When is mother-in-law's day. Mother-in-law's day: funny and cool short poems for SMS. How is the holiday celebrated?

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Every fourth Sunday in October, the world celebrates an unusual, but undoubtedly the favorite holiday of any son-in-law - International Mother-In-Law Day. Although it does not yet have official status, it is already very popular in many countries.

Originating in the 1930s in the United States as a joke (according to one version, as an alternative to Mother's Day), subsequently, every year, he gained more and more fans, including in other English-speaking countries. As evidenced by a number of sources, this informal event began to be celebrated since 1934 with the "light hand" of the editor of one of the American newspapers in the state of Texas, who spoke about this "joke" in his publication, drawing a parallel with such respected holidays as Mother's Day and Father's Day .

Declaring that the mother-in-law is the second mother, he noted that it was fair that all mothers-in-law have their own “professional” holiday. This joke caught on, and soon the holiday was celebrated with pleasure not only by residents of the United States, but also by some countries of Latin America, and then Europe.

At first, Mother-in-Law's Day was celebrated in the spring, but then its date moved to the fourth Sunday in October. And traditionally it is celebrated, of course, in the family circle. In Russia, this holiday became known not so long ago and has not yet become widespread, which is a pity ...

After all, this is a very useful holiday - first of all, it is designed to improve relations between two important family members, mother-in-law and son-in-law, whose dislike for each other and enmity have long been a reason for jokes (at best, and at worst - leads to the breakup of families). It is no secret that, without having established relations with the mother-in-law from the very beginning, there will be no peace in the family.

Men know that in her face it is possible to make an enemy for many years. Therefore, if you (men) want to get a friend and helper, including in raising your children (her grandchildren), then treat this woman with respect and due respect. However, extreme cases are not excluded, when it is almost impossible to build a normal relationship between mother-in-law and son-in-law.

And although, according to psychologists, son-in-law conflicts are a normal phenomenon, because these two people are completely strangers to each other, and in addition there is a big difference between them in age, upbringing, interests ... But still there is something that unites them - a woman - for one - a wife, for the second - a daughter, who is forced or happy to act as an intermediary between these two sides of the dialogue / conflict.

And therefore, if both sides love this "intermediary", they must find a compromise. And although a number of men are of the opinion that the happiest person on earth is the biblical Adam - he never had a mother-in-law ... But, in any case, I would like to quote eloquent everyday proverbs from Dahl's dictionary: “A mother-in-law has a son-in-law - a beloved son” or “One born child is a daughter, and another betrothed is a son-in-law.”

Meanwhile, the veneration of mother-in-law in many countries of the world has an ancient tradition. For example, the tribes that inhabited the territory of modern America had a special relationship with mothers-in-law, and the son-in-law had no right to speak, approach her, or touch her things without permission. But the mother-in-law, in turn, also had no right to interfere in the affairs of her son-in-law and give him advice.

By the way, linguists explain the origin of the Russian word "mother-in-law" as a derivative of the word "father-in-law" or "parent", that is, she is a "parent". And some language researchers believe that the Russian word "mother-in-law" comes from the verb "to comfort," reports the website rosregistr. Therefore, celebrating today's holiday, men, do not skimp on compliments and gifts to your mother-in-law, be attentive and friendly towards her.

And most importantly, remember that in front of you is a real woman who raised a precious treasure for you - your wife, who taught her to be an excellent housewife, a faithful wife and a caring mother.

I call my mother-in-law mom
I love her, I appreciate and respect her,
She is wise, beautiful, cheerful,
And still very young.
Accept congratulations on your birthday,
Live happily ever after
May fate generously reward you
All the best to you, joy, kindness.

Happy birthday mother-in-law
I congratulate you sincerely, with all my heart,
Let the nightingale sing to you in the grove,
Always be young at heart.
I'll pour a glass in your honor,
May luck not leave you
Let all worries pass by
Let reliable friends surround you.

I call my mother-in-law my second mother,
Happy birthday, I heartily congratulate
Thank you for the wisdom, for the good,
For cordiality, affection and warmth.
Let the years fly by
Let time run inexorably
Stay always beautiful, young,
For a long, happy life.

Dear mother-in-law, happy birthday,
I wish you health, joy, kindness,
So that life flows, not for a second, without fading,
So that today is always better than yesterday.
May happiness always smile on you
Let there be a favorable fate
May good health always be
All the best to you, peace and family warmth.

Congratulations, mother-in-law, happy birthday to you,
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart,
Let life give you only inspiration,
Let luck accompany you on your way.
May fate be favorable to you,
Good health and less trouble,
May good news always please you,
I wish you joy for many, many years.

I am sincerely proud of my mother-in-law,
I learn a lot from her
In all matters, the mother-in-law is right,
You can't do without wise advice.
May your birthday bring you good luck
And the mood of beauty in addition,
Let the dream always come true
Let reliable friends surround you.

I wish, mother-in-law, on your birthday,
Health, joy, fun,
May fate smile on you
Let bad weather forget you forever.
Live in happiness for many years
No worries, no sadness, no troubles,
May all your dreams come true
Let all bad things be forgotten forever.

Your merits cannot be counted,
You are the source of kindness
Golden heart - mother-in-law,
Treasure of spiritual beauty.
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart,
Let them forget the address of your bad weather,
May hope, faith and love,
You are supported again and again.

Mother-in-law is in jokes
And in the family you are our mother,
Independent personality
And an educated lady.
I am very grateful to you
For the correctness of the relationship,
For love, support, help,
Friendship of different generations!

Welcoming and friendly, kind
And you know how to listen and understand.
You are ready to help at any time
Support the wise with your advice.
Thank you for the warmth of your soul
You give our family with love.
We wish you happiness, great luck,
Well-being, excellent health!

Who loves son-in-law like his own son,
Who keeps the peace of mind?!
Who, as the source of the saint's patience,
Remove all difficulties with a good hand ?!
Who wishes us boundless happiness,
Who talks about love and harmony?!
Who forgets about himself because of us
And will heal forever from insults ?!

Mother-in-law - Our dear mother,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
Do not find us in the world more beautiful.
We are in a hurry to wish you:
So that the years do not grow old,
Grandchildren often visited
Let no trouble
Will not touch, nor sadness.

On this holiday I will say directly:
“You are my second mother! »
I give you the warmth of my heart!
Thank you for my wife!
Let the years fly by
For us, you are always young!
And let the wishes come true already
After all, we know that you are a real angel in your soul!

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For over 70 years, the 4th Sunday of October has been celebrated as International Mother-in-Law Day. The birthplace of the celebration is America, where it is celebrated on a grand scale. The holiday first appeared on March 5, 1934. Over the years, it was decided to change the date due to specific circumstances.

history of the holiday

The ancestor of International Mother-in-Law Day is the editor of one of the local newspapers in the US state of Texas. History has not preserved his name. In an issue of his newspaper, he published an article dedicated to the holidays Mother's Day and Father's Day. The material would have remained unremarkable if, at its conclusion, the author had not drawn an analogy with his mother-in-law. According to him, this woman plays a key role in the lives of children of both sexes, and she does not have her own holiday!

The editor liked the author's joke. The theme was developed, and on March 5, 1934, Mother-in-Law Day was celebrated in the USA for the first time. A couple of years later, the baton was picked up by the countries of Latin America and Europe, over time, the celebration became one of the most beloved in the whole world. Needless to say, the joke was able to take root, which could not but please the mothers of the wives.

At first, Mother-in-Law's Day was celebrated in the spring, but then it was possible to move it to the 4th Sunday of October. In the Russian Federation, this holiday began to be celebrated more or less only at the end of the 90s, that is, not very long ago. However, it has not yet received proper distribution, which can only be sincerely regretted.

The most beloved holiday of all men - Mother-in-Law Day, is celebrated every fourth Sunday in October. And, although it is not considered official, and appeared quite recently - in the 1930s, and originated as a comic holiday, it quickly gained popularity. The word "mother-in-law" itself is derived from the word "father-in-law" or "parent". So she is a true parent.

Some believe that "mother-in-law" comes from the word "comfort." Mother-in-law's Day, according to one version, is an alternative to Father's Day and Mother's Day. Such a comparison was made by one of the editors of the Texas newspaper. After all, the mother-in-law is also a mother, albeit not her own, but still.

When is mother-in-law's day

Mother-in-law's Day was first celebrated on March 5, 1934. And the beginning of the tradition to celebrate such an interesting event was laid in the USA and Latin America. Over time, this date was moved to October. In 2016, this wonderful holiday falls on October 23rd.

Mother-in-law's Day in Ukraine is traditionally celebrated in a close family circle. The son-in-law undertakes all the preparations for the feast in honor of his second mother. And in the family circle, at the set table, he says words of gratitude for a well-educated daughter, for help, understanding and care.

This is how we celebrate in our country. But, for example, in one of the Indian tribes from the moment of the engagement of her daughter until her death, the mother-in-law does not talk to her son-in-law and does not even look into his eyes. In some tribes that inhabited the territory of modern America, the son-in-law could neither speak nor approach the mother-in-law without permission. It was forbidden even to touch her things. But it's not all bad here. The mother-in-law, in turn, also could not interfere in the affairs of her son-in-law. That is, it turns out two completely non-contiguous families. It's about celebrating the holiday - Mother-in-law's Day and there can be no talk.

And one more interesting fact. In a Colombian city there is a custom according to which the mother-in-law is present at the wedding night of the young. A little awkward, isn't it?

And here is the good one. It was thanks to his mother-in-law that V. Roentgen discovered his rays. He forgot to turn off one of his devices and went to bed. An hour later, his mother-in-law woke him up and said that when she passed by the office, she saw light through a crack in the door. V. Roentgen went to have a look and found that the screen was glowing with a glow that was not yet known at that time. Further it received the name "X-rays".

Congratulations on Mother-in-Law's Day

So how to congratulate and what to give for mother-in-law's Day? As mentioned above, grandiose festivities are not arranged on this day. The closest people gather at the festive table. The son-in-law says warm words to his wife's mother. After all, she gave birth, raised and raised such a wonderful daughter. Anything that your heart desires can serve as a gift on this day. From a holiday card to a car. But, believe me, the most important gift to your mother-in-law will be your gratitude and love.

(3 votes, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Every year on the fourth Sunday of October, the world celebrates International Mother-in-Law Day. In 2017, this holiday falls on October 22.

"Vesti" has collected ideas for congratulations on Mother-in-Law's Day in words and in pictures.

Congratulations mother-in-law

I congratulate you on Mother-in-Law's Day. I wish you to feel great, always remain as sincere and kind, as wonderful and beloved by all of us. Let your years measure not age, but happily lived days and great achievements that your whole family is proud of.

Mother-in-law is in jokes

And in the family you are our mother,

Independent personality

And an educated lady.

I am very grateful to you

For the correctness of the relationship,

For love, support, help,

Friendship of different generations!

Happy mother-in-law's day to you! Thank you for my wife, for kindness and understanding, for kind words and care. I wish you to stay young on the outside and inside. May the smiles and love of loved ones warm you. Health to you, mom!

Oh mom, you are irreplaceable in the family

You are very young, happy

Today is a holiday for everyone!

We wish to live another century

Whatever they grieve, live happily

And people gave your smile

Good health to you, nerves of steel

All the best! What if they were unearthly!

Who loves son-in-law like his own son,

Who keeps the peace of mind?!

Who, as the source of the saint's patience,

Remove all difficulties with a good hand ?!

Who wishes us boundless happiness,

Who talks about love and harmony?!

Who forgets about himself because of us

And will heal forever from insults ?!

4 sms - 215 characters:

I wish you with all my heart

Many health, long years,

Success, great joys,

So that life gives a bright light!

Let it be whatever you want

Let dreams come true!

Always live happily

Not knowing the troubles and fuss!

4 sms - 211 characters:

Favorite mother-in-law

Accept congratulations.

I wish you

Only happiness, fun.

I wish you health

Love and good luck.

And if they offend

We will give back to everyone!

Let everyone respect

Keep like a diamond.

And let them surround

Only those close to you!

4 sms - 244 characters:

From Moscow to Amsterdam

They know - there is no better mother,

And I'll say it easier -

There is no favorite mother-in-law.

I won't sleep tonight

I'll go out to the square

I'll scream all over the country

How I love my mother-in-law.

How good we are with you

Let the years run

stay young

Mommy, always!

3 sms - 180 characters:

I love my mother-in-law, I will not hide,

I always give her flowers!

I buy gifts for her

I almost adore!

Happy mother-in-law's day, dear!

Be healthy, don't get sick

You are so golden

Let me pour a full glass!


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