Nadezhda Kadysheva

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Son of Nadezhda Kadysheva celebrated his wedding noisily. Grigory married Angelica Biryukova. Many metropolitan artists, singers and politicians were invited to the wedding celebration, who gave expensive gifts to the newlyweds. Angelica ordered her wedding dress from a famous designer, and Grigory's suit was sewn in an elite atelier in Moscow. Rings for newlyweds were also made to order.

The celebration was attended by a special guest - the bride's uncle, he is the deputy mayor of Moscow and Angelica's father, who has his own large construction company. Nikolai Baskoy was in the role of toastmaster at the wedding, she herself asked him to fulfill this very serious and responsible mission Nadezhda Kadysheva. Many famous singers sang at the wedding, but not a single artist could cause such a storm of emotions as Nadezhda Kadysheva, who gave the newlyweds a song. With wishes of happiness, the famous mother performed her new hit for the young.

However, all the guests discussed the star's breathtaking outfit, and not her new song. After all, Nadezhda Kadysheva herself came up with a pattern for her dress. The singer, as always, remained in her style: the dress was with a corset, which the singer loves so much, it also had numerous frills of bright colors and unchanged ruffles. Even at the wedding to her son, Nadezhda Nikitina decided not to change her usual style. And this is despite the fact that once Kadysheva spoke about her taste in a rather harsh form - stating that her outfits are “vulgar” and “ugly”.

Gregory could not take his eyes off his bride for a minute, continuing to admire her throughout the celebration. The bride, in turn, responded to him in return, while tightly squeezing his hand. The guests, despite the fact that they came to congratulate and drink for the happiness of the young, constantly recalled Grigory's past turbulent personal life, because before meeting his new wife, he had lived with the girl Margarita for a long time. Grigory and Margarita met in the office of one company, where the girl worked at that time. After some time, he began to give Margarita expensive gifts to look after her. After a short acquaintance with the girl, he decided to propose to her.

But after Grisha's parents found out about his act, they decided to intervene, because they did not want a simple secretary to become their daughter-in-law. Grisha did not argue with his father and mother and broke up with the girl ...

But after parting with Margarita, he did not go as a bachelor for a long time, because he spotted a young effective blonde at one of the parties. The girl introduced herself as Angelica and soon the couple began a stormy romance. Angelica at that time worked in the Luzhniki press service. But according to acquaintances of the star family, initially Nadezhda Kadysheva and her husband did not approve of the choice of Gregory. But after they found out that the girl is not from a simple family and her relatives hold high positions, they changed their mind - changing their anger to mercy. After that, they immediately blessed the union of the young.

Gregory was brought up in a happy family. The son of Nadezhda Kadysheva seven years ago married the daughter of businessman Alexei Biryukov Angelica. The couple had a son, Alexei, whom they love very much. Gregory protects his family and does not want anyone to violate their space. The man has yet to reveal who was driving his Ferrari.

When stars get into an accident, all paper publications begin to write about them. Just the other day, the beloved Dima Bilan became the culprit of the accident. Some sources report that the singer, driving a Ford Mustang, collided with a white Hyundai. Luckily, all the people survived.

“Everything worked out! Stress caught, of course, but that just does not happen in this life. The salon was filled with sharp smoke, the airbags worked abruptly and the blow was palpable, that everything turned upside down in my head. The shock is catching up now. You know, the release of adrenaline and cortisol. Shakes hands. I'm to blame for the accident, distracted. He called the traffic police on 112, firefighters and an ambulance - so that everything is in the legal field and without insinuations, rumors and rumors. With the owner of "Hyundai" I agreed amicably and according to the law, no one is offended, " Bilan shared.

The singer often gets into accidents through his own fault. The artist explains this by the fact that while driving he is constantly distracted and cannot concentrate on driving. A few years ago, a Model 6 Zhiguli crashed into him when he was driving a BMW along the third transport ring. Bilan spent half a day on the road while the traffic police processed the necessary documents.

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Posted by (@bilanofficial) Sep 18, 2018 at 2:18 PDT

Recently, Bilan's fans have been worried about his health. There were rumors that Dima was terminally ill. In an interview with StarHit, the singer admitted that he had pneumonia, but now he is much better. “I went straight to the hospital. In addition, I experienced serious mental problems, severe depression, which I am now getting out of ”- shared Bilan.

We hope that after the accident, the stars will behave more carefully on the roads, because it is far from a fact that for the second or third time it will be possible to avoid serious consequences.

Last weekend, the family of Nadezhda Kadysheva celebrated a joyful event - her marriage to the niece of the deputy mayor of Moscow, Anzhelika Biryukova. The toastmaster of the evening was Nikolai Baskov.


The young people played the wedding in the Arkhangelskoye Museum-Estate, although for a long time they could not make a choice: the Golden Ring Theater and the Moscow Kremlin were among the options. However, the choice of location was not to be regretted. The museum-estate was buried in white flowers, and the celebration was decorated in the Russian-European style.

The celebration in the palace and park ensemble was ordered for 400 people. There were many artists among the guests - Larisa Dolina, Andrey Malakhov, Stas Piekha, Dmitry Malikov, Vyacheslav Dobrynin, the Pesnyary ensemble. The festive evening was hosted by the indefatigable Nikolai Baskov. "Kolya has lost ten kilograms! You can immediately see: the person is preparing for the anniversary!" concluded the guests, looking at the toastmaster.

Colleagues of Nadezhda Kadysheva in the workshop also did not stay away from the performances, performing their best songs for the newlyweds. And the happy mother-in-law herself could not resist and sang Alla Pugacheva's hit "A Million Scarlet Roses". The course of the fun was promptly displayed by TV presenter Andrey Malakhov. “At the wedding of the son of Nadezhda Kadysheva,” the showman released a tweet for his readers. The groom was just whipped by the Cossacks". At the end of the evening, magnificent fireworks thundered in Arkhangelsk.

“Angela and I tested our feelings for a long time,” 27-year-old Grigory Kostyuk told the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper the story of his love. “But it’s reliable! We met at an event where both were with their parents. They began to meet. And then ... I lit candles at home, bought flowers and offered her a ring in a box".

As already written Days.Ru, the newly-made wife of Grigory - 34-year-old Anzhelika Biryukova - works in the press center of the Luzhniki sports complex. Her father Alexei Biryukov is the founder and general director of UniversStroyLux LLC, the largest contractor for the construction, reconstruction and demolition of various buildings. The uncle of the newlywed is even more famous - the first deputy of the Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin, the head of the municipal economy complex Pyotr Biryukov.

Grigory Kostyuk married the niece of Deputy Sobyanin

Grigory Kostyuk married the niece of Deputy Sobyanin

Grigory Kostyuk rented the Arkhangelskoye Estate Museum for wedding celebrations.

About the wedding of the 27-year-old Grigory Kostyuk- son and concert director of the singer Nadezhda Kadysheva- in the show party they started talking a couple of years ago. At first they claimed that he was allegedly going to marry a certain Xenia Rumyantseva. Then they called him the bride Margarita Smelyanskaya better known as the singer Ri. And recently, information about the wedding was confirmed by Kadysheva herself.

Every year, different girls were assigned to me as brides, ”complained Grigory Kostyuk, to whom I turned for clarification. “But they were not my brides at all. In fact, I chose a completely different girl. Her name is Angelica Biryukova. She works in the press center of the Luzhniki sports complex. We met eight years ago. We talked for some time. Then they didn't talk. And then they decided to renew the relationship, which led to the wedding.

Yes, a close relative of Angelica holds a high position in the mayor's office. But journalists were not invited to the wedding not at all because of this. It's just that for a long time we could not decide where to play the wedding. Many guests were planned - 500 people. Several halls were considered, starting from the "European" and ending with the "Crocus". One of the options was our theater "Golden Ring". Finally, they thought of staying in the Kremlin. It was also a good choice. But in the end, they chose the Arkhangelskoye Estate Museum on Rublevsky Highway.


* Press attaché of OAO Luzhniki Anzhelika Alekseevna BIRYUKOVA was born in 1977. In 2001 - 2006 she was the press officer of the football club "Torpedo" (Moscow). Her father Alexey Biryukov- founder and CEO of UniversStroyLux LLC, one of the largest contractors of the city authorities for the construction, reconstruction and demolition of various buildings, the younger brother of the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for housing and communal services and landscaping Petra Biryukova.

Nadezhda Kadysheva has been pleasing people for many years with her vocal abilities and unusually energetic performances. Nadezhda had a very difficult childhood and she spent almost half of it in a boarding school.

After the death of his mother, the father found himself a new wife, who quickly made sure that all the daughters of the new husband went away from home. But despite the difficulties, Nadezhda retained her desire to grow up as a real star, which she spoke about back in the boarding school, while participating in local concerts.

Height, weight, age. How old is Nadezhda Kadysheva

“Height, weight, age, how old is Nadezhda Kadysheva”, this request is very popular due to the appearance of the singer. Nadezhda, at 58, looks very young, which causes a lot of excitement among the public.

And at her concerts she dances better than many young girls. It seems that age does not matter to her at all. In addition, the eternally young Kadysheva always keeps herself in shape and, with a height of 176, weighs only 60 kg. And all this thanks to the constant concerts, rehearsals and, of course, the singer's groovy character.

Biography and personal life of Nadezhda Kadysheva

A girl was born in the village of Gorki, which is located in Tatarstan, but later after the birth the family moved to a village called Stary Maklaush. The family lived in poverty, but the children did not feel the need thanks to the efforts of the mother. Nadezhda's mother was a housewife and devoted her whole life to raising children, and her father was a foreman on the railway. There were as many as 5 daughters in the family and Nadezhda was the youngest.

From childhood, the girl was restless and very mischievous, so Nadezhda still has many scars as a reminder of a fun childhood and constant adventures.

When the girl was 10 years old, her mother died and it was from that moment that the black streak began. The father found a new wife, who made sure that all five girls were sent away from their home, and the two youngest were sent to a boarding school. The father obeyed the desire of his new wife, ceasing to communicate with his daughters, but still sometimes wrote letters to them and sent them some money.

For the first time, the girl showed her musical talents back in the boarding school at music lessons. At the age of 14, she moved to the town of Lobnya near Moscow, where her older sister lived and got a job at a spinning factory. Here the girl joined the local ensemble and began to reveal her talents. At the age of 19, the girl was admitted to the Ippolitov-Ivanov Music College.

Already in the third year of the school, the girl was invited to the ensemble "Rossiyanochka", where the girl achieved great heights and became a soloist.

A little later, she met her future husband Alexander, because of whom she was transferred to the Gnessin Institute. Soon after graduation, the couple create their own ensemble "Golden Ring", where Nadezhda is a soloist, and it was this undertaking that made her a star. The biography of Nadezhda Kadasheva shows how patience and talent help to get out of the most seemingly difficult situations.

Several times Nadezhda was on the verge of death, but she still saved herself every time. At the age of 30, she was diagnosed with a breast tumor and for 2 years she expected death, but as it turned out later, the doctors were mistaken. At the age of 40, she began to have a terrible depression and she was afraid that she would follow in the footsteps of her older sister, who committed suicide due to depression, but in the end, Nadezhda managed to cope with the illness. And at the age of 49, she was diagnosed with acute tachycardia and the singer miraculously survived. Such situations once again show how strong Nadezhda is in character and that her will to live heals any ailments and goes through all trials.

Family and children of Nadezhda Kadysheva

The family and children of Nadezhda Kadysheva play a major role in her biography. Thanks to the mother, all the sisters of Nadezhda were very close-knit and lived a fairly happy childhood, the older sisters were more fortunate, unlike the younger ones, but still everyone got boundless maternal love. Nadezhda also raised her child in love. Hope has only one child.

She built her family quite early, but it turned out to be a good choice, because Nadezhda successfully married a man who is still her main support. The love between them swept through the years and until now they experience tremendous tenderness and warmth for each other.

The son of Nadezhda Kadasheva - Grigory Kostyuk

The son of Nadezhda Kadasheva, Grigory Kostyuk, has long been happily married, namely since 2011. He married a girl who is 7 years older than him. Her name is Anzhelika Biryukova, she is the press attaché of the Luzhniki sports complex. She is also the daughter of a well-known businessman and the niece of the Deputy Mayor of Moscow.

In general, Gregory found a bride to match. The couple are now happily married. Gregory is also involved in the family business and is the concert director of the Golden Ring ensemble. The family business is thriving and getting better every day.

Husband of Nadezhda Kadysheva - Alexander Kostyuk

The husband of Nadezhda Kadysheva, Alexander Kostyuk, is a very popular composer and, as you already know, the founder of the popular Golden Ring ensemble. Unlike Nadezhda, Alexander had a comfortable and happy childhood. Parents provided their son with a good education. When he was 14 years old, he entered a music school and graduated with honors.

Immediately after college, he entered the Gnessin Russian Academy. Already during his studies, he participated in various folk ensembles, having tried many folk instruments. After the creation of the ensemble "Golden Ring" together with Nadezhda Kadysheva, Alexander's life is connected only with this activity.

Instagram and Wikipedia Nadezhda Kadysheva

Instagram and Wikipedia Nadezhda Kadysheva will dedicate the singer's fans to her most interesting moments in her biography. Like many aged artists, Nadezhda does not use the now popular social network Instagram, but at the same time her ensemble has an official website where fans are informed about new concerts and achievements of the singer and the ensemble as a whole.

Nadezhda Kadysheva literally lives on music and the stage, for many years she, of course, with the help of her family, has been pleasing her fans and winning the love of entire countries.


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