Romantic dinner for two at home. What to cook for a romantic dinner? Little secrets of a big event

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Perhaps even the most callous rationalists will not refuse a romantic evening in the company of a loved one. There is nothing better for two lovers than a heart-to-heart conversation in an intimate setting. Moreover, it is not necessary to spend money on an expensive restaurant if you know how to arrange a romantic evening at home.

It also doesn't matter what gender you are. Both men and women can arrange a pleasant romantic atmosphere. Moreover, all preparations, except for individual ones, will coincide. So regardless of gender and age, you can use the recommendations given in this article. Moreover, you can change them and adjust them to your conditions. After all, who better than you to know the preferences of your loved one.

In order to arrange a romantic evening you need:

  • Determine the appropriate day and time;
  • Decorate the room;
  • Prepare dinner;
  • Create an atmosphere;
  • Properly present all this to a partner.

Let's look at each of these points in more detail. If you competently approach this whole process, you will never have to think about whether or. You can read these posts on my blog by clicking on the link.

Decide on a date

Most often, people ask about how to arrange a romantic evening for a loved one before the holidays. This is a great way to have a great time together. In addition to being guaranteed to please your partner, you can also save a lot of money. Although this is not the main thing, it is often a decisive factor, especially for students who have every penny in their account (if the money issue is of great importance to you, I recommend that you read my posts about that, and).

However, if you arrange a romantic evening on an ordinary day, then this can be a pleasant surprise. Agree that on holidays you still expect some special attention, but on a normal day you can hardly count on it. Although everything is very individual here, and in some situations, on the contrary, it is better to attribute romance to certain days. For example, for Valentine's Day or an anniversary.

Calculate the date in such a way that you do not have to get up early in the morning, and the day is not too busy. Otherwise, it can significantly spoil the whole situation. Imagine that you have prepared amazing dishes, created the most favorable atmosphere, and your significant other has come so tired that they cannot appreciate your efforts. Of course you will be disappointed. And if you have to get up early the next day, then you have to go to bed early, and this is rarely part of a good romantic evening.

Also, in an article about how to arrange a romantic evening for your beloved, one cannot but touch on the topic of personal employment. Imagine that you and your friends decided to go bowling in the evening, but forgot to tell your soulmate. As a result, when you inform her about this, she becomes very upset, because she was going to surprise you. That is why, in advance, preferably a couple of days, find out if your partner has any plans for this day.

Of course, all this must be done discreetly. Offer him, say, to go to the cinema to see a new film, and then tell him that you have changed your mind. Although you can come up with more original, unusual approaches. You can also collude with your partner's friends so that they do not disturb your soulmate on the selected day.

Prepare the room

So the next step is the room. Since we are considering how to arrange a romantic evening at home, the choice of the appropriate option is obvious here - your apartment. However, some problems may arise here. For example, you can live in the house not alone, but with your parents or other relatives. Therefore, it is necessary to ask them to leave the premises for that day. Say it's just for one day. It is also better to ask two or three days in advance to be sure.

It will be more difficult for students who do not have their own housing or those who live separately. It doesn’t matter, often neighbors or dormmates can also be asked to leave for a while, although this is a more difficult situation. In extreme cases, you can rent an apartment by the day. In most cases, it will cost you 1000-2000 rubles, depending on the quality, but you can always find a more economical option through your friends.

Once you've found the right space, it's time to decorate it. In most cases, the apartments are too bright to create an intimate atmosphere, so think about how you can darken the room. An ideal option when the blinds are already weighed and they can simply be closed. Otherwise, think about how to hang windows with a thick cloth.

Speaking about how to arrange a romantic evening for a girl, one cannot fail to mention the premises. Again, you need to proceed from the available funds. If you have a special lamp that can change the intensity of the light, then this is just great, but in most cases there are simply no such devices. The ideal way out of the situation is candles. Buy some large simple candles (about 50 rubles for 5 pieces) and arrange them around the room.

Of course, you can also dine in the kitchen, but it will not work out at all, so think about how to move the table to the largest room. If you have the opportunity and desire, you can buy a new snow-white tablecloth. If you are a fragile girl, then arrange with friends in advance to help you carry the table. Of course, there are times when there is nowhere to dine besides the kitchen, for example, the apartment is too small, but even in this case, hide all unsuitable options.

Last but not least, don't forget to leave. It is very important. Any romance disappears if chaos and devastation reigns in the room. Let it be a simple cosmetic cleaning, but it still needs to be done.

cook dinner

The issue of dinner for a romantic evening is acute for both girls and guys, so I will show the most versatile options. Of course, if you are a cook with a long experience, then you can cook something more original and complex, but in most cases, people do not know how to cook complex dishes and do not really strive for this. And since we are considering how to arrange a romantic evening for your husband, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Food should be prepared quickly and simply. Do you think you can enjoy the evening to the fullest if you hang around the stove for several hours?
  • All meat must be cooked without bones. No one wants to pick their food and get their hands dirty during dinner.
  • It is also worth ignoring spicy cheeses, salted fish, garlic and onions. Otherwise, the nasty smell will not allow you to arrange a proper continuation.
  • In addition, avoid overly spicy and fried foods. Otherwise, stomach discomfort may occur, which can also spoil a pleasant evening.
  • Do not try to cook too many different dishes, focus on 2-3 options.
  • Don't forget to decorate your dish. Let it look like in an expensive restaurant.

Romantic Dinner Recipes

So, now let's look at what specific dishes can be prepared. The simplest option that will suit almost everyone - chicken breasts in honey sauce. First, take the fillet, rub it with salt, vegetable oil, and then fry on both sides. Wait for them to brown on each side. This will take approximately 10 minutes. Then add honey, a glass of water and apple cider vinegar to the rest of the juice. Boil everything for 5-6 minutes and add to the meat. The dish can be served with rice or other side dishes.

How to arrange a romantic dinner for a guy? Prepare a delicious and quick salad for him. Cut 8 small cherry tomatoes in half, add 10 black olives and 10 green olives, and you can also use sweet onions for taste - but this is individual. Then add 100-150 grams of cream cheese, such as Feta. Finally season lightly with pepper and drizzle with balsamic vinegar, salt to taste and drizzle with olive oil. You can have time to prepare this salad while the breasts are fried.

But the most important decoration of the evening is strawberries with cream. You can buy ready-made cream in the store or make your own. The last option is not optimal, because it is not so easy to do this, you may simply fail. So just pour the cream into a glass and top with some chopped strawberries. It is best, of course, to use a martini glass, but you can use any other transparent glass.

Create an atmosphere

So, the main preparations are already completed. You cooked dinner, darkened the room, got up and even carried out the table. What to do next? You need to complement the atmosphere in order to get a truly outstanding result. To do this, you can do the following:

  1. Choose beautiful dishes. Let it be some expensive plates and wine glasses. All this creates a special unique effect.
  2. Buy alcohol. His choice should also be approached thoroughly. Everyone understands that beer looks out of place on a romantic evening, but if your partner is some kind of gourmet, then you can save a liter of some exclusive foamy drink. Similarly, if your significant other loves hookah, then you can prepare it in advance. Of course, the most typical is wine or champagne. However, here it is also worth getting acquainted with informational articles on this topic, so as not to make a mistake with the choice.
  3. Turn on the music. Perhaps this is one of the main conditions. You can find suitable assemblies online. In particular, in the social network "VKontakte" there are even entire communities dedicated to such music and collections, so the choice is really large. Adjust the volume so that the tracks are well complex, but they sound in the background.
  4. Put the candles on the table. Unlike other lighting, candles that are on the table should cost more and be beautiful. Ideally, if they are made in the shape of a heart.
  5. Speaking about how to arrange a romantic evening for your wife, one cannot fail to mention incense sticks. Many women love it, and you can take this device into your arsenal. It is enough to set fire to one end and a pleasant smell for the whole evening will be provided.
  6. Flowers have never spoiled anything 😉

How to arrange a romantic evening - competently present a surprise

So, absolutely all the preparations are completed and the only thing left is to present everything correctly. First of all, take care of your own appearance. You must look as attractive and desirable as possible. You should not save on a good perfume, if you don’t have one, you can borrow it from your comrades. No one will laugh at you in this case.

It is best if your soulmate enters the apartment blindfolded. However, she can predict your surprise in advance and it will turn out not so unexpected. Ideally, your partner should not guess until the very end that something unusual is waiting for him at home. For example, if you pick up a girl from school, chat about ordinary everyday things, and then take her home and surprise her.

In general, you can just have a great evening outside the walls of the house, and then come home and once again surprise your soulmate. She will be incredibly happy with this amount of attention and will love you much more. And love is a really important thing in our life.

Well, we figured out how to arrange a romantic evening at home. If you have any questions or wishes - be sure to write them in the comments and do not forget to subscribe to blog updates. See you soon!

For a romantic evening of two lovers, no reason is needed. It is not necessary to wait for some holiday or anniversary. You can please your loved one at any time. Well, on the day of acquaintance or wedding, as well as on Valentine's Day, God himself ordered to arrange something like that - incredibly romantic and amazingly sensual. Yes, any existing holiday can be celebrated with a romantic evening for two.

Even if the couple's relationship is many years old, this does not mean that romantic evenings should be left in the past. It doesn't matter how long you've been together - six months, a year or 30 years. A romantic surprise, and this should be just a surprise, will do its job - it will bring partners together, bring a spark to their relationship, and allow you to experience the same vivid feeling of falling in love as in the first weeks of acquaintance.

How to arrange a romantic evening for two in honor of the holiday or just like that? You need to start with pre-planning.

Romantic evening for a loved one: planning

1. Time. We choose a day and time, along the way determining what it will be - dinner, a light nightly dinner, lunch, or maybe breakfast? It is best to plan a romantic evening for Friday or Saturday so that you don’t rush anywhere and don’t worry about not getting enough sleep.

2. Concept. We decide on the concept, choose a topic, present the desired atmosphere in detail. At the same time, we take into account the reason, if any.

3rd place. In accordance with the concept of the event, we choose a place. You can arrange a romantic evening in the courtyard of your country house, in a clearing in the forest, on the roof of a multi-storey building or in a hotel suite. The easiest way, of course, is to organize romantic evening at home . Where will your romantic retreat take place: in the living room, bedroom, bathroom, or maybe in the attic?

4. Entourage. We decide how we will create the right atmosphere, think over decor, lighting, etc. Everything down to the smallest detail.

5. Table setting. Carefully consider serving. We select a tablecloth, dishes, table decor. If it's a theme night, then it should fit. Set the table so that nothing prevents you from fully seeing each other during the meal.

6. Menu. We make a menu. Dishes for a romantic evening should be light enough: less starchy and fatty, because after such a meal you both want to lie down on the sofa and just watch TV. If you cook yourself, choose those dishes that are prepared easily and quickly, otherwise by the time you need to enjoy communicating with your loved one, you will feel exhausted.

If you want your romantic evening ended only in the morning, turn it on the menu aphrodisiac foods. These include strawberries, bananas, spices, peanuts, shrimp, asparagus, celery, garlic, coconut, anise, oysters, avocados, honey, dates, vanilla, etc.

7. We select drinks. Strong drinks are not recommended. However, a delicious liquor is quite acceptable. Still, wine is preferable, including champagne. If you wish, you can make delicious low-alcohol cocktails.

8. Music for a romantic evening. Choose the music that will help create the atmosphere you want. You can prepare two playlists: one for dinner, the second for its continuation.

9. Appearance. Of course, you need to think about how to look your best. And you don't have to think about it last moment. When the room is decorated, the table is set, the dishes are prepared, take an aromatic bath, clean yourself up, use a light perfume and put on pre-prepared clothes appropriate for the occasion.

This is the standard preparation plan for organizing a romantic evening at home . Adhering to this template plan, you need to bring in each time romantic evening script something new to make your every romantic date bright and unforgettable.

Romantic evening for two at home: ideas

Classic romantic dinner for your beloved home

The table is set in the living room, dining room or bedroom (but not in the kitchen). Traditional dishes are prepared: light snacks, hot dishes, dessert. Hot dishes should be served with dishes that can only be eaten with a fork and spoon, so as not to get your hands dirty. It is hardly worth the risk, taking on new complex recipes - cook what you are strong at, just serve it in a new way. For example, the usual meatloaf can be served with an original sweet and sour sauce and garnished with lemon roses.

Dessert is usually sundae or strawberries with cream. From drinks, preference is usually given to champagne or wine.

Table setting is romantic. For example, a white tablecloth, a red carpet and red substitute napkins. Table decoration - a small bouquet in the center, vases filled with water, in which rose petals float, candles. The room is in twilight.

The music is pleasant, relaxing, and then exciting.

A woman puts on a dress for such a romantic evening (it can even be erotic - transparent, with a deep neckline or open back). A man, of course, must match, but a tailcoat, of course, is useless, but the shirt must be clean.

Unconventional romantic evening at home

Romantic surprise from a football fan. This is an idea for those women whose partners are incredibly passionate about football and do not miss a single match with the participation of the national team or their favorite club. Many ladies complain that their loved ones do not pay attention to them while the match is going on. Why not turn the situation to your advantage? How to do it? Arrange a football romantic evening near the TV.

The main thing here is to surprise him. Serve a coffee table near the sofa opposite the TV. Cover the table with a green tablecloth, decorate with souvenir soccer balls. It's great if you can buy dishes and napkins with a football design.

Prepare a variety of snacks, preferably crispy, but not too greasy or heavy. For example, instead of just throwing chips into a bowl, make a salad with chips. Grind the shrimp, add boiled rice and finely chopped fresh and pickled cucumbers, taken equally. Stir, add a little salted sour cream or mayonnaise. Arrange the chips on a large flat dish and fill them with salad. You need to fill the chips no earlier than half an hour before the start of the match, otherwise they will stop crunching and lose one of their "football" advantages.

Make cheese balls, decorate them with strips of black olives or prunes, making them look like a soccer ball, and place them on a dish generously sprinkled with chopped greens (a la balls on a soccer field). By the way, Italian pizza at home is also an option, especially if your loved one is a Milan fan. Prepare cheese slices and, of course, fruit. Fruit skewers on skewers will fit perfectly. Of the drinks, ice beer and cocktails from it are most suitable.

The key to such a romantic evening is the appearance of a “football fan”. You can wear a short puffy skirt, reincarnated as a cheerleader girl. It will be even more piquant if you put on a T-shirt from the uniform of your man's favorite club. Just a T-shirt and nothing else! Twilight, delicious snacks, a very sexy fan at hand ... Mmm, it's not a fact that even the most ardent football fan will be able to watch the match to the end.

If those you're rooting for score a goal, you can celebrate with a hot kiss. Well, if the ball is missed, you will kiss slowly and sadly. By the end of the match, the man will be literally on edge.

Romantic evening "From winter to summer". This option is optimal if the purpose of a romantic evening is not only to surprise and delight your soulmate, but also to help her relax after hard work and stress. You can arrange such a romantic evening in late autumn, winter or early spring.

It's great if you can buy a rug that imitates a lawn. In general, any green blanket will do, the main thing is that it be soft. Buy candles with scents of summer herbs, clover, violets. A few small bouquets of flowers will come in handy. Close the windows tightly, and put a table lamp on the windowsill and turn it on - through the curtains it will look like a summer sunset outside the window.

Muted music from one sound source and louder sounds of summer will be the ideal soundtrack.
nature from another. Light breeze, birdsong, crickets and cicadas chirping, and perhaps the surf against the backdrop of romantic country music will create an amazing atmosphere.

Spread a rug or blanket on the floor in a comfortable place so that you can lean on your back, such as on a chair, wall or sofa. Arrange the dishes on two tray tables, which are used for serving breakfast in bed. Garnish the appetizers with plenty of green salad and fresh herbs. From drinks, you should prefer refreshing lemon juice and, for example, apple wine - so that everything reminds you of summer. Grilled fish should be served as a main course, and wild berries (blueberries, cloudberries, etc.) with ice cream for dessert.

Put on a light dress. You can even decorate your head with a straw hat. It's great if you both spend the evening barefoot. After dinner, massage your loved one with a refreshing massage oil, which includes menthol and eucalyptus. Having unexpectedly plunged from a dank winter into a wonderful summer, your other half experiences an abyss of pleasure. Arrange such romantic evening for husband if he is depressed.

Romantic evening "Picnic".
In good weather, of course, it is worth having a picnic for two, getting out somewhere from home. But when there is frost or sleet outside, you can organize a picnic at home. Of course, it will be a “pseudo-picnic”, but new sensations will not interfere with you.

A picnic can be arranged in any room of the house, but it is better to do it on a loggia or balcony (unless, of course, they are glazed and moderately warm, although you probably need to warm them up in advance). Set the table in a camping way with a rough tablecloth, simple dishes. Grill the meat in the oven. Don't forget vegetables, and for dessert - fruit in a wicker basket. From drinks you can serve strong wine - you will need to warm up. And if possible, you can put a barbecue on the balcony and fry the meat together, having a picnic on the floor in the kitchen. The sounds of the forest and the singing of birds will be a wonderful background. Having finished with the meat, you can play - for example, strip cards. Anyway, in this "deaf place" no one will see you, except for birds and animals.

Romantic evening in the bathroom.
An amazing relaxation tool. It is such a romantic evening that you can arrange for Valentine's Day. What do you need? Complete cleanliness in the bathroom, floating candles in glassware (with an expanding top) placed on the floor. Small bouquets that decorate all kinds of shelves. Thick candles on a shelf right next to the bath. Bath filled with warm water with foam (preferably with the scent of ylang-ylang, considered an aphrodisiac). You can throw rose petals into the water. It is worth preparing a fragrant massage scrub and a soft sponge.

A romantic evening can be spent in complete silence or bring music or even a small TV into the bathroom (you can figure out what you can watch at such a moment).

Directly next to the bath you need to put a small table with drinks, snacks and dessert. The bathroom is the element of water, so you can serve seafood on skewers as snacks. Hot is undesirable, so if the other half is hungry, prepare more hearty snacks. For dessert - strawberries or other berries with cream, ice cream with cherries or bananas. Champagne is the best drink. It will be an unforgettable evening!

Ethnic romantic evening.
Greet your loved one from work with the same dishes? And do you always look the same? Add variety by arranging, for example, japanese romantic dinner .

Find Japanese music. Decorate your living room or bedroom with Japanese fans, sakura branches (can be artificial), wind music. Light the incense sticks.

Turn into a geisha: put on oriental makeup, lift your hair and pin it up at the back of your head. As a kimono, you can use a translucent peignoir (you can embroider a hieroglyph on it). Cover your bed with Japanese-style linens and leave your bed unmade.

For an appetizer, you can serve sushi rolls and light ones, and for a hot dish - baked fish. Dessert can be arbitrary - it is unlikely that it will come to it. After dinner, you can draw hieroglyphs on each other's bodies according to the model.

Similar romantic evenings can be done in any style: Arabic, Indian, Spanish, Mexican, French, etc. Every romantic evening will be unique. During a romantic evening, you can study the Kama Sutra. Having plunged into the atmosphere of France, you can play a French kiss (take turns pulling out pieces of paper with written body parts that you need to kiss). During an Arabic romantic evening, you can smoke a hookah and play backgammon for wishes, and your partner can demonstrate her abilities in belly dancing. In a word, ethnic romantic evening will always be original and interesting.

Romantic evening at home in the style of 9 and a half weeks. The room should be very dark - a minimum of candles.

Let's decorate the table in black and red (colors of passion). From drinks, you can have something strong, but in minimal quantities.

Music is not relaxing, but on the contrary, it is tonic, exciting. For example, the compositions of the musical group "Enigma".

You can cook anything, but let it be spicy dishes. Maybe even very sharp. When the turn of dessert comes, blindfold your partner and offer to play: let him try certain fruits, berries, chocolate - let him guess what you treat him to taste. And then you can apply treats to your own body - now let him guess not only what he eats, but also what he eats from. After this game, you can dance your favorite light striptease. In general, any erotic games this evening are not forbidden, but only welcome. Your loved one will never forget this romantic evening.

Romantic evening for your loved one

Men also want to organize romantic events for their loved ones. You can take any of the ideas above as a basis. But for men, there are some special tips:

1. If you don't know how to cook, order food in a restaurant - it's better than feeding your loved one overcooked and badly twisted rolls.

2. If you want to surprise your loved one by covering the whole apartment with rose petals, it is not necessary to buy an expensive bunch of flowers and gut it. In flower shops, they often sell petals from roses that begin to wither - they are not at all expensive.

3. You can invite the girl home at the appointed time, but it would be more correct to send a taxi for her, obliging the driver to hand the girl a bouquet with a note of romantic content, for example: “I look forward to seeing you at home, my love!”.

4. If it's themed romantic evening for a girl , you can not devote your beloved to all the subtleties - just tell her what clothes you would like to see her in today.

5. If you want to surprise your beloved, meet her near the house when she arrives in a taxi, and immediately blindfold. And untie only in a room prepared for a romantic evening.

6. If a man arranges a romantic dinner for his beloved, he is almost obliged to give her a present, albeit a small and not very expensive one. Put, for example, a box with a bracelet next to her glass or thread her napkin through a new ring.

Romance should always be, regardless of whether you have been married for a year, two or fifteen. husband to like it? It is this topic that we will now consider in detail. We will offer you some interesting options, as well as give you some important tips.

So, what points should be considered before making a romantic evening for your husband?

  • Time and day for a romantic evening. Best of all - Friday or Saturday evening. Then you can completely relax.
  • Place. The environment must be appropriate. It can be a picnic, a restaurant, the roof of a house or an apartment.
  • An invitation to a husband for a romantic evening can be sent in the form of an SMS message. You can make a postcard with your own hands using improvised materials. For example, take a small piece of cardboard, cut a heart out of it. Decorate it with sequins or beads, and write down the meeting place and time with a pen.
  • Decoration of the evening event. You need to think about serving, dishes.
  • Menu. No matter where you spend the evening, the dishes should not be starchy and greasy. The best option is light meals. You can use seafood, because they are natural aphrodisiacs. Drinks should also be light: liquor, wine or champagne.
  • Music. Of course, any romantic evening does not pass in silence. It is necessary to choose the right musical accompaniment for the event.


How to arrange a romantic evening for your husband? Consider the options for such an event.

There are many such creative ideas. With this question it is worth turning, of course, to your heart and feelings.

We arrange a romantic evening at home for my husband

Such an event at home can be held in almost any room, even in the bathroom.

You can light candles and leave them floating in the water, and arrange small bouquets of fresh flowers on the shelves. Place a table next to it with desserts, fruits and, of course, light drinks. You can cook seafood dishes. Of course, you need to pick up pleasant music, and throw rose petals into the bathroom.

Where else can you spend a romantic evening in the apartment? In the kitchen, decorating it, for example, in the Japanese style. What dishes should be prepared for such an event? Dishes of Japanese, French or Italian cuisine. Candles and bright lanterns will be appropriate.

How to arrange a romantic evening for your husband in an original way? You can do it at home. You can have a picnic on the balcony or loggia. Grill meat in the oven. The table on the loggia should be covered with a tablecloth. Fruit can be put in a wicker basket. An excellent option for such a situation is wine. Music with the sounds of nature is ideal for such an evening.

Oriental fairy tale for a beloved spouse

Set up a story for him. "What?" - you ask. Eastern. It will be called "1000 and 1 night." To make a fairy tale come true, you must, of course, prepare the appropriate atmosphere. It is necessary to put a carpet on the floor, and the brighter it is, the better. In addition, you will need pillows (as many as possible). What to cook on the table? You shouldn't think too much about this. Oriental sweets, fruits and wine will be quite enough. Of course, such an evening cannot be held without

Will complement the hookah atmosphere. Buy tobacco with a pleasant smell and taste. Of course, before such an event, you should prepare. How? You need to learn at least the basics. Show a desire, and then you will succeed.

A small conclusion

Now you know how to arrange a romantic evening for your husband. As you can see, organizing everything is quite simple. The main thing is to make a little effort and turn on the fantasy. Believe me, you will succeed. Love your husband, please him, and he will definitely pamper you!

A romantic evening is a great way to express your feelings for your loved one. It is not necessary to wait for a special occasion and go to a cafe or a pretentious restaurant, it is quite possible to please each other at home. But how to cook a romantic dinner at home if you are far from a chef? For this occasion, there are a lot of simple, but at the same time original and tasty dishes. About them, as well as about some secrets of organizing an unforgettable romantic evening, and will be discussed.

A properly planned menu is already half the battle. When choosing dishes for a candlelit dinner, remember that the food should be light. It is better to refrain from cooking fatty and too satisfying food, especially if dinner implies a romantic continuation, to which a full stomach does not contribute in any way.

Many dishes from complex ingredients are also not worth doing. This will take you a lot of time, but you still need it for decorating a date. Moreover, the main goal is not food, but time spent with a loved one.

Typically, the menu includes hot, appetizers and dessert. But, if you know the tastes of your soul mate well, you can limit yourself to one or two dishes that you will definitely like. It is not superfluous to include natural aphrodisiacs in the list of products, namely: seafood, cinnamon, strawberries,.

Men, take note! If you want to treat a girl to a romantic dinner, before organizing a sweet table, try to delicately find out if she is not on a diet. Otherwise, it is possible that your chosen one will refuse the treat, and the evening may be ruined.

Simple Recipes for a Romantic Dinner

We bring to your attention some simple snacks and desserts that can be prepared quickly and without any special culinary skills.

Hot dishes

There should be at least one meat dish or fish, and other seafood on the table. If you opted for fish, buy fillets that have already been deboned. It can be baked with herbs and lemon juice or made into tender fish rolls using the recipe below.

Fish rolls with shrimps

Shrimp fish rolls can be served hot or cold.

Of the ingredients you will need:

  • 600 g fish fillet (any suitable, usually salmon or salmon);
  • 0.5 kg shrimp, preferably large;
  • a glass of fish broth;
  • salt, herbs and spices to taste;
  • ginger root;
  • freshly squeezed juice of one orange;
  • 80 g butter.

Cut the fillet lengthwise into long strips, wrap with cling film and lightly tap with a kitchen hammer. Then we add the fish, rub it with spices and leave it to soak for a couple of minutes. We clean the shrimp and wrap each with a strip of fillet. To prevent the rolls from falling apart during cooking, you can tie them with cooking string.

Pour the fish broth into a deep frying pan, bring to a boil and lower the rolls into it. Simmer the dish over low heat until done.

While the seafood is cooking, you can make the sauce. To do this, pour into a saucepan, add 15 g grated on a fine grater and bring to a boil. Stirring constantly, butter, salt and spices are added to the mixture. Boil the sauce until it thickens, then cool and strain through a sieve. Rolls are served both hot and cold with sauce and lemon rings.

Pork tenderloin with potatoes and apples

Fish, of course, is a delicacy, but among the representatives of the strong half of humanity there are much more fans of meat. Therefore, girls who want to please their loved ones should pay attention to meat dishes. One of these is the oven-baked pork tenderloin. It is amazingly easy to prepare.

For cooking, you need 1.5 kg of pork, 4-5 medium-sized potato tubers, 1-2 onions, 3 tbsp. l. butter, steam and an hour of time left. First of all, turn on the oven and set the temperature to 230º. While it is warming up, rub the tenderloin with black pepper and salt mixed with butter (1 tablespoon).

Lubricate the baking sheet with the remaining oil and spread the meat in the center (as a whole). The remaining free space around the tenderloin is filled with potatoes, cut into quarters, while it is not necessary to peel it, rinse it well enough. Add chopped onion to potatoes.

We send meat with vegetables for 20 minutes in the oven and prepare apples. Fruits need to be washed, core removed, cut into slices and put on a baking sheet with the rest of the ingredients. After adding apples, the tenderloin is baked for another 40 minutes. The cooked meat is allowed to cool slightly, cut into pieces and served with a side dish and herbs.

Salads and appetizers

After a hearty hot meal, it doesn’t hurt to treat yourself and your loved one to a light salad that awakens romantic feelings. If there is almost no time left before the event, you can whip up a spicy avocado salad in a hurry.

Salad with avocado and ham

Required products:

  • ripe avocado;
  • 200 g ham (low fat);
  • a small bunch of white seedless;
  • salt and olive oil.

We wash the grapes, separate the berries and cut each in half, 20 grapes will be enough. Then cut the ham into small strips. Peel the avocado, cut it in half lengthwise and remove the pit. We cut the pulp into cubes or strips and sprinkle with lemon juice so that it does not darken. It remains to mix all the ingredients, add salt, and a light salad is ready.

Before serving, it is better to transfer it to two separate plates. If you wish, you can conjure a little on the design of the salad and decorate the dish with tomato hearts or boiled.

Salad "Heart"

Such a salad cannot be prepared quickly, but it will become the main decoration of the table and create the right atmosphere. In fact, this is the well-known "Garnet Bracelet", but in a new, thematic design.


  • chicken fillet - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • beets - 1-2 pcs. depending on the size;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • walnuts - 50 g;
  • light mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • seeds of one pomegranate.

First, finely chop the onion, fry it over low heat until golden brown and leave to cool. Then cook the chicken fillet in salted water until cooked, cool and cut into small cubes.

Grate pre-boiled eggs, beets and carrots, as well as cheese on a fine grater into different containers, although you can not do this in advance, but rub the products immediately into the salad bowl as you lay out the layers. We clean the nuts and finely chop with a knife, cut the pomegranate and carefully separate the grains.

Now the most important stage is the formation of layers. There are several ways to give the salad the desired shape. The first is to put it on a regular plate and then cut it with a knife, the second is to use a detachable heart-shaped baking dish, and then remove it. In any case, the main thing is to put the ingredients correctly. Lay out the layers in the following order:

  1. Chicken fillet, lightly salted and sprinkled with pepper.
  2. Onion layer.
  3. Shredded carrots.
  4. Eggs (grated or chopped with a knife).
  5. Layer of cheese and nuts.
  6. Grated beets.

Each of the layers is smeared with mayonnaise on top, and the top of the salad is densely sprinkled with pomegranate seeds. To fully reveal the taste, the finished dish is left to brew in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.


Canapes can be combined with various products.

Canapes are tiny sandwiches that came to us from French cuisine. Usually, toasted white or black bread is taken as the basis for them, and a variety of products are laid out on top: lightly salted salmon, cheese, sausage, caviar, olives, vegetables, etc. The whole structure is fastened with a decorative skewer.

Popular combinations of ingredients for canapes:

  • white bread with cherry tomatoes and hard cheese;
  • black bread with salmon or shrimp and olives;
  • smoked chicken breast with marinated mushrooms and white bread;
  • toast with pineapple and boiled chicken fillet;
  • sliced ​​loaf with red caviar and cheese.

What's for dessert?

Many men, and women too, have a sweet tooth, so you can’t do without a sweet table. Of course, the store has sweets for every taste, but they will not replace a home-made dessert.


Strawberries with whipped cream is one of the most romantic combinations. Such a dessert is the best suited for creating a special atmosphere, and everyone can handle its preparation.

You will need fresh strawberries (0.5 kg), half a glass of sugar, vanilla, powdered sugar and high-fat liquid cream (at least 30%) or ready-made, whipped. It is better to buy homemade berries, but out of season you can get by with strawberries from the supermarket, as long as they are a uniform ruby ​​​​red hue, firm to the touch and with fresh foliage.

Pour the strawberries into a colander, rinse with cool water and carefully remove the tails. We cut each berry into slices, traditionally - into 4 parts. It’s easier to buy whipped cream ready-made, since whipping requires following several rules and it may not work the first time.

To whip cream at home, they are well cooled, otherwise the product will delaminate, and whipped with a mixer, starting at low speed and gradually increasing the speed. In the process of whipping, vanilla and powdered sugar are added to them in small portions to taste. When the whisk begins to leave marks on the surface of the cream, turn off the mixer.

The berries are laid out in glass bowls, sprinkled with sugar, poured with cream and sent to the refrigerator to wait in the wings. Before serving, dessert can be decorated with grated chocolate or leaves.

Bananas in chocolate

Chocolate covered bananas are a delicious and healthy treat.

This delicacy is not only tasty, but also healthy, because bananas are a real pantry of vitamins and microelements. In addition, both components (chocolate and banana) are known aphrodisiacs.


  • bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • 1/2 bar of dark chocolate;
  • a package of confectionery topping or coconut flakes, nuts can also be used.

You will also need long wooden skewers. Peel bananas, cut each into three parts and put on skewers. In a water bath or in the microwave, melt the chocolate, dip the fruit in it and sprinkle with confectionery sprinkles. In order not to lubricate the coating, the sweetness is placed in a narrow cup with skewers down and sent to the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Dessert is ready!

Choosing drinks

It is worth saying a few words about drinks. Light alcohol is more suitable for a romantic dinner: wine, champagne or cocktails. But you need to choose one thing, otherwise a headache can ruin the evening. If your soul mate doesn’t drink alcohol in principle, please her with a fruit and berry smoothie or self-cooked one.

Table setting and decoration

It’s not enough just to prepare a delicious treat, you also need to be able to serve it beautifully. You can set the table in any suitable room, but not in the kitchen, it's too ordinary. It is better to take a white or neutral color tablecloth and create bright accents on it with beautiful dishes or themed figurines. Since red is the color of love, it is desirable that it be present in the design.

And, of course, candles. There must be many. Ideally, you need to replace the overhead light with them so that you do not have to sit in the dark, but at the same time the lighting is dimmed. If there were not enough candles for this task, turn on a floor lamp nearby.

Advice! You should not take scented candles, especially if you plan to light a lot of them. They can give off a very strong odor.

Atmosphere and musical accompaniment

There are no trifles in organizing a romantic evening, so the decor and atmosphere should be appropriate. In the room where the dinner will take place, you can sprinkle rose petals or arrange small bouquets of fresh flowers.

Another mandatory attribute is romantic music. It is better to make a playlist in advance, including calm and unobtrusive compositions. If you still don’t know the musical preferences of a loved one or there are no melodies suitable for the occasion among them, you can put something from the classics in the background.

But the main component that will tell you how to cook a romantic dinner at home and make it unique is love. With it, any dish will become much tastier, and the evening will be unforgettable. We wish you mutual love and romance!

Useful related videos

Useful tips from Yulia Vysotskaya.

A few more ideas from the video magazine "Men's Cooking".

Hello everyone! Today I had a completely different topic for writing a post in my plans, but I remembered that in a day there will be the main holiday of all lovers - February 14! Actually, my husband and I never celebrated it, but this year I decided to change the situation in the opposite direction.

Whoever thinks, but you should not refuse such a holiday, especially for family people. Still, life, children contribute to the relationship of husband and wife, someone manages to stay afloat and maintain tender feelings, while others need recharge. And the holiday of February 14 provides an excellent opportunity for rapprochement, manifestation of feelings, declarations of love and fidelity. Although there are no problems in our family, I still think that this event should become uneven with the wedding anniversary. Why miss a great opportunity to organize one of the most beautiful days of the year?

By the way, this instruction is suitable not only for Valentine's Day, but also for planning any romantic evening that is arranged at home. You can thus celebrate the day of acquaintance or anniversary. Even for a marriage proposal, he will fit.

How to organize a romantic dinner at home

And so, here's how I plan to have a romantic dinner at home with my husband. In the future, I will rely on it so as not to forget anything and organize a holiday at the highest level. I will try to reveal to you all the possibilities that will help you decide on the style and atmosphere of the evening.

1. First of all, I advise you to choose a place. It is clear that at home, but where exactly? And here you can make a choice. For example, if you are a husband and wife or already have a close relationship, you can sit in a bubble bath. This will ignite and make the meeting unforgettable. If you want to talk heart to heart, it is better to choose a table. Then the spark between you will be kindled gradually, with increasing force. Well, the last thing you can think of is to celebrate the holiday in bed.

2. The second step is to think about the atmosphere. It is formed due to many factors.

  • Lighting is most often preferred not bright, muffled. Yes, I think so too, bright light is useless. Mysteriousness and some mystery, and maybe intrigue should be present. So it will be more interesting))). Be sure to light some candles. Where without them on a romantic evening? They can rightly be considered a symbol of romance.
  • Smells play an important role. It would be inappropriate if there was a fishy smell at home after you cooked dinner. This time I will light an aroma lamp with essential oils. Well, if you prefer neutrality, then it is best to ventilate the room well or better open the window so that fresh air is always available. It will be hot))).
  • For a more romantic mood, relaxation, turn on slow melodic music as a background. It will give a more solemn atmosphere and distract from extraneous thoughts.
  • For decor, use fresh flowers in a vase or rose petals. From small tea candles, lay out a heart-shaped figure or simply place it around the room.

3. The menu for a romantic evening needs to be planned carefully. I choose one main course, several appetizers (3-4 pieces) and a dessert. It is best to choose simple dishes that do not require a lot of cooking time. It is preferable to pay attention to vegetable and meat dishes, seafood. For example, I will have such a menu this time:

  • The main dish is baked wings with oranges (a super dish, I love it) with a salad of Chinese cabbage, carrots, cucumber and greens. I will season it with olive cape and lemon juice, season with salt and black pepper.
  • Snacks: seafood and vegetable canapés, sliced ​​fruits, tartlets with red caviar.
  • Dessert: ice cream with grated dark chocolate.

As you can see, everything is very simple. It will be enough for two to satisfy their hunger. I really don't want to eat too much.

For drinks I prefer wine or champagne. For those who do not drink alcohol at all, plain juice will do. And, of course, do not forget about table setting.

4. To make the evening a success, you need to look the right way. This time you have to amaze your loved one with your beauty. Do your caring procedures in advance - face and hair masks. Make a romantic hairstyle or wind your hair into curls. Makeup should not be defiant, then it’s not worth it to make up only cilia alone. Measure is needed here. For this case, dark shades are suitable: brown, purple, gray, golden. Focus on lips.

Of the clothes, a dress is suitable, but not like a tracksuit or shorts))). Focus on sexuality, because it's an evening for two. The main thing is that everything looks harmonious and without frills. And one more thing, for such an occasion it would not hurt to buy a new set of underwear. Don't forget to put on some perfume to give the finishing touch to your look.

5. And finally, provide complete privacy. If you have children, then for the evening, or better for the night, arrange with your grandmother to pick them up. If this is not possible, you must let them fall asleep, then no one will disturb you. Turn off your phones, TV, and computer (unless it's playing music). You will be given only to each other. This is great!


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