Unable to fix Mrs. Breastfeeding Failed to establish breastfeeding

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anonymous , Female, 26 years old

Hello. Help increase milk. The first month we were at the guards, she gave me a pacifier and gave me more water (I didn’t know what was wrong). a month, the doctor said that we did not gain weight at all and prescribed supplementary feeding. She said give every 3 hours 60 ml and gradually increase. I did. I did not know then that this was the way to the willows. At 3 months, I decided it was time to remove the supplement. Now we are 4, gradually reducing it to 90 ml 4-5 times a day, but I don’t get more than 9 piss. Can't I translate completely to GW? I removed the pacifiers and supplemented through SNS and try to offer the breast more often (although the child takes the breast a little to eat and starts to act up, lets go of the breast or groans right at the breast) it feels like he is already waiting for this tube from supplementary feeding. Why is he crying as if he doesn’t, but can I squeeze milk out myself? Is it possible to remove the supplement completely and give only the breast? Will milk come as much as needed?

Good afternoon! The child behaves like this at the breast, when milk is hard to digest, causes heaviness. He does not wait for supplementary feeding, it is simply difficult for him to digest milk. This happens with the mother’s malnutrition, in particular from the use of milk protein. Mom is removed from the diet all dairy (especially milk), sweet and fatty, they are advised to drink tea with fennel (this is both for lactation and for good digestion of the child). Yes, you can remove the supplement and give only the breast if you see that there is enough milk. The child is soldered with dill water, the course is given bifidum, hilak for the correct microflora and improving the digestibility of milk. Also, the use of a breast pump from Chicco Natural Feeling allows you to stimulate lactation, they can express milk residues after feeding and then more milk will come. Health to you!


Thank you very much for the answer. From milk I drink tea with milk mugs 4-5 a day and the truth is I eat cookies, bread rarely sweets, fried. I didn't think it would have such an effect on milk. I now drink dill and nettle myself, sometimes fennel. Is that possible too? Is there any sense in them for increasing milk? After feeding, if he ate without whims, then I can no longer squeeze out the milk myself. Do you still need to express? I also noticed that in a dream the child eats well and periodically you can hear how he swallows. Does this mean that there may be enough milk, but it is difficult for him to draw it out (sometimes it seems that way by his appearance). Now I give 120 ml 3-4 times and less than 12 pips. Can such a large volume be removed immediately? It’s just that I’m not sure that he has enough milk, but it may be that if you give only the breast for a few days, will it be enough?

It is impossible for breastfeeding milk, milk causes problems with the tummy, it is rare that a child tolerates such a mother’s diet (Herbal teas are possible, they are good. If you are not sure that there is enough milk, do not remove the mixture immediately, gradually and strongly stimulate lactation, this and the breast pump helps, you can’t squeeze out a lot with your hands.


Thank you, you help me a lot. I noticed that when I feed him "around sleep" he eats more calmly and swallows periodically, and if he does not sleep, he does not seem to eat so much. Can I feed a child in a dream? And how to reduce supplementary feeding and how often can I breastfeed? I read somewhere that it is necessary to change no more than after 2 hours, or give both in one feeding. One is missing. Can give one and a mixture? When should I express if there is no milk left after feeding? Maybe at this age so that without an enema he does not empty the intestines because of such nutrition? I don't give water.

In a dream or fuss of sleep, you can feed, but it is undesirable. You can reduce supplementary feeding by increasing lactation and the amount of milk. Supplementary feeding can not be given already if one breast is enough. If teas alone do not increase lactation, then a course of taking apilac is used. Even if there is no milk left after feeding, you need to apply a breast pump and stimulate production, gradually there will be more milk. Of course, constipation occurs from difficult-to-digest mixtures, but they can be avoided if you drink tea with fennel, give your child dill water and gradually return to guards.


I want to gradually introduce complementary foods. I gave semolina. What is better to give and how to replace the mixture with complementary foods so that only breast milk and complementary foods remain? I heard that there are some porridges that should be given to those who are on the mixture, as if they are being fed differently.

Giving semolina to a child under one year old is generally a crime! This is a hard to digest carbohydrate that can only disrupt digestion!!! Children under 3 years old are forbidden to give it, where can a baby digest it ?? Of course, there will be constipation and other problems! Complementary foods are best introduced no earlier than 5.5 months, only by this age digestion matures to the digestion of complementary foods. Complementary foods should be introduced correctly either from vegetables or dairy-free gluten-free cereals (buckwheat). But it's still early! Now you need to feed only with breast milk, by all means increasing lactation with a course of apilac, a breast pump, plentiful warm drinks.


Yeah, I'll know about the semolina now, thanks). Now we have another problem. When I feed a child around sleep, it is clear what he eats, albeit intermittently. And when I give a cheerful one, he takes it and pretends to suck, barely making any movements with his lips, looking at me. Doesn't even try to eat what's there. Suck a couple of times and that's it. And when he feels the tube (sns), it is clear that he is ready to eat, as soon as you touch everything, he subsides. Can I switch to a different way of supplementing? I can’t even determine exactly how much milk I have, because I can give the mixture with his crying. How can I teach him to breastfeed well?

Good afternoon! I repeat once again: the child behaves like this at the breast when milk is hard to digest, causes heaviness. That's why he sucks badly! Once the milk is well digested, the baby will suck better on his own. You can help with this by mom's diet, drinking fennel tea, sometimes enzymes are added to improve digestion (lactazar, creon). In order not to accustom the child to the tubes, it is more correct to use anatomical bottles for supplementary feeding, which will teach the child to properly grasp the nipple and suck, extracting milk (and not when it flows into the mouth itself), the same Natural Feeling Chick's bottles imitate breasts and provide natural sensations when sucking .

Why did you start pumping

My daughter was born at 40 weeks weighing 2.7 kg. I gave birth naturally, there were severe cuts, they sewed them up for a long time, which is probably why they didn’t let me attach the child to the chest in the delivery room. When they transferred her to the ward and brought her daughter, she began to try to breastfeed as best she could, as she understood, because we don’t have any consultant on breastfeeding in our maternity hospital. For the first day, my daughter lost almost two hundred grams of weight. The doctors said that if the weight is below 2.5 kg, they will put a dropper in her head. I couldn't let that happen. I’ll also say that I don’t have a standard shape of the nipples, the child could not capture the entire halo, because of this she was worried, suddenly she didn’t receive anything. She began to express, but there was no milk yet, it turned out to express very little colostrum. I have decided to formula feed my baby. And the weight began to increase. When milk appeared, she began to give the baby a breast and the weight began to fall again. She began to express milk and give her daughter from a bottle, the weight increased. I thought that this way she would get stronger faster and would drink from her chest. We were discharged on the 8th day with a weight of 2.9 kg. As soon as we were at home, I began to try to establish GW. But it wasn't there!! My daughter is already accustomed to the bottle and as soon as I bring it to my chest, a terrible scream begins. I tried not to give a bottle, I thought she would be hungry, but no, she screamed hungry, as I brought it to her chest, she began to yell even more and I gave up. I contacted a breastfeeding consultant, she advised first to remove all sucking objects and feed the baby either from a spoon or from a syringe, and then try to accustom him to the breast. But we did not pass the first stage of weaning. I give from a syringe - yells, from a spoon - the same thing. Then I finally gave up! Understanding the importance of breast milk for a child, I decided to feed it with expressed milk, at least up to 6 months.

How did you organize

Expressed every 4 hours for 200 ml, incl. at night, with an electronic breast pump. The child did not drink so much milk, some was simply poured out. One pumping took half an hour. And it was necessary to wash and sterilize the bottles. When you are alone with a child, it is very difficult to do everything, and even if the child is naughty. At first she fed on demand, at 4 months she began to eat by the hour. At 4 months, I realized that I can’t do this anymore ... I decided to remove the nightly pumping, since there was enough milk without them, I thought that the milk would disappear - let it disappear ... But the milk was not lost. At first I woke up in a puddle and could not sleep on anything but my back. But then everything evened out and I started pumping 3 times a day.

How did you finish

Of course, I planned to feed for up to a year, but when my daughter was about 8 months old, I had to start taking a course of tablets that were not compatible with feeding. The course should last 3 weeks and I decided to stop lactation, although there was plenty of milk. They switched to the mixture without any problems, I started drinking it from my favorite bottle right away. For myself, I concluded that if I am in such a situation again, then I will definitely not engage in pumping for so long, it is very exhausting. 3 months max. And the baby, in addition to the most useful mother's milk, also needs a calm, not exhausted mother. I also want to write that the weight of the child throughout the feeding was normal, several times it was at the lower limit, but mostly average.

Help fix GW! Or just support.

I have been reading the community for a long time (since pregnancy). I found a lot of interesting things, tuned in that everything would be fine. But after childbirth stupidly milk did not come. :(Almost from the word at all. On the fourth day, some drops began to appear when trying to pump. The chest was not heavy, there was no tide (and still is not). weight, had to be supplemented with formula Stopped supplementing at home, not weighed for a week Sucked-sleep, sucked-sleep Until a couple of days later they found that the baby had lost a lot of weight in a week at home The consultant on breastfeeding confirmed that due to the fact that my daughter is small, it's hard for her to suckle.Accordingly, she resisted, strained, tried to suck something and fell asleep exhausted.I had to go back to supplementary feeding.We gave it in doses, carefully.We sleep together, I don't do anything around the house.I "grown" to the bed.Husband After work, he works the second shift around the house.

Now I give a breast, I give a mixture, I express. I'm afraid to reduce the amount of the mixture, it still doesn't suck anything out of the chest. I know that it is not recommended to weigh before and after, but still sometimes I do (about once a day, so as not to get upset all the time). There is always a difference of 0 or a maximum of 10 g. The grip is correct (the consultant confirmed it, and I see it anyway). She hasn't given up breast yet. We tried to supplement from a spoon, syringe, through a homemade SNS, from a bottle. Takes everything except a spoon with pleasure. The chest has already taken the form of a breast pump from constant pumping. Can hang on his chest for at least an hour, seems to use it as a pacifier. At the same time, he makes sucking movements, but does not swallow. With the mixture, she finally began to gain weight, but rarely asks for breasts. I tried to limit supplementary feeding, but the child again began to lose weight. It can hang for a long time, but still suck out 10 g. That is, it does not refuse, but also uses it as a pacifier exclusively.

What to do? How to increase the amount of milk? Already 1.5 months, tired and zadolbalas. It is frustrating that there is practically no positive dynamics. Maybe I'm missing something? I read all the posts about setting up GW, got inspired, but nothing helps ... :(Maybe I'm missing something?

I apologize if I can’t answer right away, I always used LJ in read-only mode, I need to figure it out.

UPD. Thank you so much to everyone who came and with advice and just hug and support! Really helped a lot! She calmed down, scored almost everything and began to feed according to Newman. Now I hear throats! I am happy and I believe that everything will be fine. I was so glad that yesterday I even had a desire to take a walk and get checked out. Before that, she pulled herself out by the scruff of the neck every couple of days. I apologize if I didn’t answer everyone, now all hands are constantly busy, even from the phone I didn’t always have time to read. :)

Thank you for the article. now everything is clear to me, especially about the refusal. and sometimes it happens that when the daughter is calm, she sucks for half an hour, and when she is active, she sucks for five minutes, and is ready to run away. I read reviews, poor children who on IV do not have any connection with their mother then. My baby is two months old. And I'm on the verge of nervous and mental exhaustion. The daughter sucks 24 hours a day, overeats, burps, and dreams of breastfeeding. I am terrified. I would have given up breastfeeding a long time ago and switched to a mixture, but the baby does not take a bottle. Trying to find information on the Internet confused me even more. This is the only article that makes sense. Ah, would you like to know how to arrange feeding on "hungry demand" now that the child has already formed the habit of sucking constantly? Thank you very much for your material, now I am printing out all the articles and preparing to send to my friend in the maternity hospital!

A little bit from my experience: now my daughter is 4.5 months old, she eats about 7-8 times a day, but more and more often she takes 4-hour breaks between feedings during the day. When her appetite decreased, she expressed milk, maintained normal lactation, when her appetite was walking around, the daughter herself perfectly emptied her breasts and sometimes even encroached on the second. He sleeps in his crib, we walk on the street even in frosts up to 2 hours. Our daughter is a swimmer, her dad bathes her without any tit and other entourage, the girl swims almost without support, dives and splashes with pleasure. The water temperature is already -32.
The weight is normal, I already give a little apple and pear juice.
For comparison: a girl, our age, who is shoved a tit for every squeak, without delving into her needs, added 1600 in 4.5 months. I won’t say anything else - I don’t want to comment on someone else’s child.

Another example - there was once a stagnation of milk, a slight induration in the right breast. After feeding, she just completely decant her breasts. And that's it. According to the categorical and very PERSISTENT recommendations of these consultants on breastfeeding (the breast will suck ONLY the baby!!! no breast pumps!!!) brought herself to lactostasis and temperature, at the same time breaking her child the whole regime that the girl herself had already established!

I can give many more examples ... but even so an impressive comment is obtained and very emotional :-)

In general, thank you very much for your article! I wouldn't have been able to write so well on my own! Thank you very much for the article, especially for the section "Breast Rejection". This is just our case - we have this happens from time to time. Unfortunately, orderly feeding was not established right away. In the beginning, we were also convinced of the "only true" feeding on demand, with all the accompanying elements of care. As a result, dad was expelled to sleep in another room, and mom was brought to complete physical and nervous exhaustion. It's good that my husband insisted on trying the "schedule", otherwise we would have said goodbye to GV 5 months ago.

You have a good article - I read and directly recognize my own thoughts, only I could not put it so well. As for "feeding on demand", in recent years, through the efforts of the "Rozhan" center, this term has been filled with precisely such content - that the breast should be given for every squeak. At the same time, recommendations are given on how to teach a child to apply even if he is not hungry. Moreover, the unwillingness of a well-fed child to be comforted by the breast is seen as a pre-failure state. I do not agree with this approach, therefore I make a distinction between "feeding on demand" and "feeding on hunger demand", the second for me is equivalent to "feeding according to an individual regimen" and "ordered feeding" Feeding on demand is not feeding on the first squeak . This feeding is only when the baby is hungry and takes the breast. Try to shove your baby to the breast when the baby doesn't want to.

British journalist Remy Pierce became a mother just over a year ago. Despite all her erudition and education, she discovered a huge gap in her knowledge, for which she paid with hellish pain. Remy shared her story on her Instagram page.

My milk came out in five days. I did not know that it could take so long and what it was - the influx of milk (no one explained this to me).

I was the only mother in the postpartum ward who was breastfeeding. One of the women also tried, but after 12 hours she began to give the child a mixture, because she “did not have milk” (no one told her about the flow of milk either). While the rest of the children slept with full tummies, my son was screaming and crying, hanging on my chest all night (frequent attachment? What is it? Nobody told me about it).

When I returned home, other problems began: my nipple literally cracked in half. I have never felt such pain before. I dreaded every feed, but continued to feed the baby - in tears, with sobs, until everything healed (no one told me that breastfeeding could be painful, no one taught me how a baby should breastfeed).

Photo by @mamaclog

When faced with the need to feed my baby outside the home, I would either lock myself in the closet, or rush home, or take bottled expressed milk with me. I was embarrassed to feed in public, I did not want to cause inconvenience to anyone. This led to blockage of the ducts and stagnation. (Now I'm calmly feeding in public. To hell with this backward society!)

Then I got mastitis. I remember waking up at 3am, shaking from the cold, put on a robe, wrapped myself in a blanket, and tried to feed my son. Pain. It was excruciatingly painful. I was trembling and sweating, and felt cold to the bone. At 5 am, I woke up my boyfriend and said that I needed to go to the hospital. My stepfather came, he is a doctor, took my temperature, said that it was a little high, advised paracetamol and try to sleep.

I couldn't fall asleep anyway. By seven in the morning, I began to vomit. They measured the temperature again - 40. I developed sepsis overnight. This happened because I could not recognize the early symptoms of mastitis (for example, I did not see redness on my chest).

I was put in intensive care, injected with morphine, given antiemetics and the strongest antibiotics that were available. I had to leave the baby for two nights.

My heart was broken.

Photo by @mamaclog

While I was in the hospital, I asked for a breast pump several times, because if you don’t pump for mastitis, it will get worse (and I got worse). The nurses said that they did not have a breast pump: there are not so many nursing mothers in the department.

This is not the end of my story, but the main thing I want to say is that women know appallingly little about breastfeeding. I don't mean information about the benefits of breastfeeding, not handing out flyers. I'm talking about general knowledge, the basics of breastfeeding, frequent latching, problems that can arise and what to do about them, how to detect them and how to fix them.

There is no knowledge, no experience, women are forced to adjust lactation on their own, so now many breastfeeding stories end as soon as they begin. The health system and society in general do not support breastfeeding mothers. There are those who aggressively advocate breastfeeding without providing any real support. Breastfeeding is hard work, it needs to be taught and it needs to be studied. We walk, talk, read and write - it seems natural, but it is not always the case, we learn it.

If I knew in advance everything that I know now, it would be much easier. If young mothers know how many difficulties they face, they would study breastfeeding even before giving birth, go to courses, read books, ask questions on forums. But we just think it will be as natural as breathing. Because no one told us that this is not so.


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