How to grow a beard if it grows poorly: what to do? Tips and ways. how to grow a beautiful beard how to grow a beard and mustache

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World-famous bearded men dictate the fashion for thick and stylish facial hair, as a result of which many men want to imitate their idols and grow a beard. In fact, the technique of how to grow a beard requires clear knowledge and actions, since not every man by nature is given the opportunity to quickly and thickly grow facial hair.

You can consult on how to properly grow a beard, sideburns and mustache at the nearest barbershop with a specialist in this field. There is nothing difficult in this, it is only important to ensure regular care for your hair and refuse to shave. In the future, a man needs to learn how to model a beard, cut, style and maintain its original appearance.

It is necessary to start growing facial hair during the holidays or weekends, since at first the man’s appearance will be slightly careless. Otherwise, the ambiguous reaction of others can break a man and make him change his mind. As a rule, it takes about 4 weeks to grow hair, in the future, the regrown length can be straightened and styled.

For reference! Oriental men with dark hair can grow a beard a little faster, about 2-4 weeks.

At the initial stage of growing out, it is important not to touch the machine, trimmer or razor, so as not to start modeling and cutting hair ahead of time. Even in the case when a man plans a short, neat beard, it should be cut no earlier than after 4 weeks. Since in most cases the first haircut and styling affects a lot of the length of the hair on the chin.

How to grow a beard and mustache?

A man who has gone through puberty, starting at the age of 18 and older, can grow a beard. In fact, growing a beard from scratch is the most time-consuming and time-consuming process. Experts even divide it into several stages that men will need to go through:

Only after going through three stages, a man will be able to become the bearer of a full-fledged thick beard. In the future, from this vegetation, you can model any kind of male beards according to personal choice, fashion trends and advice from barbers.

What to do if the beard does not grow?

Initially, the time interval for growing a beard was determined by experts at 2-6 months. If during this time it was not possible to let go of a long and thick beard, the man needs to find the reasons for this and eliminate them. To stimulate the growth of hair on the beard, experts advise several methods:

  1. Taking medications, but only after diagnosis in clinics and doctor's approval (,).
  2. The use of traditional medicine, it can be masks from and, red pepper and essential oils.
  3. The use of cosmetics. Specialized remedies work on the same principle as traditional medicine, but they act faster and cost several times more.

Doctors also advise those men who have problems with hair growth to periodically take vitamin and mineral complexes, which include zinc, selenium, and B vitamins.

Shape Modeling

After a man understood what it takes to grow a beard and was able to achieve his goal, the next step is to model the beard. To do this, you need to compare your external data and features, compare them with the existing types and forms of the beard, only after that proceed with cutting and shaving. There are several factors to consider when choosing beard shapes:

  • height and weight;
  • face shape;
  • density and shade of facial hair;
  • general image of the image of a man.

For a different type of face, certain forms of a beard are assumed. Faces can be round, oval, thin, square, triangular. For short stature, long beards are not suitable, as well as for black hair. Also, the character of the man himself, his lifestyle and professional activities play an important role. To model a beard, use a trimmer, machine, scissors, shaving and skin care products.

Advice! You need to start modeling a beard by shaving those areas of the face where a beard is not expected. To create an identical beard shape according to the template, you can draw lines on the face with a pencil to which the beard should grow. If there is a beard with a mustache, they are cut last.

Laying and care

It is important for a man to know not only how to start growing a beard and how to model it, but also how to care for it in the future in order to preserve its original appearance as much as possible. The advice of experts is based on the fact that any man's beard is always well-groomed, for this you need to acquire the following tools:

  • beard shampoo;
  • beard balm or conditioner;
  • skin cream;
  • hair oil;
  • beard wax.

You need to wash your beard 1-2 times a day, depending on its length and density, as well as before shaving and cutting. After that, the hairs are combed, the skin of the face is moisturized with a cream, and with the help of oil, the hair of the beard and mustache is nourished and made soft and manageable. To make the beard take the desired shape, apply a spray or wax.


Regardless of whether a man dreams of growing and modeling a Russian beard or a short goatee, a beard will need to be grown for several weeks, refusing to shave. Expert advice will help you cope with all the tasks at home. If a man doubts his own abilities, a barber in the salon can set the tone. And in the future, the man will maintain the chosen shape of the beard, and take care of it on his own at home.

Growing a beard is a very complex and lengthy process. But this applies only to a thick, long and regular shape. There are exceptions when a man loves a perfectly shaved face, and hair climbs after a couple of minutes after shaving. But basically, to have a really attractive appearance, you need to make a lot of effort and, be patient. In our article, we will tell you how to grow a beard, what means to use for rapid growth, and how to choose the shape that suits you.

No brutality? Don't worry - let's grow!

How many of you have had a situation when you come to the cinema with your girlfriend (she even at home in front of the TV) watch some action, action movie or even a cult TV series "Game of Thrones" and notice a loving female look towards the protagonist? Come on, strain your brains (we are sure that there are a lot of them) and remember what the characters look like? We can bet that 70 percent of them have a beard or at least stubble.

Tom Hardy, Gerard Butler, Kit Harington, and the same football players, for example, David Beckham. And you can’t say that they are simply too lazy to shave. Of course, there are exceptions, and even world celebrities have “three hairs in seven rows”, but this is an extremely rare occurrence. Usually, especially if it is required for the role, the actors turn to barbers who care for, moisturize, nourish and even comb the growing beard.

But what should ordinary mortals do who want to at least look like the vegetation of those guys from whom all the girls in the country go crazy? So, sit back, grab some popcorn, joke (though?), notepad, and write it down. Further information is very important and if you follow all our recommendations, then soon everyone will envy your brutality.

Where to begin?

Let's immediately agree that we are not striving for the image of Robinson Crusoe. Otherwise, just drive to a desert island and she will appear by itself. The truth is far from perfect. Our task is to be attractive (although each has its own reasons, we will not go into depth).

We want to warn you right away, if you are a young man (from 14-16 years old) do not rush to become overgrown. First, you still have time. Enjoy youth. Secondly, you simply won't be able to do it. The hormonal background at this age is not yet stable and the hairs will grow unevenly, which will create a sloppy and sometimes strange look. Be patient for a couple of years, shave with a regular razor (it cuts the hair, but does not touch the root) and over time you yourself will notice when the bristles are thicker and more uniform. Then proceed to the next steps.

What suits me?

Ask yourself this very question to understand what to strive for. Far from everyone is goatee or bretta (we'll talk about the types below). But also keep in mind that not every job is allowed to wear a beard of any shape. Check this in advance so as not to waste time in vain.

To accurately have an idea of ​​your future appearance, contact the barbershop. Just read the reviews about it, otherwise amateurs can experiment, spend time, but don’t suggest anything sensible. The same advice applies to the long-awaited shaping, when sufficient length has grown - the inexperienced can demolish your labors. Well, the pros will select the ideal option, starting from the shape of the skull.

By the way, many barbershops use a special program (you can download it yourself) where different options are applied to your face. Thus, you can visualize your future appearance.

face shape

  • Oval. It is recommended to focus on width and density. This way you smooth out the angularity. But if the face is elongated, then it is worth abandoning the long and wedge-shaped shape.
  • Wide cheekbones. The dream of many, since there is enough three-day stubble and brutality is already provided.
  • Round. Forget sideburns and round edges. Notice the trapezium or square edges.
  • triangular. We do not recommend a sharp end. It is better to grow a square, trapezoidal, and medium length.

By the way, about the length - take into account everything, even your complexion. We don’t want to upset anyone, let alone offend, but believe me, a short guy, but with a long, thick beard (albeit super-groomed) will not look attractive, but funny.

Popular types:

  • short and medium bristles;
  • short and wide up to 5 cm;
  • classical.;
  • duck tail;
  • French fork;
  • round;
  • bretta;
  • verdi;
  • garibaldi;
  • old Dutchman;
  • Eric Bandhold style;
  • goatee;
  • goatee;
  • pencil beard;
  • captain;
  • Pharaoh;
  • Napoleon 3;
  • anchor beard;
  • balbo;
  • wide tanks;
  • fused wide tanks.

Has the image been rendered? Now let's get down to the process itself.

Forget about trimmers, razors and blades

Well, at least for the first time. For a month, don't even look in your shaving cabinet. Even if it itchs. And it will definitely itch, because the ends of the hair are sharp, and after a couple of weeks they begin to bend and prick the skin. The neck is usually the most itchy, due to frequent movement. Avoid wearing a scarf as it can only make the discomfort worse. Several exits:

  • tolerate. Stand near the mirror and say to yourself: “I am a man, I can!!!”. But whom do we deceive, no one can resist;
  • you stoically held on, but are already ready to give up. A moisturizer or oils come to the rescue.

Do not use alcohol-based products, even if they relieve itching for a couple of seconds. Alcohol will exacerbate the situation because it will dry out the skin.

A month later, when the cherished, albeit small, vegetation is already visible, you can start modeling. We recommend that you contact the barbershop for the first time. They will do professional work there, and you will leave a completely different person. Then it will be enough just to maintain the given direction and trim the regrown places. You can do modeling at home. But it’s only better to do it with a straight razor or a trimmer. To shorten individual sections, you can use scissors.

But if your goal is to overgrow wherever possible, then you will have to wait and not touch anything. Even if the hairs grow unevenly (and this happens quite often). Many trim single processes, but where is the guarantee that the hand will not tremble and you will not remove the excess. So brace yourself and wait for the untidiness to be replaced by brutality.

Buy hair. Only necessarily from natural ingredients. Consult with the seller, who will give advice specifically in your case. In general, read our other article, where we describe the various oils and their effect on growth, density, silkiness and much more.

When the vegetation is significant (2 months), you need to trim it regularly with scissors. Use a small, straight comb to help. Remember that the usual comb of the wife or girl will not work. Do not save on such trifles - buy your own. So you can cut your hair in a straight line and give a neat look.


Now is the time to groom your beard the way it deserves. And don't be shy about it, it's not just women who need skin care.

For example, if you scrub your face or ground coffee, and then apply a hair growth product, it will absorb better and begin to act faster. And it happens due to the fact that the keratinized layer of the skin is removed due to the scrub.

Remember to cleanse your skin daily. Wash your face and wash your beard. But again, don't take your wife's shampoo. They are not designed for this purpose and will make them unnecessarily fluffy. Periodically rinse it with decoctions of chamomile or sage, so they are saturated with useful substances and become more pliable.

For rapid growth, use castor or burdock oil, for care and softening - olive, almond, coconut, linseed. If you add essential oils to your daily care, then in addition to useful properties, you will smell good and take a course of aromatherapy. And this is reassuring.

Advice. Before applying the oil, thoroughly steam the skin of the face and hair. So useful substances will penetrate deep through the opened follicles.

By the way, do not neglect styling products - wax, foam or gel. Especially if your hair is more than three months old, because it becomes naughty and curly.

Why is it still not growing?

For several months, you did everything right, looked after, moisturized, nourished with various means for growth, but the long-awaited shaggy hair is still missing? What is the reason?


    Like it or not, but it plays an important role in human life. It all depends on the gene that is in your family. And if no one in the family has thick hair, then you probably won’t either. In some peoples, hair grows only on the chin, or with bald spots. Only hair follicle transplantation can help. But think about whether you really want to make such sacrifices for the sake of image.

    Health status

    It's much easier here. First of all, remember what is bothering you? can skin rashes, stomach ache, teeth ache and so on. Consult doctors (therapist, dermatologist and others) and take tests. Chronic diseases or vitamin deficiencies adversely affect human health in general.


    If you regularly experience stress, do not get enough sleep, problems at work or in your personal life, and so on, then most likely this is precisely what caused growth to stop.

    Rest, take a vacation, meditate, in extreme cases, quit your job - if it makes you feel that way. This will definitely start a good reaction in the body.

    Among other things, limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages, stop smoking, eat healthy food. Include in your diet red and sea fish, nuts, cereals, meat, dairy products, vegetables.

    Go in for sports. This will increase testosterone levels, which you are likely to be deficient in.

So, you have decided to grow a beard. The first step of this process requires you to be patient, so put your razor away and wait. You will have to wait at least 20 days, maybe a little more or less, because each person has his own hair growth rate. In two or three weeks, everything that is destined to grow will grow, and you will get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat resources you have.

It is possible that at first the young growth will look so-so, and you will have a desire to shave off everything and never mess with facial hair again. Stop panic! At this stage, the beard is only gaining strength, so do not rush things. It makes sense to give it a clear outline after about a month of free growth. By the way, the widespread belief that frequent shaving will make the beard thicker has nothing to do with the truth.

Shape selection

When everything has grown, further events can develop according to two scenarios. Sometimes it turns out that instead of a beard, a person has only islands of vegetation of varying degrees of density. In this case, there is not much room for choice. It would be most reasonable to stop at the option with the localization of hair in one part of the face, for example, a goatee or an English beard. You should not worry about the density: when we are not talking about thickets all over the face, it is not of decisive importance. Precision is more important, so get rid of stubble in a timely manner and maintain clear beard boundaries.

If nothing unforeseen happened and the entire lower part of your face is covered with thick bristles, it is time to give this splendor a more definite outline. In choosing the type of beard, focus on the shape of your face.

Life hack: for complete symmetry, mark the outline of the beard in advance with an eyeliner borrowed from the lady of the heart.

  • Oval face. This shape is considered ideal, and the owners of others can approach it with the right type of beard. If by nature you got an oval face, you pulled out a lucky ticket: whatever beard you choose, with a high probability it will suit you. Experiment on health, you can do anything.
  • Round face. An oval is, roughly speaking, an elongated circle. Accordingly, in order to level the excessive width of the face, it is necessary to visually lengthen it. A trapezoid-shaped beard will help to do this. Avoid sideburns: they will only further round your cheeks.
  • Triangular face. A pointed chin will be smoothed out by a medium-length voluminous beard. A goatee is strictly contraindicated if you do not want to look like an operatic Mephistopheles.
  • Square face. Everything is clear here: your choice is rounded outlines. The length is optional, but the beard should soften the lines of your face anyway. A universal option is a three-day stubble.
  • Long face. Long beard - not at once. Strictly speaking, the shorter it is, the better. You can experiment with sideburns and goatee variations.

It is extremely important to consider height and build. A short man with a long beard will turn into a garden gnome, and a broad-shouldered big man with a tiny goatee will look rather strange. The taller and physically stronger you are, the more impressive beard you can afford.

And one more universal rule that should be applied regardless of the type of your beard: no hair on the neck. Cheeks, of course, are also better to shave clean, but options are possible here, but everything is strict with the neck: 2–3 centimeters above the Adam's apple is a zone free from vegetation.

Care rules

Any beard needs attention. Proponents of complete naturalness are usually a sad sight, evoking thoughts of geological expeditions and author's song festivals. It is unlikely that this is exactly the impression you want to give.

The arsenal of items needed by any self-respecting bearded man is rather modest: detergent, comb and a good trimmer. Oil, wax and other things from barbershops - at your discretion. Life shows that you can easily do without them.

The beard perfectly absorbs odors. Conduct an experiment: eat shawarma with garlic sauce during the day, and in the evening invite your family to guess what you had for dinner today. In order not to turn your beard into a repository of memories of your meals, wash it regularly. You can use a special shampoo, but any mild cleanser will do. Soap is not an option: it significantly dries the skin, hence itching, irritation and a feeling of tightness.

A comb is needed not only for owners of long beards. Almost any facial hair looks best when combed and smoothed. In addition, this procedure replaces massage, which is useful for accelerating hair growth.

Another life hack: to make a spiky beard a little softer, apply 3-4 drops of almond oil to it before combing it.

The trimmer is a truly versatile tool. This is a friend, comrade and brother of any beard bearer. By setting a certain length of haircut, you can give a divine look to long hair and keep your stubble in perfect condition. It can even replace a razor: remove the comb attachment and achieve perfect smoothness.

Criteria for a good trimmer: length setting with an accuracy of 0.2 millimeters, high-quality stainless steel blades, a convenient cleaning system and the ability to work both from the mains and from the battery. Moisture protection is up to you.

Trimmer Philips BT9290

The new Philips BT9290 trimmer makes it easy to give your beard a perfectly defined and symmetrical shape thanks to laser guidance technology. The beam indicates the line along which you need to trim the lush vegetation.

A beautiful beard is work. Not particularly difficult, but constant. Don't be afraid to experiment, grow it out, shave it off and grow it out again. Every man must grow a beard at least once in his life.

Every man had a desire to grow a beard, or there was an interest in how he would look with a beard. The growth of a beard in men is laid down by nature and gives solidity and masculinity. Do you want to grow a beard from scratch? I have collected the main points of the process in this article.

Decided to get a beard? Will have to work out a little

The main thing is that you should be comfortable, so initially we grow a beard and carefully observe the shape, experiment and adjust the growth process. It’s not enough just to hide the razor, trimmer and wait until you grow. Creating a new image, you encounter tasks on the way that you have to solve. But the desire to look spectacular spurred me to come to grips with the question of how to grow a beard, and even at home? The entire period of hair growth, which turns into a long head of hair on the face, is divided into several stages.

First stage

It lasts about three weeks, until the appearance of an established bristle. During this period, all men begin to itch. The reason is the sharp ends of the hair sticking out in different directions and pricking the face and neck area. But I was personally pleased that facial hair began to grow, and I did not pay attention to it under inspiration. If you have sensitive skin, you can use a face cream, it soothes irritation. It becomes clear in which areas there is more dense vegetation, where it is desirable to increase growth.

What determines the growth of a beard in guys.

How long it takes to grow a beard depends on genetics and the amount of the hormone testosterone, it is different for everyone. If it grows poorly, there is a remedy for beard growth and for stimulating hair growth in general. One of the popular ones is called Minoxidil.

On the cheeks, chin, where the bristles did not grow, the drug is applied. I can assure you it works effectively. If it does not grow, the mesoscooter provides effective assistance. A small device, with a spiked roller, to activate the metabolism in the skin. Starting to grow a beard is easy, but not everyone can go through all the stages and achieve a good result.

Second phase

For perseverance and diligence shown, growing a beard moves to the next stage. It starts approximately from the 1st month to the 3rd. The hair has grown and is taking shape. We must be prepared for surprised looks and moral attack from loved ones. In my case, I received a dose of criticism, and my wife jokingly threatened at night, during sleep, to spoil my efforts. But there were people who respected the decision, their support was inspiring. Especially when the son looked and said with admiration that when he grows up, he will also grow a beard. I confess that this was the best motivation for me.

Stage features

A feature of this period is careful care and adjustment. It is advisable to purchase a trimmer, scissors for cutting and a comb. I like a metal comb better, a wooden comb will work too. A trimmer is a handy thing, although some bearded men prefer scissors. According to experts, scissors do not ruffle the ends of the hair so much. But it does not affect the appearance. In my case, and this often happens, the mop of thickets twisted, especially on the cheeks, with hairs sticking out in different directions. Firmly grow further, you can shorten the sides and add volume to the chin. At the end of the period you will have a short, pretty beard on your face.

At the second stage of growing a beard at home, in order to thoroughly learn how to choose the right “face haircut” that suits me, I decided to visit a barbershop. This is a special institution where experts in men's hairstyles and style work. The master for the first time professionally corrected the chaos on the face, made a couple of practical tips on care and recommended using a balm. If the beard is difficult to style, use a special wax. I was helped after washing by an ordinary hair styling gel, which more or less evened out the hairs. I would like to warn you that if you yourself want to trim the length of the hairs, cut off gently a little so as not to spoil it.

But if the beard does not grow as you want, you need to consult with experts and try various additional methods. Do not give up, the problem is solved. Learn why men grow facial hair, and what folk remedies exist. They are quite effective and there is information about this on our website. An effective way to use oils and massage.

Do not dare to have a beard, grow a mustache. How to grow a mustache is easier to figure out than growing a beard and caring for it. A mustache will also give originality and diversify the appearance.

Final stage

After 3 months, within half a year, the beard in the main form reaches the optimal variant.

You can be praised for your endurance and desire to be original. When you go through the period of the first difficulties, and it turns out to grow a beautiful beard, care and adjustment remain the main tasks to maintain this beauty. The beard will look well-groomed and solid with daily bathing and combing. Growing a beard provides you with a kind of natural filter through which air passes and dust accumulates, so cleanliness is important. I use regular shampoo. For the beauty of the appearance of the beard, palm or burdock oils are used.

How to make a beard grow?

Why does a beard grow more efficiently in the representatives of the stronger sex? Even if the hair did not appear at all, but you really want to, it is recommended to use methods that stimulate the growth of the beard. The appearance of your hair depends on the health of the skin and the body as a whole. Here's what to do:


Hair not growing? Pay attention to the foods you eat. They have a direct effect on hair growth. To grow a beard, it is worth studying the rules of nutrition. For example, caffeine suppresses male hormones by increasing estrogen levels in the blood. Beer does not grow a beard. In everyday life, there is an erroneous opinion that it allegedly stimulates the growth of hairiness.

Physical training.

To grow a beard more effectively will help you sport. Why does the beard not grow as it should be for those who constantly lie on the couch? Because the hormonal background of the male body and the quality of hair growth on the whole body are directly interconnected. Testosterone, which is produced during exercise, stimulates growth.

Nourishing masks.

The answer to the question why a beard grows poorly is a lack of vitamins and nutrients. They are especially useful for a beard if it is poorly and slowly growing. Accompany preferably with a light massage.

If it's not growing well, practice regular sex. This changes the amount of testosterone in the blood. And if a man does not grow a beard as it should, then even the feeling of the imminent proximity of sexual intercourse contributes to the growth of a beard and mustache.

Complete information on the topic "how to grow a beard from scratch" - all the most relevant and useful on this issue.

But upon reaching a length of a couple of centimeters, hair growth slows down. Therefore, for men who want to grow a beard, the question arises - how to shave properly so that a beard grows.

Causes of Slow Beard Growth

To begin, consider the main factors of fast or slow hair growth:

  • Individual features of the face, low activity of hair follicles;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • Lack of useful trace elements and vitamins in the body;
  • Lack of testosterone;
  • Wrong choice of tool - electric razor or razor, dangerous or safety, etc .;
  • Wrong shaving method;
  • Poor skin care.

These reasons either relate to the mechanical effect on facial hair (shaving and grooming), or are due to the state of the body.

As for the first two items from our list - the individual characteristics of the organism and the genetic predisposition, they are easy to detect. First, talk to your dad or grandpa. How easy was it for them to grow a beard as a young adult, two years ago? They may have experienced the same facial hair growth problems as you.

Remember that the activity of hair follicles is different for all people. And puberty in boys is also different. For someone, the first fluff on their face breaks through at the age of 14, while for someone at 17 there is nothing to shave. For some, progress is obvious, but for others it freezes - as it was more than a year ago, it remains the same, the beard does not grow.

The next couple of reasons are the lack of testosterone hormone, vitamins and minerals in the body. For growth, in particular, for facial hair, the male hormone testosterone is responsible. It is he who maintains male libido, stimulates the development of male organs of the reproductive system, secondary sexual characteristics. To understand what is the level of testosterone in your body, you need to contact an endocrinologist. He will prescribe tests and treat if necessary.

You can independently influence the level of testosterone. It has been proven that active physical activity, especially strength exercises, can increase the level of the hormone in the body. The output directly depends on the intensity of the exercises, their duration, rest intervals, the efforts made by the athlete, etc.

As for vitamins and minerals, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc are important for hair growth. It is also necessary to consume enough B vitamins (B2, B5, B6, B8, etc.), vitamin C and vitamin D. In pharmacies today you can find whole complexes that are aimed at strengthening hair and nails, and even designed specifically to enhance beard growth. Vitamins E and A can be found in capsules in liquid form - they are added to hair oil. This mixture can be rubbed into the roots, and also distributed throughout the hair to stimulate growth and strengthen.

Good nutrition with a varied diet including sources of protein and fiber is also an important factor in good growth. Get enough sleep and avoid stress.

And let's take a closer look at the last three points, which will help answer the question "how to shave properly so that a beard grows."

  • You need to shave with a tool that will not injure the skin. If it is an electric razor, the knives must be sharp. If it's a razor, the sharpness of the blade is generally the determining factor. The duller the blades, the more irritation on the face, the worse it is for beard growth. If you have sensitive skin, it is better to give preference to an electric razor;
  • The next step is preparing the skin. Wash off with hot water. Take a special shaving gel or foam (for a razor). Interesting: in barbershops that came into fashion two or three years ago (men's hairdressers that offer beard and mustache services), they use a hot towel instead of washing. It is placed on the lower part of the client's face for a few minutes to clean the skin, soften the hair and steam. After shaving, the skin should be treated with a tonic to soothe and relieve irritation, and then moisturized with an aftershave cream or gel. Three or four years ago, eau de toilette and alcohol-containing lotions were actively used for skin treatment, but this trend is long gone, because such care only dries. In between shaves, it is useful to exfoliate the top layer of skin with a scrub or peel. This will get rid of ingrowth, the beard will grow evenly;
  • Shaving technique. See how the beard grows? It grows from top to bottom. And you should shave the stubble from top to bottom, in the direction of hair growth. Start from the cheeks - from the edge of the earlobe. The cheekbones and chin area will require more effort, the hair on the cheeks is not so hard, it is easier to remove it. You can position the machine slightly at an angle to the skin, pull it slightly with your free hand from the razor. On the lower part of the chin, the stubble is shaved vice versa from the bottom up. A particularly problematic part, where there are most cuts, is the mustache area, under the nose. You need to press your lip to your teeth and, placing the razor at an angle, shave off the stubble with clear, confident movements. Stock up on hot water, it will be good if you find a spray bottle and use it as a spray. Wetting the bristles regularly with hot water will make them softer and easier to remove.

Do not rush to cut your beard - the hair on it grows unevenly, faster on the cheeks, slower on the chin. You run the risk of disrupting the formation of a beard by hasty actions.

At least once try to resort to the services of professional barbers. Two or three years ago, no one even thought that men would sign up for a beard and mustache treatment at a salon. However, it is very nice and the result is really great. The master will tell you how to care for the beard. Here you can also find care products and stimulating growth.

The barber will help you choose the shape of the beard and the optimal length. In addition, from the side it is better to see - whether the beard is formed and growing evenly and symmetrically, whether all unnecessary on the face has been removed.

You can enhance growth with the help of oils - burdock or castor. Also, regular combing of the beard with fingers and a fine comb gives a good effect - it grows faster due to better blood flow to the scalp. By the way, massaging the skin with your fingertips also affects better blood circulation around the follicles. Try various mustard and hot pepper masks (folk recipes), they will definitely increase the growth of the beard.

Track what hair growth was like two or three years ago, a year ago. Growing a beard quickly is an art that, for a number of reasons, is not for everyone. Take care of your skin and beard, and you will increase your chances of success.

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How to grow a beard: step by step instructions

The world knows a way to grow a beard without the hassle and expense - long, thick and brutal. You guessed right! You just need to drive into some remote area where no one has heard of the magic word "Gillette", and get lost there for a year on the floor.

On a desert island, the problem is not how to properly grow a beard, but how to trim, wash and comb it. If the main thing for you is just to let go of the stubble on your face, then you can become like Robinson Crusoe and not think about anything else. For everyone else looking to create a new image of a respected and well-groomed man, this is a detailed guide on how to grow a beautiful beard and mustache from scratch, what to do if a beard grows poorly, and how to properly care for it when it finally grows.

Please read the entire article carefully, I have put everything on the shelves here: from what to do at each stage of growing, to choosing a haircut. It's really sad to see guys who want to look like Sean Bean in Game of Thrones, but instead walk around with a "broom" on their face.


Where to start is not quick - you need to warn right away! - and not an easy process of growing facial hair? It is assumed that you have already firmly decided to take this step, and there is no need to explain why this is necessary at all. So he gets straight to the point.

Shape selection

It makes sense to turn to a professional barber - he will select the type of beard, sideburns and mustache that best suits the shape of your skull and style. You can also download a special program from the Internet that allows you to "try on" different types of beards on your face online. You need to focus, as mentioned above, on the shape of the face and cheekbones and your image.

  1. An elongated, thin face - a lush beard will help smooth out angular features, almost any shape will do, but it is better to refuse a too long, wedge-shaped beard.
  2. Square cheekbones - and in this case, on the contrary, you need to strive for a wedge-shaped beard, then visually the face will look more proportional.
  3. Round face - a beard with a square or triangular edge is recommended. Rounded edges are contraindicated.

Tip: Please note that some firms do not welcome dense facial hair. Therefore, weigh again what is in priority - a beard like a lumberjack or a career and a good salary.

Rules for care during growing

You need to start caring for your beard from the first weeks. It's too early to cut it and wash it with shampoo. But the skin will itch when the hairs reach a length of 1.5-2 cm. You can relieve itching with moisturizing oils and lotions. Products containing alcohol must be completely abandoned. It also does not hurt to remove scarves and sweaters with a collar, which additionally rub the skin.

Correcting and cropping

For these purposes, a special machine or trimmer is purchased. You will also need scissors, a fine-toothed comb, and possibly a straight razor. And also the skills of wielding all these tools. You still have to learn, because you need to take care of your beard regularly. But at first, you can turn to specialists and take master classes from them.

What is important to do: trim the hairs on the sides, creating the desired shape, and free the neck in the Adam's apple and below. The emphasis is on creating volume in the chin area. The hairs under the lower lip, growing in an untidy tuft, should be immediately taken under control and cut regularly.

Focusing on the edges

You can start this process starting from 2-3 months of growing a beard, when the hairs are already long enough, they can be washed, combed and styled. It is believed that this time was enough to master the skills of using the trimmer, training on yourself, friends, brothers, and lap dogs. If this does not happen, it is better to contact the barber. Otherwise, there is a high risk of spoiling everything that was grown with such difficulty.

Recommendation: The latest models of trimmers are equipped with a laser and a backlight. Thanks to such chips, you can easily adjust the beard even in a poorly lit place, and the risk of cutting off the excess is reduced to zero - just focus on the laser mark.

Shading the lines

If your facial hair is not very thick by nature, then you can leave the lines on the cheeks as natural as they are. And just make sure that individual hairs do not crawl out of the designated limits. If the bristles grow thickly and abundantly, then the cheek area must be freed. Otherwise, you will soon look like a member of the Arab liberation movement - do not be surprised if you are continually asked for documents in the subway and invited to a search in the back room. Long hairs are removed with a machine or trimmer, the remains are shaved with a razor.

Reasons why the beard does not grow

Sometimes it happens that you are doing everything right, but still the beard does not grow - at least not the way you wanted. The bristles break through in islands, grow unevenly, only on one side. Or it even crawls out and forms bald spots. What to do in this case? That's right, find out why this is happening. There may be several reasons.

Health problems

All chronic diseases, metabolic disorders affect hair growth in general, not only on the face, but on the head and body too. Therefore, first of all, make an appointment with a doctor and take tests. In any case, it will only benefit, because we are talking about your health. You need to visit a therapist and a dermatologist, you may need to consult other narrow specialists.


The question, of course, is more related to the state of the body as a whole, but if you are very confused by the question, then you should pay attention to stress.

From him - all the problems in life, an indisputable fact. If you are constantly stressed, overworked and sleep deprived, you have problems in your personal life, do not be surprised that your beard does not want to grow. Therefore, in order to achieve the desired result, get rid of stress and negativity - this is a prerequisite.

How to do it? There are several ways:

  • take a vacation, rest and sleep;
  • buy mild sedative tablets;
  • take up meditation.

What else can be done: stop smoking cigarettes and pay attention to diets. Neither starvation nor overeating of fatty and spicy foods contributes to the growth of stubble on the face. What should be mandatory in the diet is meat and fish, dairy products, nuts and greens. It is important to play sports: during physical exertion, the metabolism accelerates and the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for hair growth, is released.

Everything is more complicated here, because you can’t really fight with genes. If none of your relatives have ever had thick hair on their heads and bodies, then most likely you will not have them on their own. Need help - first use vitamin supplements and folk remedies. If you want a quick result, Minoxidil will help (below in the article I made a description of it). And if that doesn't help, see a doctor. The most radical way to solve the problem is hair follicle transplantation. But it's probably easier to give up Hemingway's coveted image and be content with clean-shaven cheeks.

What to do if the beard does not grow

You passed the tests, and found out that everything is fine with health (although such a result is rare these days, there will definitely be a couple of seemingly not terrible, but neglected sores). found out that everything is in order with genetics, having interviewed relatives. It's time to move on to action: you need to help the beard grow faster and thicker. How to achieve this at home?

Minoxidil - if you need to quickly grow a beard

Minoxidil is a proven remedy for beard and mustache growth. This drug can be bought in pharmacies in different forms:

  • tablets and capsules for internal use;
  • foams and sprays for daily rubbing;
  • shampoos and gels for washing the beard.

This tool is very easy to use. Tablets simply take 1-2 pieces every day. Oils, sprays and shampoos are also used every day, according to the instructions. You should not exceed the dosage and frequency of use - it will not be faster, but you can earn allergies and irritation. A doctor's consultation won't hurt.

Minoxidil! this is MOST EFFICIENT means. I myself use it.

Experience of application described here. The report also contains a link to the store. The parcel came to Vladivostok in 3 days. In Moscow or Novosibirsk, probably, they will deliver it in a day.

The quality is top notch. This store is not big, it deals only with Minoxidil, so the price is “delicious” and frequent discounts slip through. In general, I recommend.

Here I described in detail how to use the drug. There are step by step instructions.

Here is a video from a young guy with an application report:

vitamin therapy

Those trace elements that you get from food are clearly not enough, so you should look for a suitable vitamin complex. Substances you need:

  • biotin or vitamin H;
  • fish oil or vitamins E and D;
  • B vitamins;
  • magnesium and calcium.

You can buy all the drugs separately and drink a handful of capsules and tablets. But it is easier and more convenient to choose one complex additive. Here I wrote in detail about vitamins.

Folk remedies

These are various oils for hair growth and decoctions of medicinal herbs. Of the oils, you should pay attention to the following:

Nettle, burdock root, hop cones promote hair growth. A decoction of herbs can be washed beard after washing. And the oils are rubbed 1-2 times a week, preferably at night. It is better to warm the oil before use, and wash it off with shampoo or soap a few hours after application so that the bristles are not greasy and untidy. Oil descriptions are also on the site. See this section and read all the articles in a row.

The most important thing in growing a beard and mustache is patience. Do not believe the myths that a thick and lush beard will grow in 4 weeks - it will not happen. But in 4 months, following all the recommendations of experts, you will achieve good results.

Not a dessert video tips from the guru:

Tell me how to be - I'm 17 years old, I want to grow a beard on ALL my face, but it grows only under my nose and a little bit on my chin.

What can help? Spaaaaasite!

Well, if you don’t feel sorry for a thousand or two rubles, then, as the author writes, order minoxidil. Really working thing. True, I used it for baldness 🙂

Help me please!! Need a tool to quickly grow a thick mustache and sideburns. What to do.

Everything has already been said in the article, read carefully.

If you don't want to spend money on... means, pay attention to oils.

Juicy, thick, uniform beard. Quick way for home use.

How to grow a beard

The fashion for a beard, which was considered missing since the XI Grushinsky festival, is in full swing today. Better follow her!

Abraham Lincoln, paternally gazing at your right shoulder from a five dollar bill, didn't always look so masculine. Grace Bedell, a young voter, asked Lincoln to grow his famous beard just a few weeks before he took office. “You will look much better,” Grace wrote in a letter, “because you have a very thin face. All ladies love beards, they will beg their husbands to vote for you and you will be president.” Lincoln really sat in the presidential chair. Therefore, if you also want to emphasize your masculinity and interest the ladies around you, start growing facial hair, following our advice. Since we expect to release a solid men's accessory, and not a tuft of tow, we asked the master of the barbershop Mr.KG, the champion of Moscow in hairdressing Ilya Nemkovich (a barbershop is a specialized men's hairdresser) to tell about the secrets of nurturing a beard.

How to choose a beard

How to grow a beard

“First, get a small stubble, do not shave for two weeks,” advises Ilya. - Then take it in an armful and go to the master. He will evaluate exactly how the hair grows and whether any problems are foreseen.” And problems can arise - for example, a beard and mustache grow in shreds. “Depending on the severity of the situation,” the expert adds sadly, “we sometimes recommend that you stop growing a beard and limit yourself to stubble. There is a popular myth that the more often you shave, the better and thicker your hair will grow. But that's not the case."

A period that will disappoint you. The hair has not yet grown back enough to hold the desired shape, and sticks out in different directions, giving the wearer a dashing and crazy look at the same time. The skin under them itches, but soon it will pass. You need to cut your beard, shaping its appearance, gradually. As the hair grows, the sides are shortened. In addition, the beard should add weight on the chin, but not on the neck - make sure that the Adam's apple is always open (this, by the way, can be done at home in front of the mirror, it's hard to mess something up here). Ilya also recommends keeping an eye on the characteristic tuft under the lips, it is better to stop his attempts to boldly stick forward. Another news for those who have never grown noticeable facial hair: it perfectly absorbs odors. If you don't notice it, your friend will notice as soon as you give her a sausage-garlic kiss. To combat the misfortune, it is worth buying a special mustache wax. It not only fixes the hair, but also comes with different fragrances.

Meet this is your beard. Now it is freely spread over the lower part of the face, and you can run your fingers into it when you pretend to think. There is a chance that her color will be different from the color of the hair on her head, and in this case, dyeing services are even provided. But Ilya Nemkovich recommends taking it as it is.

The beard needs to be bathed and combed daily. Regular shampoo is suitable for washing, but soap should not be used: the skin of the face will not like it, it will respond to you with dryness and peeling. To improve the appearance, oils are used - burdock or palm. Here, however, there is a nuance: a special oil for a beard costs about 800 rubles, and in a pharmacy they ask thirty for a bottle of burdock oil. The latter is concentrated, before being applied to the hair, it is diluted with water in a ratio of approximately one to five. The oil can also be rubbed into the skin of the face to improve its tone. But more than twice a week, the procedure should not be carried out, otherwise the pores will become blocked and the hair follicles will howl from lack of oxygen.

* - Phacochoerus Funtik's note:

“Do you want to take part in competitions with bearded men, but tight with hairiness? There is a special procedure - mesotherapy, which awakens the hair follicles on the face. This is a medical procedure - it is useless to ask for it in hairdressers and barbershops »

“The cut from scissors,” our consultant Ilya shares his experience, “is smooth, while the machine pats the tip of the hair.” But it does not affect the appearance of the beard in any way. Therefore, in order to maintain the shape of the vegetation on the chin on your own, feel free to buy a trimmer with different attachments. However, at first, until you fill your hand, be careful: it is easy to ruin a beard by making uneven borders or shaving off what you have grown for so long.

Beard breeders are happy to indulge in discussions about care products for their beloved pets. Pay attention to Borodist beard oil (800 rubles for 30 ml), Mr Bear Family handmade mustache wax (800 rubles per jar), Black & White Pomade, whose recipe has not changed for almost a hundred years (550 rubles). , one jar is enough for 3-4 months).


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