Do I need an ex-girlfriend. Why does a girl need a guy? Acquaintance, relationships, feelings. You will have comfort at home

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Guys meet girls and still don't understand why does a guy need a girl, but without knowing this, how can you generally build happiness with a girl and an excellent relationship. The main problem is not the knowledge of why a guy needs a girl, but the lack of specific goals that accompany a guy on the path to success.

Without knowing, why does a guy need a girl, it is impossible to build normal relationships. Therefore, today we will analyze this issue with you, giving you only the most important and main methods and methods so that you not only understand why a guy needs a girl, but also be able to figure out your goals on this occasion.


Before you start looking for answers to questions, you yourself need to figure out why a guy needs a girl, but it’s better to write down all the possible points on a piece of paper, and then start analyzing them. After all, there are different guys and different girls, respectively, the goals and methods will also be different. In general, it is useful for every person to understand what he wants to achieve in life, since this is already half of the work done, even if it seems easier than the implementation process itself. Knowing which girls you like, their personality and looks will also make it easier to find the right girl. The more detailed your plan is, the more effective it will be in practice. And now we are moving on to the basics of why a girl needs a guy.

For love

Also, do not forget that there are guys who are looking for a girl just to love her and become happy. But remember that girls they don’t always reciprocate, so you need to study as many more girls and not be disappointed if a girl doesn’t like you. After all, it is better to be with the one who loves you than to run after the wrong girls who are not worthy of you. Therefore, understand whether you are ready to love a girl for real or you need a simple passion, which, as you know, is not eternal. Read more: how to stop being shy.

For relationships

Some guys it can be just elementary boring, lonely, and they just need a girl so as not to go crazy. But not everyone begins to act for this, as they are overwhelmed by the fear of communicating with the opposite sex. But if there is a real desire, then in a short time you can overcome all unnecessary fears and start relationships with those girls that you like. But remember that the development of relationships is a very delicate matter that requires patience and some knowledge. Since a ridiculous mistake can lead to the destruction of relationships. But only if your relationship is reinforced and your foundation consists of true love, then someone will never be able to destroy your relationship.

For reputation

Some guys think boy needs a girl just for reputation. Of course, there are such moments, but they are individual and not for everyone. Therefore, a guy in this case needs a girl for a reputation in the eyes of friends, acquaintances and other girls. Such guys are specifically looking for beautiful girls, seduce them, and then after some time, when their relationship has already been noticed, they leave or make the girls run after them. Of course, this is a talent and it is given to a few, but everyone can learn if they wish. But know one thing, it makes no sense.

Just what would be

Many do not even understand why does a guy need a girl , and start looking for and dating girls without having a specific goal. They just meet, break up, look for another girl, and so on until a specific goal appears in order to develop a relationship or something else. You also need to remember that girls are very emotional and at the slightest offense they create a big problem for you. Therefore, it is unnecessary to worry, it’s better to read: how to relate to the grievances of girls, and you will understand that they are doing this specifically for their specific purpose.

Starting a family

And most importantly, which really makes sense, a guy needs a girl to create a family. Of course, everyone comes to this stage over time, since the passion and mood to run after different girls are already fading, the guy wants a quiet life. Age is not important here, because every guy realizes that the family is more important, at different ages, there are still guys who have not yet reached it, but it doesn’t matter.

The main thing is if you have already set a goal to start a family, the main thing here is not to rush and not make mistakes. Since some guys are afraid that if they delay their marriage, their future wives will go to other determined guys. But this is just fear, because if a girl loves you, she will definitely not go anywhere from you, and the main thing here is just to live for 5 years before marriage, and then, if the relationship continues, create a family. Since the experts in this case noticed that for the first time in 5 years, almost every family breaks up, or simply loses feelings and love. So why risk your happiness, it is better to be patient and get more benefits. After all, a girl before marriage can also live with you and love you.

That's all what we were going to sort out with you about why a girl needs a guy. Applying all the tips and methods given in the article in practice, you will be able to independently understand and decide why a girl needs a guy and understand what you yourself want to achieve in life in relationships with girls.

Good afternoon dear psychologist.
Roman is 27 years old. There is an apartment car good job.
For a whole year I was engaged in my self-esteem. Worked out: Health, social status, relationships, environment, brightness of life, spirituality, security.
Everything in life improved. Not completely of course, but the path is set. Such is my question.
Before working on himself, he was rather lonely. I was poor, with bad clothes, a bad body, the brightness of life was 1. on a 10 scale. But with a "rich inner world" Nafig was not needed by anyone from the girls.
Now the girls themselves climb and hang on me.
I just can't figure out if this is what I need? Sometimes hunting fornication and depravity. Sometimes relationships. But I understand that girls are only driven by money, social status, and the brightness of life. Yes, girls are simple as 2 * 2.
So what should I do? fornication couple? or relationship. Do I need a girl? And how to understand it? And how to get the snake out of your head, that doing so is bad, that sleeping and having many sex partners is bad.
When working on oneself, children's instructions and experiences surfaced. If so do! This is bad, mom will cry.
Because of these beliefs, I have been practically alone all my adult life. Thank you.

Roman, good afternoon!

It seems that you have devoted a lot of time to creating a certain image that attracts girls. But, perhaps, they are disappointed in the results - you don’t like, as I understand it, girls who can be attracted by these attributes. And it seems to me that you do not trust those whom you wanted to attract enough to enter into a relationship with them. Well, then the question arises, do you need what you got, did you want it? Your logical question is: do I need a girlfriend? and why?

I have an idea here that you got about the same as you offered. Considering women as a means to raise self-esteem, and not as living people who may be of interest to you, you offered purely external signs of success, without much inner content. Indeed, a car-apartment-work are signs of an accomplished, adult man, and they make him attractive to women. But this is only necessary for acquaintance, interest, and then live human communication is turned on. I personally don’t like a pickup truck and similar directions for this - it, of course, helps to raise self-esteem, but this is done at the expense of other people, as if they are objects, not living ones. And where there is little respect for others, in general, there is not enough respect for oneself.

You do not write anywhere what kind of women you like, what you would like to talk to them about. Try to formulate it for yourself. What is more important to you - a woman's interest in you or your interest in her. In principle, it is convenient - to wait for the first step from another, then it is not so scary that you will be refused, and it is easier to refuse yourself. The only downside is that you miss those who could be interesting to you, but have not yet paid attention to you.

Since there is not much information, I am writing you questions for reflection:

  • Who evaluated your brightness of life? There is a feeling that you have taken as a starting point someone else's opinion about how you should look and how your life should be.
  • For what purpose did you do all this - why did you need a car-apartment-work-external attractiveness?
  • And if you partially or completely achieved your goal - it's time to take stock and, possibly, rebuild goals - throw out what didn't suit you. Is your need met? And what does it consist of, by the way?
  • What kind of girls do you like? I'm here not so much about appearance, but about who you are comfortable next to? What would you like to talk about? What would you like to do together? Are there any critical views that are important for you to share.
  • Why are you in a relationship with someone at all?

Regarding the "snake" - you cannot surgically cut it out without cutting it off alive, it is better to deal with it, find out why you need it.

  • Do you yourself think it is good or bad to have many sex partners? Why so?
  • If you imagine that this snake is protecting you from something, then from what?
  • Does this setting help you in life, why is it important?

In my opinion, it is still difficult for you to rely on your opinions and ideas about yourself, perhaps you have not yet fully formed them. Therefore, while using acquired or received with education. This is a normal growing up process.

Evgeniya Bulyubash
practicing psychologist,
8 917 505 46 57

Guys meet girls and still don't understand why does a guy need a girl, but without knowing this, how can you generally build happiness with a girl and an excellent relationship. The main problem is not the knowledge of why a guy needs a girl, but the lack of specific goals that accompany a guy on the path to success.

Without knowing, why does a guy need a girl, it is impossible to build normal relationships. Therefore, today we will analyze this issue with you, giving you only the most important and main methods and methods so that you not only understand why a guy needs a girl, but also be able to figure out your goals on this occasion.


Before you start looking for answers to questions, you yourself need to figure out why a guy needs a girl, but it’s better to write down all the possible points on a piece of paper, and then start analyzing them. After all, there are different guys and different girls, respectively, the goals and methods will also be different. In general, it is useful for every person to understand what he wants to achieve in life, since this is already half of the work done, even if it seems easier than the implementation process itself. Knowing which girls you like, their personality and looks will also make it easier to find the right girl. The more detailed your plan is, the more effective it will be in practice. And now we are moving on to the basics of why a girl needs a guy.

For love

Also, do not forget that there are guys who are looking for a girl just to love her and become happy. But remember that girls they don’t always reciprocate, so you need to study as many more girls and not be disappointed if a girl doesn’t like you. After all, it is better to be with the one who loves you than to run after the wrong girls who are not worthy of you. Therefore, understand whether you are ready to love a girl for real or you need a simple passion, which, as you know, is not eternal. Read more:.

For relationships

Some guys it can be just elementary boring, lonely, and they just need a girl so as not to go crazy. But not everyone begins to act for this, as they are overwhelmed by the fear of communicating with the opposite sex. But if there is a real desire, then in a short time you can overcome all unnecessary fears and start relationships with those girls that you like. But remember that the development of relationships is a very delicate matter that requires patience and some knowledge. Since a ridiculous mistake can lead to the destruction of relationships. But only if your relationship is reinforced and your foundation consists of true love, then someone will never be able to destroy your relationship.

For reputation

Some guys think boy needs a girl just for reputation. Of course, there are such moments, but they are individual and not for everyone. Therefore, a guy in this case needs a girl for a reputation in the eyes of friends, acquaintances and other girls. Such guys are specifically looking for beautiful girls, seduce them, and then after some time, when their relationship has already been noticed, they leave or make the girls run after them. Of course, this is a talent and it is given to a few, but everyone can learn if they wish. But know one thing, it makes no sense.

Just what would be

Many do not even understand why does a guy need a girl , and start looking for and dating girls without having a specific goal. They just meet, break up, look for another girl, and so on until a specific goal appears in order to develop a relationship or something else. You also need to remember that girls are very emotional and at the slightest offense they create a big problem for you. Therefore, it is unnecessary to worry, it is better to read: and you will understand that they are doing this specifically for their specific purpose.

Starting a family

And most importantly, which really makes sense, a guy needs a girl to create a family. Of course, everyone comes to this stage over time, since the passion and mood to run after different girls are already fading, the guy wants a quiet life. Age is not important here, because every guy realizes that the family is more important, at different ages, there are still guys who have not yet reached it, but it doesn’t matter.

The main thing is if you have already set a goal to start a family, the main thing here is not to rush and not make mistakes. Since some guys are afraid that if they delay their marriage, their future wives will go to other determined guys. But this is just fear, because if a girl loves you, she will definitely not go anywhere from you, and the main thing here is just to live for 5 years before marriage, and then, if the relationship continues, create a family. Since the experts in this case noticed that for the first time in 5 years, almost every family breaks up, or simply loses feelings and love. So why risk your happiness, it is better to be patient and get more benefits. After all, a girl before marriage can also live with you and love you.

That's all what we were going to sort out with you about why a girl needs a guy. Applying all the tips and methods given in the article in practice, you will be able to independently understand and decide why a girl needs a guy and understand what you yourself want to achieve in life in relationships with girls.

psycho- olog. en

Before you strive to start a relationship, you should figure out why a guy needs a girl. Many young people are concerned about this issue. For example, when there was a severe breakup in life. The young man was worried about this for a long time, and still does not see the point in looking for a girl again. And someone didn’t have a relationship at all and the guy really doesn’t know what to do with a representative of the opposite sex.

The main problem in building relationships is that men do not have a specific goal in this regard.

Why would a guy date a girl?

Everyone must individually decide for themselves the answer to this question.

Everyone has a different beginning of relationships with the fair sex. Some are looking for a girl just for sex and satisfaction. Some people are just bored and lonely. And relationships begin just so that the girl is there. Usually, in both the first and second cases, they will not last long, since guys with such intentions often change their passions. And someone falls in love and wants to be close to his beloved all his life. After all, when love arises between a guy and a girl, positive emotional experiences appear. The guy feels significant and courageous. A loving girl will always show attention towards him and care.

However, the main reason why a guy needs a girl is to create a family. Sooner or later, most guys come to this stage. The desire to lead a wild life passes, passion fades and a man wants a quiet life.

If the goal of creating a family was set, then the main thing here is not to rush and not make mistakes, so as not to be deeply disappointed later. According to experts, in the first five years after marriage, many families break up or lose their former feelings. It is better not to rush things, but just live this time together. Indeed, for many couples, love fades and there is a break in relations precisely because of domestic problems.

Some believe that marriage should not be delayed, as the girl may go to another, more determined guy. If you think like that, then there is no point in such a relationship either. When a girl really loves, she will understand everything and will not go anywhere. It's just worth discussing it openly and explaining that it would be better for both of them. If after this period of time feelings persist and do not go out, then a family should be created.

Despite the high level of development of Internet networks, in our time there is a high level of loneliness, moreover, among quite smart, talented and interesting people. having held together for a series of years is already a rarity and an exception to the rule.

The era of loneliness

Why is this happening? In a world where there is a lot of information and opportunities, it is difficult to make acquaintances, people move away from each other and lose their warmth. This may be due to the fact that every more or less ambitious person who has at least some talent or a banal desire to work has thousands of opportunities to fill his day with a variety of activities, work, hobbies, and at the end of the day just come home, watch a series and fall without hind legs. And tomorrow the same series of changing tasks will begin.

In general, time is spent, something happens, life is not so empty, there is even some meaning, goals and objectives. But every time a smiling couple passes by, holding hands, an anxious thought of loneliness can slip through your head and hurt your heart. On Valentine's Day, many lonely people generally experience depression and hatred of others.

perverted notions

And yet - why does a girl need a guy? If we return to the primitive system, for a woman, a man was a protector, breadwinner and support. And of course, no one canceled the instincts. So nature has conceived people that representatives of different sexes are attracted to each other in order to multiply.

Of course, talking purely about the material side of life and the satisfaction of sexual needs is a sign of nearness. Although now Western society is creating such ideals that everything is going to that. All this desire to create a consumer society.

In addition, the films focus on sex scenes and fights. Of course, it looks so cool that teenagers grow up with the knowledge that this is quite enough. So then people are drawn to idols from TV screens, but they don’t notice the possible happiness under their noses.

Going to extremes

Awareness of the value of a calm trusting relationship comes when the anguish of the heart and excessive passions are too tiring and you just want to talk heart to heart, take a walk, holding hands, feel that you are accepted, appreciated, respected. No matter how self-sufficient a person is, he needs all this. Still, people are creatures created to live in society, so we need communication, especially such a warm and pleasant one, like air.

Relax and love each other

Speaking about why a girl needs a guy, you should not focus too much on money or beauty. It's good to have it all. But the most important thing is that you just feel good next to a person, it is interesting to listen to him, so that you feel that you can tell about your impressions.

The main thing is to treat relationships calmly, not to start them because it is necessary or everyone already has them, and even more so not to satisfy sexual needs. These areas need to be separated. Do not reduce relationships to sex and do not assume that love is built only on passion. Planning here is also something pretty stupid.

Do not look at a potential partner as a goal and a future husband from the first month. This is your friend, enjoy his company and joint moments of tenderness. How things go further - it will already be seen, the road appears under the feet of the walking one.


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