail.

Apply - we have covered the technology more than once on our website. It is better if you apply two layers and let each one dry well. Just do not use means to speed up the drying of varnishes. Natural drying for stamping is best, and do not forget that a special varnish is required for stamping.

Second phase. On a cliché, disk, stencil, choose the one you like. We apply varnish to the entire surface of the picture, using a scraper we remove excess varnish.

Third stage - nail drawing technique .

We print the selected pattern with a stamp and transfer it to the nail. At this stage, you should not rush, we slowly roll the stamp first over the disk or cliché, and then firmly, but gently press the stamp to the nail.

Fourth stage. Before moving on to the next nail, remove the remaining polish from the cliche with a special liquid and a swab.

Fifth stage, final. Let the nail design dry well and only then apply a clear varnish on it as a top coat.

The drawing is ready as you can see, learn how to do stamping yourself On the nails is not difficult, the main thing is patience. And one more piece of advice, it is better to choose a set for learning stamping from the middle price category, the quality of materials and especially the tool plays a decisive role when stamping.


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