How to clean silver with foil. How to clean silver with baking soda and foil without ruining it How to clean silver with baking soda and foil

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The loss of the original luster of silver products is due to several factors: the formation of an oxide film due to exposure to oxygen, the influence of chemicals (shower gels, cosmetics, chlorinated water in the pool), clogging of small elements of jewelry with particles of dust and dirt. Cleaning silver with soda and foil effectively copes with all the listed types of pollution. It belongs to the category of chemical, as it is due to the reaction of aluminum and soda with water.

This method is not suitable for cleaning blackened silver. Dark areas will become faded, and white spots may appear from the oxide film that has settled on them.

How it works?

The recipe has only 3 ingredients:

  • baking soda;
  • baking foil (aluminum);
  • water.

Soda plays the role of a cleansing and whitening component. In addition, it enters into a chemical reaction with aluminum and water, during which atomic hydrogen is released. It is he who restores the metal from oxides. As a result, the oxide film from silver lags behind and is cleaned. Sometimes it immediately dissolves in water, but more often after processing, the product must be wiped with a soft cloth to remove residual plaque.

Step-by-step instruction

The procedure will not take long. Everything about everything will take at most 15 minutes. At the same time, no special knowledge and skills are needed - the method is absolutely safe for use at home.

So how do you clean silver with foil and baking soda?

  1. Tear the foil into a deep dish (for example, a mug), pour baking soda and mix. For 200 ml of water, you need 2 teaspoons of soda and a piece of foil about 15 cm by 10 cm.
  2. At the next stage, you need to place silver items in a container and pour boiling water on top. Be careful! A reaction will occur and foam will form, which may spill onto the table.
  3. Without waiting for the water to cool, after 5-10 minutes the silver will need to be removed and wiped with a soft cloth. After that, the products will sparkle like new.

During the cleaning process, an unpleasant smell of hydrogen sulfide will be felt. Do not be alarmed, it indicates that the reaction has taken place and the silver is being actively purified.

How to enhance the effect?

There are several options for using the recipe. Cleaning occurs even in cold water when soaking. However, in this case, you will have to wait from 1 to 2 days. Many, on the contrary, seek to intensify the reaction, so as not to wait, but immediately, for sure, to get a clean sparkling product from the solution.

  • To enhance the effect, laundry soap and salt are included in the classic recipe. The proportions are: 500 ml of water, 2 tbsp. spoons of soda, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of table salt, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of grated soap or the same amount of dish detergent.
  • Heating always speeds up a chemical reaction. Therefore, in order to clean silver as quickly as possible, the solution with products can be boiled over low heat. But no more than half an hour!
  • Instead of regular baking soda, you can take soda ash for washing. It is more caustic, so the concentration should be halved (1 teaspoon per 200 ml of boiling water).

With the help of foil, you can not only clean silver, but also store it. It protects the metal from darkening (oxidation). To do this, each product is wrapped in a dense layer of foil and stored in a dark place, for example, in a box.

In conclusion, the foil and soda method is effective and allows you to quickly and effectively clean silver at home. However, with expensive products it is better not to risk it. It would be more correct to entrust this task to a professional jeweler or purchase a special tool. To clean silver, wipes, washing, cleaning solutions (Tableau, HG or other companies) are produced.

Jewelry is a great addition to the beauty of a person. It is for this reason that every person strives to maintain their jewelry in the best possible way. Let's look at what care should be taken for silver items so that they serve and delight us for many years.

Researchers believe that the first silver jewelry and items appeared in ancient Egypt. It happened in the period from 500 AD. Given that silver is not found in a perfectly pure form in nature, it was highly valued by people in antiquity. Even gold was sometimes less valuable in the eyes of our ancient ancestors. Moreover, since ancient times, silver has been given symbolic as well as magical significance. It was believed that it has some unearthly power.

Today, in many homes there are silver items of various types. It can be:

  • Jewelry;
  • interior items;
  • cutlery.

Over time, silver can lose its original beauty. It may just darken. Sometimes, on an object made of silver metal, you can notice a green or blue coating. But what about shine? Is it possible to give the product its former charm? Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to do this on our own, at home. Let's find out in more detail how soda and foil can help us.

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Reasons why silver darkens

Silver may tarnish from time to time. One of the reasons may be the increased level of humidity. Moreover, such an effect is exerted on this material as a result of long contact with human skin. In order to avoid the process of silver tarnishing, it is important to know all the causes of such an action. It is also important to know how to clean such products. Some of the reasons silver can turn black are:

  • moisture;
  • cosmetics with sulfur;
  • features of human sweat.

So, the product darkens when it is exposed to moist air or skin. Although silver is resistant to acids as well as alkalis, it succumbs to hydrogen sulfide, which reigns in the air. When silver collides with sulfur in cosmetics, blackening occurs. And human sweat can affect metal in this way. Scientists have proven that the color of such a precious metal as silver can change. It all depends on the composition of human sweat. An excess of nitrogen in the human body contributes to the accelerated process of darkening of silver.

In order to know how to clean this metal in the right way, it is necessary to take into account some factors. For example, the alloy of the product is important. There are such alloys:

  1. sterling;
  2. monetary;
  3. nielloed;
  4. matte;
  5. filigree.

In addition, it is important to take into account the presence of such additional elements as stones and other inserts. You should be careful if the product contains elements such as:

  • corals;
  • amber;
  • pearl.

In this case, it is better to entrust the cleaning of the product to a professional. These stones are sensitive and gentle to the influence of chemistry and acid agents. At home, without skills, you can easily ruin them.

The most effective way to clean silver metals is to clean with a professional cleaner. You can find and purchase such goods in a hardware or jewelry store. If there are no special liquids and products at hand, then folk methods for cleaning silver will come to the rescue.

Cleaning silver from darkening with soda

The easiest and most affordable way to clean silver is soda. To make a solution, we need half a liter of plain water, as well as two tablespoons of baking soda. We mix the soda, put the container with the solution on the fire. This is very easy to do at home.

When the water boils, then a small piece of food foil should be placed in the container. Now you can lower our silver products into the water. Soak them in water for just a few minutes and they will be clean and sparkling again.

You can make another solution with soda to clean the products. We take aluminum dishes, collect water in it, add a little detergent liquid, and also put a little salt and soda. Boil our decorations on a small fire for half an hour.

If you have valuable silver items that you wear only on special occasions, you can store them in a dry place. Each decoration is best wrapped in foil, one at a time. This will keep the silver from oxidizing, and it will serve you for many years to come.

If we have blackened silver cutlery, they can also be cleaned with soda. To do this, you need to put them in a container in which there will be foil at the bottom. Up to three tablespoons of soda can be poured over the appliances. On top, again, put food foil. Now fill the container with boiling water. Soda will do its job, and after fifteen minutes you can rinse the appliances with running water, and use them again in everyday life. So you can easily clean cutlery at home.

You can take a container, wrap it in foil, and fold the silver in one layer. Then you can sprinkle salt and soda on top, as well as a few drops of dishwashing liquid. All this also needs to be poured with boiling water for ten minutes.

You can also make a silver cleaning solution from tooth powder, baking soda, and ammonia. This method is considered the most effective. The mixture is applied to silver with a soft brush, and washed off with cold water.

Do not forget that silver cleaning is carried out only when necessary. For example, you do not need to clean such types of silver as:

  • blackened;
  • filigree.

The fact is that blackness creates a special charm in such silver. Such refinement is foolish to spoil. Therefore, do not try to clean these types of silver.

Cleaning silver jewelry with stones

There are liquids for cleaning jewelry and household silver. They help not to harm the product in the process. Moreover, these agents create a protective film on the silver item. But there is a way to clean your silver yourself, at home.

If the product contains stones, then it is not necessary to resort to the help of specialists. You can make a good cleaning solution. We will need:

  1. water;
  2. shavings of laundry soap;
  3. ammonia.

Bring this solution to a boil. When the mixture has cooled, it can be applied to any piece of silver with a toothbrush. So the metal will be cleaned. Blackness directly near the stone can be removed with cotton swabs. We moisten the stick in the solution, and lubricate the product around the stones. Our silver is pure. As you can see, it can be cleaned at home, no problem.

There are three good tips. If the product is dirty, it is enough to place them in a soapy solution. Let the products stay in this water for some time. Then you can clean the silver jewelry with a soft, flexible brush.

If there are no stones in the product, then it can be easily lightened. We will need a solution from such means as:

  1. lemon acid;
  2. or ammonia.

To enhance the effect, you can heat our solution. You can also use regular potatoes. It must be rubbed and then filled with water. Decorations are lowered into such water for a couple of minutes. Wool should then be used to polish the silver to a lustrous sheen.

You can also use a stationery eraser to clean silver inserts at home. You need to rub with the light side of the gum. With a little effort, you will soon notice that the black will come off the silver. Instead of an eraser, lipstick is often used. With its help, silver is cleaned without scratches.

Silver is a widely used metal, which is used not only in the manufacture of jewelry, but also in the production of cutlery and other household items. Outwardly, it looks no worse than gold, but much cheaper. But silver has one drawback - it quickly darkens, so we will look at how silver is cleaned with soda and foil separately and together.

The main reason for the darkening of silver is considered to be the impact of the environment, namely moisture, cosmetics, and human sweat, because they contain sulfur or hydrogen sulfide, which adversely affects silver products. In addition, excess nitrogen, which is in the human body and comes out through the sweat glands, also contributes to rapid darkening.

Thus, at some point, any silver jewelry can deteriorate. That's why it's important to know how to properly store and clean such items so as not to harm valuables.

Soda cleaning

Pour a liter of water into an aluminum bowl, add 20 gr. baking soda and salt, as well as a little dishwashing detergent. As soon as the solution boils, lower the silver items there and soak them there for 30 minutes.

You can wrap any container from the inside with foil, pour salt and soda in a tablespoon and pour a glass of boiling water. Dip silver jewelry into the composition and wait until the solution cools down. After that, the original shine will return.

The method of soda, toothpaste and liquid dish detergent (all ingredients must be taken in equal proportions) also does an excellent job. The resulting slurry rubs silver appliances. At the end of the procedure, it remains to rinse them with water and wipe dry.

If there are precious stones on the products, then try a composition of water, soap shavings and a few drops of ammonia. After bringing everything to a boil and letting it cool, process the silver with a cloth napkin. Hard-to-reach places can be rubbed with a cotton swab dipped in the same solution.

foil cleaning

Foil and potato broth will help clear the darkening on silver at home: pour the liquid that remains after boiling the potatoes into a container, put a piece of foil there. Dip a silver chain or any other product into the composition for 10-15 minutes. Then remove the jewel, rinse under water and dry.

In a solution of vinegar with water (1: 1), put a few sheets of foil, and then immerse the silver there. Leave for a few hours, then wipe the metal with a tissue.

You can clean silver jewelry or cutlery with citric acid with foil - the composition is also prepared, as in the vinegar recipe. After curing the products, be sure to rinse them and dry with a soft cloth.

Baking soda and foil

Now let's combine soda and silver cleaning foil: take 2 tablespoons of soda for half a liter of water, put the container on fire and bring to a boil. Next, put a few pieces of foil into the boiling solution and put all the silver items there. Just a few minutes of being in such a non-standard boiling composition, and the products will be as good as new.

You can clean silver with foil and soda with the addition of vinegar or citric acid. In this case, you don’t have to boil anything, it’s enough to make a remedy from a liter of water, a tablespoon of soda and 0.5 liters of vinegar or 1 tbsp. spoons of acid. We add pieces of foil there, and then fold all the silver items. After 5-6 hours, the objects will shine again, attracting attention.

Silver Care

Purification of silver with foil is due to the reaction between silver and aluminum sulfite. Moreover, in a cold aqueous solution, the processes take longer than in a warm one. But in order to carry out such procedures less often, you should learn how to properly care for silver items:

  • ensure storage in special boxes or places that protect from light and dust;
  • remove silver jewelry before applying cosmetics, showering and sleeping;
  • it is also important to clean the house without wearing silver rings, chains, etc.;
  • silver cutlery should be washed immediately and wiped dry;
  • if you have to store such items for a long time, wrap them in foil, it will become a protection from external influences.

Silver jewelry and other products made of this metal, covered with a black coating and tarnished, will acquire an attractive shine by cleaning the silver with soda and foil. This is one of the most effective cleansers that not only restores radiance, but also stops oxidative processes.

How the method works

The darkening of silver can be due to various reasons. The precious metal darkens and tarnishes with time and moisture, with prolonged contact with the skin and sweat glands of a person. Silver products lose their luster under the influence of hydrogen sulfide contained in the air.

With the help of foil and soda, you can clean jewelry, cutlery, silver interior items. Baking soda has strong absorbent properties. Unlike chemical cleaners, cleaning silver with this method is gentle and does not affect the top layer of the metal.

Baking soda is used as a bleaching and cleansing ingredient. This product activates a chemical reaction with aluminum and foil, which produces atomic hydrogen. It is this component that contributes to the easy lagging of the oxide film from the silver product, the restoration of the precious metal from oxides.

At home, 800, 830, 875, 925 and 960 silver can be cleaned with baking soda and foil. The method is not used for blackened and gilded precious metals.

How to clean silver with baking soda and foil

Watch the video for cleaning silver with baking soda and foil using a silver coin as an example.

Cleaning silver items with soda and foil is the fastest way that will require minimal time and material costs. The whole process will take no more than 10-15 minutes, and the result can be seen after the first application.

For cleaning you will need:

  • baking soda;
  • baking foil.

You can effectively clean silver with foil and soda solution in various ways, depending on the degree of contamination of precious metal products.

Before cleaning, the blackened product must be prepared - washed in warm water, cleaned of dust.

An easy way to clean light dirt

If the precious metal has slight contamination and darkening, you can use a simple and affordable method with baking soda and foil.

  1. Line the bottom of a small bowl with a sheet of aluminum foil.
  2. Place a silver item on the foil.
  3. Then soda is added - pour a thin layer of the product.
  4. Fill with water and leave for 5-7 minutes - the appearance of lush foam indicates an active chemical reaction.
  5. Rinse the product under running water, dry with a paper towel.

If, after the first procedure, blackened spots remain on the silver, the cleaning is repeated 2-3 times until they completely disappear.

Effective cleaning of medium dirt

Soda solution with foil is an effective method to clean silver items from medium to light stains.

  1. Dilute 50 g of baking soda in 500 ml of hot water.
  2. Line the bottom of a small saucepan or bowl with a sheet of aluminum foil.
  3. Lay out a silver product and pour a solution of soda.
  4. Leave the jewelry in the solution for 4-6 minutes.
  5. Rinse the cleaned product in cool water and polish using a small piece of velvet, wool or fleece.

The basic rule for effective cleaning of silver products is to use foil first and only after that soda solution. To activate the chemical reaction, it is necessary to contact the precious metal and aluminum, so first the decoration is laid out on the foil, then baking soda is added.

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Cleaning from heavy dirt

To clean heavy, extensive dirt, remove blackened stains and restore shine to silver items, it is best to use boiling water. At high water temperatures, the chemical reaction proceeds much faster and more actively.

  1. Line the bottom of a small saucepan with a sheet of baking foil.
  2. Mix 100 g of baking soda with 1 liter of water.
  3. Place the saucepan over low heat and bring to a boil.
  4. Dip the silver item in boiling water for 13-16 seconds.
  5. Remove the decoration from the saucepan, rinse and dry with a napkin.

To clean cutlery, figurines and other silverware, you can use a different method. Line the bottom of the saucepan with a small sheet of food foil, lay out cutlery, sprinkle them with 2-3 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate on top and cover with another sheet of foil. Pour the products with boiling water and leave for 13-16 minutes. After that, they need to be rinsed under running water and dried with a paper towel.

Can the effect be enhanced?

You can increase the effectiveness of cleaning products with baking soda and foil by heating water. The hotter the soda solution, the faster the silver product will be cleaned.

Ways to improve efficiency:

  1. Adding laundry soap or table salt to the cleansing solution - for each tablespoon of soda, 1 spoon of soap or ½ tablespoon of table salt is added.
  2. Silver items do not need to be kept in boiling water for longer than 25-35 minutes.
  3. With the most severe, advanced pollution, food sodium bicarbonate can be replaced with a calcined product - in this case, its dosage is reduced to 2.5 tsp.

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Baking soda combined with foil is a simple, affordable and effective homemade silver cleaner. It helps to stop oxidative processes, remove blackness and turbidity, restore impeccable cleanliness and shine to jewelry.

From time immemorial, jewelry has been designed to evoke in others emotions that are favorable for the person being decorated. After all, you must admit, it is pleasant for a person to look at clean, shiny jewelry. Therefore, it is necessary to properly store, sometimes clean to maintain a beautiful appearance of the decoration. Silver is one of the favorite materials for making jewelry, because it looks beautiful and is inexpensive. But since this metal has a very characteristic, not at all pleasant, feature of darkening over time, a lot of ways to clean it have been tested in practice. Cleaning silver at home with foil and soda is one of the most effective, simple, and therefore popular. About him and other options for funds will be discussed in this article.

Why do jewelry deteriorate?

From time to time, silver becomes dull, one of the possible reasons is an increased level of humidity. The metal is also affected by contact with human skin:

  • Moisture;
  • Cosmetics with sulfur;
  • Features of human sweat.

In order to know how to clean silver at home, we must analyze the types of this metal:

  • sterling;
  • monetary;
  • nielloed;
  • matte;
  • filigree.

Important! There is no need to clean filigree, blackened types of metal!

It is necessary to take into account the presence of additional elements. You should be careful if the inlay contains:

  • corals;
  • amber;
  • pearl.

Silver Cleaning Methods

The following describes how to clean silverware and dishes. Each proposed method is simple and does not require much effort from you. The effect is usually noticeable almost immediately.


  1. The first and one of the main actions is to wash the metal in a thick solution of detergent.
  2. For the best effect, bring the solution to 50 C, soak appliances or jewelry for 30 minutes.
  3. After this, we wash everything soaked with a sponge.

Cleaning silver at home with foil and soda:

A solution of salt, soda, detergent

We need aluminum utensils:

  1. We collect water in it, add detergent (liquid).
  2. Next, add salt, soda.
  3. Boil our decorations over low heat for 30 minutes.

Tooth powder, ammonia, soda:

  1. All ingredients are mixed.
  2. The mixture is applied to the silver with a soft brush and then washed off with water.
  3. In conclusion, it is necessary to dry the products well and polish them.

Solution for products with stones and other elements:

  1. We take: water, shavings of laundry soap, ammonia.
  2. Bring the solution of these substances to a boil.
  3. After it cools, apply to any silverware with a toothbrush.

Important! Hard-to-reach places can be cleaned with ear sticks.

Another solution for simple products without stones:

  1. We heat citric acid or ammonia to enhance the effect. You can also grate potatoes, and then pour water.
  2. We lower the products into the selected product for a couple of minutes.
  3. After we take wool and three to a shining shine.
  • Clean silverware and cutlery separately from other household items to avoid scratches and damage to coatings.
  • When cleaning and washing silver, do not use rubber gloves, because they can cause microcracks.
  • It is advisable to give products with French or oxidized metal to professionals.
  • You should not go too far with cleaning silver, as you can tear off the decorative coating, for example, mistaking it for plaque.

How to properly store silver?

It is advisable to store silver separately from other metals - in caskets or velvet bags. If they are not available, then you can use plastic bags, the main thing is that they do not scratch each other!

The following materials must not be used for storage:

  • paper packaging;
  • Cardboard;
  • Viscose silk.

Important! Such packages contain sulfur, which provokes the darkening of silver.


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