Nursery rhymes about the sun 1 junior group. Topic: “Learning the nursery rhyme“ The sun is a bucket. Russian folk nickname "sun-bucket"

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Julia Gorozhantseva
Lesson on the development of speech for children of the second younger group (3rd year of life). Reading the nursery rhyme "Sun-bucket"

Target: introduce children with Russian folk amusement, teach to listen carefully and understand the meaning of what is read, activate the dictionary, familiarize children with signs of spring, fix the name of the clothes.

Material: doll in winter clothes, easel, magnets, drawn on a piece of paper Sun cut out of blue paper clouds.

Lesson progress:

Children go to group and sit on chairs.

The teacher brings in group doll and draws attention children on how she is dressed:

- "Guys, look what the doll is wearing?" (hat, scarf, boots, coat)

- "Well done! Tell me what time years dress so warmly?"(winter, when it's cold, when no sun)

- "That's right, well done! Do you want spring to come soon and become warm?" (Yes)

- "What happens in the spring?" (the snow is melting, the streams are flowing, the birds are singing)

- "That's right. Why does the snowball melt?" (it's getting warm) the sun is shining)

- "Well done! The sun is shining It's getting warm and the snow is melting!"

- "Children, look here (draws attention to the easel, on which is attached Sun, a the sun is covered by clouds). What is hidden behind the clouds? (Sun)

-"Correctly! Sun! Do you want to Sun rather came out because of the clouds?" (Yes)

-"Let's go Sun! For this we need to tell sunshine rhyme!"

The teacher reads nursery rhyme:

« Sun-bucket

Look out the window.

Sunshine dress up,

Show me red!

The sun is a bucket

Come up quickly

Light up, warm up

Calves and lambs

And little guys!

- "Look, something the sun doesn't come out let's call him together?"

The teacher reads nursery rhyme, what about children repeat in chorus.

- "Oh, guys, look, the sun appeared!" (the teacher removes one cloud, and a part is shown sunshine)

"Let's read it again. nursery rhyme, to Sun came to us completely?"

Read fun again, and the sun comes out all the way.

- "What good fellows you guys are! I liked it the sun as we called it!"

- "Look at our guest (the teacher draws attention to the doll and takes off her hat and scarf) The sun came out, it became warm, and the chrysalis became hot!"

- "And now, the doll is calling us to play! Do you want!" (Yes)

- "The game is called" sun and rain"(the teacher explains the rules of the game to the children and conducts the game)

- "Well done! How well they played! Let's say thank you to the doll and goodbye!" (children say goodbye to the doll and exit groups)


Goals: introduce the Russian folk nickname "Sun-bucket", enrich and activate the dictionary, develop intonation speech, memory.

Materials and equipment: illustration for the Russian folk nickname, flannelgraph, figurines for flannelgraph (sun, model of the facade of the hut).

1. Organizing time.

The teacher with the children stand at the window, watching nature on a sunny day.

Educator. So the rains ended, which watered the earth with water. And now the sun is shining brightly in the sky, and from its light everything around looks festive. But the sun not only illuminates, but also warms. Stretch your hands towards the sun's rays and you will feel their warmth. That's why we look forward to sunny days.

2. Main part. Reading a Russian folk spell.

Educator. And so that the sun does not forget to wake up in the morning and give us its warmth, people composed this inscription:


Come up quickly

Light up, warm up

Calves and lambs

More little guys.

In the morning we open our windows and see that the sun has already woken up.

The teacher shows a model of the facade of the hut with closed shutters and reads the first three lines of the incantation, then invites the children to pronounce them. After that, the teacher opens the shutters, and the children see the sun in the window. The game can be repeated 2-3 times.

Physical education "Awakening of the sun"

1. “This is how the sun rises” - and. p .: squatting, hands down. Slowly get up, hands forward and up for each word.

    "Higher, higher, higher" - and. p .: standing, arms at the top are divorced to the sides. Torso down, hands on knees, return to and. P.

    “The sun will set by night” - and. p: the same. Squat down, lower your arms.

    "Lower, lower, lower" - and. p .: squatting, hands down. Head movements down - up - down.

    "Good, good" - and. p.: standing. Clap your hands.

    "The sun is laughing" - and. p .: standing, hands on the belt. Turns of the body to the right and to the left.

    “And life is more fun under the sun” - and. p: the same. Circling in place in one direction and then in the other direction. (Repeat 2 times.) (S. A. Davydova.)

3. Reflection. P / and "Sun and rain".

The sun came out and white daisies

Glittering in the meadow. I vomit on the fly.

I will meet the sun, I will make a wreath,

I run on the grass. I'll weave the sun. K. Ibryaev, L. Kondratenko

There is hardly a person who has not heard about the benefits of nursery rhymes for young children. Rhymes perfectly develop speech, attention, imagination, memory, in a word, they have a beneficial effect on the development of all cognitive processes. A mother who sings a song to a baby or tells a funny rhyme, without noticing it, instills in her child a love for the Russian language, a living word. Now in kindergarten, the use of nursery rhymes in the classroom is necessarily included in the educational program, which allows you to increase the level of speech development in children.

1 junior group

Our ducks in the morning -
Quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack!
Our geese by the pond -
Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha!
And a turkey in the yard -
Ball-ball-ball! Baldy-balda!
Our gulenki above -
Our chickens in the window -
And like a cockerel
Early-early in the morning
We will sing ku-ka-re-ku!

The cat went to the market
I bought a cat pie.
The cat went to the street
I bought a bun for a cat.
Do you eat it yourself?
Or take down Mashenka?
I'll bite myself
Yes, I'll take Mashenka too.

Our Masha is small,
She is wearing a scarlet fur coat,
Beaver fur.
Masha is black-browed.

Cucumber, cucumber,

Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end

The mouse lives there

Your tail will bite off

ran through the woods
Fox with box.
- What's in the box?
- forest mushrooms,
mushroom mushrooms
For a son, for a daughter.

Hare Yegorka
Fell into the lake
Run down the hill!
Save Yegorka!

Oh, dudu-dudu-dudu,
A raven sits on an oak tree.
He plays the trumpet
He plays the trumpet
In silver.
Turned pipe,
The song is fine
The story is complex.

Chiki-chiki, kitki

Chiki-chiki, kitki
Birch sticks
Two birds flew

themselves are small,
How did they fly

All the people looked
How did they sit down

All the people were amazed!

Because of the forest, because of the mountains
Grandpa Egor is coming.
Grandpa Egor is coming.
Himself on a filly
wife on a cow
children on calves,
Grandchildren on goats.
Moved down from the mountains
lit a fire,
They eat porridge
Listen to the story...

Look out the window!
Sunshine, dress up
Red, show yourself!
Pour full
small kids
rainbow arc,
Don't let it rain!
Come on sunshine
bell tower

2 junior group

Finger - boy, where have you been?
I went to the forest with this brother.
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother.
I ate porridge with this brother.
I sang songs with this brother.

I'm going to my grandmother, to my grandfather

On a horse, in a red hat,
On a flat path
On one leg
In an old shoe
On potholes, on bumps,
Everything is straight and straight
And then suddenly... into the hole

The night has come
Darkness brought;
The cockerel dozed off
The cricket sang.
It's too late, son
Lie down on the barrel
bye bye
Fall asleep...

A squirrel sits on a cart
She sells nuts
Sparrow, titmouse,
Bear fat-fifth,
Zainka mustachioed,
Who cares
To whom in a scarf
Who cares.


cooked porridge,
fed the children,
I gave this
I gave this
- Where have you been?
Didn't cut wood
Didn't turn on the stove
Didn't cook porridge
He came later than everyone.

Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi
Look, bagels, kalachi.
Look, bagels, rolls,
From the heat, from the heat of the oven.
In the heat of the heat from the oven,
All blush, hot.
Rooks flew here
Picked up rolls.
We are left with lambs.

Tili-bom! Tili-bom!
The cat's house is on fire!
The cat's house caught fire
There is a column of smoke!
The cat is out!
Her eyes popped out.
A chicken runs with a bucket
floods the cat's house,
And the horse - with a lantern,
And the dog - with a broom,
Gray hare with a leaf
Once! Once!
Once! Once!
And fire

Where was?
- At the mill.
- Kitty-murisonka,
What did she do there?
- I grinded flour.
- Kitty-murisonka,
What was baked from flour?
- Gingerbread.
- Kitty-murisonka,
Who did you eat gingerbread with?
- One.
- Don't eat alone!
Don't eat alone!
Don't eat alone!

Chiki chiki chikalochki
Vanya rides on a stick
And Dunya is on a cart,
Cracks nuts.

Like our cat
The coat is very good
Like a cat mustache
amazing beauty,
bold eyes,
The teeth are white.

Ant-grass has risen from sleep,
The tit bird took up the grain,
Bunnies - for cabbage,
Mice - for the crust,
Children are for milk.

Black head.
Fly to the sky
Bring us some bread.
Black and white
Just not hot

Above the city is a wattle fence.
The animals sat on the wattle fence.
Boasted all day.
The fox boasted:
- I am beautiful to the whole world!
Bunny boasted:
- Go, catch up!
Hedgehogs boasted:
- We have good coats!
The bear boasted:
- I can sing songs!

Ryabushka chicken,
Where did you go?
- To the river.
- Ryabushka chicken,
Why did you go?
- For some water.
- Ryabushka chicken,
Why do you need water?
- Water the chickens.
- Ryabushka chicken,
How do chickens ask for water?
- Pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi!

Rain more rain
The grass will be thicker
There will be green leaves
The berries will be redder.

rainbow arc,
Don't let it rain

The sun is a bell.

middle group

Our dragonfly goat
Something smart was:
He walked on water
He also cooked porridge
He also kneaded the dough.
He kneaded the dough
And fed the goats.
He fed the goats and said:
"Eat, goats,
little kids,
Yes, sweet pancakes"

Geese, you geese
Red paws!
Where have you been
What did you see?
- We saw a wolf:
The wolf took the gosling,
Yes, the very best
Yes, the biggest!
- Geese you, geese,
Red paws!
Pinch the wolf -
Save the gosling!

cowardly bunny
He ran across the field.
Ran into the garden
Found a carrot
Sitting, chewing
Go away -
The owner is coming.

Legs, legs, where have you been?
They went to the forest for mushrooms.
What are you robotic pens
We collected mushrooms.
Did you guys help?
We searched and looked
All the stumps looked around.
Here is Vanyushka with a fungus,
With boletus

Today is a whole day
All animals in action:
he sews a coat,
The bear sat down, the old grandfather,
The boot knocks.
And the magpie-white-sided Mushek drives away.
Bear Masha Cooks porridge for children.
Hare under the tree
Broom sweep.
The cat is tearing barks,
The cat weaves bast shoes.
Barefoot in the swamp
Kulik walks with a staff.

Look out the window!
Sunshine, dress up
Red, show yourself!
Pour full
small kids
rainbow arc,
Don't let it rain!
Come on sunshine
bell tower

Walked through the forests
Wandered around the yards
They played the violin
Vanya was amused.

And the owl from the forest
Eyes clap-clap.
And a goat from a barn
Knife Top Top

A fox is walking across the bridge
Carries a bundle of brushwood,
Why is she sick?
Heat the oven.
Why does she need to bake?
Cook dinner.
Why lunch?
Feed guests.
And who are the guests?
Bear and wife, yes hedgehog, yes cat
Yes, we are with you.

The cat went to the stove
Found a pot of porridge
On the kalachi oven
Like fire is hot
Gingerbreads are baked
The cat's paws are not given

red bucket,
Rise high
Dedicate far:
To the dark forests
On raw borks,
To the river, to the fields,
To the blue seas
To the green garden
And for all honest people.

Senior group

Like thin ice
A white snow fell.
A white snow fell
Vanyushka-friend was driving.
Vanya drove, hurried,
From the goodness of the horse fell.
Vanya fell and lies,
Nobody runs to Vanya.
Two girls saw
They ran straight to Vanya,
They put Vanya on a horse,
The path was shown.
Showed the way,
Yes, they punished
How are you going, Ivan?
Don't look around!

Nikolenka goose
Jumping along the bank
Catching a white fish
Feeding grandma.
old grandmother,
Grandma is good.
Loves the fish
And the granddaughter is dove.
Stroking on the head
He sews new clothes for him.

I am amusing the pegs

I city the garden,

I plant cabbage

I plant white


Rooks - Kirichi

Fly, fly

friendly spring

Carry, carry!

You, frost, frost, frost,

Don't show your nose!

Go home soon

Take the cold with you.

And we'll take the sled

We'll go to the street

Let's sit in the sleigh

- scooters.

Like grandma's goat
Varvarushka's gray-haired

what a smart one he was
I walked on the water myself
he himself stoked the stove,
I cooked porridge myself
fed my grandfather and grandmother.

You knock on the oak tree,

The blue siskin is coming.

At the siskin, at the chizhenka,

Red-haired crest,

And on a little paw

Scarlet shoe.

Siskin flew under the sun

And nodded his head.

early in the morning
Shepherd: "Tu-ru-ru-ru!"
And the cows are in harmony with him
Tightened: "Moo-mu-mu!"
You, Burenushka, go
Take a walk in the open field
And come back in the evening
Give us milk to drink

black head,
Fly to the sky
Bring us bread
Black and white
Just not hot.

You are already a bird
You are flying!
you fly
On the blue sea
You take
spring keys,
Lock up the winter
Unlock summer!

Swallow, swallow,

Dear killer whale,

Where were you,

What did you come with?

Been across the sea

I got the spring

I bring, I bring red spring!

Rain, rain, more fun
Drip, drip, don't be sorry!
Just don't get us wet!
Don't knock on the window in vain -
Spray into the field more:
The grass will get thicker!
Rain, rain, more
The grass will be thicker.
Rain, rain, harder
Garden you are our fields.

Educator: Guys, do you know what your grandparents called the sun? Do you want to listen? Then sit down on the stumps - chairs and listen carefully.

"The sun is a bucket,

Come up quickly

Light up, warm up

Calves and lambs

More little guys!”

Teacher: What is this joke about? Guys, did you like the joke? What did you like the most? Why?

(children's answers)

Educator: Guys, you can draw this nursery rhyme. Look how I did it.

Because everyone needs the sun and calves, and lambs, and little guys. Do you want to call the sun with me? Repeat after me, and the pictures will help us.

(Children, together with the teacher, read a nursery rhyme from the mnemonic table.)

Educator: Something the sun does not wake up. Let's once again together and cheerfully ask the sun to wake up.

(They read again in chorus, then, if desired, one child reads with a teacher. The sun appears above the screen.)

Guys, look, the sun has woken up! Get up soon from the stumps! Tell me, what is the sun?

Children: Radiant, bright, beautiful, big, warm, yellow, affectionate.

Educator: Let's do exercises with the sun so that it shines on us all day!

(Physical education "Sun")

"The sun rose early in the morning,

All the kids were caressed

(raise your hands up, stretch, making “flashlights” with your hands)

Stroking the chest

(massage the “path” with your fingers from the bottom up)

Stroking the neck

(stroke the neck with thumbs from top to bottom)

Stroking the nose

(with index finger massage the wings of the nose)

Strokes the forehead

(wipe fingers from the middle of the forehead to the temples)

stroking the ears,

(rubbing earlobes)

Ironing the handles

(rubbing palms)

That's how our kids sunbathe!

(raise hands up)

Educator: Guys, while we were playing, the sun warmed all the animals of this forest and they sent us their photos and photos of their cubs. But here's the problem, it's all messed up. What do you think should be done with them now?

Children: We need to help the cubs return to their mother.

Educator: Good. And choose a photo frame for them. Listen carefully.

(game "One - many")

“Who was sneaking after mom as a fox? What if there are too many?

Children: a fox cub, cubs, a red fox fur coat. (Choose a photo frame)

Educator: “Who was running after her mother as a wolf? What if there are too many?

Children: a wolf cub, wolf cubs, a she-wolf's fur coat is gray. (Choose a photo frame)

Educator: “Riding after my mother a hare ... who? What if there are too many?

Children: a hare, a hare, a hare has a white fur coat. (Choose a photo frame)

Educator: “Who followed the mother bear ... who? What if there are too many?

Children: teddy bear, cubs.

Educator: guys, for the she-bear and cubs, I will choose a photo frame, because the she-bear is brown. This is a new word for us, let's all pronounce it together.

Children: "Brown bear."

Educator: Guys, how can these animals be called in one word?

Children: Wild animals.

Educator: Do you think wild animals have houses?

Educator: What is the name of the fox's house?

Children: Nora.

Educator: What animal lives under the bush?

Children: A hare lives under a bush.

Educator: And where does the bear sleep all winter?

Children: In the den.

Educator: Well done. A she-wolf with cubs lives in a den. This, guys, is a difficult word for us and a new one. Let's all say it together "wolf's lair".

(choral and individual responses)

Educator: Well done. Guys, the wolf has strong legs, he runs fast. What does the fox have?

Children: The fox has a long fluffy tail.

Educator: Show how the bear walks. Why?

Children: Bear clubfoot.

Educator: What does the hare have?

Children: The hare has big ears.

Direct educational activities with young children


Lesson 1

Topic: Reading the Russian folk nickname "The sun is a bucket"

Target: To acquaint with the Russian folk nickname “The sun is a bucket”, to enrich and activate the dictionary, to develop intonational speech, memory.

Tools: illustration for the Russian folk nickname “The sun is a bucket, a flannelograph or a magnetic board, figures (a sun, a layout of the facade of a hut).


  1. Organizing time.
The teacher with the children stand and watch nature on a sunny day.

  1. Main part.
Educator: Guys, look, today there is no rain, the sun is shining. And so that the sun does not forget to wake up in the morning and give us its warmth, people composed such a cry:

The sun is a bucket

Come up quickly

Illuminate - warm -

Calves and lambs

More little guys.

In the morning we open our windows and see that the sun has already woken up.

The teacher shows a model of the facade of the hut with closed shutters and reads the first words of the incantation, then invites the children to pronounce them. After that, the teacher opens the shutters and the children see the sun in the window. The game can be repeated 2-3 times.

Physical education "Awakening of the sun"

Educator: And let's wake up the sun too.

  1. “This is how the sun rises” - starting position: squatting, hands down. Slowly stand up, hands forward and up for each word.

  2. “Higher, higher, higher” - starting position: standing arms at the top are spread apart.

  3. “The sun will set by night” - starting position: Squat down, lower your arms.

  4. “Lower, lower, lower” - starting position: Squatting, hands down. Head down movements.

  5. "Good, good" - starting position: Standing. Clap your hands.

  6. “The sun is laughing” - starting position: Standing. Hands on the belt. Turns of the body to the right - to the left.

  7. “And life is more fun under the sun” - starting position: Standing. Circling in place in one direction, then in the other direction (repeat 2 times).

Educator: “What good fellows you are, you woke up the sun. Let's rejoice and clap our hands.

Lesson 2

Topic: Reading a poem by A. Barto "Bear".

Goals: Introduce children to the content of the poem. Consider drawings - illustrations, hear and understand the teacher, develop speech (pronounce it after an adult).

Tools: Toy Bear, scarf.


  1. Organizing time.
Educator: “Today a guest will come to us. He hid under my handkerchief, he is afraid that you will offend him. He has a shaggy brown coat. In winter, he sleeps in a den, and in summer he likes to feast on raspberries and honey. Let's find out who came to us?

(If the children did not recognize the toy from the description, the teacher opens the scarf a little, shows part of the toy, for example, the paws of a teddy bear).

Today we have a teddy bear.

  1. Main part. Reading a poem.
Educator: Listen to a poem about a bear.

Dropped the bear on the floor

They cut off the bear's paw.

I won't leave him anyway

Because he's good.

Then the teacher offers to consider illustrations for the poem.

What is in the picture?

Who tore off the bear's paw?

Who took pity on Mishka?

The teacher reads the poem again, invites the children to finish the phrases (in chorus or individually).

The bear is tired of sitting, let's walk with him.

Physical education:

A clubfoot bear walks through the forest,

Collects cones, sings songs.

The bump bounced off, right into the bear's forehead.

The bear got angry and kicked the top!

At the end of the lesson, the teacher specifies who came to visit them today.

Lesson 3

Topic: Reading the work of Y. Tayts "Cube to Cube"

Goals: familiarize yourself with the content of the work. Develop memory, learn to pronounce words clearly and correctly, listen carefully to the teacher and understand what is read.

Tools: medium sized cubes.


  1. Organizing time.
The teacher draws attention to the fact that there are many multi-colored cubes on the table.

Many buildings can be made from cubes (house, tower). You need to play together. Listen to what happened to the girl Masha and the boy Misha.

2) Main part: Reading the work.

The teacher tells and shows:

Masha puts a cube on a cube, a cube on a cube, a cube on a cube. Built a tall tower. Misha came running.

Give me a tower!

Give me a cube!

Take one cube.

Misha stretched out his hand - and grab the lowest cube. And in an instant - bang - rattle - and the whole tower collapsed.

Here's a story that happened.

Educator: And now he will help me build a tower ... (calls a girl)

Again she tells the work, and the girl builds. At the end of the story, the teacher himself takes the bottom cube.

Guys, why is the tower broken? (children's answers)


Children, take two cubes. We will play with you.

We are building a house, a big house

He is with a porch and a cube about a cube with a pipe

Knock - knock - knock - knock

Built a big house raise their hands

There live: father, mother, girls and boys.

We build a house, a big house

He with a porch and a pipe

Knock - knock - knock - knock

They built a house smaller than the arm at chest level

They live there: a cow, a pig, a sheep, a dog, a cat, etc.

We build a house, a big house

He with a porch and a pipe

Knock - knock - knock - knock

Built a little house put a cube on the floor

They live there: a mouse, a goose, a hen with a cockerel, etc.

At the end of the lesson, you can build a long track.

Here are some good fellows! The teacher asks the children what they played today.
Lesson 4

Topic: Reading the Russian folk tale "Kurochka - Ryaba" with a display on a flannelograph or a magnetic board.

Goals: To acquaint with the content of the work, to learn to listen to the fairy tale in a staged version and in the usual retelling. Make you want to repeat words, phrases. To form the ability to match the corresponding nouns to the verbs.

Tools:flannelgraph (magnetic board), figurines for a fairy tale.

The teacher tells a fairy tale, accompanying the story with a demonstration of figures and showing some of the actions of the characters: “Beat - beat - did not break; touched with a tail, the testicle fell ”(it is better to show a detachable testicle).

Then the teacher repeats the tale (story without showing)

In conclusion, the teacher invites the children to his table, offering to consider a woman, grandfather, chicken, mouse and testicle. Offers to play a "fairy tale". Children put figures on a flannelograph (magnetic board), accompanying their actions with words.


After the game, the teacher offers to sing to the soundtrack “The chicken went out for a walk”

The hen went out for a walk

Pinch fresh herbs. Walking in circles

And behind her the guys -

Yellow chains.

Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko!

Don't go far. They threaten with a finger

Row with your paws,

Looking for grains!

Ate a fat beetle

Earthworm, Stomach stroking

We drank some water

Whole trough. Stretch your arms to the sides

Well done!!! The teacher praises the children.


Lesson 5
Topic: Memorizing the poem "Leaves - Leaves"

Goals: Introduce the content of the poem, expand children's understanding of the environment, develop speech, artistic perception, attention.

Tools: models of autumn leaves in a vase.


  1. Organizational moment: The teacher brings the children to the window

  2. Main body: Description of autumn.
Teacher: Summer has passed, autumn has come. It's cold in autumn. The leaves on the trees are no longer green, but what? (red, yellow). The wind blows and the leaves fly off the branches. See how many of them are under the trees?

The teacher reads the poem:

Leaves, leaves - leaf fall,

Yellow leaves are flying.

Under the foot rustle, rustle.

Soon there will be a bare garden.

Let's read the poem again together. The teacher reads, and the children repeat the words and phrases.


An adult draws attention to a vase with autumn leaves. I will give you leaflets (hands out) Look how beautiful they are! And he reads the poem again with the children. Children repeat.

Wanna play with the leaves (Yeah!)

The teacher sings a song and accompanies it with movements, the children repeat.

Ride over me

My golden leaf is waving leaves

leaves, leaves

golden leaves swirl

We are sitting behind a leaf

Because of the leaf, we look at the children sitting, hiding behind the leaf

leaves, leaves

golden leaves swirl

Here is the autumn breeze

I wanted to pick a leaf running

leaves, leaves

golden leaves swirling

Let's look again at what leaves we have and put them in a vase. We will be beautiful. Well done!

Lesson 6

Topic: Reading the poem "Rain - rain"

Goals: Familiarize yourself with the content of the work. Learn to understand the teacher, answer questions. Enrich and activate vocabulary.


  1. Organizing time. The teacher, together with the children at the window, watches the rain, clouds, puddles.

  2. Main part.
Educator: “This is how heavy it is raining outside! He wet trees, bushes, puddles appeared. Can you hear the rain hitting our windows? You can’t walk in such weather, you will immediately get wet and catch a cold.

The teacher reads the poem:

Rain - rain

Cap yes cap.

wet paths,

We can't go for a walk

We'll get our feet wet.

The adult once again asks the children whether it is possible to walk in such weather (if the children find it difficult to say, the teacher helps them) And reads the poem again.


Let's play the game "Sun and Rain".

To the cheerful music, the children “walk”, and to the music of “rain”, the children run to the chairs. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher praises the children.

Lesson 7

Topic: Reading the nursery rhyme "Ladushki - patty"

Goals: Remind the content of the Russian folk rhyme, encourage attempts to perform the movements that are mentioned in the rhyme, learn to pronounce words and phrases. Develop motor skills.

Tools: toy tea set


  1. Organizing time. The children are sitting on the mat. The teacher sings the song "Where are our hands?" (music and lyrics by T. Lomova). Children perform movements following the teacher in accordance with the text of the song.

Educator: And here is a song about our palms. All kids know it. I will sing, and you repeat the words and movements after me.

Sweeties, sweeties

Grandma baked pancakes clapping

poured oil,

The kids gave a turn to one side or the other,

Dashi two, Pasha two, as if handing out pancakes

Vanya two, Tanya two

Good pancakes are clapping

At our grandmother's

What did grandma do? Who did you bake pancakes for? What did you water? (if the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher himself pronounces the answer)

The teacher re-sings the song - a nursery rhyme, inviting the children to sing along to him and finish the phrases.

Educator: How good are pancakes with tea! And where is the tea poured? (children's answers) Tea in tea cups. It is necessary to pour tea from the teapot into a cup (demonstrates).

You can put 2 - 4 children at the table and pour "tea" for them, imitating movements.

In conclusion, clarify what the pancakes and tea were like.

Lesson 8

Topic: Reading the nursery rhyme "Cucumber - Cucumber."

Goals: Introduce Russian folk amusement, develop memory, activate speech. Learn to listen and understand the teacher, develop motor skills.

Tools: model of cucumber, cabbage and carrot, toy mouse.


  1. Organizing time.
Children sit on chairs

  1. Main part.
Educator: Guys, today I want to tell you a story that happened to Cucumber. Listen carefully.

There was a Cucumber, he was small, green, grew in the garden. Here he is, look (they look at a model of a cucumber).

Papa Cucumber and mother Cucumber loved their little son very much. At the other end of the garden there lived a mouse. There she is. Look how small the mouse is, and how long its tail is. She is nimble, runs fast, lives in a mink.

Papa Cucumber and Mother Cucumber did not allow little Cucumber to go far.

Papa says:

Cucumber, cucumber!

Don't go to that end

The mouse lives there

Your tail will bite off.

And mom said to Cucumber (the nursery rhyme is repeated)

Do you remember what the parents said to Cucumber? But Cucumber did not listen and decided to go to the “other tip” of the garden where the mouse lives. He walks along the garden and does not see that a mouse has come out of the mink.

Guys, look and tell me which mouse? What kind of ponytail does she have? Where does he live?

Let's ask Cucumber not to go "to that tip" (they threaten with a finger)

The teacher together with the children tells a nursery rhyme. What good fellows you are, do not give offense to Cucumber. We must listen to dad and mom so that trouble does not happen.

And it also grows in the garden: cabbage and carrots.

Finger gymnastics

We chop cabbage, chop

We salt cabbage, salt

We three cabbage, three

We press cabbage, we press.

At the end of the lesson, praise the children. Well done!.

Lesson 9

Topic: Telling a nursery rhyme "A fox was running with a box"

Goals: introduce the content of the nursery rhyme, improve memory, attention, encourage attempts to tell the text.

Tools: illustrations for a nursery rhyme or plot pictures, a fox toy, a basket, dummies of mushrooms.


  1. Organizing time.
Educator: Who will come to us today? I have a riddle about our guest:

Look at what -

Everything burns like gold

Walks in a fur coat dear,

The tail is fluffy and big

Educator (shows the tail, muzzle of the toy) Who is this? Learned? (children's answers) Of course, this is a fox!

  1. Main part. Reading amusement.
The teacher reads:

ran through the woods

Fox with box

What's in the box?

Forest mushrooms -

Chanterelles, breasts,

For a son, for a daughter.

What was the fox running with? Who are mushrooms for?

The teacher reads the nursery rhyme again, inviting the children to finish the phrases.

Then he invites the children to collect "mushrooms".

Physical education minute

We walked, we walked walking

And they found mushrooms.

One fungus, two fungus,

Put them in a container. slopes

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

That's how well done we are, how many mushrooms we have collected! Let's clap our hands.


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